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New deletions thread. The old one is deadlocked from so many posts. Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 01:31 Id: cbb3c5 [Preview] No. 1444 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
All screenshots of deletions at /pol/ will be uploaded here instead of taking up space in the Meta over there.
163 posts and 190 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 10:36 Id: 3ec7a7 [Preview] No.1621 del
And then for no reason even jewpedia admits that its bullshit by mentioning this tiny thing ruining their lie

>The 1930s saw Shell's Mexican assets seized by the local government.[30] After the invasion of the Netherlands by Nazi Germany in 1940, the head office of the Dutch companies was moved to Curaçao.[30] In 1945, Shell's Danish headquarters in Copenhagen, at the time being used by the Gestapo, was bombed by

For some reason the same forces funding the nsdap feared their arrival and the same funded forces had siezed their assets.
Also for some reason the rest of royal dutch shell didnt share the sentinent of mentioned individual or ever had anything with nsdap before the consolidation of power and after apart of them getting beaten away from netherlands or getting involved with churchill trough focus group to whack the hitler

The only citation of supposed "shell financing hitler" is here from author that supposedly in 8 years during that era all of sudden knew who and what and how

Rest of jewpedias article on individum
>Deterding was a steadfast enemy of the Soviet Union, largely because of the nationalization of his properties in Azerbaijan. He was accused of conspiring against Soviet oil-interests and even of printing counterfeit Soviet money. He became a target for Soviet press attacks

>In 1936, Deterding bought the manor of Dobbin, near Krakow am See, in Mecklenburg, Germany, and moved there, becoming a neighbor of his friend the then-director of Deutsche Bank, Emil Georg von Stauß. He also had a property in Suvretta, St. Moritz, Switzerland, where he died on 4 February 1939

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Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 10:38 Id: 3ec7a7 [Preview] No.1622 del
>He played himself

Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 11:02 Id: 3ec7a7 [Preview] No.1623 del
Also just to note comoared to bolsheviks

Many wall street big names and stockholm central bank
>Funded a openly terrorist org seeking terror on earth on land that resisted this interests since the end of napoleonic wars
>Began pouring funds far before officialy revolution began there
>Employed international connections to give those terrorists diplomatic imunity in UK, canada, US, Swizerland, Germany and sweden
>Employed measures to fund as same as bad terrorist reds in rest of europe and sending funds btw even after revolution to commit attrocities over civilian population and furfilling globalist ambitions or even open businesses before impossible to have as tsar wasnt a retard
>Covered up for those same terrorists the illegal territory expansions in asia minor and later europe as unlike in nsdap germany rotschild got uis bank in ussr after revolution

Meanwhile in nsdap germany that was supposedly funded by these same forces
>Thrown under embargo barely a year after consolidation of power trough legal means and even there attempted to be suppresed by same forces it was supposedly funded before election
>Diplomatically shunned trough these forces for its measures preventing subversion of nation trough direct or indirect moves whatever trough social protectionist laws to labour law with its italian sibling
>Supposedly funded in nation where those same forces BEFORE them had created their paradise on earth and being the PROVEN shadow goverment of weimar germany and could get easy consolidation of power trough KPD and SPD
>For some reason the same supposedly funding forces shunned every move nsdap did whatever it was its foregin policy or internal policy
>For some reason the same funded forces represented and did everything possible to fight those who supposedly funded them by measures they hate

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Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 23:47 Id: cbb3c5 [Preview] No.1624 del
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>Angelika Schmiegelow Powell
Author of Istorik-Marksist. Marxist historian. Very likely a jew.
You are allowed to post that at /pol/, you know. What I don't like is (I'm not referencing that post) in the past quoting everything a jewish propagandist has said after I have deleted it. However, the above kind of green text is perfectly fine. You could follow the footnote I do. "A deleted shill has said some insults. I'll just leave this here."
Refuting stupid shills by quoting stupid jew arguments on this board? /endpolmeta/ is where the deletions are. So that is ok here. However, it is even lower traffic.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 09/18/2024 (Wed) 23:52.

Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 12:01 Id: 3ec7a7 [Preview] No.1625 del
>You are allowed to post that at /pol/, you know.
That depends if i ever will see such a dementia when passing around or not or even considering when such nonsense will be repeated to makemsuch paragraph to eedicated thread on such myths and lies

>in the past quoting everything a jewish propagandist has said after I have deleted it.
Now in what sense because as far as i remember during that assault on his dementia of failing in laws of chronology and logic by comparing that lie with actuall thing in ussr i only should had put into the supposedly funded nsdap "" marks to add the projecting irony over that pathetic projection

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Anon Board owner 03/10/2018 (Sat) 18:22 Id: b6301e [Preview] No. 109 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This used to belong to the nigger spammer, username: yHane3fcma0
All whining threads have been purged.
/endpolmeta/ now belongs to /pol/

All screenshots of deletions at /pol/ will be uploaded here instead of taking up space in the Meta over there.
Due to server migration, all screenshots of previous /pol/ deletions are gone.
This will start new.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 04/29/2018 (Sun) 22:03.
995 posts and 1071 images omitted.

Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 04:56 Id: 66db33 [Preview] No.1439 del
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Anonymous 04/17/2024 (Wed) 06:16 Id: 66db33 [Preview] No.1440 del
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This jew is obsessed with us. As if he would garner any sympathy for such a bullshit post.

Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 05:19 Id: 66db33 [Preview] No.1441 del
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A video where the jew fag says "inferior white boys" in as feminine a voice as he can manage as he rants about his obsession with how many black penises he can fit in his gaping asshole. This anus of his described as the size of the bat cave, causes him to weep uncontrollably because once a day he has to visit an Israeli surgeon to have his spilled guts tucked back up his ass.

Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 07:23 Id: 66db33 [Preview] No.1442 del
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Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 16:34 Id: 66db33 [Preview] No.1443 del
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Anonymous Board owner 05/23/2021 (Sun) 11:18 Id: 692e8a [Preview] No. 476 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
To avoid the possibility of anyone complaining about there being more deletions than archived images here, this is going to be the thread for every time I ban and delete AIDSkike. It is a spammer or multiple spammers of the same repeated messages. As he has been posting this shit every single day, due to ban evasion he gets 5 year bans, but that doesn't seem to stop him.
166 posts and 287 images omitted.

Anonymous 10/11/2022 (Tue) 13:00 Id: 3a18b6 [Preview] No.1055 del
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Anonymous 10/12/2022 (Wed) 09:20 Id: 3a18b6 [Preview] No.1061 del
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Anonymous 10/12/2022 (Wed) 22:23 Id: 3a18b6 [Preview] No.1062 del
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Anonymous 10/14/2022 (Fri) 03:49 Id: 3a18b6 [Preview] No.1064 del
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Anonymous Board owner 10/15/2022 (Sat) 10:58 Id: 3a18b6 [Preview] No.1066 del
I'm no longer screenshotting and archiving AIDSkike posts here. 280+ images is enough to see everything they have or will ever post. I'm just deleting the ban evading jew from now on.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 10/15/2022 (Sat) 10:58.

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Appeals thread Anonymous 01/04/2021 (Mon) 03:48 Id: a3e415 [Preview] No. 360 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This will be to list past appeals first, then new ones as they come, which are very few because most shills know what they did and don't even try.
23 posts and 21 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/23/2022 (Fri) 06:22 Id: 5a8f34 [Preview] No.1027 del
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Anonymous 10/03/2022 (Mon) 23:59 Id: 5a8f34 [Preview] No.1044 del
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AIDSkike wasting their time as usual. Appeals denied.

Anonymous 10/06/2022 (Thu) 20:09 Id: 5a8f34 [Preview] No.1048 del
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Anonymous 11/23/2022 (Wed) 13:44 Id: 20b311 [Preview] No.1105 del
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The exact same lazy appeal style as AIDSkike was submitted for a video of beaners shooting an Aryan man. So this is what else AIDSkike gets up to.

Anonymous 02/18/2023 (Sat) 01:46 Id: 20b311 [Preview] No.1154 del
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The OP who comes to /pol/ claiming he's God with a pay site where "God needs money" is actually AIDSkike. What a boring turn of events.