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The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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(269.99 KB 1659x1478 Unknown.png)
Unknown [upgrade] CoreGod 10/23/2020 (Fri) 15:04:01 [Preview] No. 391
Unknown: Trying to reduce all that is not known or not well known. Avoiding ignorance. Link:Omniscient,Ultimate questions,Explore,Perception,Analysis

Completely unknown: All that is unreachable/undetectable. All that is beyond imagination/reason. All the things that are considered impossible, infinities, nothing, eternal future, complete perfection in all aspects at once,... Link:Perception,Omnipresent,All access,Privacy,All,Universal,Omniscient,Reasoning,Mind,Imagination,Ultimate questions,Knowing the limits,Believe system,Math,Infinity,Nothing,All possibilities,Perfection
Data not found: All lost information that cannot be recovered (past) or undetected stuff (present) or info that still is not available (future). Link:Memory,Information,Past,Full awareness,Nothing unconscious,Present,Perception,Probable future,Loading
Nothing: Complete void/absence. Exist something that doesn't exist? Link:Ultimate questions,Research,Knowing the limits,Physical limitations,Base control,Never depletion,Math,Smallest matter
Chaos: All that doesn't have any order/organization. Just random matter or unknown order. Link:Order,Negentropy,Coordination

<to further upgrade>

Unknown [upgrade] CoreGod 10/24/2020 (Sat) 15:13:39 [Preview] No.392 del
(292.52 KB 1421x1324 Unknown.png)
(109.03 KB 997x873 Woman saying nothing.jpg)
Unknown: Trying to reduce all that is not known or not well known. Avoiding ignorance. Link:Omniscient,Ultimate questions,Reasoning,Explore,Perception,Analysis,Development,Research,External,New

Completely unknown: All that is unreachable/undetectable. All that is beyond imagination/reason. All the things that are considered impossible, infinities, nothing, eternal future, complete perfection in all aspects at once,... Link:Perception,Omnipresent,All access,Privacy,All,Universal,Omniscient,Reasoning,Mind,Imagination,Ultimate questions,Knowing the limits,Believe system,Math,Infinity,Nothing,All possibilities,Perfection
Data not found: All lost information that cannot be recovered (past) or undetected stuff (present) or info that still is not available (future). Link:Memory,Information,Temp,Past,Full awareness,Nothing unconscious,Present,Perception,Probable future,Loading,Truth,Facts
Nothing: Complete void/absence. Exist something that doesn't exist? Link:Ultimate questions,Research,Knowing the limits,Physical limitations,Base control,Never depletion,Math,Smallest matter,Infinity
Chaos: All that doesn't have any order/organization. Just random matter or unknown order. Link:Not recommended,Negative beings,Order,Negentropy,Coordination,Purity

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/201/unknown

Maybe there is infinite nothing, but we can never fully measure it or to give a proper estimation.

Some meme about women saying nothing when obviously there is something.

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