Anon 09/11/2024 (Wed) 17:21 No.10945 del
Psychological insights.

I like one, two, or multiple tracks from this album - 'OSEES "SORCS 80" FULL ALBUM STREAM':
Lyric in one of them was something like "Warrior you're draped in violence."

So you don't want to live in a centuries-ago era because life expectancy was so low. One reason someone might want to time travel into the past: in order to somehow become the ruler of a country, maybe Britain/UK/England at its height of world dominance. Then somehow change the course of history in favor of whatever politics or philosophy that he fancies. Only a Umbridge of hope that one could come near to do that, but still possible. Or, time travel into the past will be forever impossible. It's easier to change the future than to change the past, some if someone wants to change the course of history, it's better if he becomes a politician or something like that. Maybe a social media influencer (lol).