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Your ears are not made of platinum, you are a fool for believing so

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90's music Anonymous 02/22/2017 (Wed) 05:17:51 [Preview] No. 1649
I don't get the joke. If the 90's were bad them 2000's were shit.


Anonymous 02/22/2017 (Wed) 05:24:17 [Preview] No. 1650 del
This is the quintessentially 90's song.

Anonymous 02/27/2017 (Mon) 03:02:37 [Preview] No. 1651 del
"The" 90's is the mainstream clubber garbage that didn't even include the British EDM scene outside of Britain or the garage phenomenon except for the very, very end. 2000's were more tolerable because regardless of being faggots, people like you had the internet so you learned a bit about the good things in 90's and allowed some of that strain to trickle in into the mainstream. I mean, the best we got from it was something like 'fun.', but it's still better than the 90's was as it happened.

Anonymous 04/29/2017 (Sat) 20:39:22 [Preview] No. 1677 del
(16.25 MB 480x360 sabotage.webm)
That's not my 90's...

Anonymous 05/05/2017 (Fri) 20:45:10 [Preview] No. 1679 del
This is the quintessentially 40's song.

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