Anonymous 01/28/2022 (Fri) 11:31:39 Id: 626d30 No.86329 del
You haven't made a fool of yourself. I'll reply in more detail when I have the time. Edit: Ok now that I have a break from work, I've read more thoroughly through your posts. You want to see examples of people who have made fools of themselves? Check >>>/endpolmeta/ the archive for deletions from /pol/. You always come across as the most eloquent among us here. It is honestly very convincing, these words you have used to bring about a rise in spirit. Do not fear death. Do not wait for the new Hitler. Yes. Though Hitler succeeded much better than any ever have in the past, he eventually met both defeat and death. As do we all. The fact that men barely past middle-age die on at least a weekly basis brings that clarity more to light. We're all going to die. The question is whether you want your end to be complete organ failure in a hospital bed after you've long been too decrepit to succeed in your dreams, or if you're willing to risk losing that insane discomfort right now, not only risking your life but your livelihood. The jews will try their best to ruin your whole career. These parasites whom have been cast-out for centuries over 200 times are now casting people out in their own nations. The problem in history has always been letting the kike-roaches back in. The problem with spokesmen and spokewomen against the jew has always been that they were not heavy-handed enough, lacked integrity and submitted to their jewish overlords or grew too weak and sick say if the jewishness of a doctor is completely ignored as he slowly poisons you that they have failed every time. The failure is not always due to lack of integrity. That's half of the problem. Capitulation. Submitting, permitting jews to get away with it. That is the major issue across all of our nations.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 01/28/2022 (Fri) 15:18:50.