Anonymous 11/14/2022 (Mon) 21:43 Id: 54a92d No.89282 del
thats not exciting and predictable, oh, nazis win WW2, even this concept is too mainstream, its been done in media.

Instead I ran several simulations where various ancient civilizations continued to exist for thousands of years (Mesopotamia, Roman, Greek, etc.) with surprising results. In the Roman Timeline, during World War 2 when the Roman Fascist Empire occupies Europe, Hitler was actually a navy captain instead. In the Mesopotamia timeline, Saddam Hussein achieves his dreams of establishing a Mesopotamian themed economic/geopolitical power in the middle east to conquer the world and smash greater israel (but Israel literally has something like the power rangers megazord, and its a very dramatic battle in this alternative timeline, plus they escape to madagascar in an ironic transdimensional-cross timeline meme from our timeline, like how every timeline has a version of Jerry Seinfeld in all civilizations). Greeks as you might imagine are naturally fascist, where in their timeline they establish a beltline empire across europe and asia, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific ocean, going even beyond the dreams of conquest by Alexander, going on to conquer China. So Greek-Chinese people exist in this timeline, and its perhaps one of the most fascinating differences from many of the timelines I explored.