Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 23:22 Id: ca9d58 No.89231 del
I would suggest, as modern public shooters are not doing, to engage in better optics than vaguely killing some of the enemy. Such as ensuring Operation Long Jump was successful instead of a dismal failure. That was the planned assassination of Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt. Not only that, pin their deaths on jews publicly. Prevent Kennedy's assassination, stop Edward VIII the Duke of Windsor's abdication, kill every single member of Murder Inc. to permit The ANP's rise (prevent GLR's death) and have them team with the Silver Legion of America. Time travel is an extreme hypothetical. You'll find it obvious by these attachments that I've dreamt of it many times (because I was raised with 80s entertainment). It's really just a fictional pipe dream. Who out there is intelligent enough to invent the Flux Capacitor in real life? None yet have.