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Version 434 Anonymous Board owner 04/07/2021 (Wed) 22:51:31 Id: 2275fd [Preview] No. 1042 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=f1nvZ74OY_I [Embed]
zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v434/Hydrus.Network.434.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v434/Hydrus.Network.434.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v434/Hydrus.Network.434.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v434/Hydrus.Network.434.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a great three weeks working on long overdue network updates. Most of the changes this week restore old account management UI for server admins, but there are a couple of fixes and improvements for regular users as well.

The network version goes up to 20 today. Clients and servers can only talk to each other if they are on the same version, so if you want to talk to the PTR, you will want to update at some point. No rush, but if you try to talk to the server on an older client, you will get a polite error message.

regular user stuff

On review services, you can now pause repository account sync, update downloading, and update processing separately. If you don't want to process right now but still want the client to be grabbing update files for later, or you want to pause all service network traffice for a while but still process your backlog, it should now be easy to set up.

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Anonymous Board owner 04/07/2021 (Wed) 22:54:16 Id: 2275fd [Preview] No.1043 del
admin improvements

After a very long delay, account management is finally back. If you have permission to modify accounts, the 'modify an account' service admin menu item works again and launches a fully revamped window. You can also launch account modification from manage tags for a particular tag selection, the thumbnail right-click for file repository files, or the petition processing page.

The new window shows better data about accounts, and lets you zoom in on individual ones to see current account type, expiration, banned status, or message. It also shows if you are editing yourself!

The account modifications are: change account type, set/extend/clear account expiration, ban, unban, and the new 'set message'. All modifications now print janny and subject account key to the server log. I removed the old 'superban' (which deleted all that user's content contributions), but it will likely return in future.

The service admin menu also has a new 'review all accounts' entry that lets you see a simple summary list of all accounts, which you can then select for modification.

The manage account types dialog now lets you set up auto-account creation. It works a bit like subscriptions, with a 'account creation velocity' limit of 'x accounts per y time delta', like '10 per day'. This defaults to off obviously, but if you set some account types to auto-create, users will be able to see that in manage services.

future admin improvements

As always, there was much more I wanted to do than could get done. I wasn't able to finish improving petition processing workflow or add custom update duration, a serverside tag filter, or a server message, but I was able to get the important network stuff done I needed for these things. Since incrementing the network version is always such an obstacle, I am confident I will now be able to work on these things in normal weekly work. Please let me know how they work out for you as I roll them out.

full list

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Release Tomorrow! Anonymous Board owner 04/14/2021 (Wed) 06:47:07 Id: 7cca52 [Preview] No.1044 del
I had a good week. I fixed several bugs and added some quality of life, got a Big Sur build working for macOS users to try out, and for users who run smaller servers on a LAN or between friends, hydrus repositories now support changing their 'update periods'.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

Version 433 Anonymous Board owner 03/17/2021 (Wed) 22:34:52 Id: c0812f [Preview] No. 1029 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=twOFs6zJq8Q [Embed]
zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v433/Hydrus.Network.433.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v433/Hydrus.Network.433.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v433/Hydrus.Network.433.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v433/Hydrus.Network.433.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a good week doing simple cleanup and fixes. This is intended to be a 'clean' release. There will be no release for about three weeks.

all misc this week

Thanks to the work of a user (who was also very patient as I slowly added the features he needed), we now have a new native twitter downloader! It gets video now! (Including gif, which on twitter is just a small mp4!) It is called 'twitter syndication' and uses a new access method. Its main limitation seems to be that its search can only reach about 500 tweets into the past. Please check it out, and if it works well for you, please move your subscriptions over from nitter to save them some bandwidth. This is the first version, so it may well have future updates.

I have written a new 'scrollable' menu button, which works like the file sort selector--instead of a dropdown, you get a menu, and you can scroll through it in either direction with your mouse. I have converted several old small choice dropdowns to this new button: file sort ascending/descending, collect-by 'collect/leave unmatched', and all the new tag sort dropdowns I added last week. Try putting your mouse over and scrolling them! This is a little thing, but I hope it smooths out the workflow here. I'll likely use it on more things.

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Anonymous Board owner 03/17/2021 (Wed) 22:35:09 Id: c0812f [Preview] No.1030 del
full list

- misc:
- thanks to the effort of a user, this week reintroduces a native twitter downloader! it now gets video! (and 'gifs', which on twitter are just mp4s) please experiment with it and move your nitter subs back to this as you find success. it is called 'twitter syndication' and uses a different access method to get tweet info. it should get the highest resolution videos and images. the search has limited lookup distance, perhaps 500 tweets, but should work for most subscription purposes. this is a first version and may have future updates
- on the main gui, middle-clicking and left-double-clicking to open the 'new page' dialog, and right-clicking to open the page menu, should now only work on the page tabs or page greyspace. middle-clicking on some random downloader page greyspace should no longer spawn these commands. also, tiny change--middle-clicking now activates here on click _release_ rather than _press_
- on the file sort widget, the asc/desc sort dropdown is now a 'scrollable' menu button. since sorts are just one of two values, you can now scroll either direction to flip it
- the 'collect/leave unmatched' in the collect control is also now a scrollable menu button
- the new tag sort dropdowns are now all scrollable menu buttons. go ham with them
- middle-clicking the collect-by dropdown now clears it
- namespace file sort now supports a-z and z-a sorting. files with none of the matching namespaces still count as 'less than a' in a-z terms, but since I am updating all this code, perhaps this could get more attention. I don't use this much, so if you do, let me know what you would like
- network job controls now show their jobs' current bandwidth limits on their cog menu, split up by network context. you can edit the bandwidth rules directly from this menu, and if it is using defaults, set a specific ruleset
- userpath generation routines used for database location fallback and default export directory determination now recover from failure in the case of undefined user directory. the client will now not boot if the userpath is needed but undefined
- the client api no longer prints empty lists for any tag statuses on file metadata calls, nor service entries that have no tags at all
- fixed the new subscription 'caught up to small initial sync' calculation, which last week was only firing properly after one page of results
- subscriptions are now better about saving interesting status notes on their gallery logs, rather than overwriting with boring 'no new urls found' messages
- fixed a typo bug in the new range header implementation for unended ranges
- .

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Anonymous 03/19/2021 (Fri) 08:08:39 Id: 70edb1 [Preview] No.1032 del
God bless you Hydrusdev

Progress Update 1 Anonymous Board owner 03/24/2021 (Wed) 02:48:14 Id: 2a160e [Preview] No.1037 del
I had a good week getting started on the network updates. I cleaned out ancient code and improved some admin-side workflow. There is plenty more to do.

The release is still expected to be another two weeks, for April 7th.

Thanks m8, keep pushing.

Progress Update 2 Anonymous Board owner 03/31/2021 (Wed) 03:32:00 Id: 83acae [Preview] No.1040 del
I had another good week grinding on the network code. I fixed and cleaned old admin functions and started on future extensions for these systems. The main tasks remaining are improvements to the janitor petition processing UI and new features for core repository storage like a tag filter and dynamic update times.

Unless I really fall into a hole, the release is still expected for next week, for April 7th.

Release Tomorrow! Anonymous Board owner 04/07/2021 (Wed) 05:37:28 Id: 8eccc7 [Preview] No.1041 del
I had a great three weeks working on network functions and serverside admin controls I had neglected. The old account management controls are working again with many improvements, account types can now be set up as user-creatable straight from the client (no need for registration keys!), and much of the code is cleaner and handles errors better. In the rewrites, I also laid the groundwork for custom update periods, serverside tag filtering, and faster petition processing, which I hope to get done in the coming weeks.

Regular users who do not admin a server do not have so many changes, although I have fixed bugs and added more controls to repositories, so you can now pause account sync, update downloading, and update processing separately, and I fixed a logical problem with processing that was sticking some users with deleted siblings.

The 'network version' goes up tomorrow, and the PTR should be updating, so if you sync with the PTR, you will want to update some time to keep talking to it! There's no rush, but you'll get a little error popup if you try to talk to an updated server on an older client.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

Version 432 Anonymous Board owner 03/10/2021 (Wed) 23:41:48 Id: 9c7aff [Preview] No. 1020 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=_ZDUHbIVaz8 [Embed]
^ After years of seeing all sorts of smaller edits using this footage, I finally discovered this source vid this week. If you like fine art, please watch it in full, it is eight minutes of unbroken kino. It gets a bit heavy at the end, not appropriate for kids. If you don't like old art, no worries, I was just chuffed this week to have finally found this thing.

zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v432/Hydrus.Network.432.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v432/Hydrus.Network.432.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v432/Hydrus.Network.432.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v432/Hydrus.Network.432.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a great week. There are a bunch of different little fixes and improvements this week, and the tag sort dropdown is now easier to use.

tag sort

Rather than a big list, the tag sort dropdown is now a dynamic control that splits the different variables (sort type, asc/desc, group by) into different mini-dropdowns that show and hide when available. Confusing labels like 'lexicographic' and 'ignore namespace' are replaced with clean 'sort by tag/subtag/count'. I hope it is a bit easier to work with now. Give it a go and let me know what you think.

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Anonymous Board owner 03/10/2021 (Wed) 23:42:17 Id: 9c7aff [Preview] No.1021 del
advanced users

I added a String Selector/Slicer object to the parsing system. You can select the nth item or the mth to nth. m can be 'start', n can be 'end', and either can be a negative index. Try mixing it with the new String Sorter! The String Processing UI has also had an update pass to better support multiple strings--it now shows everything its parent formula had, so you can better test sorting or how processing is changing the third string in the list or similar.

The Server/Client API now support single 'range' requests for files (basically anything not html/json). Apparently Safari was having trouble getting videos from the Client API, let's see if this fixes it. If not, I can try supporting the (more complicated) multiple range requests. The server's error handling is also improved--on certain 'emergency' errors, it was sometimes hanging without closing the connection properly.

full list

- tag sorting:
- the tag sort dropdown has been replaced with a dynamic control. rather than one big list with all possible permutations, you now work on each variable (sort type, asc/desc, group by) separately. what you are actually sorting is easier to understand and select
- my stupid "lexicographic/incidence" labelling is replaced with the simpler and neater 'tag', 'subtag', and 'count'
- when in the manage tags dialog and sorting by tag or subtag, you can now turn off the 'use sibling' sort.
- I'd like to further neaten the workflow here, making the individual dropdowns flip back and forth with a mouse scroll in either directior rather than being just up/down allowed. let me know overall how you find this new control
- the 'tag sort' object is updated behind the scenes as well. your old value should be converted automatically
- fixed an issue with count tag sorting where deleted tag counts were being counted even when not displayed
- if you try to search tags on a page of thumbnails that holds an invalid tag, this is now caught gracefully and you get a little popup saying 'please run the repair invalid tags routine'
- .

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Anonymous Board owner 03/10/2021 (Wed) 23:42:57 Id: 9c7aff [Preview] No.1022 del
- advanced string processing:
- added a String Selector/Slicer object to the parsing system. this object allows you to select the nth item in a list of parsed strings or the mth to nth items. m can be 'start' and n can be 'end', and negative indices are allowed for both. pair it with the new Sorter for some neat new tricks!
- the string processing edit UI is now _more_ multi-string-aware. the test panel has had a code cleanup pass and now has a list of all the starting strings in the test data (e.g. all the urls parsed by the formula that launched the UI) rather than just the first, and a list of all results from that list. selecting any of the starting strings populates the 'single string' area, so you can now zoom in on one particular string to see what is happening to it
- the String Sorter edit UI now gets all the strings at that stage of processing, so you can review the sort properly
- the new String Slicer edit UI similarly gets all the strings at that stage of processing
- future updates will expand multi-string presentation and testing. I'd like to show the whole list at each stage
- .
- server/client api core improvements:
- I had a go at supporting the Range header for file (basically this means anything non-html/json) requests. I added tests and it seems to work. as I understand this mostly applies to browsers pulling video from the Client API. to start, I am supporting single range requests. if it is needed, I'll try to get Multi Range requests right, but for now they'll 416
- the client now understands 416 ("can't do that requested range m8") errors
- I reworked the serverside error handling chain. this has been borked for a long time due to my own lack of understanding of twisted's deferred system, and certain late-stage errors were just not being handled right. the server should no longer hang on these and now should print error info correctly, including a rough 500 in true late emergencies, and terminate the connection correctly
- .
- boring:
- fixed up a handful of typo-borked unit tests
- fixed my ordinal (xst, xnd, xrd, xth) text generator to deal with 11, 12, and 13 correctly lmao
- started some db maintenance routines and logistics to recover definitions and remove orphans in future, I feel great about it so far, but it'll have to wait for more of my db 'modules' refactoring to be more useful
- updated the mpv dll on the Windows release to 2021-02-28, it may improve some video support/performance

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Release Tomorrow! Anonymous Board owner 03/17/2021 (Wed) 07:14:50 Id: fa5034 [Preview] No.1028 del
I had a good week fixing bugs and adding a little quality of life.

The release should be as normal tomorrow. I expect it to be the last release for a few weeks so I can work on a larger network overhaul.

Version 431 Anonymous Board owner 03/03/2021 (Wed) 23:19:53 Id: 8ea1ca [Preview] No. 1009 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=CU5NKzKiAGU [Embed]
zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v431/Hydrus.Network.431.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v431/Hydrus.Network.431.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v431/Hydrus.Network.431.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v431/Hydrus.Network.431.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a challenging week, but I got some decent fixes in.

all misc this week

Pretty much everything was little fixes this week. Nothing hugely significant, but check the changelog if you have been waiting on something.

The e621 parser now pulls 'lore' tags, which seems to be some new 'canonical' tag. I have put them in 'lore' namespace, so you can exclude them easily if you want. One user suggested they are useful for certain blacklists.

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Anonymous Board owner 03/03/2021 (Wed) 23:20:20 Id: 8ea1ca [Preview] No.1010 del
- the manage parser test panel now catches all network errors. error data back from the server is presented better, and the traceback is now viewable in a special new button on the network job control
- the edit shortcut set dialog now gives a veto text popup if you try to ok with a shortcut set twice (previously, it would ok and merge down to one command randomly). support for multiple commands per shortcut will come in future
- entering alt+number in the shortcut entry dialog on windows will no longer spam some errors about 'null character'
- fixed a 'this object is too huge' check in the database, which mostly affects gui sessions with millions of objects, to check against 1 billion bytes max size rather than 1GB, as here https://sqlite.org/limits.html (issue #816)
- fixed the 8chan.moe parser, which was pulling hash incorrectly. it should now save more bandwidth
- updated the e621 parser to pull their (new?) 'lore' tags, which all end in _(lore) and refer to canonical gender and some spice. they come with the 'lore' namespace for now, we'll see how it works out. a user reports these are useful for blacklists
- .
- new string processing sort step (for advanced users):
- string processing objects have a new processing step: String Sorter
- this sorter can sort the whole list of strings, either strict lexicographic or 'human sort' that does numbers properly, asc/desc
- it can also take a regex for the sort 'key', so you can sample just the number or name you want for sort purposes
- content parsers no longer have the 'sort formulae results' controls. any content parser with existing sort has been converted so its string processing object has a String Sort step appended
- the string processing UI is still built around single string processing, so the test UI here is essentially non-functional, but you can see the sort happen in the formula test parse panel
- I will add a String Slicer in future to sample the list of strings, so you'll be able to grab the top item etc...
- .
- boring code cleanup:
- refactored the refresh call in filename tagging dialog to nicer Qt signals

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Anonymous 03/09/2021 (Tue) 15:06:14 Id: 259937 [Preview] No.1018 del
I am trying to contribute to making the PTR better by adding siblings/parent and removing garbage, but this doesn't help. In manage tags window, I sibling a tag like this:

tag1 (displays as tag2)

How do I now add parents to tag2? I can't. Also the sibling change does not appear until I commit the pending tags, which means I'll have to close the manage tags window and lose my place in the tag list (I often have thousands of files open at once so the list will be long). Annoying.

Release Tomorrow! Anonymous Board owner 03/10/2021 (Wed) 07:39:40 Id: bf064a [Preview] No.1019 del
I had a great week. I caught up on some small fixes and improvements, finished off a new parsing tool for advanced users, improved behind the scenes server code, and reworked the tag sorting dropdown to be easier to use.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

Thank you for your feedback. I will extend the tag menu when there is a sibling displayed like that to allow for commands on the sibling.

I would also like to work on the sibling/parent and general tag mapping edit logic, pulling it out of their specific dialogs, so I can better support quicker 'just do a quick change' actions for all these things. I don't like having to boot a big dialog just to add one thing either.

e621 Anonymous 03/04/2021 (Thu) 05:56:33 Id: 2af9d4 [Preview] No. 1011 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
tried to login after changing password and I get this message about remember cookie missing in post login step
it says in logged in when i look at the manage logins

Version 430 Anonymous Board owner 02/24/2021 (Wed) 23:21:08 Id: a3266b [Preview] No. 1000 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Giy5iQ9gGvc [Embed]
zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v430/Hydrus.Network.430.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v430/Hydrus.Network.430.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v430/Hydrus.Network.430.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v430/Hydrus.Network.430.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had an ok week. I mostly fixed and improved things. If you sync with the PTR, it will take a minute or two to update.

all misc this week

When I did the autocomplete lookup speedup recently, we unfortunately lost the ability to match unusual characters with short tag inputs. Entering 'a' would not return a match of '/a/', and in fact there was no way to look that tag up without some slow cleverness like wildcards. I have fixed this this week. If you sync with the PTR, it will take a minute or two to update while a small new cache is constructed.

You can now hide/show the 'hanging' parents in taglists (in manage tags dialogs etc...) from the list right-click menu. You can also set in options->tags whether they should start shown/hidden for normal taglists and autocomplete dropdown results.

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Anonymous Board owner 02/24/2021 (Wed) 23:21:40 Id: a3266b [Preview] No.1001 del
full list

- misc:
- fixed 'unusual character' collapse logic for short text inputs in tag autocomplete lookups. in human, this means typing 'a' now correctly gives you the tag '/a/' and _vice versa_ (issue #799)
- to make this work, an old database subtag map cache is revived this week in a more efficient form. if you sync with the PTR, it will take a couple minutes to update. the regen routine is also added to the database->regen menu, in case it ever desynchronises in future
- absent an override referral url, api-linked url fetches now use the original url as referrer. previously they were sending no referrer. this fixes watching spicy boards on 8chan.moe
- updated a 'get all this stuff' database routine to report more info, and a handful of supermassive jobs (mostly db maintenance regen) now report x/y progress with y, rather than just a nebulous increasing x
- fixed an odd bug in a common UI text-clearing call that was causing real text not to show up for a while after the clear. this was most apparent in the downloader highlight panels, where status text on file/gallery/network status could sometimes stay blank until a change
- the manage tags dialog's "there are several things you can do" button box when you enter tags in complicated situations is now clearer. there are several sorts of intro text on the dialog, the button labels are clearer, and button tooltips have more action information
- fixed the tumblr downloader! sorry for the trouble here, I hadn't realised the situation from some reports. if you have tumblr subs, please go into them and set to 'try again' any recent urls that say 'Found 0 new URLs.'
- .
- taglists:
- you can now right-click any edit/write taglist (like those across the manage tags dialog) and choose to hide/show the implied parents that now hang underneath tags
- you can set whether this defaults to hide or show, separately for the regular taglists and the autocomplete results dropdown, under options->tags
- the taglist now sorts lexicographically using sibling tag data where available. I had expected to make options here to use storage or ideal tag, but once I tried it out, using the ideal all the time felt proper to me, so let's see how it goes
- fixed the routine that removes mutually exclusive predicates (e.g. system:inbox/archive) when adding to the active search predicates taglist. this fixes the 'exclude xxx from search' menu action and other add/swap actions (issue #815)
- gave the taglist right-click menu another quick pass. since there are all sorts of actions that may or not appear, and menu items can get pretty wide with tag text, I am trying out an intentionally short and thin top-level menu of 'verbs' that is quick to navigate with your mouse, and then tuck longer and taller stuff in secondary menus

Anonymous Board owner 02/24/2021 (Wed) 23:22:02 Id: a3266b [Preview] No.1002 del
- boring code cleanup:
- cleaned and unified a bunch of the new taglist sibling and parents display logic and other legacy variables. it now basically all derives from one storage/display state, so behaviour across the program should be more unified. this may cause confusion in some more advanced dialogs, so let me know anywhere it looks weird
- the 'favourites' autocomplete tab in 'edit/write' a/c dropdowns now show siblings and parents for the current display service
- the tag suggestions favourites dropdowns and taglists in the options now show siblings/parents according to the current service
- the 'url class precedence' routine, which tests more 'specific' url classes first when trying to match an url, has a subtle logic change--now, url classes are first considered more 'specific' according to number of path components and parameters that have no default. this stops an url class with multiple optional parameters overriding another with a single fixed parameter (this is what affected the tumblr downloader above). the specific (descending) sort key is now (required components, total components, required parameters, total parameters, len normalised example url)
- refactored client object serialisation access routines to a new db module
- refactored database transaction code and status tracking to a separate object
- refactored some more tag definition routines to the master tag module

next week

I am having trouble fitting in the network improvements. This coming week is supposed to be a 'medium size' job week, where I would usually push hard on something heavy, but I'll save it for the network stuff. I'll look at my big network improvements job, triage what is reasonable to do, and try to just grind some proper work out.

Release Tomorrow! Anonymous Board owner 03/03/2021 (Wed) 03:48:42 Id: 41541f [Preview] No.1008 del
I had a challenging week, but I did get some nice work done. I mostly fixed bugs and updated a couple of downloaders. For advanced users, there is also a new sorting system for parsers.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

Version 429 Anonymous Board owner 02/17/2021 (Wed) 19:07:33 Id: 23865f [Preview] No. 979 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ezC4ybLJsPM [Embed]
zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v429/Hydrus.Network.429.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v429/Hydrus.Network.429.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v429/Hydrus.Network.429.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v429/Hydrus.Network.429.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a good simple week just working on smaller jobs and cleanup. If you have a large client, it may take a minute for you to update this week.

all misc this week

The new taglists seem to have gone generally well. There was one display/update error that hit some users, which I have fixed, along with some little menu logic cleanup. I will work on more display and sort options for them in future.

Since I added 'pending' status for thread watchers last week, you may have seen some apparently stuck on that status. This was a harmless legacy issue, just old check jobs that were never closed out correctly, which I have fixed. I also cut out the 'checking in' prefix from the waiting-to-check status text, let's see if that fits better.

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1 post omitted.

Anonymous Board owner 02/17/2021 (Wed) 19:09:17 Id: 23865f [Preview] No.981 del
- boring db cleanup:
- wrote a local hashes cache to store hashes for all the files on your disk, much like the tag one. this should speed up all normal searches and other common file lookups in the db
- the raw storage mapping tables are spun off to their own module
- basic file info and inbox is spun off to its own module
- improved and sped up some inboxing file count calculations
- cleaned up some more misc file metadata and inbox code
- improved logic in local tags cache

next week

Some IRL stuff has been eating my time and energy recently. That should be easing up, so I'll be back at network improvements and hopefully some autocomplete improvements for short inputs.

I am crushed for time atm. Sorry for the delays, I will catch up with Endchan thread replies on Saturday.

Anonymous 02/18/2021 (Thu) 10:38:08 Id: 4828cd [Preview] No.982 del
(24.99 KB 617x478 trojan.png)
Help I'm scared

Anonymous 02/20/2021 (Sat) 08:30:38 Id: 3068a0 [Preview] No.987 del
Often times anti viruses/firewalls don't like hydrus due to its autism code so sometimes you'll have to whitelist it. Some will even ignore your whitelist and still continue to block it. If that happens and you still can't white list hydrus then you'll have to actually summit the program to your anti virus over to their lab and have them white list it. Usually they'll have a section on their site where you can summit false positives.

Anonymous Board owner 02/20/2021 (Sat) 19:07:49 Id: 78af48 [Preview] No.990 del
I am very sorry about this. We've had several of these the past weeks. I am not sure what specifically is doing it. My code is unusual, unsigned, and packaged with duct tape and pyinstaller, and I do network and file stuff and a little encryption code, so I guess some libraries and calls look suspicious. So far, every one of these has been a false positive. I appreciate the notice--if ever one of these is real, I want to know asap.

The 'this program is dangerous and executes commands from an attacker' is a new one they have been showing. Maybe they just started recognising the client api, and it looks like a virus command server?

The warnings usually go away after a couple of weeks once new anti-virus definitions roll out, if you would prefer to wait. Or you can just whitelist the exe/directory or whatever. If you know python, the nuclear solution for this is to run from source, but if you aren't familiar with python, it would be a whole bunch of work.


Release Tomorrow! Anonymous Board owner 02/24/2021 (Wed) 05:22:51 Id: 48e07a [Preview] No.999 del
I had an ok week. I fixed the tumblr downloader, which accidentally broke recently, and some lagging text display in the download UI, added show/hide options for the new tag parents in the manage tags dialog (along with some other quality of life), and made it so short tag autocomplete inputs can match odd characters, so 'a' will give a result of '/a/'.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

Version 428 Anonymous Board owner 02/11/2021 (Thu) 03:07:04 Id: f2bee9 [Preview] No. 967 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=RNPnBVHSeZc [Embed]
zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v428/Hydrus.Network.428.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v428/Hydrus.Network.428.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v428/Hydrus.Network.428.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v428/Hydrus.Network.428.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had a good couple weeks working on the taglist code and some other jobs.

If you are on Windows and use the 'extract' release, you may want to do a 'clean' install this week. Extra notes below.


So, I took some time to make taglists work a lot cleaner behind the scenes and support more types of data. A heap of code is cleaner, and various small logical problems related to menus are fixed. The tag right-click menu is also more compact, quicker to see and do what you want.

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6 posts omitted.

Anonymous 02/17/2021 (Wed) 00:40:23 Id: 3cc9e9 [Preview] No.975 del
Thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to expand/collapse options for the taglist because it indeed can get kind of cluttered. A quickly accessible checkbox to make the lists behave as they did in v427 would be appreciated

Release Tomorrow! Anonymous Board owner 02/17/2021 (Wed) 06:01:08 Id: 17b13d [Preview] No.976 del
I had a good week fixing and cleaning little issues. The annoying popup errors some people got with the new taglists are fixed, thread watchers and multi-column lists are nicer to work with, .clip files are supported, and many file database lookups are faster.

I have some IRL going on, shuffling my day about, so I expect the release to be out several hours early.

Anonymous Board owner 02/17/2021 (Wed) 19:07:00 Id: 8bc91b [Preview] No.978 del
Sorry, I am crushed for time. I'll get to these messages and the rest of the board on Saturday.

Anonymous Board owner 02/20/2021 (Sat) 18:53:47 Id: 419245 [Preview] No.988 del
This is a slightly trickier proposition. The new downloaders are for the mirrors, so you would have to be browsing nitter.eu or nitter.nixnet.services, and then HC would recognise that as the nitter mirror and line you up correct.

If you know the downloader system well, you could probably hook up an 'API link' from nitter.com to one of the mirrors, but it would be easier just to browse a mirror instead.

Anonymous Board owner 02/20/2021 (Sat) 18:57:14 Id: 419245 [Preview] No.989 del
Yeah, as long as you are using the 'Install' option in the installer. In the second screen I think, it has a dropdown for 'install' or 'extract only'. Most people will click through it, but only the former does the cleanup.

Thanks, I agree. I'll see if I can do some this week.

e621 downloader doesn't grab "lore" tags Anonymous 02/18/2021 (Thu) 19:17:26 Id: b8a243 [Preview] No. 984 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
they added a new "lore" tag section, for tags that are all on my blacklist. incest, tranny, """"""nonbinary"""""", etc.

since they're apparently separate from the other tags, my blacklist on hydrus isn't catching them.

this is a bug report, i guess. i can't use github bc they don't accept cock.li emails, can't use discord bc they require a phone number. hope you see this

OP 02/18/2021 (Thu) 19:19:27 Id: b8a243 [Preview] No.985 del
i'm on the latest version

Version 427 Anonymous Board owner 01/27/2021 (Wed) 23:14:50 Id: 031065 [Preview] No. 953 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=E97ftpTjeC4 [Embed]
zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v427/Hydrus.Network.427.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip
exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v427/Hydrus.Network.427.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe
app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v427/Hydrus.Network.427.-.macOS.-.App.dmg
tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v427/Hydrus.Network.427.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz

I had an ok week. I mostly fixed and cleaned things.

more ghosts

There was another 'ghost' pending tag issue. Sometimes, on committing pending tags with siblings up to the PTR, the pending record and its count was not clearing properly. I reproduced the problem and fixed it, and a new test ensures it will not happen again. Thank you to the reports about this, they helped me to figure it out.

Since we have had some trouble with pending tags in particular, I have written a new maintenance routine to recalculate pending tags and their counts efficiently without having to wait for siblings/parents re-sync. This will run on update, so with luck, your tags and autocompletes should be fixed up (until the next problem!).

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Anonymous Board owner 01/27/2021 (Wed) 23:15:23 Id: 031065 [Preview] No.954 del
- autocomplete shortcuts:
- there is a new shortcut set under _file->shortcuts_ just for tag autocomplete shortcuts. any 'switch searching immediately' shortcut previously on 'main gui' will be migrated over
- the tag autocomplete input text box is now plugged into the new shortcut system and uses this set
- migrated previously hardcoded autocomplete shortcuts to the shortcut system (defaults):
- - force search now, for when you have automatic searching turned off (ctrl+space)
- - enable IME-friendly mode (insert)
- - if input empty, move left/right a tab (left/right arrow)
- - if input empty, move left/right a service page (up/down arrow)
- - if input empty and on media viewer, move to previous/next media (page up/down)
- misc improvements to my shortcut handler
- misc shortcut code cleanup
- .
- the rest:
- I fixed a bad example url in the new gelbooru file page parser that was sometimes leading to a link to the gallery url class. this was an artifact of an old experiment with md5-search parsing, now fixed with newer redirection tech. the updated parser is folded into update, and if you ended up with the incorrect link, it should be detected, dissolved, and re-linked with the file page parser
- thanks to a user report, wrote a new url class for 420chan's newer thread url format
- sorting a gallery downloader or thread watcher multi-column list by 'status' should now group 'done' and 'paused' items separately
- fixed a bug in the /add_tags/add_tags Client API call when checking some petitioned tags data types. cleaned all that code, it was ugly (issue #788)

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Anonymous 02/02/2021 (Tue) 06:29:36 Id: 3cd043 [Preview] No.955 del
I hate to bitch, but can we change the nitter downloader to a new instance or something? They error out pretty much constantly anymore.

No Release Tomorrow! Anonymous Board owner 02/03/2021 (Wed) 01:06:39 Id: ec785a [Preview] No.956 del
I had an ok week. I was thinking of taking two weeks so I could do the taglist improvements nicely, and since that would give me a little extra time, I decided to pull the trigger on finally upgrading my main dev computer as well. I spent a bit of this week sorting that out, replacing my six year old office computer with a nice mini pc with an SSD. Beyond that, I only have some little bug fixes and cleanup done, so I will spend tomorrow as a normal work day and put off the release.

There will be no release tomorrow. 428 should be on the 10th!

I will see about updating the defaults, thank you for the report.

Release Tomorrow! Anonymous Board owner 02/10/2021 (Wed) 09:05:42 Id: 6195ce [Preview] No.966 del
I had a good couple of weeks. As well as fixing a bunch of bugs and improving quality of life, I was able to finish an important backend update to the taglists used across the program. Implied parents and siblings are now shown nicely in the manage tags dialog.

There is a whole bunch to test, so the release may be late tomorrow.