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Pre-top cuck Top Gear episodes Dagumi 01/30/2016 (Sat) 13:04:19 [Preview] No. 4
Pre-top cuck Top Gear episodes

Dagumi 02/01/2016 (Mon) 09:22:08 [Preview] No. 28 del
Why is Top Gear so cosy? I don't even fucking drive and I could watch this all day.

Dagumi 08/23/2016 (Tue) 21:12:17 [Preview] No. 91 del
season 2 onward was better.

Dagumi 04/13/2019 (Sat) 11:41:10 [Preview] No.150 del

Dagumi 05/12/2019 (Sun) 19:29:21 [Preview] No.152 del

Dagumi 09/07/2019 (Sat) 19:04:40 [Preview] No.160 del
i watched some 90s english car show on TV that was lot better than cuckgear

they actually explained stuff 4ex like cars are made (including tiny details and history) instead of memeing all day

guess that was too intelligent for the averagio

also pretty much learned alot of things from it even tho watched under 10 episodes

Dagumi 09/07/2019 (Sat) 19:05:05 [Preview] No.161 del
on youtube i mean

Dagumi 09/09/2019 (Mon) 11:48:49 [Preview] No.162 del
I really only did this so I had something to post on this board. Any topical suggestions are welcome. Now that Endchan has the few more posters it deserves more than that really, I'll probably have to put more effort into running this board.

Dagumi 10/04/2019 (Fri) 14:29:43 [Preview] No.163 del

Dagumi 10/28/2019 (Mon) 13:32:55 [Preview] No.164 del
(168.60 MB 368x272 top gear 1989 eps 3.mp4)
(168.33 MB 448x336 top gear 1989 eps 4.mp4)

Dagumi 11/17/2019 (Sun) 07:54:46 [Preview] No.166 del
(171.71 MB 432x320 top gear 1989 eps 5.mp4)
(172.09 MB 416x320 top gear 1989 eps 6.mp4)

Dagumi 12/03/2019 (Tue) 15:12:56 [Preview] No.167 del
(174.44 MB 400x304 top gear 1990 eps 1.mp4)
(173.97 MB 448x336 top gear 1990 eps 2.mp4)

Dagumi 12/17/2019 (Tue) 16:02:49 [Preview] No.168 del
(160.42 MB 384x288 top gear 1990 eps 3.mp4)
(168.31 MB 384x288 top gear 1990 eps 4.mp4)

Dagumi 12/31/2019 (Tue) 17:07:18 [Preview] No.169 del
(156.65 MB 368x272 top gear 1990 eps 5.mp4)
(168.57 MB 400x304 top gear 1990 eps 6.mp4)

Dagumi 01/17/2020 (Fri) 15:59:21 [Preview] No.170 del
(171.27 MB 384x288 top gear 1990 eps 7.mp4)
(172.35 MB 352x272 top gear 1990 eps 8.mp4)

Dagumi 03/23/2020 (Mon) 16:28:17 [Preview] No.172 del

Dagumi 05/16/2020 (Sat) 12:50:25 [Preview] No.173 del

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