/magick/ - Memetics

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Age Old Question Magus 01/21/2016 (Thu) 19:50:31 Id: 55dbe2 [Preview] No. 19
Is it better to exist, or not exist?

Ain Soph Aur

Magus 01/21/2016 (Thu) 19:53:44 Id: 9ce89f [Preview] No. 20 del
Not exist.

Or both. Exist and not exist at the same time


Magus 01/21/2016 (Thu) 20:07:10 Id: 278efc [Preview] No. 21 del
(798.09 KB 993x617 chill.png)
What's the difference?

Magus 01/21/2016 (Thu) 20:19:51 Id: e67b8d [Preview] No. 22 del
(132.36 KB 622x621 epictetus_41.jpg)
friendly reminder that >>>/philosophy/ exists

λάχανο Board owner 01/21/2016 (Thu) 20:23:01 Id: 278efc [Preview] No. 23 del
Will visit.

Magus 01/21/2016 (Thu) 22:16:39 Id: 8864bd [Preview] No. 24 del
(2.75 MB 1659x2676 1453406783063.jpg)
Knowing is half the battle.

Magus 01/21/2016 (Thu) 22:28:06 Id: 513bae [Preview] No. 25 del
Ah, I thought the question is whether it's better to exist or never come into existence in the first place. Pardon me.

Magus 01/22/2016 (Fri) 22:32:39 Id: 278efc [Preview] No. 31 del
nice OC you got there

t. backward sage

Magus 02/13/2016 (Sat) 07:26:17 Id: 3a2ea5 [Preview] No. 58 del
Seeing as most people, if they believe in a spirit, view spirit as higher than the the physical body, non-existence would be much better.

Easy Anguana 08/07/2016 (Sun) 19:16:49 Id: 072458 [Preview] No. 69 del
We only know existence and as messed up as it is, I much prefer it.

Hail Discordia!

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