Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 22:52 Id: 0c5cbb No.89226 del
Time Travel is a technology worth pursuing, imagine if we developed it.

We could escape into the past and create a better future, one were the NSDAP was victorious in WW2.

How? By getting America into the war against the axis early.

There's this historical theory that if we were to prevent the Titanic from sinking then the USA would've entered the war along with the other allied powers, rather than sitting it out for a time until Pearl Harbor.

This simple change would mean that America would not be the military powerhouse that it was, and without that full might behind the western allies, the Germans would've cleared up the West a lot quicker, there'd be no D-Day, and then they could focus a lot more on the Eastern front of the war.

The Soviets were running full steam with a tank that was almost dry, the leaders would never surrender, but it wouldn't take long for the people to turn against their masters and actually help the Germans to victory.

Tis was an idea that was made popular by mathew patrick on youtube in his shitty series, everything in his videos is stolen BTW.

Another move would be to give the victory to the South in the American civil war, Abraham Lincoln was the first bad president because he ignored the founding documents recognition of the the state's rights to vacate the union, and by doing that you undermine the strength of the USA before WW2 breaks out, in so doing you achieve much the same effect.

Alternatively, go back all the way to ancient Iraq and Egypt, preventing the Jews from coming into existence and destroying the first great civilization, forming an alliance between the two "cradle" civilizations of the fertile crescent, and keeping the MENA regions to remain the exclusive territories of White and Aryan Men. You'd also be preventing the origin of the arab race as well.

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