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What'll it be? Anonymous 03/04/2022 (Fri) 15:33:18 [Preview] No. 456
Have a seat, Anon, I'll get your drink in a minute. How was your day? Don't worry, it'll stay between the two of us.

Anonymous 03/04/2022 (Fri) 19:38:03 [Preview] No.457 del
Rum and coke, two squirts of grenadine, go easy on the ice. Just getting comfy to some Minecraft, trying to avoid suicidal thoughts for when I end up waging tomorrow.

Anonymous 06/13/2022 (Mon) 08:12:14 [Preview] No.461 del
A lemonade please barkeep.
Nice place you have here. Just what I need right now. Im tired, but its cozy.

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