Anon 09/11/2024 (Wed) 17:35 No.10946 del
In an infinite and eternal universe, entities certainly repeat, even large or huge ones! A universe that is infinite and eternal: reaches deity status, so to speak. It would be like God as object instead of subject. Or maybe there's an infinite and eternal "multiverse". By that I mainly mean this: different laws of physics define and delimit the difference universes. Within vast amounts of data (multiple zettabytes) you can find a "large-or-medium-sized" intelligible file within a segment of data where that segment of data had zero "intention" of containing that file.

User with an MLP pfp that I've seen before commented on this video about a trailer for a Minecraft movie:
(I could write more about Minecraft.)

>Only a Umbridge of hope
Only a Glimm3r of hope