Anon 08/30/2024 (Fri) 20:25 No.10895 del
But isn't software RAID better than hardware RAID? (Or is the best a combination of the two?)


I watched this movie - /ipfs/QmVc1gCXrLgGZwEvnXEa6VW8iWvJXHhKwVbzSf6JHri8b5 -> /ipfs/bafybeidxl4y3jlmeohel6ygpwa6dugp3p3ruzijh7y5nd3uvqnnuxpmz2m - it's a fictional story about learning more about an icy and watery moon of Jupiter. Said in that movie = shit movies say:
>He's dead.
<He saved us.
One of the characters in that movie is described as a "pilot and archivist".

>Kim Dotcom going to be arrested
Another really stupid thing - "Telegram CEO Arrested in France":
2/1,450 comments on that:
>His fault for being in Fr*nce.
>God forbid people talk privately online just as they normally do in person.