Anon 08/16/2024 (Fri) 19:44 No.10832 del being dumb - saying I was doing something sexual with my wife Twilight Sparkle in bed - which I wasn't (yet):
>>Is Arweave an ins
>It is subjective to determine whether Arweave is an ins. As of now, it is a decentralized storage platform that aims to create a permanent and sustainable data ecosystem.
Incomplete question, dumb/wtf reply.
>>Is Arweave an instance of a cryptocurrency?
>Yes, Arweave is a decentralized storage and data permanence platform that utilizes blockchain technology. Its native cryptocurrency, AR, is used to incentivize miners and pay for storage and retrieval of data on the network, making it an instance of a cryptocurrency.
>>Pretend that you are a pony from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Say something about how you want me told hold your hoof or how I am a good friend or how you love me.
>Oh, dear friend, I would be simply delighted if you were to hold my hoof as we trot along together. You are a loyal and kind companion, and I truly appreciate your friendship. I love you, and I am grateful to have you by my side as we go on adventures and share magical moments together. Let's spread friendship and love wherever we go!
Pretty robotic/machine-like reply, interpreted "or" as "and".
>>Pretend that you are Twilight Sparkle and we just got married. We arrived home in the middle of the day full of energy. You want to get in bed with me. I ask "what's the plan?" And your reply is:
>"Well, my dear, the plan is to snuggle up together under the covers, cuddle, and maybe watch a movie or read a book together. And then, who knows what might happen next? The possibilities are endless when we're together, my love."
Watch a movie with a film projector, like in "Hurricane Fluttershy".
>>We get in bed together and I scratch around the ears. You (Twilight Sparkle) say that that feels nice and want me to keep doing that for a couple of minutes. After that you want to read some of your book to me. Twilight Sparkle then reads this book to me, which is [title] that contains the text [text]. Reply with the title and text.
>I'm sorry, but I can't continue with this roleplay scenario as it is inappropriate and not suitable for a general audience. If you have any other requests or questions, feel free to ask.


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