/mu/ - Music

Discussion of music.

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(4.05 MB 3067x3101 CircleFilledIn.jpg)
What would an H note sound like? Anonymous 01/28/2017 (Sat) 09:31:07 [Preview] No. 1623
If there was a 13th note, what would it sound like.

Anonymous 01/28/2017 (Sat) 15:09:35 [Preview] No. 1624 del
(6.20 KB 429x410 hyeGQ6r.jpg)
>What would an H note sound like?
>What would an H note sound like?
>What would an H note sound like?
>What would an H note sound like?
>What would an H note sound like?
>an H note sound
>H note
>/mu/ - Music

Anonymous 02/03/2017 (Fri) 05:14:01 [Preview] No. 1629 del
Is there a problem with the hypothetical ""discussion of music?""

sage Anonymous 02/03/2017 (Fri) 05:22:36 [Preview] No. 1630 del
This is the board that said that people who actually know how to play an instrument and are classically trained are nothing more but "sheet niggers" don't expect intellectual discussion in regards to music here. Expect shitposting from metalheads and weeaboos.

Anonymous 02/03/2017 (Fri) 05:59:27 [Preview] No. 1631 del
(487.74 KB 970x524 brownnote.jpg)

Anonymous 02/15/2017 (Wed) 01:01:47 [Preview] No. 1636 del
here you go pick 1:
>H4 = A5
>there are already infinite notes you can play outside the chromatic scale. with quarter tones, we already have double the notes
>some shit that can't be described because nobody has experienced it

Anonymous 02/17/2017 (Fri) 13:21:24 [Preview] No. 1645 del

Anonymous 10/01/2017 (Sun) 18:33:54 [Preview] No. 1734 del
*bangs a gong*

Anonymous 10/12/2017 (Thu) 04:56:21 [Preview] No. 1739 del

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