Anon 08/03/2024 (Sat) 11:47 No.10766 del
WASP - White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
WASC - "not a term", White Anglo-Saxon Catholic
WARC - Web Archive

WASC word bridges to WARC. Word bridge: two terms which differ by one letter. Plus, S is after R in the alphabet. Thought of that when watching . Eh, who cares? Language enthusiasts maybe. Here's an image from that series: girl with a tattoo of a unicorn.

More words:
>oikophobia - aversion to home surroundings
>hoplophobia - aversion to weapons
>technophobia - fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers
>iconophobia - aversion to images, especially religious icons
>phonophobia - fear of or aversion to loud sounds
>hedonophobia - fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure
Wtf, hedonophobia sounds fake, and not a like a real thing.
>eurotophobia - aversion to or dislike of female genitalia
Kinda understandable. For example, girls may say that piss coming out of a cock makes that organ gross, but fucking blood comes out of pussies.
>herpetophobia - fear or aversion to reptiles

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