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Anon 03/22/2020 (Sun) 01:33 [Preview] No. 5562
Welcome to /chat/! The thread where you can talk about anything! Technically most threads on /endpone/ can meander a bit. This thread is for casual banter and idle chitchat of any topic. Funposting and randomness too.

April Fools! 04/04/2020 (Sat) 22:12:32 [Preview] No.5700 del
>Besides I'm not the best music connoisseur anyway
no need to tell me about that.

>It's the professional name of a solo singer. She's been involved in a whole lot of stuff of varying levels of popularity from my understanding. But Orinoco Flow and Only Time are the only things I regularly run into.
well, both songs have been spinning a lot on the radio so keep in mind that if I don´t do it for myself, the commercial radio will do it for me.

>Orinoco Flow is special as it is in one of my earliest memories but I certainly can relate to what you say with only time.
I put it on both. While I did like many of the songs that appeared in the radio during my childhood/teen years (and I still do), I prefer not to become burned by them in the future. Though for being a "one hit wonder", she sold quite a lot of record and many artists would have liked to be in her position.

As for holding special songs in memories, I remember buying a commercial compilation because of the song Who Wants To Live Forever and having a nostalgic trip because of the song Island In the Sun when I rediscovered it on Youtube.

I have to mention though that the popular singles would so much more rewarding if the album accompanied it. I wasn´t fond on The Logical Song (Supertramp) until last year and listening to Breakfast in America entirely changed my mind completely about the band and the popular hit had more impact within its context in the album, so in a way, listening to those popular songs on your own when you want them to hear them...are more rewarding than randomly passing by.

Anon 04/05/2020 (Sun) 22:25:25 [Preview] No.5711 del
>MFW when I have been listening to:
>Zager and Evans are the only band to do this in both the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and the UK Singles Chart.
>Well you may have a point there...
obviously I am not the greatest seer out there but considering your previous posts about music and the fact that you have linked other popular songs meant for the radio whose artists didn´t have a solid album that would be relevant in the canon of music (still selling millions of copies like Enya or Astley), I simply expect the predictable case. Though I don´t remember this single all that much, seeing the article that they gained that one hit wonder stigma because of a car accident before Woodstock...that sucks and makes you wonder if they could have released more material after reaching a broader public with that concert.

Anon 05/04/2020 (Mon) 08:19:08 [Preview] No.5868 del
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I didn't personally feel infinity was dying but I have noticed that not more than ... one post happened after I replied to a fun-post thread. Last week. So, here I am. Maybe.

Despite the SARS-cov-II shutdown I have not written anything pony. Or anything else. Or watched any movies or read a book. I played some video games and got several important property maintenance chores done. But tonight I feel too wasted to put coherent sentences together. Can't even play video games without getting angry about losing there's no way I can work on a story.

Speaking of writing, does the fanfiction thread still exist? Guess I should go take a look ... When I feel less burned out about everything.

Anon 05/04/2020 (Mon) 16:13:24 [Preview] No.5870 del
>I didn't personally feel infinity was dying but I have noticed that not more than ... one post happened after I replied to a fun-post thread
well, I have lurked a little bit on /8pone/ and yeah, you were judging in the sticky which boards could be the alternatives. The BO by the way said that he would use this place as a last resort....

I´ll leave it at that.

>So, here I am. Maybe.
well, you have this place but keep in mind, I can´t promise neither a paradise nor a fast board like the rest. In the end, you decide according to your preferences.

>Despite the SARS-cov-II shutdown I have not written anything pony.
greens or posts in general? What are you referring to?

>I played some video games and got several important property maintenance chores done.
well, if you check these posts: >>5848 and >>5851, you will notice that this board has pretended to go as usual but the abnormal situation hasn´t helped much psychologically speaking.

>But tonight I feel too wasted to put coherent sentences together.
well, you did for this one

>Can't even play video games without getting angry about losing there's no way I can work on a story.
do you play online games (CSGO, LOL, etc)? Because that happened to me with COD a few years ago. I only play single player games these days.

>does the fanfiction thread still exist?
eeeeyup,although it was created for feedback according to the OP but it´s the thread dedicated for it. Here it is: >>4724

>When I feel less burned out about everything.
alright, take it easy.

Anon 05/04/2020 (Mon) 17:44:11 [Preview] No.5871 del
(361.44 KB 781x1024 curious meme.png)
Inifity is not dying per se, probably because it's the same type of fun-posting that had been done to death
>"would you: with a picture of pony puhsee
>horny posting
Personally, I'm tired of these type. Sure, we all want to fug the pony but not all the time.

>The BO by the way said that he would use this place as a last resort....
Can confirm it wasn't BO since it was me. I suggested as a last resort since this place is nice. Like another anon put it "moderately faggier cousins who we crash at and sometimes have cool stuff I guess that wouldn't be too bad.". It has it's own board culture that's distinct from other chan, ESPECIALLY 4chan. Although because of the tight knit community renders anonymity moot but you guys still kept to it and only name/trip when creating contents.
Don't really want to destroy what you guys created here with bringing in 8/pone/ "culture". Thus, a nice place to visit for most of us.

Anyway, speaking about games, have you guys played Mindustry? It's a pretty fun Factorio-TD hybrid but the later campaigns are quite the hassle. I like the fact that it is free from itch.io and you can coop in it. Haven't tried playing the community server tho. Wonder how the PvP like.

Anon 05/04/2020 (Mon) 18:23:07 [Preview] No.5872 del
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>Personally, I'm tired of these type. Sure, we all want to fug the pony but not all the time.
I mean sure, that´s fun but again, perhaps you feel that this board looks different but make no mistake, I have /mlp/ already for that and with more people.

>Can confirm it wasn't BO since it was me. I suggested as a last resort since this place is nice.
oh, that explains everything

>Like another anon put it "moderately faggier cousins who we crash at and sometimes have cool stuff I guess that wouldn't be too bad."
more or less, I think he nailed it. But you know, I have (personally) the premise of never making promises nor claiming that this place would be the quintessence of anything really. The cool stuff comes spontaneously and you know, the ambient feels more like a public chat of antisocial media than anything else, even though I could perfectly repeat the formula of /mlp/ and shitpost all over and over RD and say HI ANON like 50 times a day.

However, after spending almost 6 years on /mlp/, I am bit saturated of that style and I am trying to wonder what product could be offered that /mlp/ wouldn´t offer but no way this board is capable to play for high stakes.

>It has it's own board culture that's distinct from other chan, ESPECIALLY 4chan.
funny that you mention it because the main general was based on MLPG just that I used a shitpost and made an acronym called NMAiE. Also I find it funny that you say that because the ""culture" comes from two or three people...you believe that there are more anons here and yes, maybe a few random lurkers but as for active anons, you´d better start using the fingers of your hand.

Also, you are talking to an active user here but I am the same who has been in /mlp/ since 2014 and has managed to get 7 digits over there, so you wouldn´t imagine that certain people show two sides of the same coin in different place. If this one feels different, it´s because I consider this as a side project to reveal more of a personal view about anything, hence the long discussions displayed here.

>Although because of the tight knit community renders anonymity moot but you guys still kept to it and only name/trip when creating contents.
eeeeyup even though I have used it for OPs and relevant posts in which I considered important to remark that I was the one replying to it. Normally, you don´t need a name/trip because you notice the way of posting after a while when there are very few anons.

Anti social media like Bridgefag said a few months ago.

>Don't really want to destroy what you guys created here with bringing in 8/pone/ "culture". Thus, a nice place to visit for most of us.
don´t worry, in fact, the cultural icons of this board are: Star Light (try to type her name and you will fail by the way), the bat pony Cadence, the IDW characters (namely Cosmos and Amore) and perhaps the royal sisters but normally, these sprang up spontaneously and they could lose prominence over time, you know. Nothing is static.

I mean, we could adapt the board for more people and change the mindset

Anon 05/04/2020 (Mon) 18:29:27 [Preview] No.5873 del
>speaking about games, have you guys played Mindustry?
never heard of it really. Even though I keep an eye on the main video game industry, I am almost completely unaware of the little market of Steam.

>It's a pretty fun Factorio-TD hybrid but the later campaigns are quite the hassle. I like the fact that it is free from itch.io and you can coop in it. Haven't tried playing the community server tho. Wonder how the PvP like.
I have seen the gameplay and despite the barren looks that the first waves deliver, I have seen more advanced parts and it turns into an overcrowded situation. I imagine that those last waves could perfectly be a real chore for the average player.

Anon 05/04/2020 (Mon) 19:32:55 [Preview] No.5874 del
>Also I find it funny that you say that because the ""culture" comes from two or three people
I'm sorry but you are wrong. This board does have a culture. I'm not calling it the most advanced but I've seen multiple traits that you have. A lot of board culture's are small and ill defined but you have your own posting styles and limited lingo. There is a lot of larger boards with less of an identity than this place, even if it mainly comes from 2 to 3 anons.

Anon 05/04/2020 (Mon) 19:47:21 [Preview] No.5875 del
>Despite the SARS-cov-II shutdown I have not written anything pony. Or anything else. Or watched any movies or read a book.
I've mainly been watching my normal /co/ and /AM/ stuff out of board. Not really satisfied with a lot that's out there. Anime feel too formulaic and copy cat. A lot of the /co/ stuff just feels like it has hints of the same "LOL random" + where all quirky misfits vibe. There is the whole chibi anime Adventure Time style that, while not as completely dominating as many would have you believe, is still in just enough places to feel tiresome. I think movies and a lot of live action is also boring so yeah I can get that.

As for /mlp/. I've seen probably about 30 or so episodes. Not sure I'd call myself part of the fagdom as I tend to dip my toes into a lot of random shows but it has been an interesting experience and the show has earned a bit of my respect at some points. Maybe I'll post about that in the show discussion thread sometime?

Anon 05/04/2020 (Mon) 19:49:12 [Preview] No.5876 del
>I've mainly been watching my normal /co/ and /AM/ stuff out of board.
> where all quirky misfits vibe
fuck I'm tired.

Anon 05/04/2020 (Mon) 20:56:39 [Preview] No.5877 del
>I mean sure, that´s fun but again, perhaps you feel that this board looks different but make no mistake, I have /mlp/ already for that and with more people.
I'm not sure I understand you. Are you saying that I like it here because I can shitpost with /mlp/ "quality"? I thought that I implied that I don't want those kind of low quality threads.
>I have (personally) the premise of never making promises nor claiming that this place would be the quintessence of anything really.
You don't have to. This board users behaviour speak for itself.
>Also I find it funny that you say that because the ""culture" comes from two or three people...you believe that there are more anons
No I don't? Even the sticky said there's like 2-3 core users. A culture will form in a community and hey, three's a crowd. Large enough for anons to interact with each to form an understanding that shaped how they interact with each other or in a place of their own.
>they could lose prominence over time, you know. Nothing is static.
Of course but anyone that practice Lurk More will more or less shaped to this board culture. /endpone/ already set rules for low quality threads hence pushing out those that can disrupt it core.

For example, I myself (maybe) unconsciously trying to write in a format that is as close to this board's.

Anon 05/04/2020 (Mon) 21:31:14 [Preview] No.5878 del
>This board does have a culture. I'm not calling it the most advanced but I've seen multiple traits that you have. A lot of board culture's are small and ill defined but you have your own posting styles and limited lingo.
I am not going to contradict those words because yes, there are boards which far less organization or patterns of posting that go everywhere and fail in terms of consistency, preventing them for setting up something in common. Even a couple of outsiders were impressed and admitted those details that board has and others don´t shine all that much in comparison.

>There is a lot of larger boards with less of an identity than this place, even if it mainly comes from 2 to 3 anons.
in this line, there is a huge risk and could imply ambiguous meanings. 2 or 3 people are enough to interact among themselves but if you tell that there is a culture, you are saying that the echochamber for said users means culture when any outsider who has no clue or even a bigger number of people who enter in that chat, then the ambient vanishes swiftly unless those new people are aware where they are.

What I have done in the past has consisted in leaving marks or clues so the ones who substitute it would read it and understand what happened before. But again, the chan format isn´t all that effective for said purpose.

Culture dissolves over time....but art, literature and music don´t and in the modern era,filmography and little by little, the video game industry.

Anon 05/04/2020 (Mon) 21:37:42 [Preview] No.5879 del
>I've seen probably about 30 or so episodes. Not sure I'd call myself part of the fagdom as I tend to dip my toes into a lot of random shows but it has been an interesting experience and the show has earned a bit of my respect at some points. Maybe I'll post about that in the show discussion thread sometime?
then, after reading this line I cannot tag you as a shitposter (an outsider shitposter) because with that amount of episodes, you have watched the equivalent of an entire season and we warned you about not getting used to this place because the more you know about this 4th generation, the more you understand why it has gained such a cult. Not the best cartoon ever but definitely one that sets up the standards for toy commercials.

Also the post-gen 4 discussion is there and there isn´t any specific episode to discuss nor any prepared plan for it. So you can perfectly leave a few thoughts there.

By the way, favorite character and episode so far for ya? besides the obvious one that you post here

Anon 05/04/2020 (Mon) 21:46:16 [Preview] No.5880 del
>Are you saying that I like it here because I can shitpost with /mlp/ "quality"? I thought that I implied that I don't want those kind of low quality threads.
sorry I poorly worded that.
I meant that despite that this is a chan and one could get perfectly away with it by repeating /mlp/ patterns and ways of shitposting, given that I am saturated and considering that there are not as many people to shitpost at, it makes no sense to do that.

In fact, I am not aiming to repeat /mlp/. I wanted to say that this board could have perfectly gone through a shitposting route (as a result, there would be way more posts here than 5800) but as I do have other mediums that deliver such entertainment with way more efficiency, it feels quite stupid to repeat the standards of /mlp/ when one doesn´t have the amount of users nor achieves any unique characteristic at doing that.

I hope that I have explained it better than I did in the previous post and I perfectly see where you are coming from that you don´t want to see /mlp/ 2.0 over here (nor it has the ingredients to do that anyway)

>This board users behaviour speak for itself.
that´s up to the lurkers´ judgement, something that I cannot control beyond the posts delivered from my part.

Anon 05/04/2020 (Mon) 22:05:24 [Preview] No.5881 del
>Even the sticky said there's like 2-3 core users.
it admits its own circumstances and the pic represents one of those icons so even the rules/the sticky are aware of what it is.

>A culture will form in a community and hey, three's a crowd. Large enough for anons to interact with each to form an understanding that shaped how they interact with each other or in a place of their own.
I...I won´t deny this affirmation honestly. Indeed, you nail it on this one.

>Of course but anyone that practice Lurk More will more or less shaped to this board culture.
that has its variables though.
>/endpone/ already set rules for low quality threads hence pushing out those that can disrupt it core.
eeeyup, you are right. However, /endpone/ has set that up to point out that the spam and excessive shitposting that derail the usual activity (and it´s also established in the whole website but repeating it again kind of helps even if it feels redundant). It´s not that shitposting is not allowed at all nor the fact that different ideas could arise or set up huge debates with insults and everything, throwing pillows at each other..and even then, that wouldn´t be a valid reason at all for any ban. The biggest reason that a mod,admin or BO could ban you is basically spam, it´s boiled down to that (among a few details more, announced in advance)

>I myself (maybe) unconsciously trying to write in a format that is as close to this board's.
well, that´s up to you really but ironically, despite that anyone considers this style of posting as /endpone/´s culture, this practice could literally occur anywhere else. Though in 4chan is more limited because you only have 2000 characters available for each post, not 4096 like the alt chans offer. There´s not a huge mystery for noticing this.

Another thing is that this style of replying has been also used for discussing episodes, edits, reviewing the fanfics posted over here and even pretty trivial stuff.

Anon Board owner 05/05/2020 (Tue) 01:16:35 [Preview] No.5883 del
>funny that you mention it because the main general was based on MLPG just that I used a shitpost and made an acronym called NMAiE. Also I find it funny that you say that because the ""culture" comes from two or three people...you believe that there are more anons here and yes, maybe a few random lurkers but as for active anons, you´d better start using the fingers of your hand.
>I'm sorry but you are wrong. This board does have a culture. I'm not calling it the most advanced but I've seen multiple traits that you have. A lot of board culture's are small and ill defined but you have your own posting styles and limited lingo. There is a lot of larger boards with less of an identity than this place, even if it mainly comes from 2 to 3 anons.
>No I don't? Even the sticky said there's like 2-3 core users. A culture will form in a community and hey, three's a crowd. Large enough for anons to interact with each to form an understanding that shaped how they interact with each other or in a place of their own.

Bridgefag the BO here. I think the sticky on top makes it perfectly clear to everyone the intent of the board and to what extent a culture applies.
>This board is not /mlp/, 8/pone, /mlpol/ or Ponychan. Not saying this board is the most unique or wonderful place in the world but a posting style and a limited culture has arisen that is distinct from those models and is arguably in sometimes in contrast. Expect sometimes long meandering discussions jumping randomly from topic to topic and experimental projects of various levels of merit.
I mean, I don't consider it the most expansive but I did try to recognize that we do have our own memes and way of posting that has just causally evolved organically that is a bit different. But as I say, and this is what I think he was trying to get at (or at least a better way of wording it).
>We also recognize that board culture is not finite and could easily evolve with what any new anon or two could bring something to the table that could alter things significantly.
The board is too small to have a finite strict code of what a culture is I also think it's a little flawed to try to set things fully in stone in general
I encourage you to be yourself and see what you can bring to the table as well. You don't have to force yourself to post exactly like us or minor everything we do.

Anon 05/05/2020 (Tue) 01:52:36 [Preview] No.5884 del
Opps, forgot I was logged in as it'd be stupid to say I was the BO with the roll signature already blaring that out.

I guess you did get to a lot of what I said just now.

Anon 05/05/2020 (Tue) 01:59:03 [Preview] No.5885 del
(43.62 KB 500x397 youlikeponies.jpeg)
>As for /mlp/. I've seen probably about 30 or so episodes.
You are one of us now, at least partly. Would have never expected that when you first started shitposting. I will be indeed curious to see what you have to say.

Anon 05/05/2020 (Tue) 02:10:21 [Preview] No.5886 del
>moderately faggier cousins who we crash at and sometimes have cool stuff I guess that wouldn't be too bad
I can live with this attitude.

>Don't really want to destroy what you guys created here with bringing in 8/pone/ "culture".
I appreciate the respect. Though as I said, as long as ya don't spam things to oblivion and stick to more legitimate arguing over shitposting "x is cucked" I think will probably be okay (and hopefully /comfy/).

>Anyway, speaking about games, have you guys played Mindustry? It's a pretty fun Factorio-TD hybrid but the later campaigns are quite the hassle. I like the fact that it is free from itch.io and you can coop in it. Haven't tried playing the community server tho. Wonder how the PvP like.
I'm far from the most avid gamer so I can't say that I've heard of it. If I can get it to run on my very old linux computers perhaps I'll try it out.
This right?

Anon 05/05/2020 (Tue) 05:30:57 [Preview] No.5891 del
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>But tonight I feel too wasted to put coherent sentences together. Can't even play video games without getting angry about losing there's no way I can work on a story.
I know this feel. It can feel like you are strungling to think and the simple furstration of unarticulated thoughts.

>Speaking of writing, does the fanfiction thread still exist?
Moving slowly but yes it does.

Anon 05/05/2020 (Tue) 08:07:27 [Preview] No.5892 del
>You don't have to force yourself to post exactly like us or minor everything we do.
I know, but as the saying goes, "When in Rome, do as the Roman do".
>Though as I said, as long as ya don't spam things to oblivion and stick to more legitimate arguing over shitposting "x is cucked" I think will probably be okay (and hopefully /comfy/)
Aye, true to that.
>This right?
Yeeee. That's the one. It's free and low end enough for anyone to pickup and play on multiple platforms. The games can get complex for some resources but overall simple.

horsecock horsecock 05/05/2020 (Tue) 09:03:14 [Preview] No.5893 del

Anon 05/05/2020 (Tue) 21:05:25 [Preview] No.5894 del
>I know, but as the saying goes, "When in Rome, do as the Roman do".
Agreed. Though I like that the BO is open to new contributions this place does have a somewhat comfy charm the way it is. Just a strange little bastard son of /flutter/.

Anon 05/06/2020 (Wed) 04:55:47 [Preview] No.5896 del
(90.65 KB 825x770 1537.jpg)
>I know, but as the saying goes, "When in Rome, do as the Roman do".
Alrighty, but just remember we are open to some experimentation.

>It's free and low end enough for anyone to pickup and play on multiple platforms. The games can get complex for some resources but overall simple.
Neat. If my computer maintenance this weekend goes well I'll check it out.

>Just a strange little bastard son of /flutter/.
I take it you know of our history with them. Not sure I'd take it that far but considering our old and enteral in spirit BO's influence and some of the survivors of /flutter/ saying we had some similarities to them I guess I can see us thought of as relatives of a sort.

PoLS as well L23

Anon 05/06/2020 (Wed) 06:34:34 [Preview] No.5897 del
>greens or posts in general? What are you referring to?

Fanfiction. Here, for example is an aborted foal that either deserved a better chance at life, or never should have been.

You know that song by Prince before he was 'formerly known' or again known as...? He started with a warning, "I was dreaming when I wrote this forgive me if it goes astray"

Nearing NaNoWriMo season in 2016 (so, October leading up to November) I had a weird dream. I wasn't upset, but the guy playing me in the dream was really freaked out.

So I tried to make a full novel out of it. Had several heart-string moments as the survivor that was roboticized didn't believe it, so when his one remaining traveling companion, who doesn't seem to have changed, says "you're healthy again" he disbelieves, thinking surely, after all this time, it means the companion has slipped too, and simply doesn't realize it.

And then all the halfway points. Not true worlds, but the perception that results in straddling two timelines -- one fully mechanical, one fully biological. And the LORE ... In this one I needed to decide that metal was especially precious; that was why gems were used for so many building projects, and I think I declared the guards to be wearing ceramic armor. I create the lore to facilitate the story, but some who have helped critique my work say the detail in my head about the world these ponies live in is half the beauty of my writing.

Since I'm not likely to ever go back to this world, I'll post it here rather than the writing thread. Most of my other stuff, by word count, is in the Fallout:Equestria universe, but my last nearly-complete one was in Conversion Bureau universe, which was ... interesting because I've only glanced at some of the fan-fiction OF that alternate universe so a few ponies pointed out I had a bunch of details horribly wrong. </shrug> I like what I like, and accidental alicorns peg my meter.

Anon 05/06/2020 (Wed) 21:47:01 [Preview] No.5901 del
>"When in Rome, do as the Roman do".
well, environment kind of influence a lot the mindset of those people who set the group. Just watch out who you take as a reference to follow though.

Although I could explain why this format of posting has gained so much prominence

>It's free and low end enough for anyone to pickup and play on multiple platforms.
I´ll have to see how it goes.

>Though I like that the BO is open to new contributions this place does have a somewhat comfy charm the way it is.
I wonder if one of your ideas is the cyberpunk scene because it´s not the first time that I see a reference of Serial Experiments Lain and reading a little bit those PDFs, you are delivering a few hints where you are aiming for (creatively speaking).

Anon 05/06/2020 (Wed) 22:20:11 [Preview] No.5902 del
(1.08 MB 1024x791 953684.png)
the image hasn´t been uploaded, huh? It ought to be the server or my connection while posting this reply. Anyway...

>Fanfiction. Here, for example is an aborted foal that either deserved a better chance at life, or never should have been.
you know, we are living in 2020 and not even MLP is free of metaphysical questions. I guess that these kind of questions/conflicts will never vanish from people´s minds. We are taking off with a heavy theme from that premise alone.

>"I was dreaming when I wrote this forgive me if it goes astray"
My Little Fictions, Songs Are Magic as a source of inspiration. What´s even more impressive is that you took the first line of 1999.

>You know that song by Prince before he was 'formerly known' or again known
to your surprise, from what I am checking in certain musical sites I know, you can celebrate that 1999, both as a song and as an album, is quite popular to his discography. so his legacy is still alive. Nonetheless, combining your quote with...

>Nearing NaNoWriMo season in 2016 (so, October leading up to November) I had a weird dream. I wasn't upset, but the guy playing me in the dream was really freaked out.
this, I wonder if Prince´s death made you revisit his discography earlier that year. So, you were writing this for that project because of that dream.

>I create the lore to facilitate the story, but some who have helped critique my work say the detail in my head about the world these ponies live in is half the beauty of my writing.
I have told this several time to Bridgefag but the main selling point of MLP relies on the characters. If those characters are introduces, they have to offer something. Well established lore like the ceramic armor detail that you are mentioning are details of achieving upper standards of professionalism, that the contrived alternate universe follows a logical arc or plot device for carrying out stories that could take advantage of those concepts and add a potential greater impact.

Without seeing the PDF, (this is a comment beforehand) keep in mind, while MLP can deliver diverse quantities of lore in its fantasy setting (or in any alternate universe related to it), what appeals the most for a slice of life franchise, is the interactions between the characters. Before seeing anything, I am predicting that this:

>when his one remaining traveling companion, who doesn't seem to have changed, says "you're healthy again" he disbelieves, thinking surely, after all this time, it means the companion has slipped too, and simply doesn't realize it.
could hit the hardest for a MLP reader.

Nonetheless, it has quite a bit of merit that a significant proportion of your praise that you received in the past consisted in the way that you had integrated everything to that world and the mix of those two perceptions might not be reachable for everyone.

I am not an avid reader of fics but reading one with a heavy focus on it sounds interesting. Still, don´t take these words too seriously because I am only commenting your reply. I´ll have to see the material on its own properly.

Anon 05/06/2020 (Wed) 22:32:52 [Preview] No.5903 del
>I'll post it here rather than the writing thread.
well...and what kind of commentary/feedback do you want to see from this board? The critique dedicated to lore, characters, message...? Or do you want a little bit of everything?

>Most of my other stuff, by word count, is in the Fallout:Equestria universe
I have been a fan of MLP for years and....despite its subcommunity, I have never bothered to check that out. I mean, I could judge your projects/stories on the story alone but in terms of lore, I would kind of fail at getting it correctly.

>I like what I like, and accidental alicorns peg my meter.
well, as long as you don´t insert alicorns for the reason alone that they are overpowered (in the canon universe), you could justify them (or at least, an attempt to offer something interesting with them).

>some of the survivors of /flutter/ saying we had some similarities to them I guess I can see us thought of as relatives of a sort.
history repeats by itself and /endpone/ definitely isn´t an exception.

>PoLS as well
without writing any trip/name, anonymity for you is a meme. This proves that recognizing the style of each poster reveals far more than publicly revealing the name of that user.

Anon 05/06/2020 (Wed) 22:58:24 [Preview] No.5906 del
>I wonder if Prince´s death made you revisit his discography earlier that year.

No. I've loved that line since I first encountered it, but seldom have I been able to come close to finishing a piece so closely associated with a dream, day or night, that I actually had.
I hang on to my dreams as long as I can, exactly because the overarching metaphysical discussion my brain is having with itself is fascinating to peruse and pick apart. These are the topics I never think of in the waking world, it I didn't let my mind roam so far afield at night.

>well...and what kind of commentary do you want to see?

A reaction. I'm not likely to ever try this again -- I lost something in trying to put the specific scenes to paper and in setting the work aside to let it percolate, it sank to the bottom.
I have no doubt the sense of pathos and refused hope will surface in another work; there's no need to 'shop around' for the best fix-it or band-aid.
And maybe in discussing what was put down, I can find where it faltered, and avoid that pit trap next time.

Anon 05/06/2020 (Wed) 23:26:37 [Preview] No.5908 del
>No. I've loved that line since I first encountered it
oh, love at first listen

>I hang on to my dreams as long as I can, exactly because the overarching metaphysical discussion my brain is having with itself is fascinating to peruse and pick apart.
you are reminding of those posts from a couple of years ago that displayed a guide on how to achieve lucid dreams, just that those were aimed for experiencing events with the waifu, not for metaphysical matters.

I have had those dreams that "click" in the brain but only when I am listening to certain songs repeatedly in private. I am the opposite case here, while I have been aware of certain dreams, I have never managed to get very far nor I have attempted to acknowledge them on purpose.

>A reaction.
basically a generic reply.

>I lost something in trying to put the specific scenes to paper and in setting the work aside to let it percolate, it sank to the bottom.
that disgrace happens even to professional writers. They wished that they could type all that they thought at the moment of thinking about those ideas but then, they never managed to reflect those moments in their peak. I know a case of a particular writer of my country who stood in front of the typewriter for 6 hours a day without reflecting anything in the paper.

I suppose that..
>I have no doubt the sense of pathos and refused hope will surface in another work
the spontaneous side will have to replace those lost scenes while writing the main consistent ideas. Either that or you could continue your pursuit at recovering everything that you were thinking for the novel.

>maybe in discussing what was put down, I can find where it faltered, and avoid that pit trap next time.
then, it´s no wonder that you are asking for feedback here.

Anon 05/07/2020 (Thu) 05:08:12 [Preview] No.5914 del
(304.43 KB 1280x1280 2022267.png)
>I had a weird dream. I wasn't upset, but the guy playing me in the dream was really freaked out.
Weird. I actually have had a couple of dreams of late where I wasn't me, but it was like I was watching myself from an external perspective. Was it something like that.

>And the LORE ... In this one I needed to decide that metal was especially precious; that was why gems were used for so many building projects, and I think I declared the guards to be wearing ceramic armor. I create the lore to facilitate the story, but some who have helped critique my work say the detail in my head about the world these ponies live in is half the beauty of my writing.
I love little details like this. Trying to piece together the world for a fic. I remember trying to rationalize the mix of tech levels by attributing it to a lack of quick transportation heck, it was something I considered to be a semi-plausable theory till later seasons where it felt like everything place was just a day trip away. Most usually just put Equestria in a pre or emerging industrial age so I think the choice of metal is interesting.

> I lost something in trying to put the specific scenes to paper and in setting the work aside to let it percolate, it sank to the bottom.
Are you talking about simple writers block or are you talking about, how do I say it? The feeling. How you imagine it in your head. Certain details that you feel but can't quite ever translate right to paper. I know the second quite strong. At least in the past.

>the image hasn´t been uploaded, huh? It ought to be the server or my connection while posting this reply
weird. The PDF wouldn't load either for awhile. Now it does but I wonder if it's on the server's end.

Anon 05/07/2020 (Thu) 08:19:04 [Preview] No.5917 del
>Weird. I actually have had a couple of dreams of late where I wasn't me

All my dreams are 3rd person, and as I drift into consciousness I become aware of the discrepancies between how I would react, and how the script has the actor who plays me reacting. Sometimes my memories of the dream, are of me shouting catcalls at the script writer. The bit-players in the piece will take the time to scowl at me but the main characters have more professionalism and finish until the time runs out and I wake up for real.
Other times the last quarter of a scene will replay a dozen times, each time with a slight variation in wording, or emphasis.

>writers block, or ... how you imagine it in your head

Yes, those things. I just re-read that piece, and am very surprised I stopped at
> Mechalestia
Since I KNOW I planned on introducing a gryphon shortly after the two got out of town.
Platinum would insist the gryphon was "gone" (couldn't see/hear him) but Coal could see both just fine. Then shortly after that Coal would perceive Platinum to have become an automaton but its voicetrack would always be about an hour late ... or early. Occasionally to be replaced with the modron pony-level unit and other times just an anodized painting but always insisting both stallions looked normal to him (gryphon would call him names at this point, Coal would opt not to repeat those words)

I think it's a "man vs. nature" tale about extreme isolationism, but sometimes I can't tell. It was meant to be a little creepy but I see its more like my dreams. We can see Coal is creeped out, but can't feel that ourselves.

Or so it seems just now.

Anon 05/09/2020 (Sat) 02:37:00 [Preview] No.5936 del
(529.88 KB 900x600 1398840.png)
>I think it's a "man vs. nature" tale about extreme isolationism, but sometimes I can't tell. It was meant to be a little creepy but I see its more like my dreams. We can see Coal is creeped out, but can't feel that ourselves.
if we connect what you have said just here with your backstory in real life,something is telling me that you were writing to express your emotions subtly with the theme of isolation.

Before answering Bridgefag's question about writing with the emotions,I think I have found right here one of the reasons why you don't have the objectives clear except for exposing a theme that has marked your life for a good period.

Also,this fic was written in 2016 and considering that you were writing with the method of dreams,maybe you could change the perspective or narrative towards what you have created and readapt to something more convenient for you.

Maybe it's not the dreams that you have to imagine but the logic of the story that you have built up in the past. Like for example,the griffon George that you liked to write in the end. Think more about his intended purpose and what to do with him, a path for new possibilities instead of seeing him as an obstacle that ends up nowhere.

I know that these are amateur and basic observations towards the fic (and I feel bad about being ignorant about the lore of this setting)but considering that you have felt the writer's block,the HUGE amount of self--criticism towards your own plot holes to the point of obsession(in caps by the way), the problem of clearing up those subtleties along the story and also the method that you use for each scene...

I know that you don't want to follow the fixfic path but...in this era of remakes like Final Fantasy VII and readaptions,something tells me that this wouldn't be a bad option because you couldn't finish it in that first try.

SivC has applied the fixfic method and has managed to be quite successful,getting featured on Fimfiction and still opening threads on /mlp/ with an acclaimed reception.These are different standards and I am aware that you are aiming for a contest that requires 50k words of length but this is the reaction that I have been thinking about in a cold manner.

I am going truly meta here, I know, but it's what I have noticed in the way that you are posting towards your own work.

Anon 05/09/2020 (Sat) 03:11:49 [Preview] No.5937 del
now, leaving aside the standards of quality and lore. I have found this quite funny:
>Fred gets laid by literally every mare in the village that first night, and he doesn't even speak Ponish (The language barrier is another AU-element to this piece, although I weave that into the force-of-magic forcing conformity on the natives).
>Granted that might be okay but that level accidental domination is never repeated
>downgrade it to just the one mare, who was "assigned" to his care because she was the only non-illiterate whose weekend was coming up.

do you know what I would do here? If you are so worried in fixing that level of accidental domination and consider it as an irreversible flaw. If I were you, I would skip this part and discard it for the novel,saying:"Fuck it! Let's expand this golden moment to the maximum!"

Instead,this alpha moment for Fred could be perfectly used as the climax of a NSFW story with absolute freedom,detouring the tone of its main canon story.

I would title the fic something like this: "Magic of Illiterate mares...but I picked the non-illiterate one " and go for the craziest ideas that you have in mind for the wet dream of dominating mares explicitly without any shame.

...just saying...

Anon 05/09/2020 (Sat) 05:22:19 [Preview] No.5938 del
>Magic of Illiterate mares...but I picked the non-illiterate one

I mean, if you want to see ... feel free to laugh, I guess. Also in re-reading it I guess it was only four mares.
The first night.

of the image)

Anon 05/09/2020 (Sat) 05:24:31 [Preview] No.5939 del
Why did the spoiler button not spoil? Is it spoilt?

Anon 05/09/2020 (Sat) 05:31:15 [Preview] No.5940 del
(693.23 KB 900x675 DrWhoovesDerpyLunch.png)
(59.87 KB 1264x712 DragonTia.jpg)
(148.41 KB 1024x745 FOE_Awkward3Some.jpg)
Wait, this is the chat thread, where I posted "roboticized"
...You were quoting discussion about the Pegacorn / CB-univ piece.

You do know I consider them to be incompatible universes to each other, right?
Although rightfully speaking the CB one is intended to go full multi-verse, with a heated argument between my Tyrantlestia, and Canon 'Lestia while Fred/Forest-Fire cowers in the room but behind a bookcase or something.

Anon Board owner 05/09/2020 (Sat) 22:24:38 [Preview] No.5945 del
(281.04 KB 2048x2048 2187698.jpeg)
Fixed. Didn't see any option to just spoiler one of them. Only by a post basis. Or I'm just being an idiot.

Anon 05/09/2020 (Sat) 22:36:44 [Preview] No.5946 del
>You do know I consider them to be incompatible universes to each other, right?
I do. Maybe he just posted it here because he considered in more casual discussion?

>Although rightfully speaking the CB one is intended to go full multi-verse, with a heated argument between my Tyrantlestia, and Canon 'Lestia while Fred/Forest-Fire cowers in the room but behind a bookcase or something.
That could be interesting. How do you write Prime Celestia? I mean, horror, disgust, shock, I see but I know with her there are several paths you could go by that could fit with a "canon" interpretation of her.

I will be posting my take on how to help along your CB fic in a bit in the fic thread so perhaps that question can wait for now.
Congrats on pics working for ya!

Anon 05/10/2020 (Sun) 01:43:25 [Preview] No.5949 del
(49.38 KB 640x360 thisone.jpg)
>episode so far for ya?
I don't know. Some of them make me feel a whiplash of TV Y and TV Y7 FV. They do character driven conflict well so I say I like that.

>Not the best cartoon ever but definitely one that sets up the standards for toy commercials.
It actually quite strange. Doesn't really fit with any of the shows that I see you fags compare it to when evangelizing strangers. If you were to put it in a line up with all the other major /co/ fandom shows it just would feel odd with them. It doesn't feel like it shares much DNA with the rest of the shows from the 2010s.

>Bubblegum makes my dick hard
Bubblegum isn't real. Trust me. She probably is just using magic to fake it.

Anon 05/10/2020 (Sun) 22:29:12 [Preview] No.5952 del
>Some of them make me feel a whiplash of TV Y and TV Y7 FV.
I am implying that you have watched the first season (without taking into account that you have watched the finale). You will lean towards the TV Y7 whenever you get into some questionable territory for a toy commercial of this kind (like The Cutie Map). You will wonder how DHX got away with it and managed to keep the same TV rating throughout the entire series. As for slice of life material, it definitely leans towards the former.

>They do character driven conflict well so I say I like that.
that´s the entire point of the series.

>If you were to put it in a line up with all the other major /co/ fandom shows it just would feel odd with them.
well, if you lurk on other 4chan boards, you will find out that /co/ is also known as /co/mblr for outsiders. Despite forging the first groups that would define the fanbase, they didn´t withstand all that much the culture the dominant influence of /b/ and the Love and Tolerance mindset didn´t last as much as they initially expected. Nowadays, /co/ shares more the likes of Tumblr while this community has detoured to an undefined path that isn´t all that homogeneous.

>It doesn't feel like it shares much DNA with the rest of the shows from the 2010s.
Despite having watched the first 4 seasons of SU and the entirety of The Legend of Korra, I wouldn´t consider myself an expert of how much MLP resembles its contemporaries. Nonetheless, I will say that the (unexpected) phenomena from the early years and the jump from being the laughing stock to the 4th gen standards of quality are the most unique aspects of it.

Anon 05/10/2020 (Sun) 22:37:52 [Preview] No.5953 del
>Maybe he just posted it here because he considered in more casual discussion?
yeah because reviewing it properly in the other thread wouldn´t be all that fair for the knowledge that I have about the lore of that universe so I decided to comment it in a more comfortable manner over here.

>You were quoting discussion about the Pegacorn / CB-univ piece.
eeeyup, I did and I didn´t combine both universes. So far, I have only talked about the Magic of Friendship clips, I haven´t entered yet into the Roboticized pdf.

Anon 05/10/2020 (Sun) 23:21:32 [Preview] No.5954 del
>feel free to laugh, I guess.
you described it as if Fred was an alpha pegacorn but it turns out that he simply wanted to try casual sex and the whole act was... really vanilla, less than a third of that clip was focused on it. On one hand, it was much less NSFW (though it was relatively cute) than I expected but on the other hand, it doesn´t derail the tone of the fic because the main focus was mostly dedicated to his efforts at learning the language.

As this part doesn´t imply as much lore as the other PDF that you had shared before, I have managed to enjoy it more as an independent story despite its context.

Anon 05/10/2020 (Sun) 23:45:09 [Preview] No.5955 del
I was wondering if you guys thought that /endpone/ was dead because you know, we have to wait a few hours for responses or even an entire day...

but it turns out that there isn´t much competition in this altchan and as a result, this rhythm makes /endpone/ look like an integrated board. Even though Endchan has mostly remained this way most of the time, you get out of here and save for 15 boards or so, you realize that this place looks really barren.

Anon 05/13/2020 (Wed) 02:36:23 [Preview] No.5971 del
Funniest thing is that time when the site was so abandoned that we were in the top 5 a lot.

>It actually quite strange. Doesn't really fit with any of the shows that I see you fags compare it to when evangelizing strangers.
I have felt this but I never was sure because I don't watch a lot of core /co/ stuff. If an outsider or should I say a newfag says this than I take it as a partial confirmation that I maybe right.

Anon 05/13/2020 (Wed) 06:06:52 [Preview] No.5973 del
(53.83 KB 680x341 RandomFunposting.jpg)
>"You said my feathers looked wholesome!"

>"Just wishing your feathers covered up some of your holes."

Anon 05/13/2020 (Wed) 07:34:15 [Preview] No.5976 del
I'm either blind or dumb. Plz delete or hide my insanity.

Anon 05/13/2020 (Wed) 23:16:26 [Preview] No.5978 del
>Funniest thing is that time when the site was so abandoned that we were in the top 5 a lot.
yeah. The first time that we got the 4th position was when I was quoting a few lyrics of a love song with a few Amore pictures (hence she deserved the spotlight on the NMAiE general)

/endpone/ managed to get the first place a couple of times by taking advantage of the server errors while the rest of the boards had to recover the pace after the maintenance period.

Anon 05/13/2020 (Wed) 23:20:11 [Preview] No.5980 del
leaving a PoLS over here tonight

Anon Board owner 05/14/2020 (Thu) 03:54:25 [Preview] No.5983 del
It has been beleted. Does the webm work for you? The webm works fine for me. Though it could be just endchan on the fritz like it sometimes still does.

Anon 05/14/2020 (Thu) 16:32:53 [Preview] No.5989 del
Both the webm and mp4 formats work perfectly for me, without any difference between the .net and .org domains of this site.

In my personal case, there are no problems here.

Anon 05/14/2020 (Thu) 18:13:11 [Preview] No.5992 del
So, how do I explain this without getting into a mess within my own explanations?

I recall that >>5875 claimed that pony stuff was sneaking through video games territory over the course of the last decade. Indeed, there were a few references of MLP in games like Fallout.

So, why do I bring this up again?


Because as I posted a few days ago, Them´s Fighting Herds was officially released and...

Anon 05/14/2020 (Thu) 18:27:46 [Preview] No.5993 del
EVO 2020 stands as one of the most famous e sports events, specifically tournaments that cover fighting games.

In theory, this edition had a lineup prepared before the Covid 19 outbreak but it was cancelled, so the event organizers have decided to change the format and go for the online method.

It turns out that the current lineup of games featured for official tournaments has nothing to do with the previous one and as you can see in the announcement from this tweet:


One peculiar highlight that one can abstract from the trailer is that a powerhouse like Smash Bros Ultimate hasn´t made the cut, not even for the public exhibition. Instead, the list of games that have managed to accomplish all the requirements are: MK11, Killer Instinct, Skullgirls and...Them´s Fighting Herds.

How about that? How does it feel that for the first time since 2012, EVO has always had Smash Bros in its roster but this time, it doesn´t? One tries to figure out why this has occurred and the factors around it are...quite paradoxical to say the least.

Anon 05/14/2020 (Thu) 18:54:27 [Preview] No.5994 del
Did you know that Smash Bros Ultimate has a pretty poor online system, particularly the netcode that runs with a peer to peer connection?

Yeah, a multibillionaire company like Nintendo doesn´t do its homework and its fans have complained many times that the online is a disaster. So, appearing publicly at EVO could have been embarrassing and delivered a bad press towards the famous franchise. Not only that but the 4 games featured on the list that are ready for the championships, none of them come from Japanese developers/companies. This means that USA has won Japan in terms of netcode.

The funniest aspect here though is that two indie games like Skullgirls and Them Fighting Herds (which were backed up in Kickstarter, via crowdfunding) with very little money, do have a rollback netcode (GGPO) and deliver better results in their online modes than games which were developed by rich companies like Capcom or Nintendo. The word irony falls short here. So, the companies with the biggest amount of resources (all from Japan) don´t make the cut because they don´t satisfy the technical standards while indie developers with very little money have taken care of that feature.

We have had a really weird 2020 so far but not even video games are free of it. This whole change means that Them Fighting Herds will be seen by outsiders this July and that two indie developers have managed to give a slap in the face because of the poor netcode that the Japanese games run in their famous franchises. Ask a Smash Bros Ultimate player or see a gameplay of this game online and you will be amazed to check out how poor it is actually.

We are living in a really weird timeline, I know. However, the reactions that come from /v/ and media in general are going to be quite pleasant to watch...and no, this is not 2011 nor 2012. The golden era is long gone and somehow, it STILL manages to seethe a few outsiders in 4chan after an entire decade (which is quite impressive honestly). A game with few resources (the spiritual successor of Fighting is Magic) has accomplished all the requirements needed for carrying out a championship at EVO.

So, congratulations to the US developers who have won the battle over Japan and...well, the MANE6 team has managed to teach a lesson (or two) to huge titans this year, getting an opportunity to gain a broader scope than the MLP fanbase alone. It seems that the Kickstarter project has paid off but I never imagined that it would reach this level of attention so soon with such a quite peculiar manner like this.

Anon 05/15/2020 (Fri) 05:19:49 [Preview] No.5995 del
Do you guys have a board mascot(s)/board-tan(s) or OCs of /endpone/?
Backstory of them would be nice as well

Anon 05/15/2020 (Fri) 06:37:40 [Preview] No.5996 del
Wow. I had always herd of Nintendo's ineptitude when it came to internet (weren't they the last to have online connectivity?) but this is something else. Admittedly I haven't kept the best track of Mane6 team that well and TFH.

> getting an opportunity to gain a broader scope than the MLP fanbase alone.
Think about this: Most works that are influenced by MLP were just copycats or cameos. This actually bares the mark of FiM in actual influence and style. That's what makes me smile the most.

Anon 05/15/2020 (Fri) 06:46:10 [Preview] No.5997 del
It's really haunting to run into an old disk that I burned in late 2013 that was filled with a lot of random junk including couple of old MLP eps, pmvs, and low res screencaps. There is something I have to tend too soon and that only adds to the mood.

Anon 05/15/2020 (Fri) 06:55:43 [Preview] No.5998 del
I raise you a far superior mashup.

I can confirm on multiple ends that's the same for me as well including tor.

Anon 05/15/2020 (Fri) 07:05:21 [Preview] No.5999 del
(345.58 KB 500x300 175457.gif)
This here my friends is the Papapaponker. This type of critter was created when not all the Pinkie Pie's went in as into the mirror pool as cleanly as Twilight thought. A few that struggled hard enough managed to survive in various deformed states with one such Pinkie having enough of her original programming to continue to self replicate herself through the pool. Undetected by Twilight Sparkle after she simply sealed off the minor pool with a large boulder, they continued to slowly spread throughout the cave system and eventually into the wider world.
This is more of a horror prompt than fun posting isn't it?

Anon 05/15/2020 (Fri) 09:47:20 [Preview] No.6001 del
Dolores Umbridge
This is the most prominent. When we first occupied this place we had found there was several word filters in place, one of which filtered Glimglam's name to Dolores Umbridge, which we believe was done to negatively compare her to a Harry Potter character of the same name (not really a Harry Potter fan so I don't know anything about the exact details of why but I think it was psychopathy?). We were so amused by the name that we left the filter in. We took the "bridge" out of Umbridge and made it her primary defining trait. This isn't extremely well defined but the consistent thread are that she takes pride in the bridges she builds which is her special talent. She also is often a bridge herself in various forms. before her being memed as a Longpony was cool. We often allude her as a sort of caretaker or guardian of the board and is the most common motif represented in our limited "iconography". Any references to bridges, keeping the bridges crossed, etc, is to her. Often used in board milestones such as >>6000

Bat Cadence
This one is second place. We have our own somewhat established take on her. More positive she is a freespirit. Perhaps she is blowing off energy from the stress of her more happy face she has to put on and wants to blow off stress. Maybe it's a bit darker than that. In this green she is a mysterious figure who tries to convince Apple Bloom to pursue her urges towards strange and violent imagery with the implication that one shouldn't completely hide there darker urges >>3835 (a bit edgy ain't it?). She also has been given the spotlight other times. We used her sometimes as figure to reference /endpone/'s status in the middle of nowhere. Her and Cadence as a whole have been sometimes used as a contrarian symbolism to Celestia, Luna and Twilight.

Stressed Cadence
I guess this is a distant 3rd. This is another take of Cadence. She would be used in shitposts and gets with extremely poor drawings that I can't even find at the moment. Her only trait is that is extremely fearful of Dolores building bridges and drawing negative attention/bad luck (/endpone/ continuing to hit milestones) and that she would pass out or freak out from GETS or other events that were positive for the board. Has been largely replaced by Bat Cadence but echos of her sometimes are still referenced.

I suppose there maybe other candidates. Us using other more obscure characters for symbolism consistently or OCs that are endemic to here but used like once or twice but of anything that I would consider characters with defined traits that have been used relatively consistently across shitposts, memes, and limited fics/greens it would be these 3.

Anon 05/15/2020 (Fri) 10:17:47 [Preview] No.6002 del

Anon 05/16/2020 (Sat) 07:16:38 [Preview] No.6010 del
You know. I'm adding this to my fic thread todo list. I have some stuff to say...

Poni Pony PONE?

Anon 05/16/2020 (Sat) 07:55:30 [Preview] No.6011 del
(72.26 KB 1063x752 TypicWast.jpg)
(28.11 KB 200x150 Remembering.jpg)
> I have some stuff to say...
Looking forward to it.

Anon 05/16/2020 (Sat) 22:39:48 [Preview] No.6014 del
see >>6001

>I suppose there maybe other candidates. Us using other more obscure characters for symbolism consistently or OCs that are endemic to here
despite having the intentions to share pictures of seaponies (me personally though) and writing stories of OCs for a political revolution, a bat pony OC or even an entire cast with subtleties thrown throughout the entire story in a poisonous manner, all of these fall short and haven´t become all that transcendental or at least, they haven´t reached the level that both the Glim Glam bridge or the Bat Cadence hold here. Same goes to the thread dedicated for feedback, none of those stories have had that level of impact because they haven´t been exposed in /endpone/ as original content intended for the board (despite discussing the ideas behind them) so they come as more spontaneous/external material.

Perhaps one could say that this board is more familiar with certain IDW characters like the ones I am displaying here (and Cosmos got her story here by the way >>5108) but again...

>but used like once or twice but of anything that I would consider characters with defined traits that have been used relatively consistently across shitposts, memes, and limited fics/greens it would be these 3.
we would have to go back to this point right here and check what is actually iconic here and nothing comes close to those two figures yet.

Anon 05/16/2020 (Sat) 23:13:26 [Preview] No.6015 del
>This type of critter was created when not all the Pinkie Pie's went in as into the mirror pool as cleanly as Twilight thought.
*shivers after reading this

>they continued to slowly spread throughout the cave system and eventually into the wider world.
ladies and gentlecolts, Equestria is going to have its own pandemic just that it hasn´t been reported yet.

>This is more of a horror prompt than fun posting isn't it?
well, sometimes the worst scenes happen when they smile in public pretending that nothing is happening when in reality, the most atrocious events are being hidden from the rest.

That is to say, simply follow Brave New World´s formula and there you have your genuinely horrifying story.

>I raise you a far superior mashup.
>Linkin Park´s mashup with DT
edgy teenagers are having an existential episode again....but with MLP and a little bit more colourf...greyish.

>I can confirm on multiple ends that's the same for me as well including tor.
except that I should have mentioned this. On my mobile phone, the videos with the mp4 format work but the webm don´t run at all. It says and I am quoting this error that appears in a grey screen: "No video with supported format and MIME type found" and I have checked that out with >>5988. On PC, there are no problems at all though.

>There is something I have to tend too soon and that only adds to the mood.
not only low res screencaps but I believe that you have saved the thumbnails here. This happened to me when I had to transfer the picture from my mobile to the PC and one entire folder had the entire gallery filled with thumbnails. I didn´t realize about that different at first but when you see that low quantity of KB or resolution, you notice that those images aren´t the most fitting ones to post out there.

I imagine that the screencaps were taken with the 380p resolution that you talked about a few months ago.

Anon 05/16/2020 (Sat) 23:39:35 [Preview] No.6016 del
now, diving into the Them´s Fighting Herds territory and EVO online...

>I had always herd of Nintendo's ineptitude when it came to internet (weren't they the last to have online connectivity?) but this is something else. Admittedly I haven't kept the best track of Mane6 team that well and TFH.
well, if you want to know how AWFUL the online that Nintendo offers to the players, I am linking this video that explains, not only the troubles with Smash but also, how different netcodes work and how Nintendo players have to deal with all these problems by paying Nintendo´s online (as they are exposed in pic related, which is armed robbery but their fans dig it for...reasons) :

https://youtube.com/watch?v=IU8thk6JnwA [Embed]

Why was Nintendo cut from EVO and TFH entered in the lineup instead?
If you are not going to watch the video, I will try to sum it up. There are two types of netcode here: 1) Delay Based Netcode and 2) GGPO or Rollback Netcode.

The former has been used in all the Japanese games and this becomes more apparent in fighting games in which every frame matters. One of the players´ systems has to send inputs to the other console or PC and by doing so, there are a few frames of delay during the process but as the online is varies according to the region and/or wifi service of each user, this does add the problem that more frames of delay can appear in the middle of the input delivery. This netcode is used broadly in Japan and, as we are talking about an island of a small size, Japanese companies don´t feel the need to change the netcode because the connectivity in their country is consistent among Japanese players. However, you can´t afford this in the Americas nor in Europe because their sizes are bigger and so, the lag becomes more apparent because of the distance between the players.

Anon 05/16/2020 (Sat) 23:55:24 [Preview] No.6017 del
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However, there is another netcode to use for these games: the Rollback one. This one consists in delivering the same amount of inputs by processing the game several times and as a result, those frames of delay stay the same throughout the entire online match as though you are playing in the offline mode. Western developers (especially the US) have to resort to this netcode and so, all the 4 games featured in EVO that have an open tournament share this same netcode and why all of them come from the West.

TFH and Skullgirls have a lot in common because the MANE6 team has also integrated the same Rollback netcode that Skullgirls uses. Funnily enough, the rollback netcode has been free for months so Japanese developers have no excuse to not use it at all. Because of this lack of delay that this rollaback netcode offers, this edition of EVO could be used as a wake-up call, especially Nintendo.

While it´s true that DBZ Fighter Z lags a lot, Smash Bros Ultimate ranks at the bottom of its league in terms of netcode. The offline mode (the baseline) gives 6 frames of delay (instead of 3 like Melee did) and the Switch could have struggled at running the game at 60 FPS with those graphics. Because of the Switch being a handheld system, Nintendo cannot change the netcode nor they won´t downgrade the graphics in order to implement the rollback one.

What´s worse is that they don´t seem to care about the fan feedback nor they want Smash to be seen as a competitive game (they consider it a party game) and so, some of the characters in the roster become absolutely broken/overpowered in the online mode because of the added frames for reacting to the movements of your opponent.

Some are starting to conspire about this lack of Smash and there are a few that are starting to speculate that Nintendo could have denied its permission to show Smash´s online. It would have turned into an utter mess and they would have received lots of bad press. They didn´t do their homework and so, they have to leave the event with their heads down.

To sum up this entire post, pic related is a perfect visual representation of what has happened with Smash and EVO.

Anon 05/17/2020 (Sun) 00:17:17 [Preview] No.6018 del
and in contrast, TFH comes into the big leagues and achieves its placement in this event.

>Think about this: Most works that are influenced by MLP were just copycats or cameos. This actually bares the mark of FiM in actual influence and style. That's what makes me smile the most.
what´s even better is that the fighting game community (FGC) hasn´t gone all that reluctant as I expected. In fact, they welcome the fact that Smash was removed and see TFH as an advantage for them because this game has the rollback netcode that the community wants to have for their games.

There have articles praising the development behind the game and how this whole process has paid off in such a great manner that they are getting a huge advertisement for their effort:


Not to mention that the FGC was familiar with MLP way back in 2013 when Fighting is Magic appeared in the exhibition lineup so they had a first contact long ago. The stigma is still there but as the explosive hype around the franchise is gone, they are judging the game for what it is and reviewers have admitted that this game is competent enough in order to carry out a tournament of this level.

This proves that image doesn´t matter here. The development team managed to assemble all the required technicalities and a few days after its official release, it has entered in EVO and surprised everyone all of a sudden.

What I have said in my previous posts might sound off topic or too detailed for what it is but it´s a huge twist from the outside. TFH has a lot to gain with this event because it´s going to be its main method to advertise itself and encourage a few newcomers who aren´t familiar with the game to step in and force them to get rid of the "girly" or "cartoonish" stigma while playing it.

So far, I think that mostly everyone has welcomed the change of Smash with TFH (and Skullgirls as well) and all these posts explain why the "infamous autistic image" on the internet (of this fanbase) doesn´t matter at all for this tournament, technicalities and requirements of quality do matter for establishing which game gets in or not in the end.

That´s the lesson one can extract from this whole story.

Anon 05/17/2020 (Sun) 05:06:56 [Preview] No.6022 del
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Those comments in the article linked are reminding me of 2012. I hate and love being reminded of the time.

This is a good run down of Nindon'ts latest idiocy that I'm going to cap this for future sharing.

>This actually bares the mark of FiM in actual influence and style. That's what makes me smile the most.
As faggy as it sounds me too. My only concern being that positive attention it gets draws in outsiders who ruin it. I hope that just becomes this nice game with a healthy semi-adjacent fandom that everyone can enjoy.

Anon 05/17/2020 (Sun) 05:20:35 [Preview] No.6023 del
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I don't have much to say so I'll say it here. Your fics to me seem like a more well thought out than simple wish fullfillment self incert fics. There is some intereting concepts that make up for possible cringe and I'm not sure if I'd say it's that cringy at all. Though I'd say that you need to ask yourself what your goal is before deciding on a path on some of the concepts you and the /endpone/ies [spoiler]/endpone/fags? /pone/r fags?[spoiler] have been discussing before you get decide to pen anything down so you don't run into writters block as easily.

Anon 05/18/2020 (Mon) 22:51:18 [Preview] No.6028 del
>Those comments in the article linked are reminding me of 2012. I hate and love being reminded of the time.
ironically, the first real contact that I had with MLP was when I saw a video full of comments on Youtube among bronies and antibronies. I had a great time laughing at how people could unironically enjoy a little girls series while the other side was leaving the salt in public. These kind of fights were the first reason to get interest in this franchise. Fans trigger an overreaction from outsiders and then, the thread of mixed reactions begin. I still enjoy seeing these to this day (but not as much as I did back then because the arguments are mostly the same and really predictable)

>This is a good run down of Nindon'ts latest idiocy that I'm going to cap this for future sharing.
I could have criticized and ripped Smash way more than what I exposed in those posts but I mostly stayed in the netcode problem because that was the main issue in order to understand the changes in the lineup. Smash not being at EVO is simply a symptom and fans of that game have accepted the absence because it was well deserved. Even a fanmade Melee emulated on PC delivers a better online than Ultimate. Let that sink in...

The fighting game of the year in 2019 and the one that has brought the biggest numbers in EVO´s history...has been dropped in exchange of games that offer a much better online service (netcode) without paying and has way less budget for their development. Life has many twists and we all might have witnessed one that will be really unlikely to repeat in the future.

Anon 05/18/2020 (Mon) 23:07:28 [Preview] No.6029 del
>I hope that just becomes this nice game with a healthy semi-adjacent fandom that everyone can enjoy.
that´s what we all want to happen but I am going to be the killjoy here...

>My only concern being that positive attention it gets draws in outsiders who ruin it.
TFH integrating in the EVO lineup is a huge achievement that one cannot overlook at all but let´s keep our hooves on earth, shall we?

Sure the popularity might rise and it can perfectly be integrate naturally in the category of competitive fighting games (it might have already accomplished that) but not everything is as bright and colourful as it looks. Becoming a part of EVO implies that TFH will be put under the radar of the entire fighting game community (FGC) and you know what that means, the same philosophy that the FGC has had might be translated on this game as well. I am already imagining the classic Smash vs FGC debates but with TFH involved in the middle of it.

On the bright side, bronies are seen as one of the greatest peaks of autism/degeneration on the internet so the problems from the FGC might not affect all that much because the fanbase is immune to all kinds of negative criticism from the outside. Either way, relatively speaking, this change might end up being a trifle in comparison to what the fanbase dealt in the past.

Still, we´ll see how the chemistry gets developed in the upcoming months and how this EVO tournament plays out.

Anon 05/19/2020 (Tue) 05:18:04 [Preview] No.6032 del
>Those comments in the article linked are reminding me of 2012. I hate and love being reminded of the time.
On the one hand: early fan fics, fan projects taking off, a general feel of "innocence" even in the drama.

On the other: Bronypride. Need I say more? Yeah I can see why one would have mixed feelings.

>My only concern being that positive attention it gets draws in outsiders who ruin it. I hope that just becomes this nice game with a healthy semi-adjacent fandom that everyone can enjoy.
I don't know the internal dynamics of the fighting community all that well. I agree on the fear though.

Anon 05/19/2020 (Tue) 05:27:42 [Preview] No.6033 del
>Still, we´ll see how the chemistry gets developed in the upcoming months and how this EVO tournament plays out.
It seems to be getting a extremely positive reaction so far from the forum, news discusions, and youtube vids and comments so far. Even saw a guy go from almost laughing at it to taking it seriously. A lot outside thee fandom were calling it the pony game which to me is a double edged sword; after so many who built themselves up on us just move onto generic /co/ and furry projects while seemingly often pretending the pony phase didn't exist It's nice to see something from our fandom and inspired so clearly from FiM get acknowledgment and recognition from outsiders of being from that. Yet I too would hope that they build there own identity and not be stuck with that label.

I guess will have ta wait and see.

Anon 05/20/2020 (Wed) 00:08:19 [Preview] No.6039 del
>I don't know the internal dynamics of the fighting community all that well. I agree on the fear though.
that fear is reasonably understandable because the fanbase has stayed quite independent so far (and it will remain that way) but getting along with a different audience who isn´t deep into this franchise...it hasn´t experienced that yet.

However, despite the stigma of ""ponies"" appearing in the game (save Oleander, I am not seeing any other one in the roster),the players who are used to playing other fighting games can easily move to this game because the mechanics don´t feel alien at all. This might not sound really important but I believe that TFH does have a chance to avoid the drama within the FGC,mostly because it doesn´t fall under the question of being a fighting game or not.

I am saying this because beyond the appearance, it falls short for building up any controversies to those people. The game doesn´t have any aerial mechanics that change the dynamic nor the gameplay. That is to say, TFH can gain some respect among the FGC and in the end, the arguments between the fans will be aiming towards the endless vicious circle among Smash fans and the rest.

>It seems to be getting a extremely positive reaction so far from the forum, news discusions, and youtube vids and comments so far. Even saw a guy go from almost laughing at it to taking it seriously.
I have been checking out the reactions from them as well and yeah, I am not noticing any frictions from those who are into the fighting games and the fanbase. Maybe they will say that bronies are weirdos (as usual) but it´s highly unlikely that elitism comes into play here.

>A lot outside thee fandom were calling it the pony game which to me is a double edged sword; after so many who built themselves up on us just move onto generic /co/ and furry projects while seemingly often pretending the pony phase didn't exist
hypocrisies and projections will always exist. /co/ doesn´t want to remember what happened in the past and it adapted a reluctant attitude towards MLP in general as if they want to leave those years as the missing links that is seen as taboo.

And sadly (we have talked about this before), former fans of MLP who decided to abandon the ride adopt this mindset of forgetting anything related to MLP, as if anything personal from them shouldn´t be in public and they delete all the fan material they provided in the past enthusiastically. That pattern is quite depressing to witness (even more when you see the process at the time). I don´t understand that shame of what they loved in the past, much less now considering that the hostility has diminished a lot, and while it´s still floating around people´s heads, when a few years pass and you are no longer trendy, it won´t matter all that much (in comparison to the early 10s)

>It's nice to see something from our fandom and inspired so clearly from FiM get acknowledgment and recognition from outsiders of being from that. Yet I too would hope that they build there own identity and not be stuck with that label.
I agree with you even though the tag attached to the game looks really challenging to get over it.

>I guess will have ta wait and see.

Anon 05/20/2020 (Wed) 16:57:42 [Preview] No.6044 del
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Left in the second scruffening, never been back. That place is dead to me.

Anon 05/20/2020 (Wed) 17:10:28 [Preview] No.6045 del
the second scruffening was the anonfilly right?

Anon 05/20/2020 (Wed) 18:39:18 [Preview] No.6046 del
(164.60 KB 479x669 KoboldNoble.jpg)
pretty sure I was gone by then, but I don't remember what exactly happened other than a bunch of threads were deleted, a bunch of stupid off-topic spam threads were left up for multiple days, and everybody was mad.

The anon that helped critique my FoE piece, who went by nymphanon, more or less, said he was fleeing to 8ch -- but he didn't stay more than a few weeks, I think. lots had drained back to 4chin but I figured 8ch was stronger in their faith regardless of the sheer volume of halfchan.

I feel I was right, but not only has 8kun's pone died, but the deplatforming has also killed /k/ and /tg/ I think, although I was deleted everytime I posted to /tg/ asking around about MLP themed games.

Anon 05/21/2020 (Thu) 00:22:00 [Preview] No.6049 del
didn´t the 2nd scruffening occur in spring 2016 though? Because I remember that almost the entire catalog disappeared and the roleplay rule came out of nowhere (banning Hi Anon because it was seen as RP)

>said he was fleeing to 8ch -- but he didn't stay more than a few weeks, I think
this right here proves that trying to stay in a permanent exile from /mlp/ fails whenever one promises to one self that he is not going to come back because someday, one returns there without thinking about it. Maybe a few are actually committed to their own convictions at not taking part of that place anymore but hey, never say never again.

I still lurk on /mlp/ and despite displaying huge disagreements/criticisms towards that place, I never said that I wouldn´t come back there nor saying that it´s dead. Interest simply goes up and down for me but this board (/endpone/), I don´t see it replacing the huge titan of /mlp/ at all. This whole board stands for a side project that spontaneously keeps on going until God knows when. I can´t adapt the mindset of 8kun here.

>not only has 8kun's pone died, but the deplatforming has also killed /k/ and /tg/
how many months has 8ch remained out of the map in general because of the trial? 2 months? 3? That period of time kills any candidate that desires to turn into a big player in the imageboard territory. For a small alternative chan like this one, the inactivity doesn´t cause as many losses as what you have described right here.

Anon 05/21/2020 (Thu) 04:48:51 [Preview] No.6050 del
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Remember, /mlp/ is both "strict" and arbitrary. Though from my experience they have or at least what I herd from complaining since I often laps in visiting there been much stricter on NSFW than they already were do to the split into 4channel.

Aren't y'all trying to regroup on antares.oss or has that been shuttered?

>this right here proves that trying to stay in a permanent exile from /mlp/ fails whenever one promises to one self that he is not going to come back because someday, one returns there without thinking about it. Maybe a few are actually committed to their own convictions at not taking part of that place anymore but hey, never say never again.
It depends on what one defines as not taking part. Is mere occasionally lurking count? A shitpost or two? I'd imagine some would have different definitions and not count the occasional peak or keeping taps the same as calling the board home.

Anon 05/21/2020 (Thu) 04:57:08 [Preview] No.6051 del
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>Aren't y'all trying to regroup on antares.oss

Via a proxy, I went there ... and the chan has no /pone/
It has in fact, only a half dozen boards and no hidden/unlisted ones, so far as I can tell. So if there was a real effort to migrate there, I couldn't find it.

Anon 05/21/2020 (Thu) 05:15:11 [Preview] No.6053 del
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Well that sucks. It must feel bad to lose such a place. Home is home and I know that place accrued its own culture and way of things. Though I wouldn't say to completely give up hope I will give a /) in respect.

Anon 05/21/2020 (Thu) 06:26:46 [Preview] No.6057 del
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Hold your horses on declaring 8/pone fully dead just yet. The reason there is no /pone/ is because all perspective boards have to camp out in the misc board to see how many are actually willing to migrate over. Here the onion link for those that wish to use tor with the thread in question.

Anon 05/21/2020 (Thu) 06:41:11 [Preview] No.6058 del
I mean if this board of fags can survive and build something resembling a healthy chan, lore, maschots, OC and all.
8/pone/ chan live on even with a handful left.

Anon 05/21/2020 (Thu) 06:46:41 [Preview] No.6059 del
Okay... maybe you guys have a winning formula with your edit thread. Just ran this through the kaleidoscope filter on gimp with no other changes and this looks sick and cyberpunk in its own right.

Anon 05/21/2020 (Thu) 22:48:37 [Preview] No.6066 del
>I'd imagine some would have different definitions and not count the occasional peak or keeping taps the same as calling the board home.
yeah, it always relies on each personal case. What I meant here is that people who promise themselves to not come back to that site, eventually most of them eat up and swallow their own words without anyone asking for that promise.

I suppose that simply lurking over there doesn´t actually count because there is no way to measure that activity/practice (much less when all the users are anonymous)

> The reason there is no /pone/ is because all perspective boards have to camp out in the misc board to see how many are actually willing to migrate over.
so the site is being set and is found in a transitional state now. Well, let´s see if in a few days/weeks, a MLP board can be created over there so you can...

>I mean if this board of fags can survive and build something resembling a healthy chan, lore, mascots, OC and all.
>8/pone/ chan live on even with a handful left.
... do this in any of those sites. I am sure that a board can actually stay alive with its own pace but the problem relies on the mindset and/or compromise from the users themselves. I mean, sure, this board looks inspiring and others can write down a few tricks for running a MLP board in an altchan.

I simply stumbled upon a couple of users that have been quite chill and open to new ideas (and incredibly supportive as well while putting them in practice) so I suppose that the ambient has contributed a lot in order to keep going. Does this count as circlejerking? It does and I won´t deny that but one has to ask what other choices you have out there with so few users in boards of this kind.

Anon 05/21/2020 (Thu) 23:14:48 [Preview] No.6067 del
>maybe you guys have a winning formula with your edit thread.
well, it´s funny that you claim that the edit thread is a winning formula when in reality, it represents that we are not actually content creators in terms of drawing new content (there are a few exceptions such as >>6001 >>5872) and at first, I wasn´t all that convinced at creating that thread because I thought that I would run into problems for editing without permission (see from >>678 until >>685). Over time, I have been losing that fear and this board has been adding stuff since then that you wouldn´t see in any other places (even though 95-99% of those pictures are registered on Derpi, just that you wouldn´t share them so easily)

That general is meant for editing pictures that you wouldn´t post in your average thread (for the most part) and so, its main purpose is the experimentation so that material gains a second life or a new perspective. Bonus points if the actual original picture looks bad on its own and the edit manages to save it. I see that you have been taking notes of that general...

Anyway, that picture is absolutely stunning with that effect and it comes in handy as a poster for a futuristic movie. A very surprising highlight coming from your part.

Anon 05/26/2020 (Tue) 19:19:21 [Preview] No.6108 del
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It seems I've recently riled up unneeded responses by discussing music.
So, I'll bite. Have you seen music for sale when tuned to the 432hz std? If so, *WHY* ?

Personally I haven't listened to much of anything not presented by Cider Party or P@D for at least five years, and learned of bandcamp via Exiark & Radiarc, et al., before that.

Of course, a decade ago I was trolling youtube for furry music and mostly only able to find furry-still montages set to standard EDM mainstream pieces. Hearing the new-furries come out of the woodwork, their shell, etc to make their own techno has been a breath of fresh air I cannot describe in words.
The world needed brony music. Or at least I did.

Of course not everyone agrees. One coworker threatens to punch me every time he hears me listening to music, holding pony music in an insatiable hatred unmatched by any of his other hatreds.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oh well.

What music do you guys listen to?

Anon 05/26/2020 (Tue) 22:13:41 [Preview] No.6109 del
well, I am changing the discussion of that topic over here so we can discuss the more personal topic on /night/ and the musical one over here:

>he mad
I have admitted that I went too direct yesterday but don´t take anything of what I said to personal level. In fact, not sure if you have noticed but I didn´t enter into the musical taste nor I responded with an "It´s shit" response. I simply wanted to portray that the basis behind that premise is at its best, questionable, and at its worst, a scam that wants to take advantage of people who don´t know about this.

I cannot shoot the messenger nor use ad hominem so I didn´t enter into personal matters (unlike the ones that follow your post after responding to this topic on /night/ which are psychological and I have to understand more your personal circumstances) However, as for this musical topic....I´ve seen that movie too.

>I posted a video with a few minutes of tones, originally posted hoping to encourage healing thoughts, IE a mellow, meditative mood. The uploader speaks about 432/440 elsewhere, though not on this video, so I'm actually just assuming it's tuned to the 432 standard.

>And for comparison I post ... a 4-year old smacking a drum set.It's okay to laugh, as you should have gotten the joke by now.
yeah and I saw the sarcasm word written in yellow text.Just that either way, I decided to bite and considering that we decided to go off topic given that it was already opened, I wanted to clear up a few things from the get-go.

>Seriously? I've never once in my life heard someone try to sell me something when talking about the 432 standard.


Most of that music are simply playlists but if one looks closely, one would realize that these artists wouldn´t get any sort of attention whatsoever. If they recorded their music in 440 Hz, they wouldn´t stand out nor find a niche in the market. That is to say, they shield themselves into 432 HZ so they make it sound special and enlightened music (especially for people who are looking for meditative, relaxing or reflective music, that group of people are the target that lure the most with this theory) and sell it to you as a solution.

Anon 05/26/2020 (Tue) 22:15:11 [Preview] No.6110 del
>they recommend avoiding all commercial music because it's unhealthy for you
top 40 has been mostly low quality and appeal to the lowest common denominator...I mean, what´s new with that? By the way, in terms of production, I assume that they blame pop music for being overly compressed (the infamous loudness war by turning up the volume to oblivion. Multinationals believed that the louder, the better) but that practice ended in the 2010s for the most part, not to mention that the underground doesn´t follow the same path as the mainstream artist.

>really? I mean, "Buy our toys REAL HARD" really?
not in the same as you believe. They try to sell the premise of the 432 Hz to you and then, you think about it for a minute, feel enlightened in comparison to the rest of the society because of feeling special by listening to it (and also backing it up that 440 Hz is evil because Goebbels imposed it to annoy people so there is a secret conspiracy that the industry is pursuing you for listening to 432 Hz. When in reality, the ISO approved the 440 Hz standard in 1955, no nazis were involved) and then, after convincing yourself that 432 Hz is the solution, sell their records.

It´s kind of a reverse formula with Hasbro. You are completely aware that they produce toy commercials but you like it despite acknowledging that the brand was intended in order to sell toys to children.

>I've seen some okay math. It's from laymen, but it seems plausible. Fibonacci sequence figures heavily into it.
Even then, it´s curious that they left in the numbers constitutions the decimal parts and all of them are well rounded for some reason. Still, I would be the first to read an actual scientific report and see if there are actual discussions from the scientific community (because this belongs to the physics department) but until I don´t see actual studies, reports, interviews, observations that lead that 432 Hz (and I mean with that number alone or a confidence interval whose errors include that number) is the number of the universe....I cannot accredit that at all. I mean if you want to listen to 432 Hz, okay perfect, enjoy it. However, keep in mind...


That most music that you will find in Youtube was recorded in 440 Hz originally and then, a fan would pitch down that recording for that frequency.
If I were to mention the Fibonacci sequence in music, I would speculate about the Lateralus record made by Tool in 2001. That records does actually mix math with music and it´s praised for many reasons (and the mathematical aspect is an actual feature that was intended to be analyzed for that album)

>I stand by what I said -- the 432 standard yielded a set of chords that felt cooperative, harmonious. The 440 stand sounded raucous. Don't get me wrong, there's a place for raucous music.
That´s because you ear feels oversaturated of listening to music recorded in that frequency. That feeling isn´t all that weird and your ear feel drawn towards different frequencies. That tiring feeling would apply to any frequency in general though.

>if you're wanting something more contemplative, that won't jar your conscious mind, I suspect I'd prefer the 432 stuff.
well, that´s a matter of taste. I mean, that´s up to you for personal enjoyment. All my previous lines are mostly focused on the premise of that slogan of "Music that connects with the universe". If you enjoy it, perfect but I don´t buy the premise at all. What matters the most in music, instead of pointing out what frequency that song/musical piece has, I would focus more on finding good albums because in the end, that´s what will matter the most.

>since I don't buy music anyway, I'll probably just have to take what I can get.
well, then those people won´t take advantage of you, economically speaking.

Anon 05/26/2020 (Tue) 22:33:34 [Preview] No.6111 del
(352.68 KB 2089x1200 April 2020.jpg)

phew, okay. I have posted more than I expected and definitely,it´s better to omit that topic on the /night/ thread.

Those personal posts are going to be hard to reply though.


>Have you seen music for sale when tuned to the 432hz std?
I haven´t been in a record store since January. I bought a Rolling Stones record for my brother as a gift and so far, besides the internet, I haven´t seen once that label of 432 Hz in any record at all.

>Hearing the new-furries come out of the woodwork, their shell, etc to make their own techno has been a breath of fresh air I cannot describe in words.The world needed brony music. Or at least I did.
well, they did respond with a much more effective answer and oh boy, bronies went wild with that scene.

>One coworker threatens to punch me every time he hears me listening to music, holding pony music in an insatiable hatred unmatched by any of his other hatreds.
that coworker must be fun at parties...*rolls eyes

>What music do you guys listen to?
well...unless Bridgefag links me brony music in this board, I don´t listen to MLP related music nor I have followed the scene. I must confess that.

About my musical taste...well, I made this chart on topsters last month. Feel free to see it but it doesn´t skew much from your average /mu/ user. Nothing really amazing honestly (I could have included weirder/more underground records that I don´t listen all that much but that would leave a slightly insincere note from my part in that regard)

Anon 05/27/2020 (Wed) 02:40:48 [Preview] No.6119 del
[buncha links]

TY, I feel informed.

>I haven´t been in a record store since January.

I haven't been in a record store since ... Actually, no I haven't. I've been to DVD/CD 2nd-hand-stores. They're an absolute crap shoot but for half to one dollar for a disc, eh. I've been know to take a certain risk.

>it doesn´t skew much from your average /mu/ user
Been there once, for about a week. I had pretty much no idea what they were talking about and I don't think my stay enriched my musical knowledge.

Also, it seems I haven't heard of one song on your list, so there's that. I've heard of the Cure & the Rolling stones, but not heard those songs.
Such is life; my coworker will enthusiastically describe some movie scene, which requires "seeing" the actor to get the image. I've never heard of the actor. He lists six or seven movies he's famous for being in. I've heard of one of them, but never watched it.

Anon 05/27/2020 (Wed) 05:51:19 [Preview] No.6120 del
(91.67 KB 1280x720 musicpony.jpg)
Man I have a lot more to say to this music discussion, but I will leave this for now.
Good taste right here. What's your fav song?

>Of course not everyone agrees. One coworker threatens to punch me every time he hears me listening to music, holding pony music in an insatiable hatred unmatched by any of his other hatreds.
Does he hate it fully for pony or because of hating a style of music and because its pony? Basically: did the music make him hate the ponies or the ponies make him just write it off?

>What music do you guys listen to?
Old hits, Progressive Rock and some related obscure stuff from my Father's influence, A scattering of Pony Music if I were to catagorize it from my uncultured un/mu/sical view. I'll share some links in a bit.

top 40 has been mostly low quality and appeal to the lowest common denominator...I mean, what´s new with that?
One of these things is true one of things is partly true. Though you raised a fair point last time we discussed it I'd like to make the argument that I think that the Top as gotten worse due ta media fragmentation. Impulses (sex) and music based on what will ring in your head the most based on careful research.
PoLS IRL stuff has arisen.

Anon 05/27/2020 (Wed) 07:57:13 [Preview] No.6121 del
>Good taste right here. What's your fav song?

I've not, it seemed, been keeping close track of late as a month ago I went to his /music page and found stuff I had never heard.
I've had that on one mix-tape CD after another for more than a year.

Right now I'm enjoying the Forgotten album but all his stuff is good for dark atmospheric pieces.
Exiark's remix of Soldiers of the Night is really good too, although I'll admit to liking Hackd's Fealty remix, though nowhere near as much.

Lighter pieces include MrMehster's Spirit Animal, Tripon's Ponyheadz, and PCRS's Smile & Wave

PCRS is really good if you have the emotional reaction to the part of the show they're singing about, that they did when they wrote the song. If the lyrics don't grab you by the throat ... they're skilled but it's not great music, just okay. Smile & Wave, though... For an only child, I have a lot of opinions about sibling rivalries.

Anon 05/27/2020 (Wed) 23:57:07 [Preview] No.6122 del
Leaving a proof of life shitpost.

Still, I wanted to leave something for Bridgefag >>6120

https://youtube.com/watch?v=_wu1V30YLro [Embed]

>I'd like to make the argument that I think that the Top as gotten worse due ta media fragmentation. Impulses (sex) and music based on what will ring in your head the most based on careful research.
perhaps you are be right about that.

However, always remember how the music industry works. One day you are the most mainstream/coolest thing in the entire world (and for most people, those singles work as background music) and in a couple of years (or even months), people will give you a kick all of a sudden, leaving you behind because the trendy wagon has been totally exploited .Thus, another new toy will replace it instead that will top the charts until the fuel runs out and ends up broken. Either they earn their loyal fans throughout that process by doing something different or they hop onto the next trend in order to stay relevant in those lists.

A few icons are safe of this pattern but for the most part, easy-come, easy-go. Perhaps, I will share a few examples of that (including this recent rediscovery for me).

Sleep well tonight, /endpone/.

Anon 05/29/2020 (Fri) 00:01:42 [Preview] No.6127 del
>I've been to DVD/CD 2nd-hand-stores. They're an absolute crap shoot but for half to one dollar for a disc, eh. I've been know to take a certain risk.
I´ve been in a few of those and yeah, the presentation leaves...a lot to be desired but what matters the most is that you find a great offer (if you know what you are looking for).

>I had pretty much no idea what they were talking about and I don't think my stay enriched my musical knowledge.
let me sum it up for you. There is even more shitposting and bait threads than /mlp/´s catalog. Except for a few generals, the rest is about displaying elitism, political discussion in certain news and memes about reviewers or certain specific records.

There are a few tools from /mu/ that anyone should be aware though:

Topsters (for creating a chart about the records that you like so others can recommend you more stuff that you might like according to what you usually listen to), Rateyourmusic (for knowing the ratings and checking out the discography of each artist and thus, you see the most popular or praised record of that band/musician), Bandcamp/Soundcloud (for supporting small artists directly, you know about this site though), Soulseek (for downloading the albums), Last FM (a media player that recommends you more music according to what you listen without asking anyone else) and the /mu/ sticky as a guide for everything about that board (the records they normally like and what language they use in certain threads):


Without lurking on that board, I am introducing all the material that the board uses in a daily basis. I could also add Discogs for buying a specific release of any record, it´s almost like an Amazon/Wikipedia shop that displays all the versions fabricated over time of any specific album.

After using this post as a huge advertisement of that board, at least, I have shown here a fair amount of features in order to understand how it works.

In a board about ponies...yeah, because it totally makes sense. Still, it should be useful for anyone really so despite describing the core behind /mu/, this should work for anything related to music on the internet in general.

Anon 05/29/2020 (Fri) 00:06:50 [Preview] No.6128 del
I have to end it up right here. Tomorrow I will finish what I´ve got left.

Goodnight, folks.

Anon 05/29/2020 (Fri) 23:51:03 [Preview] No.6129 del
>Though you raised a fair point last time we discussed it I'd like to make the argument that I think that the Top as gotten worse due ta media fragmentation. Impulses (sex) and music based on what will ring in your head the most based on careful research.
before I comment this with much more depth and replying beforehand to your point, I will wait for your detailed point of view.

ironically enough, I have found the covers of their albums on Topsters (even though Exiark doesn´t appear and the latest releases from Radiarc are not registered yet)

>Also, it seems I haven't heard of one song on your list, so there's that. I've heard of the Cure & the Rolling stones, but not heard those songs.
well, I could have included The Beatles (Revolver) and The Beach Boys (Pet Sounds) for displaying that I like quite a bit the most popular artists ever (and this week, I have been considering if I should add The Cardigans). All of these are albums (not songs) and while I admit that not all these albums are instantly recognizable from an outsider, in the music community, they are very popular (not top 40 for the radio but still, the number of fans for those band are quite overwhelming) and really praised (check Rateyourmusic and you will see how high their average scores are) so I cannot afford to show elitism for listening to extremely unknown underground music only (because I don´t)

By the way,only The Cure and The Stones? I mean, don´t get me wrong but I am a little bit surprised because I included Eric Clapton (Derek and The Dominos was a coded name for his band), Pink Floyd, Supertramp, David Bowie, Radiohead, ELO, Rush (and to an extent, New Order, The Smiths and Aphex Twin) . These ones are pretty hard to leave out (even in the internet age) but hey, everything fades over time, I guess.

However, I am noticing a pattern that you seem to feel more invested for single songs rather than entire albums. Though it totally makes sense, especially now that Spotify exists and people create their own playlists or simply get carelessly driven by custom playlists according to their mood at the time. Music has historically worked as a ritual more than anything else so perhaps, we are going back to the roots in that regard.

Anon 05/30/2020 (Sat) 05:25:44 [Preview] No.6131 del
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>well, I could have included
Same deal, have heard of the band, don't know any of their songs (and I actively despise the music of the beatles. Most covers are good, but the originals make me want to gouge my ears out)

> I included Eric Clapton, Pink Floyd, Supertramp, David Bowie, Radiohead, ELO, Rush

Didn't those named in the text on the right, didn't recognize any of the album art. I have heard of all of them, barring ELO. Again, don't think I could hear any of their music in my head from the song title alone.

The only time I ever listened to on-radio music was when I was going to college in the '90s. So I recognize most grunge bands, songs but not much else.

> I am noticing a pattern that you seem to feel more invested for single songs rather than entire albums

Absolutely. There was like, one album I've encountered, that felt like it was trying to be a cohesive whole. No idea the cover for it; I think it was by Queensryche but don't quote me on that.
I recall liking nearly everything from Smashing Pumpkin's "Mellon Collie & the Infinite Sadness" and there's a Pearl Jam album that doesn't seem to have a name that I feel that way about too (had Animal, possibly Glorified B, I think the artwork was a sheep stuck in a fence).
But individual songs are what we listen to, and also I resent nearly everything about the music industry so that's part of it, too.

Anon 05/30/2020 (Sat) 07:34:04 [Preview] No.6132 del
>I've not, it seemed, been keeping close track of late as a month ago I went to his /music page and found stuff I had never heard.
TBH, I have never kept that well track of most of the artist who I listen to in general.

>Right now I'm enjoying the Forgotten album but all his stuff is good for dark atmospheric pieces.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ahgCHftyO4Y [Embed]
If I had to choose one it'd be this one. I suppose its edgy but its been there so long it's kind of a haunting nostalgia to me.

>Exiark's remix of Soldiers of the Night is really good too, although I'll admit to liking Hackd's Fealty remix, though nowhere near as much.
I'm trying to recall when or even if I heard the original. I've always focused more on instrumentals or songs that used samples from the show. As for those remixs I'm not sure if either is my cup of tea but Exiark's does sound with a odd haunting melancholy at points that kind of enjoy.

Here is a sampling of what type pony music I tend to listen to.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=obJ21k3Hylo [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=lrYwLP04rSo [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=87wE2e0gYbg [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-DYdTa0gDKQ [Embed]

>The world needed brony music. Or at least I did.
Do you consider some of are music to be our own genres? It was an assertions that have seen be made without ever knowing what would have define our music other than being related to pony. Yet when I here songs that draw from dubstep, youtube poops and mix it with other styles with a technical skill that gradually got pretty advanced I'm temped to call that something.

>However, always remember how the music industry works. One day you are the most mainstream/coolest thing in the entire world (and for most people, those singles work as background music) and in a couple of years (or even months), people will give you a kick all of a sudden, leaving you behind because the trendy wagon has been totally exploited
Heck I remember seeing this being refferced in shows made in the 1960s! Yeah I agree. In fact...

>perhaps you are be right about that.
I'd actually say that it isn't really much of a counter to your previous stances. More of an observation to add to it.

>. Perhaps, I will share a few examples of that (including this recent rediscovery for me).
I at least want to see the rediscovery.

Anon 05/30/2020 (Sat) 22:48:50 [Preview] No.6135 del
>that Fluttershy pic

>I actively despise the music of the beatles. Most covers are good, but the originals make me want to gouge my ears out
well don´t believe that I hold them on a pedestal either (they were kind of a prototype for the future boybands that would come out). However, I should be fair with them and say that their material released from Rubber Soul onwards is what makes them stand out without their hype. Their voices haven´t irked me so far though.

>I have heard of all of them, barring ELO
>The only time I ever listened to on-radio music was when I was going to college in the '90s. So I recognize most grunge bands, songs but not much else.
phew, I swear, I was actually asking myself where you were coming from because if those bands sound unfamiliar, then either it was me who was wrong and thus, I should update myself with the times or you didn´t recognize any of these album covers. Given that you have confirmed me that you are more into singles and stand alone songs, it all makes sense.
After seeing these replies, I have finally felt relieved in that regard because what you have mentioned here is a very familiar territory.

>There was like, one album I've encountered, that felt like it was trying to be a cohesive whole. No idea the cover for it; I think it was by Queensryche but don't quote me on that.
you mean this one? https://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/queensryche/operation-mindcrime/

>there's a Pearl Jam album that doesn't seem to have a name that I feel that way about too (had Animal, possibly Glorified B, I think the artwork was a sheep stuck in a fence).
There you have it. https://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/pearl-jam/vs/

>I recall liking nearly everything from Smashing Pumpkin's "Mellon Collie & the Infinite Sadness"
I was wondering if you were into dream pop and this kind of confirms you are into dreamy rock material. Mellon Collie lasts two entire hours, the fact that this double album has managed to conquer you almost in its entirety speaks volumes about its quality. Along with Siamese Dream (even though certain fans are praising Adore in these recent years), you can´t go wrong with any of those two records. Top quality release from the 90s.

>But individual songs are what we listen to, and also I resent nearly everything about the music industry so that's part of it, too.
I perfectly understand that philosophy. The music industry holds lots of dark holes and strategies of marketing that don´t stand out for being clean exactly (contracts, copyright..). In fact, the mainstream trends aren´t coincidental at all (some people call this conspiracy but the same practices have been kept for decades so it´s far from a secret honestly, there is no need to enter into a /pol/ or /x/ vicious circle here).

But yeah, custom playlists for specific songs are a great strategy for displaying what you like directly, skipping any filler material according to you.

Anon 05/30/2020 (Sat) 23:34:51 [Preview] No.6136 del
>I remember seeing this being referenced in shows made in the 1960s!
we are doomed to repeat ourselves, aren´t we? This reinforces the fact that there are universal patterns/thoughts that will get remixed in its own circumstances on the surface but still sharing the same values at its core. Without seeing those shows, those people have noticed how this industry works...and it hasn´t changed all that much.

>I'd actually say that it isn't really much of a counter to your previous stances. More of an observation to add to it.
I partially gave you the reason but I could actually counter argue that added observation. Keep in mind that everything that we remember from the past is projected in a vacuum. That is to say, we tend to believe that the past was better because we forget the stuff that was bad from those times. Sure, you remember hits from The Beatles, Pink Floyd, disco music, Queen, The Cure, new wave with bands like Pet Shop Boys, New Order or Depeche Mode, Bowie, Prog Rock bands, Simon And Garfunkel, Dire Straits...and these artists have also made albums that still have a huge relevancy even for the youngest generations. What happens here? It is really hard to get artists like those, everyone would love to see a top 40/Billboard 200 filled with top quality songs from musicians of that level.

However, does this mean that my generation is the worst? Far from it and it won´t be the last to be described with the negative adjectives (I have also felt like a granny within my own generation at times, by the way). Anyone can judge what are the most popular songs by simply seeing the weekly top lists and say that the music is terrible (which I am not going to deny it) but one shouldn´t forget that previous decades have had to deal with these problems as well but people don´t bring them up because bad stuff doesn´t stand the test of time (for the most part). Should I remember to you such meaningful lines sung in the past to the masses such as...?

>"Sugar duh duh duh duh duh. Ooooh honey,honey"
>"Yummy Yummy I´ve got love in my tummy and as silly as it may seem"
>"She Loves You, yeah, yeah, yeah!" (this one is from The Beatles by the way)
>"Who Let the Dogs Out?!"
>"I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world. Life in plastic, it's fantastic"

And even by not following the sappy love songs or the thoughtless trends, adults have thought about kids going insane and too rebellious or explicit with rock, then metal, rap and even the 90s has also suffered one of the scenes that was filled with those topics with more insults, childish lyrics and impulses kids and teenagers to be cool and encourage them to act like try hards: nu-metal. It eventually died because of its dated quality and lack of evolution, ending up stagnant after a few years. So, you might say that music now impulses sex but eventually, another trend will replace it and will get criticized either for being too bland (like indie in the 2000s), inoffensive because of lack of meaningful message (boybands, cheesy childish songs) or even, the mainstream could be criticized for becoming too political in its lyrics. These are a few examples.

Not to mention that music in the mainstream is listened mostly by casual people. That doesn´t mean those people cannot understand or listen to more developed songs. They simply follow an easy route to spend their time without investing much effort in finding anything specific. Nothing else. The top mainstream lists are simply an indicator of what´s popular during that period of time but they don´t represent the whole spectrum of what people actually listen to at all.

Anon 05/31/2020 (Sun) 00:23:00 [Preview] No.6137 del
>at least want to see the rediscovery.
well, I have actually mentioned it before and this band isn´t experimental nor underground. That rediscovery is The Cardigans. >>6122

Anyone could come up here and say: "Hey, isn´t that a one-hit wonder band ?" It is (well, technically three-hit wonders with Lovefool, My Favorite Game and Erase/Rewind).

The general trend with one-hit wonders follows this marketing strategy: they get a huge hit that is displayed in the radio all the time, you wonder if that popular song was created by a good band, you believe that buying the record which contains the hit would be a worthy listen and by the time you paid it, you realize that record relies on filler beyond that famous song that impulsed you to buy it, ending up in a personal disappointment (or even treachery) for spending your money in a record which wasn´t all that satisfying like you initially expected. Those bands/artists are only relevant because of that song in particular and they don´t have any record that stands out on its own in their catalog.

So, people either avoid albums and only rely on greatest hits records or they study the worthy releases without focusing on the popular singles. I set the bar pretty low when it comes to bands of this kind.

What happens with the Cardigans? By judging their huge hit, Lovefool, one would conclude that they are an average band that got lucky and they would be forgotten beyond that song. The lyrics aren´t all that deep either so you imply beforehand that their quality would be equal or worse than that.

However, I have found myself quite surprised by the fact that people are visiting their records these days and one of them (Long Gone Before Daylight):

holds a very high average (3.62 is really high for that site) and has been claimed as a great release. My thoughts get encountered by the fact that people could praise the Cardigans as a band when I have always held them as a band intended for sappy love lyrics or as a guilty pleasure ("Love me love me. Say that you love me. Fool me fool me.Go on and fool me"). But nope, their known singles don´t represent at all what they actually are. So changing my mindset of taking them as one-hit wonders to a band that create albums is a huge change of perspective. The album doesn´t display any huge change of quality in the tracklist, it´s consistent all the way through (and quite mature).

And I´ve got to admit, I haven´t clicked on the skip button at all. Not having to skip any track feels really gratifying for an album listener. They earn my respect for achieving that quality front to back. I wouldn´t imagine that I would listen to this band in 2020 with a more serious point of view but hey, life is full of twists and surprises.

Last but not least important, they stayed in the top of the lists during the 90s but after 4 years of inactivity, people had moved on by that point. Despite having a huge distributor on their back, this release only sold well in Sweden. They went from the top of the charts to an indie chamber pop band, hence my explanation of giving you a kick from the mainstream overnight. They didn´t matter for those standards in 2003 and the album was relatively hard to find beyond their homeland (from selling millions of records to a few thousands). Sure, they are popular but they don´t have any chance to reach those lists so easily.

So, this band kind of serves me to explain how the mainstream works and the unexpected change of my opinion towards a seemingly innocent one hit wonder after all this time.

Anon 05/31/2020 (Sun) 00:50:14 [Preview] No.6139 del
(8.50 MB 1920x1080 pnywd-pnygirl.webm)
>"I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world. Life in plastic, it's fantastic"


Anon 06/01/2020 (Mon) 20:38:36 [Preview] No.6142 del
Some of this sounds really odd. Some of it good. Some shit.

Anon 06/02/2020 (Tue) 04:50:29 [Preview] No.6146 del
>The general trend with one-hit wonders follows this marketing strategy: they get a huge hit that is displayed in the radio all the time, you wonder if that popular song was created by a good band, you believe that buying the record which contains the hit would be a worthy listen and by the time you paid it, you realize that record relies on filler beyond that famous song that impulsed you to buy it, ending up in a personal disappointment (or even treachery) for spending your money in a record which wasn´t all that satisfying like you initially expected.
Really? My impression has always been that one hit wonders were usually bands that just didn't stick for a variety of reasons both internal and external. But I have only scattered knowledge of the mainstream and obscure and much of it stops past 2000.

>And I´ve got to admit, I haven´t clicked on the skip button at all. Not having to skip any track feels really gratifying for an album listener. They earn my respect for achieving that quality front to back. I wouldn´t imagine that I would listen to this band in 2020 with a more serious point of view but hey, life is full of twists and surprises.
Can't complain at pleasant surprises.

> They didn´t matter for those standards in 2003 and the album was relatively hard to find beyond their homeland (from selling millions of records to a few thousands). Sure, they are popular but they don´t have any chance to reach those lists so easily.
Music is hard to break in or stay in. I could go on with further thoughts on media fragmentation but you get the gist.

>My Favorite Game
Funny story with this one as their is this one PMV that I have often run into over the years that uses this song. It is not something that I'd call my favorite thing in the world but do to running in to it and it sticking with me it left a bit of haunting nostalgia. I've heard the other Lovefool before but not Erase/Rewind. I think but My Favorite Game I became familiar with for that reason. Though I never looked into the band perhaps I will even if it ain't my normal cup of tea.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Vl5WhbJfkJs [Embed]

Anon 06/02/2020 (Tue) 05:19:17 [Preview] No.6147 del
(200.93 KB 922x1024 2353771.jpg)
That's a pretty good way of wording all pony music I suppose.

Anon 06/03/2020 (Wed) 21:52:08 [Preview] No.6153 del
How is your austism holding up?

Anon 06/03/2020 (Wed) 23:10:14 [Preview] No.6155 del
I wish I could hold up with that because it means that I would have lots of free time. Technically I have but it has diminished quite a bit during these last few days because June has always been that infamous month for studying and having a possibility to progress.

Even during those times of being busy, if one organizes time schedule properly, one can write fanfics and still pass important tests [/spoiler] and I am talking from experience[/spoiler]

So, if I had to measure my autism nowadays, it would be quite low.

Anon 06/04/2020 (Thu) 00:00:50 [Preview] No.6156 del
>Really? My impression has always been that one hit wonders were usually bands that just didn't stick for a variety of reasons both internal and external. But I have only scattered knowledge of the mainstream and obscure and much of it stops past 2000.
on one hand, you are right that one-hit wonders don´t stick to the public nor any scene in particular when it comes to albums. On the other hand, despite attempting to release more singles out of those albums, the radios always cherrypick one of those singles and the rest doesn´t matter. They do stick in terms of selling tons of copies with that famous song but as a listener, would you come back to that album as a whole so you listen to it front to back (or at least a good amount of songs) or would you simply listen to that famous single in a playlist/compilation with the greatest hits of other bands?

People tend to do the latter (for the most part) despite that the internet has prevented to buy the records first and check the entire album. Nowadays, that trend has changed lately (and the non-singles sometimes beat the popularity of the main singles in terms of views) but before this cybernetic space, good luck at trusting to the famous song alone.

>Can't complain at pleasant surprises.
especially when the one-hit wonder that I have traditionally listened in the radio over the years was Lovefool, you can imagine how low my bar was set towards them (not that it offends me or anything. It´s simply that I would rather listen to other songs instead). If I only knew that My Favorite Game came from them as well...

>Music is hard to break in or stay in.
definitely, especially when it comes to the mainstream and breaking through a decent amount of popularity. Those two challenges are hard to accomplish and with this one, I wanted to show how the trends change and despite complaining about the current day every time that one looks at top of the charts, it proves that the period of prominence doesn´t always last too long. All trends/mainstream bands come and go.

>Funny story with this one as their is this one PMV that I have often run into over the years that uses this song.
it´s about Rainbow Dash when it comes to her speed... yeah, it fits because the original video consists in driving a roadster with several clips that could have perfectly proceeded from a Hollywood action film.

>It is not something that I'd call my favorite thing in the world but do to running in to it and it sticking with me it left a bit of haunting nostalgia.
considering that all the material used was from the first two seasons, it was clearly made during the early era.

>I've heard the other Lovefool before but not Erase/Rewind.
me neither. Erase/Rewind had more radio play in other countries of Europe (Denmark, Sweden and a few other ones) but in my country, Lovefool became the first pick to use for the radios by a very long mile.

>I think but My Favorite Game I became familiar with for that reason. Though I never looked into the band perhaps I will even if it ain't my normal cup of tea.
ironic that MLP (a fanmade video) introduced you to that song. Now, about the albums...I haven´t dived all that deep but let me tell you that the singles represent a quite skewed sample from what you would expect. If I had to pick one album from them, I would personally choose Long Gone Before Daylight because it really feels like an actual album. Others prefer Life or Gran Turismo but eh, I suppose they have their reasons to like those...

Anon 06/04/2020 (Thu) 00:05:12 [Preview] No.6157 del
>That's a pretty good way of wording all pony music I suppose.
pony music is quite random when it comes to quality though I have to admit that I have given a few spins to the instrumentals linked in your post >>6132 and in the /moon/ thread. Those are great.

Not a big fan of the electronic ones though.

Anon 06/12/2020 (Fri) 18:04:39 [Preview] No.6214 del
While I can agree that bronies aren't always accomplished singers, I truly appreciate some of the songs they sing in.

But as much as I like 'new lunar republic' Eurobeat's ESL bad-grammar drives me UP A WALL every time I try to listen to another remix/reinvention (with original lyrics) of Luna ('infinite despise' can in no way become valid English, and 'force-ed back into the start' is, as sung at least, very weak)
And all the PMVs of lullaby for a princess get the underlying concept of "limelight" wrong. The video completely cuts away from Celestia just as she sings "the limelight so sweetly takes hold of its host"
It means Celestia was to "busy" to see how fast her baby sister was going downhill.

okay that's enough from me on this topic.
'glitchop' was, I think, invented by the bronies (prove me wrong?) using vocal show-clips _as_ the music. Those are always fun.
I actually came here for something else but lost an hour looking for a decent animated PP, breathless and expended after that wall of text up there.

Have a sleepy kitty instead.

Anon 06/12/2020 (Fri) 18:14:30 [Preview] No.6215 del
(14.47 KB 300x300 31+p2qcJBwL.jpg)
okay here's what I came to discuss before I drive off to work.


Do yours have sound? Color? I know it used to be claimed nobody dreams in color but I can tell you that's wrong - I remember the visuals, and color is a big part of the composition of the shot.
But my dreams are always 3rd-person, and there's no sound. The dialogue is done by understanding, and the same is true of some scenes that have unstated labels.

Not that I can picture this from any dream I've had, but still, imagine:
There are people walking in, out of an office building. Why is this sinister?
Because the labels, the understanding, is the office is owned and operated by the ministry of Image, but every single person walking in and out is on Ministry of Awesome's payroll. What are they doing in a competing governmental entity? Not a one, like a report of some special project that calls for cooperation, but a full fledged conspiracy made obvious by ... that fact the viewer knows how wrong it is, and not in a "I just felt it way" but there it is -- MoI building, MAw workers, complete nonsense.

Oh, and I've managed to watch closely a few times. The dialogue isn't mouthed, and a '20s style board held up off-screen. They really aren't talking. We just know what they're saying, because that's a feature of the dream.

Anon 06/12/2020 (Fri) 20:50:34 [Preview] No.6216 del
(45.27 KB 1280x720 SleepySweetieBelle.jpg)
>While I can agree that bronies aren't always accomplished singers, I truly appreciate some of the songs they sing in.
Though a lot of it makes me cringe I would certainly agree. There is even some vocal tracks that are masterpieces and even some where I do consider the skill of the singer a bit weak I think often the lyrics can still be good I mean, one time, there was this song that while poorly song was the perfect lyrics to the CMC. I'll see if I can find it later.

>'glitchop' was, I think, invented by the bronies (prove me wrong?) using vocal show-clips _as_ the music. Those are always fun.
I'll have to see if I can find info on that claim. That would bolster the case for us having our own music genre that I've seen claimed by some (even outside the fandom).

>Have a sleepy kitty instead.
Thanks! Have a sleepy Sweetie Belle.
>Do yours have sound? Color? I know it used to be claimed nobody dreams in color but I can tell you that's wrong - I remember the visuals, and color is a big part of the composition of the shot.
I've heard that too and I reminder somepoint in my youger years where I realized that wasn't the case for me either. Colors I easily can recall and will often remember noticing miner details in my more memorable dreams (like, noting Twi's coat being purrple).

>But my dreams are always 3rd-person
As I've said, I've sometimes had that, I think, but not to that extent. It honestly almost sounds like some dream version of imposter syndrome.

>and there's no sound. The dialogue is done by understanding
>Oh, and I've managed to watch closely a few times. The dialogue isn't mouthed, and a '20s style board held up off-screen. They really aren't talking. We just know what they're saying, because that's a feature of the dream.
Now this sounds weird. Like I think I understand the sensation but not all the time. I usually can recall sounds. Songs, etc.

> Because the labels, the understanding, is the office is owned and operated by the ministry of Image, but every single person walking in and out is on Ministry of Awesome's payroll. What are they doing in a competing governmental entity? Not a one, like a report of some special project that calls for cooperation, but a full fledged conspiracy made obvious by ... that fact the viewer knows how wrong it is, and not in a "I just felt it way" but there it is -- MoI building, MAw workers, complete nonsense.
This reminds me of the waking world, but I'm not sure how I'd transmit through words and if there is any relation to what you say. A certain attention to the detail that almost feels manic? Eh, I'll try to get to that later. In anycase, my dreams have information I just know without it being stated often but I'm not sure I ever paid special attention to the fact other than noting that it happened.

PoLS in case I do not get back here today.

Anon 06/14/2020 (Sun) 22:44:48 [Preview] No.6222 del
>I truly appreciate some of the songs they sing in. Some.
obviously you cannot set the bar all that high.

>bad-grammar drives me UP A WALL every time
*leaves silently the thread without making much noise...

>The video completely cuts away from Celestia just as she sings "the limelight so sweetly takes hold of its host"
one would imply that it refers to Luna falling into corruption

>It means Celestia was to "busy" to see how fast her baby sister was going downhill.
but hey, at least she has guaranteed that Luna doesn´t fall short of calcium (even though that raises the question about her being so small in comparison to her sister)

>'glitchop' was, I think, invented by the bronies (prove me wrong?) using vocal show-clips _as_ the music. Those are always fun.

as for vocal clip shows, maybe electronic artists have taken samples from lots of movies in the past. Anyway, have a fun read with that (also it mentions Flying Lotus, an essential electronic artist to listen by the way....and I should have done that but I haven´t for some reason...). It comes from the late 90s but it seems that the mid 00s came to define the genre as a whole. It had a few years to bloom before bronies entered into the game.

Anon 06/14/2020 (Sun) 23:38:38 [Preview] No.6223 del
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>Do yours have sound? Color? I know it used to be claimed nobody dreams in color but I can tell you that's wrong - I remember the visuals, and color is a big part of the composition of the shot.
definitely they are coloured. I might not have a great track record when it comes to remembering them after the experiencing those sequences but a specific one that consists of me being in a prison (not an actual prison but more like an enclosed zone that you weren´t supposed to escape) along with a friend of mine falling in love with a waiter that worked in of the counted restaurants of that area. I recall hearing the voice of my friend giving me advice and having a conversation with him in that restaurant but no way I would be able to transcribe his words. In the hearing aspect, I would boil it down to sound that simply doesn´t become all that memorable in order to write down the words properly.

I have to quote Bridgefag´s post here for explaining this lack of precise information that one could extract from them:
>my dreams have information I just know without it being stated often but I'm not sure I ever paid special attention to the fact other than noting that it happened.
well, there you have it. It simply happens and despite displaying information that could hide value within its context, it doesn´t turn into something so relevant that one could spend the time at figuring it out.

Nightmares however,often get more lasting impact because people tend to focus more on hurting someone/suffering an undesirable period (for example, rape or phobias) in the real world. Thus those dreams reinforce that sense of negativity becomes corporeal and the brain transcripts that negativity to the consciousness...but for the most part, it´s memorable because of the feeling that the dream portrays rather than the content itself.

>But my dreams are always 3rd-person, and there's no sound.
I don´t share at all that extreme of always dreaming in 3rd person. In fact, I tend to alternate it with the 1st person view, sometimes within the same dream transitioning from one view to another without much effort. So this one depends according to the circumstances...

>There are people walking in, out of an office building. Why is this sinister?
>the office is owned and operated by the ministry of Image, but every single person walking in and out is on Ministry of Awesome's payroll. What are they doing in a competing governmental entity? Not a one, like a report of some special project that calls for cooperation, but a full fledged conspiracy made obvious by ...
>that fact the viewer knows how wrong it is, and not in a "I just felt it way" but there it is -- MoI building, MAw workers, complete nonsense.
perhaps we are so used to imagining dystopian worlds like 1984 or Brave New World that the sinister feeling doesn´t come off as surprising (also, being fed up of watching Hollywood movies about crime or mystery have made this really mundane). Let me tell you that the real world (conspiracies included) is much harder to justify and blows most fictional settings out of the water. If I had to be worried with just that, I wouldn´t like to envision myself attempting to bother with all the messed up things that happens out there. I wouldn´t find any sleep/rest at all nor I could live by consuming my brain with all those problems taken into account all the time during my daily routine.

Before 2016, maybe this sinister feeling about finding that the situation one witnesses is really wrong and think about it for a while after waking up but nowadays, I would need to have more ingredients than that.

>The dialogue isn't mouthed, and a '20s style board held up off-screen. They really aren't talking. We just know what they're saying, because that's a feature of the dream.
that sounds like a good analogy for implying the dialogue without actually acknowledging what they say in a concise way.

Anon 06/15/2020 (Mon) 00:44:04 [Preview] No.6224 del
>waiter that worked in of the counted restaurants of that area.
she was nothing special though. The interactions with her were short but my friend could notice that my interest was there due to the way I had talked to her. Thus,my friend gave me advice for dealing with that waitress for the future though the sequence ended with me going back home.

I forgot to clear up the sound aspect yet. There is sound in my dreams (especially when I am familiar with the people/characters involved) but as I said before, there isn't a specific line of dialogue that gets stuck and then,remember it fondly for writing them down. It's like you know the script but it occurs with neither pity nor glory

As for the conspiracy dream you've had, I wanted to add that you suffer more in the waking world when it comes to those sinister situations than any dream. It wouldn't stand a chance of being remarkable in my eyes, it would end up as another average dream for me.

The closest thing that a dream reaches those points of suffering has been when I was sick,lying on bed trying to find sleep and when you do in a bad health condition (a flu for example), I have experienced sequences of seeing the death my family or really desperate moments where pessimism prevailed over positive /neutral dreams,thus those bad dreams hold a more lasting impact than the rest.

That has happened a few times to me(especially when the disease is getting developed or reaches its peak in its symptoms) and illustrates/expresses more how defenseless my body feels during those moments. Nonetheless, in no way this is the dominant trend (not even in the disease period) but I am pointing this out either way.

Anon 06/15/2020 (Mon) 00:47:33 [Preview] No.6225 del
and I am finishing my activity right here.

Have a good night,folks.

Anon 06/15/2020 (Mon) 02:49:26 [Preview] No.6226 del
>one would imply that it refers to Luna falling into corruption

No it would not.

Celestia is the only one in that story with a limelight on her; the only one who can be 'taken' by said limelight.

Anon 06/15/2020 (Mon) 03:02:17 [Preview] No.6227 del
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Also you guys are latching on too much to the detail of my example being sinister.

Suppose instead I created the example that, someone laid a postcard on the table.
That means that the recipient's cousin lost his job.
Despite the fact that the 'scene' shows the postcard, unread since we watched it carried from mailbox to table as it landed picture side up, the viewer (err, the dreamer, me) understands that it has been stated that the message written on the postcard explains the process by which the job was lost.
The drama, perhaps, of the dream would be the phone call when said cousin's car broke down while en route to the main character's house (I've had more than a few dreams I wasn't even featured in) and we (I) already know about the job loss but the person taking the phone call does not.

Dreams in which the point seems to be examining how two different points of view respond to the same datum are not uncommon, so while I don't remember ever dreaming that, I certainly could have.

>I wanted to add that you suffer more in the waking world

Eh. I got run over by a semi in a head-on collision on a state-highway and only got one dream out of that. Nothing unusual about the dream, either except for the sudden stop at the end.

Anon 06/16/2020 (Tue) 05:31:46 [Preview] No.6229 del
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>Also you guys are latching on too much to the detail of my example being sinister.
Are you saying that we focused too much on the act while you meant not the act of knowing being sinister, but the actual subtext of the information itself? Am I even making sense?

>Eh. I got run over by a semi in a head-on collision on a state-highway and only got one dream out of that
You got run over IRL or in the dream?

>that you suffer more in the waking world when it comes to those sinister situations than any dream.
I once had a dream where the world was going to be permanently altered by a man with some type of rocket ship and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. It, despite being a dream, felt a hopeless that I have never felt in the waking world. So I'm split on agreeing or not. As a dream is just a dream but nightmares can torture people in very personal ways.

If I'll throw my two cents into the ring: does anybody remember any feelings/sensations? Especially ones that are alien to the waking world. I tell ya'll, I once had a dream where I had telekinesis and the only way I can describe the feeling I felt in my hands and head when I moved stuff what telekinesis would probably feel like.

Anon 06/16/2020 (Tue) 07:42:53 [Preview] No.6230 del
>You got run over IRL or in the dream?

IRL. Door got ripped off, turned inside out, tossed aside. I woke up with the car on top of me, a little confused about why the sprinkler system was allowed to drizzle raindrops onto my face.

Turns out it was drizzling raindrops still. Also that illumination wasn't a fluorescent bulb.

>the actual subtext of the information itself?
I think that's right, yes.

>does anybody remember any feelings/sensations?
It's not common, but yes.

Anon 06/17/2020 (Wed) 05:54:35 [Preview] No.6234 del
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>IRL. Door got ripped off, turned inside out, tossed aside. I woke up with the car on top of me, a little confused about why the sprinkler system was allowed to drizzle raindrops onto my face.
...sounds awful. My closest experience to that would be the time I nearly died from a dental operation as a kid. So, perhaps, I can relate to the shock and confusion of being suddenly waking up and in a confused dream like state wondering about what exactly is going on but I think yours sounds more traumatic than just collapsing in your front yard from blood loss. To awaken in such a state after, that sounds far more horrifying and, not trying to pry, I'd imagine that there would be some difficulties that could last longer even if you made a mostly okay recovery.

>Also that illumination wasn't a fluorescent bulb.
The sun?

>I think that's right, yes.
Okay, good.

>It's not common, but yes.
Not the most common from me either but I often do have stuff that does just stick out.

Anon 06/17/2020 (Wed) 07:15:04 [Preview] No.6236 del
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>The sun?
That's right. And half the 'clouds' were steam condensing from the hole in my head. It was cold-ish that day, my head was cracked open and I couldn't feel it yet.

>I'd imagine that there would be some difficulties that could last longer
The aforementioned hole snapped a nerve in half, so a quarter of my scalp was numb for months & months. There's still a section that operates at reduced sensitivity.

Other than that, no. I'm still me; I drive across that road like I always do, I have no more than the usual fear of death as I had before.
Part of that, of course, is my unshakeable faith as to what happens after I leave this place. When I saw that semi's tire (as tall as I because of how small/low my car was) skidding and bouncing towards me, I said "goodnight" not "goodbye"; I expected to wake up.
Just, not in the middle of a blackberry patch (great cushion for avoiding broken bones. Horrible pillow though). I have pictures somewhere of my scuffed up face, and that was mostly caused after my seat belt was cut and I flew into the briars.

I asked the surgeon how deep the cut to my forehead was. "Oh, quite deep. I could see the bone." and while that's my favorite part of the story, you can barely see the scar. Even when I point it out, it really is pretty small.

Anon 06/19/2020 (Fri) 04:40:59 [Preview] No.6246 del
>And half the 'clouds' were steam condensing from the hole in my head. It was cold-ish that day, my head was cracked open and I couldn't feel it yet.
Makes my skin crawl just to imagine that.

> There's still a section that operates at reduced sensitivity.
>and while that's my favorite part of the story, you can barely see the scar. Even when I point it out, it really is pretty small.
>Other than that, no. I'm still me
Hey, sounds like you made it threw that pretty well. TBH, almost reminds me of a story of one of my Dad's friends who survived getting hit by a train and was thrown out. Hitting the grass was far better than being run over.

> is my unshakeable faith as to what happens after I leave this place.
I have something like that as well, though perhaps in a much more traditional religious sense depending on what you mean on it.

Anon 06/21/2020 (Sun) 23:55:07 [Preview] No.6261 del
>Celestia is the only one in that story with a limelight on her; the only one who can be 'taken' by said limelight.
I see. So, they mistake the concept of Luna getting corrupted with a term whose definition is only applied for an individual who is in front of the public. Indeed, Celestia would be the only legitimate character to hold that public image at that time (Luna would fit later in the show for that term but not in that video)

>Also you guys are latching on too much to the detail of my example being sinister.
it was mostly because of this sentence:
>but a full fledged conspiracy made obvious by ... that fact the viewer knows how wrong it is
so perhaps the circumstances were unfortunate to be interpreted in the way that you intended. The postcard analogy raises less subtle messages and illustrates better what you were aiming at back then...

>The drama, perhaps, of the dream would be the phone call when said cousin's car broke down while en route to the main character's house and we (I) already know about the job loss but the person taking the phone call does not.
>Dreams in which the point seems to be examining how two different points of view respond to the same datum are not uncommon
this feels like a telepathic episode or a

>I got run over by a semi in a head-on collision on a state-highway and only got one dream out of that.
>Door got ripped off, turned inside out, tossed aside. I woke up with the car on top of me, a little confused about why the sprinkler system was allowed to drizzle raindrops onto my face.
>Turns out it was drizzling raindrops still. Also that illumination wasn't a fluorescent bulb.
definitely not a desirable experience whose risks could have ended up in a more dramatic manner(fortunately you were born again after that moment). That sounds horrible.

>the world was going to be permanently altered by a man with some type of rocket ship and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. It, despite being a dream, felt a hopeless that I have never felt in the waking world
a feeling of hopelessness boosted by doom. I could make an attempt to correlate it with your low standards towards other people in the past so all those disappointments were exposed simultaneously...but I am not sure if that correlation from IRL would work to justify that feeling from yours during that dream.

Anon 06/22/2020 (Mon) 00:27:13 [Preview] No.6262 del
>does anybody remember any feelings/sensations?Especially ones that are alien to the waking world.
as for feelings, yes. As for the latter, I tend to associate almost everything to fiction/fantasy so unless it´s about credible stuff that could happen in this world, my mind doesn´t see them as alien because of that divisive line.

>I once had a dream where I had telekinesis and the only way I can describe the feeling I felt in my hands and head when I moved stuff what telekinesis would probably feel like.
a feeling of curiosity that could turn out to be useful...not that strange to my eyes. Everyone would like to know how it feels to handle that within your own hands.

>I nearly died from a dental operation as a kid.
was that because of a bleeding and lack of anesthesia? I mean, I hated going to the dentist before because of the pain (mostly because the dentist I had in my childhood didn´t do its job properly) but damn, my bad experience falls short in comparison to yours.

>I can relate to the shock and confusion of being suddenly waking up and in a confused dream like state wondering about what exactly is going on
me too. I went through that after falling off from my bicycle. The front wheel got stuck in the ground all of a sudden due to a pedestrian crossing that wasn´t asphalted on both sides (which means that there was a gap between the road and the sidewalk), I took a somersault and I experienced that feeling of what was going on. Fortunately, I didn´t get hurt at all and lasted very few seconds and I have never managed to repeat that so far. I wonder how that managed to happen without getting any bruise during the process.

However, that´s far from the trauma that >>6227 >>6230 got but...

>so a quarter of my scalp was numb for months & months. There's still a section that operates at reduced sensitivity.
>Other than that, no. I'm still me; I drive across that road like I always do, I have no more than the usual fear of death as I had before.
>you can barely see the scar. Even when I point it out, it really is pretty small.
thankfully the consequences didn´t reach to an irreversible point in your health. That relieves a lot.

Anon 06/23/2020 (Tue) 08:31:59 [Preview] No.6272 del
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>. I could make an attempt to correlate it with your low standards towards other people in the past so all those disappointments were exposed simultaneously...
Ya'know, though the feeling was based around a "everything is doomed the world is screwed" feeling, that sentiment could have easily fueled some of that.

>was that because of a bleeding and lack of anesthesia?
No. They were pulling some teeth out in prep for my braces because they said that there wasn't enough room in my mouth. It was a bit on the heavier side because I had to be put out via IV. The operation went fine but I kept bleeding and bleeding when I got home. They were like, " oh expect some bleeding just use gauze" and my family didn't suspect anything wrong at first, but the bleeding just wouldn't stop. They never found out why it had happened as the Docters at the hospital thought the operation had been done just fine and I didn't have any conditions or disorders to cause it.

>However, that´s far from the trauma that >>6227 >>6230
Only on the way to the hospital I was unstable to a dangerous level and my family didn't even tell me that till awhile later. Certainly was scary but as I kid my terror was muted and it still didn't happen with that level of force all at once.

Anon 06/23/2020 (Tue) 08:37:15 [Preview] No.6273 del
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Speaking of dreams. Anypony ever have ponies pop up in them? For me it happens sometimes but not often and they are rarely the focus. Like, me encounting Twilight Sparkle once chilling on a stairway (and later a shelf).

Goodnight for now /endpone/!

Anon 06/25/2020 (Thu) 00:20:04 [Preview] No.6284 del
>though the feeling was based around a "everything is doomed the world is screwed" feeling, that sentiment could have easily fueled some of that.
it´s quite likely that it could have contributed to that dream of yours so perhaps, that familiar tone you had brought in previous posts, could indicate that it might not all have come from absolutely nowhere.

>The operation went fine but I kept bleeding and bleeding when I got home.
>the Docters at the hospital thought the operation had been done just fine and I didn't have any conditions or disorders to cause it.
>Only on the way to the hospital I was unstable to a dangerous level and my family didn't even tell me that till awhile later.
I thought that they had messed up during the operation and then, they would try to reconfigure your mouth. Still, it sounds weird and certainly confusing considering that there weren´t any signs that you had problems before that.

>Certainly was scary but as I kid my terror was muted and it still didn't happen with that level of force all at once.
obviously parents try their best to soften and relax kids because otherwise, if you had known that you had been bleeding in a critical manner, you would have adopted a more traumatized behavior towards that unexpected problem, making things more difficult (despite developing itself at a more gradual pace)

It´s no wonder that they waited for the danger to be over before telling you the real concern.

>Anypony ever have ponies pop up in them?
imagining them before and after the sleep is easy. Acknowledging with detail what I dream about them is way more complicated.

>Like, me encounting Twilight Sparkle once chilling on a stairway (and later a shelf).
classic Twilight, she must have read a good book that day.

Anon 07/15/2020 (Wed) 22:22:05 [Preview] No.6333 del
perhaps, this personal backstory doesn´t matter all that much but as one might have noticed, /endpone/ hasn´t displayed much activity in the last couple of weeks. That mostly because of my part, I have had to deal with my studies while keeping an eye on the countless twists that Derpibooru has shown with the iconoclastic menace that has turned on all the red alarms.

This year has been somewhat complicated and I have mostly had another quarantine when it came to studying, so my mind hasn´t found itself in a stable ambient until just now. Even though Derpi´s drama keep going, at least I have managed to enter into a period in which I can rest and take a break with more free time, hence my posts displayed tonight over here (finally delivering more than a PoLS typed on mobile), and going a little bit back on track even though my concerns over Derpi´s future hold a greater preference than this place nowadays.

Anyway, I have been finding myself under a confusing situation where nothing feels all that correct in its right place because considering all these extraordinary events and constant mental exhaustion kept throughout these last months, going back to a normal life that any average citizen has, this was my first day of relief and the confusion kept going inside my mind like a hangover. I couldn´t imagine that I could have actual free time (100%) without having to bother about anything else.

So, why have I described all of this? Well, it turns out that I decided to change a bit the tunes and dive into more music and....CB anon would be surprised to read this, just that it´s not in the way that he had imagined in the first place when he posted what I have been listening to earlier this morning...

CB anon gave an accidental rec today Anon 07/15/2020 (Wed) 22:53:29 [Preview] No.6334 del
It turns out that CB anon has been sharing quite a few link of Bandcamp and a few youtube links of pony music...and you know, I am quite reluctant when it comes to writing impressions that I find myself either insecure or undecided to even reply to those recommendations, hence I say quite trivial comments towards his stuff but never in a way in which I actually feel it.

Fortunately, despite not seemingly caring all that much, I silently draw certain things that get stuck in my head until one day, I remember them more fondly in hindsight.

In short, he accidentally said a recommendation that I have been listening to right after finishing my exams period yesterday...and I say accidentally because his recommendation wasn´t actually an intended recommendation to share here but...:

>Absolutely. There was like, one album I've encountered, that felt like it was trying to be a cohesive whole. No idea the cover for it; I think it was by Queensryche but don't quote me on that.
>I recall liking nearly everything from Smashing Pumpkin's "Mellon Collie & the Infinite Sadness"
and of course, when one has to deal with the weird times such as the ones we are living in, one goes back to something stable. That´s right, despite your hate towards the industry in general, I thought about giving an actual try to the Smashing Pumpkins discography and go through the entire experience of Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness. Two hours as a whole without skipping anything (the longest I have managed to listen in an album format).

I have felt....plenty of things while diving into that record for the first time today, mostly finding the concept of angst and the unstable mind that would come from a teenager. Those times feel easier and the record has been the first choice to listen, marking the end of difficult times and set up a free will mode for the next few weeks. Not only that, but I have also given Adore a try as well and I regret nothing. Definitely, the album does hold a cohesive (certainly timeless) narrative for the huge length given for that record which I appreciate that effort more than the impression that I am displaying with this post. I have been thinking about you and this post from yours while considering the album to pick and well, it was quite gratifying to pick this album from 1995 in the end...

https://youtube.com/watch?v=A6M0yLxLCNA [Embed]

Maybe I won´t appreciate everything that you share over here, but I feel like writing posts of this kind, it´s like the biggest esteem that I can show when I feel that it actually deserves said gesture. I won´t always show this every time but at least, it does display a actual tone of sincerity while typing this whole answer towards your reply.

So yeah, maybe this didn´t turn out to be what you had expected back then...

Anon 07/19/2020 (Sun) 22:09:24 [Preview] No.6338 del
>I have felt....plenty of things while diving into that record
>marking the end of difficult times and set up a free will mode

This does seem an odd response, from the outside. But I know sometimes art just hits you at the right time, and it lets you take a step back and see the whole picture in a different way.

I've just read something in a youtube description that confirms what I'd guessed long ago. Le Soldat Pony is doing fine, but not pursuing "pony" (or, I guess, music). But And The Rainfall posted this description while putting up one last goodbye from Solly. Track 12 from "the rest of our lives" (dot bandcamp) tries to say hello again, and goodbye as we all go our ways.

I have always loved Solly's music for the heart you hear through it. I'm sorry he felt the need to take down the last of his own archives (though everyone else still has them) but am glad to hear he's not upset about spending a decade with the rest of us.

Anon 07/19/2020 (Sun) 22:26:41 [Preview] No.6339 del
also its hay season. See, I have actual horses, and in order to be good stewards of the horsefeed budget, you have to buy the hay bales right after they've been made and are still sitting in the field.

Bucking hay bales is hot, dry, sweaty work, and nigh unbearable for a meager office worker like myself.
There are times I don't like the summer, truth be told.

Anon 07/20/2020 (Mon) 00:12:54 [Preview] No.6340 del
PoLS just to show signs of life over here and the fact that I have been reading your comments.

Anon 07/21/2020 (Tue) 04:58:45 [Preview] No.6341 del
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Once, for sure. Don't remember when but it was John Joseco's style of humanized Luna, who guarded a particular bridge that was, I think, in the middle of Canterlot. I forget why we were fighting but while I couldn't "fly" I could hover similar to how we saw Glimglam troll around Cloudsdale. So I hovered in the middle of the chasm and prepared to rush the bridge when she walked out.

Yes we were at war, no I never actually saw her. But that's what the labels said, as I've described before.

Despite the fact I would have no reason to fight against her in the waking world, and also the fact that [how do spoilers work here?]she isn't real[/oh well] my first thought upon slightly waking was *THAT WAS PRINCESS LUNA! I NEARLY MET THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT< LUNA!*
//insert Scootaloo fangasm here

To be fair, I've just last night queued up the whole album on Youtube. Only halfway through it, if that but there are some gems I'd forgotten about.
I always loved the anti-logic name of "here is no why" but I can't remember a single note of the song, even having just heard it. So I think I was just in love with the idea inspired by the name, not the song proper.
Still, I'm glad it's inspired you; I'm relistening for similar reasons.

Anon 07/21/2020 (Tue) 05:01:27 [Preview] No.6342 del
>similar reasons.
no, that's not true.

I'm listing to respark nostalgia. I'm _drinking_ because the plandemic is depressing me and making me wish I lived in a simpler era while I await in hope and fear, that America actually _will_ become great again; that we'll stop using our constitution for toilet paper and use it to judge the standing laws of this land, again.
Also, I'm buying rice, because the best time to panic-buy, is when there's no panic.

Anon 07/21/2020 (Tue) 05:02:39 [Preview] No.6343 del
lastly I sorta wanted to spoiler the 3rd, 4th, & 5th images because they're ... pretty dark.

Anon 07/21/2020 (Tue) 05:58:23 [Preview] No.6344 del
(126.33 KB 600x386 2391389.gif)
>who guarded a particular bridge
bridge? What a fitting dream.

>Despite the fact I would have no reason to fight against her in the waking world, and also the fact that [how do spoilers work here?]she isn't real[/oh well] my first thought upon slightly waking was *THAT WAS PRINCESS LUNA! I NEARLY MET THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT< LUNA!*
I have had this lightly. One of the oddest times was when I saw TS on a bookshelf by the stairs. She hardly did anything but I felt this weird sense of pride of seeing her.

>Still, I'm glad it's inspired you; I'm relistening for similar reasons.
Perhaps I'll give a listen then.

>wish I lived in a simpler era while I await in hope and fear, that America actually _will_ become great again; that we'll stop using our constitution for toilet paper and use it to judge the standing laws of this land, again.
Oof. Know this feel. The problem is that, it feels like the structure is breaking down. Not saying it is but it certain makes one feel insecure.

>Also, I'm buying rice, because the best time to panic-buy, is when there's no panic.
Do you have access to a place where you can garden? Even if you can't grow a lot growing some can help.

Anon 07/21/2020 (Tue) 06:03:45 [Preview] No.6345 del
>Even if you can't grow a lot growing some can help

seven plus acres, bro.
Not all of it is dedicated to horsegrazing.

Most of it, but not all.
Wifeanon has successufully sprouted ... five shoots of corn. Four of which are nearly waist high.

Anon Board owner 07/21/2020 (Tue) 06:05:05 [Preview] No.6346 del
Won't let me spoil just one with the mod tools I have but I did spoil them all. If you want me to remove it just say the word.

Anon Board owner 07/21/2020 (Tue) 06:08:30 [Preview] No.6347 del
>Most of it, but not all.
Now that's something that ya can work with!

>Wifeanon has successufully sprouted ... five shoots of corn. Four of which are nearly waist high.
Awesome. Two things I highly recomend would be Potatoes and Tomateos.

Anon 07/21/2020 (Tue) 06:09:40 [Preview] No.6348 del
Nah its cool bro. Filenames give away which are ... potentially distasteful

previous owners had planted potatoes. I swear we got more than ten pounds out of the deal, and we didn't even find them all.
Yes, those are growing nicely too.

Anon Board owner 07/21/2020 (Tue) 06:27:05 [Preview] No.6349 del
>Yes, those are growing nicely too.
Sweet. If I am to make any more specific recommendations I'd probably say two plants:
Yellow Pear Tomatoes.
These plants have been some of the most dependable my family ever has grown. Even with them doing bad planting practices (like reusing the same pot, mixing the same soil) these plants still always seemed to produce well.

The Ground Cherry.
A plant I'm experimenting with. Can't give a testimonial other than I find them promising for rougher environments and I like their weed like nature and their supposedly long storage time.

Also, Roma tomatoes.
For canning and such (though I have no experience in that a relative does).

Anon 07/21/2020 (Tue) 06:42:53 [Preview] No.6350 del
(287.12 KB 464x600 1922282.png)
>Filenames give away which are ... potentially distasteful
That's pretty dark. Old grimdark ask blog I take it?

The second of the darker ones makes me think of the second half of this song.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=eDhx12R3BxQ [Embed]
Her walking to the edge of a cliff...

Anon 07/21/2020 (Tue) 09:48:42 [Preview] No.6351 del
(441.69 KB 351x1024 RD-I-Can-Finally-Fly.png)
>Old grimdark ask blog
older than that, I think. Comics agreed upon by text in 4ch, probably when pony was still just in /b/

//she learns to fly, though.

Anon 07/22/2020 (Wed) 22:35:56 [Preview] No.6352 del
(78.31 KB 1005x1329 4chan_cap-Nopony1.jpg)
(5.19 KB 167x245 4chan_cap-Nopony2.png)
Whew. Guess I was a bit pent up. Also completely worn out over the hay thing. Not the first time I let my enthusiasm for all things pony overtake common sense.

"we are the news" notables aggregator points out that about a year ago, someone created a twitter account for JFK jr, and said that on 7/22/20, the crumbs would be replaced with the whole cake.

So if everything starts exploding, say an hour or two from now ... you'll know some of why. For myself, I'm going to spend tonight unboxing the keyboard components I hastily shoving into containers when we moved to this place.
Maybe I'll see you tomorrow?

Anon 07/23/2020 (Thu) 06:24:38 [Preview] No.6353 del
(91.28 KB 336x392 1594958937224.gif)
Wow that is old. Glad she learns to fly though.

>Not the first time I let my enthusiasm for all things pony overtake common sense.
Me niether if the drama on Derpi is any indication.

> For myself, I'm going to spend tonight unboxing the keyboard components I hastily shoving into containers when we moved to this place.
Sounds like my father. Whole lot of computer parts.

>Maybe I'll see you tomorrow?
Day after. Just got back from going out to see Neowise. I'll post about it in /night/ tommorow. Right now just exhausted from traveling around (though its nice to get out from pandemic).

> So if everything starts exploding, say an hour or two from now ... you'll know some of why.
I didn't here anything but then again this is an age were the government started to half admit on UFOs and nobody cared.

Anon 07/26/2020 (Sun) 18:00:04 [Preview] No.6356 del
Yeah. I posted in a dead thread, said 'nopony' in passing, and everyone came out of the woodwork to tell me to off myself.

The youtube link, in case you were wondering, was a cut, repeated several times, to awolnation's sail where Dashie asks herself 'maybe I should kill myself?'
bizarrely, I seem not to have that saved where I can find it. I have it saved, though. One of the first fanworks, and still pretty okay since I like the song anyway.

Anon 07/26/2020 (Sun) 18:18:52 [Preview] No.6357 del
(7.86 MB 426x240 NotAddicted.webm)
I have the video I mock-quoted though -- an FoE piece that was just disappearing from popularity about the time I posted my ill-received nopony usage.

Anon 07/27/2020 (Mon) 21:06:53 [Preview] No.6367 del
(176.14 KB 1059x965 scootacarrot.png)
This actual is alright, CB.

Have a carrot scootaloo I made.

Anon 07/27/2020 (Mon) 21:25:57 [Preview] No.6368 del
>since time imortal

Anon 07/28/2020 (Tue) 06:14:21 [Preview] No.6370 del
(1.35 MB 1800x1300 2407620.png)
>Yeah. I posted in a dead thread, said 'nopony' in passing, and everyone came out of the woodwork to tell me to off myself.
I can probably outcringe you a bit I have to police myself from saying ponified words to this day... IRL I still words like nopony and everypony in coversations online fairly often. Not forced I just got used to saying it.

>bizarrely, I seem not to have that saved where I can find it.
Do you have a lot of early stuff saved? That'd be cool, honestly.

> have it saved, though. One of the first fanworks, and still pretty okay since I like the song anyway.
This is, again, pretty copatent. I don't like all the lyrics but I can't call it cringe for sure (and dark for sure). The chorus sounds outright professional 9/10. Weird... second time I am praising Pony Rap that you have shown me.

Anon 07/28/2020 (Tue) 06:16:36 [Preview] No.6371 del
(48.99 KB 244x255 38.png)
Did Carrotfag just make OC and give it to CB over this song?

I take it you made this in Inkscape?


Anon 07/29/2020 (Wed) 05:14:24 [Preview] No.6373 del
Found it. Jump to 1:41. Yeah, that section.

I just today saw that spelling, when I think they were trying to say immoral. Or very possibly immemorial? It was a little unclear, and was a screen cap of a *chan discussing the breakdown of DeripB, or at least that kind of non-thinking was the topic.

I don't think so but I should put up seven-band-tribute just because.

Anon 07/29/2020 (Wed) 08:55:23 [Preview] No.6376 del
(310.96 KB 1280x720 WavyDashSail.jpg)
Haven't heard this in awhile. Yes I am familer with this. Wow. Way to bring back memories.

>I just today saw that spelling,
> It was a little unclear, and was a screen cap of a *chan discussing the breakdown of DeripB, or at least that kind of non-thinking was the topic.
Are you saying you say this message somewhere else. I was wondering if it was Carrotfag or not.

>I don't think so but I should put up seven-band-tribute just because.
Perhaps you're right. Perhaps you're not

Hey. I don't think you got to my question earilier on thisbut I just wanted to ask you since you're now a regular of this little board: do you have any feedback or ideas? Anything that you'd think be cool for us to * try * to do?

Anon 07/30/2020 (Thu) 06:16:52 [Preview] No.6377 del
>do you have any feedback or ideas?

Nah everything seems fine. "comfy" but fine. If I ever get back to writing I may bring up the critique thread again; we'll see.

have some older .webm PMVs

Anon 07/30/2020 (Thu) 08:05:57 [Preview] No.6378 del
Nice. First not a fan of the song but I still like to see PMVs and the various affects they try to pull off, even if subtle.

Here, possibly, the first time I saw anything from FiM at all (though it could also be the second). Though I had been peaking into fics before this point. Nothing remarkable other than it being my own little slice of an early artifact of the fandom.

Anon 07/30/2020 (Thu) 08:11:25 [Preview] No.6379 del
Now... the only problem with that though is that I thought I had been visiting fansites and lurking a bit before season 2 premiered.

>"comfy" but fine
I presume you mean:
Not "comfy" but fine

Anon 07/30/2020 (Thu) 20:58:57 [Preview] No.6380 del
(43.92 KB 387x409 pomfy.jpg)
(71.25 KB 500x375 blanketedand.jpg)
(101.98 KB 800x1107 more-anon-fily.png)
>I presume you mean:
>Not "comfy" but fine

Generally on 8k "comfy" as a descriptor of a board, came to mean "slow"
Slow enough all the posters could keep up with the incoming information.
Nevermind that it's slow enough that sometimes folks get bored and re-learn that reddit banned all discussions of things as well as stuff. This board is "comfy"

Anon 07/31/2020 (Fri) 09:10:47 [Preview] No.6381 del
(216.47 KB 1280x741 2325330.png)
>Generally on 8k "comfy" as a descriptor of a board, came to mean "slow"
Ah, I see. Yeah, that does fit /endpone/, especially right now.

>Nevermind that it's slow enough that sometimes folks get bored and re-learn that reddit banned all discussions of things as well as stuff.
Pony reddit or reddit in general * yes *

Anon 08/11/2020 (Tue) 08:10:51 [Preview] No.6417 del
(468.05 KB 720x560 2419868.gif)
Still comfy I see.

Anon 10/08/2020 (Thu) 19:42:40 [Preview] No.6616 del
(129.36 KB 1240x1015 MyLilIron.jpg)
(70.90 MB 1920x1080 PMV_WarPigs.mp4)
(257.96 KB 720x1108 SeaponyLyraHereAllWk.png)
Feeling sick; might listen to Iron Man or War Pigs later, IDK.

(in reality it was Aqualung first)

Anon 10/08/2020 (Thu) 21:18:41 [Preview] No.6619 del
>Feeling sick
oh...dammit, how is it going? What is it? how are you dealing with it?
You know, in this era, everyone suspects that everything is Covid..and for this anniversary, it seems that we couldn´t get any worse....

If that makes you feel any better, while not sick, I have been going through a tense period during the last days of September because of constant uncertainty. As soon as October arrived, all those problems vanished all of a sudden (what a relief). Still, I don´t recommend going through that.

>might listen to Iron Man or War Pigs later
Black Sabbath from the Paranoid album... the safest choices are sometimes the best ones. Nice.

Anon 10/09/2020 (Fri) 23:31:23 [Preview] No.6621 del
(233.57 KB 1000x733 2298631.png)
>Feeling sick
Drat. Praying for your well being.

>You know, in this era, everyone suspects that everything is Covid
If it is the dreaded Covid hopefully it stays mild. Even if not requiring medical attention I have heard for some it can be very unplesant.

Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 00:00:22 [Preview] No.6622 del
>If it is the dreaded Covid hopefully it stays mild.
it can stay mild. However, it ranges from causing heart attack or breathing problems to just a simple fatigue or headache for a couple of days. If you don´t get all bad after the first 5 or 6 days, most likely you don´t need to visit a hospital.

I say this because of contacts who have gone through and from possibly, personal experience

>Even if not requiring medical attention I have heard for some it can be very unplesant.
it´s basically a Russian roulette really. It depends on the age, blood type, amount of exposure to the virus, what strain you have caught (if it´s a weak or a strong one)... the main problem that one should worry about is if there is room left for you in the hospital in case that it gets worse around the time that you are going through the symptomatic period. Otherwise, one cannot adapt that apocalyptic mindset 24/7. The psychological effects could trun out to be more devastating in the long run because of constant bombing about this issue.

maybe one can go through the average flu and mistake it with covid during this autumn/winter period and more than one person out there could get truly paranoid about said confusion and act way more irrationally than one would do towards any other sickness.

Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 05:39:05 [Preview] No.6623 del
you guys, I'm fine.
You remember that discussion about porphyria? Rare liver disease? This was an attack from that -- all my joints were screaming in agony and had rusted shut.

Sixteen hours of sleep and two doses of excedrin has fixed everything. Mostly.

So, CB-anon proving I still have the same heartbeat I had before, a nice keyboard, and some images nearby. Also a Vive VR headset but the video card is inadequate so no visiting Equestria any time soon via that route.

Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 10:20:58 [Preview] No.6624 del
(230.77 KB 2500x2500 VR.jpeg)
>This was an attack from that -- all my joints were screaming in agony and had rusted shut.
That still sucks. The most positive things I could say is that 1): You feel better and 2): better the Devil you do know over the one you don't (maybe).

>Also a Vive VR headset but the video card is inadequate so no visiting Equestria any time soon via that route.
I didn't even know their was a VR pony project. How inadequate is the video card?

Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 21:24:38 [Preview] No.6630 del
>This was an attack from that -- all my joints were screaming in agony and had rusted shut.>Sixteen hours of sleep and two doses of excedrin has fixed everything. Mostly.
even if it´s a relief hearing that you have managed to overcome it, I don´t know if one should either get sad or just simply laugh (in a dark sense) about the fact that you have been going through another attack from the disease that has set you a time limit in your life expectancy.

While it´s certainly funny to think about that you´ve got everything under control, except for what Bridgefag has said (it´s the Devil that you know), I still admire your perspective and how you are capable to handle it with a positive take your disease while getting a reminder that one of those episodes will kill you in the future. It blows my mind.

>CB-anon proving I still have the same heartbeat I had before, a nice keyboard, and some images nearby.
you´ve got to have quite a lot of courage to acknowledge your problems and still shitpost as usual as if nothing happens to you. I am taking this with a slice of comedy but at the same time, I can´t help but shiver while thinking about your situation.

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 05:54:25 [Preview] No.6640 del
(387.84 KB 2048x1229 2606658.jpg)
(7.47 MB 720x480 537.gif)
(189.21 KB 1024x768 2683859.gif)
Shit. That sucks.

>I am taking this with a slice of comedy but at the same time, I can´t help but shiver while thinking about your situation.
Gentic disorders, even minor ones, can suck pretty bad, yet having it for years and possibly knowning about it does set you up with a different mentality than a onlooker who has no close experience with a person like that. I've seen people live with far worse with a smile. c

Have an emergency drop of princess to brighten the mood.
Lurker-someetimes-poster-anon signing off

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 06:36:10 [Preview] No.6643 del
>Gentic disorders, even minor ones, can suck pretty bad, yet having it for years and possibly knowning about it does set you up with a different mentality than a onlooker who has no close experience with a person like that. I've seen people live with far worse with a smile.

Obviously, you get to adapt yourself with the circumstances one finds himself in, just that one cannot help at thinking that life could be even more complicated because of that handicap, yet you see them with a smile and many of them appreciate and fight more for their lives than people who don't have any disease of this kind. I suppose that not many appreciate anything until they don't have it anymore.

One of the reasons why I don't want to go back to any historical period (except for the 80s-2000s) is because of this, you were sold in this department and if you lived in certain civilizations (spartans), they would kill you for having those diseases or the newborn was badly formed.

It's just that it haunts me how one can go through it and never before you could access to so much yet we still cannot offer all the mediums for preventing them. Sure, some of them have been nullified and even reversed (see the VIH) but there is still a long way to go.

>Lurker-someetimes-poster-anon signing off
I think that I've got an idea who you might be but I am not placing my bets yet...

Still, posting the princesses was nice.

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 21:45:39 [Preview] No.6648 del
>Have an emergency drop of princess to brighten the mood.
Thanks for the drop!

>One of the reasons why I don't want to go back to any historical period (except for the 80s-2000s) is because of this, you were sold in this department and if you lived in certain civilizations (spartans), they would kill you for having those diseases or the newborn was badly formed.
An interesting point that one often forgets in such escapism.

>I think that I've got an idea who you might be but I am not placing my bets yet...

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 22:40:20 [Preview] No.6656 del
I was referring to random posts that popped up in the past that I certainly remember, just that I don´t have enough evidence to spot who that lurker is.

>An interesting point that one often forgets in such escapism.
exactly. I mean, it´s cool and all that one wants to become a Roman soldier/general or live the golden times of an Empire/Kinddom. For video games and studying history, okay that´s pretty neat.

However, we don´t value the quality of life in comparison with those periods from the past. You´ve got nothing to envy when it comes to life expectancy and the tools/mediums/technologies from back then.

I have no desire to go back to it because I am living in an age in which the standard life expectancy draws near 80 years. Not even those who lived in the kingship could last this much centuries ago.

Even with that disorder,when looks at the past, reaching 70 years was a huge feat back then and now, it falls a little bit short for the current standards.

So, do I have any reason to go back? Honestly, I don´t. Yes, things are looking pretty grim and we might be fed of this year but... people were dying out of hunger until not long ago (and we might witness in this century, the disappearance of this problem or at least, get greatly reduced in the entire world).

So, no thanks. I will stick to what I currently have and except for living just 24 in those periods just to see the environments for myself, I wouldn´t use the time machine for nothing really except for the postmodern decades.

Anon 11/26/2020 (Thu) 19:44:42 [Preview] No.6917 del
(655.36 KB 4096x2048 Picnicing.jpeg)
(2.91 MB 3366x1892 Coloratura_AJ-Humn.png)
(457.44 KB 810x810 AJsHatStringsTho.png)
(491.88 KB 1708x1054 WaitWhichHolidyAgain.jpg)
hope your whole extended family finds a way to get along

I guess they canceled thanksgiving in places. Not sure that's any kind of appropriate but it happened.
Personally I hope some or all of you have many visitors to help celebrate the loss of your favored pet turkey. But don't let them spike the eggnog that's a horrible thing to do to eggnog.

In the equally horrible chance you don't have eggnog at the stores, it's super easy to make.

 3 jumbo eggs; 1 cup sugar; 1 quart of milk 

It doesn't even really matter what order you mix them in. Once you have a continuous mixture, pour it into a drinking vessel of your choice and enjoy!

//sticking it to the pony on all fronts,
// // CB anon.

Anon 11/26/2020 (Thu) 19:57:33 [Preview] No.6918 del
(126.55 KB 2000x2000 before.png)
(8.24 MB 4444x2540 BakingTray.png)
(275.14 KB 1349x1371 SpikeCompares.png)
There are even some ... interesting spicy on the topic.
I doubt you'll know this, but one of the famous Fallout fanfics, Project Horizons introduces a Dashite mare named Morning Glory -- that's her below being forced to enjoy a carrot. The marefriend would have probably stuffed her with her horn (never mix your antecedents it confuses them) but she's mostly known for having a very small horn, which wouldn't properly satisfy so ...

The one choosing to enjoy a (a?) carrot is a more well known show pony.

Anon 11/27/2020 (Fri) 00:01:01 [Preview] No.6919 del
(821.30 KB 300x168 vore will love this.gif)
happy thanksgiving, eat up!

Anon 11/27/2020 (Fri) 01:14:40 [Preview] No.6923 del
Thanks for providing the recipe for it even though...

>I guess they canceled thanksgiving in places. Not sure that's any kind of appropriate but it happened.
..not all the people can make it. Those who manage to celebrate have twice the reasons to feel satisfied with it. Considering how unkind this whole year has been, it seems that 2020 doesn´t give the break that one deserves.

I will personally try to dedicate a proper celebration on this board for Christmas.

Still, the most important thing is that you have managed to get here in order to announce it over here and get through all these troubled times. It´s actually quite heartwarming to see this considering that I only expected Bridgefag to mention it. Funnily enough, earlier this morning I was asking myself questions about how well all of you are doing over there and my worries have vanished after seeing your post and signs of other users in the most recent ones. You are doing alright fortunately, despite all the odds (which isn´t a small feat honestly)

well, hopefully you are having a nice day, CB Anon. Those who live in the US (and well,/endpone/ in general), enjoy it as much as you can with your families out there!

Anon 11/27/2020 (Fri) 08:54:46 [Preview] No.6926 del
(890.31 KB 663x1024 HappyThanks.png)
(59.77 KB 618x402 Giving.png)
Happy Thanksgiving. For me it was a small affair and the first ones without my grandparents

>But don't let them spike the eggnog that's a horrible thing to do to eggnog.

>In the equally horrible chance you don't have eggnog at the stores, it's super easy to make.
Never have even tasted it but I will write that down to possibly try sometime.

>// CB anon.
// Bridgefag

>I will personally try to dedicate a proper celebration on this board for Christmas.
That is also my plan.

Thanks to you as well.

Anon 11/27/2020 (Fri) 09:23:53 [Preview] No.6932 del
This gif took a second to load and caught me slightly off guard.

Good job!

Anon 12/11/2020 (Fri) 01:40:33 [Preview] No.7028 del
(313.01 KB 3264x1219 E-DoxPlates.jpg)
(37.18 KB 618x293 ThosTwisTiesTho.png)
A little more than seven years ago, this didn't happen:


It turns out if you pay attention to the avatars, the discussion makes a tiny bit more sense.

Anon 12/11/2020 (Fri) 23:55:03 [Preview] No.7030 del
(139.08 KB 500x564 2469571.png)
First off
>Fluttershy is soft, so she gets the vowels.
>RD is streaking Nyan-cat style across the numbers at the top
>Pinkie gets all the punctuation. Possibly also the two so she can add it to other numbers two.
>Applejack is practical, and so gets the navigation keys.
>If you didn't know Twilight got the control keys you can turn in your badge and go home now.
which leaves Rarity getting all the consonants. What's beautiful about the consonants? Not sure. Also I'm not sure which combination of colors best imply her colors, but I have some notes I can share if you're interested. (hint: RCM legend on WFJ. Almost positive. Probably.)

I dig the design a lot.

>It turns out if you pay attention to the avatars, the discussion makes a tiny bit more sense.
What about them?

Do you use dvorak?

Anon 12/12/2020 (Sat) 01:01:15 [Preview] No.7032 del
(757.67 KB 894x894 Chryssitongue.png)
(81.84 KB 900x602 IRL_ponies.jpg)
This was, remember, a generalized "keyboard enthusiast" board. There were maybe three, four at most bronies.
But Thimplum is up there in the hierarchy a bit, so I thought the ellipsis response was eloquent.

Anon 12/17/2020 (Thu) 10:50:44 [Preview] No.7038 del
(37.59 KB 889x200 ThisDidGetALaugh.png)
Thiss got a small laugh out of me but that context makes it funnier.

Anon 02/16/2021 (Tue) 06:27:16 [Preview] No.7300 del
>We made it to 2021!
Only normalfags think 2020 was really all that terrible.

Anon 04/15/2021 (Thu) 09:16:37 [Preview] No.7431 del
(138.94 KB 1080x1350 2592878.jpg)
Haven't posted in here for awhile. Just a /chat/ PoLS with a Celly pic that for some reason I really like.

Anon 04/15/2021 (Thu) 20:52:10 [Preview] No.7432 del
a /chat/ revival in 2021?

Well, it was about time.I wonder what generals are left for getting an update in terms of posts with the current year.

Anon 04/15/2021 (Thu) 22:01:10 [Preview] No.7442 del
From the other thread,

>Honestly been thinking about getting a alt OS myself for awhile.

Following directions for my phone, I went to:
and downloaded the -floss- .xz file.

You can learn more about 'alt osses' for you phone at https://community.e.foundation/
(yes, that really is a valid TLD. No I don't know how we went from .com & .org to .foundation; or when or especially why).

Have a tactical turtleneck with scrunchie-face.

Anon 04/15/2021 (Thu) 22:16:05 [Preview] No.7443 del
(502.28 KB 168x298 2169491.gif)
Yes. I have some minor plans to change this thread up slightly and give it a purpose alongside NMAiE.

So let's party cautiously

>and downloaded the -floss- .xz file.

>(yes, that really is a valid TLD. No I don't know how we went from .com & .org to .foundation; or when or especially why).
They can be sponsored now by different organizations for various purposes:

>Have a tactical turtleneck with scrunchie-face.

Anon 06/03/2021 (Thu) 05:36:41 [Preview] No.7612 del
So, no video handy for this/these so I just post here.

I'm gonna be outta town for a few days helping retrieve a horse my wife just agreed to buy. We'll be back to being able to trail-ride on weekends and hopefully she can begin to enjoy riding again -- many reasons why she couldn't.

Have some celebratory music. The first one is from Jacob Stueck of FoE rap-batl fame ... the rest are a mixture of stuff I like because I'm too distracted to build a better playlist than that ;-)

I don't remember if I've posted Duty before; pony-metal about a sith-student Twilight

Anon 06/04/2021 (Fri) 05:55:18 [Preview] No.7613 del
(386.98 KB 1075x860 Horse_Riding.png)
>I'm gonna be outta town for a few days helping retrieve a horse my wife just agreed to buy.
Neat. My only experience with horse riding is limited, but it is something that I've always wanted toget more into. I hope the new horse serves y'all well!

> hopefully she can begin to enjoy riding again -- many reasons why she couldn't.
I don't want to pry if it is anything medical but how will a new horse help?

> MinistryMare
His voice of AJ reminds me so much of Flimflamefilosphy portrayal of the character.

>RHCP Twilight
Some of the lyrics here are very clever.

Audio quality feels a little rough on the voice samples but this is my favorite of this post. I love the feel of it!

Anon 06/19/2021 (Sat) 18:23:23 [Preview] No.7628 del
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>how will a new horse help

It's not a secret but would take some explaining and I'm at work struggling to pay attention so ... another time. Maybe Monday or so.

In the meantime, have the wasteland, being cute for once.

Anon 06/19/2021 (Sat) 18:30:57 [Preview] No.7629 del
(175.08 KB 1200x776 SparklColAd.jpg)
And Octavia being dark & moody, I guess.
Have a Dark Trixie before you cool off with a Sparkle Cola. It's like a buck to the face -- WITH RADISHES
(FoE prewar RD's endorsement of SparkleRad, which glows like Nuka Cola Rad. Yes, little pip eventually finds the recipe for a sparklehoofgrenade, upon which point Calamity asks "now that you know that, dontcha wonder why've y'all been drinking that foul stuff?")

Anon Board owner 06/23/2021 (Wed) 10:01:18 [Preview] No.7633 del
General status update My computer issues have been mostly resovled, or perhasps bette worded, I have found work arounds so I can get back to be slow over being gone.

>It's not a secret but would take some explaining and I'm at work struggling to pay attention so .
I am leaving that to you. Sometimes talking about something even if it isn't a secret can still be a bit of a burdan to lay out just out of complexity of a personal subject, yet someone with a external view can also provide unexpected insights.

>And Octavia being dark & moody, I guess.
And cool.

>Have a Dark Trixie before you cool off with a Sparkle Cola.
Dark Trixie with the alicorn amulet can drink Sparkle Cola with less no ill effects.

>Yes, little pip eventually finds the recipe for a sparklehoofgrenade, upon which point Calamity asks "now that you know that, dontcha wonder why've y'all been drinking that foul stuff?
I still haven't read the oringal Fallout Equestria but this line is funny for knowing enough of that context.

Anon Board owner 06/23/2021 (Wed) 10:04:09 [Preview] No.7634 del
(1.58 MB 823x997 988559.png)
>forgot pic

Anon 06/26/2021 (Sat) 21:10:10 [Preview] No.7637 del
This dances around the topic

She "wasnt having fun" and when we rehomed her horse she was having less fun. Most horses that were close to what she was looking for had five-digit asking prices.
This one had barely a four-digit price, and seemed fine.

Responsive to the aids, a respected member of the herd -- and an indoor horse.
It's been a big adjust for him, moving to the country, being trailered to lessons.

So far it's been okay. I blame the side of the hill for our lack. Can't just ride off from the property center, can't properly enjoy riding on the property.

Anon 06/27/2021 (Sun) 06:30:02 [Preview] No.7640 del
(1.02 MB 2000x1458 2873470.jpg)
That sounds like a pain to mess with, though if the new horse enables your wife to enjoy horse riding again I think it's worth it.

>Can't just ride off from the property center, can't properly enjoy riding on the property.
<having a large property but not being able to enjoy it because of terrain...

Actually, I think one of my family members once had a situation like that.

Anon 06/27/2021 (Sun) 06:32:54 [Preview] No.7641 del
>Actually, I think one of my family members once had a situation like that.\
Complete with horses too, I mean.

Anon 07/14/2021 (Wed) 08:50:07 [Preview] No.7676 del
Well, my period of inactivity is over (more like finals have finally ended).

I've got to explain a few things over here and as CB Anon has recently posted on the webm thread,this board needs therapy (without taking his double entendre expression for the videos themselves) Who hasn't needed it at some point anyway?

Anyway, I think that I am coming back over here and leave a few posts later for starting in this 2021 a calmer 2nd half for me... hopefully (I want to remark this last word)

There are plenty of matters to talk about even though the top priority (for these next 10 days) consists in saving the YT comments that both Bridgefag and his assistant have been compiling so far. Even if I bump other threads, everyone should keep an eye on that project.

I am leaving a PoLS over here for now.

Anon 07/14/2021 (Wed) 09:58:52 [Preview] No.7677 del
(133.55 KB 800x800 17040.jpg)
>Well, my period of inactivity is over (more like finals have finally ended).
Yay! Hopefully I can finally be more active too.

>CB Anon has recently posted on the webm thread,this board needs therapy
How do you know that one is him? What if it is a different anon?

Mutual partner.

Anon 07/15/2021 (Thu) 21:54:04 [Preview] No.7689 del
>Mutual partner.
that gesture of changing the status is certainly endearing to hear and it fits better for the contributions that he has delivered so far tbh. Honestly, I didn´t know how to tag him so I came up with that provisional term (even though the reception of your term depends on him entirely)

>Yay! Hopefully I can finally be more active too.
well,keep in mind that you have been dealing with technical issues (the new PC and problems with the downloader), it´s understandable why you have been focusing on that project and all those changes in order to adjust it according to your taste/preferences. I cannot predict how active this board will be but for sure, I think that certain fans deserve the medal of loyalty.

No other imageboard can be so wildly consistent in its active inconsistency (especially when it comes to the Endchan servers that Odilitime hasn´t fixed yet. We might enter into the 22nd century with futuristic advanced technology and Endchan surely won´t have stable servers nor an archive for past threads). I attempted to leave a reply over here and the servers failed yesterday...and here I am, reformulating the post all over again tonight. Great...

>How do you know that one is him? What if it is a different anon?

I mean, I have made mistakes before at trying to predict who is who but considering the alexa stats, Endchan doesn´t have a huge influx of people to be precise.
Besides, if we take into account that MLP is a very specific franchise, the numbers are even more reduced than the ones with a generic appeal.
You have to keep in mind that I have been used to seeing the posts of the most active user around here and I could certainly have an idea who is posting (according to several factors/patterns that one takes into account after a certain period of lurking).

I remember a Polish anon on /flutter/ stating that one gets to know the users of the whole board when there are less than 10 active users. Of course,this could be easily solved by introducing the ID feature and leave no room for mistakes in this guessing game.
Even 4chan users from /mlp/ have been surprised about this style of posting, without relying on names for the post yet there are mentions of each other throughout the reply itself.

By the way, CB Anon confirmed that he was the one who left a poisonous phrase in that post >>7679.

Maybe it won´t be as easy to figure this out next time...

Anon 07/18/2021 (Sun) 06:48:10 [Preview] No.7703 del
I've just had an epiphany
Diplomacy, but with Equine units.

Right now, Diplomacy even with fantasy maps or the like, have only army units or ships. But with unicorns and pegasi, the rules would have to be expanded.

So, having never played but the rules seem straight-forward enough, I think it would have to be like this:
Earth ponies (or Zebra) -- standard army. One unit per zone ("country" in traditional Diplomacy), one new unit created in the Spring turn if that's possible, can only move one country per turn (with an exception I have in mind)
Pegasi armies -- can travel two zones per turn, and can fly over unicorn or earth armies without interference, but will be blockaded by an intervening air army.
Armadas -- Also produced once in the Spring, but are limited to water zones. This is the exception I had in mind. I'm picturing a river splitting the map in half. Each section of the river is the same length as surrounding land zones. Armadas can attack or support an attack from their beaches but cannot occupy them. The river could be forded by land armies; essentially they just ignore it. But an opposing armada could blockade travel.
Unicorns -- A college geared toward war-training unicorn ponies would produce one army every spring. But they could not invade, only support or blockade. They also could only move one zone per turn, with the exception of that river crossing.
Batponies -- The mountains of the north, I guess, would produce one unit of batponies every spring. By default at creation they would act like pegasi BUT could spend a turn reconfiguring their make-up, and at the end of that turn would be as declared: either a water-based armada (I'm picturing cajun swamp barges, but instead of a fan, there's a bat at the back flapping his/her wings like Scootaloo does for her scooter, with either a unicorn or spear-toting batpony at the front of each barge) or to become a land unit.
The advantage of becoming a land unit is, I was thinking of allowing zones to permit multiple armies so long as they were in a different "place"; pegasi sleeping in the clouds, Earth armies on the ground, and if there's a beach, water units stay in the nearby river.

Next up I was considering including two methods of granting longer travel. One would be Appleloosa's food convoy. Once in the Fall turn that zone would create for the current owner, an "army" of food. It would be ground-bound but could occupy the same zone as an actual army.
If the owners of the food-army and battle-army are different, the owner of the food would have to declare an order to gift the food to the battle army.
Once eaten, the food-army would be "disbanded" and the next turn that army could travel two zones.
The second way, would be that owners of flight-producers could, in the Winter turn, declare an order to produce a convoy. So instead of batponies or pegasi, that zone would create one non-combatant (non occuying / non-blockading) flier. This army could merge with a ground army. If the owner of the ground army is different, both would have to declare their order to merge or the order would fail. Once merged, they would be like flying unicorns. Not able to attack, but could support an invasion, or just blockade against travel. But they could also move two zones, including bypassing hostile ground or water armies. If either owner, if they're different, orders a de-combining, the ground army will be dumped where the flight convoy was at that time.

I suppose a flight convoy could also behave like a roving country. If two Earth armies declare they're invading the zone, then the convoy move to the clouds and can move at the next turn. Or both invading and supporting armies could declare they're invading the convoy, after which the convoy is taken as slaves by the invading army, which wouldn't move but would pull the convoy into its current/previous zone. "invading" a merged convoy would be a normal battle, destroying the flight convoy and Earth army with it.

Anon 07/18/2021 (Sun) 12:18:31 [Preview] No.7704 del
(3.16 MB 600x338 swampdashy.gif)
>Honestly, I didn´t know how to tag him so I came up with that provisional term (even though the reception of your term depends on him entirely)
I meant it as more of a status. I mean, I suppose one could say I am in "command" of /go/ and the current effort but he has been just a driving force and has put a fair bit of labor.

> I attempted to leave a reply over here and the servers failed yesterday...and here I am, reformulating the post all over again tonight. Great...
Had the same thing happen to me with a relatively long post. Anoying.

This deserves a much longer reply but for now I will say,
>Diplomacy, but with Equine units.
I have often thought on a similar theme, even with my relative lack of experience with rules like this. Rationally, how could our little ponies and the rational implications of there world affect stories and be incorperated into gameplay? So much really get ignored or not thought of...

> (I'm picturing cajun swamp barges, but instead of a fan, there's a bat at the back flapping his/her wings like Scootaloo does for her scooter, with either a unicorn or spear-toting batpony at the front of each barge)
I love this concept and... yes I did find a cap of when that actually happened in FiM.

Anon 07/18/2021 (Sun) 12:34:39 [Preview] No.7709 del
> just a driving force
just as much a driving force as me on this, if not more so.

Anon 07/18/2021 (Sun) 12:35:38 [Preview] No.7710 del
I am barely awake, LOL, hoepfully there isn't any horribll spelling errors.

Night /endpone/.

Anon 08/08/2021 (Sun) 19:31:26 [Preview] No.7771 del
Not long ago, I decided to look for a particular artist, who used to go by the name 5ound but decided it was too common. So they changed to ANU. Sort of.

Egyptian-themed letters, they don't show up on your keyboard. But once I found, and copy/pasted the characters to the downloaded files, I saw something strange.

Windows alphabetized anu to be after 'V' for VyletPony or Vinylrawr, and before 'W' for Weak-and-Powerless or Want-It-Need-It.


From Interstellar through Sonny's hope, finishing with a Hangover, have some pony music. Although Interstellar is inspired by some other show as I recall.

It turns out I wasn't "over" that cold -- and when I got sent in for the PCR test it came back positive, so I really did get the covids. At 102, 'F' is for fever. Never delirious just felt like my face was on fire. Then when the aspirin finally would dismantle the fever for the evening I go from shivering and cold to barely-can-breathe too hot, stripped down to underwear.
I'm looking forward to actually enjoying a cup of coffee today.

Anon 08/10/2021 (Tue) 10:23:45 [Preview] No.7774 del
>Egyptian-themed letters, they don't show up on your keyboard
I believe I have encountered this artist before, at least the name. I don't know where but I remember those letters. Though the music I don't recall.

>Windows alphabetized anu to be after 'V' for VyletPony or Vinylrawr, and before 'W' for Weak-and-Powerless or Want-It-Need-It.
It's simple:
...haven't you ever read all 28 letters of the alphabet?

>so I really did get the covids.
No fun. I hope you make a full and complete recovery and that your fellow coworkers don't act like smug idiots

>I'm looking forward to actually enjoying a cup of coffee today.
You deserve it. I hope you enjoyed it and more afterwards!

Anon 08/27/2021 (Fri) 23:25:29 [Preview] No.7809 del
>It's simple:
Bridgefag I ....

No, nevermind. Have more music, instead.
Track 5 was featured by CiderParty, and I've listened to Ends and Cyberpony albums. And added them to my .mp3 player.
Sorta ranges from "rock" to "atmospheric" but all of it pleases my ears so that's something.

File attached is from Cyberpony; it's the final track on that album.

Anon 08/28/2021 (Sat) 09:08:11 [Preview] No.7810 del
>Bridgefag I ....
>No, nevermind. Have more music, instead.

CB,feel free to express yourself.
I don't personally recommend you to leave those reflections swirling inside your head and then, attempt to cover those thoughts with a post that stays halfway there, pointing at a direction that you want to desperately go through but at the same time,you don't manage to sort it out or make it public so we could get a better idea of what is actually happening.

It certainly leaves me an uneasy feeling to notice that something is going on but simultaneously,I hold certain doubts related to what you want to say here.

Hey,I am here...and surprisingly enough,I am not Bridgefag but rather another user that should have been present this summer yet I haven't done that. I will explain this backstory eventually.

But I would ask you a favour: if you want to fully transmit something/anything,I would rather type things excess rather than leaving everything at an uncomfortable suspense with double entendre phrases that make us doubt about your actual intentions. It's not about me but rather how things you want them to be for you. If you have to vent/express something, go ahead. I highly encourage that practice, we will understand.

I hope that you get to have a great night,my friend.

Anon 08/28/2021 (Sat) 23:00:26 [Preview] No.7811 del
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>CB,feel free to express yourself.
I never haven't.
Double entendres, puns, slightly off topic images, this is indeed how I communicate.

I know on the anime boards I get frowned at because even though half the populace might be former-bronies, they have watched so much anime, so intensely, that every screenshot evokes intense and specific memories and emotions.

There have been entire threads where no one posted a word, and later they would discuss what had been discussed this time using words to clear up misunderstandings of which there were few beyond "that one is a socialist and this other saw a different series where space was mentioned"

I just want to come here to discuss life, and ponies, and maybe even pony-life though I haven't seen it yet.

But in addition to the fact that 90% of the 8kun /pone/ posts of this year were just me, poking to see if it was actually dead yet, you two are going through catastrophic life changes which, don't get me wrong, take precedence over an image-board.

But then things like
>pic attached
happen so I'll never (for the next several minutes, hours, who knows) find out if either of the two anons who promised to "get back to" my really-old-GT post will actually have anything to say or not.

Did you know that in the Hawai'ian native languages, double entendres are hard to avoid but it is considered an art, and an honor, to craft quadruple and quintuple entendres?

Perhaps the issue is, as you have said of yourself if I understood aright, it's all been posted. You had stuff you wanted to say, and successfully said it all.
Congratulations, we've reached the end of the internet. Don't forget to turn out the light as you leave.

Anon 08/28/2021 (Sat) 23:32:55 [Preview] No.7812 del
>I never haven't.
eeerm, are you sure, though? There are certain details among your posts that I have detected in the past. Besides, I have a inner sense in which I can certainly tell that the people who need the greatest amount of help are those who don´t ask for it. And it´s not the first time that I have to provoke you to speak up...

>Double entendres, puns, slightly off topic images, this is indeed how I communicate.
well, I can certainly enjoy some Japanese mannerism but here in the West (even more significant in my country), we are direct and I have been doing bold moves here that could have cost me harsh replies in return, yet fortunately I didn´t...and I am still here. I expected to dive into a huge rabbithole in which I had thought that I wasn´t going to escape yet life has offered to me a new way of approaching things after living such experiences and opening up myself.

So, yeah...you can tell that I am not a huge fan of indirect messages. I appreciate them for the works of art but never when people hold a mental/psychological problem.

Or when it comes to complaints in general. I appreciate a better linear communication in which the problem is directly pointed out instead of trying to make us play guessing games at what is someone trying to convey, going around without actually including the actual root of the problem. or stories, art and yes, music...it works but when it comes to something personal that you personally hold from the inside, I prefer to see pristine and clear thoughts all the way through, so I tackle the problem better and I get a better baseline for working out a more precise response in return.

>I know on the anime boards I get frowned at because even though half the populace might be former-bronies, they have watched so much anime, so intensely, that every screenshot evokes intense and specific memories and emotions.

Or at least, not from my part. I don´t believe that any of us two wants to disrespect you. I have watched anime but the most generic ones. I prefer to listen to albums and play the guitar instead during my free time but as for the anime fanatism...you are not seeing that pattern, you won´t face that mindset coming from me

Anon 08/28/2021 (Sat) 23:57:03 [Preview] No.7813 del
>There have been entire threads where no one posted a word, and later they would discuss what had been discussed this time using words to clear up misunderstandings of which there were few beyond "that one is a socialist and this other saw a different series where space was mentioned"

well, for MLP, discussion doesn´t have to be that obtuse or far-fetched. Even if MLP gets political, one has to analyse the context and the message portrayed. That is to say, even for messages/propaganda/soft power that one doesn´t like, one has to offer a little bit more effort and vision than that.

The analysis that Bridgefag wrote about the Last Crusade >>4287 and >>4288 proves that even with the controversial topics, one can still leave that bias aside and still attempt to care a little bit more than the comfort zone that we all fall for at some point. I am not saying that anyone is an exception. I am just saying that there are always ways to raise topics better than the manners that you have seen in those places.

>I just want to come here to discuss life, and ponies, and maybe even pony-life though I haven't seen it yet.
Thank you.

I deeply appreciate that you declare your actual intentions here. I haven´t seen Pony Life either and except for one comic or two from Season 10, don´t think that I have been invested on the IDW releases either.

>But in addition to the fact that 90% of the 8kun /pone/ posts of this year were just me, poking to see if it was actually dead yet, you two are going through catastrophic life changes which, don't get me wrong, take precedence over an image-board.

unlike 8kun...I want to claim that I am not dead...neither does Bridgefag. Everyone here is actually alive and that´s what I ultimately care about that in the end.

>But then things like pic attached happen so I'll never (for the next several minutes, hours, who knows) find out if either of the two anons who promised to "get back to" my really-old-GT post will actually have anything to say or not.
I´ll prove you wrong but there are some explanations for that. I am actually alive...


...just that I need to arrange my thoughts and clear up this misunderstood mess properly...

Anon 08/29/2021 (Sun) 00:22:41 [Preview] No.7814 del

This one should work out and I am not the artist, by the way...

>neither does Bridgefag.

>Did you know that in the Hawai'ian native languages, double entendres are hard to avoid but it is considered an art, and an honor, to craft quadruple and quintuple entendres?

well, that´s a pretty respectable and yeah, it is an art to express phrases with multiple interpretations and full of meanings that leave the receiver wondering about the actual message that the speaker wants to transmit.The baroque expressions are more fulfilling works of art and that´s awesome for establishing well-rounded interpretations...

But as I said earlier, when it comes to practical problems and personal struggles, I am more of a fan for taking the easier route, the simple yet efficient solutions.

>Perhaps the issue is, as you have said of yourself if I understood aright, it's all been posted. You had stuff you wanted to say, and successfully said it all.

You are right about that. I will admit. Everything was already expressed for me. In reality, I already fulfilled my last task back in January 2020 when I wrote that last fanfic in order to see how complex I could get for challenging the interpreation that would come from Bridgefag. The rest was a well disguised bonus and everything fell apart after writing the 4 episode spotlights. At that point, the initial motivations that I had had for this place were vanished...and then, the IRL familiar chaos came.

Well, in reality, I have faced a very difficult year since last summer (maybe throughout the whole pandemic) and since then, I have run out of ideas or worthy thoughts to raise because I had delivered everything that motivated me for my plans.

Now, my plans...doesn´t that sound narcissistic or egocentric? Well, there is a reason why I have become a lurker: I have had to change the approach towards this board and reconsider completely what it should be, not what I exactly had in mind back then. There is a touching tone that I hold in these last couple of sentences.

>Congratulations, we've reached the end of the internet. Don't forget to turn out the light as you leave.
I haven´t turned out the light...no. I am not doing that.

What happens here is that I am completely stupid and a huge faggot for promising that I would deliver activity in this summer yet I proved that I cannot promise anything here...because otherwise, disappointments would happen. Huh, my old me back in 2018 got it right about my mindset. I shouldn´t promise anything because answers/reactions like this one eventually happen.

But there are very good reasons for that CB, just let me illustrate what I have been doing in the shadows. Besides the familiar revolution that I have been facing since March (even February to an extent), I have to expose something related to MLP that I have been keeping almost completely in secret for months.

Anon 08/29/2021 (Sun) 00:37:09 [Preview] No.7815 del
Oh perfect, the text went full spoilers and I didn´t fix the link...



I will claim with these replies and make sure to transmit to you that I am not dead. My life has turned out to be a complete rollercoaster and I have had to change my approach towards this board as well.

For a project in which I have delivered some of the most elaborated essays and quite a few dedicated works which I didn´t expect to deliver at first, I am not going to ditch this with the ease that you expect me to do so. Although it is true that I have noticed the enormous fatigue after taking the lead or a noticeable direction for 3 years. The strain for delivering constant (long)posts, even in the peaks of activity, cost me to go through several ups and downs, mentally speaking.

I will turn out the light when the last nail of my coffin gets to be set,that´s when I won´t have any chance for doing anything.

The actual variable of my presence/absence is my own will,not the amount of activity; and even among the most inconvenient circumstances,one can always show up and deliver a PoLS for ensuring my existence...

Anon 08/31/2021 (Tue) 06:15:56 [Preview] No.7829 del
>But in addition to the fact that 90% of the 8kun /pone/ posts of this year were just me, poking to see if it was actually dead yet
Woah, based. I miss 8/pone too.

We didn't have a true bunker. It is sad because I think if we had been slightly more prepared I don't think the spark would've died so badly. I remember there being a surprising uptick in activity around season 8.

>Or at least, not from my part. I don´t believe that any of us two wants to disrespect you.
2.5 if you count sad semi-lurkers.

> play the guitar instead during my free time

>For a project in which I have delivered some of the most elaborated essays
Good one on the fluttertree episode

Anon 09/02/2021 (Thu) 09:16:02 [Preview] No.7832 del
(608.81 KB 1280x949 LunarArmy.png)
>I know on the anime boards I get frowned at because even though half the populace might be former-bronies, they have watched so much anime, so intensely, that every screenshot evokes intense and specific memories and emotions.
And thus, you are a outsider who can't fit in. I get that, totally. If I am being honest, a lot of modern internet, cooler underground internet, mainstream and etc, I am woefully unfamiliar with, for better or worse.

>Don't forget to turn out the light as you leave.
Serious though. I haven't been near as active as I wanted to this year, I keep tensing the update and I indeed have been working behind the scenes but you are correct in IRL stuff happening, though I am not sure I would put it in "catastrophic" category.

I promise you this I AM NOT ABANDONING THIS BOARD! As BO pro tem it was haunting enough when old BO left, for his own understandable reasons, but can't stand the thought of being another who just vanishes.

> I remember there being a surprising uptick in activity around season 8.
I do recall that as well. Though I don't know much on the status right before 8chan's fall.

>Good one on the fluttertree episode
Maybe L23's best.

Anon 09/07/2021 (Tue) 06:08:40 [Preview] No.7839 del
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Has anyone ever made alcoholic pony drinks and drank them unironically? I thought someone here once talked about this (or a drinking game?) and I would be curious as to what that experience was like.

Anon 09/07/2021 (Tue) 07:31:36 [Preview] No.7841 del
Usedta order the banana nutcase when coworkers went out after work together. They all snickered at me but also wanted a sip because darn if that isn't tasty!
I've had the three wiseapples except they had to substitute something so it was green(ish) instead of red. Well, Big Mac's CM is green so close enough. Also don't drink too many of those they kick like a mule.
And speaking of needing a kick in the rump, the speed demon! Could never get it Blue-Fast's level of blue, but it was blue-ish at least. Also considered a triple drink so the karaoke bar would only serve one. Period.

The drinking game that I know of, was some online friends had a buncha rules about when you'd take a sip of booze, such as "used magic" or "Background Pony said a countryism" Plus others that were episode specific.
SIPS because the magic-duel ep had north of forty drink calls using stock rules.

Ah, let's see...the nutcase is equal parts Frangelico, banana liqueur and Baily's.
The three wise Apples were named Jim, Jack, and Johnny. 'nuff said.
The speed demon is apparently, I've found out, exactly the same as an AMF, or "Adios, M-F'r!" (can you guess why it's called that?) Except that it uses an energy drink such as redbull as the base.

Anon 09/07/2021 (Tue) 07:38:20 [Preview] No.7842 del
(936.60 KB 1876x2260 ponydrinks.jpg)
Reference material, since I can't find it in my three minutes of searching likely threads.

Anon Board owner 09/08/2021 (Wed) 09:45:16 [Preview] No.7847 del
(854.45 KB 1200x1200 1015296.png)
As I have said before, not a drinker, but I really respect mixing these from a art perspective alone. It looks cool.

>SIPS because the magic-duel ep had north of forty drink calls using stock rules.
How badly did you get drunk in that.

Anon 09/09/2021 (Thu) 17:40:11 [Preview] No.7850 del
>How bad did you get

It was basically two beers and a speed demon, and I had another drink across the night.

Anon 09/13/2021 (Mon) 10:39:49 [Preview] No.7853 del
(2.86 MB 4579x2798 2886337.png)
This is one of those pics that is lower quality but has a certain charm. I feel if it was slightly lower on the gradients and a bit better bodies it probably would be a fav from me. I really dig what it is trying to do.

Okay, well that don't sound tooooooooo bad.

Anon 09/14/2021 (Tue) 02:53:21 [Preview] No.7854 del
I am beach posting in addition to phone posting.
Honestly I expect this to fail but,

-CB pols for probably until the weekend.

Anon 09/14/2021 (Tue) 21:26:06 [Preview] No.7855 del
Heh, that sounds like you are experiencing pure joy with the last few days out there. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Here however, rain has arrived and autumn has already delivered an early presence. We can say goodbye to the 30°C over here. Times are definitely changing, aren't they?

Don't worry about mobile posting because...well,if you truly knew how mane posts came from my previous LG mobile,you would be shocked. Not even /mlp/ managed to detect me all that easily,so you might even consider that someone is posting on PC when in reality,it could be a mobile poster who is dedicating the right amount of time/effort for disguising it as a normal post.

I also wanted to deliver a PoLS...because I have things to talk about in the future and I am not turning out the light yet (although perhaps I should literally do it because electricity prices are getting ridiculous)

Anon 09/18/2021 (Sat) 08:08:45 [Preview] No.7857 del
(942.69 KB 480x320 2938323.gif)
That sounds way more fun then what I am dealing with insurance politics

Anyway, I will be prepping soon for G5. Hopefully I won't break anything

Birdgefag PoLS for the moment.

> (although perhaps I should literally do it because electricity prices are getting ridiculous)
There is a reason why Texas keeps our power grid off from the rest, even with the recent mishaps.

Anon 09/18/2021 (Sat) 21:48:30 [Preview] No.7860 del
>There is a reason why Texas keeps our power grid off from the rest, even with the recent mishaps.
well, that implies responsibility from your region. You will enjoy an insular system but you will have to get covered and do the tasks on your own independently with no other regions delivering electricity support. It´s not exclusive of my country anyway (though it is one that is hitting the hardest)

Anyway, without derailing this...

>Anyway, I will be prepping soon for G5.
are you sure about the method of streaming it? /mlp/ is trying to figure out how to put the mediums on it? Cytube doesn´t allow vids from the pony.ube site (or anything similar of that format) and considering how companies go even harder at pursuing content because they leave the licenses to Netflix and company...we are going to have to find out a different way for dodging all the obstacles.

>Birdgefag PoLS for the moment.
Times are definitely changing when the bridges no longer exist, they spread their wings and they begin to fly...

>Hopefully I won't break anything
Considering your track record in April with the CSS, I genuinely wonder if I should prepare the Benny Hill show theme in case that I detect that something wrong happens...

Yeah, it can easily become a rollercoaster to witness...

Anon 09/18/2021 (Sat) 21:54:07 [Preview] No.7861 del
by the way, that gif fits completely for the current situation.

Mostly because some cinemas (namely the Russian ones, although there were more countries) that released the movie a week earlier from its "official" release. Now, everyone is leaking clips and it seems that gen 5 has already begun.

The fire describes the doom and gloom, I guess. Nothing new under the sun when events like these occur, we simply repeat the same cycle over and over again.

Anon 09/19/2021 (Sun) 10:47:08 [Preview] No.7866 del
Ain't the worst singing I've heard but if you want me to delete this I can. For this is clearly drunk posting.

Anon 09/19/2021 (Sun) 11:06:56 [Preview] No.7868 del
(118.82 KB 600x600 2040676.jpg)

Anon 09/19/2021 (Sun) 11:19:27 [Preview] No.7869 del
Mad strange respect if anon who posted this >>7839 also was drunk posting under the influence of one of these drinks.

Anon 09/19/2021 (Sun) 11:19:57 [Preview] No.7870 del
>endchan drawfags is broken

Anon 09/19/2021 (Sun) 11:25:08 [Preview] No.7871 del
I have seen some boards try a post your own voice board. Usually it hasn't taken off.

Anon 09/19/2021 (Sun) 18:09:33 [Preview] No.7872 del
(145.38 KB 600x449 mostlyrarity.png)
It draws, but what was posted doesn't seem to contain content. Never tried it myself so I wouldn't know.

Yeah, you're right and it's gone now. Although I may try doing it again when I'm sober and in my right mind. I don't sound much like a filly though so there's probably no good way to make that happen.

But a friend wrote a short-story and I read it to my wife who commented on it to said friend. So now I'm being friendily pressured to record my reading of it, voices and all although I don't actually know what creole sounds like either so it'll be more like the character, who tries three pronunciations, and then picks one at random.

Anon 09/19/2021 (Sun) 21:18:57 [Preview] No.7873 del
>For this is clearly drunk posting.
yeah. At anytime, this would have been material that other people could use and such. I think that, while we are posting a close circle,these things could be used for other people to take advantage of him or something.

Yeah, it was a matter of time until either Bridgefag or some mod would delete this...or basically, as soon as he would desire.

>Mad strange respect if anon who posted this >>7839 also was drunk posting under the influence of one of these drinks
respect for making a bold move but at the same time, even by delivering personal things...I certainly don´t see it as a based move to admire, especially if it is against his persona at some point in the future.


>So now I'm being friendly pressured to record my reading of it, voices and all although I don't actually know what creole sounds like either so it'll be more like the character, who tries three pronunciations, and then picks one at random

I guess that you will have to figure it out by checking samples or something close to it. Anyway...

>Although I may try doing it again when I'm sober and in my right mind. I don't sound much like a filly though so there's probably no good way to make that happen.
Don´t worry about it. If you don´t find yourself convinced at all, then don´t post anything and we can move on. I mean, you will decide on your own but it stood out to see that you felt sorry about something and you were expressing it with that audio. I am not sure what I was missing with the intentions that you had with that. Whatever that is, just relax.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=FuvWc3ToDHg [Embed]

Anon 09/20/2021 (Mon) 02:36:34 [Preview] No.7874 del
(1.69 MB 1114x1508 2935377.png)
> Never tried it myself so I wouldn't know.
I think I tried it... once? Annoying that it isn't posting. Though I only remember /sp/ really using it often.

> Although I may try doing it again when I'm sober and in my right mind.

>But a friend wrote a short-story and I read it to my wife who commented on it to said friend.
What kind of story? I take it your wife commented on you doing a good job reading it and thus your friend wants you to make a recording?

>I think that, while we are posting a close circle,these things could be used for other people to take advantage of him or something.
It is fairly minor risk of this being used for anything serious but agreed. I have seen worse posted on /mlp/, 8/pone/, etc purposefully but don't have the blanket of anonymity that a crowd provides.

Anon 09/20/2021 (Mon) 02:44:52 [Preview] No.7875 del
> Although I may try doing it again when I'm sober and in my right mind.
<Weird, I thought I commented on this.
My experience with singing is both somewhat extensive and limited. I know none of the terminology and can't adjust myself well to random songs, BUT, I belong to a church where singing is A cappella and thus there is a few songs and tunes I can adapt myself quite well too and some claim that I am good at singing. Tempted as I might I am uncertain of any of it translating well to pony or even being decent.

If you make a serious effort I will be impressed but feel no pressure too.

Anon 09/20/2021 (Mon) 02:51:34 [Preview] No.7876 del
>but don't have the blanket of anonymity that a crowd provides.
We have obscurity though, but as it has been said in a few different ways: "security through obscurity is not security." Though I will point out that obscurity is overly demonized by a lot of said professionals who have a idiotic hatred for obscurity being part of any security measures at all.

That could go on a bit of a tangent. Anyway...

Anon 09/21/2021 (Tue) 21:55:00 [Preview] No.7879 del
>I have seen worse posted on /mlp/, 8/pone/, etc purposefully but don't have the blanket of anonymity that a crowd provides.
yeah, mostly because this board doesn´t cover up much the people who are posting around hereexcept for the fact that we have the same equal cover. Yet it is so easy to spot anyone that it basically feels like a public forum without any name for the user profiles.

>belong to a church where singing is A cappella and thus there is a few songs and tunes I can adapt myself quite well too and some claim that I am good at singing.
well, a guitarist and an A Capella singer shitposting on a board related to MLP. I wonder if /endpone/ has become the successor of /flutter/ or was always music related all along... are we sure that we haven´t mistaken it with /mu/?

>there is a few songs and tunes I can adapt myself quite well too and some claim that I am good at singing.
same happens to me. Not a singer at all yet there are parts or full songs that require a low voice and thus,I could sort of pretend that I can pass as a singer for a short while. Still, I prefer the instrumental side and forget about being the vocalist here.

>I will point out that obscurity is overly demonized by a lot of said professionals who have a idiotic hatred for obscurity being part of any security measures at all.
keep in mind that one cannot control obscure things until they emerge and become clear for anyone. Thus, making things less obscure facilitates quite a bit the predictability. Anonymity works nicely for obscuring things and hinders the identification. However, there are ways to secure yourself that are way more effective than resorting to anonymity all the time as a life vest.

Anon 09/23/2021 (Thu) 00:51:19 [Preview] No.7885 del
Honestly, this is the song I should practice singing.

In the Project:Horizons 'fic, some surviving raiders were interviewed, and had this to say about losing to a lone, drunk former-stable-dwelling security guard:

"Th-there were eleven of us, we spotted her alone, she was unarmed unarmored, we had her cornered in a museum. She busted necks, smashed in heads, broke my legs. She got our guns and just, she just blew us to pieces, and she was drunk, drunk! And singing like a demon mare in heat."

Anon 09/24/2021 (Fri) 00:07:08 [Preview] No.7888 del
Where I mentally store my music is sometimes hard to recall. So, for weeks now I've had a sorta-sad song on my mind. I could hear the tone of the singer, didn't remember the name and he wasn't too far from average so not a weird voice.
The song was, I remembered, named something nice, like "fun" but not that, but still a single word. The lyrics were about the character wanting this nice thing but due to circumstances needed to forego it so his acquaintances could have it.

Could NOT find it in Equinity, thought maybe it was ASoS but I remembered how long ago I first latched onto it. Started trolling through Ponies@Dawn albums but between not thinking it was there, and not finding anything with a 'nice' title it's been three days of feeling frustrated at what I did, and did not remember, and how that might facilitate finding it again.

Then, staring at Awakening I realized it wasn't titled something nice, it was the response, what the character was given when he sought out the nice thing.

To whit, it's That Music Brony's Rejected

Anon 09/24/2021 (Fri) 08:02:47 [Preview] No.7892 del
(253.48 KB 1872x2325 2551426.jpeg)
>Honestly, this is the song I should practice singing.
Doesn't sound too hard to attempt if ya ask me.

>"Th-there were eleven of us, we spotted her alone, she was unarmed unarmored, we had her cornered in a museum. She busted necks, smashed in heads, broke my legs. She got our guns and just, she just blew us to pieces, and she was drunk, drunk! And singing like a demon mare in heat."
<should have just sent the whisky.

>So, for weeks now I've had a sorta-sad song on my mind. I could hear the tone of the singer, didn't remember the name and he wasn't too far from average so not a weird voice.
Oh, I Know this feeling, too well. One song that haunts me is one from my childhood that I used to hear all the time on the radio. I discovered it once a few years ago but have since forgotten all but the vauge words "baby" a tune and the fact that it was my uncle's ringtone.

>it was the response, what the character was given when he sought out the nice thing.
I like it but can't fully make it out (I listen at lower volumes and rarely use headphones). I'll have to dig'em out and give a listen again.

Anon 09/24/2021 (Fri) 08:21:22 [Preview] No.7893 del
> can't fully make it out

All my life I've wanted to feel accepted But at every turn I've always been rejected
So as the days pass by, without a thought or a care
I'll leave you in your happiness, while I'm lost in my despair


Anon 09/24/2021 (Fri) 08:23:25 [Preview] No.7894 del
Speaking of trying to remember music, your post caused me to look up and find a song, a parody of Kryptonite by Three Doors Down with honestly some pretty cleaver lyrics even if I consider the vocals a little weak at times.

Anon 09/24/2021 (Fri) 08:48:12 [Preview] No.7895 del
(757.03 KB 1800x1200 2938553.png)

Anon 09/26/2021 (Sun) 23:48:36 [Preview] No.7908 del
(272.34 KB 389x450 CozySmiles.webm)
While I'm waiting for the torrent to finish flooding my hard drive with bits in groups of five, shall we say,

have an animated gif of Cozy Glow, having undergone some horrible transformation. At least she looks like a villain, though I must say that's a winning smile!


Anon 09/28/2021 (Tue) 21:05:12 [Preview] No.7912 del
>have an animated gif of Cozy Glow, having undergone some horrible transformation.
And that´s not even her final form!

>At least she looks like a villain, though I must say that's a winning smile
indeed. She has always been a chess player at the end of the day, the rook reveals her true nature.

Now, I must say that said gif might induce a greater sense of uneasiness than her alicorn form though. You would expect the demon with it (Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon had already spoiled us that cliché). But no way you would find easy to digest a mouth of that kind on a filly.

checked and acknowledged.

Anon 11/19/2021 (Fri) 11:24:59 [Preview] No.8016 del
>to schlep heavy things around, and plug them in.
I don't mean to pry in the slightest. Does that involve big computers or something else?

Anon 11/19/2021 (Fri) 19:45:48 [Preview] No.8019 del
(14.25 KB 348x348 One.png)
(371.25 KB 900x523 two.png)
twenty computers and four servers. Mind you, All six of us dove in Thursday, and I didn't touch a PC all day as my hands were full running around getting shelves, screws, and screwdrivers to attach servers to rack & network.

Also the network is oddly broken but that at least, is not my deal. Though it's severely hampering the users' ability to do their job

Anon 11/20/2021 (Sat) 07:54:01 [Preview] No.8020 del
(208.77 KB 720x617 rainbow_312910856.png)
I've crossed the 30K barrier, at least. I think it has to be considered that glim-glam is the main character, since it's her thoughts we can hear most of the time we're able to hear thoughts.

Anon 11/20/2021 (Sat) 08:33:39 [Preview] No.8022 del
>twenty computers and four servers. Mind you,
That sounds like it could be a lot of work.

> and I didn't touch a PC all day as my hands were full running around getting shelves, screws, and screwdrivers to attach servers to rack & network.
Though at least you didn't have to the nitty gritty set up stuff.

The reason why I asked is because their is a situation soon where it looks like I am going to have to move and mess with some computers, though these are various old ones that were either my grandparents or ones that were given in a relatively long story. So, I will personally relate on some scale perhaps.

> network is oddly broken but that at least, is not my deal.
That's probably RD's fault. Don't tell anyone.

Anon 11/20/2021 (Sat) 08:38:32 [Preview] No.8023 del
(238.15 KB 980x1046 6293354.png)
>I've crossed the 30K barrier
<20k more
Think you'll make it? I think you got a good shot chance but I know thanksgiving is coming up.

>I think it has to be considered that glim-glam is the main character
Which is only fitting for this board.

Anon 11/24/2021 (Wed) 00:49:48 [Preview] No.8038 del
(701.50 KB 1200x875 ChakatFarrier.jpg)
(429.36 KB 1764x1200 ChiNeighZe.png)
(22.55 KB 640x796 Puget.jpg)
Twibooru has some weird stuff.
I mean, I know this, but in looking for better examples of seriously unshorn fetlocks and considering whether to pursue a post discussing 'unshorn/unsightly / but not in-the-way long' fetlocks, I came across chakats.

And some nice Floor Bored images. All Rule34, but tastefully and skillfully done.

Also a questionable Princess Pipp Petals cosplay, but that was for Nightmare Night.

Anon 11/24/2021 (Wed) 01:32:25 [Preview] No.8039 del
(885.51 KB 2400x1800 1412126.png)
Also thingpone

Anon 11/25/2021 (Thu) 06:19:03 [Preview] No.8041 del
I will have to see if any of the same pops up on Derpi, Ponybooru and Ponerpics have some of the same. On the one hoof, Twibooru should have more stuff because they allow pirating, and also, I believe they imported from a old back up of Derpibooru including stuff they deleted stuff for stricter spam and what not. BUT, on the other, Twibooru is more strict on stuff seen as furry. To see these here is a little surprising.

I don't know much on chakats,other then them being infamous and their creator being active in the pony fanfiction scene with some drama.

>Also a questionable Princess Pipp Petals cosplay
Most cosplay is cringe or uncanny to me. More so then a lot of other things. I don't know why 100%.

Also creepy.

Anon 01/03/2022 (Mon) 17:53:39 [Preview] No.8106 del
mandetory marxism training early on my day off.
shall joys never cease, Boulder?

Anon 01/08/2022 (Sat) 05:29:35 [Preview] No.8107 del
PoLMP. In honor of our recent subfreezing temperatures now melted and flooding, I give you So Great & Powerful opining Dashy, you're so cold.

Also, Viricide Filly explaining This place will

Ending with some Ska as Vacela^H^H^H
France Vace signs about the horse that fell out of the TV with "I don't know if that's wise"

Some might think posting ponies is madness. Some think posting old songs about the previous generation is absent-minded.
I say it is the result of careful curation, pure dedication, and COLD BLOOD.

Anon 01/09/2022 (Sun) 11:49:07 [Preview] No.8108 del
(5.43 MB 1873x2900 2994926.png)
>mandetory marxism training early on my day off.
I know of a experience like this, if you are seriously meaning what I think you are saying. DEI Training?

>Some might think posting ponies is madness. Some think posting old songs about the previous generation is absent-minded.
>I say it is the result of careful curation, pure dedication, and COLD BLOOD.
Was listening to Never Let You leave when I read this, (as I had opened the song first), and it made for a surprisingly... cinematic? moment when I read that with the tempo just starting to speed up.

Anon 01/27/2022 (Thu) 06:22:39 [Preview] No.8127 del
>DEI Training?
No, no... EDI training. That's like ... completely different.

PoLMP asking what good is an image board, if you Never Remember to post here?

Anon 01/28/2022 (Fri) 12:26:25 [Preview] No.8132 del
(6.07 MB 6092x4295 2990717.png)
>No, no... EDI training.
Glad it wasn't that.

>PoLMP asking what good is an image board, if you Never Remember to post here?
Sometimes is better then never. I perhaps, for me at least, sometimes is about to turn into somewhat often...

Anon 04/20/2022 (Wed) 00:41:17 [Preview] No.8210 del
>>8209 (cross-thread)
"All Star" is not actually by Rush, despite my rush to give the file a name.
"He Copies All Day" is not very ballidic, and is just one tiny step away (not sure if it's up or down, tbh) from "When I'm a toaster repair pony"-level meme.

I suppose since I'm such a Little-Pip fan I should save a few of those, like tyqp7d6nvFo and z44fPX_anpQ ; but then I'd fall down a rabbit hole of every "when I'm..." like u9l9F2H1yn0 or Tg29xbs1Ie4.

Anon 04/20/2022 (Wed) 00:49:49 [Preview] No.8211 del
Also, it seems "super major multi" is a like meme to "when I'm"

Anon 04/20/2022 (Wed) 09:51:28 [Preview] No.8215 del
>"All Star" is not actually by Rush, despite my rush to give the file a name.


Smash Mouth, Shrek meme incarnate.

>I suppose since I'm such a Little-Pip fan I should save a few of those, like tyqp7d6nvFo and z44fPX_anpQ ; but then I'd fall down a rabbit hole of every "when I'm..." like u9l9F2H1yn0 or Tg29xbs1Ie4.
I would say go for it. You never know when something is going to be deleted. I already have the Twi Sweeping one, so you are covered on one front.

Anon 04/20/2022 (Wed) 09:57:32 [Preview] No.8216 del
>>8214 (cross thread)
FYI, I when I say my internet sometimes messes up, I mean it. Never fully understood why but sometimes it'll just be slow. Now, part of this maybe endchan but I have had these speeds before everywhere.

Pic related is me trying to download one of the videos from the webm thread you uploaded to view.

Anon 06/25/2022 (Sat) 04:48:59 [Preview] No.8331 del
(318.56 KB 270x270 MeAllWeek.gif)
Boy, been a weird week. Not sure I want to blog much on it though. The current US political atmosphere certainly don't help things feel better. Anybody else have a strange string of animal deaths these last few months? Or horrible sleep even beyond the normal bad sleep night dwellers like ourselves probably get?

Oh, and I guess happy spring!

Anon 06/25/2022 (Sat) 14:44:59 [Preview] No.8336 del
(101.13 KB 900x503 TOOLATE.webm)
>Oh, and I guess happy spring!

Anon 06/25/2022 (Sat) 21:13:36 [Preview] No.8337 del
>animal deaths
>exceptionally poor sleep

Not in the great North-Wet. Which has just dried out a day or two ago btw.

I'm aware of a few thousand cattle in Kansas dying of DEW str^H^H^Hdeyhration or somesuch, but nothing closer than that. Are you talking farms, or pets?
SOMEpony out there doesn't want farms to produce, that much has become clear.

Anon 06/26/2022 (Sun) 01:01:01 [Preview] No.8349 del
Well, I guess any animals in general would have been of interest but my personal experience was pets. Two dogs that I know have died this year and a third got sick. All similar symptoms (distended stomach and collapse of appetite). The Dog under my personal care was getting up there so I understood him passing, though, his vet was confused by the symptoms (he expected kidney failure but found only possible issues with liver and not enough to be causing a issue).

And then, later this year, know of and personal have a couple of cases of cats disappearing. The past six months have been very weird for me and other people that I know with pets.

>SOMEpony out there doesn't want farms to produce, that much has become clear.
This is one of those things I can rationally talk myself out of, yet I'll admit that some of that is pretty weird.

Anon 06/26/2022 (Sun) 02:47:37 [Preview] No.8351 del
Never too late to celebrate spring. or is it?

Rain? Sucks. I guess it is better then the drought I hear about elsewhere.

Anon 07/06/2022 (Wed) 03:38:20 [Preview] No.8357 del
(7.03 MB 2160x3840 Y'all.png)
Again; if it doesn't rain on the 4th (didn't; I retrieved 2 tons of hay that day.) it rains on either the 3rd or the 5th.

It's raining.
How's everpony's fourth go down?

Anon 07/07/2022 (Thu) 09:55:43 [Preview] No.8358 del
(233.88 KB 694x720 792550.png)

Down here in Texas. At least where I live, was usually quiet. My family was the only one who cooked out in the neighborhood it seemed (we usually smell stuff cooking on the grill and see people out, this time nothing) and that is not normal at all. Illegal city fireworks were more subdued as well, though some eventually did pick up on the day itself.

As for me personally, it was okay. Had some burgers and sausage. Hadn't had anything grilled in a long while so it was nice. Just the atmosphere around was not normal.

Anon 07/19/2022 (Tue) 18:44:32 [Preview] No.8365 del
(376.39 KB 1077x1600 dry.jpg)
(465.59 KB 900x784 game.jpg)
(3.57 MB 2000x2000 Sand.png)
(3.19 MB 2400x2029 Cat.jpg)
Carrots? You doing okay over there?
Just read a headline Portugal+Spain lost 1,100 people to the heatwave

I'd make jokes >>8337 about dye wrecked NRG effects, but it wouldn't be funny if you were among those stuffed into an inside out microwave that was set to "sandwich" (Thanks Weird Al, that phrase is stuck in my head forever now)

Anon 07/20/2022 (Wed) 12:14:41 [Preview] No.8366 del

>Carrots? You doing okay over there? Just read a headline Portugal+Spain lost 1,100 people to the heatwave

Well, thanks for getting worried about me.We are sort of getting by in the best way that we can.
How do I say this? The problems with this heatwave don't stem from the fact of getting around 40°C for the maximums. The greatest annoyance that makes this whole period absolutely unbearable are the minimum ones, reaching numbers of 25-27°C. Those numbers make the whole thing more suffocating because there isn't a single clear period in which you can open up the window in order to cool down the house or even notice any breeze that alleviates the feeling.

Therefore,there is a sense of imbalance that doesn't allow people to even sleep properly and we have had to sleep with a few cuts in our sleep. I have to roll down the shutters at 7AM as soon as the sunrise occurrs so the house doesn't get hotter early in the morning. The heatwave was at its worst last week and several parts of the Iberian peninsula (namely the South and the Southwest) have faced insane records of 45-46°C.

In Madrid, fortunately enough, everything has been more or less stable in comparison with other years but the lack of nights that cool down the environment just makes things difficult. I only hang out at nights. That or going for a walk very early in the morning or during the sunset. Any activity between midday and 6-7 PM has to be avoided unless that it's absolutely necessary. Even while one is doing absolutely nothing,just lying down makes one sweat a lot.

People from the North wonder why Southerners are lazy. I suggest them to come over here and work in a construction site or in pavings. Any work that isn't done with AC should be seen as menacing for public health and those people have to work either at night or very early in the morning until midday (or they simply get a free day in extreme cases). Whilst Southern Europe is prepared for this, we haven't been able to prevent these deaths unfortunately. We are adapted to this climate and reaching 40°C for a few hours doesn't come off as new for any of us. However, don't just simply look at us because Northern Europe doesn't have many houses that are suitable for 40°C nor their bodies are adapted to this. The worst part of this is that the greatest tragedy may not come from here. We expected these temperatures to show up and even then, we have faced more deaths than ever.

The problems lies on the fact that the heat never goes away,nights don't manage to improve anything that could make things easier for the following day. Thankfully enough, we have been able to sleep better this week because temperatures have gone down a little bit and the difference shows a lot.

>I'd make jokes >>8337 about dye wrecked NRG effects, but it wouldn't be funny if you were among those stuffed into an inside out microwave that was set to "sandwich"

The joke was aimed towards Kansas,not Iberia. Even then, I just don't take it into account. You have just proven that you care and that's what ultimately counts in the end. I imagine that the Northwest only faces temperatures up to 30-33°C at its peak. I have had to study and do exams of three hours with +35°C in June for years. What you face out there in terms of heat is pretty vanilla for us and actual danger/warnings where the body notices the changes don't happen until it reaches 35°C. Everything from above that threshold becomes really unpleasant. You don't feel like doing anything (or just the bare minimum to get by). Any unnecessary direct exposure towards the sun with such suffocating situation is asking for suicide if one remains careless.

I haven't been the most unfortunate...but I will admit that sleep has turned out to be a pretty tough task to accomplish, turning into an odyssey on its own.

Anon 07/22/2022 (Fri) 01:00:28 [Preview] No.8367 del

Anon 07/22/2022 (Fri) 03:18:21 [Preview] No.8368 del
(19.74 KB 900x457 Pony.jpg)


Anon 07/27/2022 (Wed) 06:37:07 [Preview] No.8369 del
(125.09 KB 800x761 AngryMakeupTabl.jpg)
Are we too angry to pony, when pony yet ponies?
Or does pony yet still?

Anon 07/27/2022 (Wed) 06:58:37 [Preview] No.8370 del
(72.17 KB 600x600 medium.png)
Howdy, yes, still ponying. Just finally over with the aftermath's of some odd computer issues relating to: >>8363
> have recently been confined to a kind of old netbook and a very old middle high end for 2005 laptop as my prime working machines at the moment. I will be testing this more further anyway, but right now am still getting adjusted.

Anon 07/27/2022 (Wed) 07:28:39 [Preview] No.8372 del
(1.05 MB 955x1351 1776272.jpg)
Texas can relate. It has been abnormally hot hear too. Only benefit is that most of the time the nights have been just cool enough to allow me some sleep (and if my metric conversion is right, mid to upper 70s = 20s) that is what you consider unbearable. What was bad though was that the heat came swift and sharp and I was sick for a week or so from overheating.

>People from the North wonder why Southerners are lazy. I suggest them to come over here and work in a construction site or in pavings.
Closest anologa I can think off the top of my head. In the USA, I know that the south gets hate for having AC by certain stuck up papers... Usually though it's just laughing at our inability to handle the cold. Disclaimer, I am a Texan first, though grouped with the south, that isn't always the most settled question to a Texan.

>Any work that isn't done with AC should be seen as menacing for public health and those people have to work either at night or very early in the morning until midday (or they simply get a free day in extreme cases).
<MFW I have worked in 100+ degree temps and have almost no access to AC most of the time.

>However, don't just simply look at us because Northern Europe doesn't have many houses that are suitable for 40°C
Those houses are built to retain heat a lot of the time. A horrible combination...

Anon 08/08/2022 (Mon) 07:44:36 [Preview] No.8380 del
(141.33 KB 582x400 DerpyTryingToFixIt.gif)
Still ponying, but my computer problems have been well...
>Family Member laptop dies
The computer he had was a little young to die but cheap consumer grade stuff can do that so I didn't think it was too odd.
So I loaned'em my main one at least on mid term basis.
>The 32 bit machine that was my primary go to dies.
Thought this was odd, threw me off, as this computer while old had been in great condition and had often proven to be reliable all around. Hey though (the battery original battery could last over two hours!) , 17 year old laptop, it can just die even in great shape. It can happen.
>Uses another laptop that was less old
>Suffers somesort of hardware failure with internet
okay, now this one is just weird. The internet worked fine one day and then just dies. I checked and the disable wifi switch was not turned off. Plus started to give odd errors in multiple linux environments I tested. Makes me almost view this with superstition at this point. That or the NSA has decided that the archival of Pony comments is somehow against their agenda.

So yeah, still ponying, just with limited computational capacity for the moment.

Anon 08/09/2022 (Tue) 06:21 [Preview] No.8383 del
>limited computational capacity

My 16-core epyc is running smoothly with 128GB of largely unutilized memory. The VR machine has the slowest 2.5" hdd I've ever personally encountered but at 4TB I can just ... download stuff.

Such as finally getting a matched copy of a de stem'd copy of H of I four, and Eq @ Wr.

But that's a game I know nothing about so I'm kinda diving off the deep end here. Music mod is cool though; lots of Carbon Maestro in the mix.

Anon 08/09/2022 (Tue) 11:35 [Preview] No.8384 del
(64.79 KB 797x1024 PippphonesIn.png)
(22.36 KB 600x247 HDMI-smile.jpg)
(54.53 KB 1280x721 WhatEvenIsThis.jpg)
In the middle of my house is "the music computer" -- a monitor wall-mounted with one of these:
letting me connect to bandcamp or youtube.
Not sure how much you're looking to spend to get a fully working computer, but for a Raspberry Pi competitor, it's surprisingly competent as a home computer running RiscOS or DietPI or something.

Regardless, good luck getting recomputerized; phoneposting is no way to live.

Anon 08/09/2022 (Tue) 13:42 [Preview] No.8385 del
>phoneposting is no way to live.

*Raises hoof

Heh,first time?

Perhaps, you might have seen more posts that were made on mobile than you would assume beforehand. Crazier things with a low specs Android phone of just 8 GB of memory can be pulled out (from longposts to a GET on /mlp/).

It's just that one might not tell the difference between mobileposting from the average style from the outside.

And with one exception or two, nobody called me out for that.

Just saying...

Anon 08/10/2022 (Wed) 22:28 [Preview] No.8387 del
>My 16-core epyc is running smoothly with 128GB of largely unutilized memory.
I could not imagine such power. Not sure if that should be taken with a grain of salt though as my primary machine was a 32 bit single core Pentium M with 2 GB of ram till 2019. I had access to a more powerful but beat up core duo laptop with 4 GB of ram and remember being impressed with that. My current machine on loan is something more respectable, i7 (albeit a older mobile duel core variant) and 16 GB of ram. Still a few steps down.

>The VR machine has the slowest 2.5" hdd I've ever personally encountered but at 4TB I can just ... download stuff.
Some would scream at you to get a SSD but I think if you can bear the speed it really doesn't matter too much. From a cost standpoint I would definitely much rather have two or three 4TB for backup over paying for a ultra expensive SSD for the same capacity.

> But that's a game I know nothing about so I'm kinda diving off the deep end here.
I know a little from my brother and sometimes peaking at discussions within the fandom but not a whole lot more than you I imagine. From my understanding game is solid and Equestria at War is solid but the modding community otherwise can be a little bit tiresome and drama filled. Going through a cycle of fun goofy mods doubling down on realism and seriousness with some infighting on the side.

Anon 08/10/2022 (Wed) 23:28 [Preview] No.8388 del
(75.04 KB 671x813 412236.jpg)
I am not confined to a phone yet. Still got 1 functional netbook (albeit,many modern phones are powerful and my my netbook is so underpowered it might be seen as worse than phoneposting by some) and access to a whole lot of old junk machines and parts that I might be able to frankistein into a half decent desktop.

>Not sure how much you're looking to spend to get a fully working computer, but for a Raspberry Pi competitor, it's surprisingly competent as a home computer running RiscOS or DietPI or something.
Though the aforementioned tech hoarding means I'll probably try something else first from the ashes of a forgotten era, yes, single board computers might be a viable option. Considering I can get things going in relatively modest set ups and that the main draw to laptops is that I move around a lot. Thanks for bringing to my attention.

Also, know little on riscOS but their browser, Netsurf, is one of the best non-JS supporting web browsers I have ever used.

>PCrazier things with a low specs Android phone of just 8 GB of memory can be pulled out (from longposts to a GET on /mlp/).
Funny thing is, you are the most "pure" poster in the way format your post; often long and your paragraphs are often the complete opposite of the dreaded reddit-spacing. I am still very much hostile to smartphones for many reasons but one can't say that everybody is merely defined to the machine they use.

Anon 10/26/2022 (Wed) 23:58 [Preview] No.8448 del
One of the ways I see evidence that things are getting better, is how desperate those who are wrong are getting in pursuing ill-gotten wealth.
"not for profit" companies are sending WEEKLY pleas for handouts, and the spammers are getting more and more desperate, and ludicrous.

The swamp is indeed being drained, and the rest of us are watching the eels flop and gasp as they die.
I am content.

Anon Board owner 10/31/2022 (Mon) 22:15 [Preview] No.8449 del
(201.52 KB 1230x991 1425.jpg)

That is one way to look at a incomming recession/depression!

Have a PoMP for the moment.

Happy Nightmare Night!

Anon 11/05/2022 (Sat) 13:24 [Preview] No.8460 del
(110.04 KB 590x1000 red.png)
I haven't visited here in ages since 8chan ded

How's everypony?

Anon 11/05/2022 (Sat) 15:46 [Preview] No.8461 del
>I haven't visited here in ages since 8chan ded. How's everypony?

well, a little bit older and there are not as many memes pop up around here. Still, you get the posts that are meant for fun from Bridgefag, an update from CB (especially if it´s music related) and I...well,either you judge it as boring or as a rollercoaster.

Still comfy, I guess? For sure that has basically remained the same over time.

Anon 11/05/2022 (Sat) 17:18 [Preview] No.8462 del
(3.12 MB 1280x1927 EvenTheHumies.jpg)
(166.63 KB 1562x1369 WrongFruitKid.jpg)
>8chan died

It got better.
Mind you, not MUCH better, but there exists a BO over there (who shows up over here).

>How's everypony?
Not drowning, but perhaps missing drier days.

>Still comfy, I guess?

Anon 11/08/2022 (Tue) 09:51 [Preview] No.8465 del
/endpone/ is often slow with random burst of activity and some projects. L23 still sometimes pops up posting his own musings and min-essays/observations things, Bridgefag keeps the board functional as BO (if you haven't been here since 8chan, then you may not know that Bridgefag is now BO) , YT Anon and Bridge keep slowly working on their comment project and CB keeps bringing his own brand of whatever to the table in a more random way while keeping the lights on 8/pone/.

Anon 11/10/2022 (Thu) 07:50 [Preview] No.8472 del
(143.30 KB 1060x984 glynis_theplan9pony.jpeg)
(18.98 KB 700x1240 Riots.png)
Long time no see. Yeah, things have been going along. I don't have much more to say than what has been summarized here: >>8461 >>8465

Did you ever post here? I am a little curious.


Anon 11/10/2022 (Thu) 18:20 [Preview] No.8473 del
(597.15 KB 2000x2700 Oleander_Nya-s.png)
(66.79 KB 314x328 Sparky_Allele.png)
I just came here to point out that
"fhtng th§ ¿nsp§kb"
is a tag. I guess that's the name of Oleander's pet, which seems to be a spider/SCP-1471 cross.

A third of the way through November, and I never had a story burning in me so have not been doing NaNoWriMo. But seeing this second image, I'm reminded of the online RPG where I was going to play an experimented-on pegasus guard.
Some mad scientist nabs the guard, and rips off his hide to replace it with a proditor's skin (Fallout world, a sub-race of zebra with red, instead of black stripes. They fought with the ponies, and thus against their own kind. Equestria would be in much worse shape without them but nobody liked or trusted them) a changeling's eyes (after which our ersatz overlord discovered the glow does NOT impart darkvision or, indeed anything other than an unavoidable telltale of where the creature is standing in an unlit cave) and a horn from a stillborn unicorn fetus (this worked; the subject learned basic levitation and illumination spells).

The sandbox escape-the-laboratory story never quite gelled. Every player wanted it to be a different kind of story, and I had to try to play up 'lawful stupid' while drawing out the "Dear sweet CELESTIA what AM I now?" angle.

Maybe I could work up his re-intigrating with life story. That could be fun. He can still fly, but the scars hurt in the cold air.
Oh, yeah. The scars where his new hide was sewn on are all highly visible, and no being part-zebra doesn't actually make him amazing at alchemy, it just makes him harder to see in a lush strawberry field.

Whelp. That was my burst of activity for the day.

Anon 11/11/2022 (Fri) 10:39 [Preview] No.8474 del
>Some mad scientist nabs the guard, and rips off his hide to replace it with a proditor's skin
Sounds painful.

>a changeling's eyes (after which our ersatz overlord discovered the glow does NOT impart darkvision or, indeed anything other than an unavoidable telltale of where the creature is standing in an unlit cave)
I like this detail.

>and a horn from a stillborn unicorn fetus (this worked; the subject learned basic levitation and illumination spells).

>Maybe I could work up his re-intigrating with life story. That could be fun. He can still fly, but the scars hurt in the cold air.
I say go for it. If you can't meet NaNoWriMo than either do a reduced goal or just do a test for fun and see where it goes.

>"fhtng th§ ¿nsp§kb"
>is a tag. I guess that's the name of Oleander's pet, which seems to be a spider/SCP-1471 cross.
I always found Olender's pet a little creepy for me. Not 100% sure why but a get a vibe off him even if I am sure that is intended for him to be creepy.

>Whelp. That was my burst of activity for the day.
And so does mine. .

Note, ought to test out more of colorful tags of this site again.
Note 2, Nightmare Theme does mess up some of them, as evidenced in the story written in /night/ >>5176 Something for me to consider when using this theme later.

Anon 11/11/2022 (Fri) 10:44 [Preview] No.8475 del
(212.44 KB 1218x1318 3219015.png)
>Not 100% sure why but a get a vibe off him even if I am sure that is intended for him to be creepy.
What I mean, I find him creepier than I should. I know he is suppose to be creepy, but I find a depth to it and I am not sure why.

I see the autism tag also doesn't look the best against the blue.

How about this?

Anon 11/25/2022 (Fri) 04:35 [Preview] No.8479 del
(592.34 KB 1024x576 andeggnogg.png)
(1.80 MB 3929x2485 326974.jpeg)
(458.33 KB 4779x6013 kneadyou.png)
(2.27 MB 1920x1080 BakedBeansDimn.png)
...you guys...
...it's turkey day.

Enjoy some eggnog already.

Anon 11/26/2022 (Sat) 21:38 [Preview] No.8481 del

So,how did it go for you,CB? Is there anything in particular that you want to share around here?

Anon 11/29/2022 (Tue) 19:12 [Preview] No.8482 del
(341.96 KB 1200x1600 BkJk_TablClo.jpg)
Food was eaten!
And I've sworn off alcohol so I've been relatively healthy this week.
Still got not enough rest, trying to prepare everything for the coming rains.
And today it's been snowing. Looks pretty for a short time, then it just looks muddy, cold, and wet.

Anon 12/02/2022 (Fri) 10:42 [Preview] No.8485 del
Didn't have a big gathering this year though, ever since the matriarch and patriarch of my family declined and passed, haven't been to areal big one in awhile. It was good though, had turkey, dressing, and most of the normal fixings that one would expect. I can't complain. As normal, I also sat out on Black Friday as well.

>And I've sworn off alcohol so I've been relatively healthy this week.
Glad you are in health.

>Still got not enough rest, trying to prepare everything for the coming rains.
This is me. Been dealing with lots of rain, which is fine overall due to a bad drought, but when you have decaying family properties with buidlings in disrepair it can be a hassle.

Sleep has been worse for me unfortunately, not 100% sure why but things have been thrown off since Thanksgiving.

>And today it's been snowing. Looks pretty for a short time, then it just looks muddy, cold, and wet.
Something I certainly would savor.

I hope things good well for during the rain!

PoLMP, a little different and off brand for me. if anypony around here knows what this is I will be moderately impressed. Truth be told, I am posting from a computer I just got up and running and this is what I had on hand.

Anon 12/02/2022 (Fri) 18:22 [Preview] No.8489 del
(1.38 MB 1600x1076 2151397.png)
(1.98 MB 1804x1500 2580961.png)
Recognized that as soon as it opened.
Sort of.
BSD 3.1?
Just looked it up: 4.6, and I guess that's in the filename.

Just as you can't have a nightmare if you never dream, you also can't lose -- if you don't swim to win.

Anon 12/06/2022 (Tue) 10:52 [Preview] No.8493 del
(317.76 KB 1280x720 rc88evilenchantress.webm)
FINALLY POSTED Endchan was being persnickety as usual.

Impressed. Heck, you probably have way more experience than I do with that(as someone who just chaotically dabbles around but sticks with Debian 80% of the time).

>Just as you can't have a nightmare if you never dream, you also can't lose -- if you don't swim to win.

One can surrender without a prayer, but never really pray without surrender.

You can fight without ever winning, but never win without a fight.
For a Rush song, albeit a little later than era being referenced in 10001 1010011.
I guess PoLS with pony themed song.

Anon 02/12/2023 (Sun) 08:54 [Preview] No.8563 del
On the off chance aliens are coming; hopefully they look more like this than what any of our alien invasion movies portray.

Anon 03/23/2023 (Thu) 05:45 [Preview] No.8602 del
>>8587 (cross post)
>My coworkers wanted it (still want it) all to burn.
I am curious on how the dynamic works. I suppose if your turbo AUTISTIC sorry, just trying to put some of the markdown here to use it would be I guess I could see it, but I know people can irrationally hate pony even when people are just open about it in quite healthy and normal ways. We live in a world were everyone is often turbo AUTISTIC into something already to some extent anyway.

After that I am only 80& positive it was just balloons. When the government doesn't release photos of those three other objects but releases spy balloons and drones within hours something feels fishy. I mean, it could be embarrassment for shooting down some ham radio operators balloon or something, but it is just iffy enough in behavior.

Belated Turkey Day.

Anon 03/27/2023 (Mon) 02:43 [Preview] No.8605 del
I see several things I would like to comment on, I am in a situation with limmited acess to the internet atm. Should be alright soon but I wanted to leave a general PoLS.

Anon 03/29/2023 (Wed) 16:28 [Preview] No.8606 del
>Should be alright soon

PolMp from the great north wet

Anon 04/02/2023 (Sun) 09:12 [Preview] No.8612 del
(163.75 KB 550x400 LunaDance.gif)
You have great taste in music.

Anon 04/02/2023 (Sun) 20:29 [Preview] No.8614 del
(677.68 KB 1121x862 RIP_Internet.png)
Thanks, CB. The situation has gone on a bit longer than I expected and I still might have some bumpy roads ahead.

>PolMp from the great north wet
...and good luck with all the rain y'all have been having up there!

>I am curious on how the dynamic works. I suppose if your turbo AUTISTIC it would be I guess I could see it,
> but I know people can irrationally hate pony even when people are just open about it in quite healthy and normal ways.
My impression was he plays his music like anybody else but you'd probably have to ask him for the details.

>After that I am only 80& positive it was just balloon
I'm only 60%. but I am not onboard the alien train, just see the government's behavior in this one as strange and I strongly disagree with all three factions, the skeptics, where my rational brain leans, can't fully explain all of governemnt's behavior or strange comments to embarrassment. The believers, the UAP people, are being lead on a string and not questioning the circumstances of why the government is acting that way. And those who think it is a pycop, while I am not fully dismissive of that possibility, are often too baked into other favorite pet conspiracy theories and aren't looking at all the circumstances from a logical perspective. But, eh that would be a long poltical post to go into and a got enough pony stuff to worry about.

Anon 04/15/2023 (Sat) 16:31 [Preview] No.8625 del
(4.48 MB 2480x3508 LilPp-HasNevrHeard.png)
(26.09 KB 686x386 WhatPrecisely.jpg)
(297.88 KB 926x1024 smile.png)
(92.21 KB 945x1024 ItsaMeZeeWarudo.jpg)
(83.81 KB 724x1024 Objection!.jpg)
While glancing at Twibooru, I came across an MLP:TNG image I couldn't properly interpret. What, precisely, does "ゴゴゴ" mean?

Aaaand, I see that's a tag. Which is semi-translated as "go go go" though I don't know if that's like in Xcom-Chimera, where the team shouts "Breach! Breach! Breach!" except when the character instead says go, go, go. Or is this like "Go now! Go take a long walk on a short pier! Go! and play hide and seek by yourself!"

Further instances have not exactly clarified like butter in a cooking class.

Anon 04/17/2023 (Mon) 09:12 [Preview] No.8626 del
(3.11 MB 1920x1080 JojoinTNG.webm)
It is a Jojo's bizzar adventure reference. I am not enough of a weeb to explain it exactly. This seemed to explain it the best:

It became a tag because many interpenetrated a scene from TNG as having a Jojo reference. WhatPrecisely.jpg is from a popular reanimation of that scene and boy, do I wish TNG could've been animated in something like that style, as weebish as that wish maybe.

>The situation has gone on a bit longer than I expected and I still might have some bumpy roads ahead.
It seems like you are constantly running on things held together by duct tape and chewing gum. What is the infrastructure and resources you have like where you end up with a intermittent to non-existent internet and resorting to Netbooks as your primary computer?

Anon 04/17/2023 (Mon) 09:16 [Preview] No.8627 del
(199.35 KB 500x500 facehoof.gif)
>Jojo's bizzar adventure
<posting with no sleep.jpeg

Anon 04/19/2023 (Wed) 22:47 [Preview] No.8631 del
>This seems to explain it

So, background music, basically.


A coworker occasionally retells a story of driving into our town and noticing a giant billbord, declaring
>"Bizarre! Open today only"
referring to the newly assembled "farmers market" saturday event.
Coworker's response? "What? Just today?
Is the normal open tomorrow then, and can I go buy some there?"

Anon 04/29/2023 (Sat) 00:34 [Preview] No.8632 del
(38.04 KB 640x686 TerribleBoot.jpg)
(258.62 KB 1280x769 PonFliTabl.png)
(311.55 KB 1280x960 ToStartFromScratch.jpg)
(112.36 KB 1200x875 GoldnOaksOpnLat.jpg)
I broke it. Not the internet, my PC.

Do any of you know what a RAID-50 array is? Actually, knowing anything about RAID should let you follow the end of this story. Some time ago I bought an Epyc 7343, and the parts to put it on, and an RTX3060 thinking single-GPU-passthrough was a solved problem. Turns out, the Ampere engine refuses those solutions.

Now, during the previous iteration of hardware I'd never heard of "passthrough" so I assumed dual-booting was the only way forward, and because I was tired of linux and windows sitting in separate cathedrals I bought a hardware-RAID card so they would share a logical hard drive, making file sharing a little easier.

Returning to the current Epyc build, I decided after getting non-GPU passthrough to work, and wishing I could have more than one virtual machine running across my thirty-two vCPUs, I set up a trial-run of OpenMediaVault, like the result, and after some further consideration buy a second video card; this time a w5700 Radeon-Pro.

Much difficulties getting the 300w to be not only available but believably (by the card) available (I'm using a single sata-power line for the 150w plug. It's "officially" rated for 54w but is pretty stout, can probably pass more. But still...) and then other troubles, such as getting keyboard/mouse to pass over to the matching video output.
I finally hit a winning combination. virtual-monitor displaying the QXL video output, which brought sound in addition to accepting "direct" keystrokes. Nomachine (.net) to peek in at the accelerated EDID loopback plug's output (Heaven unigene test ran from 140fps to 175+; working nicely, it seemed).

I was ready! I ... couldn't just copy my working game directory from the dual-booted_currently-mounted directory to the virtual machine's filesystem.
SO! I tried copying it to the NAS virtual machine but there was a permissions issue. SO I copied it to my home directory, adjusted the permissions, and proceeded to copy the 15+GB directory to the OVM NAS.

Then everything stopped.

Oh, the windows were still there, but the window manager had become completely unresponsive, and the xterm window insisted /bin/ls was not actually a file, but only a figment of my fevered typing.

It seems that that copy job overheated the recently-moved RAID card (always a touch flaky in the heat of summer, I had moved it up next to the 3060 -- and LATER realized the case fan nearest it was frozen solid, never to turn again). The card had 'failed' a drive, and during the copy had spuriously marked another -- on the same side of the _0 half of the raid-50 -- as offline.
The system as a whole didn't realize until a full stripe of data had been written to the still-functioning half.

Hard powerdown, and after some time for it to cool, I booted a recsucesystem to examine my Linux half. And it was a mess. Thousands of inodes, links, with every error I've ever encountered, and after that, hundreds (maybe thousands, I gave up after a while) of files with inodes that, according to fsck, were being argued over by sometime half a dozen other files in far-reaching sections of the filesystem.

Not only is the data drive, where I keep downloaded things in addition to games I play, on the Windows half trashed and useless, everything not in a separate physical device is gone from Linux, and I'll never actually know what I lost.
I think I still have 85% on other machines -- I had plans to centralize, to call the migration complete and re-unify my data, but the need to dualboot had actually been the reason I held off.

Now it's that I have to install linux all over again. Mind you, now that I've finished the much, MUCH earlier job of slowly replacing each 3TB member of the array with a 4TB drive, I can make some good of this. Destroy the array, create a new one, gain 4TB in the process.

And start filling it, I guess. And maybe develop an actual backup plan since, as any sysadmin will tell you, "RAID" isn't enough protection by its lonesome.

Anon 04/29/2023 (Sat) 09:10 [Preview] No.8633 del
Nobody is asking you to provide anything (at least,not me).As long as you keep one for your actual necessities in your routine,I don't think that anything else will be needed.

No need to justify yourself for stumbling upon the huge struggles that tech can deliver to anyone. Experimenting with it can lead to the mess that you have encountered...and it's not that shocking. Just make it work the best that you can for fixing it but again,I am not asking you to be a provider here. Don't find the sole motivation in doing so because of the "role" that has been "assigned". And even for the task,you claim that you have 85% of it so,not everything is lost,far from it.

Take your time for recovering yourself from this. It's okay.

Anon 04/30/2023 (Sun) 06:57 [Preview] No.8634 del
(112.90 KB 276x277 2926310.png)
>Do any of you know what a RAID-50 array is?
Yes. One of those arcane hybrids RAIDS I would never ever touch though.

>Returning to the current Epyc build, I decided after getting non-GPU passthrough to work, and wishing I could have more than one virtual machine running across my thirty-two vCPUs,
A understandable wish. I mean, if I can have two VMs running at once, albeit tiny ones, on a core duo laptop from 2008, at that point one ought to put those cores to use!

Much difficulties getting the 300w to be not only available but believably (by the card) available (I'm using a single sata-power line for the 150w plug. It's "officially" rated for 54w but is pretty stout, can probably pass more. But still...) and then other troubles, such as getting keyboard/mouse to pass over to the matching video output.
And this is where I start to wince in pain. Though I can't say I have ever put together a system of that complexity, from putting together strange and janky set ups from scrap computers I can certainly relate to the efforts of tinkering a system...

>Oh, the windows were still there, but the window manager had become completely unresponsive,
..and when one crashes and burns.

>Hard powerdown, and after some time for it to cool, I booted a recsucesystem to examine my Linux half. And it was a mess. Thousands of inodes, links, with every error I've ever encountered, and after that, hundreds (maybe thousands, I gave up after a while) of files with inodes that, according to fsck, were being argued over by sometime half a dozen other files in far-reaching sections of the filesystem.
>and the xterm window insisted /bin/ls was not actually a file, but only a figment of my fevered typing.
Have been in this seat before. Plenty of times.

> I think I still have 85% on other machines
I wish you the best. 85% is not 100% and I hope you haven't lost anything too important.

Seconded 100%.

Anon 04/30/2023 (Sun) 07:03 [Preview] No.8635 del
>It seems like you are constantly running on things held together by duct tape and chewing gum. What is the infrastructure and resources you have like where you end up with a intermittent to non-existent internet and resorting to Netbooks as your primary computer?
LOL, well, my personal affairs are a bit complicated to explain. I have had a lot of stuff just happen. Main computers that till last year I always had were various ones that were given too me. Had one computer of more modern spec that I loaned out to a family member and thus that (and a old tablet PC) were my main machines for a few months. Now I have gotten my new main machine back (a far more acceptable T470) so it ain't as bad as before ( albeit I don't find it that bad at all as I am pretty used to low speced machines).

As for Internet. It always has been a bit crappy where I live and sometimes worse.

Anon 04/30/2023 (Sun) 08:58 [Preview] No.8636 del

Anon 05/02/2023 (Tue) 07:08 [Preview] No.8639 del
(688.24 KB 696x640 00002-4157287423.png)
(828.38 KB 696x640 00003-2077211932.png)
(676.19 KB 696x640 00014-3587461117.png)
(786.14 KB 696x640 00015-4245540857.png)
I've got the windows boot back enough to re-install stable diffusion.
Finally got something that resembles a pegasus; normally the pegasus prompt UTTERLY confuses all the training checkpoints I've tried it with. Centaur is noticeably worse, though with the furry file I found forthwith was I fully find a foxtaur, featurely found.

After a few retries, at least.

Anon 05/04/2023 (Thu) 09:25 [Preview] No.8640 del
Actually pretty nice.
Uncanny Valley.
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww Something about mixing realistic fox and horse features feels wrong.

Anon 05/06/2023 (Sat) 05:56 [Preview] No.8641 del
(640.38 KB 640x640 00011-1998900811.png)
(645.86 KB 600x600 00014-1014145544.png)
(642.81 KB 600x600 00016-4082980636.png)
(535.14 KB 600x600 00018-4082980638.png)
(565.35 KB 600x600 00019-4082980639.png)
today, I started with
> pegasus sitting at cafe table sipping coffee while reading a newspaper

pony4.safetensors did okay. Nearly.

The midjourney-fork at least knew pegasi are equine. #'s 3 & 4...

Considering stable diffusion isn't supposed to know how to spell, I nearly burst out laughing at that last one, also midjourney.

Uh, and my first run I accidentally put that prompt in the negative field. I did not get a pegasus. Or coffee. Instead I got a comic where a purple anthro earth pony's vulva was speaking the lines for the character, who seemed to be trying to invite the human male that showed up in the last panel.
Also nearly burst out laughing...

Anon 05/07/2023 (Sun) 08:31 [Preview] No.8644 del
(571.25 KB 2492x2800 3314367.jpg)
I don't think 3 looks uncanny but do see it with 4. Something about it feels a little unnatural. I think its detail and relative high quality might play against it and trigger a bit of a "uncanny valley" effect with some.

Midjourney eh? From what I hear it is supposedly ahead of the pack now though the previous examples have more of a artistic quality (albeit 5 ain't a lot to judge!). My fav of this bunch is probably 3, as abstract and perhaps slightly creepy as it is

Anon 05/12/2023 (Fri) 08:06 [Preview] No.8645 del
I like these better. More whimsical. Less uncanny.

>Peigass Taffee
A fine dish, albeit one highly illegal in Equestria due to cannibalistic implications. Old Griffins used to make it and serve up by the boatload back when they had a empire that could be called great and when Ponydom's influence was on the wane.

Stable diffusion makes fine art with a little "prompt engineering", midjourney makes photo realistic deep fakes which could be weaponized with "prompt engineering". Know the difference.

Anon 05/19/2023 (Fri) 08:35 [Preview] No.8647 del
(189.96 KB 512x512 purplesmartaipinkie.png)
I'm sure stable diffusion will get there soon enough.

Anon 05/20/2023 (Sat) 11:15 [Preview] No.8650 del
(173.23 KB 640x500 3220281.png)
What is most interesting on all this AI crap is that, we, as a fandom, were messing with it just before it was mainstream. For a good couple of years 15.ai was the place for highest quality voices in general. Thinka about it, till a few months ago, some 4chan thread a few resourceful anons were ahead of finest scientist with the best corporate funding and careers devoted to it. We had people messing with AI art as well (thisponydoesnotexist anybody?). It seems like pony is often ahead, foundational, or at the very least early adapters to a lot of stuff but I don't see it recognized much from outsiders. Not sure how I should feel about that either.

Anon 05/21/2023 (Sun) 08:50 [Preview] No.8652 del
(109.76 KB 1440x1080 Scoota.jpg)
>What is most interesting on all this AI crap is that, we, as a fandom, were messing with it just before it was mainstream.
And arguably helped get it there. 15.ai was at a level of mainstream knowledge or just almost to that, with the FiM and /mlp/ connection being a little more obscurer. I did see discussion of it in places like hackernews, forums, etc and in the few viral videos I watched featuring 15.ai I saw some expressing surprise at that connection and some commenters recognizing the voices of the mane 6 in a Darth Vadar Esque "I sense a presence, one I haven't felt sense..." Not sure the state of things now with all the new tools I'll have to check.

>It seems like pony is often ahead, foundational, or at the very least early adapters to a lot of stuff but I don't see it recognized much from outsiders.
A mystery I am still trying to figure out myself sometimes. I think cringe at said "brony phase", a degree of cultural isolation and just the way social media often works with the HYPE! and then forgotten completely soon after all play a part but don't explain the whole. Like, I have peeked around sometimes and seen complaints of autistic deep dives or otherwise complete histories of web not mentioning us when we were active and directly played a roll in the topic at hand (A history of Internet fandom) or only getting a tiny footnote. I don't claim persecution or conspiracy but it does feel like there is just a memory hole around us sometimes.

Anon 06/20/2023 (Tue) 08:20 [Preview] No.8685 del
(990.45 KB 2383x1504 2997611.jpeg)
<not implying

Anon 06/22/2023 (Thu) 06:46 [Preview] No.8692 del
(226.08 KB 829x640 ConfusedTwi7.png)

Anon 06/29/2023 (Thu) 09:02 [Preview] No.8697 del
>Anwsers can be hard to come by
<in a place far out like here

Anon 06/30/2023 (Fri) 18:43 [Preview] No.8701 del
Sometimes the sun rises too hot, or not at all -- or for certain ponies, both at once.

An ending is upon us all.

Hey! Have some post-rock!
<reading this site with no colors
>suggests swapping orange for sky-blue anyway

Anon 07/02/2023 (Sun) 01:27 [Preview] No.8702 del
I am going to probably switch it back to the default theme for a bit. If I get the time I might try to make a better one and will take that to account.

Post + any music genre in the past has usually not been to my liking but I will check it out and give it a listen next time I can I am visiting elsewhere and I am one of those crazy people who doesn't use headphones, at least often.

>In the far reaches, life struggles to exist.
>A single meeting can lead to nothing.
>Here, we defy that everywhere day
>Even if there are questions that are unanswered.
The possibility exists that it will be.

Anon 07/03/2023 (Mon) 08:33 [Preview] No.8704 del
(1.77 MB 2244x2106 2174476.png)
Not bad tunes. I like the energy of a ending is upon us.

<reading this site with no colors
Maybe that is the best defense to bridgefag's adventures in CSS

>Post + any music genre in the past has usually not been to my liking but I will check it out and give it a listen next time I can
I always associate those genres with stuff like numetal and raprock. You know, the various dying pangs of the rock and related before pop and rap paved over everything. It is very hit or miss but some stuff is worthy of respect from it. Now, L23, whom I believe is the closest here to a resident /mu/ music expert, don't chew me out if I got some detail wrong. I am just a casual fan.

>I am visiting elsewhere and I am one of those crazy people who doesn't use headphones, at least often.
Means you're have okay hearing by the time of your mid fifties and have a advantage against all most of your peers who probably have done untold damage to themselves with all the music they blast in their ears 24/7. Not that I am doing any of that of course.

>The possibility exists that it will be.

Anon 07/09/2023 (Sun) 08:06 [Preview] No.8711 del
(233.52 KB 406x471 2990567.png)
When moving and resizing partitions, it is generally a bad idea to accidentally cut off power to the computer. Fortunately had back ups of everything but was something of a detour to my day. Especially when I am already on the cusp of setting up my new main system for everything.

>Maybe that is the best defense to bridgefag's adventures in CSS
That or my own janky set ups!

Anon 07/09/2023 (Sun) 18:45 [Preview] No.8713 del
(2.28 MB 2631x1860 exmpThree.jpeg)
>When moving and resizing partitions
I think it's in this thread, that I discuss my raid card suddenly not trusting the "hard drives" at the far end of all that copper cabling. Much the same result.

Anon 07/12/2023 (Wed) 02:35 [Preview] No.8715 del
How much worse could your battle station be than a Netbook though? Do you have scrap computers that are worse than that? Cardboard PC case?

You did >>8632
I am still impressed by the specs.

>I finally hit a winning combination. virtual-monitor displaying the QXL video output, which brought sound in addition to accepting "direct" keystrokes. Nomachine (.net) to peek in at the accelerated EDID loopback plug's output (Heaven unigene test ran from 140fps to 175+; working nicely, it seemed).
And the complexity of that set up. I am nit quite a "just werks" kind of guy but I don't think I would have the patience for that.

Anon 07/13/2023 (Thu) 07:07 [Preview] No.8716 del
>How much worse could your battle station be than a Netbook though? Do you have scrap computers that are worse than that?
The computer that I had this whole sensitive process going on was a beat up Dell Optiplex 320 with a a dead ram slot and a couple of dead USB ports, among a few other issues (it is also using a USB as it's boot drive, no not a live distro, full install, I'll explain that better some other time).

>Cardboard PC case?
Not that bad. Closest thing being some laptops that I have had that had a tendency to get too hot I would make homemade cardboard stands (including the one right now I am typing on).

>And the complexity of that set up. I am nit quite a "just werks" kind of guy but I don't think I would have the patience for that.
tbh, I am not sure if I would be either, but if I had a epyc I just might try it; that many cores deserve to be toyed and tinkered with!

Anon 08/28/2023 (Mon) 17:20 [Preview] No.8755 del
(129.62 KB 1024x768 Alistor_Reads_Futures.jpg)
I came across an interesting comic uploaded to Twibooru -- "amulet of shades" -- that petered out about the time the story was really ready to begin.

In other news, bridgesand needs to check their Twi acct for messages about the lurking Delores, or I guess Delore singular(?)

Anon 08/29/2023 (Tue) 02:20 [Preview] No.8756 del
>Pencil drawing.
>Thousands of duplicates of the same stallion reading a book.
>Infinite mares along with a table.
>Notepads and tea to boot.
With just this I have a lot of questions.

>bridgesand needs to check their Twi acct for messages about the lurking Delores, or I guess Delore singular(?)
I don't know what this is either, but I assume that is directed at bridgefag.

Anon 08/29/2023 (Tue) 02:34 [Preview] No.8757 del
That still is pretty janky if you ask me.

>Dell Optiplex 320 with a a dead ram slot and a couple of dead USB ports, among a few other issues
Potentially still okay, albeit, pretty old at this point. 1 Ram slot is a pretty big issue if you ask me.
>(it is also using a USB as it's boot drive, no not a live distro, full install, I'll explain that better some other time).
<Using this when cheap sub $20 SSDs exist.

>that petered out about the time the story was really ready to begin.
Another thing I'll mention: This seems to be the fate of many webcomics. I'm thinking of a certain one that was abandoned by the Double Rainboom guy that still stings a bit.

Woo clop thread Anon 08/29/2023 (Tue) 07:09 [Preview] No.8758 del
(247.34 KB 1022x1024 large.jpeg)
Let's fucking go

Anon 08/29/2023 (Tue) 09:19 [Preview] No.8761 del
(6.72 MB 2327x2669 concept7-1.png)
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(6.02 MB 2196x3018 concept8-2.png)
(377.49 KB 1500x1000 PinkieBrainstorming.png)
(669.31 KB 2356x1000 ThisIsTheBestPanel.png)
Same as >>8756. Even if incomplete I might go ahead and check out just from sheer curiosity.

>I don't know what this is either, but I assume that is directed at bridgefag.
Nothing big, just informing me of a message he left.

>Another thing I'll mention: This seems to be the fate of many webcomics. I'm thinking of a certain one that was abandoned by the Double Rainboom guy that still stings a bit.
The Ballad of Mecha Pinkie Pie. You aren't the first one I've seen lamenting its abandonment. It triggered me to go back and look. Though I found most of the art to be a bit on the armature side (something I usually like from this period but this time it didn't "click", sans panel 11). Did seem like Flamingo1986 was putting a lot of thought into it where he might take it and had a lot of concepts floating around in his, ahem, concept art. The end product was just about to get to the start of anything interesting happening and...

>Another thing I'll mention: This seems to be the fate of many webcomics.
that might be worse than a story that at least got half way through in some ways. With, life, school and the pursuit of careers I suppose it is the fate of many comics and fics alike to be in various states of incomplete and abandoned.

Anon 08/29/2023 (Tue) 20:43 [Preview] No.8763 del
<Using this when cheap sub $20 SSDs exist.
This is a habit in part shaped by resources and in part shaped by some unique use cases. When going between computers for example, it is just quicker. I sometimes I would have to do this a lot. Plus I would be jumping between and testing different OS and configurations. On the habit end, people would always give me packs of USBs as I was the "techy" one and they would see USBs as "tech" to give.So I had a abundance.

SSD prices certainly have come down though and I have bought a couple of cheap TLC SSDs to test and mess around with. Certainly have noticed a speed difference at least. QLC SSDs have actually gotten cheap enough that they might rival the price of flash drives. I still have some distrust for some of the random failures I hear about with SSDs at that price range but considering the low quality flash of USB drives I probably can't complain too much on reliability. So, in other words, I am considering it (but probably going to continue to use USB flash drives for most needs like this because of the aforementioned abundance I have and habit).

Anon 09/12/2023 (Tue) 02:19 [Preview] No.8777 del
(1.03 MB 512x288 wow.gif)
>And going back to make memes out of season 1 is something I am surprised I don't see more often.
And now you will see it one more time!

Anon 09/15/2023 (Fri) 02:16 [Preview] No.8778 del
I don't want to sound too much like /b/ but, nice trips.

Anon 09/15/2023 (Fri) 06:25 [Preview] No.8780 del
(201.39 KB 1402x1546 rainmaneprincesspain.jpeg)
Hello from Fairbanks.

It's raining. And the rental places say they have no cars. And there's no 7-11 within two miles of the hotel, and also it's dark and of course I don't know the area.

Welcome to Fairbanks?

Anon Board owner 09/20/2023 (Wed) 09:10 [Preview] No.8785 del
(299.21 KB 1080x1350 3046682.jpeg)
>Hello from Fairbanks.
>It's raining. And the rental places say they have no cars.
I hope you have gotten things better together. Goodness, that sounds like a rotten start. I have experienced mishaps in travel before...

>And there's no 7-11 within two miles of the hotel, and also it's dark and of course I don't know the area.
Basically, anywhere outside of Texas. The other states always feel so barren and the roads are different and usually a little sucker. No Buc-ees. Less convenience stores...

Of course, I'm just talking about driving for a few day or two to visit the one relative close relative who decided to leave Texas. Fairbanks, Alaska? That is a whole other ballpark.

If you have any horrific misadventures, I certainly will be curious of the details. Otherwise, hope you are having a great trip! Hopefully won't have to deal with too many bugs...

Anon Board owner 09/20/2023 (Wed) 09:16 [Preview] No.8786 del
(2.71 MB 2500x2500 2562579.png)
>1 VABxvsyH 09/18/2023 (Mon) 05:29 [Preview] No.8783 [X] del

>1 VABxvsyH 09/18/2023 (Mon) 04:07 [Preview] No.8782 [X] del

Anon 09/23/2023 (Sat) 19:12 [Preview] No.8790 del
(8.66 MB 4000x2643 84832.png)
(349.85 KB 1280x961 CarsCauseFrustrations.jpg)
>I hope you have gotten things better together.

Most of it was fine, actually. The Denali Star train from Anchorage to Fairbanks was long, and after about half the day the scenery does sort of all look the same - low flat ground covered in scrub-brush that's turning colors at this time. So, pretty, but in a way pretty boring too.

But every attempt to rent a car was mired in, if not misery at least frustration.

Lesson learned: never attempt to rent a car from the airport itself. Also, if you plan on attempting to rent a car, let the car rental place know at least a few days ahead of time so if they're willing to rent to you (airport is not) they'll have a car on site.
Probably, anyway.

Also, if you want to go up to the Arctic Circle, you need to get a different rental car, take the AlCan highway so you can use your own car, or expect to lose your damage deposit when they guess from the huge volume of dirt that you violated their 'only paved roads' policy.

Went part-way into Denali, but when I mentioned to a coworker wanting to see the Arctic Circle she replied, eyes wide (having lived there a decade, she'd just finished saying) "The Dalton highway is terifying!

Anon 09/24/2023 (Sun) 02:05 [Preview] No.8791 del
(569.53 KB 450x600 3439230.png)
>The Denali Star train from Anchorage to Fairbanks was long, and after about half the day the scenery does sort of all look the same - low flat ground covered in scrub-brush that's turning colors at this time. So, pretty, but in a way pretty boring too.
I'll take boring over horrible. Glad though the trip wasn't too bad overall.

>But every attempt to rent a car was mired in, if not misery at least frustration.
>Lesson learned: never attempt to rent a car from the airport itself.
Family, particularly my father, would always rent cars from the airport rental place. It sounds like though you are talking about the airport rather than a commercial business there.

>Went part-way into Denali, but when I mentioned to a coworker wanting to see the Arctic Circle she replied, eyes wide (having lived there a decade, she'd just finished saying) "The Dalton highway is terifying!
I had a friend from Alaska once while I was a kid. She had some interesting stories to tell. (Though I suppose of the usual Alaska fair, bears in back yard, etc). I imagine your coworker might have had some "fun" there as well.

Oh, and it is now fall/autumn, so happy new season everypony! (though in a lot of Texas it still feels a lot like summer).

Anon 09/25/2023 (Mon) 03:01 [Preview] No.8794 del
Alaska has always sounded like an intimidating prospect for me. Yet, I known so many people who have moved there and loved it. Sounds like your experience was more average rather than awe. Basically, what I would expect...

I just have a fear of wilderness and bears.

Anon 09/29/2023 (Fri) 07:17 [Preview] No.8812 del
(387.66 KB 542x475 23349.gif)
Been "vaguely" sick the last few days, hard to describe. A lack of a desire to eat and a off stomach while still feeling hungry, only sometimes feeling strongly sick. It has gone away now but it seemed to both be a little and take a lot out of me...

Speaking of SSDs and failure. Recently had a scare where my T470's screen went black and complained a whole lot of write errors (and other things). Rebooted and fsck reported a lot of fixed innodes and all that stuff and the computer was acting strangely slow. Cloned the drive again (I don't have a fancy NAS and just use lee old DD, external HDD and copy it to another HDD on another computer for some redundancy). After that, me running some tests and checking around, my SSD is seemingly "okay" but I am certainly acting with caution and might swap it out soon.

Anon 10/03/2023 (Tue) 07:01 [Preview] No.8828 del
(512.84 KB 750x750 sickagai.png)
Whatever... bug, I don't know. Has returned. This is probably due to other IRL stuff, but is annoying.

On the bright side, an old HDD drive from a computer that had suffered a lightning strike years ago turned out to be intact and mostly fine (A couple of bad sectors). So that data, containing a whole lot of old family memories, has been saved.

I guess happy month of Nightmre Night to everypony as well.

Anon 10/23/2023 (Mon) 02:54 [Preview] No.8847 del
(262.49 KB 800x582 CelestiaAsARacetrack.png)
(715.28 KB 4096x4096 glowyeye.jpg)
I hope everypony who is a F1 fan is safe out there. Yet another PoLS on my part.

Anon 10/23/2023 (Mon) 02:56 [Preview] No.8848 del
(163.03 KB 1440x1142 tsandpri.jpg)
And in general as well. Just had a certain friend of my talking about it (and pointing out the F1 race that is within relatively convenient driving distance). So it was on my mind.

Enjoy Twilight eating pringles.

Anon 10/29/2023 (Sun) 19:41 [Preview] No.8854 del
So, this your mare, Derpydestroya ... Also, uh, known as Derpy Hooves, uh? Ditzy Doo, even, uh ... Mufffinzzzz.

I just wanted to say here about this crazy concert I just got back from in the Ponyville Theatre. I guess I read the notice wrong, showed up a bit late. Put together by, and I quote, Pinkamena Party.
Now you know, ponies, when she goes by that name stuff is going to get freaking weird, fast.
But, anywho. who? AnyWhovian! HEH.
I got in about, I guess, eleven?
...(And there was SO MUCH monster, and muffins going on in that place)
The first band had was just finishing their set, and...

Anon 10/30/2023 (Mon) 03:44 [Preview] No.8856 del
(566.11 KB 398x1000 firstedit.gif)
This little edit has now been updated, lol. I wouldn't call it a massive work of art but I am happy enough. I used my netbook for this; even out of convenience, was a bit more painful than expected.

Anon 10/30/2023 (Mon) 04:04 [Preview] No.8857 del
It is not convenient for me to listen to these tracks at this time but:
> Deavas_ILostMyMuffin_(SeasameSt-paro).mp3
Does cause me to raise an eyebrow.

> But, anywho. who? AnyWhovian! HEH
I see what you did there.

>Put together by, and I quote, Pinkamena Party.
That is scary. Perhaps fitting for Nightmare Night though.

>Now you know, ponies, when she goes by that name stuff is going to get freaking weird, fast.
Like, befriending inanimate objects? Perhaps a really scary cupcake or two?

Anon 10/31/2023 (Tue) 08:26 [Preview] No.8861 del
(716.62 KB 1992x5000 BaconOrPeppermintDolor.png)
And upon further inspection I think I got the timing wrong on the gif. I thought it was just my netbook being slow with rendering the gif but >>8855 does indeed seem to be too slow.

>It is not convenient for me to listen to these tracks at this time but:
And now I have, certainly not my style of music. That sort of concert I imagine would be pretty weird.

> Deavas_ILostMyMuffin_(SeasameSt-paro).mp3
This one might be the most real. Derpy is pretty violent when she loses her muffins.

>>8858 (cross post note)
>is that everything there, is you
Meant to bold this, not spoiler. Forgetting that on endchan the double '*' is not bold.

Anon 11/09/2023 (Thu) 00:50 [Preview] No.8865 del
>That sort of concert I imagine would be pretty weird

Let me expound a bit on 'weird'

Including the post-concert intro by the mare herself, Derpydestroya.

Anon 11/10/2023 (Fri) 03:26 [Preview] No.8866 del
Brings back a few memories. Thanks anon (need to find my catalog of old fandom music).

Yes, it is too slow. Can confirm as a anon on a much more powerful machine.

Anon 12/02/2023 (Sat) 10:35 [Preview] No.8882 del
(406.94 KB 459x600 awalk.png)
Had a random situation where I had to drop everything, if things go okay, "formal" changes come this weekend (not that it is the biggest change in the world). Unless a certain family member needs my help when sick.

Hope everypony out there is doing well.

Anon 01/02/2024 (Tue) 18:59 [Preview] No.9203 del
Huh. My .jpg didn't attach.
Also when I came here just a few seconds ago the whole thread was missing.

Anon Board owner 01/04/2024 (Thu) 21:08 [Preview] No.9212 del

I can't recall threads being missing before. I can recall posts not appearing and such. Interesting error and will be on the look out myself as the site had some downtime recently.

Anon 01/04/2024 (Thu) 23:33 [Preview] No.9213 del
while I still don't know what happened, as I had loaded the image a couple times to consider it, this AFTER downloading and saving it -- but the next day, the file showed as having zero bytes of data. Aside from its name, it had no content, which, yes would make it extremely difficult for a remote web server to render it as a fully fledged jpeg.

So; trying again, I guess?

Anon 01/07/2024 (Sun) 11:38 [Preview] No.9247 del
2024 in review:
>A computer thingy I didn't think would work, did.
<Massive plumbing emergency onto of helping someone with car leaving me exhausted.

Eh, 50/50 so far.

Sorry, haven't had a chance to check onto here much for reasons above. /chat/ is the thread that disappeared, correct? My usual recommendation whenever the site ever did stuff was... wait awhile and try again. This is interesting to me as it hasn't been that bad in awhile. Other than the disappearing thread, I know of stuff like that for sure.

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 23:48 [Preview] No.9271 del
My New Years I actually avoided getting hung over, so that was nice.

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 10:38 [Preview] No.9279 del
(358.31 KB 1318x1100 285627.png)
Life goals!

Anon 01/11/2024 (Thu) 21:21 [Preview] No.9318 del
(120.45 KB 1120x1400 BurningRope.jpg)
(93.76 KB 1720x860 LightningMagic.jpg)

I just realized 'silk' in that instance, referring to spider's silk, isn't 'woven into a fabric yet - and thus, IS a rope.

Hrhmm. Rather that re-write a haiku, I instead offer some images tagged both 'epic' and 'rope'

Also, since the first dozen or so replies here were pretty good, and this is now cyclicle (at 400? or 500...?) maybe somepony should make a decent backup of this thread just now.
Y'know, in case this has in a few years scrolled to the top and somebody asks how we got to this point, in this place...
That I would be discussing epic rope posting from my Epyc woven into the internet's fabric made from network rope-cable.

Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 09:50 [Preview] No.9334 del
(75.21 KB 1574x904 bbwojac.jpg)
Mountain Dew anew.
Twilight tried to write haiku.
Failed, again, she cried.
This short term poetry...
...she had fallen behind.

My brain can't do a tiny fic thing and a Haiku in exhaustion at once. Oh well.

>Silk is fabric, as is cotton, btw. Nylon, kevlar, anything that can be made into strings and then woven together into a flat, malleable flap of material can be called a fabric.
>I just realized 'silk' in that instance, referring to spider's silk, isn't 'woven into a fabric yet - and thus, IS a rope.
Might it be argued that a spider's silk is a thread or string, and thus neither a rope or a fabric?

>Also, since the first dozen or so replies here were pretty good, and this is now cyclicle (at 400? or 500...?) maybe somepony should make a decent backup of this thread just now.
Bump limit is at 500 posts, and yeah, that is certainly a good idea. and if it is desired to keep these posts around longer, I can change it back and just have a /chat/ II or something like a normal thread.

>That I would be discussing epic rope posting from my Epyc woven into the internet's fabric made from network rope-cable.
This makes me want to make some version of the stupid wojak big brained meme but with a computer sever or network switch sitting on it's own wiring. Only "issue" being that ethernet cables aren't the same thing as having your brain splattered out from processing power. just spoilered because I can't stand wojak but had to post for reference.

Anon 01/17/2024 (Wed) 03:30 [Preview] No.9370 del
(167.78 KB 408x600 rope.png)
>rope debate
This hinges on if rope is a catch all category for smaller bands, strings and other things woven into a stronger bound or if a silk, string, threads, etc, might be separate categories from rope. If spider's silk is not a fabric does that mean it is a rope?

Glancing around different definitions:
>(a piece of) strong, thick string made of long twisted threads: A sailor threw a rope ashore and we tied the boat to a post. a coil of rope

>: a large stout cord of strands of fibers or wire twisted or braided together

>: b a long slender strip of material used as rope

>: a row or string consisting of things united by or as if by braiding, twining, or threading

It seems like rope itself might be a type of string depending on whom you ask.

Anon 01/17/2024 (Wed) 04:14 [Preview] No.9371 del
(256.37 KB 744x600 TwiWave.png)
I hope everypone is surviving the frigid weather, be it some Eurofags and Leafs who are used to it, to the people who might be getting a bit more than normal (cough cough Texas and maybe some parts of the Pacific Northwest with the artic blast going further than expected). Spain too.

Anon 01/17/2024 (Wed) 05:52 [Preview] No.9372 del
(61.17 KB 466x187 IcyRain.png)
> frigid weather
Hay it's warmed up here; we had freezing rain today!

Anon 01/22/2024 (Mon) 14:47 [Preview] No.9429 del
(330.26 KB 719x1000 3058891.jpeg)
Freezing Rain doesn't sound pleasant to my more southern located ears but I guess it beats permafrost and snow.

Still, hope you are staying safe and warm.

and I hope bridgefag isn't frozen like a iceblock, knowing from what little how he lives.
I hope L23 and CB, 5050, others are doing good as well.

Anon 02/02/2024 (Fri) 22:13 [Preview] No.9490 del
(244.15 KB 854x724 TheMeme.png)
(75.85 KB 1079x1060 EatMe.jpg)
>Sex with IRL horses is scary.
Generally non-horse people find horses, at all, to be scary.
In order to be big enough to carry you around, they need to be five times your size. Not even that, five times as much mass as you plus your saddle plus anything you want to hang off the saddle like a water bottle or some lunch provisions.
Combine that with how horses are all bone and muscle, and react / move as fast as any cat, and as open-plains prey animals they have a completely incomprehensible set of desires and expectations as well as incompatible communication (mostly non-verbal).

Having said all that, the power of the meme probably persists for very good reasons.

Anon 02/04/2024 (Sun) 03:42 [Preview] No.9498 del
Horse also has really tight muscular pussy that clamps down on your cock after you leave it in for a few seconds. Feels really good especially with the massive oozing fluids making it super wet. It's hard not to nut within 1 minute.

Anon 02/17/2024 (Sat) 00:51 [Preview] No.9594 del
(3.77 KB 211x177 1925.jpg)
(18.15 KB 512x512 Artifactual.jpg)
>Remember JPEG artifacts?
>Images with those compression artifacts feel like older/vintage image files.

JPG files still have artifacts. We have more internet, so people aren't as perpetually worried about transferring forty-megabyte files as if it were a sip of coffee, but it used to be a whole afternoon - so you cropped, and downsampled, out of courtesy for people who wanted to look at OTHER images, too.

These two were saved from stable-diffusion results created a week or two ago. Artifacts are part of lossy images, which we all still use.

Anon 02/19/2024 (Mon) 09:21 [Preview] No.9607 del
>We have more internet, so people aren't as perpetually worried about transferring forty-megabyte files as if it were a sip of coffee, but it used to be a whole afternoon - so you cropped, and downsampled, out of courtesy for people who wanted to look at OTHER images, too.
This is a fantastic point! Yes. I will also add:
> Images with those compression artifacts may feel like older/vintage image files.
Often, in 90% of cases, what makes something feel older and vintage, ...nostalgic and the aesthetic has as much to do with the limitations of the medium over just purely stylistic choices. Why does old new footage even from the early 2000s feel old to many people? It is not just better graphics and a different stylistic sense but also because we are in a world where 1080p is the norm standard and now we notice the film grain and are unused to the 4;3 aspect ratio.

It is also why so many old timey TV shows had usually simple camera work and bright lit rooms even in the late 1990s when CGI would massively benefited from a dark setting to hide the contrast (and some tried, but it wasn't to the same level that they could do on movies).

Anon 03/03/2024 (Sun) 05:54 [Preview] No.9724 del
(This thread was linked to from another thread, and I read some posts here via that other thread. So I suppose I am involved with this thread. May as well jump in.) Episode of FIM that stood out to me recently: "Boastbusters", which is the title of it IIRC. That episode (Trixie's first appearance) is related to the below text in this post.

As humans, it is somewhat unfortunate that social situations matter so much to us. As opposed to, say, figuring things out about and exploring or building the digital world/universe(/metaverse?), improving one's own life in a significant way, discovering the mysteries of the universe. It is really annoying to me how much time I spent thinking about drama or light drama. Like, I would play Tetris for hours per day across multiple days, and I would end up just thinking about it while playing. I don't want to think about it. This "living in your mind rent free" has gotta stop. So, like talk therapy, perhaps posting about it will help. I suppose I am ready to exude thoughts about it, reply and read whatever, for I have the time to do that.

Important thing to consider: sometimes there are actual asshole on the Internet, who may or may not be disrespectful idiots. I suppose the solution to this is not one of a tyranny of kindness where the posts are jannied away, instead the solution is one of reason and using your own self-confidence. It isn't always the case that you are in the wrong, sometimes the other person is wrong about such and such. Also, there is constructive criticism, and just being mean.

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 00:12 [Preview] No.9730 del
Part of what prompted me to make that post: watching https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=NDkmG3OtRsc&list=PLVmM0UVcquYLx7mnB2WvG3-n1EXCI6GTd&index=48&autoplay=1 "Maximum Difficulty Randomly Generated Level! - Creeper World 4" in which some guy says stupid things. It's a recording of a livestream of Wanderbots playing a video game. Two dumb things he talks about: "politics" and "content moderation". My bias: I don't like Wanderbots; I don't like his ideas and attitudes towards various things, and I don't like his politics. He goes on about how "content creators" and video game livestreamers should talk about social issues. Of course he would say that. He's in the camp that social justice warrior invading the gaming space years ago is and was a good thing. And similar to communism, socialists need socialism worldwide in order for socialism to "work". What does he even accomplish by blabbing about recent events and politics? 1: Annoys those who disagree with him. 2: Preach to the choir for those who agree with him. 3: Convince an infinitesimally small group of people who are "on the fence".

A more extreme version of him, or maybe he'll end up this way: the Postmodern philosopher. The Postmodern philosophy professor is apparently supposed to spend all day "teaching" his students about all the "woes" of identity politics in recent times. Instead of actually teaching philosophy. The only sin on the left is not being left enough. Therefore, their shit has gotta be a part of every damn thing. His small impact on changing minds is worth it in his view. I think it is funny how left-wing ideas need a whole society and control of some many information organs thereof in order to succeed. It has to be in the minds of everyone everywhere all the time. Much of it is too unnatural. Not to say what nature is is completely good, but there has to be some balance. But I digress, the point is that I don't want to hear about politics from ANY side when watching some dude play video games.

"G-grow up! Politics is everywhere!" Doesn't have to be, it's up to the decision of whoever to talk about it. I'll keep being annoyed by it or hopefully just ignore it in the future. I am pretty sure "content creators" would make more money and be more successful if they didn't talk about politics, but it is up to them to determine what they value ("muh social responsibility").

"Content moderation" - the only use of being an Internet janitor is this: shaping a community to be in some way OR doing the bare minimum. My view is that doing the minimum is really the only particularly useful thing. Shaping a community is pretty much a waste of time and useless. I suppose it is useful in making various Internet communities different from each other, but too often than not I see it being overly-used to make a hugbox. Doing the bare minimum is doing stuff like deleting images and videos that are, on their face, illegal in most or all countries. Moderating text-only user-generated content is pretty much always a waste of time. I could write more on this, but this is already TL;DR as it is.

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 00:18 [Preview] No.9731 del
>2024 in review:
>>A computer thingy I didn't think would work, did.
What computer thing? I'm interested in computer things.

>My New Years I actually avoided getting hung over, so that was nice.
I think if you drink as much water as possible right before getting drunk, the right after being drunk experience will be less bad. IIRC, years ago I talked to a Chemistry professor who said the same thing; I had a memorable conversation with that guy about mainly-chemistry.

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 04:46 [Preview] No.9734 del
>What computer thing?
Fixing up a very problematical computer, at least one that was giving me issues. To summarize: Computer had sat unused for years but what was the newest one around.
Want to check on it and maybe upgrade on it and it worked fine at first but some weird behavior and issues cropped up.
>The computer would randomly refuse to boot, giving a three beeps, which in the case of the dell beepcodes of the time, meant some fault with the motherboard.
>GPU fan broke clean off, this was a middle to lower end AMD Radeon HD (6000 series?), so I found this a little weird as hadn't been used heavily by father or the previous owner he had gotten from those years back.
>I spend hours testing various things, removing and reseating ram sticks, etc.
>Removing and replacing CMOS battery seemed to help, but didn't totally fix it. It went giving that beep code 50% of the time to giving it once in awhile.
>I have a new CPU, that may or may not work with this motherboard (Well, it should, but some insisted that issues can arise).
<Eh, I'll try swapping the CPU and see what happens.
>New CPU
>Everything works and it no longer gives the boot error (I tested a lot).

There might be a detail or two I left out, but that is the basic gist. this computer is a early 2010s Dell XPS 8300, not the higher end i7 that will you usually see people talking about but one but the middle option i5 with a much weaker GPU. Xeon chip I put in, don't have exact model atm but one of those E-3 from right before Intel cut off our ability to do too many fun things with their platforms (far from the hacky things you can do with LGA 775 though)

>I'm interested in computer things.
I as well!

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 09:22 [Preview] No.9740 del
Might have a text wall incoming for all of this, just to note. For the moment:
>As humans, it is somewhat unfortunate that social situations matter so much to us.
Social media has made it worse, because our identities and personas are blurred as battleground unto themselves.

> Like, I would play Tetris for hours per day across multiple days, and I would end up just thinking about it while playing. I don't want to think about it.
I get this, if something makes you mad or annoyed, it can be hard to get it from your head. (Also, my version of that is the game Curse of War. That is if you play Tetris as a mindless thing to do while waiting for something to happen on the computer:https://a-nikolaev.github.io/curseofwar/ I prefer the ncurses version.)

>(This thread was linked to from another thread, and I read some posts here via that other thread. So I suppose I am involved with this thread. May as well jump in.

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 23:37 [Preview] No.9743 del
He's talked about politics and conveyed other dumb ideas in other videos. Also, I've seen him being unobservant in various videos in regards to the video game, which leads to partial or total failure of the level. Recently and multiple times, instead of watching his vids, I watched something else. I watch "Naruto"; episode 4: poked in the butt.

I have a Dell XPS 420 running as a server. 420, uptime erryday. It's been powered on for 97 days straight, but it's program uptime is not as good as this other computer that I run as a server.

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 23:47 [Preview] No.9744 del
I have this older laptop computer that failed on me. I guess it has a more extreme failure than the problem you had. It has some electrical fault (don't visibly see an burns or whatever) and will not power on at all. Plug in the charger to it: the good-indicator LED turns off. I tested a lot on it, apparently. I also disassembled it, and even at its minimum, without a battery and stuff, I plugged in the AC power adapter cord and the LED on the "box part of the cord" (the converter) still turns off. I think it doesn't have other visible issues like a bulged capacitor.

Rather, 'I watched "Naruto"'.

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 23:49 [Preview] No.9745 del
Rather "don't visibly see any burns"

I could make a longer post instead of two smaller posts, but I don't trust the computer I'm writing this on to not suddenly reboot.

Anon 03/06/2024 (Wed) 23:10 [Preview] No.9761 del
I'm doing 50-50 - nah jk I'm doing good. Just computer troubles, used to have this place bookmarked on the old thinkpad then it clunked out.

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 02:40 [Preview] No.9796 del
(113.29 KB 1024x1024 3177763.jpeg)
Wonderful to see you around!

For me, my main issue this year has been internet. I do know the feeling of a computer that... actually, I haven't ever had a computer die on me fully, just not being good for daily use.

>I have this older laptop computer that failed on me.
...I have seen them though.

> I plugged in the AC power adapter cord and the LED on the "box part of the cord" (the converter) still turns off.
That is a classic short, somewhere. There is some who go into detail on how to repair these that might be helpful (need to dig through bookmark). Never done it before myself either, btw.

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 06:18 [Preview] No.9827 del
>Like, I would play Tetris for hours per day across multiple days, and I would end up just thinking about it while playing. I don't want to think about it. This "living in your mind rent free" has gotta stop. So, like talk therapy, perhaps posting about it will help. I suppose I am ready to exude thoughts about it, reply and read whatever, for I have the time to do that.
>My bias: I don't like Wanderbots; I don't like his ideas and attitudes towards various things, and I don't like his politics. He goes on about how "content creators" and video game livestreamers should talk about social issues. Of course he would say that. He's in the camp that social justice warrior invading the gaming space years ago is and was a good thing.
>A more extreme version of him, or maybe he'll end up this way: the Postmodern philosopher. The Postmodern philosophy professor is apparently supposed to spend all day "teaching" his students about all the "woes" of identity politics in recent times. Instead of actually teaching philosophy. The only sin on the left is not being left enough
Here is my thoughts on this: First thing of advice and most obvious: avoid these people. Watching them and being annoyed by their stances is not the same thing of them going after you and it certainly would free up mental headspace. Though with that said...

I get it. It is not just this festering in your head for no reason. It is a crescendo, a never ending whine that would stop. Depending on your field, interest, from IRL situation to fandom, you might encounter this in some form everyday whether you like it or not. Even in it's more milder form you develop this expectation of pure hostility and can have a paranoid complex from it all. No subtext and subtly and all demanding without a ounce of persuasiveness makes it all quite... sickening at times to see. Especially when you see someone get attacked unjustly and dog piled on. In this case my advice shifts from mere avoidance to sticking with positive things that give meaning (or at least a pleasant distraction) and keeping your mind from being ruled by politics (either from their domination of you, or you being an insane /pol/tard who has lost complete touch with reality from the reaction of it).

Discernment in your threat receptors anyway. Social justice maybe cancer but it is as much a in vogue as a way of speaking and how people have been taught to speak (at least in the Anglosphere) . Not everyone who speaks with hints of that necessarily is acting from a crazed sense of self-righteous malice and discerning between between people who live for it and those who are just raised with it can matter. Like say, X youtuber 1 would cancel me in a heartbeat, not watching him, X youtuber 2 just sometimes hints at it and sometimes has expressed discomfort with certain aspects of this as well and I still enjoy some of the stuff he puts out. This also can apply to IRL people, and worse still, fighting amidst a power struggle... I hope I don't come across as too "tactical minded." In truth, humanity and society are quite complicated and I feel that a lot of people showed just as little as 5% more nuance wouldn't have the polarization (at least that we see in the States today, I know Europe and elsewhere can be more mixed on how badly they are at each others throats).

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 06:52 [Preview] No.9831 del
>>9827 (continued)
>"Content moderation" - the only use of being an Internet janitor is this: shaping a community to be in some way OR doing the bare minimum. My view is that doing the minimum is really the only particularly useful thing. Shaping a community is pretty much a waste of time and useless. I suppose it is useful in making various Internet communities different from each other, but too often than not I see it being overly-used to make a hugbox. D
I disagree. I think a lot of people have different comfort levels and preferences. For example of the handful of anons here there is a distaste that has been expressed from of the sharper edges of it even if it is not outright banned in a Equestria Daily sense. If someone was constantly avatarfaging morbidly obese or diperponies that were technically within the rules (say, nothing NSFW about them) or posting a bunch of such things spoilered in threads that it didn't make sense to (say the comic thread), that would be stopped here. There was something of a brief "civil war" well, attempted take over of 8kun's/pone and arguing on 8chan.moe's /pone/, both of which /endpone/ is associated with over the spoiling of images at all'. For you or me, that might seem sensible enough, for that small group, it wasn't and they tried to splinter (or in reality, take over, they were splintering from /mlp/ and tried to occupy) and I think that is fine to do so on their own. Polarization and centralization strip us of choice and force a lot of people who don't get along to be sitting next to each other and fight it in stupid power struggles on remnant forums or older websites or fighting constantly in the area that is social media with Discords being the only slight escape. Which even then is just a bunch of people going from the ballroom where everybody hangouts back to their own run down apparent that still is owned by the same land lord who might kick them out for any reason if they make too much (of the wrong kind of) a ruckus.

>the bare minimum is doing stuff like deleting images and videos that are, on their face, illegal in most or all countries. Moderating text-only user-generated content is pretty much always a waste of time. I could write more on this, but this is already TL;DR as it is.
I am not against places that exist like this though and they do have their place. You aren't wrong to have a aversion when you see such arbitrary rules like Sunset Shimmer even in pony form on one end and social justice types on the other trying to find the faintest excuse to ban someone who is just slightly out of line with whatever their meme of the moment is (right can be just arbitrary, I miss the old civil libertarian types, I may not be that but they would often be the levelheaded adults in the room).

>"G-grow up! Politics is everywhere!" Doesn't have to be, it's up to the decision of whoever to talk about it. I'll keep being annoyed by it or hopefully just ignore it in the future.
Politics is everywhere, BUT, what happened with the logic of many over the last 10 to 15 years was the loss of subtext. Highly charged art, messages, and campaigns for X causes always existed, but so too did messages that tried to make you think, art that had that something as a background theme, and some attempts at persuasion. It is very different present something as a question or in the background as a theme versus telling you what to think and then saying your evil if you don't.

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 08:08 [Preview] No.9835 del
>>9831 (continued, x2)
I will also add, I am not a pessimist on the future. Don't be blindly optimistic but also... look at history, and look at how many things worst we have gone past (country or humanity), I think we can handle political shitposting.

Anon 03/30/2024 (Sat) 23:34 [Preview] No.10083 del
This channel has some funny animal videos (too many duplicate videos in each video though):

>So, like talk therapy, perhaps posting about it will help.
I guess it did help. Bitching about other person(s), or explaining why they're wrong in a communicative way (talking to someone else or posting publicly about it or whatever) "prevents negative thoughts from being 'bottled up'". I was sorta amazed by the truth of that.

>keeping your mind from being ruled by politics (either from their domination of you, or you being an insane /pol/tard who has lost complete touch with reality from the reaction of it).
I'm not obsessed with politics. I don't spend much time on it these days. Years ago, I focused much more on politics.

Anon 04/11/2024 (Thu) 19:35 [Preview] No.10163 del
Wow, sometimes I hate certain unnamed/unknown Internet people so much that it is ridiculous or absurd. Like it overcomes my thoughts. I guess the solution to this is doing something else that is unrelated enough. Some say that hate is like love, so I have an understanding of what love is like due to hating so much. Big fuck you to whom I am thinking of. Makes me want to quit for a long time, and I am somewhat surprised that I didn't quit already or for longer in the past. Maybe I will quit soon or sometime in the future. Also a bit disappointing in myself due to being so annoyed at this.

>That is a classic short, somewhere. There is some who go into detail on how to repair these that might be helpful (need to dig through bookmark). Never done it before myself either, btw.
How would I find the short? I am curious because it would still act like that even stripped all the way down to the motherboard. IIRC I even took out the CPU(s) and it still showed that bad sign. It was running Windows 7, which maybe does not have a thing to throttle the CPU automatically if it detects that it is too hot. I guess that computer got burned out: overheated->shorted. I could research that model of computer maybe it is a common issue.

Anon 04/11/2024 (Thu) 19:51 [Preview] No.10164 del
>but as a Race Track
Funny. Queue "Forenza" video game series music. I should listen to that soundtrack, I guess I would like some of the tracks. Never really played that game.

I think I respond more to negativity and not positivity. And the times that I replied to whichever asshole I felt like I didn't say all that I want or say it exactly like I wanted, which bothers me. Maybe it would have been better to not reply at all. I don't like spending a lot of time with others focusing on me and myself focusing on me then talking about it. Don't like being in those situations anyways. And why did I even put myself willingly into that situation? I don't know; seems I was looking for information or a reply that would "never" come in a stupid place. Lots of social situations end up being shit for me, but it is easy to feel bad for yourself (I try not to).

Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 07:13 [Preview] No.10169 del
(45.31 KB 600x600 WoonaGazes.jpeg)
Have a multi-meter? Stick your probes around and carefully inspect tiny parts for anything that looks off. If lucky, it might be a simple blown capacitor or something that can be easily replaced. Though you'll need a steady hand and magnification!

>quit for a long time
Does it have anything to do with your archival activities. Or is it just taking a break from being terminally online.

As for quitting itself, it is always good to take breaks, you can find that it clears your mind. You also can, if you don't want to take a full break, work casually and slowly.

> I should listen to that soundtrack, I guess I would like some of the tracks. Never really played that game.
Me either but I cannot recommend listening to soundtrack such as that enough. You'll be surprised what you can find sometimes.

>I think I respond more to negativity and not positivity.
If it is any comfort, you are far from alone in this. It is something that I think is true for a lot of people to varying degrees. Most people in the world I dare say, if social media is any indication.

>I don't know; seems I was looking for information or a reply that would "never" come in a stupid place. Lots of social situations end up being shit for me,
I don't know the details so I can't judge per say. Sounds like you were trying to find something and got bogged down in a argument. I get that, at least a little bit, not only a annoyance but a sense of honor as well. At least that sort of thing I can feel. Causes me to reply old arguments in my mind sometimes. It is usually for the best to not engage in my experience but sometimes you can be put on the spot. As for social solutions more generally, speaking from my experience, I had a very weird home life that left me sometimes uncertain of what normal social cues for certain situations Usually with me being overly courteous, polite, and whenever I violated that it seemed like it was easy to trip up. I am not sure if you having something like that (in your case accidentally coming across in ways you didn't meant/people dismissing you otherwise) or more of a anger management problem generally, but I can relate. The key to overcoming is to taking such things slower and thinking things through a little more thoroughly (but NOT to the point of being over cautious!).

> but it is easy to feel bad for yourself (I try not to).
Which is wise. Being in that state as it can magnify problems and risks you being put into the ever "loving" embrace of being a permanent victim, which is a prison unto itself. I don't count being sad or stressed about certain things in general to be this, or say that it is absolutely off limits. Just better to avoid dwelling on.

Anon 04/13/2024 (Sat) 23:21 [Preview] No.10185 del
My high score in tint tetris is 12,959. You can play a game within the game in Tetris where you stack up a bunch of crap at the bottom then try to dig your way out. I used to do that a lot, but I found that a normal game is hard enough (where with each drop you are aiming to clear as much as possible). (Download tint in your application repository, using "apt-get install tint" or whatever.)

>Me either but I cannot recommend listening to soundtrack such as that enough. You'll be surprised what you can find sometimes.
I searched "Forenza soundtrack" on YouTube and didn't see any long videos.

>Sounds like you were trying to find something and got bogged down in a argument.
Yeah, I was trying to find more information or thoughts on something then that happened.

>>I think I respond more to negativity and not positivity.
>If it is any comfort, you are far from alone in this. It is something that I think is true for a lot of people to varying degrees. Most people in the world I dare say, if social media is any indication.
Interesting. I guess you know more about mainstream social media than I do. Makes me think of Facebook/Meta knowing that negative posts resulted in more engagement.

Anon 04/13/2024 (Sat) 23:42 [Preview] No.10186 del
A while ago today I went to https://rule34.xxx/ and it said "Serving 8,666,666 posts". Didn't think much of it, thought it was part of an April Fool's day joke. Like how https://web.archive.org/web/20240412221130/https://gelbooru.com/ says this:
>Total number of visitors so far: Over 9,000

Part of Forenza Horizon OST (2hr):

Anon 04/13/2024 (Sat) 23:49 [Preview] No.10187 del
Will try to remember that. So I could like, see if parts of it are not conducting or something. I think I have a multimeter, and could research looking for a short in a motherboard and stuff.

Wasn't part of a joke, just saw that advertisement-based rule34 website when it was at that number.

Anon 04/14/2024 (Sun) 02:53 [Preview] No.10189 del
>broken laptop
He is probably going to need a microscope and a hotair gun, at least.

>I guess you know more about mainstream social media than I do. Makes me think of Facebook/Meta knowing that negative posts resulted in more engagement.
Yeah, you're aren't a outlier on that. Funny enough, the fact that you actively resist it might put you above a good part of the social media using public.

Anon 04/14/2024 (Sun) 08:12 [Preview] No.10192 del
Forenza? I get playlists like this

Or Forza, maybe?
Some good stuff there, sure.

But in-game-radio-commercials?
GTA1 was known for that, can be okay...Would still rather listen to a Touhou metal-mix, or pony themed Break-Core from Pinkamenaparty though.

Anon 04/17/2024 (Wed) 05:31 [Preview] No.10204 del
[Funny story here]

Forenza is a town in Italy, so unless it is related to the Forza video game series, I don't mean that.

"GET" captured here by not me, I think:

Includes a track which I think is iconic to that series.

Anon 04/18/2024 (Thu) 17:17 [Preview] No.10212 del
>[Funny story here]
Here it is. Three people were watch television this month. It was a news story about things being moved into North Korea that are illegal there. Like South Koreans smuggling USB sticks in the North, which contain Western movies or whatever. Basically what those three said:
Regina: US Beef Sticks.
Elvin: Jack Links.
Harlan: USB sticks.
Regina: US Beef Sticks.
Harlan, enunciating: USB sticks.
One of the other two or both: Oh, USB sticks.

They then laughed about it and said some things and made some jokes. One guy and Regina laughed more about it and Harlan laughed little at the jokes. (Random names from https://duckduckgo.com/?t=h_&q=random+name+generator+&ia=answer - Regina Grech, Elvin Lese, Harlan Vandyne)

Obviously more funny in person. If I was a comedian, I could retell this story in a more funny way.

>iconic track
"Language" by Porter Robinson.

Anon 04/19/2024 (Fri) 06:23 [Preview] No.10214 del
(77.99 KB 900x810 31323.png)
Keep having health related stuff. Three weeks ago I was sick with a cold, two weeks dealt with an infection, and now I am sick again. Gastrointestinal but not a normal stomach bug, eating full meals makes me sick, but eating partial ones doesn't. I never have gotten fully sick either, but, just crappy I guess. Had a minor headache and feel achy otherwise. To my concern I felt sick before sort of like this several times over the past couple of years, but this also different and feels a little stronger than before. It usually hangs around for a few days and then leaves. I also feel achy and very tired. COVID? Been tested in the past negative though when stuff like this passed through.

Why do I say a virus and not some kind of health condition? Other family members also report it at different times (and not always). It still may NOT be a virus though.

I am not doing horrible, I'll say that, but not great.

<Me either but I cannot recommend listening to soundtrack such as that enough. You'll be surprised what you can find sometimes.
>I searched "Forenza soundtrack" on YouTube and didn't see any long videos.
I meant this more in general, lol! I known next to nothing on that particular thing in question but video game soundtracks can be neat and I think are underrated.

At least, I think we are talking about video game soundtracks. I see some rule34 links and stuff. Not sure if connected to discussion. Been a little out of it and my wording hasn't been the best for reasons above, so my apologies for any misunderstandings.

>laptop repair
This YT channel might be very helpful.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-JcKR-sFKHk [Embed]

>[Funny story here]
United States Beefsticks, obviously. They can store data too, but it is etched onto the surface of the beef. Very low memory though, 2KB per stick in the surface method. Rolled sticks of jerky can have more memory but you have to physically unroll it and it is more prone to damage and errors.

Perhaps they use barcode scanners or something to read it?

Anon 04/19/2024 (Fri) 23:53 [Preview] No.10225 del
For decades, Wanderbots has been infected by LittleBitchitis. He thinks that saying the word "lame" is offensive to cripples. I found a different gaming YouTuber that made me laugh out loud multiple times and has some interesting videos: Rocambasco. He isn't afraid of saying funny things, and he reminds me of gamer bros from a ~decade ago. He is kinda a breathe of fresh air compared to crappy YT gamers and lefty YT gamers such as DarkViperAIDS. Some of Rocambasco's video game challenge videos:
https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=q_GG9_pSLUQ - comments working

>"Language" by Porter Robinson
There's a PMV of that. Official video: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=iD-NBs5kJqI - damn timberwolves.

Anon 04/23/2024 (Tue) 23:19 [Preview] No.10242 del
(44.66 KB 640x523 LotR_OffLef.jpg)
> the word "lame" is offensive to cripples

Spoilered for lack of pony.

Anon 04/29/2024 (Mon) 07:55 [Preview] No.10282 del
Literature quote - along the lines of "life is just a struggle between nothing and no one":

"When the shadow of the sash appeared on the curtains it was between seven and eight o' clock and then I was in time again,hearing the watch. It was Grandfather's and when Father gave it to me he said I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire; it's rather excruciatingly apt that you will use it to gain the reducto absurdum of all human experience which can fit your individual needs no better than it fitted his or his father's. I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you might forget it now and then for a moment and not spend all your breath trying to conquer it. Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools."

Someone's explanation:

which includes:
>> it's rather excruciatingly apt that you will use it to gain the reducto absurdum of all human experience
> The correct Latin phrase is reductio ad absurdum,“reduced to absurdity.” The phrase refers to a classical rhetorical mode of refutation, by which one shows that another’s arguments, if followed far enough, lead to an absurd conclusion. To Mr Compson, time reduces human experience to absurdity because all life concludes with death.The incorrect phrasing may be a joke on either Mr Compson’s or Quentin’s part; or along with the hyphen in “excruciating-ly, ” the mis-stated Latin could hint that Quentin remembers Mr Compson as drunk and not in full command of his words. (A Faulkner Glossary) Mister Compson is not simply passing along the watch, he is passing on a piece of the family, an symbolic heirloom. But he is also passing on the burden of the family, the fatalism and despair at the loss of a culture in a war that was cursed by the horror of slavery. The price for the sin of slavery is to never again regain fully the honor of the old society and to bear the weight and guilt of all that that entails. In a narrow sense Faulkner’s work is a eulogy of the Old South. A coming to terms with what that means – what the South could have been but also at the same time, paradoxically, could never have been. It is a form of psychosis. Madness. To lose your way of life in a war in any moral or spiritual sense you were unquestionably on the wrong side of can cause insanity. As his father does, so does Quentin. The final line of Absalom Absalom! is spoken by Quentin though it could be a summation of Faulkner’s portrayal of the Southern male complex. He says, “I don’t hate the South. I don’t hate it.” Even Southern man at this late of date with some maturity arrive at that conclusion. They can’t love the South, embrace everything it stands for and stood for, but they don’t hate it.

Anon 04/29/2024 (Mon) 07:55 [Preview] No.10283 del
>> Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought.
> The first sentence of this statement alone could almost be mistaken for a simple comment on the meaninglessness of war; it could be the view of a pacifist, who speaks out against violence and war, arguing that there is no winner in a battle, for both sides have already lost in that they’ve resulted to such a low level of imagined resolution, that there will be no true resolution. Quentin’s father goes further than this though, and takes this idea of battles being impossible to win, and applies it to the concept of time – just like all other battles, there will be no conquerer; and thereby the father hopes that Quentin will not waste his time fighting battles, especially with time, for there will be no real gain. Then, Quentin’s father takes a step even further, which changes the whole meaning of his first sentence: He says that battles are not even fought. This baffling comment speaks volumes about humanity’s true nature. When you take a step back from reality and forget about all the man-made descriptions and limitations surrounding it (the due dates, the timelines, the names, time itself and numbers), it really is just one big mess that nobody understands, people can only act like they do; therefore, the battles going on, they mean nothing… Just as everything else means nothing, these battles, struggles, winnings and losses, they don’t actually happen because they’re just another detail to the chaos and absurdity of our existence which we cannot even discern from an illusion. Apply this to the fact that Mister Compson said he wants Quentin to forget about time – that’s exactly why, so that he can see the absurdity of reality and realize that it’s something we don’t understand, and so it isn’t worth stressing about. How can you win a battle when victory means nothing? How can you fight a battle when fighting means nothing? Our perspective of this mess is the only thing that makes it “real” – our thoughts on it and so forth; so really, life, this world, and this universe may as well just be a thought. This is the nihilistic worldview affirmed by Mister Compson.

I watched basically all of the Halo and BioShock videos from that channel, now there isn't anything else on that channel that I really want to watch.

Anon 04/29/2024 (Mon) 08:20 [Preview] No.10284 del
I watched 4 minutes of that. That video may help me if I reproduce what that guy did.

>time reduces human experience to absurdity because all life concludes with death.
In the "short term" this does not make a lot of sense to me. If you reproduce ("continue the white race"), then you are replaced by your children. You die but they live on. (Unless you clone yourself over centuries, which may be appealing to those who are egotistical or really like themselves and their life and what they do.) You can try to cultivate or contribute to a culture that you hope will live on after your death. You die, but the culture lives on, which is more than merely having your offspring succeed you.

In the long term, you could say that all life in the universe eventually ends in death. Unless:
. you think that the universe is eternal and/or life will continue living forever
. you believe in a religion which says that your spirit will live forever and supreme being(s) have have complete and total knowledge of all things

Anon 04/29/2024 (Mon) 18:37 [Preview] No.10286 del
>Unless you clone yourself
Haven't read the rest of this, but: the clone wouldn't have your memories, so this is functionally the same as having children, in terms of "living forever"

Anon 04/30/2024 (Tue) 00:20 [Preview] No.10288 del
I watched the 2000s "Naruto" series up to the point where it has a bunch of "filler" episodes, and I watched those up to the rich boy episode ("money jutsu"). The series "My Hero Academia" (MHA) is overall worse than "Naruto" in my opinion. MHA is has better animation and maybe less "filler" though.

I was thinking of the memories/continuity thing when writing that post. I decided to not write about it. Solutions:
. Easy: each individual including the original documents their live, via a book or video of whatever.
. Sci-fi nonsense: digitized mind that can be transferred/duplicated or merged into a mind

I wonder when or if human cloning will ever become publicly available. Seems more of an easy solution compared to cryogenics. With cryogenics, the dead body is cooled down a lot (no ice crystals) and stored by some business that you hope will exist in the future; and you hope that future technology can revive you. Rich people would probably pay to clone themselves.

Anon 04/30/2024 (Tue) 00:37 [Preview] No.10289 del
These lads claim to have had "over 8 petabytes of data on 4 billion sheets of A2 paper" - "Store data on paper: 2MB on a sheet of A2! Revolutionary new storage technology from Livedrive":

A2 is about 4 times larger that A4 paper. Both are physical paper (obviously), and A4 is the standard consumer printer paper. Based on the numbers from www.livedrive.com - each side of one sheet of A4 paper can hold 256 kilobytes. 256K is a multiple of 2 and is a significant number in various computer applications such as peer-to-peer technology (piece/chunk size).

*MHA has
*via a book or video or whatever.

Anon 04/30/2024 (Tue) 01:40 [Preview] No.10290 del
A byte is one symbol

Kilo is a thousand

You can't fit 256,000 letters on one page

Anon 04/30/2024 (Tue) 02:05 [Preview] No.10291 del
Hexadecimal, or uuencoding so each letter is 8/26 bytes rather than the more common 26/8 bytes where converting to text normally causes the binary to expand by about a third when posting to usenet.

Also, of course, it's not meant to be typed back in by hand; once you have a decent OCR-capable alphabet, you can double up on capacity by:
* use smaller font. size 6, if reproduced by good laser printer, is scannable back into data.
* use more characters. Since this isn't meant to be read by humans, there's no need to use the alphabet as such. Tiny QR codes maybe? Cyrillic characters where there wouldn't be any difficulty distinguishing even at size-6 fonts? One, two, and three-dot umlauts or other diacritics? Again this doesn't have to make sense to humans so all 42 letters of your made-up alphabet can now be multiplied by three using made-up diacritics, resulting in each size-6 character representing 21 bytes of reproducible data.

12,192 characters per page needed to shove a quarter megabyte per side of each sheet of paper.

Anon 04/30/2024 (Tue) 05:37 [Preview] No.10293 del
I learned about the September 11, 2001 buildings' planned demolitions by internal planted explosives and stuff in the past. There's probably only faked footage of a "plane" flying into the first tower (the North Tower). As for the second big explosion (South Tower), this 2017 video sheds some light on that - "9/11 - THE FOOTAGE THEY DIDN'T LET YOU SEE TWICE (9/11 2001 Documentary)":

That video sounded like a joke when I first watched it, wasn't sure if they were serious. Upload date and comments point to trickery; one of the comments="Best online April's fool of the day! Loved the guy with the mustache." I got got by that video for a short time.

I do wonder about the maximum data density of A4 paper. >>10291 encoding/decoding system says 512K per each sheet of paper (front and back) is possible. Not sure what is meant by
>each letter is 8/26 bytes rather than the more common 26/8 bytes

I wonder if there is any standard regarding this data on paper and which characters to use. Maybe an encoding system already exists. QRcodes are better than bar codes; they are maybe also better than any character set in regards to having a higher data density.

Anon 04/30/2024 (Tue) 17:29 [Preview] No.10294 del
I had something of a nightmare recently. I was in a high school, which is the epitome of trying to act cool and be accepted. The students were talking about something after class and I ended up voicing the wrong opinion, even though I thought it was a mild one. Then almost suddenly, everyone turned on me. They made snide comments as they faced me one by one. At that point it wasn't about truth, but instead the vain obsession with how one appears or comes off to others.

It was like I was surrounded by crazy narcissists, acting as bullies. Some of them would touch me in unkind ways when each one insulted me. Even my friend in the dream, a short-ish guy named Matt, turned on me. I kept asking him some things and at one point he was semi-serious, so I told him that irony is a cancer. He did ultimately betray me in order to fit in with the mob.

Any place that has lots of immature or young people or elitism can end up like this stupid high school social environment. Guess I was dreaming about this based on thinking about some things, incl. picrel. Twitter/X matches this description. To a lesser degree, I think 4chan is also like that.

Anon 04/30/2024 (Tue) 22:15 [Preview] No.10296 del
>Woo clop thread
>Let's fucking go
Here's some images.

>no more videos to watch on that channel
What to watch now? Found a channel named "Mark Dice" where this guy talks about politics. Kinda interesting; I don't entirely agree with him on everything. Some videos from that channel: https://invidious.einfachzocken.eu/watch?v=Vkzz50O13KM , https://invidious.drgns.space/watch?v=upkUiwi4YVY , https://invidious.einfachzocken.eu/watch?v=CP96A_jlsEg , https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=HRPm19bkoZA

Anon 05/01/2024 (Wed) 00:03 [Preview] No.10297 del
I was "researching" climate change https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/climate/type/op/page/2/ ("pay your carbon tax goy") when I saw this Louisiana-related thread titled "The US government can legally order your genitals to be cut off":

No.466231674 is a salient post in that thread:
> >>466231391
> Well I'm not (and brother is anyone else). Because they're not going to insist this punishment on Jews and cops, or any other establishment scum. Kill yourself

The info presented in that thread: it's cruel and unusual punishment and therefore bad. Even if it was part of a plea deal, even those should have limits. Mutilation is not a power the government should wield. Slippery slope is real, and little by little the norms shift.

>>8482 (2022-11 post)
>And I've sworn off alcohol
Care to elaborate? Were you an alcoholic or something? Alcoholics would say something like "why would anyone want to not feel like this?" I got drunk multiple times before. After it wears off: one or multiple times it felt like my emotions were out of wack; another time, I felt achy. Additionally, the nice sensation while being drunk does not last that long in my experience.

Anon 05/02/2024 (Thu) 04:53 [Preview] No.10305 del
(Makes more sense to read a thread from the top down to reply. Reading from the bottom up to reply = missing context when replying to replies to posts in the thread.)

>Pinkie, are you having a crazy period again?
Bitch is PMSing like crazy.

>Ponychan /chat/ in mind while creating this thread?
Ponychan has disappeared in early 2024.

>spoilered image
I originally posted these as unspoilered. They were likely spoilered by not me due to gross low-detail "cartoon" shitting image. Will keep that in mind. And by that logic, you should also spoiler gross low-detail cartoon soyjack horsecock image at the bottom of /go/ #1.

>betrayed by a friend
Similar image

Anon 05/02/2024 (Thu) 22:13 [Preview] No.10307 del
>rule34 links
Obligatory: fuck you rule34.xxx. That website and others are owned by booru.org: which has a horrible track record of deleting and mismanaging things.

Recently, I see that they deleted at least two "negative" comments here:
. https://web.archive.org/web/20230206134108/https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4824161
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240502214613/https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4824161&pid=0

"Halo 3" videos of his:

>Can you beat Halo 3 with only [weapon]
No. Unless it is a Spartan Laser, which is required to kill 343 Guilty Spark.

>Least amount of enemies you can kill in Halo 3?
He messed up that challenge. He could have killed one fewer enemy by getting a Marine to kill a Scarab in the level where you temporarily team up with the Flood. Video proof at 00:16:50 in "Can You Beat Halo 3 Only Using Each weapon Once?":

Anon 05/02/2024 (Thu) 23:22 [Preview] No.10308 del
>>I also considered calling it /r/-random or /sp/-shitposting but I just thought it but more /endpone/ to have some chating partly encouraged besides just randomness
>full randomness for a community of this kind doesn´t work all that well. Maybe if we lived in 2011-12, I would dig that direction but I don´t think that much randomness can be displayed from a limited number of users.
>I mean, we could have a feast of shitposts but it would fade really quickly.
I like randomness. I am sometimes disgusted by those who value order so much and have a certain idea about how things should be. (The quote "Chaos is a ladder" means that you can ascend the ranks in turbulent or confusing times where truth is not well known or has disappeared.)

I remember year(s) ago I learned about Halo lore. I thought it was a "really cool story". Too bad that the Halo TV/streaming series was so shit (as I've heard).

These two videos https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=oCTU64eS7K4 and https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=b8YKacEI-z0 answer these questions:

>Fewest amount of enemies to kill to beat Halo 3?
One. The Monitor has to be killed by the player character. Spoiler: a guy in that video said that Guilty Spark survived later on, was he truly ever dead? What about humans who get cryogenically frozen IRL? If a future technology proves that they can be completely revived then maybe they were only medically dead and not truly dead?

>Can you beat Halo 3 with only [weapon]?
Yes, only if it is said laser weapon.

Anon 05/03/2024 (Fri) 03:08 [Preview] No.10309 del
(77.63 KB 540x629 memoryOrbs!.jpg)
> you should also spoiler gross low-detail cartoon soyjack horsecock image at the bottom of /go/ #1.
Noted. Guess neither of us saw that one.

>I like randomness. I am sometimes disgusted by those who value order so much and have a certain idea about how things should be.
Actually understand this, this is more in reaction to stuff like:
> incl. picrel. Twitter/X matches this description. To a lesser degree, I think 4chan is also like that.
A lot of places are just flooded with low effort shitpposting and anything else is derailed and even attacked while everyone complains that nothing changes but too scared to do it from a crab bucket mentality with a dash of high school drama (sometimes more of one or the other). It varies from thread to thread on how organized and orderly things are kept but you'll notice things are often a bit more abstracted and inclusive while relating to a theme (if a theme is present). The /night/ thread having anything to do with dreams to astronomy to fanfiction related to the night. This thread encourages casual chat but has anything from deep musings to a a recipe for eggnog.

>(The quote "Chaos is a ladder" means that you can ascend the ranks in turbulent or confusing times where truth is not well known or has disappeared.)
True, though my first thought with such a phrase is that chaos shakes up the hierarchy and allows people who otherwise maybe held down or outsider to society be able to take over or rise a bit.

Albeit, as our old BO said, be thankful to be in boring times.

>I remember year(s) ago I learned about Halo lore. I thought it was a "really cool story". Too bad that the Halo TV/streaming series was so shit (as I've heard).
My brother mentioned to me some of Halo's lore, he liked some details but overall disliked where it went, from what I recall, as this was also sometime ago.

Anon 05/03/2024 (Fri) 03:58 [Preview] No.10311 del
Stating the obvious here, but maybe Lyra Heartstrings lived in Canterlot for sometime then moved to Ponyville. (Or she was just visiting Canterlot - I maybe forgot some details on support of this or not). Also, in early seasons, background ponies mattered little and there was lots of duplicates even in the same frame.


Music of interest below

"Headnoise (Get Hype)" by Martin Ikin https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=fMC5rONUJj0 is featured in https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=SPdBVrhv340&nojs=1 "James Hype - BBC Radio 1 Essential Mix - Filmed live in London"

>anime music
Champion (TeddyLoid Remix)

"Hero too" (further meaning of this audio is caught up in story and/or video): https://invidious.protokolla.fi/watch?v=GgwUenaQqlM MV w/118M views https://invidious.protokolla.fi/watch?v=gjJ09kSU05k lyrics https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=61XW762xzdU version with exposition/backstory in the middle of the song

Anon 05/03/2024 (Fri) 18:29 [Preview] No.10314 del
I watched this video and found it somewhat interesting - "Mother sentenced to 45 years in prison for torture death of 5-year-old daughter" (court room footage):

A retard-level IQ (as stated by a lawyer in politically correct terms) mother along with her boyfriend ended up "disciplining" her child to death. Some people are bad parents. Some people are inadequate parents. Parenting cannot be blamed for all of someone's problems. However, one's family and parents are significant figures in the immediate formation of people and adults. Less-than-good parents can contribute to people being shitty, and society has to pay for them being a burden or whatever. I think one's family is sorta like an individual's base-level experience-based understanding of what humans and society are like. Anyone who wants to change can consciously overcome their family and parent's impression on them in terms of their thinking and action - this is maybe not an easy process or it is one that doesn't come naturally.

Thought on domestic violence. An abuser would say "look what you made me do!" after doing a violent action. (I have a certain someone in mind writing this.)

> >>5626
> I remember that I would often watch an episode and try to keep track of small details and background events. Slowing down animation to see how it worked, etc. What have ya seen that has elluded me?
I'm similar to that. Sometimes animations put lots of detail into short segments, and pretty much no one can take in all of those details in .2 seconds. This adds to rewatchability or it makes it annoying because you have to rewind/replay/pause/look/slowdown.

Anon 05/04/2024 (Sat) 20:25 [Preview] No.10321 del
>animation with lots of details that only show up for .2 seconds
Saw that in MLP G4, also somewhat in G1. Also the case in some animes and cartoons. I once saw a Greenland IP address downloading an anime I was seeding ("Naruto" AnimeOne release maybe): rare flag.

Population count: Greenland=57,000 and Finland=5,600,000, so Finland is about 100 times more populous than Greenland. Greenland is a physically small country, despite what map distortions may make you think. It's maybe the same size as Indonesia. Greenland may become an independent country as stated in this video https://invidious.protokolla.fi/watch?v=IUhYoLSlYQ0 at around 20 minutes. A comment on that video is that the gain is too high. In terms of audio, what is gain?

A high gain may lead to distortions, and a high volume just makes it louder (as long as you don't go past the max 100% volume). Gain is input level and volume is output level as explained by this guy https://invidious.protokolla.fi/watch?v=HTMH2EHZnZc - I/O in regards to the instrument, amplifier, and speaker

Anon 05/06/2024 (Mon) 19:13 [Preview] No.10327 del
>in a war that was cursed by the horror of slavery. The price for the sin of slavery...
Modern bias showing here in that commentary. One of the main reasons that the U.S. Civil War was fought is this: slavery. Slavery is bad, but slavery in the American South was really not a bad as other slavery in history. Source: this one historian with a Bachelor's degree (or some such degree) said that. The idea of slavery is not so completely horrible; described here: https://radishmag.wordpress.com/2013/01/25/slavery-reconsidered/ . It is interesting to think of a history where the Confederates won. I heard that the only major change to the U.S. Constitution that the Confederate States of America would have made is this: explicitly saying that no law should be passed to outlaw slavery.

Slavery is such an anti-progressive and anti-equality idea. It is also anti-freedom in a way. If Union and Confederate soldiers who died in battle were somehow able to know the current state of the Union in 2024, what would they think? Perhaps some would rethink what they were fighting for. And I would say that their opinions matter because they died for them. Slavery could be considered as a bulwark against the mental illness that is left-wingism or liberalism. So the value of slavery can be determined by its external/contextual reality and not just its internal truth.

BTW, Lincoln agreed with some main ideas that the vice president of the Confederacy said. Obviously they disagreed on the legality of slavery.

"Away down South in the land of traitors
Rattlesnakes and alligators
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Where cotton's king and men are chattels
Union boys will win the battles
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
We'll all go down to Dixie, away, away
Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam
..." --https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gvjOG5gboFU

Anon 05/10/2024 (Fri) 08:16 [Preview] No.10338 del
>>However,for MLP, you don't need to be all that skilled. In fact,with proper placement of the ruler,you can draw basically anything. I mean, it's all curves and a few counted lines.
>I'd say a lot of cartoons are that way. One of the rules of animation is breaking down something to is simplest element so it can be easily drawn over and over. MLP though is an especially simple design. I mean the bodies of the basic unicorn, pegasus and earth pony are just the same base with a few cosmetic details changed
That was something I was thinking about somewhat recently. I could make my own animation using a simple consistent level of details. I was more interested in hand-drawn not-Flash-animated animations like G1 MLP or older (Daffy Duck and whatever from the 1900s). In some autobiography this guy said something like "I'm gonna shoot myself if I have to draw another damn frame of Bugs Bunny" when he was animating for Disney/Warner Bros./whatever.

I was also interested in the production process for anime, which seems to have grander animations than non-Japanese cartoons.


Video on the garbage Fallout TV show that I watched season one of - "Fallout: Don't ask Questions just Consume Product":

Lol crypto scam/spam comments on a video about market cap:

Ne5flix crap - 2022-06-06 screenshots related to a new story:
. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreiae4w4g73ausc3qfdabxc2byqi2vfiblq7shhfidfjg3gebivgca4
. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreifgnbldv7f2r2l2aclhw7wvb5rwebkvjth27xfoeau3nbsd4qep7e

I liked Fallout New Vegas more than Fallout 4; I played both and finished neither, though I later basically learned how they both ended. In Fallout: New Vegas I remember fighting the Death Claw which was an enemy that was way harder to kill than any other enemy as I remember. In Fallout 4 the same enemy seemed significantly easier to kill. Maybe New Vegas could have had a slightly easier step up in enemy difficulty for killing the Death Claw. If the step up is too easy then that defeats the point of winning against a challenging enemy, however. Apparently some videos exist on why Fallout: New Vegas is better.

Anon 05/10/2024 (Fri) 08:21 [Preview] No.10339 del
*related to a news story

Big Mac's penis boops Applejack:

Fallout Equestia-length post Anon 05/10/2024 (Fri) 11:37 [Preview] No.10340 del
Found this video to be interesting - "Fallout: New Vegas Is Genius, And Here's Why":

Thoughts: (a) New Vegas made me think too much, too non-linear and not enough fun fights. (b) Different factions.

When I played New Vegas years ago I wasn't super into the role playing of talking to everyone and reading all the text on every computer. I felt like there wasn't enough enemies to kill and all this moralizing over decisions was an impediment to getting on with it. The Halo video game series and similar games = enough enemies to kill. I guess my complaint is I wish New Vegas was more of a linear game. Or I felt overwhelmed with the amount of different choices. You could say that's a reason to be cavalier and beat the game siding with whatever faction then replay it a different way, but I ended up overthinking it and not beating it. Another reason I quit playing was because a high level of perks and skills became unobtainable without buying the DLC.

I am ok with difficult enemies in games. The Cazadors and Death Claws were hard to kill, but so what? Is dying in a video game a blow to one's ego? If you talked to an NPC he would warn you about death claws. No warning on cazadors as far as I could tell, so call say that the game was being cruel. So it felt like there was a low or medium amount of enemies with some difficult ones. Would have been better if there was a high amount of enemies, even if there was many difficult ones. One solution is this: kill everyone you see. Problem with that is they aren't clear-cut enemies unless you are like a complete nihilist.

Maybe it could have been like Dark Souls where there was always a hard enemy to beat. So the gameplay loop would be: play though it to become better then defeat an insurmountable foe or group, then do that again and again. In New Vegas, that loop happened maybe 5 times then I could kill basically anything which made it boring. What if that loop could happen like a hundred times?

If you want a game where there is often actually not a clear good or bad choice then play New Vegas. If you enjoy really thinking about morality, ethics, or what's the best decisions. As stated earlier I was ticked off by this (also felt similarly with Fallout 4). If you want to get into role playing and think about what you would do in the situation, then go for, but maybe don't take it too seriously.

There's the political aspect that New Vegas has. When I played it I sided with the NCR (New California Republic). The game goes on about how the Republic+Democracy-focused NCR is pretty shit. Maybe they are the best in the long run as they were basically trying to recreate the USA. Or, perhaps the Brotherhood of Steel were better, don't know a huge amount about the lore. You can side with Mr. House maybe (also don't know a whole lot about him). He is a libertarian, but one changed by the war. Not sure if he wants to control any more than New Vegas with economic freedom and political sovereignty. Or, you can side with the Legion, who is initially disturbing, but maybe ran by an intellectual.

Fallout Equestria-length post Anon 05/10/2024 (Fri) 11:38 [Preview] No.10341 del
^Which one do you pick? Not super over thinking it here so... Thinking of it now, the game sorta has the message that a Republic+Democracy like the United States failed and led to nuclear war. So don't pick the NCR. You could side with Mr. House, maybe he did or would impose himself as monarch of the area. He said "If you want to see the effects of democracy on the world, then look out the window." Reminds me of that one neoreactionary idea that democracy is incompatible with freedom. However, like communism, libertarianism is a materialistic philosophy that reduces much of life to money and resources, so that makes reactionary ideas more appealing to me. Leads me to my next point: siding with The Legion. They are like trying to recreate the Roman Empire. If you want a stable and free society, perhaps you have to have some spirituality and/or religion as a part of it. I'm not really into religion, but I have some sort of spirituality in hoping that "God" exists and so on.

So perhaps siding with the Legion would be the best. But how do you make sure that your specific idea of a good society persists? You can encapsulate it in a Republic: with very important laws and stuff laid out in the Constitution which is impossible or very difficult to change. Maybe the Legion could set up a Republican Monarchy. What would that specifically be that I would support? Similar to the early/mid US politics, laws, and republic but as a monarchy with zero or little democracy. It could be more economical libertarian too. Also maybe an ethnostate. Something I like: Early US has a spiritual aspect to it but also a clear separation of church and state.

So basically, side with the Legion because they are trying to set up a reactionary government (hopefully not a shitty one). Don't side with the NCR because they aren't trying anything "new". Or maybe do side with them if they align more with my/your values than the Legion.

Nazis are revolutionaries and not reactionaries, but both groups have realized something. They know that the concepts of "freedom, liberty, and equality" are vague concepts and should not be strived for in some cases. (I meant these abstractions: "liberty, equality, and fraternity".) They know that the merits of those ideals are greatly overstated and their downsides are greatly understated. This is a depressing realization, but a necessary one in order to create a political viewpoint that aligns with reality. An example: communism really strived for equality and freedom, but ended up making widespread misery and death the world over. Freedom: "do whatever you want as long as you aren't hurting anyone else", but you could end up hurting yourself.

Fallout Equestria-length post Anon 05/10/2024 (Fri) 11:57 [Preview] No.10342 del
^Fallout New Vegas did have some interesting stories and an interesting overall story (probably), forgot to say that

>incessant shouting of "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity"
Maybe a simple way to get a better grasp on the negatives of these is to think about opposite and similar values or ideas:
. Freedom: restraint, limitations (both in a positive light)
. Equality: equity/fairness, quality
. Fraternity: diversity (negative) and homogeneity (positive), trust, culture

Anon 05/10/2024 (Fri) 18:37 [Preview] No.10344 del
(178.14 KB 600x1024 One.png)
(200.25 KB 642x908 Two.jpg)
(217.61 KB 751x1024 three.png)
(318.88 KB 645x1024 Four.png)
The entire Fallout franchise revolves around uncomfortable gray areas. It's something you need to remember if you write Fo:E fanfiction; you aren't going to save the wasteland, it's too strong for you to ruin it. Your heart won't let you "just survive" but your body has, and will, taken/ become too damaged to thrive.

That's why Little Pip was such an inspiration to her companions, because she never let the real world crush her dreams of making the real world, better.

But in the games, no. There is never a clear moral choice, you just choose the route that looks like it will bother you the least, and swallow the pill that comes with it because the entire world has some aspect that will be a bitter pill to swallow.

The faction angle feels at moments to be a bit overdone but by the same token it feels natural; of course the boomers don't trust the kings.

BTW you don't have to "pick a side" - my first play through I went with 'no gods, no masters' - disconnected House from his house, got all the local tribes to help defend Vegas from the Legion, whose Emperor I had killed after talking with him a time about his brain cancer.

Then I used the activated robots to fend off the NCR. Have a nice day, officer! Preferably way, way over there!

Anon 05/10/2024 (Fri) 22:11 [Preview] No.10345 del
More virtues opposite to freedom: duty and responsibility. (Throught of this when watching https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-s8eWbZh1Qs "How I Accidentally Became a Neo-Reactionary".) Criticism of NRx here: https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=bwL-VQC-eS8 - feels like this could be applied to any newer/niche political "movement". And people can talk all they want about politics, not like it actually changes much IRL. However, you could increase your understanding of things, which is a change.

>But in the games, no. There is never a clear moral choice, you just choose the route that looks like it will bother you the least, and swallow the pill that comes with it because the entire world has some aspect that will be a bitter pill to swallow.
Sounds like a good way of putting it. I perhaps didn't finish New Vegas because I didn't see a really compelling faction to side with. No obvious resolution to the problems that is better than the other ones. In some stories there is a simple metaphysical evil vs. good, so those are easy.

>BTW you don't have to "pick a side"
I knew about the independent route for ~years, didn't describe it in my posts. If you kill House then I guess New Vegas ends up being ran by robots.

About siding with The Legion: they brutally conquer rival tribes similar to what the Romans did. Positive: there is little crime in areas that they control. In one case they enslaved the women, killed the weak males, and enlisted the other males of a certain group. This sounds hyperbolic in the writing. What Romans did do: forcibly took women of another group as wives, you could say that that marriage is then like slavery. Don't think it makes sense to kill weak males (like a little boy), only makes sense to kill those who oppose you.

In that video about Fallout, hbomberguy basically said that The Legion is full of LARPers. That's dismissive. The current IRL world of 2024 is still so entrenched in Liberal Democracy. No matter whom you vote for it is still going to maintain or further the system. The Fallout New Vegas world knew no such attachment to the democracy and system Westerns are a part of. Before the 1600s or 1800s people lived for a hundreds/thousands of years in monarchy or monarchy-like systems. So who's backwards? Them for living like that? Or us for living as we do in our political systems?

Our current system has only existed for roughly 200 years: that which says that democracy is synonymous with freedom. Maybe democracy is more like soft communism. So in New Vegas you have a chance to make a contribution to the course of history: making it more likely to go down the monarchy-related route of the Roman Empire but this time with better technology. Technology is a true progress in history, and other political "progress", maybe is no progress at all.

Anon 05/10/2024 (Fri) 22:21 [Preview] No.10346 del
^In that video which that Christian YouTube user uploaded ( https://youtubetranscript.com/?v=-s8eWbZh1Qs ), he explained some history:
>...portray the jacobites as just a bunch of angry Scots who hated the English but that is so far from the actual story which I'll try to condense just to get my point across. not long after england became protestant then catholic again then protestant again the english and Irish throne was inherited by king james vi of scotland who became king james the first of England. finally uniting the british isles under a single ruler after centuries upon centuries of conflict. james was from the royal house of stuart so remember that. his descendant charles the first led the royalists in the english civil war lost to the parliamentarians who wanted to abolish the monarchy and with his death oliver cromwell became lord protector of great britain. he made this dictatorship a hereditary position which would be passed to his son. so he started a war to abolish the monarchy which killed thousands of people then created his own monarchy: cunt. thankfully the powers that be saw that for the bullshit which it was. and after his death they restored the stuart monarchy by bringing back charles's son charles ii charles ii was an extremely popular king but despite having 12 illegitimate children he did not have a legitimate heir. this meant the throne would go to his brother james who had converted to catholicism. the lords and parliament, rather than allowing a catholic monarch imported william of orange to overthrow the stewards three years after james ii's coronation and killed him. the jacobites named themselves after james and over the course of 40 years fought multiple wars to restore the catholic inheritance of house stewart to the throne. largely supported by scotland who wanted a house of their own back on the throne and the irish who wanted a catholic monarch restored as well as from the stuarts promising to grant ireland more autonomy. this is all to say that i found my version of the sanfordista a british reactionary catholic movement who sadly lost their fight against the parliamentarians that then brought in democracy and so began the shitshow that we find ourselves in today.

He later quotes someone as saying "Is there anyone else in the room who’s here because he’s just plain embarrassed by the present world? The past is a foreign country, someone once said. If the past is a foreign country, someone else said, a reactionary is a patriot of that country. Almost an exile from it. \\ And unlike the presentist, who sees the past as a tiny, backward and contemptible province of his vast eternal present, the reactionary knows the opposite. The present is a province of the past. Yes, it’s true—like any province, it has its specialties. The food, for instance. The iPads—superb. The movies—never better." ( https://megalodon.jp/2024-0511-0715-07/https://www.unqualified-reservations.org:443/2013/11/mr-jones-is-rather-concerned/ ).

So the past can be seen as something we can try again. It worked, and had worthwhile/good ideas (even those of certain defeated non-monarchical governments).

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 01:32 [Preview] No.10352 del
I can feel the existed soyjak Nintendo Switch user in the comments here - "Stranger Things 3 Recap | Netflix":

4 of them:
>Stranger things make me feel something so diferent, stranger things literally gives me butterflies
>nothing i’d love more than to experience all the seasons for the first time again
>this series is just perfect, i'm really looking forward to season 4!
>I literally cried at ending of episode 8 after Hopper's death when Ell was reading his speech 😭😭

I thought it was a shitty series.

>those two screenshots
Found that deleted "Stranger Things" NF video (titled "Recap: Stranger Things 3") thanks to Wayback Machine:
. https://web.archive.org/web/20220616000753/http://www.netflix.com/title/80057281
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240512140800/https://www.netflix.com/title/80057281

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 02:31 [Preview] No.10353 del
>comfy Twilight reading books. [ https://endchan.org/.media/65b613c22bb4f35f1ab505575caa3c70-imagepng.png ]
She's reading "Democracy: The God That Failed". ( https://web.archive.org/web/20221201083244if_/https://portalconservador.com/livros/Hans-Hermann-Hoppe-Democracy-The-God-That-Failed.pdf )

*excited soyjak Nintendo Switch user

Older version of video "Recap: Stranger Things 3" which references the part of the series where you see that a bunch of children were murdered in the super-powered kids training facility:
. https://web.archive.org/web/20220616000753/http://www.netflix.com/title/80057281 -> video file at https://web.archive.org/web/20240513012249oe_/https://occ-0-2218-2219.1.nflxso.net/so/soa7/918/d20c7d329926d72baec98bf6cdd13e91.mp4?v=1
.. hidden video

Newer version of video "Recap: Stranger Things 3" which makes no such news story/scene reference:
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240512140800/https://www.netflix.com/title/80057281 -> video file at https://web.archive.org/web/20240513011859oe_/https://occ-0-2218-2219.1.nflxso.net/so/soa5/786/dddf14fe62f7c8042713244bf69e6c07.mp4?v=1&e=1715566081&t=1cPit0nBiui0A2jmHCvy-wZhqEg
.. in this raw-leaves folder along with the other video from occ-0-2218-2219.1.nflxso.net: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmbnXCdzdtijip5F35PgkZRAmTBu7MPdsU1po7AXUJG5Bn

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 02:34 [Preview] No.10354 del
Rather, Twilight finished reading that book, and now she's reading a chemistry book

Anon 05/17/2024 (Fri) 03:56 [Preview] No.10374 del
Do you like Tetris? 2048 is a similar game that was published years ago. I was replaying it recently this year here:

Default game (best title that I got was 4096):

Easy version (my high score is high 72,659,316):

Algorithm to get the best score/tile:
>For each tile, here are the proportions of games in which that tile was achieved at least once:
>2048: 100%
>4096: 100%
>8192: 100%
>16384: 94%
>32768: 36%
Could I get the 8192 tile? Hard to get: may take me 30 to 60 minutes per game.

IPFS "website" > GitHub Pages "website". IPNS/IPFS site is better than a github.io site, but since GitHub is entirely big tech (Microsoft), it should have a better uptime: at least for the foreseeable future.

Anon 05/17/2024 (Fri) 04:05 [Preview] No.10375 del
2048 game, CLI version:
. https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Es0Vb_8a15g
. https://github.com/tiehuis/2048-cli

Comment on the highest possible tile/square in vanilla 2048 game:
>[...]So the best possible square you can get with a 16 grid is 131072, and that requires that you get only 4's to pop up towards the end when you run out of squares (since you only need 2 squares to create the final 8 to make it all add together). The maximum possible squares are 131072+65536+32768+16384+8192+4096+2048+1024+512+256+128+64+32+16+8+4. And you wouldn't have room for the last 4 to create 262144, ending on 262140 total. The worst case scenario, where you only get 2's when you're short of squares, removes one step from the previous list. So 65536+...+2, which is 131070 total.[...]

Speedrun of 2048:
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240516014403/https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XKEd75kokIM
.. MLP PFP under comment "thats a TAS": https://inv.tux.pizza/ggpht/ahjb8VK3epufMi_Oyfu2Q8MTNvRutuHxLMgR1BI-nMex0QVD4wmYZk87RCi05_LFf0wiL73UAA%3Ds0

Anon 05/18/2024 (Sat) 11:58 [Preview] No.10376 del
>I have to mention though that the popular singles would so much more rewarding if the album accompanied it. I wasn´t fond on The Logical Song (Supertramp) until last year and listening to Breakfast in America entirely changed my mind completely about the band and the popular hit had more impact within its context in the album, so in a way, listening to those popular songs on your own when you want them to hear them...are more rewarding than randomly passing by.
Haven't heard that take on that 1979 album before ( https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=suDFhxrpkJg ). I think I also wasn't too interested in the logical song. "Goodbye Stranger" is maybe the best of most popular track on that album.

5 years before then is the 1974 Pink Floyd song "Time" ( https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=-EzURpTF5c8 ) - if I didn't forget that I heard this, I'm surprised that I never heard this before.

More on music I recently listened to "Lane 8 - BBC Radio 1 - Essential Mix" and thought it was OK/good ( https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-PdxBiYBmpg ).

My new high score on 2048ez: 6,443,294,912

Anon 05/18/2024 (Sat) 12:19 [Preview] No.10377 del
*maybe the best or most popular track

>a focus on time in the book "The Sound and the Fury"
>"Time" by Pink Floyd
More meaningful to know the lyrics too - https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=mi8LoDMW09Q - which are:
>... Ticking away The moments that make up a dull day You fritter and waste the hours In an offhand way Kicking around on a piece of ground In your hometown Waiting for someone Or something to show you the way [Chorus: Richard Wright] Tired of lying in the sunshine Staying home to watch the rain You are young and life is long And there is time to kill today And then one day you find Ten years have got behind you No one told you when to run You missed the starting gun [Guitar Solo] [Verse 2: David Gilmour] And you run, and you run To catch up with the sun, but it's sinking And racing around To come up behind you again The sun is the same in a relative way But you're older Shorter of breath And one day closer to death [Chorus: Richard Wright] Every year is getting shorter Never seem to find the time Plans that either come to naught Or half a page of scribbled lines Hanging on in quiet desperation Is the English way The time is gone, the song is over Thought I'd something more to say ...

Time passes us by, but I suppose it isn't so bad as long as nothing very bad happens.

Anon 05/19/2024 (Sun) 08:07 [Preview] No.10378 del
>Boomer music, lyrics
I was watching this crappy show (BTW fmoviesz was down ~2 days ago):

That episode makes a Led Zeppelin reference. That "science fiction neo-Western television series" references "Stairway to Heaven":
>There's a feeling I get When I look to the west And my spirit is crying for leaving In my thoughts I have seen Rings of smoke through the trees And the voices of those who stand looking Ooh, it makes me wonder Ooh, it really makes me wonder And it's whispered that soon If we all call the tune Then the piper will lead us to reason And a new day will dawn For those who stand long And the forests will echo with laughter Oh whoa-whoa-whoa, oh-oh If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now It's just a spring clean for the May Queen Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run And there's still time to change the road you're on
PMV: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=ho9heqK7lOs

Anon 05/20/2024 (Mon) 03:18 [Preview] No.10380 del
I have casually seen this in Debian's repository before but have never tried it personally.
Maybe I'll give it a shot?

I am not the biggest expert in Fallout (my brother is a pretty big fan of the games) but from what I know about it:
>Reminds me of that one neoreactionary idea that democracy is incompatible with freedom
I am not sure it would be fair to say that democracy and it's assorted liberal values failed considering how hyper nationalist the US was before it's fall but this is still a interesting take nonetheless.

>So basically, side with the Legion because they are trying to set up a reactionary government (hopefully not a shitty one). Don't side with the NCR because they aren't trying anything "new".
I like reading perspectives like this and find your take interesting. I would make the argument that while the legion is a reactionary government (by some definition anyway ) it is relying too little on symbols and ideas that would be need to build a culture and a state within the a post apocalyptic US. The image and memory of Roam is powerful, and their is certainly a myth and history that you could built with that. Though within the crumbled remains of the US, you would have far less people who knew even the US' parts that were Roman influenced and would need to have some elements that drew upon the old United States or some cultures and figures from recently that would exist in the fragmented memory of whatever populous remained. Otherwise it is just something being imposed without roots. Something the communist had to deal with a lot the Soviet Union basically drawing on Russian nationalism and Church in certain awkward times. That doesn't mean it couldn't still succeed, but it is something that is a hindrance.

>Nazis are revolutionaries and not reactionaries,
Something a lot of people forget.

>The entire Fallout franchise revolves around uncomfortable gray areas. It's something you need to remember if you write Fo:E fanfiction; you aren't going to save the wasteland, it's too strong for you to ruin it. Your heart won't let you "just survive" but your body has, and will, taken/ become too damaged to thrive.

>BTW you don't have to "pick a side" - my first play through I went with 'no gods, no masters' - disconnected House from his house, got all the local tribes to help defend Vegas from the Legion, whose Emperor I had killed after talking with him a time about his brain cancer.
If I ever played, this would probably be the route that I would choose as well. I am the type that is distrustful of the intentions of the major players and assorted brutalities (even if those choices lead to others brutalities).

Anon 05/21/2024 (Tue) 11:01 [Preview] No.10382 del
Faggot anime fans insulted this guy for uploading a 720p copy (not 1080p):

Maybe I'll download that and convert it to H264+AAC.

>Maybe I'll give it a shot?
It's definitely a game that you should play. Everyone should play it because I think everyone could enjoy it. Tetris, or at least tint tetris, seems to have more replayablity when compared to 2048. (Also play easy mode hczhcz.github.io/2048/20ez/.) Also, nice, I installed it in Ubuntu:
>$ sudo apt install 2048
>Preparing to unpack .../2048_0.20210105.1243-1_amd64.deb ...

*my high score is 72,659,316

Anon 05/21/2024 (Tue) 12:02 [Preview] No.10383 del
I was going to post a short video file along with that post, but I didn't find it. What I found instead:
>$ find /z9/put | grep -i boner
>$ # check logs?

>apt install 2048
I played that. Version info:
>0.20210105.1243 \t 2021-01-09 \t 2048(6)
It was weird playing a non-GUI version, but I did get the 2048 tile and 26140 pts before "GAME OVER".

Anon 05/22/2024 (Wed) 08:33 [Preview] No.10384 del
Ever listen to music and/then read comments on it? You may have seen the following type of comment. Someone close to me died and liked this song or is related to this song:

"Train - Calling All Angels" (not the song I was looking for):
>My husband went to heaven six weeks ago. The pain is greater than anything I've ever been through. I've been using music as a way to communicate with him. I will never give up on our love. Never. God bless the broken hearted 🙏 ❤

I thought of a similar comment:

"Passenger of Shit - Staple Tapeworms On My Penis":
>My entire village was massacred six weeks ago in a war crime. They used to listen to this song all the time. Whenever I miss them I listen to this.

Anon 05/22/2024 (Wed) 09:48 [Preview] No.10385 del
>the more you know about this 4th generation, the more you understand why it has gained such a cult. Not the best cartoon ever but definitely one that sets up the standards for toy commercials.
Which cartoons do you like or think are better than MLP FIM? Funny to think about now, but I don't think I have ever watched all the episodes of a cartoon. In the past I had an interest in "South Park" and "Family Guy". Oh, I watched all of the episodes of "Futurama" (and maybe also "The Cleveland Show"). Those are not really kid's cartoons. Don't think I have watched all the episodes of a kid's cartoon if you don't count some animes.

>not the song I was looking for
I was looking for "Calling All Angels" by Noah Reid:

Anon 05/26/2024 (Sun) 13:02 [Preview] No.10398 del
I opened this https://endchan.org/.static/last50.html?b=pone&t=5562 right now and it shows all of the posts, not just the last 50. I can see >>5566 and all the other posts ITT.

Data analysis of some of World of Wikipedia (WoW):

>Enya, upkYQqbrjSc
>Who can say where the road goes, where the day flows, only time.
That's a meme song I think. Happens to be related to other recent music+time posts ITT (such as >>10376). I downloaded Enya video youtube-KxGXFWXvKrQ in 2021; online here:

Anon 05/26/2024 (Sun) 15:19 [Preview] No.10399 del
>Anime feel too formulaic and copy cat.
I've had those thoughts before. This guy suggests "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End":

That's a deleted video. Now = https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=KxGXFWXvKrQ
>This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

Past = https://web.archive.org/web/20130815051247/https://youtube.com/watch?v=KxGXFWXvKrQ
>Enya Greatest Hits ( Full Album )

Anon 05/28/2024 (Tue) 08:01 [Preview] No.10403 del
Interesting /g/ posts which contain the word "stabbed":
>I thought about getting a knife before. Then I realized if you get mugged the second you pull out your knife you turn it into a live or die situation. You can't just cut someones arm and incapacitate them. You pretty much have to slit their throat or cut a major artery. This opens the possibility to you getting shot or stabbed by someone with way more resolve/strength. Pepper spray is a much more effective deterrent than a knife. \\ TLDR: If you carry a knife you're a fucking retard.
>>and the people [in Europe] seem happier and healthier [than those of USA]
>Globalism means we're all eating the same microplastics and seed oils and if you've ever been to Europe they have plenty of fat fucks.
>\ Whatever statistics you're thinking of are leftoid propaganda designed to make you give up the autonomy that a car gives you and pay 40% income tax to pay for the privilege of cramming yourself into a steamy fart-tube of a bus or metro system rat maze like a good little worker drone until you eventually get blown up by a suicide bomber or stabbed in the street by an immigrant. All for the good of the planet of course.

Interesting video game video which reminds me of Russian Roulette:

Nice horsecock videos:
I think I came to all of those, but not #1184338.

Anon 05/29/2024 (Wed) 01:41 [Preview] No.10407 del
>Buckshot Roulette
That game helps me understand the appeal of gambling. More on that:
. Moronic gamers: Jack https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=otQtQEeC-lA and Case https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=9ynISZj0mjw
. Mark https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=pln0lUgsWsU and Manly https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=I9DyGcnrMNk
. explained https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=PWSlfg1V380

Anon 05/29/2024 (Wed) 04:18 [Preview] No.10408 del
Image looks grey:

Thumbnail image looks black:

I like the black/dark grey color over a lighter grey, but must say that the thumbnail isn't a very good representation of the image colorwise.

Anon 05/29/2024 (Wed) 17:44 [Preview] No.10413 del
Sometime this month I bought a 3-USD thing from this one brick-and-mortar store: it's like MLP merch of Rarity. Seems they sold out of the Twilight Sparkle version of the thing which I saw some time ago. Also had ~2 G5 versions of it; tiny photo: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafkreiddpda2sxicdruifvpxbddil4sd5f3oafpprgfmkiyenizy56bm7q . I watched the first 27 minutes of 3-hour long video "How AI was Stolen" https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=BQTXv5jm6s4 and found it to be interesting. It's about the history of AI and stuff. One of the things that video does: answers some questions/thoughts that I had ~6 years ago. "Artificial intelligence" started in the 1900s.

I got the 32 million tile today. Video on 2048 strategy: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=OO4tA5i7X9g

It's ironic that it looks like a PS2 video game but the system requirements says this:
>Relatively modern dedicated graphics card (Vulkan support required)

Trying to post the image you meant to post...

Anon 05/29/2024 (Wed) 18:17 [Preview] No.10414 del
>[Democratic systems, are they any good?]
In the US, a system of representative democracy is used. So elected representatives supposedly do what their constituents want. Sounds OK, but was times under monarchy really that bad? Or is that just Whig History? An obvious criticism of democracy is that no one is really that dedicated or involved in politics. Most voters don't know a lot about politics and economics, so why should their vote matter? Quote from some TV show episode where an absolute democracy is criticized: "I think you're confusing knowledge with opinions." Additionally, politicians themselves aren't that dedicated. Presidents serve for 4 years. Senators and other higher-ranking politicians can have such a position for up to ~50 years. (Higher-ranking politician in the same position for decades is similar to the aristocracy class.) Monarchs on the other hand are supposed to serve and lead for their entire adult life. Makes me think of Putin - maybe he'll still be "president" of Russia when he becomes an old madman with Alzheimer's or dementia (such a corrupt system might enable such weirdness).

The question kinda becomes this: would those with governing power (politicians/aristocrats/monarchs/governors) do politics/ruling/leading/serving/war any better if democracy was not involved. In the book "Democracy, the God that Failed" I think the author argues that the economics of a nation without democracy is better than one with democracy. Or at least other(s) make that argument.

Reject Modernity. Embrace Tradition.

*3-hour-long video

>generated image

>post the image you meant to post
Failed again - https://endchan.org/.media/512ed5d8b9933d616145fd477f2bc206-imagepng.png - see that Derpib'u ID.

I heard that the currency in Vietnam is the Vietnamese Dong. LOL DONGS.

Anon 06/09/2024 (Sun) 14:56 [Preview] No.10436 del
There was a darkweb hitman, but it was really amateur hour stuff:
Drug trafficer paid some teenagers to kill a cop in Russia IIRC. Only known instance of assassination with the help of the darkweb.

Nice/retro video on the difference between the darkweb and deepweb:
I knew all this years ago, but nice to have a video about it. Also mostly part of the deepweb (not findable by search engines): IPFS, Arweave, unindexed IA and YT things.

Another "stabbed" post:
>>sorry I cannot process that request

Anon 06/10/2024 (Mon) 02:33 [Preview] No.10440 del
(526.83 KB 1059x1200 2626579.jpeg)
Monarchy vs democracy I think is over simplified lens to look at the world, BUT, I do think it can still be interesting. Some places would be very hard to have a ruler because of the culture , other places might need one or one be inevitable. One place were I do support a monarchy is Afghanistan... that is a long rant on a US blunder for another time.

>The question kinda becomes this: would those with governing power (politicians/aristocrats/monarchs/governors) do politics/ruling/leading/serving/war any better if democracy was not involved.

>In the book "Democracy, the God that Failed" I think the author argues that the economics of a nation without democracy is better than one with democracy. Or at least other(s) make that argument.
I would wonder if partly command/partly capitalist economies score the best over both? Think United States during WWII or China now. They had/have the capacity to produce goods and put them towards national ends at a scale few can match. Now, the Old British Empire and Soviet Union do have some feats under their belts, albeit they both never got to the point of either the US or China.

>darkweb assassination
Didn't know of this one. Hehehe, last time I had seen this be talked about I recall there being no know darkweb assassinations.

>I knew all this years ago, but nice to have a video about it. Also mostly part of the deepweb (not findable by search engines): IPFS, Arweave, unindexed IA and YT things.
Same but agreed. This can be good for exampling things to people relatively simply as is one thing that is good for people to be more literate in.

Anon 06/12/2024 (Wed) 13:08 [Preview] No.10442 del
$ man wtf
>BSD Games Manual
That program uses these text files: "/usr/share/games/bsdgames/acronyms" and "/usr/share/games/bsdgames/acronyms.comp". The one with a .comp extension is computer-related acronyms:
- https://ipfs.hypha.coop/ipfs/bafkreifigjelrrpr7un6ohoqlwcp2f2mllupru7zyp5zorduhwhpscudga
- https://bafkreiehxxlbi2ig5kzqxuwzxdwud2a2uvmbag22vh6bd5bustlmow3uqa.ipfs.ipfs.hypha.coop



I've heard these before:
. "AFK | away from keyboard"
. "AMA | ask me anything"
. "RMS | Richard Matthew Stallman"
. "ROFL | rolling on floor laughing"
. etc.

Haven't heard these:
. "10Q | thank you"
. "SERP | search engine results page"
. "SITD | still in the dark"
. etc.

Joke entry:
. "WTF | where's the food"

. "NTA | not that anon"
. "KYS | kill yourself"



I've heard these before:
. "DL | download"
. "W3C | World Wide Web Consortium"
. "WORM | write once read many"
. etc.

Haven't heard these:
. "RH | read hit"
. "EOI | end of interrupt"
. "ETL | extract, transform, load"
. etc.

About "DAO | disk at once":
. that also means "(cryptocurrencies) Acronym of decentralized autonomous organization, an autonomous entity based on smart contracts on a blockchain." --https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/DAO

Anon 06/12/2024 (Wed) 13:26 [Preview] No.10443 del
(675.06 KB 1280x720 youtube-2-MpNHDLa4o.png)
>BYOB | bring your own {beer,booze}

Anon 07/07/2024 (Sun) 05:14 [Preview] No.10626 del
Stupid YouTube marketing/algorithm crap - this popular YTer modifies the title and thumbnail so users think it's a new video or some shit:
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240627235957/https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=v4r71kEdYME
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240703211632/https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=v4r71kEdYME
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240705080934/https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=v4r71kEdYME
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240706144745/https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=v4r71kEdYME

He switched the title and thumbnail back and forth 3 or 4 known times over days (more than what he did in the past with other videos). Titles:
>Why People Prefer More Pain
>I caused people more pain. And they preferred it.
Thumbnails: a meme parody one; the other isn't. Channel type: popsci / science educator / infotainment.

>>5973 [ https://endchan.net/pone/preview/5973.html ]
Huh, was that meme parody in the official MLP comics?

Anon 07/08/2024 (Mon) 02:33 [Preview] No.10631 del
Website endless.horse does not work well in WBM:
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240705111229if_/http://endless.horse/
. https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=YIufkbmcyA0

Season 4 of "The Boys" is the worst season of that series so far - and this guy's review pretty much hit the nail on the head:
. https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=N1ubB8tjL04
. see also: >>10599 (cross-thread)

Thumbnail changed again, this time to something not seen before:

>Official MLP comics?
No. With other pop culture references in those comics, I suspected it was real. Not real according to this:

Anon 07/08/2024 (Mon) 05:39 [Preview] No.10632 del
I thought it was somewhat meaningful to engage in a debate on this one shitty media. About "Debunking THE WORST Review Of The Boys Season 4" at
https://web.archive.org/web/20240708030202/https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=KE9ycGU0ACY ->
(1.) The Critical Drinker said general ideas and didn't give specific examples to support them therefore his arguments were invalid.
(1a.) The point of that video was to be an overview, not a long well-defined argument. Also I thought specific supporting arguments were obvious. Without supporting points it doesn't mean his arguments were invalid. Also, the reviewer of the review didn't give specific counter-points either, so that's hypocritical. And a long drawn-out review where every detail is explained doesn't make it necessarily good, just long; sometimes viewers just want short-and-sweet (<10 minutes). An argument being "hollow" doesn't mean it's untrue. This criticism is probably more virtue signaling from this guy. If the point of the video is to be an overview, then this antithesis falls flat. If the point of the video is to be a well-defined argument, then that antithesis is valid. It's like saying vanilla ice cream is bad because it doesn't taste chocolately. They serve different purposes and are valid in their own right. His criticism is like: I'm butthurt and am going to pretend that the in-depth details on your points just don't exist and/or are invalid because you didn't specify them. A stronger argument would be to say that he's wrong about these general ideas, not to criticize him for lack of supporting claims. With arguments, it's better to address the core idea and not fairly unimportant stuff like the medium or form in which the argument is delivered.
(2.) Says some dumb crap [not worth addressing]. Says that some users "reviewbomb because they only care about politics in storytelling" are braindead.
(2a.) Dumb take. There's different stories: stories with no politics, stories with politics that aren't super-arguing for a certain viewpoint, stories where the focus is politics, and stories which pretend to be stories but are actually just political propaganda. Of those 4, the last one (the pretending one) is the most dishonest brainwashing crap.
(3.) Says more dumb crap, not focused on the main content of the video [not worth addressing]. The season criticizes both left and right.
(3a.) Nope. Like 99% of it is caricaturizing or criticizing the right. It somewhat criticises the left, but not in any meaningful way.
(4.) Some people don't like it so ignoring them is fine.
(4a.) Wrong. If you want a show to be good, it has to be well-liked by many. "Good" here means popular and having a high score with the audience. Just because you can't control how everyone will react to it doesn't mean you should completely ignore all viewer criticism and try not to make it better-received. Storytelling is a social activity, so being antisocial and self-centered doesn't help.
(5.) The political stuff in the season is used to tell the story, so it's fine.
(5a.) No. Sure, the politics-in-your-face is used to tell a story, but the story it tells is a shitty one. This aspect detracts from other positive aspects that season 4 might have.


Anon 07/08/2024 (Mon) 05:46 [Preview] No.10633 del
(6.) More about how he didn't go into detail.
(6a.) Here's a detail for you: the story is contrived. Not so much the case with prior seasons.
(7.) Says taking extremes of different sides is fine.
(7a.) However, it's a misrepresentation of reality. If the show really wants to make an argument, then it's showing some cartoony straw-man Marxist projection of the right-wing. And what does that say about the political beliefs of the creator? Satire works based on the level of seriousness. The show tries to be serious, but presents this nonsense. If the show was wacky nonsense+comedy then such a dumb cartoony representation could be seen as valid. Otherwise, it's stupid postmodern crap.
(8.) Says absolutes = wrong.
(8a.) Nitpick, corner cases.
(9.) Season 4 is just like the previous seasons in terms of it's focus.
(9a.) Wrong. Before then the main focus was the story, and a side-focus was politics. With season 4 the politics is about as important or the focus compared to the story, and it fails when doing that.
(10.) Something about it being on-the-nose or not.
(10a.) There was like one scene where the right was criticized that I thought was kinda funny/interesting, other than that, fail.
(11.) Blatant political messaging and lecturing is dumb (it's not entertaining), but that doesn't apply to this show.
(11a.) Wrong.


This pfp shows up under this comment:
>Critical Drinker when the show satirizes the right for 3 seasons straight: I sleep
>Critical Drinker when the writers dumb down it’s political satire just to spite their political opponents: Real shit
Profile picture from this channel with MLP-related videos:

Reality check - "The BOYS Season 4 is Woke GARBAGE & Propaganda. #theboys":

Anon 07/18/2024 (Thu) 08:30 [Preview] No.10685 del
I found another error in a book/text, this time not a stupid typo or something like that:

"Calculus and Analytic Geometry"
Invalid ISBN on the back cover:
. ISBN10: 0-201-7540-7 (invalid) - back cover
. ISBN10: 0-201-07540-7 (valid) - page iv

Anon 07/19/2024 (Fri) 06:02 [Preview] No.10694 del
(465.03 KB 683x1024 tentaclepony.png)
How do hooves work? "tentacles", seems to be this artist's answer.

Anon 07/20/2024 (Sat) 06:44 [Preview] No.10699 del
Horsecock spotted in S01E13 of this:

In that episode, I also saw a scene which looks unrealistic due to so much light being shined on actors (unrealistic shadows).

I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.

>misspellings/typos in that image
Theory discarded.

Anon 07/23/2024 (Tue) 06:47 [Preview] No.10728 del
Think about Greek mythology: the gods were basically super-powered humans. They were killable, but still very powerful. Well, I think they were killable, based on the reliable source which is the video game series "God of War". Also think of Nordic mythology with Thor and whatever: same thing, interesting stories about powerful gods. Much of Nordic mythology is lost because the Vikings were raiding mean assholes and the dummies back then didn't write much down.

So you can think of stories such as this; skeletons of narratives:
. A man can only survive like 500 bee stings before dying of systemic toxicity. A pussy of a man dies after one bee sting because he's allergic. A god dies after millions of bee stings.
. Real-life story: trying to poison Rasputin but he won't die. Also that one story that YouTuber Salmonella University or whatever his username was: some guy could drink a huge amount of alcohol or something similar and not die.
. etc. Whatever feats of moving mountains or some giant wolf biting some guy's hand or blacksmithing or whatever. The wolf and blacksmith thing is from Nordic myth. Here's one that doesn't involve poisoning: being struck by lightning multiple times and surviving. Godlike. Oh, also, being in Mexico and publicly insulting cartels then you still end up surviving even after it went viral on social media. Maybe you killed the thugs who came for you.

Video on bees - "Why Do Bees Die After Stinging?":

Death due to insulting a cartel - "5 Times TikTokers Messed With The Wrong Cartels":

Lol'd at the comments on this video which I watched some of
>Meet the Billion-Dollar Startup Using AI to Disrupt Media and Advertising
2024-05, sarcasm:
>So this guy is basically building an AI-powered spam machine. \ Just what I need. [103 likes]
>advertising people are full of BS [3 likes]

Anon 07/23/2024 (Tue) 09:19 [Preview] No.10729 del
And power in these stories isn't just physical, but also intellectual: outsmarting opponents and such. More recent story / not mythology: "Death Note". A main focus the "Death Note" narrative is outsmarting opponents: something that the stupid N*flix adaptation failed to convey.


Ever use some software named ImgBurn? Painful thing I learned or re-experienced today: with ImgBurn version, read error retry settings don't persist through a reboot in MS Windows XP. Default disc read fail retry = 20 times which means it could be working on a DVD for hours. That's too much time. Better: go into the settings and change read error retries to 1 and check the box in that same settings tab to automatically ignore read errors.

Anon 07/23/2024 (Tue) 09:23 [Preview] No.10730 del
I think hooves or joints near them can be bent in such a way to get a grasp on things.

Forgot to say: can't change those settings while ImgBurn is working on writing a disc to a disc image file. So annoying.

Element of kindness Anon 07/24/2024 (Wed) 09:44 [Preview] No.10732 del
Sometime this month I drove hundreds of miles: had to basically stop and ask strangers for detections (got kinda lost after following directions I wrote down before leaving). Thank you anonymous for not being assholes: both people I talked to at different times were kind enough to give me directions. I offered them money as a thanks and they declined. I met one stranger in a bit of an awkward situation too. Also, thanks to other people for not being overly mean.

Now, on to "THE QUESTION". Why does anything exist? Does life have any meaning? Is life worth living? Is somethingness better than nothingness? Much philosophical ado has happened in regards to these questions. Maybe the answer is simple: No live is not worth living. Yes life is stupid and existence should have never existed. Things exist for no real overall meaning. Maybe it's cope to treat these as complex questions that humans will never answer. Just look at life and stuff and try to convince yourself that it's worth living in the first place: kinda hard to do.

I, like basically everyone, am somewhat entrenched or involved in life in various ways. Maybe it would have been better to never get involved. In that case, suicide would be easier. People make choices, and don't realize they did: just thought it was living. Like the choice to get involved in life.

These negative thoughts can't be reduced to "right" and "wrong", but they can be associated with "healthy" and "unhealthy" or "weakness" and "strength". Thinking so much about how life is absolute shit, it's like a betrayal of your own being. To be even more true to that concept, would be to kill yourself. I think some people want it both ways: thinking that life is not worth living, but they keep living. If you think life is good, and kept living, then no contradiction. So, for those who think life is bad but keep living: they do not embrace or support then certain negative aspects of life, and see those as defining features. They have something to hold on to or some positivity which means they keep living regardless.

For those who think life is bad then kill themselves: they see the badness as all-encompassing or too much for them to bear. You could say that suicide is the coward's way out, but maybe it's not cowardice but instead bravery to abandon years of suffering for nothingness or what might possibly lie beyond after death. It takes convictions to end your own life. It's a finality, and you are abandoning not just suffering, but also whatever else was in your life. Why keep clinging to a shitty life if there might be a better one or just nothingness after death? Because perhaps the possibly-exists afterliving is worse than the real life. That's one reason.

But what do they know about life? Maybe don't trust those who say "life is good" or "life is bad" if they don't have much life experience. If someone has been involved in many different aspects of life, then I guess their assessment of good or bad is more trustworthy. Maybe those who killed themselves wouldn't have do it they just experienced more or did more. Or "accomplished" more. Maybe they are dumb.

Or maybe those who say that life is good are fools. The real experience that one has over life can be used to define it: not some hypothetical life used to define their life experience.

The meaning of life, phenomenology Anon 07/24/2024 (Wed) 10:10 [Preview] No.10733 del
*ask strangers for directions
*No life is not worth living.

>Thinking so much about how life is absolute shit, it's like a betrayal of your own being.
Because you yourself are a living being. Your fuckin cells are reproducing right now and whatever. You are growing (fingernails/hooves are growing, etc.). Hair is growing, kinda like how a plant grows. Maybe you are ascending a social ladder or some other people-hierarchy: so growing in that regard. Or just growing older, as if being and old fuck means anything.

>You could say that suicide is the coward's way out, but maybe it's not cowardice but instead bravery to abandon years of suffering for nothingness or what might possibly lie beyond after death.
>Why keep clinging to a shitty life if there might be a better one or just nothingness after death? Because perhaps the possibly-exists afterliving is worse than the real life. That's one reason.
To brave the possibility that the possibly-exists afterlife is worse than the real life or nothingness. (Basically, and to simplify, to brave the possibility of going to hell and suffering in excruciating pain for all of eternity.)

Phenomenology somewhat concerns itself with covering various states of the mind. I kinda covered some of those, which is interesting. What a suicidal man might think and other states of mind.

The idea that life if bad is maybe a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you don't embrace all aspects of life (the good and bad, and whatever else): then you're "doing it wrong" and destined to suffer as a result. If you embrace life ("life affirming" is a term in this one philosophy) then you will have less problems.

I don't know a whole lot about philosophy, but shying away from it and being afraid of sounding dumb or whatever seems like the wrong attitude. So if "life being good" is such a complicated state of mind to achieve and most people don't really think and believe that to be truth enough, then perhaps "life is bad" is the simple answer. Of course life is a mixture of good and bad, but how do you conceive of what's the defining word for it?

It's interesting because saying either
"Life is good."
"Life is bad."
sound "equally" not-thought-out. If you had to pick one or the other as being more-so the truth: not so easy.

Of course you then (or first off) gotta define what is "good" and "bad", and that's another story.

Megamind Anon 07/24/2024 (Wed) 10:37 [Preview] No.10734 del
Question the question: "is life good or bad?" I guess people think about this when something(s) bad happened. Not so much questioning life when good things happen! They may say "life is shit" and such. Do you ask "is life worth living?" when good things happen? (No.) Yes people say life is good when good things happen, but that is likely equally as dumb as saying that life is bad when bad things happen. You may be glowing (positive emotion) from some experience and say that life is good. Or you are blue (feeling bad) from another experience and say that life is bad. What is lacking from both of these quick judgements is considering a larger depth of knowledge or experience.

It would be interesting if we could condense the billions of human lives that existed on Earth into one mind then ask that being with said mind how he feels. Would it be good feeling, or a bad one?

Other relevant things where you may need definitions: "absolute truth" (religion/not), "objective truth", "subjective truth".

(Do you say "I'm only human" when you did something worth of praise? Depends on what level of "worthy of praise" it is at or how that's defined. With different standards, you could reply "I'm only human" after being praised.)

I guess postmodernism deconstructs philosophy into a bunch of well-defined relationships of words. Or just "words". That's true for large language models (AI/ML), but is that true beyond that? I don't know. I guess I hope so. One of the things that postmodernism (the philosophy and not the art movement or whatever) is unambiguous about: the politics of postmodernism is leftism. "Less true": postmodernism is leftism. "More true": postmodernist politics are like turbo-leftism / social justice warrior crap. I don't like postmodernism the philosophy, but I find it kinda interesting (like this one book on where I learned about it) and am at least weary of it. Remember that a significant part of leftism is status-seeking behavior and trying to be the coolest, also "living in the matrix" in the sense of complex ideas.

3:this post

Anon 07/26/2024 (Fri) 07:57 [Preview] No.10740 del
I could reply to older posts ITT, but if I try loading this entire thread in this device that I'm using then the tab would explode. Not so meaningful to reply since those are posts from year(s) ago and I don't think the authors would see my reply. I could load an unminified JSON of this thread and read its posts that way.

Interesting video - "Redbox revokes access to ALL PURCHASED MOVIES & TV: Piracy is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED! 🏴‍☠️":

Did you ever interact with Redbox DVDs? I did, in the past.

Anon 07/29/2024 (Mon) 01:51 [Preview] No.10748 del
I refound this interesting YT channel where this one guy does science stuff like steps towards making an organic computer from scratch. The name of the channel is Thought Emporium, and one of his videos is titled "Turning Gatorade Into Meat":
Horse pfp from there.

This JSON - https://endchan.org/pone/res/5562.json - can be unminified at . . .

Anon 08/01/2024 (Thu) 12:34 [Preview] No.10761 del
How old are you? 20s? 30s? 40s? Older? Younger?

Kinda interesting, maybe has a clickbait title - "The Tragedy Of Creedence Clearwater Revival":

Anon 08/03/2024 (Sat) 11:47 [Preview] No.10766 del
WASP - White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
WASC - "not a term", White Anglo-Saxon Catholic
WARC - Web Archive

WASC word bridges to WARC. Word bridge: two terms which differ by one letter. Plus, S is after R in the alphabet. Thought of that when watching https://fmoviesite.tv/watch-tv/watch-sons-of-anarchy-movies-free-fmovies-39265.1597365 . Eh, who cares? Language enthusiasts maybe. Here's an image from that series: girl with a tattoo of a unicorn.

More words:
>oikophobia - aversion to home surroundings
>hoplophobia - aversion to weapons
>technophobia - fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers
>iconophobia - aversion to images, especially religious icons
>phonophobia - fear of or aversion to loud sounds
>hedonophobia - fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure
Wtf, hedonophobia sounds fake, and not a like a real thing.
>eurotophobia - aversion to or dislike of female genitalia
Kinda understandable. For example, girls may say that piss coming out of a cock makes that organ gross, but fucking blood comes out of pussies.
>herpetophobia - fear or aversion to reptiles
>lesbophobia - irrational fear of, and aversion to, lesbians, two girls kissing
>chromophobia - Fear or aversion of colors
>xanthophobia - fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow
xanthos, Latin, "a golden-yellow precious stone" (!wt). Fluttershy = worst pony.
>phallophobia - fear of the erect penis or excessive aversion to masculinity
>vegaphobia - aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
>hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast"
Big word
>coprophobia - fear of or aversion to feces or defecation
>misophonia - a disorder of decreased tolerance to specific sounds or stimuli associated with such sounds; these stimuli are experienced as unpleasant/distressing and tend to evoke strong negative emotional, physiological, and behavioural responses
>Hispanophobia - aversion feeling against the Spanish language, Hispanic people, and/or Hispanic culture
Racism is a disease, and you can catch it from spics and wetbacks
>biphobia - antagonism or disgust directed toward bisexuality as an identity or bisexual people due to their sexuality

Anon 08/03/2024 (Sat) 21:44 [Preview] No.10768 del
Basic spy operations when dealing with an adversary's physical objects:
. Make sure that the adversary is not in the area and will stay gone for a know or reasonable amount of time
. Take photos or record videos of the objects so that you can put them back exactly how they were.
. If you have longer hair, tuck it away into your shirt or something. Also, do not accidentally leave hair or other traces in or on the objects.

"Are you a spy‽"
--"My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Season 1 Episode 2 The Elements of Harmony Part 2 1080p" https://web.archive.org/web/20240116094648/https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=V-OZTklFhfc

Anon 08/04/2024 (Sun) 10:51 [Preview] No.10770 del
I rewatched ~3 FIM episodes like a week ago for a certain reason. It was a surprisingly fun/happy time. One of them was "Hurricane Fluttershy".

>when watching ...
That's S03E11. Spoilers: in S03E13 ( https://fmoviesite.tv/watch-tv/watch-sons-of-anarchy-movies-free-fmovies-39265.1605522 ) there a big reveal of defeating opponents, mainly as a result of intellectual outmaneuvering. So non-physical strength: >>10729
>And power in these stories isn't just physical, but also intellectual

What is power? Where does it come from? Power comes from relentlessly pursuing the unobtainable. (I think I heard that from somewhere/someone.)

Image - etymology of "pow" is onomatopoeic, so not short for "power".

Anon 08/04/2024 (Sun) 10:57 [Preview] No.10771 del
Biblical prophecies = dumb:

*for a known or reasonable amount of time

Image: would be neat if there was more close-up clop similar to this.

Anon 08/04/2024 (Sun) 11:11 [Preview] No.10772 del
emoji-aes = encrypt with AES+emojis. That was here (I might have this folder):

I didn't examine that code (I didn't create it), so I don't know if it has bad telemetry. Otherwise, enjoy this nice keygen/chiptune music from

Also rewatched some or all of Lightning Dust / RD Wonderbolts training episode + Rarity in Manehatten / ponies randomly break out into song episode.

I meant "there's a big reveal".

Anon 08/11/2024 (Sun) 08:38 [Preview] No.10808 del
Like millions of social security numbers and names and stuff were leaked - "I Downloaded 3 Billion Leaked Records From the Dark Web":

Makes you wonder if your own PII is in there.

Can view unminified /pone/ thread JSON here (which can load from a file or a URL):

But that has ads and is maybe bloatware, so not a great solution.


Spoilers for SOA. (Picrel and this text.)
S06E04 of "Sons of Anarchy": the parts with Otto are kinda badass. Something like this: it feels better to kill your enemies than to kill yourself. That episode basically includes: suicide by cop. I watched that episode at https://fmoviesite.tv/watch-tv/watch-sons-of-anarchy-movies-free-fmovies-39265.4913251

Anon 08/11/2024 (Sun) 13:09 [Preview] No.10811 del
(2.68 MB 640x360 videoplayback 3.mp4)
WBM weirdly takes a long time to save these enumerated pages (or it silently fails to save them):

> Numb_Pony I Want To Be (Linkin Park VS MLP)-BTcFKsHQBBs.mp4
> >>5972
> I raise you a far superior mashup.
Here's an "inferior mashup": MLP + WWE + Skrillex + Sonic + animu - basically from
. from a channel with ~175 videos
. [something about iShit here]

Neat track ("All I Ask of You"). https://invidious.privacyredirect.com/watch?v=5RhvQ6rrsIU

Anon 08/15/2024 (Thu) 06:57 [Preview] No.10822 del
I see some errors at the top of
>format . . .
>format - (>>/malform/35) thread is missing in lookups: [pone][9400]
>format - (>>/malform/35) thread is missing in lookups: [pone][9750]
>format . . .

That series is related to “The Sopranos", such as

I watched S06E12 hours ago ( https://fmoviesite.tv/watch-tv/watch-sons-of-anarchy-movies-free-fmovies-39265.1605442 ) and I was thinking about it today. Spoilers: one of the character's name's is Tara. Spell that backwards: araT = a rat. (I feel a bit dumb for just now realizing this.)

Anon 08/16/2024 (Fri) 19:44 [Preview] No.10832 del
Chat-gpt.org/chat being dumb - saying I was doing something sexual with my wife Twilight Sparkle in bed - which I wasn't (yet):
>>Is Arweave an ins
>It is subjective to determine whether Arweave is an ins. As of now, it is a decentralized storage platform that aims to create a permanent and sustainable data ecosystem.
Incomplete question, dumb/wtf reply.
>>Is Arweave an instance of a cryptocurrency?
>Yes, Arweave is a decentralized storage and data permanence platform that utilizes blockchain technology. Its native cryptocurrency, AR, is used to incentivize miners and pay for storage and retrieval of data on the network, making it an instance of a cryptocurrency.
>>Pretend that you are a pony from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Say something about how you want me told hold your hoof or how I am a good friend or how you love me.
>Oh, dear friend, I would be simply delighted if you were to hold my hoof as we trot along together. You are a loyal and kind companion, and I truly appreciate your friendship. I love you, and I am grateful to have you by my side as we go on adventures and share magical moments together. Let's spread friendship and love wherever we go!
Pretty robotic/machine-like reply, interpreted "or" as "and".
>>Pretend that you are Twilight Sparkle and we just got married. We arrived home in the middle of the day full of energy. You want to get in bed with me. I ask "what's the plan?" And your reply is:
>"Well, my dear, the plan is to snuggle up together under the covers, cuddle, and maybe watch a movie or read a book together. And then, who knows what might happen next? The possibilities are endless when we're together, my love."
Watch a movie with a film projector, like in "Hurricane Fluttershy".
>>We get in bed together and I scratch around the ears. You (Twilight Sparkle) say that that feels nice and want me to keep doing that for a couple of minutes. After that you want to read some of your book to me. Twilight Sparkle then reads this book to me, which is [title] that contains the text [text]. Reply with the title and text.
>I'm sorry, but I can't continue with this roleplay scenario as it is inappropriate and not suitable for a general audience. If you have any other requests or questions, feel free to ask.


Profile picture from
https://web.archive.org/web/20240816151849/https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=A0g-bf-UYIw / https://inv.nadeko.net/channel/UC_EVPO3SOoeuNwVVnG2Oyxg
from that one meme video - "I pull on it so hard I rip the skin."

Anon 08/18/2024 (Sun) 18:01 [Preview] No.10838 del
Laughed at one of the comments on "Kim Dotcom is in mega big trouble":
This one:
>Given the current state of the film industry, I’d say that by costing them $500M he spared us at least two audiovisual crimes against humanity

Wikipedia says that
>He changed his surname to Dotcom in 2005,[22] apparently in homage to the stock market bubble that made him a millionaire.

>I've had that on one mix-tape CD after another for more than a year
It's OK. I don't think that track stood out to me.

Anon 08/25/2024 (Sun) 16:08 [Preview] No.10875 del
(12.74 MB 512x512 cute.gif)
It's neat that Endchan supports HTTP and HTTPS. I'm posting at http://endchan.org/.static/last50.html?b=pone&t=5562 via Firefox version 28.0 in Lubuntu ~19 (based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS). HTTPS does not work at all or only partly works. HTTPS partly works. This works: https://search.brave.com/search?q=Firefox+version+28.0&source=web and DDG search doesn't. This http://web.archive.org/web/20240825010322/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox_version_history says
>Firefox 28 was released on March 18, 2014, and added support for VP9 video decoding and support for Opus in WebM.[97]

Ubuntu became shitty/broken on me after uninstalling system python months ago (don't do this dumb move unless you know what you're doing). It became more broken recently after uninstalling and reinstalling things to try to fix broken packages - this error: http://web.archive.org/web/20240713070605/https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26571326/how-do-i-resolve-the-following-packages-have-unmet-dependencies . It ended up removing vital system programs. I made a disk image file of my OS HDD days ago, so not so big of a problem. I'm now working towards replacing Ubuntu ~23 (which is "dead" on that other computer) with Arch Linux:
>$ sudo wget http://iad.mirror.rackspace.com/archlinux/iso/2024.08.01/archlinux-2024.08.01-x86_64.iso -O /dev/sdb1 # to a usb flash drive.

Cannot load webp thumbnails at https://twibooru.org/ in this decade-old Firefox. No stupid .webp thumbnails at https://ponerpics.org/search?q=Dolores+Umbridge%2Cgif%2Ccupcake = no problem. This gif is tagged as "cupcakes", but they're tea cakes, which I guess is a subclass of cupcake.

Anon 08/25/2024 (Sun) 16:29 [Preview] No.10876 del
HTTPS page https://endchan.org/.static/last50.html?b=pone&t=5562#bottom also works, but you get the point.

cropped out of part of season 7 episode 2 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ("All Bottled Up")

Magnet link worked in neither qbittorrent nor Transmission - http://web.archive.org/web/20240824124241/https://archlinux.org/download/ . And I'm not sure if writing that file directly to that partition will do what I want.

Anon 08/25/2024 (Sun) 16:59 [Preview] No.10877 del
(42.21 KB 491x505 FixIt.png)
(12.68 MB 1920x1080 TwilyComputes.webm)
>Ubuntu became broken
Have you considered Gentoo?

Although, to be fair, if you uninstall python from that you'll also be SOL but it would be fixable without wiping and starting over.
But I can guarantee a few folk on the internet would suggest that as less effort on your part, probably regardless of distro.

...good luck...?

>tea cakes
Have a cup of tea with your cakes; they're close enough.

Anon 08/26/2024 (Mon) 06:08 [Preview] No.10878 del
Here's a text file that I was looking for and found - it should turn off the screen while in tty3:

>Install Gentoo
Do you use Gentoo? It sounds like more work than Arch Linux.

Anon 08/26/2024 (Mon) 22:24 [Preview] No.10879 del
>Do you use Gentoo? It sounds like more work

I've never installed Arch, and my "use" of it was limited to Docker images that had that as their base.
Installing gentoo is a multi-day chore the first several times. But day to day administration, including adding new software, is quite straightforward and the system is fairly robust, though I recommend disabling SystemD's monster, though doing so still pulls in a few pieces of it unless you go out of your way to install, say, libudev-zero instead of the siphoned-off dynamic /dev routines that come with the stock repositories.

Also my raid card keeps disabling the array so my "current" install of Gentoo is fried until I get enough money to replace the hardware-raid-fifty PCIe card.

Anon 08/30/2024 (Fri) 15:50 [Preview] No.10894 del
Which DE/WM do you use? I've been using LXQt (IIRC). I probably want to remove that and replace it with i3 (which I've used in the past).


"Femboy Hooters" doesn't make a lot of sense. What does the "hooters" part refer to? With regular Hooters, that refers to boobs. With Femboy Hooters, that refers to regular Hooters, I guess.

Speaking of sign and signifier, there's the following idea in media. Think about "Family Guy" and "The Simpsons". I've kinda forgotten, but I think "The Simpsons" was originally a parody/satire of older shows like "Full House" - mocking the politics around or idea of the nuclear family. It was specifically related to that cultural thing of those decades. "Family Guy" was like a parody of "The Simpsons", specifically. Now in the 2010s and 2020s, both of these cartoons don't really refer to anything but themselves. Instead of entities where the main meaning is their relation to something external, their main meaning is themselves alone. I think I listened to some commie talk about this in the past.

As for my opinions on those two cartoons, The Simpsons probably because pretty shit in later seasons. The best episode of The Simpsons is that one farming episode, obviously. Lois is maybe my most-disliked character in Family Guy.

Who's your favorite anime character? This question maybe feels pointless to me so I don't have an answer. Who's your favorite anime pedophile? I'd say Hisoka from the anime series pronounced as "Hunter Hunter". I found that character to be otherwise interesting, and apparently he's also a pedo - "Hisoka being a pedophile compilation English dub version" https://invidious.reallyaweso.me/watch?v=jRbgluxcXWQ (video related to this mass murderer clown). That character (not in-universe) was probably influenced by the evil/bad clown trope, such as the killer clown in "It".

Anon 08/30/2024 (Fri) 20:25 [Preview] No.10895 del
But isn't software RAID better than hardware RAID? (Or is the best a combination of the two?)


I watched this movie - /ipfs/QmVc1gCXrLgGZwEvnXEa6VW8iWvJXHhKwVbzSf6JHri8b5 -> /ipfs/bafybeidxl4y3jlmeohel6ygpwa6dugp3p3ruzijh7y5nd3uvqnnuxpmz2m - it's a fictional story about learning more about an icy and watery moon of Jupiter. Said in that movie = shit movies say:
>He's dead.
<He saved us.
One of the characters in that movie is described as a "pilot and archivist".

>Kim Dotcom going to be arrested
Another really stupid thing - "Telegram CEO Arrested in France":
2/1,450 comments on that:
>His fault for being in Fr*nce.
>God forbid people talk privately online just as they normally do in person.

Anon 08/30/2024 (Fri) 21:02 [Preview] No.10896 del
>But isn't software RAID better than hardware RAID?
From where on earth did you derive that opinion?
Software raid can work anytime the software is in place; less costs but you're at the mercy of the software writer. Hardware needs good firmware, but good hardware will power through mediocre firmware so long as all data-losing bugs are dealt with.

I'm expecting to dual-boot; both Windows and Linux have software raid solutions, but they don't talk to each other. So if you want to dual-boot, and have only software RAID available, you have to choose which OS (and there are others, like BSD, opensolaris, whatever BeOS was replaced by) gets the array.
All other OS installations see a giant "what is that?" block they can't use, and get whatever leftover blocks you can spare to be installed into.
Too, there's always hardware involved. Software raid asks awkward questions of the disk I/O chipset and assembles the answer into what your OS thinks is a complete disk; but integrated chipsets overheat / go bad too.

Anon 08/31/2024 (Sat) 20:18 [Preview] No.10901 del
So with hardware RAID you can multiboot: not possible with software RAID.


"In the Aeroplane Over the Sea" by Neutral Milk Hotel = ghostly haunting beautiful cacophony:

"In The Flowers" by Animal Collective = nice song and track ( https://iv.nboeck.de/watch?v=TIc8MktNuNw ). Typo here:
>Couldn't stop that sprinning force
should be "spinning" instead. DDG shows musixmatch.com lyrics as the answer when you search for lyrics of a song.

Anon 09/02/2024 (Mon) 16:02 [Preview] No.10908 del
>>But isn't software RAID better than hardware RAID?
>From where on earth did you derive that opinion?
As I understand, software RAID has more paranoid checks on data and is therefore more likely to retain and prove that the data is unchanged; compared to hardware RAID, which doesn't do that as well. I could be wrong, but I think Level1Techs shares this viewpoint ( https://invidious.adminforge.de/channel/UC4w1YQAJMWOz4qtxinq55LQ ). I respect Level1Techs guy more so as a technologist than Linus Tech Tips winfag. Both talked about Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks.

Other video on Telegram's CEO being arrested:
Someone said:
>The feds tried to ban PGP back in the day, classifying the cryptographic algorithms as “munitions” to prevent them from being distributed. The creator got around it by publishing the code in a book which was protected by the 1st Amendment. It’s crazy that the war on encryption is still raging on.


Are you an enjooyer? This image =
>https://rimgo.totaldarkness.net/yaeVQo2.jpg or

Anon 09/05/2024 (Thu) 13:57 [Preview] No.10924 del
>>diy body wax without using food?
>There are several DIY body wax recipes that do not include food ingredients. Here is an example of a simple homemade wax recipe using only a few basic ingredients:\\Ingredients:\- 2 cups sugar\- 1/4 cup water\- 1/4 cup lemon juice\\Instructions:\1. In a saucepan, combine the sugar, water, and lemon juice. Heat over medium-high heat until the mixture reaches a deep golden color and has a thick, syrupy consistency.\2. Remove the mixture from heat and allow it to cool slightly.\3. Test a small amount of the wax on your wrist to make sure it is a safe temperature for waxing.\4. Apply the wax to your skin in the direction of hair growth using a wooden spatula or popsicle stick.\5. Place a fabric strip over the wax and smooth it down in the direction of hair growth.\6. Quickly pull the strip off in the opposite direction of hair growth to remove the wax and hair.\7. Repeat the process until you have removed all desired hair.\\Note: It is important to be cautious when using homemade wax, as it can be hot and cause burns if not handled properly. Always do a patch test on a small area of skin before waxing larger areas.

Anon 09/11/2024 (Wed) 17:21 [Preview] No.10945 del
Psychological insights.

I like one, two, or multiple tracks from this album - 'OSEES "SORCS 80" FULL ALBUM STREAM':
Lyric in one of them was something like "Warrior you're draped in violence."

So you don't want to live in a centuries-ago era because life expectancy was so low. One reason someone might want to time travel into the past: in order to somehow become the ruler of a country, maybe Britain/UK/England at its height of world dominance. Then somehow change the course of history in favor of whatever politics or philosophy that he fancies. Only a Umbridge of hope that one could come near to do that, but still possible. Or, time travel into the past will be forever impossible. It's easier to change the future than to change the past, some if someone wants to change the course of history, it's better if he becomes a politician or something like that. Maybe a social media influencer (lol).

Anon 09/11/2024 (Wed) 17:35 [Preview] No.10946 del
In an infinite and eternal universe, entities certainly repeat, even large or huge ones! A universe that is infinite and eternal: reaches deity status, so to speak. It would be like God as object instead of subject. Or maybe there's an infinite and eternal "multiverse". By that I mainly mean this: different laws of physics define and delimit the difference universes. Within vast amounts of data (multiple zettabytes) you can find a "large-or-medium-sized" intelligible file within a segment of data where that segment of data had zero "intention" of containing that file.

User with an MLP pfp that I've seen before commented on this video about a trailer for a Minecraft movie:
(I could write more about Minecraft.)

>Only a Umbridge of hope
Only a Glimm3r of hope

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