Anonymous 10/27/2022 (Thu) 18:03 Id: ca9d58 No.89169 del
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Time travel would be a great option. Though if time travel existed, capeshit would exist. Then send capeshits back to assist the one and only Führer. It's all a fantasy world. The MKUltra (entertainment: movies, shows) wool pulled over our eyes to delude us into thinking we may achieve greatness without acknowledging the weakness of our mortality. Women are more often indoctrinated by such form of entertainment in modern times. So now our average social structures are often led by women. The higher authority social structures (mass media, social media, government) are led by jews. Thus with this infiltration, everything is weak.

The saddest part is: We can only dream up fantasies to combat ZOG's overwhelming control. I can think of no solutions grounded in reality.