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Your ears are not made of platinum, you are a fool for believing so

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Anonymous 02/19/2016 (Fri) 11:04:17 [Preview] No. 232
What do you guys think of parov stelar? I never see it mentioned anywhere.

Anonymous 04/30/2016 (Sat) 09:30:03 [Preview] No. 534 del
A tier deeper than entry-level electro. Decent, in and of itself, though I struggle to think of anything he's done that surpasses 'Catgroove.' Owes TakeSomeCrime more than a few sales. I used to listen to the two-disc 'Coco' record quite a bit on long train journeys, very repetitive, samey. Sort of Ear sex you'd use in conjunction with /fa/ affectations, maybe spring it on a lass to seem cool. I dunno, he's okay.

Anonymous 04/30/2016 (Sat) 11:38:42 [Preview] No. 537 del
Repetitive and quite forgettable. I think you might enjoy caravan palace.
>/fa/ affectations
Yes, I highly agree.

Anonymous 06/29/2016 (Wed) 00:35:57 [Preview] No. 1094 del
What are some good electro-swing that is not Parov Stelar or Caravan Palace?

Anonymous 06/29/2016 (Wed) 11:46:38 [Preview] No. 1100 del
I rather listen to actual swing music as I will get a whole lot more enjoyment out of that than this shallow catwalk parade march could ever give me.

Komm damit klar.

Anonymous 06/29/2016 (Wed) 18:00:12 [Preview] No. 1103 del
Bump for this shit.

Simlpy ebin.

Anonymous 06/29/2016 (Wed) 20:40:57 [Preview] No. 1104 del
the electric swing circus

Anonymous 06/29/2016 (Wed) 22:13:31 [Preview] No. 1105 del
>Simlpy ebin.

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