Anon 11/27/2019 (Wed) 23:16:59 No.5080 del
>This comic was pretty good. Not a 10/10 but I like some of the dynamics
obviously it isn´t certainly a big deal nor a masterpiece that everyone should read. However, out of the ones released that could explore a little bit more these characters that ended up a little bit in the middle on the road, this one fills a few holes and goes back to the formula that we know from the show, without any awkward formulas nor questionable twists for reaching that objective.

>Ocellus finally got something devoted to herself.
and she truly needed that in some form even if very few get to notice this. What could be so special about her that the show has offered? Not much really and this doesn´t only show her dedication and passion but her fear of letting down the public.

>I like it as a driving dynamic here. A good arc (that maybe possible in the comics) would have been to have it a thing to have her slowly overcome.
>It would still be a bit of a Fluttershy clone but give more of a twist.
in fact, she is the closest one that reminds a lot of Fluttershy even though she doesn´t manage to get on that level. They sort of exposed that with What Lies Beneath and 2,4,6 Great at earning confidence but what I complain the most about her is not about her struggles reminding a lot of Fluttershy´s, but the lack of dedicated attention for those struggles. But yeah, I agree a lot with that idea for an arc but she could get a few detours during that development considering that she has 5 friends who are there to support her all the time, not to mention that she could overcome them quicker unless she finds herself truly alone.

>I'm trying to recall if she had any hints of this in the show or has she really been only goofy.
that catches me off guard. I mean, one could foresee this attitude coming out from her in an implied way but when it comes to explicit moments of this kind, I suppose that Student Counsel comes as the closest material that you can get from her.Almost everything else is delivered with the rest of her friends.

>I would have liked to have seen this somewhat more strongly in the show.
>I think if they had this stronger in season 8 it would've helped with the whole feel of transition to the thrown not feeling to sprung on her.
>they tried to put her in that roll since Dolores but Dolores has often helped and consoled Twilight more than the other way since her reformation.

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