Anon 12/11/2023 (Mon) 20:28 No.9032 del
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Reading older threads -
>Anonymous Tue 16 Feb 2021 03:32:52 No.36562526
>When I was young and naive, I read FO:E and was inspired, for it was the greatest fic I'd ever read.
>When I grew older and more critical, seasoned from years of my own writing, I looked at FO:E and, though I respected it for what it had done for me, I saw it as flawed. A good fic, yes, but not a great one.
>Then one of my readers sent me a comprehensive 80,000 word critique of FO:E, breaking down all the myriad ways in which it contradicted and undermined itself and violated all concepts of logic and consistent characterization.
>FO:E is a shitfic. You just haven't realized it yet.

Here's "4chan-mlp-40557552.txt", which is OP to post#40603568 (I could run this >>8980 extractor on it):

>WARCs are great!
This thread - /go/ at - started in 2019-01. I can get a level-one warc of it, but maybe after I free up some space (at least 94%->93%).

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