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Your ears are not made of platinum, you are a fool for believing so

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Music hunt Anonymous 05/25/2016 (Wed) 23:36:09 [Preview] No. 750
Post in this thread if you wish to find any elusive music of unknown origin stuck inside your ears.

Give any and all clues you may come up with and try to be as detailed as possible to help the search.

Remember to help others.

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 01:44:47 [Preview] No. 755 del
I'm musically illiterate so it might be something obvious.
Here goes nothing.

The track starts here
and ends around 4:40

Seems like a classical piece.

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 03:04:37 [Preview] No. 757 del
"Somebody taking yo' wealth, threatenin yo health, talkin' fo life oh fo self, why live, not a suicide thing, everything you makin is what they're trying to takin'"
..Goes on like this for a bit
and so on

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 03:05:30 [Preview] No. 758 del
The fuck happened to code tags? Anyhow, the shit in the would be code would've been a sort of robotic voice.

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 11:24:18 [Preview] No. 763 del
Fuck, I know that piece, I've heard it. Think it might be romantic, but not sure.

I will attempt with various tools.

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 16:29:58 [Preview] No. 771 del
Can someone tell me why I hear a Legend of Zelda theme in mp3 related?

That flute(?) melody, I was sure it was some ocarina song from OoT, but I checked the game's soundtrack and could not place it.

This happens to me a lot. Often I seem to recognize melodies or themes, yet my mind is unable to fully connect the dots. I'm musically illiterate, so it occurred to me that one thing that could be happening is that the new piece that I hear is not exactly the same as the one in my memory, some parameters are changed, or shifted, maybe tone, or tempo, or rhythm (fuck, I don't even know the proper names), and maybe that's enough to make my mind unable to match them up.

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 16:51:05 [Preview] No. 772 del
Here's another example. To me the keyboard solo that starts around the 4 minute mark screams Ultima Online. Yet I cannot quite place it.

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 18:33:21 [Preview] No. 775 del
Could be you have been playing that game too much and then simply start seeing it everywhere. I had that with dark souls one at certain point, it is the time for a break, at least from that particular game.

Damn, these are some cheesy tracks.

Here, have some dufay with flute.

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 19:18:14 [Preview] No. 782 del
No, I haven't played those games in 10+ years.

That term makes me want to puke. Please stop.

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 19:19:31 [Preview] No. 783 del
Just a mere guess. I wouldn't expect a swift reply here.

Puke? Perhaps you should see a doctor.

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 20:33:52 [Preview] No. 798 del
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Thank you Anonymous.
I've asked two persons big into classical but they didn't know. I was beggining to think it might've been composed just for the movie and that I'd never get a hold of it (it's not like OSTs from documentaries are available anywhere).

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 20:45:04 [Preview] No. 803 del
First try on soundhound to be utterly frank. But if I can brag for points, I was listening to it the day before.

Anonymous 05/27/2016 (Fri) 00:48:39 [Preview] No. 815 del

Anonymous 07/02/2016 (Sat) 19:02:30 [Preview] No. 1134 del
2nd one is Kavinsky-Nightcall

Anonymous 12/30/2016 (Fri) 17:27:13 [Preview] No. 1590 del

Anonymous 12/30/2016 (Fri) 18:25:08 [Preview] No. 1592 del
what was the classical music at the end? From 7:58 to 8:00 on what i'm talking about.

Anonymous 12/30/2016 (Fri) 18:25:19 [Preview] No. 1593 del

Anonymous 01/02/2017 (Mon) 21:40:20 [Preview] No. 1615 del
I'm looking for a live version of Man on the Silver Mountain. This version has a higher tempo and I think it was about 7 minutes long but I might be wrong. The song has Dio singing the normal lyrics, just faster for a few minutes then it cuts to a long gutiar solo by Blackmore. The tempo slows down after that and Dio starts singing again but this time he sings things like "We are all night people" then he starts saying "I'm the man" over and over, the tempo starts increasing to how it was in the beginning of the song then Dio starts singing the song again just like in the beginning.

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