Anon 07/23/2024 (Tue) 06:47 No.10728 del
Think about Greek mythology: the gods were basically super-powered humans. They were killable, but still very powerful. Well, I think they were killable, based on the reliable source which is the video game series "God of War". Also think of Nordic mythology with Thor and whatever: same thing, interesting stories about powerful gods. Much of Nordic mythology is lost because the Vikings were raiding mean assholes and the dummies back then didn't write much down.

So you can think of stories such as this; skeletons of narratives:
. A man can only survive like 500 bee stings before dying of systemic toxicity. A pussy of a man dies after one bee sting because he's allergic. A god dies after millions of bee stings.
. Real-life story: trying to poison Rasputin but he won't die. Also that one story that YouTuber Salmonella University or whatever his username was: some guy could drink a huge amount of alcohol or something similar and not die.
. etc. Whatever feats of moving mountains or some giant wolf biting some guy's hand or blacksmithing or whatever. The wolf and blacksmith thing is from Nordic myth. Here's one that doesn't involve poisoning: being struck by lightning multiple times and surviving. Godlike. Oh, also, being in Mexico and publicly insulting cartels then you still end up surviving even after it went viral on social media. Maybe you killed the thugs who came for you.

Video on bees - "Why Do Bees Die After Stinging?":

Death due to insulting a cartel - "5 Times TikTokers Messed With The Wrong Cartels":

Lol'd at the comments on this video which I watched some of
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