Anonymous 11/12/2022 (Sat) 05:32 Id: ca9d58 No.89270 del
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I prefer to suspect the possibility of the relative state ("many worlds") interpretation over paradoxical time travel. Moreso because Hugh Everett the Third who came up with it was rejected by the kikes Niels Bohr and Leon Rosenfeld. As usual, those jews thought they were smarter than everyone else. Hugh then punctured holes in quantum mechanics by revealing paradoxes and a jew named David Deutsch capitalized on (stole) his ideas after Hugh's death. The show Sliders referenced portals or wormholes to these parallel but different dimensions as the "Einstein-Podolsky bridge". Everett should have been given the credit for that, not those two intellectual property stealing jewish twats.

I do not believe time travel to be possible. However, many different realities seems probable. A world where Germany won WW2 and shaped the modern era would of course be the best possible existence. The possibility of creating a device that could allow one to traverse to different realities would require flawless brilliance in both technical and mathematical genius combined with someone who distances themselves from all distractions in the form of entertainment.

What are the chances of such a person existing and us gaining from their discovery? I would theorize it's next to nothing. Neither time travel or parallel universes have been proven or disproven but the sheer chance of anyone being that capable seems empty.