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/go/ - Golden Oaks General Anon 01/07/2019 (Mon) 06:02 [Preview] No. 3148
Welcome to Golden Oaks! Sit back and get /confy/ and dive into the vast amounts of data across the web that has been generated by the MLP fandom.

What is Golden Oaks?
Golden Oaks isn't quite sure exactly how to define itself yet. It is devoted to a rather nebulous topic of the fandom itself with an archival mindset. It will vary from as diverse subjects as academic research done on the fandom to even the discussion of old dead pony memes and trends past and present. With perhaps some self reflection as well.

What is Golden Oaks not?
Golden Oaks is not for the simple dissuasion of the latest scandal within the fandom or gossip about X. These subjects maybe relevant at times in the discussion of certain happenings and periods within the fandom, but the thread itself shouldn't dive into drama without reason.

What is this place?
This is the endchan's pony board. While we are microscopic we have regular posting and a somewhat distinct culture as can be with 3 anons and the occasional drifter . /go/ welcomes outside contributions. Feel free to look around.
Current NMAiE: >>8915
Edit note, updated general to current /NMAiE/.
Edited last time by dolor on 12/04/2023 (Mon) 12:30.

Anon 01/07/2019 (Mon) 06:38:01 [Preview] No.3150 del
Well. This is the thread that I alluded to. I'm not entirely sure how to describe my intent with this place but I sort of envision it as a secondary repository of various information on the fandom with some discussion on the side. Not sure it'll ever be a comprehensive archive of everything pony that every existed but I imagined it as a place that would have certain files shared in case they were deleted elsewhere. Within reason, think PDFs of scholarly research and studies and maybe a backup copy of somewhat notable works that may become lost later. Along with basic records, like old fandom websites and what the were like with maybe some archive links if possible.

I was first inspired with some discussions earlier on here over what we thought th fandom was like in early days and the idea fully formed recently as I've been skimming through a mix of different fandom sites and various research papers. This will be something I just do on the side of course. So right now it'll just be stuff I find in casual browsing. Frankly the thread feels like it could have a bit of a wonky vibe and I could see it going several directions. If this is successful in becoming something I could see it being linked elsewhere, and if I find the time I may even try to track down people who where involved in dead fandom projects and what not, but that's longer term. So that's why I have the little introduction to /endpone/ at the end there and such.

Anon 01/07/2019 (Mon) 07:09:40 [Preview] No.3151 del
Alright. Here is my first observation. These two pics related.

This furry research site brony related questioning if I remember correctly dates back mostly ore 2014. They note a stigma of bronies being seen invading their fandom with their research suggesting that most bronies within the furry fandom were longtime members.

However this brony research report dated to 2016 suggests the complete opposite.

There several fairly easy guesses as to why this is. First off. A lot of furries I'd imagine hopping off with the rest of the more tumblr types cira 2013 or 2014 and do to the exposure some memebers of the fandom to anthro and such it creating new furries later on. A study labled a "brony" study is obliviously going to draw more people who are in this fandom's orbit, etc. What's slightly interesting to me is that the fandom related study notes some of them having been involved in the study of furries of before and you'd think they'd be aware of that other research if not having some people who where on it.You would think they'd note it. I mean their can't be that many furry studies right? right? I know. Not the biggest detail in the world. Maybe not even a detail at all but it is just a tiny little thing I noticed when going through these.

Anon 01/07/2019 (Mon) 07:14:27 [Preview] No.3152 del
Here is the study. Not sure it'd be a good idea to blindly upload every mlp related paper like this I find but I may store them offline and have them on standby when thy disappear from the net.

Anon 01/07/2019 (Mon) 07:20:49 [Preview] No.3153 del
I will still make notes and post observations, maybe organize a list at some point. I have found several papers, a lot of which seem to be related to looking through the fandom via critical theory (so Tumblr, yay...). Will stll even give those a look trough at least.

Anon 01/08/2019 (Tue) 17:53:11 [Preview] No.3168 del
Well, well, well....
Bridgefag is taking the lead at creating threads and I´ve got to say, not all the days you can get dense and detailed opening posts like that unless they are copy pasted.
Even though this was kind of expected considering the amount of times we have talked about the fandom every now and then. Basically, none of these threads are created out of nowhere. In fact, the main NMAiE intensified the brony discussions in it. It makes sense.

This thread cannot be created on /mlp/ though.

>It is devoted to a rather nebulous topic of the fandom itself with an archival mindset.
it seems that by checking the old archives and by navigating to underground content, you can arrive at interesting conclusion and ending up looking at the fandom in its own mirror.

>These subjects maybe relevant at times in the discussion of certain happenings and periods within the fandom
this could predict some patterns when gen 5 happens or certain requested fan content

>While we are microscopic we have regular posting and a somewhat distinct culture as can be with 3 anons and the occasional drifter
for a number of users that one can count in the back of my hand, that´s a compliment.

>I have found several papers, a lot of which seem to be related to looking through the fandom via critical theory (so Tumblr, yay...). Will stll even give those a look trough at least.
something tells me that you are going to reveal attitudes coming from Tumblr around 2015 and the events around Molestia.

Anon 01/08/2019 (Tue) 18:01:08 [Preview] No.3169 del
>I'm not entirely sure how to describe my intent with this place but I sort of envision it as a secondary repository of various information on the fandom with some discussion on the side.
>Not sure it'll ever be a comprehensive archive of everything pony that every existed but I imagined it as a place that would have certain files shared in case they were deleted elsewhere.
well, it will get defined as time passes. I didn´t know what the personal project was until I turned it into a thread for discussing greens created in my mind. One will see its evolution and far from racing through, it´s more about finding what you want to compile in it.

>Within reason, think PDFs of scholarly research and studies and maybe a backup copy of somewhat notable works that may become lost later. Along with basic records, like old fandom websites and what the were like with maybe some archive links if possible.
so, does that mean that you have archives from the old chans or information from deleted MLP sites (besides the Wikis)?

>I was first inspired with some discussions earlier on here over what we thought th fandom was like in early days and the idea fully formed recently as I've been skimming through a mix of different fandom sites and various research papers.
yep, definitely this discussions from this board that leads into this. Let´s see how it pays off on its own.

> If this is successful in becoming something I could see it being linked elsewhere, and if I find the time I may even try to track down people
do you mean tracking down old fans that left the ride long ago like that programmer with his unfinished game?

Anon 01/08/2019 (Tue) 18:25:09 [Preview] No.3170 del
>A lot of furries I'd imagine hopping off with the rest of the more tumblr types cira 2013 or 2014 and do to the exposure some memebers of the fandom to anthro and such it creating new furries later on.
that probably explains why there is a slight increase in NSFW content on Derpi. If that happened, the influx would come right at the middle of the ride, meaning that a good proportion of them have stayed while others jumped off the bandwagon around 2014-15. Truly ironic because Tumblr,save for porn blogs, had left MLP as a secondary franchise.

Although, maybe they are rotating all the time but with the introduction of certain characters, I can say that there could be (a bit) less friction in terms of taste.

>What's slightly interesting to me is that the fandom related study notes some of them having been involved in the study of furries of before and you'd think they'd be aware of that other research if not having some people who where on it.
it´s almost like those researchers could have come from KnowYourMeme or an internet phenomena site.

>You would think they'd note it. I mean their can't be that many furry studies right? right?
erm, maybe they did around the 2000s when they caused huge controversies around the net for normal users eyes.

>I may store them offline and have them on standby when thy disappear from the net.
/endpone/, where your brony archives end up remaining in the underground.

Anon 01/09/2019 (Wed) 06:07:56 [Preview] No.3181 del
>This thread cannot be created on /mlp/ though.
No it couldn't. Certain sites you could not talk about at all and file type and size limit. Not to mention the simple dynamic and culture could get touchy and easily derail the threads with certain topics. This existence of this thread maybe something that could only exist here, as many others would censor certain aspects or at least get very touchy if it went to certain places.

>this could predict some patterns when gen 5 happens or certain requested fan content
That is exactly one what I am thinking. I want to record not just events, but prospective and discourse (when possible).

>something tells me that you are going to reveal attitudes coming from Tumblr around 2015 and the events around Molestia.
With what I briefly skimmed through was positive so far, as in they considered the fandom to be a force against traditional masculine norms. Later papers I bet will be more critical, at least with the way I see progressive media portraying us as a questionable cultural force that they group with their enemies to varying degrees (something else I'll gather and post here at somepoint).

Anon 01/09/2019 (Wed) 06:27:16 [Preview] No.3182 del
>well, it will get defined as time passes. I didn´t know what the personal project was until I turned it into a thread for discussing greens created in my mind. One will see its evolution and far from racing through, it´s more about finding what you want to compile in it.
I was thinking of your personal project when making this, as this, while a different subject, could count as my personal project. At least in the sort term establishing phase.

>so, does that mean that you have archives from the old chans or information from deleted MLP sites (besides the Wikis)?
Yes. I have some. Though the records are scattered and incomplete because only with the last couple of years I've really been saving stuff. I did get some key events (formation of /mlpol/, death of a chan that I'll post later), but missed others. In fact. Getchan, a site that split off of ponychan and later absorbed Lunachan has just recently died and merged into bunkerchan, a 8chan leftypol bunker. So I missed one as the old site is offline. I do have a few screenshots I believe from a couple of years ago when I was trying to track down a certain jedi...

>do you mean tracking down old fans that left the ride long ago like that programmer with his unfinished game?
Tracking down those that have unfinished projects and those who may have files or more info at the very least.

Anon 01/09/2019 (Wed) 06:53:01 [Preview] No.3183 del
>that probably explains why there is a slight increase in NSFW content on Derpi. If that happened, the influx would come right at the middle of the ride, meaning that a good proportion of them have stayed while others jumped off the bandwagon around 2014-15.
One of the things that actually started me looking around was trying to access the presence of furries within the fandom and whether I was wrong to consider us completely seperate from them. 20 percent seems to be he magic number, and has been reflected in everything from various "scientific" polling and a relatively recent EQA poll that number held. For this there sure is a surprising lack of anthro and furry content in the derpibooru tags compared to what I'd expect from the remarkably consistent 20% mark. Part of me thinks this could be because bronies who are into the furry side of things may hangout on furry sites, another part maybe that some who consider being part of the fandom means they are a furry because some consider it a subset. Still, Derpibooru is a pillar and with a number that high I'd expect to be at least somewhat higher. This will warrent further investigation though it may require to at least peaking at some unpleasant places

>it´s almost like those researchers could have come from KnowYourMeme or an internet phenomena site.
I don't give too much credence to the individual studies. I find it hard to think that they'd get a full picture of the fandom do to more anti social chan side being less likely to participate and this being a internet fandom meaning the bronycon social side being overrepresented, though I do not fully discount the data as it could still reveal trends. Heck, maybe I'll be proven wrong as I go through it all.

>/endpone/, where your brony archives end up remaining in the underground.
That's were this could become. The underground fandom archive. Underground Library has a nice ring to it actually.

Anon 01/12/2019 (Sat) 01:53:58 [Preview] No.3193 del
>20 percent seems to be he magic number,
No shouldn't it be all of us. We are all furries and you're just a secondary subset.

>For this there sure is a surprising lack of anthro and furry content in the derpibooru tags
Haven't most bronies moved to furry sites now?

Anon 01/13/2019 (Sun) 03:42:46 [Preview] No.3199 del
>No shouldn't it be all of us. We are all furries and you're just a secondary subset.
Calling us a subset feels wrong as there are many who are exclusively into pony and don't have any interest with the furry fandom and on the chan side often outright hostility From what I see most of the fandom is that state. We also didn't have any of the same gatekeepers with most of internet organizing arising from 4chan users. On the conside that may hold a little more true as I know of some who where heavily connected to the furry fandom who were involved in that, (at least with bronycon), but even then I'm not sure how reflective it would be of the whole. The attitudes online in ponysites themselves have usually been no, with sometimes varying hints distaste. But I'll have to really look around to gage the feel and see if it was only the places I lurk as a opposed to the fandom attitude as a whole.

>Haven't most bronies moved to furry sites now?
I don't know the presence of the fandom on the brony sites but I can say that we have a fair bit websites that are active. /mlp/, Fimfiction, Derpibooru, and Equestria daily being the heart of the fandom and I would think it be foolish to think that there was more bronies on furry sites than there.

Anon 01/13/2019 (Sun) 03:51:28 [Preview] No.3201 del
>on brony sites
*meant on furry sites.

Anon 01/14/2019 (Mon) 16:55:32 [Preview] No.3213 del
>20 percent seems to be he magic number
Ever heard of Pareto distribution?

Anon 01/14/2019 (Mon) 21:22:25 [Preview] No.3217 del
>In fact. Getchan, a site that split off of ponychan and later absorbed Lunachan has just recently died and merged into bunkerchan, a 8chan leftypol bunker.
Oh. That's a bit sad. Never really visited them 'cept for one or two singular visits, but it's always a shame to see those underground altchans die. Even though community centralisation is probably beneficial, seeing it happen invokes opposite feeling for me.

Anon 01/14/2019 (Mon) 22:11:38 [Preview] No.3219 del
>Certain sites you could not talk about at all and file type and size limit.
the BO doesn´t approve. How the hell cannot you say anything about the file size? There are files that take up over 4MB that cannot be posted on /Mlp/ and because of that, you have to compress them on purpose in order to post the pic you want.

>the simple dynamic and culture could get touchy and easily derail the threads with certain topics.
dammit. We have derailed thread onto politics territory. I guess that sign is because of how users cannot handle certain taboos or what they call these days: trigger warnings.

>This existence of this thread maybe something that could only exist here, as many others would censor certain aspects or at least get very touchy if it went to certain places.
yeah, especially starting the thread with the furry topic in which a huge proportion of /mlp/ would jump onto it and shitpost the first thing lines that this is autistic or whatever. Not to mention that mods delete any off topic thread in very few minutes and you can barely do anything outside the usual generals and shitposting threads.

>I want to record not just events, but prospective and discourse (when possible).
well, sometimes one has to go full meta and detect the actual roots that drive this fanbase to keep this pace for 9 years. Gen 5 will most likely result as a fun experiment to witness.

>they considered the fandom to be a force against traditional masculine norms.
hence the love and tolerance meme that was so popular in the early years. Only Tumblr users found that line as an unironic statement until they dropped the show off because it didn´t accomplish all those beliefs.

>I see progressive media portraying us as a questionable cultural force that they group with their enemies to varying degrees
yeah, the CNN headline for example with the line coming from Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep or the association with the alt-right after episodes like The Cutie Map or Brotherhoooves Social happened.

>this, while a different subject, could count as my personal project. At least in the sort term establishing phase.
yeah. My project has evolved in the end into writing greens and experimenting the narrative styles. From meta to full fics. That personal project of mine finally translated into a fanfic and fortunately, it´s there and I certainly regret a bit those first posts that could induce cringe to some extent. I suppose you will find the path for this personal project of yours.

>Getchan, a site that split off of ponychan and later absorbed Lunachan has just recently died and merged into bunkerchan, a 8chan leftypol bunker. So I missed one as the old site is offline.
basically like >>3217 said, it´s kind of disheartening how one cannot find its place and has to merge with unrelated alt chans to keep that spirit but with a very different cover.

>those that have unfinished projects and those who may have files or more info at the very least.
yeah, those are the ones that bring some interesting stuff or are worth to investigate material related to the fanbase.

Anon 01/14/2019 (Mon) 22:26:30 [Preview] No.3220 del
>20 percent seems to be he magic number, and has been reflected in everything from various "scientific" polling and a relatively recent EQA poll that number held.
20%? are you sure about using it as the standard?
>there sure is a surprising lack of anthro and furry content in the derpibooru tags compared to what I'd expect from the remarkably consistent 20% mark
if we take into account that there are around 1.9 million of images on Derpi, the tags that involve explicitly the furry content, seems to equal around a 9% of the total pony content. However, that´s relatively speaking but the numbers of the anthro tag alone beats several NSFW material from several franchises around there.

>this could be because bronies who are into the furry side of things may hangout on furry sites, another part maybe that some who consider being part of the fandom means they are a furry because some consider it a subset.
>We are all furries and you're just a secondary subset.
>Haven't most bronies moved to furry sites now?
in case that you didn´t know, Furaffinity accepted the brony tag. It literally puts the brony content next to its original material. In fact, it serves after the Tumblr fiasco with the NSFW material as an alternative to post that content. There are like 242k pony images around there.

also see, >>3199. Ponyfags may not have any interest in furry content by itself unless it comes from the franchise. Not to mention that some outsiders or superficial fans don´t want to enter into the "dark side" at all.

>Underground Library has a nice ring to it actually.
well, Twilight is already in the OP image...so it fits.

Anon 01/14/2019 (Mon) 22:36:52 [Preview] No.3221 del
>The attitudes online in ponysites themselves have usually been no, with sometimes varying hints distaste
wasn´t there a poll in which the "No" option won as for being considered as furries in EQD?
That part of the fanbase tend to reject more the furry content than the 4chan users (despite the latter showing a lot of distaste most of the times)

>/mlp/, Fimfiction, Derpibooru, and Equestria daily being the heart of the fandom and I would think it be foolish to think that there was more bronies on furry sites than there.

eeeyup, basically those. Even if you want to put furaffinity as a furry site, it stays as a secondary site for linking the images to Derpi along with Deviantart and Tumblr.

>I don't know the presence of the fandom on the furry sites
me neither, save the /trash/ board in which pony content got its place as well on it in the end.

>Even though community centralisation is probably beneficial, seeing it happen invokes opposite feeling for me.
Sometimes that centralization is for the best and have a chance to attract popular boards from that chan. However, it loses its identity after merging to a place in which you don´t fit at all and end up staying as a forgotten attempt to revive the old traditions or vibes that you were used to seeing.

Anon 01/14/2019 (Mon) 23:56:44 [Preview] No.3227 del
(622.40 KB 780x1000 1538944110711.png)
>There are files that take up over 4MB that cannot be posted on /Mlp/ and because of that, you have to compress them on purpose in order to post the pic you want.
Pushing my arithmetic encoding jpeg gospel agenda to the extreme and almost obnoxious, little fun fact, there actually were some files as big as 800MB (that's right, megabytes) that you could post on 4chan.
You see, when uploading a JPEG on 4chan, it strips its exif data (for security purposes), but not only that. It also undoes progressive scan and arithmetic encoding. (Scroll through your saved-from-4chan jpegs and you'll see that they all are baseline JPEGs with Huffman coding). By carefully crafted jpeg image, one could upload 800 byte file that got expanded into 800MB beast by 4chan.
But it seems like they fixed that hole.

Jake Paul 01/15/2019 (Tue) 00:30:44 [Preview] No.3229 del
(249.05 KB 442x599 442px-Jake_Paul_2016.png)
>Ever heard of Pareto distribution?
I've always heard that applied to wealth, but I guess that can apply to faggotry as well! It makes sense doesn't it? Why you guys both have some rather eponymous cringe and lolcows while also being usually hated a little less than furries and sometimes tolerated in places where furries are not.

at least it didn't die in a massive civil war

>Sit back and get /confy/
Maybe I will if this thread becomes a massive collection of brony lore

Anon 01/15/2019 (Tue) 22:27:08 [Preview] No.3230 del
>I've always heard that applied to wealth, but I guess that can apply to faggotry as well! It makes sense doesn't it?
I don't know, that was just a sciolistic remark

Anon 01/19/2019 (Sat) 07:30:43 [Preview] No.3270 del
>20%? are you sure about using it as the standard?
Well, considering the fact that most of the data I would be skeptical considering an internet subculture is something hard and nebulous to measure . I do find it interesting that two unrelated (well I think they are unrelated, as the state of th herd site hasn't not posted past 2014 and the bronystudy site is only more recent stuff) organizations coming up with the same number and th EqD poll coming up with 20% who consider bronies to be furries as well. Though easily some of that 28% of the 'I Have No Idea" option could be furries who participate in the fandom but are not sure if that should be considered distinct interest or not it still is a basic pattern that held from 4 years (2014 to 2018). Probably best to not let such research be the final answer of course but I find it interesting at the very least.

>a 9% of the total pony content. However, that´s relatively speaking but the numbers of the anthro tag alone beats several NSFW material from several franchises around there.
True, but from some of the talk and attitude I was starting to see from some circles that made me ask that question in th first place I would've expected it to be higher.

> Furaffinity accepted the brony tag. It literally puts the brony content next to its original material. In fact, it serves after the Tumblr fiasco with the NSFW material as an alternative to post that content. There are like 242k pony images around there.
I figured if they had a tag system they would have a "brony" or "mlp" tag. Didn't know exact stats because I've only been there twice that I can recall of the top of my head. I was planing to search there and other furry sites at a later stage.

>dammit. We have derailed thread onto politics territory. I guess that sign is because of how users cannot handle certain taboos or what they call these days: trigger warnings.
Yeah. Though I didn't just mean SWJs but I could see if hosted on a larger place there be certain events that would be discusable do to both sensitivity and risk of turning into a hate thread Princess Molestia drama, certain admid of a site who was controversial, etc . Looking back at >>3148 I think I may have worded the no drama rule a little to strongly, but I was just trying t think ahead by the simple fact that if I autistically archive the histories of dozens of parts of the fandom there is a fair chance it could get linked elsewhere.

>well, sometimes one has to go full meta and detect the actual roots that drive this fanbase to keep this pace for 9 years. Gen 5 will most likely result as a fun experiment to witness.
Exactly. Maybe some interesting things will be uncovered? Comparing the early and possible sort years of gen5 to gen4 could yield some interesting themes.

Anon 01/19/2019 (Sat) 07:45:08 [Preview] No.3271 del
(560.64 KB 900x2700 Ponychan_Offshoots.png)
Yeah. Didn't visit much there either most of when I did was when it was a wasteland.

>Even though community centralisation is probably beneficial, seeing it happen invokes opposite feeling for me.
I'm actually not sure. I think there could be some risk of joining chans especially there'd be some anons who hated certain ascepts of the culture ( like the headache /ef/ caused ponychan, especially since it just became their lax rules board with just more lax rules). Though I don't know the culture of bunkerchan I do wonder if some hardcore anons may object to certain visitors and such if getchan goes anywhere at all

Anon 01/19/2019 (Sat) 07:50:43 [Preview] No.3272 del
Well I wish I had know about that before.

Anon 01/19/2019 (Sat) 10:21:35 [Preview] No.3274 del
do bronies go back this far?

Anon 01/19/2019 (Sat) 17:24:51 [Preview] No.3275 del
alright, the poster you have used over here is from 1986.
Asking that if bronies have interest in previous generations of MLP, my answer is no.

Fans have checked if they liked any of the previous installments of the franchises and the results are mostly negative to somewhat mixed, maybe Bridgefag (aka the creator of this thread) can show a poll from EQD to back this statement. For the fanbase in general, it serves as an historical archive that one visits out of curiosity or make a review or two about those gens.

Gen 1 is certainly the most interesting to talk about relatively speaking because it introduced character (or at least names) like Spike, Applejack, the Smooze (which appears in that poster by the way), Tirek and the seaponies.

I am mentioning these because they were revived and reused in generation 4, so they have become memorable or elemental parts of the franchise (in terms of canon) and for the fanbase. I´ve heard and seen a few clips that are somewhat dark like ponies transforming into dragons so one could imply that gen 4 is inspired from the 1st for the most part.

I cannot talk much about gen 2 because the timeline about its cartoon and toy line is somewhat confusing. So I will say that it has that tag because of a new of wave of toys.

As for gen 3 however, while it´s true that it introduced names like Rainbow Dash and Rarity, they have nothing in common save the name. That gen is what you can perfectly describe as girly as hell. This is the gen most outsiders would imagine when they think about MLP. The 2000s also brought a few cheap games just to promote the toyline but for the most part, no one cared.

As for gen 3.5, it had a pretty limited budget and it´s like the Velvet Underground with its last record, it´s seen as a taboo gen that made the franchise turn into ashes until the phoenix came in 2010.

2010 is definitely the year zero of this franchise and the internet phenomena that made this franchise so popular and why we are all here. The artstyle is what definitely sold the image and then, surprising all the strangers that it is decently cohesive and give a punch in the table to the industry.

Gen 1 only has 12644 images on Derpi, gen 2 is way less popular:only 719 pictures. Gen 3 rounds the 6000 mark and gen 3.5 has 1199 right now.


While it´s not fair to use Derpibooru as the golden standard for everything, it does give you a clear a idea where the community goes.

Anon 01/19/2019 (Sat) 17:45:32 [Preview] No.3276 del
so basically, if you asked a brony if he has interest on previous gens, a very small percentage of it will answer that they have interest on those gens. Maybe gen 1 has gained some relevancy and influence because of the additions that would get revived in gen 4....but that implies that gen 4 is what brings its interest in the first place.

Sure, there may be a few threads or little spaces dedicated about them in forums (MLP forums or Derpibooru) but that´s it. In fact, there are fans that try to reimagine the previous generations with the gen 4 artstyle. So it basically means that gen 4 is in fact, the standard for (in for not all) 95% of it at least. There could be all time fans dedicated to the toys, so the animation and quality of the cartoon itself, doesn´t hold much value for that kind of fan.

Previous gens serve like the 1st David Bowie album that no one listens to, for archival purposes, ideas that weren´t exploited properly or simply serve for documentaries and see the evolution of the franchise more than enjoyment coming by itself (especially in the 2000s where it get ridiculous).

I personally knew about the existence of it but never considered it too seriously. I only have checked the previous generations for funny reviews in Youtube,check its origins and how the characters were translated from there to gen 4.

I would say that there are more pictures about the IDW comics than entire generations and that EQG has way more popularity and content than the three previous decades combined.

My answer is no. I personally don´t go that far unless it´s translated to gen 4 or gen 5. As far as I am concerned, the franchise actually starts in 2010 and I would bet that gen 5 will have more content that any of gens in a matter of months (maybe weeks if it has tons of hype and fandom went for it completely). Hasbro can absolutely fuck it up but the biggest income and rivers of money have come from this decade......for very, very good reasons.

Almost nobody mentions MLP (in the fandom at least) referring to those gens save this one.

Anon 01/20/2019 (Sun) 06:59:51 [Preview] No.3283 del
I'm going to be mainly backing my fellow anon's answer though I have some to add. Yes, basically the majority of the fandom's interest lies with the current gen. Most fans dislike th previous gens to varying degrees. Gen 1 is the most respected of the older gens from what I'v personally see do to the lore it brings to the table and the fact it got the ball rolling. Though many still laugh at it "eighties-toy-ness" I have seen a few actually like it and be impressed slightly (gen 1 tirek threating to make heads roll being one such interests). Still, usually gen1 is not directly used in fanworks itself sans some crossover fanfiction usually involving time travel. (Though as it has been said, often many will take elements and make a gen4 version of it)
Gen 3 is next, but is usually more laughed at and memed ironically. Gen 2 is disliked when it is brought up, but it is the most obscure of them. Gen 3.5 is the most hated and is 100% ironic and or nightmare fuel in portrayal.

If you're talking about if the Adult fandom predates the current gen it should be noted there was an adult online fandom that existed before th current gen. It was a mix of people who had grown up with the franchise and a few pure toy collectors with less personal connections. Interestingly I did see one commenter on a website years ago claim that the term "brony" predated the current fandom and that him and a few others were the "true" bronies; I have found a some males who were part of pregen 4 online communities or enthusiast groups but never the term "brony" so far. There is some people who did hope over to the current fandom who were from there, and who do sometimes fully participate while still showing more love to the previous gens, but I haven't commonly encountered it. So technically no, but from the perspective of someone from this older more traditional fandom it could be more complicated.

> Fans have checked if they liked any of the previous installments of the franchises and the results are mostly negative to somewhat mixed, maybe Bridgefag (aka the creator of this thread) can show a poll from EQD to back this statement.
I'll have to look but I do have pic related from the perhaps most cringy 2012 state of the herd report.

Anon 01/26/2019 (Sat) 23:20:02 [Preview] No.3305 del
>I do find it interesting that two unrelated (well I think they are unrelated, as the state of th herd site hasn't not posted past 2014 and the bronystudy site is only more recent stuff) organizations coming up with the same number and th EqD poll coming up with 20% who consider bronies to be furries as well
that explains why you set that number as the "official" number for this topic. Although I mostly think that this can be considered as a coincidence. So the reason behind to claim it as a truth to establish a revision is not all that solid even though the studies are what they historically show about it.

>some of that 28% of the 'I Have No Idea" option could be furries who participate in the fandom but are not sure if that should be considered distinct interest or not it still is a basic pattern that held from 4 years (2014 to 2018).
or basically bronies that enjoy anthro material but cannot be sure if they like other things. Not to mention that the internet terms keep varying over time and with its use as well. It´s like putting tags to music, one cannot guess which gender of music that song is or what is the strict line that defines the concept (in theory). That EQD gives a middle of the road option that might be coming from furries to the core or people that basically don´t have this mindset of division and just enjoy what their minds do.

As you said, we´ll never have the final answer to it by just looking at this.

>I was starting to see from some circles that made me ask that question in th first place I would've expected it to be higher.
I won´t deny that there is a public for it. However, just because they get a good amount of upvotes, it doesn´t mean all the fans enjoy that kind of specific material. For example, there are people who dislike the 3d anthro models because they are basically humans with pony faces yet they qualify as anthro. Others do not like grotesque content and that implies anthro most of the time. A good portion of the fanbase may not care at all about the NSFW content and just put the safe mode all the time. It gives you an illusion that by having successful pics compared to SFW implies that all the material is like that (cause and effect) when NSFW doesn´t hold a consistent line, much less when anthro doesn´t have its rules written.

>I was planing to search there and other furry sites at a later stage.
well, it would be nice to figure it out what lead them to add the brony term into the description of the core site.

Anon 01/26/2019 (Sat) 23:28:55 [Preview] No.3306 del
>I think I may have worded the no drama rule a little to strongly, but I was just trying t think ahead by the simple fact that if I autistically archive the histories of dozens of parts of the fandom there is a fair chance it could get linked elsewhere.
fair enough. That rule is basically just to prevent that any anon goes and posts in a thread: "Hey, this faggot is compiling stuff of the fandom. What an autist". Honestly, it wouldn´t surprise me that much but considering that the interest is in an all time low, I suppose something like this does a better job than doing nothing and bitch about others all the time. I haven´t seen the word autist all the much lately. Either it´s because I am not looking into it too hard or it´s because the fans have accepted that taking part in community that shouldn´t have existed feels wrong in the first place but in the end, one does not care.

I don´t know. I suppose like I did last year, one has to take a step forward that looks scary at first but then, it all relies on the author or messenger intentions.

>Some interesting things will be uncovered? Comparing the early and possible sort years of gen5 to gen4 could yield some interesting themes.
question of the year. I need a crystal ball for that. I can certainly say that gen 5 will be more equally observed with similar eyes that gen 4 did....mostly because the fanbase exists and the previous decades before this, it wasn´t there.

Anon 01/26/2019 (Sat) 23:44:07 [Preview] No.3307 del
well, this post just sums up perfectly the rollercoaster of MLP in general.

>I'll have to look but I do have pic related from the perhaps most cringy 2012 state of the herd report.
I think this serves for its purpose considering that it was created at the time when the explosion was happening.The only change that would happen (I am implying without having any recent poll in my mind), is that there could be a bigger percentage of fans having more tolerance to previous gens (a slight increase about gen 1 for the most part).

As for the rest, an updated poll would basically reaffirm the same answer despite gen 4 facing a lot of change in it.

>there actually were some files as big as 800MB (that's right, megabytes) that you could post on 4chan.
BIG LMAO. Incredible (uploading that insane size in a random thread doesn´t seem a very smart move considering that the internet speed around that time though)

>It also undoes progressive scan and arithmetic encoding. (Scroll through your saved-from-4chan jpegs and you'll see that they all are baseline JPEGs with Huffman coding). By carefully crafted jpeg image, one could upload 800 byte file that got expanded into 800MB beast by 4chan.
huh very interesting.

Funniest thing is that one user mentions that he would have fun by turning a 1MB image to a 1GB one.

>But it seems like they fixed that hole.
basically, putting a "no fun allowed" rule

Anon 01/30/2019 (Wed) 07:40:50 [Preview] No.3331 del
Alright, here is the first of several post to /go/ that I will be making over the coming weeks. They involve the initial notes on various subjects that will be checked on later, with open to contributions by others (if possible).

So, this website, I had run into it a few times over the years and never really given it much thought. I knew it was a mlp news website with a forum and booru that was more restrictive in rules but that's about it.
The news section didn't last very long (I think they closed in 2015) but the forum and booru lived on.
https://web.archive.org/web/20130206185534/http://www.roundstable.com/ (archive link, because at some point they deleted their news section)

The website is fairly interesting now that I've given it a look, if not a tiny bit strange. The website seems to be populated with tumblr types, more left of center than than the apolitical with left sympathies that I'd say be the average equestria daily user. There's social justice terminology thrown around (safe space, expanded genders beyond gay/bi/trans, you get the picture) and the political conversations I've seen so far much more left leaning with no right leaning opinions at all . I'm not really going to judge them on that, unless I see the type of bulling and competitive fake virtue singling that such communities can often breed . It's fine if they have there own little space, especially if otherwise they'd feel uncomfortable at some of the main sites (and or try to change their dynamic in an undesirable way). This isn't the strange part however.

The main thing that seems a little strange to me was the extremely restrictive rules of the booru. They have a no non canon shipping rule on their booru. I thought it seemed a little excessive even for sfw and the only reason I could think it be there would be there would be because of social conservatives trying to block gay ships. Considering the left leaning bend with an LGBT presence this left me scratching my head. I wondered if they had been an more apolitical or right wing bunch who has shifted over the years or something but there's a gender and sexual minorities pride thread from 2012.
By the way, the booru has post dating back to 2011.

So, doesn't it seem a little insane that the they couldn't post any gay shippings to the booru at all till recently with the confirmations of a few characters? Seems it would be a dampener on the LBGT side of things, and they technically could only post lesbian ships at that. I did find this rule being violated frequently but it's still in the rules and the fact that they seem to be unsure about whether a pair of characters in a vector lifted from the show counted as a violation back in 2018 shows they must still enforce it partly or something...

Anon 01/30/2019 (Wed) 08:01:07 [Preview] No.3332 del
Other notes:

Their rules seem what I would expect of a moderately restrictive left community with the only thing I see being weird is the rule regarding the use of somepony/everypony being seen as disrespecting to humans or something. Wonder why they'd explicitly state that and what caused them to do so.

Also, it is fairly active in an era of discord and social media. Not the most happening place and some parts clearly are inactive but it is still getting daily posts and the booru has frequent uploads. Not a lot of smaller web fourms can claim that nowadays in this era.

Anyways I will be investigating further (and if anypony else has any info, that'd be nice!) Just out of a desire both to chronicle it's existence and out of sheer curiosity. Though it is not a high priority. Isn't the weirdest thing out there but those rules did leave me with my head scratching and it's interesting that it hasn't dissipated or died by this point. (Just look at the ponyville or friendship is magic forums) And I honestly do wounder about the dynamic there and it's history, especially why they'd keep the no noncannon shipping rule.

Anon 01/30/2019 (Wed) 22:26:15 [Preview] No.3337 del
>there's social justice terminology thrown around (safe space, expanded genders beyond gay/bi/trans, you get the picture) and the political conversations I've seen so far much more left leaning with no right leaning opinions at all . I'm not really going to judge them on that,

I think you have delivered a pretty good answer by yourself:
>"it's fine if they have there own little space, especially if otherwise they'd feel uncomfortable at some of the main sites (and or try to change their dynamic in an undesirable way)."

which I agree. Ideologies may be varied and if they want to stay away from any outsider zone, that´s fine. They create that space for themselves and just for themselves so threads don´t get derailed or too out of hand.

As a mod back there in Nextchan, I totally get why they implement certain rules for themselves in order to carry it properly. Understandable. Furthermore, we are talking about a forum, not an imageboard so that implies more order and rules by nature.

>The main thing that seems a little strange to me was the extremely restrictive rules of the booru.
here it comes the good part. Let´s check them.

>They have a no non canon shipping rule on their booru.
Sorry...did I read this line correctly? WHAT? Seriously? I mean, ships may be autistic or may have induced to mindlessly stupid ship wars in the past but nowadays, people do it for fun or they want to play with a subtle implication and bring romance onto the table just because (insert any random reason over her)

most of them are implied because of a little gesture or charming moment and fans milk that moment because they feel like doing so. R.I.P the lesbian and hhh threads of /mlp/. Banning that image of Silver Stream hugging Gallus when it appeared on What Lies Beneath...and what about about ships between OCs?

honestly, no comments. It restricts freedom and most importantly, fun. Those ships are not going to happen, so what´s the problem? Fooling the newest fans because of those pictures? Put a little comment as soon as that user ask about it or feels confused. Sue, shipping content doesn´t come with huge amount of good content. However, MLP is one of those franchise that delivers something worth to praise even if you don´t support the ship by itself.

>I thought it seemed a little excessive even for sfw and the only reason I could think it be there would be there would be because of social conservatives trying to block gay ships
and even conservatives, who are shown in the propaganda as the most intolerant group in this topic, while a few look down, mock or simply make jokes about gays and stuff.....they let them do whatever things they want on their own.

If that was the revenge, it would be pretty stupid to justify it with that route . The logical answer would have been showing more pride or reinforcement, not by blocking your own zone and containing your form to express yourself.

I suppose that would break their own safe spaces....

Anon 01/30/2019 (Wed) 23:06:34 [Preview] No.3338 del
(1.22 MB 916x1527 1691132.png)
now, after seeing this thread, I can see why you suspect this forum was created with that purpose in mind......and it´s still stupid that I cannot understand.

about that thread, it´s obvious that it came from the era of 2008-14 where the progressive views were gaining traction and popularity.

>doesn't it seem a little insane that the they couldn't post any gay shippings to the booru at all till recently with the confirmations of a few characters?
do I find it a logical reason behind it? Absolutely not. Well,I DO have a little aspect that could justify. Where are the servers located? I suspect that this could be running on Russia and let me say that this country hasn´t been really LGBT friendly to be honest. In fact, some hate crimes were reported during this decade despite its legalization since 1993. I would start by checking the country where this works because while users may have been posting fro USA or western countries, the owners may not be that tolerant with it.

Otherwise, I wouldn´t know how to answer that incoherence.

>they technically could only post lesbian ships at that. I did find this rule being violated frequently but it's still in the rules and the fact that they seem to be unsure about whether a pair of characters in a vector lifted from the show counted as a violation back in 2018 shows they must still enforce it partly or something...
they´d better not read the poisonous fic about Party Favor and Double Diamond...

Well, they have let lesbian couples. I suppose it´s better late than never and a big achievement ....to a problem that any other part of the fandom included and didn´t spend a single neuron about that topic in the first place save /mlp/ drama and such but we all know that those shitshows barely come as a surprise

Anon 01/30/2019 (Wed) 23:29:44 [Preview] No.3339 del
(210.27 KB 1007x966 1164136.jpg)
>the only thing I see being weird is the rule regarding the use of somepony/everypony being seen as disrespecting to humans or something
no fun allowed.jpg
I thought part of the brony community was about inventing a bronyspeak for random reasons. Those are expressions that are even used in the show (and while everycreature doesn´t work and it´s criticized a lot, /mlp/ has managed to meme about it in the 4CC).

>Wonder why they'd explicitly state that and what caused them to do so.
I don´t have the explanation of that decision in my power. In fact, I am still processing why someone would enforce that shipping prohibition in the first place considering how internet fandoms work.

>it is fairly active in an era of discord and social media.
well, almost 45k posts around there with 446 users in its peak of activity in this last November. Not bad numbers for an isolated place of this fandom.

>those rules did leave me with my head scratching and it's interesting that it hasn't dissipated or died by this point. (Just look at the ponyville or friendship is magic forums) And I honestly do wounder about the dynamic there and it's history, especially why they'd keep the no noncannon shipping rule.
same. Like I said, I am pretty confused about what bothers you as well. What´s its appeal? Their safe spaces I guess. The show discussion thread about season 8 has less posts than /endpone/ ironically enough. So one would have to check the most active side in order to jump into conclusions.

aaand the quads were used for checking the rules of this site. Using links of pictures instead of posting a few....

even in countries like India and the Pacific islands have a pretty good bandwidth these days and it´s pretty easy to convert one png image to a jpeg like the BO said in the edit thread before posting it. In a thread that delivers 35 posts per page, as long as users don´t upload more than 5 images for each post of 10 MB, I highly doubt it saturates the connection.


Anon 02/01/2019 (Fri) 07:45:57 [Preview] No.3348 del
>fair enough. That rule is basically just to prevent that any anon goes and posts in a thread: "Hey, this faggot is compiling stuff of the fandom. What an autist".
The rule also was to dissuaded the idea that this would be som kind of /cow/ or discussion of every little bit of juicy drama going on in th fandom. Though some of that, perhaps a lot of it, I wouldn't call irrelevant, my thoughts were of people just wanting to contribute to start stuff. X poster is a beta cuck! You get the picture.

>I think this serves for its purpose considering that it was created at the time when the explosion was happening.The only change that would happen (I am implying without having any recent poll in my mind), is that there could be a bigger percentage of fans having more tolerance to previous gens (a slight increase about gen 1 for the most part).
>As for the rest, an updated poll would basically reaffirm the same answer despite gen 4 facing a lot of change in it.
That's basically want I'd expect.

>that explains why you set that number as the "official" number for this topic. Although I mostly think that this can be considered as a coincidence. So the reason behind to claim it as a truth to establish a revision is not all that solid even though the studies are what they historically show about it.
Considering I've said that I distrust all statics attempts to try to measure a nebulous and fluid online fandom, agreed. But it's just interesting how it showed up as a pattern that holds in a way.

>well, it would be nice to figure it out what lead them to add the brony term into the description of the core site.
Though it will take me awhile to gather stuff before I decide to make a post about it, and I still have to investigate further. I think I've found some interesting stuff relating to some hostility on the furry to bronies.

Anon 02/01/2019 (Fri) 08:01:59 [Preview] No.3349 del
(177.29 KB 658x487 contraband?.png)
I don´t have the explanation of that decision in my power. In fact, I am still processing why someone would enforce that shipping prohibition in the first place considering how internet fandoms work.
It's just weird. I mean I wouldn't think too much of the site if it wasn't for that rule and some smaller confusion on how they conduct themselves.
Post from 2017 proudly linking gay shipping from the booru.
Yet this discussion from 2018 suggests the anti non canon ship rule is still has some notion of being enforced and they have strict definitions. It doesn't make sense!

> well, almost 45k posts around there with 446 users in its peak of activity in this last November. Not bad numbers for an isolated place of this fandom.
Most webforums I see now that aren't part of some particular niches are usually have peek activities from years ago, so that is quite significant to me.

Anon 02/01/2019 (Fri) 08:06:42 [Preview] No.3350 del
(156.76 KB 1280x813 1833548.png)
So... I messed up big time.

>even in countries like India and the Pacific islands have a pretty good bandwidth these days and it´s pretty easy to convert one png image to a jpeg like the BO said in the edit thread before posting it.
No, it wasn't do to bandwidth. I just forgot. I didn't even notice I had gotten it till you pointed it out... so it's just plan retardation there fam.

Anon 02/02/2019 (Sat) 07:01:21 [Preview] No.3357 del
I have spent the fair portion of the night searching for two Eqd alternatives that existed cira 2013 or 14. One was called, if I remember it right, Discord Daily. It was a group of people who formed there own hangout from Equestria Daily after EqD became more restrictive in comment threads being on topic (or something like that, almost 4 years since I've visited there at least.) And it was a focus of the site. The site did however sometimes report on news and feature fanfiction on its own. I used to visit there fairly often but just got out of habit, though I only usually lurked and only commented once or twice. I think the site was hosted on blogspot but I have no memories of the address, or whether if they had there own full domain. I just know that that searching for discord post the rise of the app anywhere is hasn't been easy.

The other is a website that was Canterlot themed and was trying to a better EqD on a more restrictive end of the spectrum. Only checked it a few times long ago (2013?) only brightside for this one is that I at least remember it being linked on fimfiction a couple of times so a link should be still be there, I just have to dig. I would be surprised if either is active (and maybe not even online) but just mentioning it on the off chance one of y'all ever knew of either of them.

On a happier note. I was surprised to see the once dead and completely offline equestria gaming has apperently been brought back. (Even if there is not too much going on). This is a site a visited a lot 2012 2014 era also and it brings a little nostalgia to me to see it alive. Since I haven't visited it in years.

Anon 02/02/2019 (Sat) 07:31:55 [Preview] No.3358 del
Found a really old fragment of EqD.
At least that what it looks like.

Anon 02/02/2019 (Sat) 21:54:11 [Preview] No.3362 del
(214.18 KB 1280x813 I_AN_EXPERT_EDITOR.png)
Welp. Having little luck so far. Discord Daily is too vague. I've checked blogspot, web archive albeit not fully knowing if there is some advanced search secrets I do not know because retarded searching for it in filters and year range dosn't yield much either.

Even without discord, I get all kind of results either relating to equestria daily, mlp in general, or this satirical news blog.

Site by site searching didn't do it either, though I remember site using the old intense debate comment system. Though I didn't find much doing a site search for it. They split off from EqD. Intense debate has unified comment accounts so it stances to reason that somewhere the comments to the site are recorded there even if the sites down. If I could find the enforcement actions on EqD that caused the split that would be helpful. I also acknowledge that I may have misremember the name...

These profiles take a long time to search through. Note: this is the account of the old horse news reporter.

I have found other things searching through, a lot of which maybe relevant to /go/ so I wouldn't call it a total waste of time.

Anon 02/03/2019 (Sun) 00:39:21 [Preview] No.3365 del
your latest posts seem to compile very interesting links and. two that have stuck with me the most are the fact that Equestria Gaming has updated itself twice recently and checking the old (even rare because whenever you click on something,the normal website does the process instead) design of Equestria Daily.

I will discuss them properly but as for now,I am mentioning those two highlights.

Anon 02/03/2019 (Sun) 02:48:02 [Preview] No.3367 del
>your latest posts seem to compile very interesting links
Funny enough I found several mlp related websites that I never heard of and one that I did but have little history on why that it exists and a couple of cornors that are surprisingly active that I have yet to link because I want to investigate around and my main focus at the time was looking for Discord Daily and it still is, now it bugs me

Anon 02/03/2019 (Sun) 22:55:31 [Preview] No.3369 del
(728.25 KB 917x2017 1549137264643.png)


Anon 02/03/2019 (Sun) 23:17:52 [Preview] No.3371 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=6zJcdCEpfDw [Embed]

I wish I were invited to the Sugarcube Corner instead.

Anon 02/04/2019 (Mon) 21:45:52 [Preview] No.3374 del
>was to dissuaded the idea that this would be som kind of /cow/ or discussion of every little bit of juicy drama going on in th fandom
>my thoughts were of people just wanting to contribute to start stuff. X poster is a beta cuck! You get the picture.
yeah, not getting into yellow press and getting into personal stuff. Just the events, ideas or concepts more than the messenger who usually gets shot most of the time.

>But it's just interesting how it showed up as a pattern that holds in a way.
a curiosity to take notes and put it as an observation.

>I think I've found some interesting stuff relating to some hostility on the furry to bronies.
you have mentioned it before I think. Bronies may act a bit more positive towards them but in reverse, it doesn´t keep that positive view.

>It's just weird. I mean I wouldn't think too much of the site if it wasn't for that rule and some smaller confusion on how they conduct themselves.
>Post from 2017 proudly linking gay shipping from the booru.
I certainly see that thread as a contemporary process. Desiring memes, content or whatever it´s related to any kind of ship just to break the rules. Either it´s for fun, for putting the middle finger to its absurd system, for attraction...

I think that behavior, for the OP at least, comes because of a restrictive situation and ironically, it hasn´t been deleted.

>Yet this discussion from 2018 suggests the anti non canon ship rule is still has some notion of being enforced and they have strict definitions. It doesn't make sense!
as if I can find and point out what kind of messed up logic they have. They have implemented fences to the field and they don´t keep a consistent word about their principals. It looks arbitrary and so confusing in that aspect that one could write a few paragraphs pointing out all the mistakes. If this was a more popular place (in an alternate timeline), you would have tons of drama and controversies about this topic.

>Most webforums I see now that aren't part of some particular niches are usually have peek activities from years ago, so that is quite significant to me.
probably because the fanbase still gets users but they join in alternative places? or is it because older fans migrate to these places and get bored of this? do the political views make that forum appealing?

>it wasn't do to bandwidth. I just forgot. I didn't even notice I had gotten it till you pointed it out... so it's just plan retardation there fam.
alright. That statement felt weird because... what country doesn´t have internet these days?


Anon 02/04/2019 (Mon) 22:10:15 [Preview] No.3375 del
>I have spent the fair portion of the night searching for two Eqd alternatives that existed cira 2013 or 14.
jesus anon. It´s almost like you follow the contrarian trend that Seth does. And you can tell the hours´ difference between these two posts. One word: Goddamn.

>my main focus at the time was looking for Discord Daily and it still is, now it bugs me
oh, that one. Well I suppose that you won´t get what you are looking for yet you find a few gems along the way.

>I found several mlp related websites that I never heard of and one that I did but have little history on why that it exists and a couple of cornors that are surprisingly active
rough diamonds that were hidden in order to rescue themwhat does it feel like I am describing this move as if this was the MLP movie?

>The site did however sometimes report on news and feature fanfiction on its own.
well, that strategy could have created a different trend/branch for the fanbase if those levels of popularity were kept for more years.

>I think the site was hosted on blogspot but I have no memories of the address, or whether if they had there own full domain. I just know that that searching for discord post the rise of the app anywhere is hasn't been easy.
gaming has ruined that word for that social media. Well, not only has ruined the word and I definitely empathize with that annoyance because all you will get are discussions about the app and not the independent site.

>The other is a website that was Canterlot themed and was trying to a better EqD on a more restrictive end of the spectrum.
>would be surprised if either is active (and maybe not even online) but just mentioning it on the off chance one of y'all ever knew of either of them.
I don´t know about it. I suppose these things happen because there are so many sites and copies to the successful blog that the intentions barely matter. It´s almost as if this board or /8pone/ or whatever, tries to copy /mlp/ and believes that it´s going to be successful because of just fixing the blueprint.

Anon 02/04/2019 (Mon) 22:34:29 [Preview] No.3376 del
>I was surprised to see the once dead and completely offline equestria gaming has apperently been brought back. (Even if there is not too much going on).Since I haven't visited it in years.
Well, that´s nice to see and if it hasn´t died yet, it´s definitely going to survive the end of this gen remaining active. Those two little updates (even if they are Let´s Play videos) bring a bit of hope.

Between the end of 2017 and the early months of 2018, it has stayed almost completely dead (with only 11 articles written in 2018). Cross the fingers if they get a bigger number for 2019.

>Found a really old fragment of EqD.
>At least that what it looks like.
I have thought about using this leftover banner with modified letters for a moment. The rest does appear in the original Equestria Daily but this one does not. So I suppose that´s the only "original feature" to come out that fragment.

Anon 02/04/2019 (Mon) 22:56:44 [Preview] No.3377 del

That face reminds of something....gee I wonder what pony could have influenced Twilight. I don´t blame her, that´s the face I would put as well if I found about the rule 34 of my identity.

>I get all kind of results either relating to equestria daily, mlp in general, or this satirical news blog.
Let´s see
hey kids! Do you know the purpose of globalization? Of course you know the answer. It´s just to spread the word of the villains, now with your own languages!

Truly a reference to get influenced by.

mixing politics with a satirical tone as you have said. Definitely not the most original idea, some of them are really projected and biased to exaggerate them. Not a big fan of these despite liking fun and politics but both things combined....don´t usually work all that much unless you are completely independent.

Moving onto the fanbase again...

>Intense debate has unified comment accounts so it stances to reason that somewhere the comments to the site are recorded there even if the sites down

I believe that EQD has recently posted an article about recovering those old comments because of those recordings in that system.

>These profiles take a long time to search through. Note: this is the account of the old horse news reporter.
Horse News? The web about /mlp/ related news?
well, there it goes my question. It never fails, also he mentions the bible in the last posts lmao.

Now, 239 weeks ago and about those season 4 comments, it hints that the separation happened around he start of season 4?

>a lot of which maybe relevant to /go/ so I wouldn't call it a total waste of time.
well, gathering info doesn´t make it a total waste of time. I say that until now, I wouldn´t have checked these sites like ever because they only offer a small proportion of impact about the fanbase when people just browse the main pillars all the time even Reddit increases its numbers over time and its own niche to keep themselves active without getting tired

Anon 02/04/2019 (Mon) 23:44:04 [Preview] No.3378 del
between this and The Stanley Parable, you cannot go wrong with copying him. The show gave him a 2nd chance for a reason: the jokes.

because he is the most basic of jokes

an expansion of Tails of Equestria. I wonder if they include the latest additions and lore of 2018.

I usually laugh at yahoo answers but for 2013, in the middle of the brony explosion, I find impressive that there were reasonable comments considering how annoying ponies were to outsiders. Who gave it a dislike? I am sure that person doesn´t like answers that require common sense.

Props to Sky. Thumbs up.

this site is literally the EQD of toys for MLP. Isn´t this site linked on EQD directly?

The peak of its forum was in April 2017 by the way.

Having said that, it has a very cool looking design.

eee 02/07/2019 (Thu) 02:49:36 [Preview] No.3403 del
>I certainly see that thread as a contemporary process. Desiring memes, content or whatever it´s related to any kind of ship just to break the rules. Either it´s for fun, for putting the middle finger to its absurd system, for attraction...
Weird thing is I do not see anything that prohibits shipping in the rules of there website. only in the booru.

>if this was a more popular place (in an alternate timeline), you would have tons of drama and controversies about this topic.
Oh, you bet it.

>alright. That statement felt weird because... what country doesn´t have internet these days?
There is a few very rural parts of the USA that only have dial up still. If I lived at my grandparents country place our fastest Internet there is by placing a small mobile network adapter on a pole to get internet that was faster than dial up and even then it wasn't that good. So it's not likely, but also not impossible for me.

>yeah, not getting into yellow press and getting into personal stuff. Just the events, ideas or concepts more than the messenger who usually gets shot most of the time.
pretty much this. It could perhaps us some reshaping still but that's what I'm trying to avoid.

Anon 02/07/2019 (Thu) 02:52:16 [Preview] No.3404 del
>I'm triple e the namefag
Must've hit the keyboard or something.

Anon 02/07/2019 (Thu) 04:41:09 [Preview] No.3405 del
>very cool design
Indeed it does

>this site is literally the EQD of toys for MLP. Isn´t this site linked on EQD directly?
That's not the strangest part. This is the strangest part.
Another active toy related news website, hosted on weebly of all things. I have so many questions. Why weebly? If you didn't want to self host there are blogs that be better suited where ya still wouldn't have to pay up that have a better format and you wouldn't have to worry about image space. It appears to have opened up only in the last couple of years. Has a sister website run by the same guy that is a list of mlp toy prototype images that looks pretty interesting honestly.

Next one that I found was this website that is for Role Playing. Apparently is connected to the MLPforums. Looks alright, in fact, I'd say that there is a lot of potential from a design perspective.Even if it isn't the most busiest place it is surprisingly active and seems to have daily postings (sans the forum). Though the rules are restrictive, Not in an SJW way but appears to be more in the spirit of say, keeping things clean and drama free from a family friendly sort of way which I suppose is a understandable aim, at least with minors, but often leads to drama in itself with all the rules and the moderation seems to have had some controversy. This combined with the fact that it has a social media interface reminding me too much of facebook, means I'd probably just only be monitoring it from afar with a critical eye.

Who are this people? IDK, I've occasionally ran into it over the years but never paid much attention till when I ran into again when looking for Discord Daily. It clearly has some kind of monetary aim with the site but I don't know who runs it. It's news section feels like EqD if it was buzzfeed. It's still making posts but seems to have gone inactive for the most part. Further investigation with it's recently inactive podcast and old articles is certainly warranted.

Reminiscent of the old attitude of the fandom being a subculture and identity to be proud of. Though it has a more chill feel than some. Was surprised to find the blog had updated twice last year considering it looks like something that should be totally abandoned by this point. Apparently run by LittleshyFM, a major fandom yter that I little knowledge of do to never paid attention too.

This site seems to be devoted to making fun of bad fanfiction with its own style of meta fanfiction comedy. There was a couple of questions I had with it that I'll discuss later. still been looking for discord daily!

Anon 02/07/2019 (Thu) 06:25:20 [Preview] No.3406 del
This is not a call for commentary just posting the more interesting stuff that I found on the side to look through at everypony's leisure. You can post observations but you don't have ta go through each and comment in the day since, ya'know, school


>I have thought about using this leftover banner with modified letters for a moment.
That maybe a good idea. It'd be a nice banner, though I wonder if credits be an issue?

>Well, that´s nice to see and if it hasn´t died yet, it´s definitely going to survive the end of this gen remaining active. Those two little updates (even if they are Let´s Play videos) bring a bit of hope.
Yeah. Maybe I'll become a commenter there just to show feedback.

>Now, 239 weeks ago and about those season 4 comments, it hints that the separation happened around he start of season 4?
I've done a little digging. This twitter account I'v seen linked around as a horse news reporter before, but horse news described sweetiebot as a reader. Though he still seems to be connected to them. I've seen others before describe this account as a horse news reporter who vanished in 2014, but that maybe a partial misconception. So this account could've been overhyped. there could be some interesting stuff possibly in the old comments and tweets. but it is a secondary objective to discord daily!

>mixing politics with a satirical tone as you have said. Definitely not the most original idea, some of them are really projected and biased to exaggerate them. Not a big fan of these despite liking fun and politics but both things combined....don´t usually work all that much unless you are completely independent.
Yeah, the site is just you're run of the mill boring satiric political blog. Nation too polarized to be fun. It is becoming an annoying sight to see when searching for variations of discord daily. As it is the 3rd most often thing I see besides fandom content and discord app.

>That face reminds of something....gee I wonder what pony could have influenced Twilight. I don´t blame her, that´s the face I would put as well if I found about the rule 34 of my identity.
Poor TS.

Anon 02/07/2019 (Thu) 06:50:33 [Preview] No.3407 del
>It´s almost like you follow the contrarian trend that Seth does.
Maybe it's just a sleepy mind, but do you meam Seth is a contrarian or that I'm purposefully doing the opposite of EqD?

> And you can tell the hours´ difference between these two posts.
Yeah, spending what free time I have on searching for a single random website from 2014 or so probably is not a thing to become super involved in.

>well, that strategy could have created a different trend/branch for the fanbase if those levels of popularity were kept for more years.
If it had attained a level of popularity it would've been interesting. I nearly considered joining as a regular commenter there, but I had my computer fail and just went outta habit. If I could even just remember a name of a regular there that'd make my search so much easier.

> I don´t know about it. I suppose these things happen because there are so many sites and copies to the successful blog that the intentions barely matter. It´s almost as if this board or /8pone/ or whatever, tries to copy /mlp/ and believes that it´s going to be successful because of just fixing the blueprint.
This site I wouldn't think, from what I remembered of it, have a chance of being anything other than a small circle jerk, I think it was wholly based on dissatisfaction with EQD and trying to be better, but I don't remember any gimmick or features that would've made it stand out.

Anon 02/07/2019 (Thu) 07:09:37 [Preview] No.3408 del
Well, just found a connection from one of the other liinks I posted here.
>This site seems to be devoted to making fun of bad fanfiction with its own style of meta fanfiction comedy. There was a couple of questions I had with it that I'll discuss later.
A website that is no longer active covered it. Wasn't look for it but glad to have found something else for /go/,
The person who founded it still seems to be active and I'd imagine there be something discussing the site's death.

Anon 02/07/2019 (Thu) 08:16:42 [Preview] No.3410 del

I found one of the sites! Not Discord Daily but the scondary one! Canterlot's finest! It's dead and offline but there is still archives of it.
It did seem to have it's own circle jerk for awhile if those 300 post in 2013 are anything to go by.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=JAEDQwMtf4o [Embed]
what they should've played at super bowl

Anon 02/08/2019 (Fri) 23:09:08 [Preview] No.3417 del
>Weird thing is I do not see anything that prohibits shipping in the rules of there website. only in the booru.
I don´t even...
well, I give up on finding some logic to their own terms.

>There is a few very rural parts of the USA that only have dial up still.
obviously depending on the zones, you will get different speeds depending on the accessibility to build those connections. It´s true that some places haven´t advanced at all and make you consider if you have travelled back in time.

>It could perhaps us some reshaping still but that's what I'm trying to avoid.
well, certainly not everything is going to be that relevant nor leave us indifferent all the time. I wonder if drama coming out of this will influence out of this. We´ll see.

from lost to the river, you could have typed REEEEEEEEE and make it seem as if it wasn´t an incidental mistake.

>do you meam Seth is a contrarian or that I'm purposefully doing the opposite of EqD?
I was mostly referring to the famous line: "Go to bed" and you seem to be a fan of doing completely the opposite. I was indirectly saying that.

>spending what free time I have on searching for a single random website from 2014 or so probably is not a thing to become super involved in.
especially if it gets frustrating. I don´t like using this line too much but: it could be worse. The BO has spent 8 hours for the codes and you have been searching a needle in a haystack. I wonder if I will lose a lot of time attempting to write something in the future. Protip: I will

>I nearly considered joining as a regular commenter there, but I had my computer fail and just went outta habit.
the computer does it again. A technical issue has defined a different timeline ironically.
>If I could even just remember a name of a regular there that'd make my search so much easier.
like the tags on Derpi
>This site I wouldn't think, from what I remembered of it, have a chance of being anything other than a small circle jerk
/endpone/´s definition as well.

>I think it was wholly based on dissatisfaction with EQD and trying to be better, but I don't remember any gimmick or features that would've made it stand out.
basically a protest in the form of a website. However, as we know with /8pone/, dissatisfaction simply doesn´t work in this fanbase and there is no other way to thrive but creating a different identity, branch, original content or ideas. It´s very difficult to demolish the base even though they could have had a chance in the early years.

Anon 02/08/2019 (Fri) 23:30:34 [Preview] No.3418 del
>You can post observations but you don't have ta go through each and comment in the day
well, that depends on how I feel like replying to all of that. As for now, I am going with the stuff that seems easy to reply.

Shitposting cheaply requires no efforts, putting some kind of interest and post observations about the actual site...not so much. One of the biggest prizes these days is not only money but attention. So hey, I suppose talking about them a little bit further helps.

>It'd be a nice banner, though I wonder if credits be an issue?
i don´t know. I can´t find the original image despite having the name of that artist. Checking the profile, that image doesn´t appear without those letters. I wonder how someone edits that....and that´s where Photoshop programs come into play which sadly I have no experience at all.

>Maybe I'll become a commenter there just to show feedback.
do you know what would be funny? That one gets the influence of this site but no one notices that comes from this place. I am sure that a comment over there would bring a smile to them.

>Though he still seems to be connected to them. I've seen others before describe this account as a horse news reporter who vanished in 2014, but that maybe a partial misconception. So this account could've been overhyped. there could be some interesting stuff possibly in the old comments and tweets
so he´s basically showing activity related to the site but has stayed out of the map.

>the site is just you're run of the mill boring satiric political blog. Nation too polarized to be fun.
and get this, politics can be boring. Yeah I tend to be passionate to discuss it over here but those methods really bore me and in the long run, they either become propaganda or lose their identity in the middle of the satire. It adds nothing but memes and superficial content for certain subreddits, I guess?

Either way, I discuss it now but I find it really uninteresting. Moving on.

>It is becoming an annoying sight to see when searching for variations of discord daily. As it is the 3rd most often thing I see besides fandom content and discord app.
dammit. That sounds like an awful task to dig into and desperately trying to find it. Pages record or a marker of that site would have solved this instantly but who knew about this back then?

Anon 02/08/2019 (Fri) 23:59:40 [Preview] No.3419 del
now, hold my beer, let´s check what you have brought with this post.

>This is the strangest part.
>Another active toy related news website, hosted on weebly of all things. I have so many questions.
eeeeerm. I wonder if Seth checks this place for the toys news and copy them over EQD because those articles share the same news as EQD. Either they shill the products from the same source or one looks at what the other does.

>Why weebly? If you didn't want to self host there are blogs that be better suited where ya still wouldn't have to pay up that have a better format and you wouldn't have to worry about image space.
that´s weird. I don´t know about the topic at all but it does seem more like a Tumblr blog style rather than an independent space. That and what you have said.

>Has a sister website run by the same guy that is a list of mlp toy prototype images that looks pretty interesting honestly.
checking the toys of the recent characters, there is absolutely nothing save the movie related ones. Not a single prototype of the students, changeling, dragons...nothing. Just The Mane 6 and the princesses and say thanks. I have said it several times on /mlp/ but I wonder if Hasbro is actually applying the toy commercial aspect or not these days. This archive vanishes my suspicions. Pretty well organized by the way.

Nice finds.

>this website that is for Role Playing. Apparently is connected to the MLPforums.
and that shows. The rules make it pretty friendly to everyone and leave out +13 content.

>Though the rules are restrictive, Not in an SJW way but appears to be more in the spirit of say, keeping things clean and drama free from a family friendly sort of way which I suppose is a understandable aim, at least with minors, but often leads to drama in itself with all the rules and the moderation seems to have had some controversy.
yeah they have a pretty chill philosophy and I have read the public apology. It is indeed a small community but those events, as you say, happened last year. Moderating is hard and I get that. Those problems come and go.
I certainly see some similarities on a few philosophical takes that this board and Canterlot Avenue share.

>This combined with the fact that it has a social media interface reminding me too much of facebook, means I'd probably just only be monitoring it from afar with a critical eye.
that´s the problem, the upvotes and interface design. I suppose this could be title as the CanterlotFacebook of MLP. The Avenue word makes sense, considering that it holds the value of being the main line of communication so I suppose that repeating the patterns of the most famous social media site means that they look after that purpose from the start(?).

Your critical eye is about right. In fact, that complaint would naturally come from any chan user who doesn´t like Reddit nor any upvoting system that holds an opinion above any other post of that thread. However, by judging its design (by the way, the menu looks like the Google Play Store or several random mobile apps despite browsing on it with the PC) and its morphology, it makes sense they set those rules. The most complicated thing would be finding a user base that doesn´t want to use Facebook but likes Facebook. Time will tell. At least, it´s there if Facebook goes down and disappoints like Tumblr did last December.

Anon 02/09/2019 (Sat) 00:40:19 [Preview] No.3420 del
(567.50 KB 628x800 CadencePrint.png)
>Who are this people?
I don´t know but surely they´ve got a pretty bad taste on the design contest. Call me a contrarian but besides voting the Smile Pinkie for having correlation to that adult animation, I don´t see how that design got the 3rd place. Fluttershy looks cute for an innocent T-Shirt for a little girl or a girl who likes "kawaii" material. And that´s a shame because if you check the gallery, there are more fitting stuff for adults than that. It could come from the lack of activity so they have some sort of justification (sort of)
>It's news section feels like EqD if it was buzzfeed.
ouch, that´s a low blow. And yeah, some headlines in their articles give you that clickbait sense we are all used to seeing in the mainstream media. Not many but they are not free of that practice. It doesn´t work when you are not all that active but I suppose they stand out when you have to look at something. The biggest example is this one: how an OC can save your life. I mean, the article delivers but the headline sort of induces cringe or emotional impact in the front line. This is more like a complaint directed to journalism in general despite criticizing a brony site. The strategy for clicks more than anything else.

My view is that the news part is....alright, it doesn´t stand out but it delivers despite my negative take on clickbait titles. The T-Shirt contest has potential if there were fans dedicated to vote proper designs for the contest. The sample is way too small to even have reliable observations about what people want. A quarter of Derpi´s userbase would serve for that purpose.

>This site seems to be devoted to making fun of bad fanfiction with its own style of meta fanfiction comedy.
alright, it makes sense that this site pokes fun and mock all the cringy stuff but look at that, they died around 2014. Either they didn´t find the content all that interesting or they had to move on.
It sounds like /mlp/´s wet dream: judging by not trying at all so they cannot be criticized in the first place as we have discussed on /NMAiE/ this week. The only way to win is by no playing at all.

Also the poll left over there should make us think. I believe that the consumers(users of that site) liked the fic in the first place and they wanted related post to them for more attention. It´s like they mocked at Past Sins and Nyx fans liked the both the story and site´s view on it.

I am waiting for your comments to pick a few things but the forum is inactive as well and the site has died officially in 2017 (judging by the last comment).

Anon 02/09/2019 (Sat) 01:20:37 [Preview] No.3421 del
(1.17 MB 1240x631 1956807-1.png)
I am not ending all your posts tonight but a thoughts has sparked in my mind after visiting the site I have mentioned.

>It could perhaps us some reshaping still but that's what I'm trying to avoid.
Looking at this line again,it reshapes but not in terms of drama for me. This feels like we are running through the wastelands,visiting a cementery for the most part and looking for random survivors that an average fan wouldn't have cared nor would look at those places so easily.

This looks like something depressing and while we are keeping a harsh critical view(at times),I feel like life is nothing but dust. All these people have tried to redefine the fanabse and have failed to engage and attract a new wave of users. We are the invisibles. The word is there but the public doesn't appear at all.

It makes me think not only about the future of this franchise but about this site. What we are doing is that we follow the same steps for the same destiny. The only two factors that relief me are that this place wasn't supposed to earn an identity besides serving as a 8chan substitute and that all we have is us. We are nothing but dust,nobody is important because Earth won't stop rotating,so does the fandom.

It makes me feel like every attempt to feel important is gone and that if these fans have tried to find that luck,we are most likely going to repeat it. If we die,I suppose reaching a good post number before leaving would be a good ending in hindsight.

I don't know I am getting too philosophical for this thread but this has intensified a bit my feelings about the ones who are around me. Others won't care at all but the ones close to you are all that matter in the end. I suppose that's what one would call home after all...

Anon 02/09/2019 (Sat) 07:31:04 [Preview] No.3422 del
>Looking at this line again,it reshapes but not in terms of drama for me. This feels like we are running through the wastelands,visiting a cementery for the most part and looking for random survivors that an average fan wouldn't have cared nor would look at those places so easily.
We are I suppose, sans Canterlot Avenue, The Roundstable, and that one merch site, the other stuff here is abbandned ghoost towns or simply archives of what was.

>All these people have tried to redefine the fanabse and have failed to engage and attract a new wave of users.
Well, I think Canterlot Avenue would perhaps have a chance if it wasn't for discord Not gonna fully rule it out yet , but yeah you are right. The best places here are tiny circle jerks that could gradually or quickly play out. The rest are either dead or near death. Canterlot's Finest and Las Pegasus Tribune (I tracked this one too back in the day, but this one I alrady had archive links too and remembered who was invovled), play out from simply there being little need for their existence with EqD in th prime of th fandom. I suppose there is little room besides the pillers, especially...

>It makes me think not only about the future of this franchise
now in a time of waning appeal. Those old bastions would most likely now absorb what is left and maybe in questionable trouble themselves post gen4. Though I am far from a doomsayer and some sites could adapt and I could see their being small circle jerks for pony art lasting quite awhile. Perhaps even gen5 and Equestria Girls will sustain the fandom for a time, but where does it leave us?

>but about this site.
I suppose one could say we have already over delivered on what are initial goal was, getting to 300 and maintaining a notable presence on the site. So what now? Do we just simply just keep it up till the fandom fades away? (though my bet is some part surviving in some form). We could just become a zombie site with one of us checking in ever so often, till we just get too distracted to come though for me I see so many drop off the face of the planet across the net that I'd probably announce if I felt that was a risk just to avoid a mystery

>What we are doing is that we follow the same steps for the same destiny
I'm not sure I'd be so dismissive yet. Though I highly doubt will have a huge impact on the fandom, We don't have too. This is just our little corner. Let's go with the flow and see where it goes before seeing it as a fruitless venture. I wouldn't ever take back the time I spent here already and I still have some plans heck, my plans for /go/ are to maintain it indefinitely, regardless if I have to move it or self host

...and for as many circle jerks that have died, I know a few that are quite old and still stable, heck, there is one that is over 20 years old and still alive. So I'm not going to rule out anything, the fandom, endchan, or /pone/.

Anon 02/09/2019 (Sat) 07:46:02 [Preview] No.3423 del
>I don't know I am getting too philosophical for this thread
This is in line with the thread, as it is reflection on things and the fandom.

>but this has intensified a bit my feelings about the ones who are around me.
Wise and true. Even if I may even call you at this point friend/shitposting buddy/or whatever else you'd think of at this point, those are the ones who will truly have you back and to look out for.

though on the off chance I become rich if STHF I try to recuse you and BO if you wanted

>we are most likely going to repeat it. If we die,I suppose reaching a good post number before leaving would be a good ending in hindsight.
I aiming for at least to maintain /go/ for the far long term. and if endchan dies on nextchan, and if nextchan dies somewhere else, maybe even self host

Anon 02/09/2019 (Sat) 07:49:05 [Preview] No.3424 del
Welp, that's it for right now. I'll be doing full replies in a little while, night /endpone/!

Anon 02/09/2019 (Sat) 22:17:23 [Preview] No.3425 del
(796.88 KB 961x646 New World Map.png)
>A website that is no longer active covered it. Wasn't look for it but glad to have found something else for /go/
well, that explains the transition to the new website that lasted for the next year....and that was it.

>The person who founded it still seems to be active and I'd imagine there be something discussing the site's death.
yeah, his latest entries are about general phenomenons and completely unrelated to its trajectory. Maybe they didn´t feel like continuing anymore and didn´t bother to spend more time at picking fanfics and try to put jokes all the time. In short, I imply that the Riffing idea was just a phase and has remained as an average Fimfic user. I wonder if they had had a section for riffing fics on that site, they would have been continuing for a little bit longer.

>Dead mlp game project websites!

not entirely dead though. They had updated it with an entry on their profile last August. It´s indeed an extreme parody of MLP. However, the support is from barely anything to none.

Also, the world map isn´t safe of socialism.....and we thought we had exceeded ourselves in terms of politics.

the game is completely dead in terms of interest. Despite being an active user (been connected today by the way),it seems that these two games came completely independent and straight out of that user. The interest for this one for sure is completely zero.

Basically, the first link did have an update last year while the 2nd link for those two games show how those production came from one single fan around 2014.

I have to mention the logo´s design, as if it came directly from the mid 2000s rather than 2014.

Anon 02/09/2019 (Sat) 22:44:17 [Preview] No.3426 del
>I found one of the sites! Not Discord Daily but the scondary one! Canterlot's finest! It's dead and offline but there is still archives of it.
well, the alternative or the second plan arrived after all. Let´s check it.

the user is active and it seems that this is the site that you had talked about rebelling against the style of EQD. Also, I think I have seen one of his entries before on Reddit about season 8.
>inb4 going to Reddit

Alright, the archives seem to range from 2013 until that entry of 2015.

>It did seem to have it's own circle jerk for awhile if those 300 post in 2013 are anything to go by.
until January 2014 they were pretty active (almost 400 entries in that year alone. Not EQD levels but for a spontaneous reaction, they must have built their own circle in that year). Basically, they disappeared almost completely right after season 4 ended.

If you check his first entries, you will see that he has written posts of that disenchantment about EQD.

>what they should've played at super bowl
[spoiler] out of all the American bands that are out there (and I respect a lot of them even though they are underground mostly), they had to pick Maroon 5.

GG well played organizers. You get a performance that was saved by the visuals. I see why you have picked that song (Sicko mode and the memes).

Also, I have read that fans have been disappointed about not doing that petition and they have had to edit that clip for what fans deserved. 1.2 million signatures behind that petition, weren´t they?

R.I.P Stephen.[/spoiler]

Anon 02/09/2019 (Sat) 23:38:39 [Preview] No.3427 del
>sans Canterlot Avenue, The Roundstable, and that one merch site
which in contrast to the golden era, they have been active and peaked lately. So I suppose that this goes into phoenix cycles about the same thing:MLP.

>I think Canterlot Avenue would perhaps have a chance if it wasn't for discord
that app has made a huge impact and cluttered the communities of entertainment. I have to ask if imageboards are dying because of the imageboards themselves (save for video games and politics) or because of a strong competence in terms of communication.

>The best places here are tiny circle jerks that could gradually or quickly play out.
they could boom for a brief period but that relies more on the franchise than CA´s part despite having a pretty organized site.

>Canterlot's Finest and Las Pegasus Tribune play out from simply there being little need for their existence with EqD in th prime of th fandom.
I suppose that could be described as a punk movement that quickly fades after a year or two or as counterculture movement that relies completely on EQD´s attitude/activity. Despite having EQD as the main site for the biggest news site of this fanabse, those people have either given up or moved onto something else.

>I suppose there is little room besides the pillers, especially...
the pillars
how can you beat /mlp/, EQD, Derpi and Fimfiction? (not sure if DA counts as a pillar)
Sure, Bronibooru delivers a nice SFW gallery that serves as a backup but their confusing shipping rules could prevent them to thrive more than it would. So on that part, beating Derpi is ruled out.

As for /mlp/, /8pone/ has tried to create its own view and while 8chan has risen in popularity because of Gamergate or politics/conspiracies, the pony board has been going down in the list over time. That´s because they had a pessimistic view and their bitterness about not only the board but the show as well,has prevented them to get a different appeal.

Ironically enough, Ponychan has been silently somewhat active in their own circles without making noise and have kept themselves after all these years despite mocking at them for being dead.

No chance to beat /mlp/ so far.

FimFiction. Well, that speaks for itself. It´s an archive and only its original trunk could compete or coexist with it (Fanfiction). Not only it´s appealing for archiving the fics but also has a blog system like DA and some of the former users of those links show activity on that site.

I suppose that the only way to make a pillar is...well, by reaching the users to consume video game content and there are already sites for that. If they have not occupied a pillar is because of the lack of interest from the community.

If those main sites have survived is because of pure Darwinism. The first and the most competent one gets the prize to stand out while the others fade.Those sites are pretty competent at what they do and there is little room to find them noticeable flaws.

Anon 02/09/2019 (Sat) 23:48:28 [Preview] No.3428 del
>Those old bastions would most likely now absorb what is left and maybe in questionable trouble themselves post gen4.
they have already absorbed those little branches mostly because there was no reason to continue. Just focusing on the little grain inside those pillars, keeping them active and get the job done. Do you find attractive reasons to leave them? I can hardly find arguments for that.

>I am far from a doomsayer and some sites could adapt and I could see their being small circle jerks for pony art lasting quite awhile. Perhaps even gen5 and Equestria Girls will sustain the fandom for a time, but where does it leave us?
that´s like playing dices whenever gen 5 occurs. It´s always nice to have some sort of backup if Derpi´s policies get out of hand and the sites get shut down all of a sudden (even though I have read somewhere that Derpi´s archive is pretty easy to mirror and carry it somewhere else if any emergency happens)

I suppose that´s where Canterlot Avenue and The Roundstable come to play. The merch site always has to report the news even if no one is watching them. They have to act as if nothing happened to their popularity, their purpose is delivering the information at the time and for archive purposes. If the first one fails, the latter will come sooner or later.

Anon 02/10/2019 (Sun) 00:19:50 [Preview] No.3429 del
>I suppose one could say we have already over delivered on what are initial goal was, getting to 300 and maintaining a notable presence on the site.
I am going to be honest. I took that as a little game and said: hey why not? I wanted to post some of my favorite picture because I lacked the opportunity to do so and that happened: /endpone/ reached the first page. The objective was done. However:

>So what now?
don´t think that this question comes while we are replying but after 2018 New Year´s, I asked myself what we were doing over here. I continued it would feel a pretty dirty move if I had left it at there....and several things happened spontaneously.

>Do we just simply just keep it up till the fandom fades away? (though my bet is some part surviving in some form).
in theory, this is a branch of 8pone that was created temporarily. None of the original creators/owners of this board would expect this situation after coming back to 8chan. It means....that we have ironically created a different identity that shouldn´t be there. You are asking if this site will go past after the fandom fades out. By following the morphology of this site, this place is where all things come to an end. Doomposting about the state of this fandom would have fit a lot in theory. However, I suppose that the negativity is already taken from /mlp/ and we are assuming that destiny without that hateful tone of feeling disappointed. If /endpone/ wants an identity, I suppose it should see how this ride ends. Will we survive for that? Tough challenge honestly.

>We could just become a zombie site with one of us checking in ever so often, till we just get too distracted to come
accessing over here is too easy and requires seconds. Considering that we are more reliant now, it´s pretty difficult to make it go away. I guess having a zombie state would be a compliment for this site.

>though for me I see so many drop off the face of the planet across the net that I'd probably announce if I felt that was a risk just to avoid a mystery
that´s the biggest variable that could lead this to its original state. I have to mention that some fans keep coming back after all. I have seen former pupils leaving guitar classes and came back because they liked their time at it (irl and talking about what I have seen from experience) with a few years/months after they left.

That entirely depends on how you feel about it.

>I'm not sure I'd be so dismissive yet. Though I highly doubt will have a huge impact on the fandom, We don't have too. This is just our little corner.
I suppose that´s the only way to take it properly. If there is no one else, then only those who are around should feel comfortable in the circle where they feel they belong. Maybe it´s cold outside and those dead sites discourage a little bit but I am sure they had their fun while they lasted. Not only they die, but other are born out of nowhere. Not only endchan has become a little /8pone/ branch but poni.fun has recently started to run a different route.

The world won´t stop rotating and it seems that the fandom, as small it may seem in comparison to the golden era, never stops.

>Let's go with the flow and see where it goes before seeing it as a fruitless venture.
I think that you are right. That won´t stop me from being pessimistic (in a realistic way, I don´t like misery) but looking for the closest targets, it will keep us a little bit entertained.

>I wouldn't ever take back the time I spent here already and I still have some plans
what would have happened if we stayed on /mlp/ as background lurkers and never came into play? How different would the ride be?
I suppose we would have stayed as always did in the past and watch these seasons without doing much. I have some plans as well and I believe, those plans are what make the trees grow in the end.

Would I change my time on this site? Looking back at it, I would have been bored on /mlp/ because of its little activity. I suppose that´s what also encouraged me too. Nothing new to see over there, so let´s create it instead.

Anon 02/10/2019 (Sun) 00:27:26 [Preview] No.3430 del
(11.95 KB 595x148 This_Is_Worring.png)
Not a formal reply but an emergency notice. If this conversation is to be believed (and operate is indeed claimable), it is a little concerning. I've seen enough chans randomly die to be weary of a sign like this. Do to things looking a little more stable for me, I will try to reclaim the nextchan bunker and be the mod there and set up and account here . Right now the next couple of days have some unexpected plans (family making an unexpected visit), but I will try in the next time in the next 2 to 4 days.
here is link bo

I've seen enough chans go dark without warning, just taken offline to want to have a backup plan.

Anon 02/10/2019 (Sun) 00:44:02 [Preview] No.3431 del
>and for as many circle jerks that have died, I know a few that are quite old and still stable, heck, there is one that is over 20 years old and still alive. So I'm not going to rule out anything, the fandom, endchan, or /pone/.
surprisingly enough, the internet has brought a 4th life that didn´t appear before in human history. Sure books served as archives but in the terms of social interaction, the revolution has been implemented in such a way that one cannot claim a thing to be dead. If those 90s sites still work, the fanbase can perfectly find a spot on the internet for whatever project it creates.

That image is one of the first ones I have desired to post over here. I haven´t hit the fav button on Derpi until today for some stupid reason...I suppose I needed that warm reminder.
>as it is reflection on things and the fandom.
it came just before sleeping. I had a sudden thought that what I have watching here made me feel uneasy (not in the scary way but in a philosophical way) that I had to share those observations with a cold head. Sure, criticism may come in an effortless way at the time but after turning off the computer, one thinks what has seen to a personal level.

I see the things with a better mood today after watching the FimFiction profiles and proving that they are not dead but have left those projects out. However, one takes it as if something out there died.

>those are the ones who will truly have you back and to look out for.
actually, that´s like everything. One year of dedicated shitposts isn´t that easy to achieve. I don´t know what to call it.

>though on the off chance I become rich if STHF I try to recuse you and BO if you wanted
I fortunately, don´t have the biggest reason to leave unless we are talking in terms of sites, which seems to be concerning right now.

>aiming for at least to maintain /go/ for the far long term. and if endchan dies on nextchan, and if nextchan dies somewhere else, maybe even self host
well...as for the current situation that you have just replied >>3430,my only answer is: this is fine.jpg

Anon 02/10/2019 (Sun) 00:59:54 [Preview] No.3432 del
>If this conversation is to be believed (and operate is indeed claimable), it is a little concerning.
endchan.org works for me. I have just tested it. What it hasn´t been been removed is the usual 500 Error that appears randomly.

>I've seen enough chans randomly die to be weary of a sign like this.
well, in that case, these places exist:
Basically the two 8chan branches if the /end/ disappears.

I am one of those that stays until the death occurs completely. There have been countries without any government formed for several months or 100 days and there they are. Until the site doesn´t black out, I don´t if I should believe the scaremongering. It´s true that the Twitter account has stayed inactive since last December but the new owner should consider that there are a few boards that are worth to keep. 15 boards to be precise.

>Do to things looking a little more stable for me, I will try to reclaim the nextchan bunker and be the mod there and set up and account here.
Perfect, you would save a few problems for me. I am not keen on putting the hands of moderation because I am too extreme when it comes to certain rules and that cannot work for a long time.

>Right now the next couple of days have some unexpected plans (family making an unexpected visit), but I will try in the next time in the next 2 to 4 days.
take care Bridgefag and don´t worry if the worst case scenario happens, we have seen ourselves in other boards without having the intention, so it´s easy for me to find out, especially with those two alternatives announced before anything dramatic happens.

Also if the BO sees this before dying because of the /operate/ drama, thanks for editing the banner, the remaining element of Canterlot Daily.

Anon 02/10/2019 (Sun) 03:05:58 [Preview] No.3437 del
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Now, I wouldn't freak out about /operate/ being claimable, it's not like this bears any significance over any of regular boards becoming likewise.
I'm kinda doubtful things would go this smoothly for over a month under cruise control (the server payment being monthly afaik notwithstanding). While the endchan's official twitter haven't received any updates this one did https://twitter.com/OdiliTime

Anon 02/10/2019 (Sun) 03:10:50 [Preview] No.3438 del
(728.60 KB 1200x1855 1521120617214.jpg)
>here is link bo
yep already seen that one my man

Anon 02/10/2019 (Sun) 05:46:39 [Preview] No.3440 del
Good, though I am always a little cautious of unannounced changes and insanity from experience.

wow it looks like there is a lot of stuff going on, new pone related chan, etc. I get back to things soon, just gotta get a couple of family matters ad nextchan sorted out

Anon 02/27/2019 (Wed) 08:27:46 [Preview] No.3553 del
Golden Oaks minor progress report:

Research for Discord Daily is ongoing.

I followed a trail of drama that was rather boring yet somewhat interesting at the same time, but it went down a tumblr rabbit hole and has little to do with /go/ at this moment (social justice vs radical feminism, small YTer who surprisingly wasn't trans, bla bla ba)

I have this rather insane idea to try to comb through various different major figures social media to try to gauge their opinions and than go through hundreds of different websites and see if there is a divide between the media visible figures and the average fan, and to test my assumptions on how influential different parts of the fandom are and what is the the average anyway?

Likely no major postings of /go/ until after the second prototype fic. which should be ready in a week

Anon 02/28/2019 (Thu) 23:51:32 [Preview] No.3564 del
>Research for Discord Daily is ongoing.
well, it seems that Spike cannot check that task from the long list yet.

>it went down a tumblr rabbit hole and has little to do with /go/ at this moment (social justice vs radical feminism, small YTer who surprisingly wasn't trans,
those rabbit holes are only worth to witness by themselves. Talking and gossiping about them is boring and contradictions happen at mach speed.

Dismissing it.

>I have this rather insane idea to try to comb through various different major figures social media to try to gauge their opinions
>than go through hundreds of different websites and see if there is a divide between the media visible figures
>the average fan, and to test my assumptions on how influential different parts of the fandom are and what is the the average anyway?
internet journalism and investigation at its finest.

If we weren´t crazy/autistic, we wouldn´t be here anyway...

>no major postings of /go/ until after the second prototype fic. which should be ready in a week

Anon 03/09/2019 (Sat) 00:58:04 [Preview] No.3623 del
Alright. I'm in full monitor mode to the reactions to this trailer. Just wow... my mind was left reeling and I've seen it being posted in areas with fan presences big and small (which of course it would).

Current project for /go/ will be monitoring the fandom reaction to this.
Here is all places I'm keeping track of so far.
https://www.equestriadaily.com/2019/03/season-9-premiere-to-air-april-6th-on.html comments discussion of course
Of course with places like /mlp/ it is being reacted to on several threads and there is still a few corners where I have seen smaller groups of the fandom that are active that I need to check. Not to mention the still active social media areas.

Anon 03/09/2019 (Sat) 23:07:09 [Preview] No.3638 del
>Here is all places I'm keeping track of so far.
nice even though the roundstable doesn´t seem to have any reaction about it.

>Of course with places like /mlp/ it is being reacted to on several threads
that´s expected

>Not to mention the still active social media areas.
Reddit has had more replies than a few of these sites combined, not joking.

Anon 03/17/2019 (Sun) 04:41:46 [Preview] No.3715 del
(1.19 MB 2000x2000 TheInternetIsDoomed.png)
>nice even though the roundstable doesn´t seem to have any reaction about it.
Now they have like 5 replies!

>Reddit has had more replies than a few of these sites combined, not joking.
Yep I saw. Though some of this maybe do to people avoiding spoilers the mlpforums had 800 users online at the time compared to reddits 200 I wonder how that compares to the pillars? I've always been a bit discounting for there.

Other notes:
There is a few small /pone/ and /semi-pone-related/ places I need to check on 8chan and considering what happened I probably should do it soon just in case
I found this place from an accidental misspelling of a search.
A very inactive yet young Equestria Daily alternative. Most recent post in september of last year and the oldest being in 2017. Random and intermittent posting that appears to go on hiatus for months from what I can tell.

Anon 03/17/2019 (Sun) 23:07:33 [Preview] No.3716 del
>Now they have like 5 replies!
Add 6 more, they have doubled the activity in it.

>some of this maybe do to people avoiding spoilers the mlpforums had 800 users online at the time compared to reddits 200
well, MLP Forums is by excellence the social media for the EQD side of the fandom. You can start to worry a little bit if that shite doesn´t show any activity at all.

>I wonder how that compares to the pillars? I've always been a bit discounting for there.
they are reaching the 80k user mark, some of them are dead or multiple accounts but yeah, they are managing to get a consistent level of activity over time. They won´t beat the main pillars but it´s not something you can look down at so easily.

>A very inactive yet young Equestria Daily alternative. Most recent post in september of last year and the oldest being in 2017. Random and intermittent posting that appears to go on hiatus for months from what I can tell.
let´s see if there is more activity for this season. I should mention that the site combines Spanish articles with English ones and if you check its Twitter´s profile, you will check out that this site has been made by a Mexican. Basically, it´s an independent blog that I think compiles Latin videos that would come from equestrianet.org and American sources.

The most active era was around early 2018 and only had an active period in September.

>that pic
correct me if I am wrong but I have seen posts in which they claimed that they have banned NZ users from using 4/8chan. I cannot confirm that but they seem to hint to that direction

Anon 04/06/2019 (Sat) 07:43:08 [Preview] No.3890 del
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Whelp, was looking around at the fandom in the final hours of the hiatus. Found a lot of stuff relating to here that I'll have to bring up later. Even another corner of the fandom that I've never heard of! Also, looking through a recent mlp related post that went semi-viral there had a lot of comments that really seemed to go with what we've always said with the fandom over there.

Anon 04/12/2019 (Fri) 05:14:20 [Preview] No.3941 del
(2.44 MB 600x150 dramadramadrama-z.gif)
Been going through the Ponychan circlejerk trying to figure out a chronological timeline of important events for /go/ archival. Man this banner of their's is way too descriptive for their own good. Frankly I wanna cover only essential details for archival purposes and try to keep petty non site effecting drama out of it... the lines maybe quite blurry on that, but I'll post more detail later.

I haven't given up on my search for Discord Daily.

Anon 04/12/2019 (Fri) 20:31:04 [Preview] No.3943 del
well,folks. These are the posts that one should stop and appreciate them for a little bit inside your heads. Out of all the reactions that you could get, these are the most valuable because nobody in this fandom actually expected to see the end a few years ago and now, we are living in an era in which MLP is causing nostalgia before it ends.

It seems that it has earned some kind of respect over the years...and for very solid reasons.

Just stop and think about all those people whose lives were dedicated to the MLP fandom and now, they are looking back at it with eyes as if that was a precious past. From an explosion for memes and porn....to this...

What have we all done here?

>looking through a recent mlp related post that went semi-viral there had a lot of comments that really seemed to go with what we've always said with the fandom over there.
we have talked about so many things. I mean, we have posted like the holy bible and pretty long posts in these nearly 4k messages. It should be interesting to watch, at least as a personal reminder.

>this banner of their's is way too descriptive for their own good
really?top kek. You cannot literally go full drama mode all the time. It´s impossible to do that, even /mlp/ has gotten sick of doomposting at certain periods. That must come from the site itself and its users. Otherwise, I cannot imagine how the show provides drama for those posts unless they nitpick every single thing that appears on the episodes.

>I wanna cover only essential details for archival purposes and try to keep petty non site effecting drama out of it.
yeah, basically the most common patterns in order to know how it works. The rest should be common stuff they deal with daily.

>I haven't given up on my search for Discord Daily.
the eternal duel still lasts.....

Golden Oaks Progress Report Anon 05/07/2019 (Tue) 03:26:59 [Preview] No.4051 del
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This is another progress report. Despite the relative inactivity of the thread that has actually been a fair bit going on that is /go/ related.


There is two older fan games that I am getting ready to make entries for. One of which looks like the developer might be a tiny bit of a confusing rabbit hole to go down. I will see if I can get the games running in wine but regardless I should be eventually posting a basic entry on them (and it also will be a test to how an entry should work itself).

Currently been doing moderate research into Ponychan and its many dead spin offs. Even trying to establish a basic outline of events could be a very complicated task. It will test what is drama worth mentioning and what isn't for reasons that I'll explain later.

Discord Daily is still ongoing. I have one last trick before I call it quits.


Hoping to start studying discourse on the current episodes airing and seeing how it changes in a year. Though I've been a bit busy of late with certain other things.

I plan to take a look at the various "Brony Analysis" channels on Youtube and their opinions. See how it compares with the fandom as a whole and how big are they in the grand scheme of this fandom.

Plans to attempt to develop metrics to study different segments of the fandom and how to categorize them. (May never get too this fully, but if even I develop something just for parts of the fandom, it could still be useful).

Anon 05/07/2019 (Tue) 23:08:25 [Preview] No.4060 del
>One of which looks like the developer might be a tiny bit of a confusing rabbit hole to go down.
inb4 drama is brought onto the table

>Currently been doing moderate research into Ponychan and its many dead spin offs
MLPChan shut down a few years ago, didn´t it? how many spinoffs exist around there about an imageboard that relies on its off topic board these days?

>trying to establish a basic outline of events could be a very complicated task.
well, there it spoils all their (in)activity

>I have one last trick before I call it quits.
no magic allowed for this time though.

>Hoping to start studying discourse on the current episodes airing and seeing how it changes in a year.
that requires effort and a lot of passion. Will it be only about season 9 or are you planning to do about season 8?

>I plan to take a look at the various "Brony Analysis" channels on Youtube and their opinions. See how it compares with the fandom as a whole and how big are they in the grand scheme of this fandom.
I will say for now that youtubers mostly live in their own bubble. The minor ones not so much but the reviewer community from the early days had their own place, as if they were different. I don´t know how they are doing nowadays, they most likely have fallen down to earth considering that it´s harder to thrive with FiM....or maybe not.Eh, who knows...

>Plans to attempt to develop metrics to study different segments of the fandom and how to categorize them.
>it could still be useful
between and the study, they catch my eyes the most out of all the plans you have mentioned.

Good luck with them.

Anon 05/10/2019 (Fri) 20:04:21 [Preview] No.4081 del
>inb4 drama is brought onto the table
I don't know if he was involved with any drama, just a bit strange. You'll see what I mean.

>no magic allowed for this time though.
I will use the power of my old laptop's hopefully still functional hard drive to retrive my old search history

>that requires effort and a lot of passion. Will it be only about season 9 or are you planning to do about season 8?
Hopefully both.

>. I don´t know how they are doing nowadays, they most likely have fallen down to earth considering that it´s harder to thrive with FiM....or maybe not.Eh, who knows...
I do wonder of their influence, if much at all. I mean, occasionally I'v seen there drama spill over but other than I few who are involved with Equestria Daily I barely run into'em and hardly watch any of there content on a regular basis. To be honest, they maybe split into a few different groups. Another interesting study would be to see th attitude of those who used to be involved in this fandom but have sense had actual careers take off in the area. Froom my understanding there is more than a few bigger channels that were originally focused on fandom content.

>between and the study, they catch my eyes the most out of all the plans you have mentioned.
It'd be the one I'm interesting in as well. I'd take a lot of time but I'm hoping if I can get other things IRL I'd be able to make time to do some of it. There is so many different ways you could split it. Should it just be by websites? But what about generational? How big is the fandom that primarily hangs out on social media and should they be there own group? Would there be a difference between oldfags who were more or less involved from 2011 and 2012 vs reactivated fans who have come just for season 9? So many questions.

Anon 05/11/2019 (Sat) 07:40:58 [Preview] No.4085 del
(60.76 KB 600x150 knight-derpy.jpg)
Alright. Here is what's been going on with Ponychan. I'm been trying to establish a basic timeline of important events. What this means is will be fully defined over time but I figured that at it's most basic would be things like ownership changes and the dates of the various splits and remergers and with a possibility of looking at trends and and an attempt to measure the sites relationships and attitudes within the fandom. That's what I'd be looking to archive but it has become apparent to me that even the basic task of a chronology of the site is filled with drama. I won't be able to avoid it if I want to make a basic list of who left and why of the owners... I'm not just talking about orange either, but take a look at the whirlwind year of 2017 alone.

jan 15
fen co admin of the site, leaves do to issues with Macil, Astra is promoted in his place.

march 12
Macil steps down as admin

march 15
Fen is back as co-admin

july 16
both Fen and Astra step down as co-admins, turning it over to Mikie and The Person Who Posts As Fluttershy

Look at these threads, this wasn't the most stable time. Through it's just concern and sometimes hate being thrown around. Hard to ascertain things beyond that, and I'd want to be fair to even the one who looks the most suspect to me. Drama isn't off limits of course but dealing with even basic events and site culture is rife with it. I remember catching wind of administrative changes occasionally from gossip elsewhere, but the site seems to only have stabilized recently under the leadership of Mikie. Even then the site has faced a lot of drama, and an evaluation of the administration would be impossible to avoid it. It has constantly has struggled with what it considers to be over the limits on edgy. A discord server which is populated far left users who took issue with right wing presence and was constantly starting drama and strangely involved the former admin of MLPchan of all things Even outside of them the site still struggles with users who are raising more legitimate complaints on acceptability for Ponychan standards This is the core of it, though you'd think that the fact there was an entire SFW chan (ponychan.us) made do to this things would be more settled though from what I remember there was users that the far left hated that were tolerated there. Other than that the admin has personal problems and a breakdown once that did cause some controversy. It technically is relevant to /go/ but it veers so much into the personal realm I don't wanna cover it. I have much sympathy for Mikie from what I've seen of him but I still have a few things that cause me to raise questions My core problem with all of it is that even with context a lot of this goes into a personal realm and he said she said situations. I will still try to make a timeline and evaluations on what the users thought of each admin (a great deal of users saw Macil was power hungry, a great deal of users thought Astra was not very attentive, etc) but I'll have to be careful and think hard of what should be there and what shouldn't. I mean, purely not touching the site's lore would only be censorship in an odd sort of way.

I'm not even getting into the petty drama involving some idiots and lolcow tier people.

Anon 05/11/2019 (Sat) 08:04:15 [Preview] No.4086 del
And there are somethings that I don't know what to think of. I don't have context for this. But from the outside it seems very confusing.

What kind of rules are this? I don't understand. Maybe there is something I'm missing. Posting Dolores lewd is apperently banned even on the ef board that supposed to be a free for all. Some where saying it was because it offended Mikie but Mikie says others wanted that rule. I'm guessing it's Dolores because mature is allowed under tags. Who wanted this? Why would it be enforced? Is it just Dolores or I am just missing something that makes this more sane.

>These were rules the users told me to add because asking for things as a friend is a no go
What? Does this mean those rules are legitimate? The only context I can gather here from these two threads is that Mikie doesn't like to see Dolores in certain situations and others told him to make it in the site rules itself because he couldn't expect the users to do it out of kindness. IDK the full context though so it could be more sane than what my mind can think of right now. This is /go/ relevant because it deals the status of the site itself. If the site has insane arbitrary rules that would be worth noting. I don't want to jump the gun though in being accusatory and calling the admin insane yet till more info though.

Anon 05/11/2019 (Sat) 20:09:55 [Preview] No.4088 del
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Even here, though. This is tricky to discus. If I'm willing to post this here, than why not the stuff from the derpibooru mods earlier? Need to be consistent. I'm so divided on the "drama" rule that I put in place. I think arbitrary moderation should be fair game to mention but I wouldn't want it to turn to a hate fest. Than again, if its only the us and a possible couple of lurkers we'd probably be fine and I'm just being paranoid. Though we have had random users wander before and if this even half way takes off I could see some things being somewhat continuous with somethings if it were to get linked in certain places. If I make my goal of categorizing much of the fandom and sites big and small, I wanna be fair to everypony. Even the far lefties and /pol/acks in the fandom and controversial mods.

Anon 05/12/2019 (Sun) 16:54:47 [Preview] No.4096 del
(247.34 KB 1554x1647 12887 fluorescent edit.jpg)
>I will use the power of my old laptop's hopefully still functional hard drive to retrive my old search history
My little 90s laptop: Technology is Magic ladies and gentlemen.

>Hopefully both.
good luck on that.

>I do wonder of their influence, if much at all
their influences are a lottery, maybe some of them still live in the same bubble as if nothing has changed.

>I barely run into'em and hardly watch any of there content on a regular basis.
I watched a few around 2015-16. They brought good points that I wouldn´t imagine and I learned a few lessons from them but I doubt I would dedicate as much time to them as I did back in the day.

>they maybe split into a few different groups.
that sounds pretty realistic before revisiting them.

>Another interesting study would be to see th attitude of those who used to be involved in this fandom but have sense had actual careers take off in the area.
most analysts/musicians that relied on Youtube have left behind MLP in order to grow in a more serious way. If you get to see those youtubers, you will notice that they don´t talk about MLP nor show their old content that much. What I am describing is exactly the same practice as those Deviantart users who delete their account and the pony content is lost unless it is uploaded on Derpi. Or like this edit, someone managed to save the material before deleting it and a copy of it is saved but not from the author himself.

>Should it just be by websites? But what about generational? How big is the fandom that primarily hangs out on social media and should they be there own group? Would there be a difference between oldfags who were more or less involved from 2011 and 2012 vs reactivated fans who have come just for season 9? So many questions.
indeed. So many that it could be thesis material to report in an organized way.

Anon 05/12/2019 (Sun) 20:33:55 [Preview] No.4097 del
>i´m been trying to establish a basic timeline of important events. What this means is will be fully defined over time but I figured that at it's most basic would be things like ownership changes and the dates of the various splits and remergers and with a possibility of looking at trends and and an attempt to measure the sites relationships and attitudes within the fandom.

fair enough. Let´s see if there is anything formal and passionate of that site...

>but it has become apparent to me that even the basic task of a chronology of the site is filled with drama
oh boy, here we go again. As if /mlp/ drama was enough for this fandom...

>I won't be able to avoid it if I want to make a basic list of who left and why of the owners
>take a look at the whirlwind year of 2017 alone.
it sounds like they have had inner problems that would come from their own site from those posts alone. /mlp/ was joking and posting memes of "Ponychan is dead lolz" but it seems that they have had enough activity for driving those mods to such decisions.

>Through it's just concern and sometimes hate being thrown around. Hard to ascertain things beyond that, and I'd want to be fair to even the one who looks the most suspect to me.
looking at the timeline and the OPs of those threads, it´s a whole mess for such a little time. Even the former co admin sounds tired as hell when he steps down for the 2nd time. Getting into the reasons behind this is...

>an evaluation of the administration would be impossible to avoid it. It has constantly has struggled with what it considers to be over the limits on edgy
basically this.

>the site seems to only have stabilized recently under the leadership of Mikie. Even then the site has faced a lot of drama
fingers crossed that he resists even though those mental problems affected to the dynamic for the site itself.

>Even outside of them the site still struggles with users who are raising more legitimate complaints on acceptability
so by having politics put aside, the site is still having problems with its own terms.

>you'd think that the fact there was an entire SFW chan (ponychan.us) made do to this things would be more settled
so does that mean that having a spot for NSFW can lead to less drama because of its consumption? I don´t know, everything sounds filled with too many political motifs behind its drama. I am quoting this sentence from you because that could serve for a meta topic towards the policy of that.

>all of it is that even with context a lot of this goes into a personal realm and he said she said situations.
what´s worse is that I am reading these lines and more or less it would happen the same to me if I moderated Nextchan and reunited a few users over there.

>purely not touching the site's lore would only be censorship in an odd sort of way.
it depends either if you want to use the explicit report of it or if you want to make it more private for those who are involved.

>I'm not even getting into the petty drama involving some idiots and lolcow tier people.
We already have 8chan for that (one of the most active boards over there by the way).

Anon 05/12/2019 (Sun) 21:22:41 [Preview] No.4098 del
>from the outside it seems very confusing.
let´s check them

<Staff will only remove content that is illegal, improperly tagged or just plain spam, with everything else being free game.
what the hell?

>What kind of rules are this? I don't understand. Maybe there is something I'm missing.
I mean, there were abuse pics used on /mlp/ and her boop images that were spammed especially in 2017/18 (this year has calmed down a lot). Do some users spam those pictures over there? I mean, they are annoying for sure but...
>Posting Dolores lewd is apperently banned even on the ef board that supposed to be a free for all.
>Some where saying it was because it offended Mikie but Mikie says others wanted that rule.
>Who wanted this? Why would it be enforced?
what difference does she make above the rest? No seriously, I am surfing on her top rated NSFW stuff and it makes literally ZERO difference from what you would expect about any other character. Is it because of a ship? Is it because of grotesque stuff (her abuse pics is the only reason I can think of)? A popular fetish that triggers them that involves her?
The usual complaints that I have seen on Derpi threads would be about certain fetishes that one doesn´t get or simply doesn´t like because of X reasons. However, a fetish doesn´t mean is just one character and for NSFW, little to nothing matters except changing "the protagonists" for those situations (unless you draw a character from another franchise that you don´t care and you simply want NSFW of MLP instead of...I don´t know Zootopia for example, which would be understandable)
>the only context I can gather here from these two threads is that Mikie doesn't like to see Dolores in certain situations and others told him to make it in the site rules itself because he couldn't expect the users to do it out of kindness.
it seems a fairly reasonable theory, using the rules to your taste (which any person in the power would use that path easily).
>This is /go/ relevant because it deals the status of the site itself.
after this post, consider me banned

>This is tricky to discus.
life is risky as hell. Sometimes we have to jump into the void and get ready to improvise for the worst.
>If I'm willing to post this here, than why not the stuff from the derpibooru mods earlier?
feel free to do it. Not only you would keep the consistency but you would denounce topics that aren´t allowed over there.
>I think arbitrary moderation should be fair game to mention but I wouldn't want it to turn to a hate fest.
depends entirely on the way that you present it. If you post the "MODS ARE FAGS!" a la 4chan route, then you will obtain the same results as /mlp/:nullifying the actual reasons for that negative reaction/criticism.

>if its only the us and a possible couple of lurkers we'd probably be fine and I'm just being paranoid
well, the worst case is that everything you say can and will be thrown against you. If anything, you will have to rely on your discussion skills whenever you get into the drama and draw clearly your intentions at that moment. I was paranoid about the elites as well, now I don´t care that much about them. Just have enough confidence for your arguments.

>we have had random users wander before and if this even half way takes off I could see some things being somewhat continuous with somethings if it were to get linked in certain places
if that happens, we should write more greens before they arrive. So drama isn´t the only reason to stay here for them. If they see us, it´d better have something entertaining in the meantime.I risked myself exposing my personal thoughts here but that helped to advance and take the next steps.
Besides: "Freedom must be accepted first, then planned and finally enjoyed" said by Pablo Picasso. So it´s up to the use of your own freedom what you want to make. Whatever happens next, we´ll be fine.
Also if everything goes wrong by noticing this site, it means that we will have made it relevant enough to say that it was alive for a period by two (or three) fags like us.

My Little Bullet Hell Anon 05/27/2019 (Mon) 07:02:44 [Preview] No.4163 del
...or My Little Pony vs Starcraft 2 or Ponytouhou or Equestria Corrupted. the developer, huod umop apisdn, jumped around with names a lot.

This is a game that was from the early days of the fandom. It's development predated season 2. The game received a moderate amount of attention at the time, with a couple articles on Equestria Gaming and a few youtube videos playing it in its various versions. 1.6 was the last update and received a very positive reception at Equestria Gaming, scoring a 9/10. The developer's last post was on February 11 2013, remarking on Hasbro's CoD on the Mane6 development team's game Fighting is Magic. Both his blog and his Youtube channel appear to be abandoned with links that I've found to any active online presence. 1.6 was deleted from Mediafire's servers at a unknown date, most likely of a routine automated purge of old files that didn't show activity and not part of any paid subscription plans. All 5 other versions are as of the writing of this post available for download. I have downloaded all remaining available versions and will post them if requested.

Status: Abandoned

https://archive.fo/2vtno Equestria Gaming's first post on it.
https://archive.fo/AbmNW Equestria Gaming's review.
1.6 release, with noted plans to release a version that was able to switch between windowed and fullscreeen which apparently never materialized.
The creator's last post.
To get a sense of how old this was, here is the creator reacting to the primer of season 2 of mlp on the same day it aired.
The blog, an incomplete archive link.
The blog, the real link.
The creator's yt channel.

Anon 05/27/2019 (Mon) 08:00:33 [Preview] No.4164 del
(2.25 MB 3211x2904 1554697679335.png)
Welp, do to some IRL stuff this is my only entry for today. It is basic entry. There is still probably a couple of other facts that I could note but this is just me getting a feel for what entries will be like. Note, I haven't even tried to get the game running yet and it is not a priority at the moment. Adding entries wanton like this could be a bit messy but I think I see how I'll organize it more uniformly by the next thread with a more insane idea possibly in the cards for later This is one of the games I talked about in >>4051 and was the easiest to make a partial entry for since I already finished most of it and only had to get a few archive links. It's kind of haunting because I have ran into the project several times over the years and never regarded it much.

I am also considering a status system.
Active Ongoing, normal activity.
Semi-active Updates slowly/randomly but not rarely.
Inactive Updates rarely and randomly.
Abandoned Has not updated in a space exceeding a year (maybe 2 years would be better) with other online activity having little to no mention of the project, and or has disappeared online completely. Also possibly confirmation from the creator his/herself.

Other possible tags that I'm less sure on.
Hiatus For periodical fanworks, this could be used in a few slightly different ways, but I see it where a creator has put it on hold for a various amounts of time, and as long as the give updates and do not announce otherwise it staying in that state.
Canceled for works that are explicitly stop there works and making abandoned only for works that are, well, abandoned without explanation.
Works that are fully completed and finished in the creator's eyes.

I've been giving it some thought and I think that for now I will be a bit more liberal in my remarks and notes for now. After all I'm still trying to get my baring and if I'm constantly worrying about "does this fit /go/?" it would amount to self-constraining myself and prevent ideas from happening. Besides, what I discus and what I present fully in the formal entries can be different and separate.

So basically what you say here.
>life is risky as hell. Sometimes we have to jump into the void and get ready to improvise for the worst.

>it seems a fairly reasonable theory, using the rules to your taste (which any person in the power would use that path easily).
>what difference does she make above the rest? No seriously, I am surfing on her top rated NSFW stuff and it makes literally ZERO difference from what you would expect about any other character. Is it because of a ship? Is it because of grotesque stuff
The context from what I can gather is that he has a strong attachment to Dolores and didn't like seeing her in certain situations so he'd delete pictures he didn't like of her at his own whim and everybody else wanted him to make it a formal rule rather than an unwritten thing he just did arbitrarily. It just seems, tbh, stupid, but also a little weird. I mean I think to myself: what if I was there and liked to avatarfag/post previously allowed pictures of Dolores? Would he have barred me from the practice? Think of how arbitrary it is, I can do that with any other character but Dolores . I would probably leave but note my displeasure strongly... but than again, not my circle jerk and I'm only thinking of hypotheticals, so why should I care?

Anon 05/29/2019 (Wed) 02:19:53 [Preview] No.4171 del
(317.15 KB 623x531 2048100.jpeg)
>Nice way of tagging the gaming projects.
Thanks. I'm not sure 100% how much the tags will differ from category to category or the will I have it fully uniform will maybe one or two specialty ones for certain things. For example, a one off ponyshort that has a sudden sequel years later may not fit wouldn't be called abandoned , because it never had the guarantee that another would be made. completed wouldn't apply either for the same reason, a one off ponyshort would be that and if it got randomly updated it will be the same questionable state where none of the tags applied well. There probably needs to be a separate tags for certain categories and this taging system that I have spelled out here would need works mainly for projects and periodical work and series (fansites, games, and abridged series) but there are other things I need to consider for certain works.

My Little Portal Anon 06/01/2019 (Sat) 06:41:08 [Preview] No.4189 del
My Little Portal is a animated web series created by Christian David Cerda. It is a fusion world of the Valve's Portal and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, using the setting of former with the characters of the latter. The series premiered on July 6 2012 after being tensed in trailers and previews for most of the winter and spring of that year. It received a significant amount of attention at the time, with Equestria Daily covering its releases and it sometimes being mentioned as an example when some internet media discussion of the rising fandom at the time. Though it was still secondary to larger series, like Friendship is Witchcraft and Pony.mov. The series is noted for its somewhat strange, perhaps overly slow animation style, arising from its use of the software Anime Studio (now know as Moho) over the predominate Adobe Flash of the time or the mix of Flash and Toon Boom of today. Episode 9 is the most recent episode that has been released at the time of writing this post May 14 2017. With a preview of Episode 10 uploaded Jun 8 2017, with only a follow up tenser trailer for various works of the creator and a channel update video mentioning continuing plans of production of the series being uploaded the year after in 2018, with a total of 7 episodes planned. The creator mentioned on a Twitter post on 17 Feb 2019 that he plans to wrap up the series with 3 more episodes so the series will end the same year as Friendship is Magic itself.


Pinkiepool, usually spelled with all caps, is a secondary series made originally with the intent to be supplementary content that was easy to produce in between releases of My Little Portal. Only one episode has been released so far on July 14 2017. It was mentioned in the creator's last update video in 2018 that he still intended to finish season 1 of the series and if it did well planed to make a season 2, though its current status is unknown with the recent changes to of his plans for My Little Portal.

EqD's article on the first episode.
An example of some of the attention the series received at the time in the non ponysphere (note, this is a prototype entry. I remember it being mentioned elsewhere as well but this was the only article that came up. If my memories prove to be wrong then It will be reflected in the revised proper version of this entry.)
The creators recent Twitter update.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=SO-7FCYuSWc [Embed]
His most recent channel update.
His YT channel.
The creator's devianart page.

Anon 06/01/2019 (Sat) 06:56:09 [Preview] No.4190 del
I stress this is only a prototype entry and haven't searched to my liking on this. It's just me testing of format. The sections in Bold is an idea for subentries within larger entries. Specifically of minor works that are related to the main work and at least deserve a footnote. This could be more useful though if I adopt a format of covering works by there creators (at least if a creator has contributed a lot to the fandom in various different forms). For example, most of FimFlamFilosophy's entry would be devoted to MAS and RDP, but there would be footnotes on his secondary pony series and his earlier obscure fanfics, just mentioning their existence.

Anon 06/01/2019 (Sat) 06:57:51 [Preview] No.4191 del
I forgot to put, Status: Inactive Oh well, its far from the final product anyway.

Anon 06/09/2019 (Sun) 05:10:24 [Preview] No.4227 del
(193.34 KB 964x299 Season28WasGreat!.png)
Was doing /go/ research when I saw this suggested at the bottom of youtube videos.

Season 28...

Anon 08/30/2019 (Fri) 23:29:13 [Preview] No.4507 del
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Anon 09/22/2019 (Sun) 01:25:25 [Preview] No.4644 del
When L23 brought up that he thought simply th fandom was less interested in fanfiction I originally considered that the drop in viewership and attention to MLP fan animations was do to the shrinking size of the fandom itself. Now, after looking around do to a couple of different /go/ related ventures. I'm not so sure. There is more data to look at but do to pic related along with a couple other things I noticed I'm starting to agree with him.

Anon 09/22/2019 (Sun) 01:31:02 [Preview] No.4645 del
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/GO/ Progress report
I have between 30 and 50 posts worth of stuff but I'm been stumbling around on how I'm going to handle the data. I think I'm close to finding a better way and perhaps a clearer path forward here.

Anon 09/22/2019 (Sun) 01:39:09 [Preview] No.4646 del
(441.08 KB 3000x3652 1742929.png)
Belated thanks! Now it's my turn to try.

Anon 09/22/2019 (Sun) 01:40:21 [Preview] No.4647 del
(154.39 KB 841x1024 1742929.png)
Fire again!

Anon 09/22/2019 (Sun) 10:50:00 [Preview] No.4660 del
>When L23 brought up that he thought simply th fandom was less interested in fanfiction I originally considered that the drop in viewership and attention to MLP fan animations was do to the shrinking size of the fandom itself. Now, after looking around do to a couple of different /go/ related ventures. I'm not so sure. There is more data to look at but do to pic related along with a couple other things I noticed I'm starting to agree with him.
Let me copypaste my thought from my personal thread >>4658 because I overlapped my answers with what I had to say here:

"I was going to comment in your /go/ thread that the numbers of fanfics hasn´t only declined because of the fanbase, it´s also (and most importantly) because the fans cannot make any headcanons about the characters. They felt like archetypes and the fanbase had to speculate about every little thing because of how few episodes there were at the time so they invented and wrote fics about their personalities, each fan had a very different interpretation from any other one, they were personally implied."

"Nowadays, the fanfics don´t work around that concept of background ponies, they consist in writing the existent established characters, lore and the worldbuilding that gen 4 has left down the road. The fanbase has to pay attention to the show itself in order to write anything sort of acceptable for gen 4 standards, based on something that has occurred on the show. This requires effort and time. One fan can write a random story at anytime but it won´t be taken seriously but if one wants to go further, watching the show becomes essential and not all the fanbase has done that. That trend can change over the years because we will all know gen 4 and there are no hiatuses nor further speculations towards its world that hasn´t been already done. That´s the main difference and my analysis about that downhill trend in the yearly numbers."

And even then, my words are just a personal assumption from the observations that I have managed to sense. Simply another hypothesis out of thousands in order to explain this phenomenon. Indeed, the Derpibooru numbers are steadily growing but I didn´t know that FimFiction has repeated almost the same path as the fanbase´s popularity. This could reaffirm that those who are writing fanfics nowadays (for the most part) have taken the show standards into account beforehand.

Anon 09/22/2019 (Sun) 10:59:16 [Preview] No.4661 del
>I'm been stumbling around on how I'm going to handle the data. I think I'm close to finding a better way and perhaps a clearer path forward here.
yeah, I believe that the way it´s going to be distributed will play an important factor. Not because of the content itself but how it is exposed and/or the circumstances the board finds itself in. Keep in mind that I haven´t replied these reports yet: from >>4163 to >>4227, not because they are uninteresting but because I didn´t put any attention at the time because of other factors.

I can confirm that this picture has fixed it.

Anon 12/15/2019 (Sun) 08:01:50 [Preview] No.5193 del
Well. You know how I mentioned I was trying to categorize different subgroups of the fandom? This:
Found this while investigating stuff I wanted to archive before COPPA strikes when I started to check out a couple of channels that looked like they were run by younger teennage girls. I had heard there was a segment of the proper or at least mainstream "brony" side of things that as they grown older had joined the fandom fully. But I had only sometimes seen people who truly fit the bill in the formal fandom, usually EqD or MLPforums, more rarely on FiMfiction or Derpibooru. This place seems to be dominated or at least by people who fit that bill, at least at a glace...

Maybe there not all teenage to young adult with a more female lean but it certainly has that feel. I was skeptical of how close they could be considered core fandom or even really associated yet I saw stuff referencing major fandom works and people mixed in all there poorly drawn OCs and normal teenage banter so now I'm just confused.
Okay... as I was writing this it seems LittleShyFM is on here.

This is going to require further investigation. I knew very little of this social network other than it was for various interests and that I saw it shilled on YT sometimes. The thing that strikes me is that it seems pretty active. How much OC is here? How does this interact with the other fandom ecosystem? I mean, if even half those memebers were active that could be a significant force upon the fandom. Yet, I can tell you that I do not see near as many people quite this tier in other places. So it is isolated?

Apparently it did get Hasbro's attention for some reason?

Anon 12/15/2019 (Sun) 08:08:25 [Preview] No.5194 del
Something else of note. It's interesting to think of people who could get into the show after it ends. I really feel like this will be a small amount unless we really become a self sustaining subculture but it'd be interesting to see if there would be any diverges in these late arrivals like there is in other groups or so were told in other groups. I've seen some stuff that has caused me to question some assumed subdivisions in the fandom but that is for later

Anon 12/16/2019 (Mon) 00:24:14 [Preview] No.5204 del
(1.96 MB 2200x1700 17217191.jpg)
you´ve never heard about aminoapps?! I am a little bit shocked because while browsing a few Japanese games, something related to Steven Universe or when you are casually browsing, it always appears with an article related to what you want. Not always MLP related but it appears a lot when you want to look for anime clichés.

>I had heard there was a segment of the proper or at least mainstream "brony" side of things that as they grown older had joined the fandom fully. But I had only sometimes seen people who truly fit the bill in the formal fandom, usually EqD or MLPforums, more rarely on FiMfiction or Derpibooru. This place seems to be dominated or at least by people who fit that bill, at least at a glace...
yeah. I mean, Aminoapps can be seen mostly as an outsider part of the core fanbase, so I have always considered it as a mainstream satellite (along with the social media groups of MLP in facebook, twitter or Pixiv). It looks like a chill out site that Tumblr desired to be and way more casually invested into the show, in the sense that they don´t take it as seriously (relatively speaking) nor present themselves to be dramatic over the events.

From the gallery of videos that they show, it presents itself as the common standards and base material for any fan to spend their time in (Agrol and the Duo Cartoonist reveal a lot where this site is going).

>I was skeptical of how close they could be considered core fandom or even really associated yet I saw stuff referencing major fandom works and people mixed in all there poorly drawn OCs and normal teenage banter so now I'm just confused.
keep in mind that not everything is uniform and while it seems that I am making up statements, there are always exceptions and if one digs deeper, one can always find curious cases.

>Okay... as I was writing this it seems LittleShyFM is on here.
there you have it. Do you need more evidence?

>if even half those memebers were active that could be a significant force upon the fandom. Yet, I can tell you that I do not see near as many people quite this tier in other places. So it is isolated?
as you posted earlier with another forums, many users are isolated in their own little circles and go on their own (like /endpone/ kind of does), regardless of what happens to the "core" part of the fanbase. I also know a few Spanish circles and they also go in isolation even though they don´t reach the size as Aminoapps does.

However, that number could be a little be enlarged. You need to be registered in order to see the comments and get involved in it, so this means that those are potential users that could check this fan club but it doesn´t guarantee that said member stands as a dedicated one. Maybe a few of them simply want to look at specific things and move onto another thing from that site, unrelated to MLP.

Anon 12/16/2019 (Mon) 00:42:10 [Preview] No.5205 del
(302.64 KB 675x900 954979.jpeg)
>Apparently it did get Hasbro's attention for some reason?
this could only give more fuel to /mlp/ if they noticed it.
Hasbro proves (for a thousandth time again) that they have been stupid to this very day. They care about specific leaks from the VA´s, about a fan club that has the name of the franchise, yet they pursue them because of Copyright reasons (like what the hell? How can you copyright that? How can they throw such arrogance if they receive a source of income because of their fans?). This reminds me of King (the company) that tried to copyright the word "Candy" and didn´t allow other apps to have that word. It´s utterly pointless and annoying.

One could look deeper at what Aminoapps can offer here but one doesn´t need to be very intelligent for realizing and discovering the stupidity from Hasbro does offer to us all this decade.

>It's interesting to think of people who could get into the show after it ends.
that post was written yesterday. Any fan would raise those questions as well and when one should watch the movie or the specials.

>I really feel like this will be a small amount unless we really become a self sustaining subculture but it'd be interesting to see if there would be any diverges in these late arrivals like there is in other groups or so were told in other groups.
a self sustaining subculture that has lasted an entire decade. One would see posts about the fandom dying back in 2012 but we have been seeing that expression every month and we have grown used to seeing it.

But yeah, these are the first post gen 4 fans that are watching the show after the entire release of this series. They are judging it without the hype, that is to say, we are going to witness if they show actually stands the test of time.

>I've seen some stuff that has caused me to question some assumed subdivisions in the fandom but that is for later
we´ll see but I can certainly imagine the subdivisions.

Anon 12/16/2019 (Mon) 23:49:14 [Preview] No.5208 del
Can't blame you for thinking it's mostly girls/younger children with those posts about drama and sucide and the overall feel of the OC there.

>something related to Steven Universe or when you are casually browsing, it always appears with an article related to what you want. Not always MLP related but it appears a lot when you want to look for anime clichés.
All the animation YTers shill the hell out of it. I'm surprised unless he just doesn't spend a lot of time in social media.

Hasbro is retarded.

>But yeah, these are the first post gen 4 fans that are watching the show after the entire release of this series. They are judging it without the hype, that is to say, we are going to witness if they show actually stands the test of time.

Anon 12/17/2019 (Tue) 05:52:12 [Preview] No.5217 del
(604.26 KB 768x1024 PrettyPoniesInTheSky.jpeg)
>you´ve never heard about aminoapps?! I am a little bit shocked because while browsing a few Japanese games, something related to Steven Universe or when you are casually browsing, it always appears with an article related to what you want. Not always MLP related but it appears a lot when you want to look for anime clichés.
>All the animation YTers shill the hell out of it. I'm surprised unless he just doesn't spend a lot of time in social media.
I guess outside of MLP I live under a rock. A lot of the conors and channels I do pay attention to probably are on the smaller end. Even with Ponytube it feels like I'm not fully in the loop because I don't follow the bigger channels too closely and when I do it is mainly just to see what that side of the fandom is doing.

>Can't blame you for thinking it's mostly girls/younger children with those posts about drama and sucide and the overall feel of the OC there.
If it's promoted heavily on youtube than it probably has a sizeable contengent of them.

>This reminds me of King (the company) that tried to copyright the word "Candy" and didn´t allow other apps to have that word. It´s utterly pointless and annoying.
They also tried to get saga...

>But yeah, these are the first post gen 4 fans that are watching the show after the entire release of this series. They are judging it without the hype, that is to say, we are going to witness if they show actually stands the test of time.
It's going to be an interesting processes. For, if there is any sizable number beyond a handful it could be interesting if they have separate experience, Like, as with different anons feeling sentimental to the season they joined, would they have a more unitary view of FiM? Would they still end up getting stuck in the same factions? If G5 even partly succeeds it'll be an entirely different ballpark.

Runing out of time so I'll end it here

Anon 01/03/2020 (Fri) 20:36:29 [Preview] No.5288 del
I have some some small but big news. After months of searching I have found it...


This is the site that I erroneously remembered as Discord Daily! Worse still it's blogspot subdomain refereed to it's original founding purpose in the embrace of more loose/chaotic comment threads. I found it on accident while stumbling through the fanlabor wiki and old /mlp/ nostalgia threads trying to come up with a plan to archive the youtube comments (I already have done some). So they apperently moved to friendshipismagic.org which is it's own mystery at the moment. I remember hearing it suffered a massive drop in activity do to Discord but don't ask me what is going on there now with those zip files. More bad news is that intense debate comments maybe lost and that the native comment system hasn't been loading on older posts. Still I am happy that I found it!


Anon 01/03/2020 (Fri) 21:00:35 [Preview] No.5289 del

Anon 01/04/2020 (Sat) 22:03:14 [Preview] No.5293 del
watch out! We are in the big realm of chaos, let´s see how things are going over there and...

>This is the site that I erroneously remembered as Discord Daily! Worse still it's blogspot subdomain refereed to it's original founding purpose in the embrace of more loose/chaotic comment threads.
oh, it´s another place that still shows the archives to the public. It´s technically a news site, for this franchise, a huge proportion of blogs report the latest news. Surprisingly enough,neither I see enough comments for making the articles chaotic nor I get the chance to see them.

>I found it on accident while stumbling through the fanlabor wiki and old /mlp/ nostalgia threads trying to come up with a plan to archive the youtube comments (I already have done some).
oh nice. You know, I managed to get the bat pony OP because of using that method and clicking on a link for the dropbox that was posted back in 2014. The nostalgia threads are guaranteed to appear whenever October arrives for celebrating another anniversary.

>So they apperently moved to friendshipismagic.org which is it's own mystery at the moment.
404 Not found, the announcement really works effectively. How can you have get a non-existent site with 27.000 members registered over there? Either the link changed or who knows.

>I remember hearing it suffered a massive drop in activity do to Discord but don't ask me what is going on there now with those zip files.
Discord Daily got ruined by Discord....besides the puns, I think that one can create a couple of memes making fun of that event. No one is safe from Discord, no one and a few channers can tell their bitterness towards its intrusion on the net. The creator has been eaten by his own product.

>More bad news is that intense debate comments maybe lost and that the native comment system hasn't been loading on older posts.
This prevents me to check if the comment did actually cause some sort of chaos or bad ambient over there even though after knowing how Horse News works (the blog of /mlp/ and memes), anything else will fall short in comparison.

>Still I am happy that I found it!
*Pinkie parties hard*

Anon 01/04/2020 (Sat) 22:21:47 [Preview] No.5294 del
now, I have to quote something that has caught my attention:

<I've been on this little Blogspot since Novemeber 2012. Slowly all the original community has drifted off. Most don't even watch the show anymore.
Hyperdudeman said this in the season 5 premiere (on April 2015). Mate, I know that you are not going to know about /endpone/ whatsover so the chances of seeing this reply would range from zero to nothing. While it´s true that the peak of gen 4´s popularity has been decreasing and not all the fans have kept their interest on it, in 2020 I can point out that this line is a half truth. Besides the argument that the show is over and some old fans have decided to check it completely all over again (because of nostalgia or even new fans joining in after its ending), the popularity started to decrease after the season 5 finale not before the season 5´s premiere. I could see the reasons why he would post this around the 6th season when the fad was absolutely over and most bandwagoners left (especially Tumblr) but he left a year earlier than that (or at least 7 months before the tendency line dropped)

Although I can emphasize with his case because even at the peak of FiM´s popularity, some alternative sites have closed in the golden era so the motifs are not so simple behind this (in this case, it was the effort).

However, that link doesn´t work but at least, Bridgefag has found it....still awesome.

Anon 01/08/2020 (Wed) 08:13:08 [Preview] No.5309 del
(740.68 KB 720x720 2022708.gif)
(969.90 KB 1280x720 2068681.png)
(219.38 KB 1024x1024 2195617.gif)
It's freaky to find it mostly intact. Indeed a chaotic time.

>404 Not found, the announcement really works effectively. How can you have get a non-existent site with 27.000 members registered over there? Either the link changed or who knows.
I actually have found something on the domain and it leaves me confused. May not want to click back there Not anything illegal or scary, but a bit strange, I'll explain later.

>*Pinkie parties hard*
To the webm with some of the best slicing of vocals I have ever heard.
>Although I can emphasize with his case because even at the peak of FiM´s popularity, some alternative sites have closed in the golden era so the motifs are not so simple behind this
It's interesting because I'd imagine someone in that position would be thinking that the fandom is dead already yet I know of places that even started at that time and are still alive.

>However, that link doesn´t work but at least, Bridgefag has found it....still awesome.
I can still see what is was link and a glimpse to a time past. So it is awesome.

Alright. Kinda turning this into a PoLS as I have been interrupted in my replies. Tomorrow I may not get back because I am trying to do a huge push to archive fandom related YT comments. It has been difficult as most options available have failed for me so I'm stuck with a very primitive script that can only scrape them one video at a time. It's a race against time and already a fair bit have been nuked.

sage sage 01/09/2020 (Thu) 02:48:08 [Preview] No.5317 del
(45.99 KB 1920x1080 questions.png)
Fight the good fight

Anon 01/10/2020 (Fri) 05:01:39 [Preview] No.5318 del
(78.49 KB 1628x1147 2158112.jpeg)
(91.59 KB 1703x1295 2159818.jpeg)
So many comments have been lost yet so many remain. A lot of stuff has been unaffected save episode clips. It's only a matter of time though before YT AI probably will include anything with MLP and major characters names. I am focusing on older channels as newer ones have a chance to defend themselves.

Thanks whom I presume to be the binary message guy.

PoLS for now.

Anon 01/10/2020 (Fri) 23:45:13 [Preview] No.5323 del
>It's freaky to find it mostly intact. Indeed a chaotic time.
not only chaotic but the most surprising thing that I find with this discovery is that it hasn´t been deleted yet or completely vanished to this day.

>I actually have found something on the domain and it leaves me confused. May not want to click back there
this doesn´t give me good vibes at all despite your sentence put in spoilers.

>To the webm with some of the best slicing of vocals I have ever heard.
the melody might not be all that great but I have to admire the edition and effort put at synchronizing the words flowing as if they were coming at natural and even consider to my surprise that it manages to get some flow on its own. I knew that the fanbase has made a lot of remixes but honestly, except for what you have posted on this board, I haven´t had any contact with that fan music material.

>I'd imagine someone in that position would be thinking that the fandom is dead already yet I know of places that even started at that time and are still alive.
and maybe a few of those might be in the same league of popularity that Discord´s Domain had in its primer. But even without knowing those numbers, Derpi´s numbers, FiMfiction or even the reddit subscriptions would reject that last entry from the owner (you could even apply /endpone/ to this list as well). That´s why I felt like giving those lines a little bit of spotlight for analyzing them in hindsight now that gen 4 is over.

>I can still see what is was link and a glimpse to a time past. So it is awesome.
basically, time travelling without needing a time machine nor ancient spells hence why bridges exist

>I am trying to do a huge push to archive fandom related YT comments. It has been difficult as most options available have failed for me so I'm stuck with a very primitive script that can only scrape them one video at a time. It's a race against time and already a fair bit have been nuked.
it´s because of COPPA´s application on YouTube that affect to MLP content, isn´t it?

>So many comments have been lost yet so many remain.
Good luck on reaching all those comments even though I wonder what you are going to bring in the future with that material over here.

>I am focusing on older channels as newer ones have a chance to defend themselves.
fair enough

Anon 01/22/2020 (Wed) 01:58:53 [Preview] No.5355 del
(16.57 KB 612x691 carrotponeedit.png)
You actually have a good way to archive YT comments? I thought Google was trying to really clamp down on the ability to remember anything older than a year.

Anon 01/22/2020 (Wed) 02:09:08 [Preview] No.5357 del
>bridgefag actually found a website he remembered
>from years ago
>with only the word discord in recollection
>post discord app
I'm not used to things actually being found. WTF, that is some of the best shitpost music I have ever heard.

Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 06:21:48 [Preview] No.5370 del
It ain't the best way probably. Just a simple python script.
Sometimes one can be surprised if they look hard enough but tbh I never thought I'd find that site.

Anon 03/24/2020 (Tue) 08:10:07 [Preview] No.5596 del
(82.56 KB 837x507 Frontpageponibooru.png)
(38.27 KB 1071x173 Forum.png)
(57.33 KB 634x454 crackdown.png)
(290.42 KB 992x486 mylittllebrony.png)
(25.86 KB 1000x547 old.png)
I have gotten word that the old booru pbooru.com is being taken down by it's host do to disuse. One of the last alternative boorus it's shuttering its doors. To be honest, I'm not sure if any tears should be shed. I knew very little about the place other than the couple of times I ran into it was utterly traumatizing do to horrible tagging and hardcore fetishes and that some on /mlp/ would mention it for more liberal policies on content regarding minors (I guess what you would call loli) that was recently cracked down on. With what little looking around I've done it appears to be a ghost town. Searching back under certain mostly porn free tags (mostly meme and caps related) reveals some content that maybe worth saving in the form of little bits of stuff relating long dead websites and old fandom culture that may not be archived elsewhere. I also found some other sometimes odd things.

Anon 03/24/2020 (Tue) 08:19:41 [Preview] No.5597 del
First off, even in my avoidance of most of the art tags for above stated reasons, I did some searching under with trying to filter out hardcore stuff (as best I can anyway) and there seems to be some art that has been deleted by their artist and taken down on derpibooru. This example looks like somebody who deleted an edgy jork (something that has picked up over the past 3 years I've passively noticed). A truly disturbing thought that some art might been permanently lost with this going down. I do not have the resources to download the entire booru or that I even want too considering... . I'm not even sure I'll manage to download one tag. Kind of makes it haunting.

Anon 03/24/2020 (Tue) 08:25:17 [Preview] No.5598 del
Speaking of disturbing: I don't know what it is with this site but even a lot of the actual safe images look... weird? I at first was dismissive with an explication that it must be do to early fandom and amateurism. A lot of the stuff I found that way was tagged under creepy or uncanny valley so they must've thought it was too. Yet I kept running in to it even with my avoidance of art and when I check out an art tag I do often find a fair bit that just have an odder feel than just amateurism or early fandom. IDK, maybe it's just me but when I search early fandom art on derpi or elsewhere usually has a whimsical feel, maybe edgy, maybe brony pride, creepypasta, etc. Even the amateur stuff usually just looks losely drawn and childish at worst, sometimes creepy but usually not. Not saying you can't find odd stuff elsewhere but this site seems to have a fair bit under a variety of different skill levels that just feels odd to me. Some of it is clearly purposeful others I'm not so sure.

Anon 03/24/2020 (Tue) 08:33:30 [Preview] No.5599 del
And now on to kinda weird but in a more artist way. One of the images I already posted earlier in the previous post but there was 3 more. All of them linked to this one youtube video that is a "tutorial" on 3d modeling. I'll give the guy props on it having a bit of a original atmosphere for a creepy vid, especially in the era of creepypasta It only has two thousand views and at first glance is the only MLP related video on their channel (there is a few other cases of odd orphan vids like this I've run into in the past, just a note for for classification purposes). With the low view count and certainly something that I probably couldn't run into while normal searching leads me to wonder: was that the only way I could've found that little oddity? Is this the only place where the video's existence was also recorded? Is there other little odd things I'll find here if I look hard enough? Maybe somebody there just had a taste for slightly more esoteric unsettling stuff and therefore it makes up a moderately higher proportion of the images.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=MyAzI3fLLnM [Embed]

Anon 03/25/2020 (Wed) 00:06:14 [Preview] No.5601 del


I am speechless and I have seen things on the internet.

Anon 03/25/2020 (Wed) 00:19:25 [Preview] No.5602 del
okay,okay, let´s try to reply to this and you know, try to digest this mess (for the lack of a better word).

It´s one of those few times in my life where I felt that I couldn´t be more impressed by the internet but for some reason, it manages to beat itself.

And this came around the golden era....anyway...


>To be honest, I'm not sure if any tears should be shed. I knew very little about the place other than the couple of times I ran into it was utterly traumatizing do to horrible tagging and hardcore fetishes and that some on /mlp/ would mention it for more liberal policies on content regarding minors (I guess what you would call loli) that was recently cracked down on.
this is what happens when filters don´t exist and you know, despite opening a NSFW thread, no way the images would be so low quality. Like, there are ratings and some NSFW artists have more success for a reason. There are really cheap pictures of explicit content and I don´t get how one would be aroused by them. It looks like Paheal in its prime years. Also loli is kind of a grey area even here so yeah, if an outsider wanted to judge the fandom, this site would offer all the weapons. Derpi gives you a warning that you are aware when you use the filters but this does not.

If lolis were the main appeal for this site....then, I suppose that proves the standards given for it.

>With what little looking around I've done it appears to be a ghost town. Searching back under certain mostly porn free tags (mostly meme and caps related) reveals some content that maybe worth saving in the form of little bits of stuff relating long dead websites and old fandom culture that may not be archived elsewhere.
yeah, especially the SFW pictures but I believe that a huge proportion of them could perfectly be found on Derpi or even Deviantart (if the artist hasn´t deleted that content yet). I am posting the SFW pictures I have found there for this discussion.

>I also found some other sometimes odd things.
oh boy, we are going deep into the rabbithole, isn´t it? It´s all downhill from here.

Anon 03/25/2020 (Wed) 00:29:31 [Preview] No.5603 del
>First off, even in my avoidance of most of the art tags for above stated reasons, I did some searching under with trying to filter out hardcore stuff (as best I can anyway)
one of the worst aspects from that place is that is quite complicated to filter the specific tags you want to hide. The tag list is limited and you have to refresh the page or go to the next page in order to have the option to hide them. What a difference from Derpibooru. I completely understand that because I have tried to check if there was good stuff out there and yeah, probably a few counted pictures but bufff, the hardcore stuff.....let me tell ya, is quite cheap and it shows.

>there seems to be some art that has been deleted by their artist and taken down on derpibooru. This example looks like somebody who deleted an edgy jork (something that has picked up over the past 3 years I've passively noticed). A truly disturbing thought that some art might been permanently lost with this going down.
that´s the saddest part. The fanbase has a very limited time to save the content or mirror it in order to save those pictures possibly from disappearing forever but the problem relies on the same question: how much of it is worth it? How much of the nostalgic feelings are justified for that content. Although that Celestia picture is quite iconic on /mlp/.

>I do not have the resources to download the entire booru or that I even want too considering... .
me neither, in fact I am almost full and I have had to uninstall games in order to save more future images and personal stuff. Maybe a compressed folder for the whole gallery...

Anon 03/25/2020 (Wed) 00:58:16 [Preview] No.5604 del
now, where do I even begin with this? >>5598

>Speaking of disturbing: I don't know what it is with this site but even a lot of the actual safe images look... weird?
weird is a huge compliment. You know one has to be worried when someone who is so used to the internet can say: "Enough internet for today" because that was my first reaction towards the pictures exposed over here. Sweet mother of Celestia, this is ridiculous.

>I at first was dismissive with an explication that it must be do to early fandom and amateurism. A lot of the stuff I found that way was tagged under creepy or uncanny valley so they must've thought it was too. Yet I kept running in to it even with my avoidance of art and when I check out an art tag I do often find a fair bit that just have an odder feel than just amateurism or early fandom.
>Even the amateur stuff usually just looks losely drawn and childish at worst, sometimes creepy but usually not. Not saying you can't find odd stuff elsewhere but this site seems to have a fair bit under a variety of different skill levels that just feels odd to me
/endpone/´s pictures look like the fucking Mona Lisa and none of us are artists per se nor dedicate ourselves in the drawing stuff at all. Hell, I have seen stuff that made more sense in Deviantart. How can it be downright creepy without intending it? How do they do it? I have seen lots of cringy and even gore or dark stuff when makes sense....that content feels less disturbing than this. How? Explain this to me.

As you say, this looks truly uncanny and it´s not simply a matter of amateurism. I wonder if there is a contest for proving who could reach the most ridiculous levels out there. Out of the pictures that you have posted, I suppose that the ponies drawn in the 1st picture and elements from the 3rd one in terms of bodies looks reasonable but damn, the rest...I cannot even look a the 2nd picture (I wish there were spoilers or a NSFW picture instead).

you know, whenever you feel down or feel shitty about your life, take a look at these pictures and you will feel relieved that there is always someone somewhere in this world that is going to beat you by a landslide at being a mess. There must be some kind of talent hidden of certain people that manage to get so far in the downward spiral that ordinary people cannot reach even with effort behind.

Anon 03/25/2020 (Wed) 01:21:53 [Preview] No.5605 del
>Not saying you can't find odd stuff elsewhere but this site seems to have a fair bit under a variety of different skill levels that just feels odd to me. Some of it is clearly purposeful others I'm not so sure.
now, what you might have expected is a natural mindset. It´s quite understandable that artists in the past might have drawn amateur stuff or even drafts that not even themselves would have liked to draw but throughout the decade, those shitty artist improved and eventually got featured in EQD, were paid for commissions and become titans at contributing to the community. Drawing is quite complicated and you know, it requires lots of bad pictures, skills and trial and error. This is why one should be permissive towards artists that cannot improve but are always trying their best to create something to the world and the early years didn´t have the anthro bodies all that defined. Thankfully, EQG gave at least a reference for drawing the cast in an humanized form and the SFM models (updated and improved over time) have replaced those weird experiments, so now the 3d territory has a base standard material for everyone, one doesn´t need to model weird bodies anymore like...

this... ugh what is this? This is something else and probably I would need to travel into a different universe with other physics because those are definitely Pinkie, Fluttershy or Twilight just that we don´t have enough comprehension in order to understand those "particular" physical beings.

>I'll give the guy props on it having a bit of a original atmosphere for a creepy vid, especially in the era of creepypasta.
well, at least it managed to accomplish that. But honestly, how much of the creepypasta scene has managed to survive or stay relevant after those years?

>With the low view count and certainly something that I probably couldn't run into while normal searching leads me to wonder: was that the only way I could've found that little oddity? Is this the only place where the video's existence was also recorded?
Youtube receives GBytes/TBytes of content each second or minute. Imagine the amount of content uploaded for Pornhub but multiplied and more diverse. Considering that this site had in mind to be haven for loli content, yeah I suppose that the medium to discover this stuff was certainly logical (I suppose though the porn sites should be the most frequent ones to link).

>Is there other little odd things I'll find here if I look hard enough? Maybe somebody there just had a taste for slightly more esoteric unsettling stuff and therefore it makes up a moderately higher proportion of the images.
there are always people for everything, do you think that it will become a mainstream fetish in the future? Because I will ask myself how logic even works by the time it managed to happen. But yeah, if you are looking for unsettling stuff, you know, it´s a golden opportunity to do it before it shuts down.

Anon 04/03/2020 (Fri) 03:08:29 [Preview] No.5660 del
I still don't know the full history of this pbooru website but I ended up pulling a somewhat larger effort than I thought I would. Turns out this was an attempt to set up a clone of the old ponibooru. The main booru in the fandom before Derpibooru. A good bit of the site's content turned out to be directly imported from there. My knowledge of the site is admittedly rather limited other than I knew that it was a bit of a chaotic place that was shutdown when the owner couldn't afford it (or mentally couldn't handle it. Or he freaked out oddly. One of those). I've also heard that there was some drama as well. From what I've seen does go with what I remember hearing about it. The site had a strange system of meta post over having a forum. Discussion took place within the comments of the site. So you would have these text only or mostly text picture post, charts and meme posing questions to the userbase of the website or starting a dissuasion topic. Though the comments hadn't been imported, the actual meta posts were and the ones I downloaded plus some of the self referential memes do give a pretty good idea on what ponibooru's culture was like along with some early fandom dynamics. I had hoped that some of this was backed up elsewhere but unfortunately from the searches I did it did appear there was a lot that wasn't on Derpibooru. I even found some art most of which was rather lower tier that unless it wasn't properly tagged certainly wasn't on Derpi either. I think most of the art and general pony memes are safe but it's a shame that the last records of what was once a prospective pillar site of the fandom may have been lost.

Anon 04/03/2020 (Fri) 03:15:30 [Preview] No.5661 del
The whole meta post system was an issue on the site with some thinking that it was better to have a forum. Additionally some questioned the practice hosting fan fiction in the same style of text only posts, another practice of the site. I actually do remember the practice of fanfiction
being stored in image format sometimes wonder it arose from there or just was something that arose from a huge blooming fandom that wasn't always well integrated into the other fandom infrastructure and hadn't fully developed its own yet?

Anon 04/03/2020 (Fri) 03:20:13 [Preview] No.5662 del
An interesting part was finding old speculation and theories about the show. A lot were weak or shitposting. Some were not canon but actually kind of cool idea that could work...

Anon 04/03/2020 (Fri) 03:23:12 [Preview] No.5663 del
(54.56 KB 650x586 wowthisistrue.png)
and one poster was more right than I bet anyone would believe at the time.

Anon 04/03/2020 (Fri) 03:41:27 [Preview] No.5664 del
>Sweet mother of Celestia, this is ridiculous.
>/endpone/´s pictures look like the fucking Mona Lisa and none of us are artists per se nor dedicate ourselves in the drawing stuff at all. Hell, I have seen stuff that made more sense in Deviantart. How can it be downright creepy without intending it? How do they do it?
Perhaps we are being too hard on them, perhaps not. It wasn't as if that was the only thing I saw but it just seemed like in everything I would search there be one or too images that give off utterly strange feels compared to shitposting creepypasta or amaturism.

> But yeah, if you are looking for unsettling stuff, you know, it´s a golden opportunity to do it before it shuts down.
It is not the unsettling I seek, it data to fit into patterns. For example: I have several times ran into channels that only had one MLP related work and than have nothing in a similar catatorgy or a project that is abbandoned. Is there any pattern that forms when you view them togather? Is there treads that did exist but go unseen by the majority of the fandom? Stuff like that.

>well, at least it managed to accomplish that. But honestly, how much of the creepypasta scene has managed to survive or stay relevant after those years?
Creepypasta isn't the biggest thing now of course. Then? It is was suffocating. Even if it wasn't my fav video and I'm not the biggest into scary stuff I'll give the guy a little bit of props for using silence and eeriness over blood and jumpscares of the time. Still you are right in finding the art rather hard to look at.

April Fools! 04/04/2020 (Sat) 13:10:00 [Preview] No.5683 del
>Turns out this was an attempt to set up a clone of the old ponibooru. The main booru in the fandom before Derpibooru. A good bit of the site's content turned out to be directly imported from there.
that could explain the lack of upvotes on any images that I clicked so what we are talking about is just its mirror/shadow extended.

>it was a bit of a chaotic place that was shutdown when the owner couldn't afford it (or mentally couldn't handle it. Or he freaked out oddly. One of those).
certainly the background story doesn´t sound really comforting.

>I even found some art most of which was rather lower tier that unless it wasn't properly tagged certainly wasn't on Derpi either.
well, the tagging aspect was a mess and if there are users who are entirely dedicated to tag properly Derpi´s images and still they come with flaws, imagine a site in which the uploader doesn´t even tag the picture except for the basic tags (character) and sometimes, not even basic ones like solo or explicit appeared all the time. It shouldn´t impress anyone because that lack of tags makes the search more difficult to find that particular picture and archive it (unless you compress the entire thing in one folder)

>I think most of the art and general pony memes are safe but it's a shame that the last records of what was once a prospective pillar site of the fandom may have been lost.
I can confirm that with the SFW pictures I found. Those are safe because of Derpi or the DA that haven´t decided to delete its material but sadly, one cannot deny the lost of an archival place implies that if the content was exclusive to that site alone without any backup behind...it is lost (particularly until 2012-13)

April Fools! 04/04/2020 (Sat) 13:26:09 [Preview] No.5684 del
>The site had a strange system of meta post over having a forum. Discussion took place within the comments of the site. So you would have these text only or mostly text picture post, charts and meme posing questions to the userbase of the website or starting a dissuasion topic.
>the actual meta posts were and the ones I downloaded plus some of the self referential memes do give a pretty good idea on what ponibooru's culture was like along with some early fandom dynamics
as if the adventures in the comments around Derpi for controversial pictures weren´t already a mess with several off topics throughout the entire section...it seems that ponyfying everything for any random topic with memes could perfectly drive at...

>The whole meta post system was an issue on the site with some thinking that it was better to have a forum. Additionally some questioned the practice hosting fan fiction in the same style of text only posts, another practice of the site. I actually do remember the practice of fanfiction
being stored in image format sometimes wonder it arose from there or just was something that arose from a huge blooming fandom that wasn't always well integrated into the other fandom infrastructure and hadn't fully developed its own yet?
this direction. One could certainly understand that the hype was really strong and ponies would take all the prominence for every single thing which is fine. However, the old school of bringing up discussion has become a standard for a reason and this would serve as a lesson why a forum palliates and avoids problems of this kind. You have explained why there were so many memes in the gallery, it´s no wonder that they were created for meta purposes.
What always works is by introducing everything properly and then the memes, not in reverse.

Seeing this state of the fandom in its prime years makes you realize how much it has evolved since then and how on Derpibooru, you can post little stories or background explanations for the picture itself. I have always admired the fanbase for being organized even in the chans but this proves that improvements didn´t come overnight.

Anon 04/04/2020 (Sat) 13:36:38 [Preview] No.5685 del
(912.66 KB 1020x1569 00013.jpg)
>An interesting part was finding old speculation and theories about the show. A lot were weak or shitposting. Some were not canon but actually kind of cool idea that could work...
from the images that you have posted, ironically the headcanon about Fancy Pants is perhaps the most serious one at trying to explain his existence (and he gave advice to Twilight in the Summer Sun Setback). He still holds an important position over the seasons and certainly Fleur de Lis didn´t have any noticeable copy so her design has remained unique to this day.

The other implication that was aiming quite close(considering the amount of info gathered around those years) is the Discord´s one. The show might not have dealt with this but if he changed Discord with Eris, then he could have foreseen the Nightmare Knights comic (or the pillars arc) with Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon´s origins.

Anon 04/04/2020 (Sat) 13:42:10 [Preview] No.5686 del
>and one poster was more right than I bet anyone would believe at the time.
ladies and gentlecolts, in 2012 somewhere on Ponibooru either was a seer or was working at DHX media,posting that low quality text without being all that serious four years before changelings were brought up again with Thorax.

We have a winrar here, folks.

Anon 04/04/2020 (Sat) 14:09:33 [Preview] No.5687 del
>Perhaps we are being too hard on them, perhaps not. It wasn't as if that was the only thing I saw but it just seemed like in everything I would search there be one or too images that give off utterly strange feels compared to shitposting creepypasta or amaturism.
that might ruin the experience way more than it should. Maybe the site wouldn´t look so messed up if the system had proper tagging or filtered/organized the material with more work behind. However, you are certainly right that we could be too harsh towards them considering that these were the first years, there was inexperience and people were acting towards rule 34 as a taboo thing (so it lead to more NSFW material of it just to trigger normies around that time), or even OCs weren´t seen in a good light in comparison to this day (maybe Sonic´s edgy creations made the concept more infamous). The community didn´t have much idea where to go (see the petition of a forum after several complaints with the meta comments system) and we discussed last year that the anthro bodies were still an hybrid thing that lead to questionable results.

On the other hand, one cannot justify everything and there is material that looks quite "sterile" (I could use other adjectives though) that was meant to use it once and throw it. Even those written headcanons have managed to be more useful and relevant than the drawn images delivered in these posts.

>I have several times ran into channels that only had one MLP related work and then have nothing in a similar category or a project that is abandoned. Is there any pattern that forms when you view them together? Is there treads that did exist but go unseen by the majority of the fandom? Stuff like that.
material of that kind is much harder to discover (much more when Youtube algorithm is meant to show up youtubers for one single things and not other videos that move away from the main role they have for the most part) and considering the amount of material archived around pony content, you would have to do wonders in order to discover everything kept in the underground, much more when those people have nothing to do with the community.

But yeah, sometimes the way to access to them looks quite weird as if you discovered a diamond once but then, there are more next to it all of a sudden.

>Creepypasta isn't the biggest thing now of course. Then? It is was suffocating.

>Even if it wasn't my fav video and I'm not the biggest into scary stuff I'll give the guy a little bit of props for using silence and eeriness over blood and jumpscares of the time.
well, there is some merit in the presentation despite the results, so hey you can always find something to look up to even in the lowest tier league. Considering that creepypastas were meant to bait the viewer for a jumpscare, it has merit to be consistent and maintaining the eerie atmosphere from the very beginning, avoiding the clichés of its contemporaries.

>Still you are right in finding the art rather hard to look at.
eeeyup indeed.

FiWCommentsArchive. Anon 06/24/2020 (Wed) 04:51:59 [Preview] No.6279 del
These are the archives of the main uploads of Friendship is Witchcraft. Note: The original videos had been nuked early on but these later served as the main 2013 and capture a fair bit of history anyway. Unfortunately most of Sherclop's channel was nuked of comments before I got to it. The only upload of his that I have is Friendship Melody.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ACEnJSDVzdc [Embed]
Surprising it and none of the FiW re uploads that I've seen to have been hit.

Now I've been a bit split into how I format these and if I could try to cobble something together to make them easier to browse though. Here is the bare bones JSON files.

DoubleRainboomArchiveTest Anon 06/24/2020 (Wed) 05:41:08 [Preview] No.6280 del
I've been toying with the idea of using compression to put entire project entries into single ZiP files. Not sure the practicality though. This was not the original upload of Double Rainboom but one uploaded after FlamingoRich took his down and was the main one linked around. Interestingly,just checked tonight, this reupload appears to be gone completely. According to the description of the video this reupload was even linked on flamingorich's website after he took his down. Now checking, it appears that he just unlisted the original upload but now has made it the link on his website.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=26BQ0HNtDmI [Embed]
It was never clear why he switched as he never deleted his other pony videos.

Note: This is a larger one, over 100 MB in size. Contains only three items: the upload itself in not HD along with the comments and the description. Will see if endchan will let me post it.

Anon 06/24/2020 (Wed) 05:47:58 [Preview] No.6281 del
Alright it appears to have worked though it took a pretty long time to upload.

Forgot to link to his site.

Anyway. This wouldn't work for entire channels but I could see it working for say a video like this. Say I put the video, the comments and various articles and third party commentary it could work.

Going Forward... Anon 06/24/2020 (Wed) 06:42:01 [Preview] No.6282 del
(5.03 MB 1750x2385 2313977.png)
There is a lot of details that need to be worked out in this system. In some places it is quite insufficient for the task. For example the comment download script I use can't get the avaters of the users. Naturally this could be seen as a waste of space yet it feels like part of the soul of this comments are missing in a way. At this time I do not have the skills to try to remedy this so it will go on. Additional issues are faced with the choices that have to be made in orgazation of this chaotic thread/project mostly run by one retard who doesn't know what he is doing. I see though an opportunity to contain to turn this into an orderly thread and maybe: threads, but right now a have a million different things on the docket (attempting to archive entire websites, continued Youtube comment harvesting, investigations of certain events) that will naturally produce a whole lot of catagories. Not to mention all these various entries I've written but struggled to figure out how exactly to organize. On the more positive side: though a lot of IRL stuff has gotten in the way at times I have managed to continue to do some /go/ related pursuits and archiving.

Goodnight /endpone/. Forgive me if my wording is off or I say somethin that don't make sense as I'm running on 2 hours of sleep at the moment.

Anon 06/25/2020 (Thu) 00:51:19 [Preview] No.6285 del
>For example the comment download script I use can't get the avaters of the users. Naturally this could be seen as a waste of space yet it feels like part of the soul of this comments are missing in a way.
obviously the easiest part to save are the texts shared in those sections in a pastebin and call it day but that´s not what you are looking for.

I believe that the old BO used a program in order to archive the threads that displayed the entire page. Not sure if the site converts can convert all the comments though...

>Additional issues are faced with the choices that have to be made in orgazation of this chaotic thread/project mostly run by one retard who doesn't know what he is doing.
did I have any clue back when I created the personal thread or the thread intended for edits?
Bronies are seen as a bunch of weirdos so given that a fan is seen as an autistic retard...hey, in a for penny, in for a pound. The stigma barely changes here.

>I see though an opportunity to contain to turn this into an orderly thread and maybe: threads, but right now a have a million different things on the docket (attempting to archive entire websites, continued Youtube comment harvesting, investigations of certain events) that will naturally produce a whole lot of catagories.
this sounds quite ambitious. I mean, archiving might not be a hard task at all but definitely, you are attempting to become a ""comment digger"". This doesn´t surprise me though coming from your part. You found out this chan out of your sheer curiosity so you had the manners prior to this project.

>On the more positive side: though a lot of IRL stuff has gotten in the way at times I have managed to continue to do some /go/ related pursuits and archiving.
I am certainly amazed that you have managed to keep up with several things at time despite the IRL conditions and concerns from yours. Nonetheless, this period might turn out to be the most fitting for looking in hindsight at past material and perhaps, this compilation displays the contrasting views shown from the fans over the years.

If you are so worried about having things in disorder, don´t worry. As long as you have everything mostly prepared and localized, setting all the archives in order can be done in a pretty short amount of time. Ordering this stuff is mostly a nuance. As for now, I wouldn´t express much concern towards that aspect.

>Goodnight /endpone/.
same here tonight.

Anon 07/09/2020 (Thu) 19:19:46 [Preview] No.6319 del
9 chan is down.
Supposedly to come back, but it's frozen as a collection of cached images and texts, right now at least so far as I can tell.
Happened maybe twenty minutes ago? Click on any uncached image and you get Josh's goodbye letter.

Anon 07/09/2020 (Thu) 20:55:43 [Preview] No.6320 del
(619.40 KB 2941x2548 2390652.png)
Didn't know much of the /pone/ commuity there other than that 8/pone they thought those guys were complete shitposters with no culture. Did it ever get off the ground?

Anon 07/09/2020 (Thu) 21:53:24 [Preview] No.6321 del
It was pretty lively for maybe two weeks, then sorta ... died. No posts for the past two or three weeks after discussion of Pony Life came to the agreement it was trash. The second liveliest thread, oddly, was the batpone who had commissioned artwork to go with his fursuit, and claimed to have had fursuit-sex with Canni Soda and several others. The Vinyl, obviously wasn't *the* vinyl but Canni is an OC of a member of con-staff management so I can't imagine there are "fake" Canni Sodas running around at 'cons.

Anyway I'm not sure I'd say it was "off the ground" so much as experienced a failed takeoff. But more of 8/Kun went there than here, as I think I was the only one that came here.

Anon 07/09/2020 (Thu) 23:43:07 [Preview] No.6322 del
>It was pretty lively for maybe two weeks, then sorta ... died.
that pattern of getting an initial hype and then dying after the fresh aspect, we have other example that have gone through that same pattern as well. It happened to poni.fun:


>But more of 8/Kun went there than here, as I think I was the only one that came here.
ironically, /endpone/ went through that phase as well. Check the first threads created in the catalog and you will see that after 200 posts or so, it suddenly stopped because this imageboard served as a bunker for 8chan for a short while, it didn´t have its won spirit per se. You can´t expect a takeoff of any board if you don´t have: 1. A strong userbase, 2. Compromise in your projects and 3. Culture or a different product from the rest of the boards.

Otherwise, it won´t make sense to jump from one site to another unless it´s due to more restrictive rules (the transition from 4chan to 8kun would work here) but when that freedom stays the same, then that motif disappears completely.

>No posts for the past two or three weeks after discussion of Pony Life came to the agreement it was trash
definitely the community cannot sustain itself with that spin off at all. The last couple of episodes barely surpassed the 300 posts on /mlp/ so this should show how successful is the latest Hasbro´s product for a certain fraction of fans.

Anon 07/10/2020 (Fri) 00:10:21 [Preview] No.6323 del
(146.49 KB 2048x1755 2394988.jpg)
>The second liveliest thread, oddly, was the batpone who had commissioned artwork to go with his fursuit, and claimed to have had fursuit-sex with Canni Soda and several others. The Vinyl, obviously wasn't *the* vinyl but Canni is an OC of a member of con-staff management so I can't imagine there are "fake" Canni Sodas running around at 'cons.
Sounds kind of degenerate and prone to drama like most of the fandom.

>But more of 8/Kun went there than here
I wonder if will just scattered...

>I think I was the only one that came here.
If you don't mind my asking: why did you choose here? We certainly don't mind new faces but I am curious as we seemed to be a backup option with 8/pone somewhat split on us being too faggy or nice and comfy.

Anon 07/10/2020 (Fri) 00:33:51 [Preview] No.6324 del
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> If you don't mind my asking:

I've used this board before; partly because it's fully functional over TOR, partly because the comic-sharing thread was a little easier than similar things that would happen in 8ch, and partly because this place was mentioned during the scruffening on 4ch that finally chased me away.

It's just, they all went to 8ch, and mostly kind of came back to 8kun, and I still had a bookmark to this place.
Which has an overboard, which is fun to watch even if it does sorta homogenify the board cultures when outsiders come post in the one thread they see and might care about.

Anon 07/10/2020 (Fri) 01:24:01 [Preview] No.6325 del
Derpi is down for me. Seeing a lot of other people having this too on /mlp/.

Anon 10/05/2020 (Mon) 09:05:08 [Preview] No.6608 del
(82.60 KB 521x552 WubcakeLeaving.png)
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(77.63 KB 536x490 WubcakeLeaving3.png)
Really bad first post after awhile but I am posting this here because it is a pretty big deal in a way. Wubcake has left the fandom and doing so with a outburst. Feel sorry that she felt attacked and I really need to look into the actions of the show staff on twitter for they apperently have been tied to more drama than I knew about from not really paying attention there.

Still, I think she could have exited with a little more grance since she already had transitied from MLP. Plus the fact that I hate to see iconic FiM stuff get nuked. I sure hope she doesn't try to go after everything she has voiced in.

Next post of mine I promise will be more positive and I will get back in the swing of things.

Bridgefag PoLS

Anon 10/06/2020 (Tue) 21:18:59 [Preview] No.6612 del
>Really bad first post after awhile but I am posting this here because it is a pretty big deal in a way.
2020 does it again. No, seriously, how many people can say that they have received a net positive this year? Raise your hooves because I know no one around my circles. Unless that you were an investor who put his money on pharmaceutical companies in 2019 before they blew up, I don´t know who could qualify this year as a positive one.

By the way, if anyone believes that the brony fanbase got better this year...oh boy, one couldn´t be more mistaken. You wish all the problems relied only on the release of Pony Life and that hasn´t turned out to be the case. 1st year without the show and it seems that this community is not doing all that well.

>Plus the fact that I hate to see iconic FiM stuff get nuked. I sure hope she doesn't try to go after everything she has voiced in.

I am putting this in caps because I mean, this seems like a curse and the brony fandom cannot be the only in existence who applies this practice out there on the internet but even if it isn´t the only one, this practice seems to be way more common than in any other circles. Thanks goodness we have archives (Pony Archives, FimFetch,altboorus, YayPonies...) for compiling the content both official and fan material (as for youtube, you´d better have a copy/download link of the video). Who knows how much content was deleted from the owners that others fans are using instead (I don´t even want to imagine it).

If one has to point out and want to start a list of problems within the community, deleting material after leaving should be at the top of the ranking. Most of the time, it´s because those reject MLP and are ashamed to have taken part of it . If you have been following the evolution of the fanbase over the last 4 or 5 years, those who leave tend to repeat the exact same patterns which unfortunately include the step of deleting their own material while abandoning the ship.

Anon 10/06/2020 (Tue) 22:10:33 [Preview] No.6613 del
>I think she could have exited with a little more grance since she already had transitied from MLP.
well, you´ve got to consider that fanbases work like a couple for certain people and when you get divorced, all the bitter reflections arise when that person has to think about the ex.

>I really need to look into the actions of the show staff on twitter for they apperently have been tied to more drama than I knew
that part of this series of posts sounds as one of the bleakest episodes for her, does it?

At least, she is aware that people will reupload her content one way or another so she knows perfectly what can happen if she deletes it.

She does raise a couple of interesting points over here that were mentioned on this board before:
1. The brony fanbase doesn´t accomplish that premise of love and tolerate unironically. The fanbase (or at least, the part that I know because of lurking) has proven to be quite the opposite. Some fans are pretty desperate and the mood, except for memes, shitposts and making fun of outsiders; doesn´t exactly stand out in terms of happiness to be precise. If anything, the fanbase resembles more that attitude from gaming communities, watching this series for escapism and fulfilling their fictional desires.

2. The communication part. I do admit that for example, there has been a serious lack of show discussion among /mlp/ users annd when they get into, most people who have interesting opinions either shut up, keep lurking or they simply don´t notice it.
What I mean with this is that denying the roots of this community could lead to some serious misunderstandings. The brony community didn´t come from any of the social media titans. Its creation occurred on 4chan.

This implies a very social concept among the fans. Despite not all the fans joining into the ride have used 4chan once in their lives, many important members and an influential part of this community happen to have the social philosophy of that board to an extent. This means that the only thing in common with another brony is that you simply watch MLP but it doesn´t mean anything considering the huge variety of interests that any brony has for this ride.

And look, if any of you wants to leave the ride, you can perfectly do it and take a break.
The 4th gen ride ended just one year ago and if you are going to suffocate even more around here, just leave and search for other interest and/or inspirations so you don´t feel disenchanted with MLP and take a huge 180 in mindset towards the whole thing (for example: 5050 found out a solution by watching an anime but still checking out this place at some point out of interest)

Just that if you are going to leave and abandon the ship, don´t delete the content,please. Just, don´t. Seriously, that practice has a bad reputation and most cases end up failing because the internet is like a hydra. There are several archives full of MLP content that will release said deleted content someday. So, not only you leave other fans stripped, but also the artist/content creator will fail at wiping out the content.

If someone told me that he was taking a break after the finale or 4th gen, that´s perfectly understandable and even, gives some welcoming time to rest from the overload of pony. The brony fanbase stood out for being explosive in the past when it came to passion, ideas and illusion. Nonetheless, this ride has lasted 10 years and the tempers aren´t quite the same anymore.It has quite a lot of merit to keep the interest for an entire decade.

Anon 10/06/2020 (Tue) 22:15:54 [Preview] No.6614 del
>will get back in the swing of things.

>inb4 he is referring to a reply with the Global Owner title...
well, I suppose that seeing that title attached to you cold bring more variety among the posts...I guess.

Let´s see how it goes, then.

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 05:25:16 [Preview] No.6638 del
(224.41 KB 818x546 2221576.gif)
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(39.87 KB 300x256 2183577.png)
DERPIBOORU APPEARS TO BE DELETING MEMES FROM TWILACORN AND ANTI-SEASON 4 SHITPOSTING. I know nothing can be done there but You need to achrive the comments if possible. These are Twibooru numbers FYI.

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 06:08:54 [Preview] No.6641 del
While I want to to take a rest from the drama, now you realize and value the reasons why altboorus exist. If there is one lesson that any fan should learn is that Derpibooru IS NOT an archive and shouldn't be taken as such. The best outcome that has arisen out of this mess is that the other boorus popped up.

Also,don't worry about their deletion because Philomena does have the numbers,that is to say, anyone who sets up a booru can perfectly recover those deleted images (Twibooru in this case displays them)

If anyone wants to be against this practice, set up accounts on those alternative places, support them and let the free market compete and fulfill the preferences of the users.

So, something can be done...just that Derpi is prone to do historical revisionism or delete things they don't like because of the coffee they take in the morning.

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 22:04:11 [Preview] No.6651 del
(31.58 KB 886x278 Trollpost1.png)
(38.75 KB 884x302 Trollpost2.png)
(37.71 KB 892x298 faustimage.png)
On doompaul this is one of the things I was afraid of. These shitposts are memes that were completely reflective of the times. Lots of stuff is at risk if that is a too "trolling" tone for them.

The faust one I could more understand, but only slightly. Say if it was a dramamagnet. It's not as if its high effort and is "new", but there is a lot of stuff with this tone too that exists there and did exist there, so same as doompaul.

History is still at risk. Thanks for reporting'em.

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 22:10:37 [Preview] No.6652 del
For something more happier here is MA Larson's entire brief visit to /mlp/ and a snapshot of the thread at the time.

With one slight difference, can you spot it?

Anon 10/11/2020 (Sun) 22:14:03 [Preview] No.6653 del
LOL, didn't load either of them. I'll break'em up.

>You need to achrive the comments if possible.
I would check and see if anybody has a site data dump from before that time. That should have it.

Anon 10/20/2020 (Tue) 05:18:16 [Preview] No.6706 del
(165.35 KB 750x700 1589145600804.png)
Hey there, just found the board and EndChan from doing a half-hearted "pony" search on AllChans. Just wanted to say this is a very good thread (and board) here, and something that very much interests me. I basically have been doing some research/archiving into old pony content myself, and am working on connecting the dots on a lot of things. The only problem is that once I start to focus on one individual thing, it's just an endless rabbit hole I seem to jump down. It's incredible really.

Will monitor the thread though and possibly try to find an adequate way for posting my own findings if that's fine. I'm still getting a read on the board's culture and all, and honestly, my memory to do certain things like that is absolutely dreadful.

>see if anybody has a site data dump from before that time
I recall seeing a few different kinds of dumps over my searches, but I haven't the darndest where they've been or what they actually contain (ie. just the pics and metadata or the whole kit and kaboodle). One place might be ThePonyArchive when I first found the site? For all I know it could be hidden now since Zizzy likes to do that type of thing. It also might have been linked to on /mlp/ at some point way back when things started to get majorly deleted after the show's ending. May also be in the Rome Silvanus archive or however you spell it.

Anon 10/22/2020 (Thu) 10:22:43 [Preview] No.6715 del
Welcome to /endpone/!

>I basically have been doing some research/archiving into old pony content myself, and am working on connecting the dots on a lot of things. The only problem is that once I start to focus on one individual thing, it's just an endless rabbit hole I seem to jump down. It's incredible really.
This is me. It sometimes just branches out quite a bit and things get distracted or you don't know what to say when you have a lot of branching items that require context.

> and possibly try to find an adequate way for posting my own findings if that's fine
It's welcomed. Go ahead and post if you have anything interesting. Frankly this thread is a little chaotic and after IRL stuff and Derpi drama I've been only now just taking a look at the Youtube comments, old pony games, etc. So,
>>3410, >>4163,>>5288, >>5598 as you can see there isn't a 100 set format. Feel free to experiment.

I recall seeing a few different kinds of dumps over my searches, but I haven't the darndest where they've been or what they actually contain (ie. just the pics and metadata or the whole kit and kaboodle). One place might be ThePonyArchive when I first found the site?
I have never downloaded the data dumps from Derpi but I wonder if the Ponyarchive has backed up on the comments as well? They are supposedly included with those dumps. As for file format? JSON or raw Data base files would be my first guess.

Anon 10/22/2020 (Thu) 10:41:58 [Preview] No.6717 del
(62.14 KB 366x320 1557005534640.jpg)
Two other things:

1 endchan sometimes is grumpy. If .net fails use .org. Tor also fails often outside of v3 in my experience.

> I'm still getting a read on the board's culture and all
Here's a hint to get you started. As noted, this board has a oddball system. No namefaging unless projects but if you become a regular you will get a nickname or be called by an external name if you provided because of the way the board culture developed it was just a tiny circlejerk so there was no collective of anons to hide behind. I am Bridgefag the BO. I was given the name because of a certain very special word filter that we found and decided to keep.

Anon 10/22/2020 (Thu) 22:42:55 [Preview] No.6721 del
>I basically have been doing some research/archiving into old pony content myself, and am working on connecting the dots on a lot of things. The only problem is that once I start to focus on one individual thing, it's just an endless rabbit hole I seem to jump down. It's incredible really.
let me tell you that this drama is endless and at some point, you have to give it a break because of saturation. I follow that mentality of diving into one thing and not focusing on another one until it´s completely finished or at least, in a prolonged standby point.

>I'm still getting a read on the board's culture and all, and honestly, my memory to do certain things like that is absolutely dreadful.
you will find a few weird surprises. I am advancing to you that I was a shitposter who managed to achieve a GET of 7 digits during my years of lurking on /mlp/ intensively (used to be a more active lurker before Dec 17)

It will shock you to find out a few details and contrasts that hide their own story. I am not going to be specific for now. If you get to read deeply about this board, brace yourself for a ride.

Anon 10/24/2020 (Sat) 07:00:50 [Preview] No.6730 del
Something that I have been interested in with the archival of youtube video comments is the avatars and having the replies arranged correctly. It's nice to have the avatars and the exchanges can pressure more context of the conversation in a human readable way than a JSON file. Though is this case it can clearly be see that YT's own comment system updates owner the years did a toll on this old PMVs comments. That is the problem with this system. I had to use Firefox's inbuilt screencaper and just click manually as they have removed the options to load all comments awhile ago. I had trouble with a larger vid too though it still maybe doable with taking section at a time. The fact that I have click 'read more' on all the longer (and often more valuable) comments means that this system probably won't be the most doable on a large scale.

Speaking of PMVs. Not sure if I mentioned it before but I was considering to host select PMVs with out the song. Just a notation of it and the user could get the song himself and assemble it. Though I could see some difficulties if the songs were specifically timed or it included vocal clips from the show edited in.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=i6En9e61Ayc [Embed]
Video in question.

Anon 10/24/2020 (Sat) 07:08:19 [Preview] No.6731 del
Something that maybe a problem in this is that youtube-dl is currently under legal attack by the RIAA.

Considering, ahem, other events that happened today, it leaves one a bit jittery on the status of things. Even if it's most likely not connected.

Anon 10/24/2020 (Sat) 07:31:03 [Preview] No.6732 del
Oh, yeah. Pastebin doing some purging too. I do wonder what their criteria for this is and hope it doesn't wipe out a lot of the pastebins that relate to old fandom activities. I've seen everything from YT list with a lot of unlisted vids to even breakdowns of history and old drama. With all the idiocy I've seen when sites pull this I have little faith in the long term perseverance of those things. I still will look around but fortunately it looks like we got a bit of help with this one:

An /mlp/ has set up a site for pony pasting. Tumblr, YT comments and restricted vids. At this rate the fandom will have to go full autarky.

Anon 10/25/2020 (Sun) 00:12:52 [Preview] No.6736 del
>With all the idiocy I've seen when sites pull this I have little faith in the long term perseverance of those things.
Unfortunately, it does seem to appear that simply reporting a paste will cause their bots to automatically take it down without any human involvement or double checking. There has been a bad actor who has confirmed this by intentionally reporting greens and other such things posted across the board.

Anon 10/25/2020 (Sun) 09:11:36 [Preview] No.6737 del
The only things that make me happy is that the archive team supposedly has been mass archiving the site already, but it would be good for you to look, since /mlp/ is just focused on... clop


Anon 10/25/2020 (Sun) 09:17:22 [Preview] No.6738 del
>Golden Oaks is not for the simple dissuasion of the latest scandal within the fandom or gossip about X.
I know it says this but would it be alright to upload the filter list Derpi did? I mean, chatlogs I could see not in full but this is just a list that I think should be mirrored somewhere.

Honestly, you guys should probably take a look at it. Some suprising names and it seems like a lot of people weren't aware of it still.

Anon 10/26/2020 (Mon) 00:44:15 [Preview] No.6744 del
>I know it says this but would it be alright to upload the filter list Derpi did? I mean, chatlogs I could see not in full but this is just a list that I think should be mirrored somewhere

I mean, one could technically use this thread and despite presenting that phrase, I suppose that Bridgefag referred to that as a way to prevent /cow/ material or anything related to that style.

However, Derpibooru´s drama has exceeded the expectations and one of those turning points that defines (and divides) the fanbase that should be reported.

However, the /go/ thread is meant more for other stuff because for this drama, there is already a thread dedicated to it amidst the evolution of said drama. Take a look at the other pony board (/mlp/) and you will see what I mean. Post the notepad over there as well, because it will be easy to have everything compiled over there.

>Honestly, you guys should probably take a look at it. Some suprising names and it seems like a lot of people weren't aware of it still.
none of us appear there, I suppose that this refers to the DNP list

I...I admit that I recognize a great number of these users because of the threads that were dedicated to this drama (to name a few: Filiecs, Candel,The Walhi Llama,silbasa, JargonScott,Infrayellow, Ryperiour2, Infinite Winter...; I have seen them popping up quite a bit on the forums). I could even claim that I have searched for a few other ones that I happen to know and...those don´t appear, either there are a few more missing out there in that list (therefore, it could be incomplete, I wonder the date in which this list was created) or those users I am referring to didn´t take part of the DNP list.

Anon 10/26/2020 (Mon) 01:55:09 [Preview] No.6747 del
Hmm. Well, I ... uh ... I saved this.


Not sure if anyone else around here would want to but it was saved for a time.

Anon 10/26/2020 (Mon) 06:31:21 [Preview] No.6748 del
(139.69 KB 1280x1020 2071153.jpeg)
>None of them have carrot in their name
Losers, all of them.

>Hmm. Well, I ... uh ... I saved this.
U saved horse p0rn for horse p9rn reason

congrats i guess

Anon 04/02/2021 (Fri) 23:33:28 [Preview] No.7394 del
(168.05 KB 475x391 715194.png)
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/pone/ emengerncy archive project
It seems that /pone/ maybe on it's last legs >>7387. Though /pone/ was small it is certainly relevant to this project and had a oc and culture that in its heyday was quite well developed.

I will be trying to archive what I can, any anon or lurker can help by archiving the pages and I will take full page screencaps myself.
https://web.archive.org/ #Given me and others some trouble, not always saving.
http://archive.st/ #This one kind of sucks.

A small bit of good news is that 8kun does have a archived threads feature but a lot of the images seem to be broken.

I have a small list of other possibly at risk stuff 8/pone/ related I had planned to go after as part of an of a earlier archive effort which I now dusted off and will do a little work on as well.

Anon 04/03/2021 (Sat) 03:39:14 [Preview] No.7403 del
(118.63 KB 1024x1005 2548172.jpg)
Glad that appears to be not the case I'm still gonna do some archiving just to because you never know when such disasters could strike.

Anon 04/07/2021 (Wed) 19:03:53 [Preview] No.7408 del
(243.45 KB 900x469 broken.png)

It's broken again. Of course it's all of 8kun not just /pone/ but ... at least over TOR it's pretty messed up

Anon 04/07/2021 (Wed) 19:30:21 [Preview] No.7409 del
and its back now. again. maybe I'll go looking for Twilight singing Evanescence's 'broken'

Anon 04/07/2021 (Wed) 20:54:35 [Preview] No.7410 del
I thought that there was an actual happening coming from it but..


after checking it, it seems that either TOR was going slow for you or 8kun´s servers were copying the same fearsome aesthetic that Endchan has: the nightmarish 500/502 (and even 504) errors. I bet that Odilitime surely had a masterplan to conquer the world with his website by removing the competence...

>maybe I'll go looking for Twilight singing Evanescence's 'broken'
Oh well, at least we see that the skeletons still cannot be woken up from the inside in 2021.

Anon 04/12/2021 (Mon) 04:07:06 [Preview] No.7419 del
Did manage to get some stuff of moderate significance and I will see if endchan will let me upload it all at once.

Tor on 8kun sucks and is broken, it has often failed for me when normal clearnet stuff works...

And I am not even a often visitor.

Anon 04/18/2021 (Sun) 07:01:11 [Preview] No.7454 del
Fed Ex shooter was a member of the fandom

Not seeing too much discussion on it but with what happened last year enough ingredients are there for a media reaction.


Haven't seen any blue checks tweet about it yet, just stuff like this:

Don't see CNN or most leftist publications focusing on that aspect.

So, hopefully we will be okay.

Anon 04/18/2021 (Sun) 08:04:53 [Preview] No.7455 del
I'm tellin' ya the love and tolerance of MLP helped slaves in the network dig their way out -- the glow in the darks have to discredit what's left of the fandom with a few false flags or their army crumbles even faster.

Anon 04/20/2021 (Tue) 22:10:45 [Preview] No.7461 del
I don´t know why you have to be so paranoid about things, Bridgefag. I understand that the impact that has been left from Derpi was quite a lot yet I have serious doubts that the fanbase (or Derpi itself) wants to implode yearly because of events like these.

And you don´t have to envision too much because EQD has already posted like two articles related to it:


>Don't see CNN or most leftist publications focusing on that aspect.
eeerm, Bridgefag? It has already happened (though surprisingly enough, if you remove the tendentious headline and it´s bias. I despise Twitter and mainstream social media for encouraging headlines of this kind and check who makes the best clickbait for gaining attention), I thought that the article would much worse and partial. At least, it has the dignity to not stereotype and make absurd generalizations about the fanbase in general:

<Though the memo was quick to state that there was no indication that brony culture played a role in the attack, the gunman posted about his love of a tawny pony named Applejack, one of the main characters of the franchise, less than an hour before the rampage.

well, at least they admit that. Because we have seen this absolute garbage of correlations coming from the press that violent video games lead to actual violence and killings IRL and then, journalists publish the tastes of the killer so they blame the products that said person used to consume in the past, implying that the consumption of those products lead to a sudden transformation in the mind of a person (this was even more dominant in the 90s and the 2000s)

This common (and pitiful) practice a constant curse for video games (for example: GTA, Doom, COD, Street Fighter or in Spain, an assassination of an entire family happened with a katana, and journalists associated it Final Fantasy 8) but it has also happened with music (especially when it comes to metal or when they cannot separate the artist from the music). If it hasn´t worked with video games (and there are many psychological studies that have proven that the correlation is fake), good luck at attempting to make it work for a series like MLP. You would have to ban basically like 95% of all the franchises intended for large consumption (including the ones meant for kids and toddlers for displaying violence) if they turned out to be right....but I guess that everything that sounds juicy for journalists works more than enough in order to gain more clicks and audience (idolizing the killer and creating a "fanbase" related to him because of constant attention and deeper interest that is delivered in public, creating fans that might potentially repeat his actions)

Anon 04/20/2021 (Tue) 22:31:41 [Preview] No.7462 del
Does the article have its flaws? Yes, a worrisome one. It´s not written by the journalist but they quote a tweet that actually encourages political conflict:

<In response to reports that the FedEx shooter was involved in the fandom, many within the community are taking steps to actively disavow the far-right-extremist contingent of the subculture. “Right-wing bronies now have a body-count. They have to continue to be pushed out of our community and spaces. None of that wishy washy both-sides shit Derpibooru pulled. These people must be ACTIVELY rejected,” one person active in the community tweeted.

congratulations, you have been giving voice to egocentric people who are obsessed with two buttons: retweets and likes, just for their daily dosis of dopamine. Creating massive circles that idolize the one who are following and then, create raids. Derpibooru for example, cannot implode by itself, but with people who are organized with a social attack, boosted as if they were revolutionaries who think that they can change the world when they simply create conflict and are using like the most agressive social media that pushes the greatest amount of political material: Twitter.

If there is something that annoys me the most is that these people represent the actual definition of a personal army. They only act in group and have to rule/impose how others should think/act. A very annoying tactic that simply serves the purpose to add more fuel to the fire. What´s worse is that this tactic doesn´t apply to just this fanbase or one country, it´s in general (with the same exact patterns).

I am seriously missing Tumblr, because the blue bird is whitewashing the times where people with this attitude would simply share their thoughts with a blog. At least, there were more than 140 characters for sharing an entry and think with a greater picture than said small amount of characters. If there is a toxic social media to point out, it is Twitter because of how annoying the vocal users are for voicing other people´s opinions when they aren´t faithful to the actual reality except for their inner circles.

Bridgefag, read >>7455

Instead of having any sense of paranoia, I...however, feel absolutely tired of this attitude of not letting other people live in peace. I am bored of seeing this movie again yet I have to care about movements that are made on Twitter that affect the rest of the community...

Drama of the month for now. If something else happens, just report Twitter raids. It´s quite simple to predict yet so annoying to deal with...

Anon 04/21/2021 (Wed) 23:13:10 [Preview] No.7465 del
(2.64 MB 2400x2800 qtTwi.png)
Hey! I was just wondering if this is still actively ongoing project (because of that pause after the DerpiDrama post, there is half-year pause and then just the most current events). I know the answer to this question is probably somewhere in one of the NMAiE threads but I am not going to lie, it took me week just to read thru this thread and you guys really like to make long posts (I also currently can't afford to read thru everything because of school).
So I figured I'll just ask.

But to the more important things, in case this is still on-going and was just paused. Are there still problems with issues mentioned in these >>6730 >>6279 >>6282 >>5309 posts? I mean specifically
>Comments in JSON only
>No avatars with comments
>Archiving one video comments at a time
And this one which was probably more tied to posting the compiled content rather than storing/distributing
>Figuring best way to archive/Store content?

I think I have few ideas that could help you with these and since I am looking for something to do in summer I would like to help as well.

Anon 04/23/2021 (Fri) 05:22:18 [Preview] No.7466 del
(10.38 MB 1280x720 MadMaxineHas.mp4)
I think the deal is they're in college and probably dealing with finals just now.

Bot on the topic of archives, and in consideration of how the proliferation of vinyl has ossified the music industry, I would like to submit an example of things we should be able to hear again in a hundred years, and not be surprised it was among the sounds we of this time heard back then.

Anon 04/23/2021 (Fri) 09:52:40 [Preview] No.7467 del
Yes, it is limping along with me still downloading different things in a semi-random fashion. Life has been off and on chaotic so I wasn't compiling stuff that I downloaded and was only just getting to start again with 8/pone/ and possibly some derpi drama. Some frustrations with have been happening as well with video downloads. Comment downloading has not improved other than me trying out screengrabs to get a sample at least.

>I think I have few ideas that could help you with these and since I am looking for something to do in summer I would like to help as well.
Neat. Yes, I would be happy to accept any assistance. Though don't break your back on it, especially if you are considering doing something big, like actually trying to write a custom script or something. I was just using one I found on the net, fyi. Here it is in this zip file.

I would love to hear any ideas you have.

>I know the answer to this question is probably somewhere in one of the NMAiE threads but I am not going to lie, it took me week just to read thru this thread and you guys really like to make long posts (I also currently can't afford to read thru everything because of school).
Sorry, LOL! It's kind of a style here (but not required, that be insane) but I understand it being a strain for something like this. I was trying to keep the actual important developments highlighted with update posts but I haven't done a good job at all in organizing it this thread at all.

> I would like to submit an example of things we should be able to hear again in a hundred years, and not be surprised it was among the sounds we of this time heard back then.
Endchan is acting up and not loading all images or video right now but I completely agree that we must preserve MLP in Klingon!

>I think the deal is they're in college and probably dealing with finals just now.
For me, it is more so the saga of helping slowly going through a lot of stuff from dead relatives.

Anon 04/23/2021 (Fri) 09:53:24 [Preview] No.7468 del
>forgot the script

Anon 04/23/2021 (Fri) 16:21:32 [Preview] No.7469 del
(381.48 KB 800x781 CakeFamilyZelda.jpg)
(630.25 KB 2437x1675 FloweryPegasus-in-field.jpg)
(175.08 KB 1200x776 SparklColAd.jpg)
(3.01 MB 1920x1080 Appulgrin.png)
(542.41 KB 907x900 HumnzdCelly-Discr.png)
>not loading all images or video right now

The other one isn't pony related it's just a humorous sped-up autotuned clip about Maxine Waters not being good at clarifying what she meant.

Have a burst of pony to make up for that.

Anon 04/23/2021 (Fri) 23:48:15 [Preview] No.7470 del
Well, I have some good and really good news to deliver.
>Good news
This looks broken already but the github(in >>5370), you probably got it from, seems to have updated version so I took that one and added from-file downloading where it downloads all entries from a file, you can (you should) use it with youtube playlists, they just need to have fetched IDs and names with youtube-dl (detailed instructions with examples provided in README in .zip). Hopefully there's not too many bugs, I tested it but I don't really use python much because I really hate it

>Really good news
It looks like google is using different JSON structure now and it contains links to avatars! This obviously makes downloading them much much easier (and faster to automate). But this also means that all comments that have been saved so far should be re-downloaded if avatars are still desired in final package.

>I would love to hear any ideas you have.
For the storing/distribution format (at least for YT videos) I think the best would be to parse the JSON comments to some HTML file where we will also embed the archived video. This would have several benefits:
- We can just ZIP it to transfer it/store it
- If you want to view content you just extract it anywhere and open the main.html file and everything is in one place
- We can use any browser, that can play video, for viewing archived content
- If you need to access any of the archived files for whatever reason you will still have "original" files to work with (I think we should include RAW Jsons as well because someone may make some better player/viewer in the future and serialized data would be obviously better to work with)
- Searchable unlike screencaps - possibly taggable (screencaps can be included for preserving the feel of the site)
- easy to replicate - if someone has enough brainpower to create few folders and then move correct files there, he can help
- Hopefully easy to automate? The goal should be that all you need to archive video is it's URL and something will then download and pack everything

This one is not as thought out as the packaging but I think that it would be good to make the archive decentralized so anyone can help. I was thinking of some torrent system with some permanent seeds who would be backing it up but we should probably solve some standardized packaging first.

>Sorry, LOL! It's kind of a style
Well when I look back at my post (which was supposed to be much shorter), I think I'm starting to understand...

Anon 04/25/2021 (Sun) 07:50:56 [Preview] No.7471 del
(390.24 KB 1280x688 RarityPrograming.png)
>It looks like google is using different JSON structure now and it contains links to avatars! This obviously makes downloading them much much easier (and faster to automate).
>- Hopefully easy to automate? The goal should be that all you need to archive video is it's URL and something will then download and pack everything
Before I get ahead of myself, let me warn ya: I am very new to this and should be treated as a novice with no skills (haven't written in ages). My background in programing is rather limited and mainly was a hodgepodge of tinkering with forth, python, and the commodore 64 when I was a kid/young teen but for a variety of reasons dropped and what skills I had severely atrophied.

I guess that is a bit odd for a novice and I know a bit more of the lingo but I only have been just barely trying to get myself back into any of it for stuff like this. A simple script kitty at best, LOL.

>For the storing/distribution format (at least for YT videos) I think the best would be to parse the JSON comments to some HTML file where we will also embed the archived video.
>This one is not as thought out as the packaging but I think that it would be good to make the archive decentralized so anyone can help. I was thinking of some torrent system with some permanent seeds who would be backing it up but we should probably solve some standardized packaging first.
Wow, that does sound cool.

My thoughts for /go/ in general was having stuff in little zip packages for distribution and easy set up if one chan/site I set up was to fall.

A html page or better yet, a bunch of html pages with comments in little zip files that could be divvied into sections sounds awesome. I am right now dealing with family so I am not sure how soon it'll be but I would like to try to make a crude mock up of what that would sort of look like I really stress this, crude mockup

>Well when I look back at my post (which was supposed to be much shorter), I think I'm starting to understand...
Yeah, it wasn't really intentional so much as organically arose. Don't worry about keeping your posts long to blend in to the board, just let what flows flow. Long or short.

Anon 04/25/2021 (Sun) 08:04:39 [Preview] No.7472 del
>But this also means that all comments that have been saved so far should be re-downloaded if avatars are still desired in final package.
A bit of bad news here as a lot of what I got was destroyed and I can't get the avatars now.

Still, several thousand comments persevered is better than none.

Anon 04/25/2021 (Sun) 08:08:53 [Preview] No.7473 del
(1.48 MB 2268x1514 1228878.jpg)
Certainly unrelated political posting on /go/ should be avoided though I did find it humerous

You are forgiven.

Anon 04/25/2021 (Sun) 09:10:31 [Preview] No.7474 del
(106.84 KB 868x471 RedAlert.png)
(115.89 KB 874x555 OhNoNoNoNoNoNoNO.png)
Hopefully we don't have another Derpi crisis upon us.

I am too tired and have too much work on other areas but I have archived the thread, just in case this explodes. Or gets wiped

Goodnight /endpone/.

Anon 04/25/2021 (Sun) 09:23:35 [Preview] No.7475 del
>seems to have updated version so I took that one and added from-file downloading where it downloads all entries from a file, you can (you should) use it with youtube playlists,
Thanks for this as well!

Anon 04/25/2021 (Sun) 18:15:38 [Preview] No.7476 del
(80.50 KB 1452x292 9poneEnd.png)
>Before I get ahead of myself, let me warn ya: I am very new to this and should be treated as a novice with no skills (haven't written in ages)...
To be honest I haven't even expected any help with these programs/scripts. My plan was to come here, ask if there would be interest for such things and then deliver. But if you want to help with these I have nothing against it of course. I wanted to use Kotlin with Gson but if you prefer python or anything else I am sure we can figure something out
>I am right now dealing with family so I am not sure how soon it'll be
I'm kind of in the same boat here as I'll be finishing school in next 2-3 months so I will not have much time until after that period either.
>Still, several thousand comments persevered is better than none.
Indeed, I knew about this but forgot to mention it, the only way I could think of is by trying avatars of the commenting channels, it will not be that accurate as these names are not unique? I'm not quite sure about that, but it's probably worth checking out.

On (kind of) unrelated note I have post from gayhorse from 9/pone/ explaining why 9/pone was deleted.

Anon 04/26/2021 (Mon) 08:37:05 [Preview] No.7478 del
(4.80 MB 2480x3508 2600680.jpg)
>I wanted to use Kotlin with Gson but if you prefer python or anything else I am sure we can figure something out
Hey, show me what ya got with that then. I will mess with a couple of ideas but if you write a custom script that works that would be based and I don't care what it is written in.

>I'm kind of in the same boat here as I'll be finishing school in next 2-3 months so I will not have much time until after that period either.
Understood. Situations like that is what caused us to invent the PoLS (Proof of Life Shitpost).

>On (kind of) unrelated note I have post from gayhorse from 9/pone/ explaining why 9/pone was deleted.
Unrelated to the YT comments but perfactly related too >>7394

That sounds pretty bad, but I suppose to be expected under a imageboard run by Null. I don't blame him in the slightest for that. Shame for a commuity dieing because of it.

system position analysis Anon 04/26/2021 (Mon) 08:55:54 [Preview] No.7479 del
01100101 01101110 01100100 01110000 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101110 01100110 01101001 01110010 01101101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110011 01110100 01100001 01101110 01100100 01100010 01111001 00100000 01110011 01110100 01100001 01110100 01100101 00001010 00001010 01010100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101101 01100010 01100001 01110011 01110011 01100001 01100100 01101111 01110010 00001010 00001010 01101000 01101111 01110000 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110000 01110010 01100101 01110000 01100001 01110010 01100101 01100100 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110000 01101111 01110011 01110011 01101001 01100010 01101100 01100101 00100000 01101001 01101110 01100011 01101111 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 00100000

Anon 04/26/2021 (Mon) 22:00:22 [Preview] No.7480 del
>I think the deal is they're in college and probably dealing with finals just now
not yet wait a month for them even though I have had to study for an exam related to the laboratory subject matter. It wasn´t really complicated but I had to refresh my memory with concepts that I didn´t see like 10 months ago or so. I´ll admit that my last post >>7462 was made with a certain amount of reluctance (both the topic and my unsuitable mood during that time) so I have decided to stay passive this time around.

if that thread wants to thrive for causing controversy, it needs more Twitter raids filled with fanatical people (and I am not just referring to MLP fanatism sadly). Otherwise, the replies are going to be focused on the psychology and preferences related to the OP. Ordinary drama that needs outside support and a heated momentum in order to stand out from past threads related to this matter.

Anyway, I find this stuff quite boring honestly (even though most likely I will deliver more replies by inertia and simply because it is 2020´s dominant topic when it comes to drama)

>Situations like that is what caused us to invent the PoLS (Proof of Life Shitpost).
which I am going to resort to that style of posting tonight. I haven´t posted for almost a week but I´ll have more time for replying properly to this.

PoLS with... a character that, for those who have been more used to lurking on /endpone/´s previous NMAiE threads, speaks for herself.

>Goodnight /endpone/.
Have a great night, /endpone/

Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 00:53:48 [Preview] No.7482 del
Binary anon is back. Has he even been here in a year?

>if that thread wants to thrive for causing controversy, it needs more Twitter raids filled with fanatical people
This is nothing on its own and the mods are just hopping it gets burned out. Though if woot takes notice it could be a happening.

>Anyway, I find this stuff quite boring honestly
And exhausting if it just hits all the same notes.

Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 01:01:05 [Preview] No.7483 del
(94.57 KB 1920x1080 2443849.jpeg)
>endpone confirm for standby state This is ambassador hope you are prepared for possible incoming
Well, as before it was cryptic. I will need to find his earlier messages. if it is even the same guy

Well, ambassador, I hope you are just referring to possible drama and not a threat against /endpone/ somehow. If this is not a ARG or crazy conspiracy talk or something.

Anon 04/27/2021 (Tue) 18:27:41 [Preview] No.7494 del
(2.24 MB 1850x2600 40.jpeg)
>Hey, show me what ya got with that then. I will mess with a couple of ideas but if you write a custom script that works that would be based and I don't care what it is written in.
Well about that, I don't have anything quite yet I was planing to start working on it after finishing school. But I'll probably start sooner as it's great reason for procrastination.
However this made me think about it a bit more and I it may be actually a bit overkill to go with kotlin/Gson as our Jsons will have from 4 to 6 fields max. I'll see what other options we have and let you know. I think that the only harder task will be matching comments and their replies together anyways.
>Understood. Situations like that is what caused us to invent the PoLS (Proof of Life Shitpost).
Interesting and thanks, I was wondering what PoLS means

Anon 04/29/2021 (Thu) 10:13:14 [Preview] No.7509 del
(644.95 KB 2112x1320 409.jpg)
>Well about that, I don't have anything quite yet I was planing to start working on it after finishing schoo
No rush, obviously.

>However this made me think about it a bit more and I it may be actually a bit overkill to go with kotlin/Gson as our Jsons will have from 4 to 6 fields max.
Whatever works best for you.

>I think that the only harder task will be matching comments and their replies together anyways.
Something I noticed as well. Considering that I see evidence of youtube itself having old conversations broken on some older videos I wonder how hard of task that would be.

>Interesting and thanks, I was wondering what PoLS means
On a larger board, such is unnecessary or even bad for the board, but here, where we were reliant on a average of 3 to 5 posters with some familiarity and comradery it is to show that yes, even if nothing is happening, or said poster hasn't posted in awhile, they are still actively checking on the board and "alive".

Anon 05/03/2021 (Mon) 21:05:27 [Preview] No.7530 del
(119.79 KB 1200x1200 qtLuna.jpeg)
So I've done some thinking and have some solutions and few more ideas/problems that need to be decided/figured out

So now I have:
* Some really basic commentsJSON -> Html converter and avatar downloader written in Kotlin
* Found bug in comment downloader (it's not producing valid JSON) But I added fixer to the JSON-Html converter (I wanted to patch comment downloader but it didn't go too well)
* Figured out how the comments are linked together and it looks quite simple, but now only imageboard style is supported in converter (more on that later)
* Some more detailed info on usage included in zip

Here I have some things that I think should be decided/done/fixed
* What format to convert videos to? - youtube-dl saves it as .mkv by default and thats not friendly with browsers, so:
* Should we include more versions of video? The browser then picks what ever it can play automatically.
* if so, what format? I was of thinking of .mp4 or .webm but then there is problem with not preserving "original" or potentially taking too much space
* Should we include Meta file? (could be packaged with the archive) It could include: time of download, video name, time of release, channel name etc.
* I was thinking of JSON format because if anyone would wanted to work with these files they would need JSON library anyways
* It would be machine-readable so it could be used with potential players/viewers (I still really like the idea of having custom viewers/players one day)
* If we would need to scrap some video again for what ever reason it could be almost fully automated and repacked/sorted with little work
* Structure of the archive - What folders and what put where? I was thinking of:
* src/ for css/js and src/avatars/ for avatars
* meta/ for meta file/files
* raw/ for json comments, video, thumbnail? - I don't know if this should be in src/ (or whatever we'll use for resources) or if there is any benefit in putting it elsewhere
* What else could we download? I noticed youtube-dl can get almost everything except comments so we could also get
* Thumbnails
* Description (Automatically archive links from description? - may be a bit overkill actually but maybe?)
* View count
* Anything else?
* Other ways to display exported comments? Currently there is "imageboard" system, just instead of numbers you have comment IDs because it was the easiest thing to do. Some problems are:
* Currently it looks horrible (There was some attempt with CSS but I am horrible at design in general)
* It's a bit overkill as you can only reply to "OP" comment anyways
* We probably want to be closer to YouTubes look/feel?
* For the language/tooling choice. I decided to go with Kotlin for the prototypes and then when all things will be decided I would move it to either Kotlin script (so there's no need for recompilation in case of changes)(There is also Kscript for UNIX systems which could be better) or rewrite it in python as all other tools are in python and we could just use them as libraries.

None of the suggested things are currently implemented, It's just a list of ideas that crossed my mind while doing that prototype. Changes, edits and thoughts are welcomed.
Included zip contains converter/jsonFixer/avatarDownloader in one - with sources and prebuilt .jar included - JRE8 or higher required, more detailed description of contents is in README.

I can start working on it again at earliest in 1.5 months so that should plenty of time to think everything through.

Anon 05/03/2021 (Mon) 21:08:12 [Preview] No.7531 del
aaand it fucked up my formating. Well hopefully it will be still readable I'll format is better next time

Anon 05/06/2021 (Thu) 08:08:36 [Preview] No.7538 del
(2.07 MB 1344x5240 1620259843147.gif)
>if so, what format? I was of thinking of .mp4 or .webm but then there is problem with not preserving "original" or potentially taking too much space
My primitive organizing system based what quality on how important each video was. A very important video would get saved in mkv while lower priority ones I would just select webms and sometimes mp4s of varying resolutions. And podcasts on YT and would just go for lower quality audio and video seperately (and probably stupidly) though I never quite figured out those.

Keep in mind, this was all done to persevere space, as I was paranoid of harddrive crashes, limited resources and life drama my plan was to see how small I could keep the archive. Like a 32 GB or 64 GB flashdrive that would have a broad section of everything. Not sure what resources you are working with but perhaps it would be a good idea to archive just webm or mp4 and only have higher tier back ups if the video is important?

>* Should we include Meta file? (could be packaged with the archive) It could include: time of download, video name, time of release, channel name etc
I would lean toward yes.

>It would be machine-readable so it could be used with potential players/viewers (I still really like the idea of having custom viewers/players one day)
Like a custom browser based player?

>* Structure of the archive - What folders and what put where? I was thinking of:
>* src/ for css/js and src/avatars/ for avatars
>* meta/ for meta file/files
>* raw/ for json comments, video, thumbnail? - I don't know if this should be in src/ (or whatever we'll use for resources) or if there is any benefit in putting it elsewhere
I will think on it... though again, if I suggest something stupid and unworkable.

>* What else could we download? I noticed youtube-dl can get almost everything except comments so we could also get
Actually already gotten a lot of those things in my present archives (though a bit haphazard).

>* Currently it looks horrible (There was some attempt with CSS but I am horrible at design in general)
My experience ain't much better, LOL.

>We probably want to be closer to YouTubes look/feel?
I imagine but honestly open to anything.

>I can start working on it again at earliest in 1.5 months so that should plenty of time to think everything through.
I salute you already for what you have done anon. God bless and have a happy day I will try to test things out and hopefully I won't do a stupid

This ain't nothing for me. I've done worse for sure and it is totally readable.

Anon 05/06/2021 (Thu) 08:11:44 [Preview] No.7539 del
>wrong file
Here is what my best archives look like, youtube-dl video and descriptions, plus old inferior python script JSON comments.

Anon 05/06/2021 (Thu) 08:23:42 [Preview] No.7540 del
OKAY, now here it is.

Anon 05/07/2021 (Fri) 18:06:48 [Preview] No.7542 del
(732.79 KB 627x2156 FimFicPatreon.jpg)
(54.90 KB 864x375 FimFicPatreon.png)
>Keep in mind, this was all done to persevere space, as I was paranoid of harddrive crashes, limited resources and life drama my plan was to see how small I could keep the archive. Like a 32 GB or 64 GB flashdrive that would have a broad section of everything.
Oh I didn't thought of it this way This wasn't mentioned right? I was thinking of something a bit like ThePonyArchive but more compact, decentralized (and in smaller scale). But the first priority is probably just automating everything, thinking big can come later (if it comes).
>Not sure what resources you are working with
This made me do some counting and I have about 5TB of active storage (active as it is somewhat reliable and I can get it online). And about 1.3TB in passive storage (passive as they are ~20 years old HDDs sitting on a shelf - would be used only for backups of backups).
>perhaps it would be a good idea to archive just webm or mp4 and only have higher tier back ups if the video is important?
I'll be probably keeping everything for now. But I don't think it's a bad idea to also maintain slimmer, more compact version.

>custom browser based player?
I was thinking more like the exact opposite - native player. It could make it more usable on other platforms and even work as some kind of archive browser? (I will probably make one at least for android). But making the browser one look somewhat decent is higher priority.

>Actually already gotten a lot of those things in my present archives (though a bit haphazard).
This is really good. The info.json contains even more things than I could have think of. If they all have identical names it would make possible conversion much easier, we could also redownload all comments that haven't been disabled yet.

>God bless and have a happy day
You too anon, you too

Also: FimFicton will probably be dropped from patreon
https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/947688/clearing-up-some-rumours (https://archive.is/nDErO)
I haven't had time to read much about it yet but it doesn't look good

Anon 05/08/2021 (Sat) 07:44:58 [Preview] No.7546 del
Wow what is with you guys and high effort stuff. Ever since I started lurking here something has always felt different with this place and the type of posters it attracts. Not to build you guys up as the elite of the elite or anything but I must say I am impressed even if you are just doing this with time to kill.

>Also: FimFicton will probably be dropped from patreon
I was only just getting into that site! Can that kighty dude do what Derpibooru did and switch over to subscribestar and that Japanese one or is everyone screwed?

Anon 05/09/2021 (Sun) 18:30:58 [Preview] No.7553 del
Fimfic situation is certainly concerning. Not only the donation cut off itself but the various external factors at play that might be driving it. The community right now is mostly siding with the option of going to subscribestar. I am fearful though of that migration not being 100% smooth and easy due to subscribestar themselves already being banned from such things as paypal. He is going to have to explain clearly how to work around this and what options exists. Hopefully he can get enough to continue on.

Yes, but I don't think they have fully reached the level that they were before patreon and if I recall correctly they are still getting donations from patreon on the basis of it switching to the staff's vector artwork. So this is still new territory of attempting a migration like this.

Anon 05/09/2021 (Sun) 18:48:29 [Preview] No.7554 del
The more "woker" cliche of users many are blaming to have imitated this move though honestly it easily could have been patreon being its own arbitrary self. I have no ill will for individual users who lean that way but as often is the case the leadership of these cliches is often pretty toxic and from what I have seen of them I fear them raising a fuss about this now or in the near future. A lot of them have recently been making plans to move to a site being set up by some of them called offprint and the cynic in me could conceive them trying to burn down FimFic out of vengeance for being "ebiv"/as a rival.

Though, naturally, none of this has occurred yet and hopefully Fimfic only has to deal with this one crisis in relative peace and if those that are uncomfortable at FimFiction can set up a place where they make their own rules in a "you do you kind of way".

Anon 05/09/2021 (Sun) 18:58:11 [Preview] No.7555 del
Well, this is barely pony related but is of some significance, GETchan is back do to some convoluted drama with the owner of bunkerchan going evil or something but also a lot of history It is of secondary interest to here but considering those chans pony connections and some hint of a ponyfaction being involved I will check it for anything of interest. This version of the chan still lacks its /luna/ board, the last remanent of the old Lunachan. I have some /luna/ screencaps of it with a bit of drama Also, sadly the old domain for Lunachan was taken down earlier this year, no longer a museum to it. I'll have to see what I can find in archive.is and wayback.

Well, BO, it is indeed back Maybe one day you will see it

Anon 05/09/2021 (Sun) 19:03:00 [Preview] No.7556 del
(218.94 KB 1534x1894 onlycomfyisdown.png)
onlycomfy is dead


A small booru in the grand scheme of things though it is sad to see such projects die. Unfortunate that it wasn't well archived or open sourced, even if it sucked in the owners eyes.

Anon 05/09/2021 (Sun) 19:14:43 [Preview] No.7558 del
Here is the first test on my end of the program. Classic PMV that inspired that cringy brony pride song that I have never let myself watch fully through. I still haven't tested avatars yet (as the comment section I chose was pretty large). It's primitive and my video conversion was a bit sloppy on top of that as I only had a mkv but I like where you are going with this.

>I don't know how much you'll want to help with development. But I am not sure about colaborating on this over imageboard Like we can still post update in /go/ but I don't know if it wouldn't be just making visual mess eventually.
>gihub, gitlab, gitgud, gitea
Though I don't mind a visual mess passing around source and such in the slightest but if it works easier for you to set it up on a git that is perfectly fine. Probably better for record keeping too.

As for development, my roll would probably be limited to testing it though I may try my own hand at something like the CSS and it may suck worse : ) or other aspects of the webpage on the near term as I teach myself

I have still need to answer your other questions but I am a bit pressed for time at the moment so that'll come later.

Anon 05/10/2021 (Mon) 13:07:22 [Preview] No.7561 del
I just want to preserve the glory of pony for others especially for newfags like me.
>I was only just getting into that site
If you have 6GB of free space you can get the torrent of almost full FimFiction archive - just to be sure.
Also, thanks for the carrots

>I still haven't tested avatars yet
You don't even have to, they are not being linked to the html anyways, it's just a proof of concept as I was running out of time (it also redownloads duplicates, not sure if the delay between downloads is enough, I don't even think it's worth trying atm)
>the comment section I chose was pretty large
>10MB of html
Whoa, that is a lot. I wouldn't say my pc is a toaster but it took 1 full minute to load on firefox, this won't scale well. We will have to load it in parts somehow, otherwise lower spec pc may not even load it.
>I don't mind a visual mess passing around source
Alright, I wanted to post major releases with full source in here anyways, but I'll probably set up some git mirror
>I have still need to answer your other questions but I am a bit pressed for time at the moment so that'll come later.
Don't worry about that, like I said i don't really need answers or anything until I actually start working on it again (which is least 1.5 month away) so there's no need to rush at all.

Anon 05/13/2021 (Thu) 10:49:23 [Preview] No.7562 del
(2.57 MB 2106x1423 2729263.png)
>it also redownloads duplicates, not sure if the delay between downloads is enough, I don't even think it's worth trying atm)

> I wouldn't say my pc is a toaster but it took 1 full minute to load on firefox, this won't scale well. We will have to load it in parts somehow, otherwise lower spec pc may not even load it.
Probably shouldn't have used that as my first attempt! It took me about the same and I know my PCs are probably worse All computers I have are 10 to 15 years old

>Alright, I wanted to post major releases with full source in here anyways, but I'll probably set up some git mirror
What ever works easiest for you.

>there's no need to rush at all.
I will clarify this though:
>I was thinking of something a bit like ThePonyArchive but more compact, decentralized (and in smaller scale). But the first priority is probably just automating everything, thinking big can come later (if it comes).
I think this is a great idea! I was just saying my vision for /go/ had been based on my limitations, so it was easier for me to plan backing up something on 3 parallel USBs than doing the same with hardrives. If my archive project couldn't have TBs of data I figured at least it maybe a cloneable little one that had a bit of everything in the event of a massive cascade failure or purge. I wasn't something I mentioned before (I don't think so anyway).

>like me
How new, if you mind my asking?

Anon 05/13/2021 (Thu) 11:01:28 [Preview] No.7563 del
I just saw this thread in random and have no idea behind the context of what AI dungeon is but the claims of active research for algorithms to detect "wrongthink" reminds me of another incident that I heard about long ago of an app called candid that was shilled as a free speech platform but was actually being used to structure the major tech firms anti hate speech algorithms (allegedly anyway).

If this is indeed being shilled on /mlp/ it might be a cause of concern if this is being used for the same purpose and if they have taken an interest in us for whatever reason. Though just as likely it could be mostly basis speculation and they are just interested in /mlp/ due to the success of 15.ai and are just censoring naughty stuff because they are a corporation, but I will try to investigate this if I get the time.

Just wanted to note as a semi public reminder and in case anybody else knew anything more.

Anon 05/14/2021 (Fri) 06:32:14 [Preview] No.7568 del
Subscribestar transition is now official! Hopefully Fimfiction can do okay with them.

Also, something I wanted to bring up last year but never got around too. Fimfiction's recent bump--now I would say surge--of new users. It has now reached a level not seen since early 2014. I had first noticed a bump in new users early last year. Weirdly, this started just before the pandemic hit. I had expected a bump of users to register we went through final season in 2019 but it was still on a slight downward trend. So I am left at a loss at why this started in per-pandemic but a little awhile after where I would expect a surge to have been. Pandemic certainly plays a big part I after those first 3 months but I am still taken back by what is going on now. Weirder still, there is no effect on the level of fics posted, which you would think there would be at least a slight bump wouldn't there? Even if most were passive consumers.

Anon 05/14/2021 (Fri) 23:56:47 [Preview] No.7571 del
>Probably shouldn't have used that as my first attempt
Actually it's really good thing that you did, I haven't even thought about such case (even tho I really should have). I think the best would probably be to split them into multiple htmls and then load them with iframe (if it can even work like that I don't really know, but it sounds easier than parsing and displaying with js). We would need to solve this anyway eventually.

>How new
2019, somewhere in February shortly after turning 18. I always liked the animation and look of mlp but never even considered watching it until then.
Ironically /go/ was one of the first places I visited when I started to search for more pony boards. (I think I came here somewhere around >>3408 for the first time).
Then I kind of forgot about this place until now.
At first I was pretty pissed that I missed all of it, then I was sad, and now I just want to preserve as much as I can. I like ThePonyArchive but they archive just the content and not the community (if you know what I mean). Then I remembered this place and wanted to check what is this even about and when you mentioned archiving avatars (which seemed a bit too autistic to me at first), but now I think that this is what I was missing from ThePonyArchive

I remember some things about that, not sure how accurate this rundown is but this is how I remember it:
>AI dungeon uses AI to generate interactive stories
>It does lewds too and some anons start using it for stories and clopfics
>They get hacked, hacker tells them about it
>They fix it
>The same hacker gets in the same way again and decides to go public with it
>Apparently you could just download private stories using public API at insane speeds like the hacker did
>Hacker compiles data and is surprised that so much of it is porn (pic2 now edited on GitHub)
>Removes user data and publishes stats along with most used terms on GitHub
>AI dungeons sets up filters that work worse than the ones from tumblr porn purge
>Allegedly even mentioning kids or watermelons (lol) in any context makes the AI refuse to continue and someone will read thru your private stories to verify you don't want to fuck children

AI dungeon announcement: https://latitude.io/blog/update-to-our-community-ai-test-april-2021/

Also not sure where does this belong in the timeline but their model allegedly leaked and it's on torrent I may find it somewhere. Not sure if it is really a leak, but someone said it was so I just grabbed it and downloaded it

Here is the link to the hackers report https://github.com/AetherDevSecOps/aid_adventure_vulnerability_report but it has been changed a lot since last time I read it, the published data is already deleted (but can still be found in git commit history (2nd commit -> aggregated_adventure_results.csv)

Also here is the first thread from /mlp/ about it I think (at least this is the first one I saw on RSS) https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/36925051

Anon 05/17/2021 (Mon) 10:31:56 [Preview] No.7576 del
(74.80 KB 1441x753 507632.png)
>I haven't even thought about such case (even tho I really should have). I think the best would probably be to split them into multiple htmls and then load them with iframe
If that is not possible or easy would splitting into pages work?

>At first I was pretty pissed that I missed all of it
Though you came at a time of ending and relative decay I think these last couple of years have been pretty eventful in itself (in both a good and bad way).

>I like ThePonyArchive but they archive just the content and not the community (if you know what I mean).
Yes I do. They have the content but don't show what it was like or the discourse around it. Not that I had that fully in mind with /go/ either when I was starting this thread, but it became a bit a focus as I started to look at various websites I used to remember and the various dead websites that I ran into: >>3357 >>5288

>I remember some things about that, not sure how accurate this rundown is but this is how I remember it:
Thanks for the rundown. Doubly so if digging up any of those links were any trouble

>All the hacking
That sounds like a mess. I will try to checkout those events sometime and see what I can find hopefully

Anon 05/18/2021 (Tue) 08:45:55 [Preview] No.7580 del
=Ponemusic is kill=

Apparently a group of artists called A State of Sugar noticed that their music was on there and they sent take down requests and it was enough labor involved/compromised integrity the archive that the owners of it just gave up. Honestly, I can't fully bring up pitchforks and torches to anyone involved but I certainly am not happy when something like this happens.

Back ups can be found here but it's BIG and I imagine that others already are all over this.

Anon 05/18/2021 (Tue) 17:17:38 [Preview] No.7582 del
(62.98 KB 963x1920 ChocoPlayl.png)
>A State of Sugar

I've mentioned them before; there are no artists under that umbrella, ASoS just manages the releases from a great many different, mostly newer artists.

Considering their latest release, Biscuit (showing their colonial allegience, as that only means something sweet if you're from England, or in their case Down-Under) is free to download, and their entire discography can be downloaded in one fell swoop for ... one USD, this action wouldn't be about money.

As stewards of these songs from relatively unheard of (sometimes anyway) artists, they probably felt compelled to white-knight on their behalf.

But there's no advertising money to be made housing your songs on bandcamp, and considering a person could offer TWO WHOLE DOLLARS for a 90-track album, there's no money to be made selling your music on bandcamp either. Their choice would have been about noosphere; about being a name you've heard of, might think of later.

But this decision wasn't up to the individual artists, because the managers at ASoS are responsible to protect their 'brand' and there are few other means of doing it besides the atomic banhammer of the DMCA.

Unless it was the string-pulling of the lizard overlords trying to destroy what's left of Pony before anymore slaves escape.
But there are simpler explanations available.

Anon 05/19/2021 (Wed) 04:33:04 [Preview] No.7584 del
>(showing their colonial allegience, as that only means something sweet if you're from England, or in their case Down-Under)
Such perversions are unfit for our society.

>But there are simpler explanations available.
It's always good to keep a little bit of a skeptical mindset to the razors themselves as long as you don't go full /pol/tard.

>candid that was shilled as a free speech platform but was actually being used to structure the major tech firms anti hate speech algorithms (allegedly anyway).
Allegedly and likely. Back when the skeptic community was going big, they payed them big bucks to advertise it as a free speech app. One of the skeptics noticed some odd shit and started to report on it and was fucked over by YT. Keep in mind, while YT sometimes did stuff this then it was still back in the time when edginess was running freely on the website. Read up on it.

Anon 05/22/2021 (Sat) 07:39:10 [Preview] No.7589 del
(203.48 KB 1600x1600 2615013.jpg)
>I've mentioned them
Oh yeah, I listened to some of this because of you!

> because the managers at ASoS are responsible to protect their 'brand' and there are few other means of doing it besides the atomic banhammer of the DMCA.
I actually understand the perspective. Even if not a source of revenue I can understand protecting that in principle or for legal reason over making an exception for something that doesn't make money least piracy is encouraged later on*. Problem lies with if/when some of this stuff disappears.

*Powerful counterpoint I can come up with to that but I am too lazy to atm.
**Need to go in what I consider the ethics of this more thoroughly sometime.

>But there are simpler explanations available.
Indeed, for this, it is merely the actions of ASOS.

>Such perversions are unfit for our society.
And the metric system.

>Read up on it.
I am aware of the story but it would probably be good to brush up.

Anon 06/08/2021 (Tue) 16:22:57 [Preview] No.7615 del
I found some time to fork and remake the changes in the comment-downloader but properly this time, not just throwing it together in 30 mins. Here are the changes
> -y now has actually tested and working parsing instead of whatever that old one was, so short and long urls are supported
> output file is no longer necessary to specify for single downloads, it saves them to the [id].json by default
> If from-file downloading (-f) is used -o works as directory changer (So it no longer dumps everything to "./")
> from-file downloading is much more robust now - the resulting filenames are actually converted to normal strings (no \n or $ in resulting filename.json) also it happens automatically so -t was removed
> limit should work if it was ever needed
> Added error messages for known errors so when it breaks again due to google we should know
> Added -a option to save directly to valid JSON array so fixing is no longer needed
Function that fetches video name could be added but I expect this to be used with the files generated by youtube-dl and they already have the name in them so I don't think there is any need for that

>If that is not possible or easy would splitting into pages work?
It would have to be splitted anyway so yes, I wanted them to autoload when you scroll lower but we could just link them as well. Now we just have figure out what amount of comments is optimal per page
>They have the content but don't show what it was like or the discourse around it
Exactly what i had in mind

I was afraid of that when they kept the maintenance page up for over a week. The only good thing is that the torrents are much more healthy now.
Thankfully the tools were public so I hope someone will pick it up again soon.

Anon 06/12/2021 (Sat) 10:53:26 [Preview] No.7618 del
(434.28 KB 2048x2048 2625685.jpg)
Oh neat! I have been having computer issues so this is just a PoLS for now.

Anon 06/24/2021 (Thu) 00:38:36 [Preview] No.7635 del
(5.36 KB 224x88 unlisted.png)
(173.40 KB 1024x830 222354.png)
Hey there guys.

In case you hadn't heard, YouTube is going to be privating all unlisted videos that were uploaded before January 1st, 2017. That means a ton of old pony content could potentially be effectively deleted.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=l6UHS1-vDMM [Embed]

Right now there's a thread up and about it on /mlp/ but figured I should bring it to your guys' attention too. Please feel free to submit anything to TPA via the GDocs link on the /mlp/ thread (dont know if that's kosher to just post here) and/or save it for yourself.

Anon 06/27/2021 (Sun) 05:56:06 [Preview] No.7638 del

Alright, well, time to do a mad scramble looking through oldplaylist (unlisted videos if you had in a playlist can still be found).

I will have to get to this Monday, but here is a old list of videos which I believe some are unlisted. It's been awhile since I looked through it though.

Anon 06/27/2021 (Sun) 05:57:37 [Preview] No.7639 del
> Please feel free to submit anything to TPA via the GDocs link on the /mlp/ thread (dont know if that's kosher to just post here) and/or save it for yourself.
Yeah, it's fine to mention here. I will probably be both submitting stuff and saving stuff myself.

Anon 07/04/2021 (Sun) 05:27:55 [Preview] No.7656 del
(33.71 KB 500x558 176912.jpg)
Apologies for not getting back until now, here's the link to submit anything you find/know about:

It'll be ensured it gets thrown into Spikebot, who's used to download videos by The Pony Archive, for archival. You can also enter the TPA server and submit videos yourself if you want to.

Anon 07/06/2021 (Tue) 10:22:22 [Preview] No.7663 del
(435.93 KB 1413x770 312294.png)
>Apologies for not getting back until now,
No worries. In fact,appologies for no updates myself much.

Encountered some problems with the the new downloader you made and html conversation files in >>7530 but I have I want to check extra thoroughly to see if it is something on my end like me simply being a retard before I ask for help/report or whatever.

My internet has been chaotic for the past... while. Phone company did something that triggered something else and for awhile I wasn't even able to get the comment downloader to download more then a few comments without interruption. Thus limiting my ability to test.

It looks like they are going to go after the comments some too. Based for them. I will still continue seperate efforts for the moment though certainly will be reporting stuff that I find separately/on my own.

Anon 07/06/2021 (Tue) 15:36:16 [Preview] No.7667 del
Random off boarder here. Haven't read everything here yet but all of this looks great!

Anyway, I'm in the TPA server and there doesn't seem to be any plans by them to save comments. It's just the other anons in that thread that are doing it themselves.

That being said, I plan to start saving some myself. Feel free to share whatever comments have already been downloaded though.

Anon 07/07/2021 (Wed) 08:08:14 [Preview] No.7670 del
(476.76 KB 2000x950 9855.jpg)
>Haven't read everything here yet but all of this looks great!
It's a bit of a mess, but thank you.

> It's just the other anons in that thread that are doing it themselves
Better then nothing. Way better then when it was just me rushing to get comments before COPA struck.

>That being said, I plan to start saving some myself.
What are you using for it? I have heard some of y'all are using the downloader that I was using (at least the unmodified one) but some are using youtube-dl if I understand the thread correctly.

>Feel free to share whatever comments have already been downloaded though.
This effort has thus far been more pitiful on my end due to aftermentioned internet issues. When I have something organized I will share it.

Anon 07/07/2021 (Wed) 10:17:17 [Preview] No.7671 del
I'm using the unmodified version except with a few extra exceptions being caught. As of late it'll sometimes grab half the comments without any errors thrown, but doing it again is fine. I'll have to add something to do a quick check on the comment count to see if it should retry. Then again, I have yet to check out the youtube-dlp version so maybe I'll just go with that instead.

And sorry to hear about the Internet issues. I haven't been saving much on my end either because I'm trying to set up some way of keeping all the api info for future querying.

Anon 07/11/2021 (Sun) 12:12:41 [Preview] No.7674 del
This comment downloaded is broken now. YouTube did something ~2 days ago. I'm almost done fixing it because I like using this, but would recommend checking out yt-dlp's version since it's probably going to break again. YouTube is changing other things too right now.

Anon 07/14/2021 (Wed) 09:59:19 [Preview] No.7678 del
(225.48 KB 658x786 32159.png)
And sorry to hear about the Internet issues. I haven't been saving much on my end either because I'm trying to set up some way of keeping all the api info for future querying.
I am about to make my final attempt.I am going to try to put my 3 functional laptops I have to the task of downloading a list of 5000 or so comments, if I can get something working.

>YouTube did something ~2 days ago.
Interesting. I had some videos that wouldn't download when I put them through one of youtube-dl's list but would individually. I am still wondering if part of it is not on my end.

>I'm almost done fixing it because I like using this
Me too honestly. Actually, yt-dip has given me issues.

>YouTube is changing other things too right now.
No doubt due to the oncoming security update.

Anon 07/16/2021 (Fri) 09:32:54 [Preview] No.7691 del
I've ended up going with the API for saving comments seeing that there isn't much time left. Difference is that it won't get whether comments are hearted but will get exact creation and edited timestamps. Older videos are unlikely to have hearts anyway, especially if they're abandoned as unlisted videos.

It uses a lot of API calls, but it seems that the universal API key being used isn't having any problems for now. In any case, I've given the script to someone with a lot of proxies to cycle through, so probably not going to face any problems at all.

If you've got a list of videos you'd like comments saved, I can pass that along and get them back when this whole thing is done.

Anon 07/16/2021 (Fri) 09:59:34 [Preview] No.7692 del
Let's see if this post will get through.

Both new and old slightly modified comment downloaders don't work now, after partly working. I believe I may have figured out my problem with ytdlp and maybe able to get it running so that will be my gameplan tommorow/weekend. Hopefully I can get it to work and run through the list they have.

Also, hope you see this, because endchan is not working today for me

Anon 07/16/2021 (Fri) 10:12:09 [Preview] No.7693 del
>Also, hope you see this, because endchan is not working today for me
Message received.

Endchan might be quite messy and you might have got notifications that the connection fails as soon as you hit the new reply button but the update has been published. Not sure if you have wanted to share an image though.

Anon 07/16/2021 (Fri) 10:23:04 [Preview] No.7694 del
Endchan just ate my post. Saw your post here. Understand situation. I will continue my plans. This was the large list I was working with, plus a old pastebin that I haven't looked through well.

I wish you the best on your end. *Rainbow Dash Salute*

Anon 07/18/2021 (Sun) 12:30:57 [Preview] No.7707 del
(47.25 KB 554x515 neat.png)
I found that the original guy who wrote the script had fixed it as well and transferred his changes over to the old version here: >>7470 and it worked! For how long? IDK, but I am posting the code here. I couldn't get it to work on your more user friendly version.

I am going to try to scrape the videos that the anon hadn't gotten yet. On the list and if it goes quickly enough, may try to get the entire list Will see how it goes.

** Pic related is me having spent 2 days trying to do everything from running various node.js sultions to trying to rapidly teach myself
something like puppeteer or like headless browser stuff only to have come around right back to where we were. **

Wasn't entirely fruitless, I was looking around for unlisted videos and found a few things of interest while doing it but it did derail my plans a bit doing all the testing.

Sorry for the lack of anonates in the code, mistakes and stuff I maybe forgetting, it is 7 AM and I haven't gotten a wink of sleep.

Anon 07/19/2021 (Mon) 11:07:36 [Preview] No.7715 del
The earlier script would break whenever commenting was disabled on a page and I would have to restart it manually while removing the offending URL. This version corrects that error. Seems to be working okay, went through a 1000 videos no problem. Let's hope it can continue to work for a few more days at least.

>hearted but will get exact creation and edited timestamps.
This is still honestly superior, though I will scrape anyway just for back up sake.

Anon 07/19/2021 (Mon) 14:44:15 [Preview] No.7722 del
Back, and feeling the same way too. I more or less had a working version which I forgot to share here but it had a problem with duplicate comments at the end. Oh well. At least it's fixed now.

Update: said friend has now downloaded comments for ~200k videos from the ~400k videos on TPA. I've been making a series of scripts for him to download other stuff from the API. The code is rather simple and something you could probably do too, but I can upload them here if it helps.

Anon 07/21/2021 (Wed) 21:48:18 [Preview] No.7727 del
(164.20 KB 820x970 tsTearsOfHappinness.jpg)
Alright I'm back. I was without internet for the past (almost) month, due to unexpected house repairs, so I could not do much but i am happy that the script got fixed/remade and so much was done.

I would love to say that I have some comments too but the little I had was in local NewPipe playlist on my phone which got bricked (literally) during the painfully long reconstruction and if recovering wont work I probably wont have much to bring.
I can fix it if there will be interest, but I am not sure if it would even be to any use now, especially since I won't be able to do anything in the next 16hours and the API version is probably superior anyways

I wanted to use the API later too as it would be easier to get the absolute date without having to calculate it in retarded country-language-specific ways. Probably a bit late but if the key ever stopped working I can provide a few phone numbers They are still needed for the dev account right? or (probably better) the keys directly

Also, is the API output any different? Does it contain links to commenters channel/avatar? I hadn't had any time to look at it (and probably wont have much until this is over)
>said friend has now downloaded comments for ~200k videos from the ~400k videos on TPA
That's really great news, will he get them uploaded somewhere?
>The code is rather simple and something you could probably do too, but I can upload them here if it helps.
I think that things like these are always appreciated

I can't even express how happy am I that you got this far with this, keep it up. There's still few hours left

Anon 07/21/2021 (Wed) 22:38:26 [Preview] No.7728 del
>Alright I'm back. I was without internet for the past (almost) month, due to unexpected house repairs, so I could not do much but i am happy that the script got fixed/remade and so much was done.

with no internet for almost an entire month? That must have been an utter annoyance. Yeah, the script was literally last week (I think that it was fixed on Saturday if I am not wrong) and thus, there has been very little time to use the fixed version but it´s better late than never.

>I would love to say that I have some comments too but the little I had was in local NewPipe playlist on my phone which got bricked (literally) during the painfully long reconstruction and if recovering wont work I probably wont have much to bring.

well, at least you have that and you have appeared just in time for the ending of this whole project and you have contributed slightly for it.That counts a lot. Also, one appreciates the loyalty displayed with the board. Many other people on other altchans would have abandoned this place because of the lack of activity. If you want to feel better, you have already contributed more than me.

>I can't even express how happy am I that you got this far with this, keep it up. There's still few hours left

Also: Bridgefag, his mutual partner and/or any other lurker who is working on this emergent task and is reading this reply: don´t focus on anything else.

Speed up the downloads until there is no more time left.

After that, you can post and comment about anything related to this or long/blog/shitpost or whatever you desire about any other topic. In the meantime,just post about something strictly necessary that is related to technical issues (although with the fixed yt downloader, there isn´t much to talk here other than updates on what you have already archived) and even then, /mlp/ is more useful in this regard for a faster communication among more users.

Quick, one last small effort and after that, you can rest and get the applause because it has turned out to be the unexpected (yet emergent) project of the year for the fanbase. Until then,avoid anything else that can hinder you and focus on it as if there is no tomorrow (literally).

We can wait for other ideas/projects/comments later.

Less than 24 hours over here in Spain before July 23 arrives (even though those who live in the US have a few more hours left)

Anon 07/24/2021 (Sat) 11:38:36 [Preview] No.7729 del
Hello and sorry for slow reply. I've been mainly looking on the /mlp/ thread and finally saw what appears to be someone from here.

Here are a couple scripts I've used on videos:
api_video_info.py is for getting the video metadata.
api_video_comments.py is for getting the video's comments.
common.py contains code shared by the other scripts.

Run it as such:
api_video_info.py -i videos.txt -d ./videos
api_video_comments.py -i videos.txt -d ./videos
-i flag is input file with videoIds (not full url). -d flag is relative directory to save to.
Any errors returned by the api goes to error.log.

I intended to have an --archive option similar to youtube-dl but we're short on time right now and I code very slow. Also there's at least one other thing I could've done to speed up the comments script but I'll have to implement that at a later date.

common.py also contains what appears to be the universal api key for youtube. Everyone running the scripts in /mlp/ have been using it without any problems, but I'd still suggest not hammering it too hard, especially for comments as it makes *a lot* of api calls when there are a lot of comments with replies.

Anon 07/28/2021 (Wed) 03:07:47 [Preview] No.7730 del
Just dropping in to say that it's really happening now. Videos are beginning to disappear. If you want stuff saved, please post them on the /mlp/ thread.

Anon 08/01/2021 (Sun) 09:46:29 [Preview] No.7749 del
(323.01 KB 1917x1045 LookAtThemComments.jpg)
Sorry for the incredibility delayed reply. Had a lot of stuff happen around the same time as the event was reaching peak phase.

I really appreciate you sharing these tools, too bad I didn't even get back here till today, which will make sense when I explain things.

In sort
Bad news:
>Cascade failure
>Failure of two key objectives
>Comment saving redundancy not fully achieved.

Good news:
>Still got thousands of comments.
>Found a few videos that may have not been gotten by others that.

We did what we could. I will post further updates in about a day or two along with a few selected videos and everything else. All and all I salute you and any other anon lurking here who participated in this fight. So many other communities did nothing and so much was lost, but at least we still have a lot of it.

Anon 08/01/2021 (Sun) 11:15:35 [Preview] No.7751 del
(763.54 KB 5000x5347 443715.png)
I'm glad to see you back! LEL, I had actually thought some of the posts from that other anon were you! If you are still up for the comments project, I am too! If you got IRL stuff going on, that's okay though I do hope to at least somewhat keep in touch or lurk around.

>due to unexpected house repairs,
I had 4 computers have problems all at once, so I know your pain in a way.

>so I could not do much but i am happy that the script got fixed/remade and so much was done.

Anon 08/02/2021 (Mon) 22:35:36 [Preview] No.7754 del
(11.46 KB 279x300 pinkiepie.jpeg)
> I will post further updates in about a day or two along with a few selected videos and everything else.
Going to be a slight delay in that. Had something minor come up that has interrupted me. I am not going to let it completely distract from being here though so if anyone else has something to say it won't be 3 billion years before they hear from me.

Anon 08/06/2021 (Fri) 02:41:49 [Preview] No.7759 del
Heads up: https://www.ponychan.net/site/res/17893.html
It appears that ponychan's rebranding is finally happening on 10 August.

Anon 08/06/2021 (Fri) 05:21:20 [Preview] No.7760 del
(57.49 KB 919x367 MK17onRebranding.jpg)
>Since we're no longer going to be an explicitly MLP dedicated site (not that we've really been much of one for a while now), we're going to retire a bunch/most of our banners, which means we're going to need some new ones. If you're artistically inclined (or at least feel like contributing in general)\
First guess, off the top of my head is that having two sets of banners isn't easy or possible to set up in tinyboard (or whatever they use) in the same way that themes can be switched around.

Thanks for the notice. I will be monitoring the thread and perhaps leave a post or two there myself

Anon 08/06/2021 (Fri) 05:28:59 [Preview] No.7761 del
(138.90 KB 1280x720 mpv-shot0001.jpg)
Almighty, update on stuff collected. Nothing has go wrong. I just had stuff come up and felt a little illl the last couple of days and chorically off and on for the past 3 weeks, it's a bit odd

My grand post will happen this weekend.

Anon 08/11/2021 (Wed) 09:52:36 [Preview] No.7782 del
(313.34 KB 720x670 2014235.png)
Now, something has gone wrong but not on the pony end. I have just been having a hard time getting to my keyboard before 3 AM due to random life interruptions.

My plan, oh sweet Celestia, my plan is again, tomorrow, will see how it pans out but that is my plan.

Still monitoring ponychan, no change in branding yet, past official date though I bet it is just IRL stuff or they are having actual problems on the switch.

The Great Unlisted Video Recuse Operation of 2021 Anon 08/12/2021 (Thu) 09:44:53 [Preview] No.7784 del
Alrighty. Looks like, unless my internet or endchan gives me trouble with the size of a few of these files, we are ready to begin.

This part really should've been the simple story--at least for the comments, it should've been simple, if a little slow . What was supposed to be a backup effort in case other anons failed turned into a nightmare as I was beset by numerous, almost supernatural failures.
>Okay got new computer going diligently on comments with my old computer working as well it should be
<old computer loses power randomly.
>Well, it had a slightly damaged power connector socket, but eh, I can enlist one of the others
<Works okay (as long as I don't have it try to take a mess of pictures anyway) but power supply gets usually hot and I don't trust it.
<New computer... it's screen broke, one quarter of it offline down. For no reason. NOTHING WAS SAT ON IT. I JUST CLOSED IT ONCE AND WHEN I OPENED IT LOOKED LIKE IT HAD BEEN CRUSHED ON ONE SIDE!
<Old old computer boots okay then freezes
This was on top of my normal internet issues which limited my ability to download a large media files. So I was constantly swaping between different computers, Linux USBs and other set ups just trying to keep the operation going and what I have got a little disorganized as a result.

Here is what was supposed to be the main operation. I was using one of the lists that was posted to /mlp/ (15000 or so I believe) and split it up into blocks that I could have running in parallel. In the ideal version of this plan, each block would've been first swept for comments, then metadata, then as a bonus I would've tried to save a pic of every video's YT page before it got deleted if my internet would corporate. (I tried nodejs and a ancient firefox extension, grabthemall, The former had problems with my USBs and the latter worked but failed to capture all but the freaking video itself on a unloaded page and then froze the computer) I did due some metadata test sweeps though I don't think I have a full block.

Anyway, here is 10.000 or so video comments. A small but not insignificant minority are blank. The double block names (block9_10 onward) were when I merged the remaining blocks together to save time, power failure or internet issues prevented me from completing these list fully. Something I found during this was that if a video simply didn't have any comments it would still write a blank .json file and thus not interfere with the multiDownloader script but if it had been COPPA'd there would be no json file to write and would break the script (which I did already fix in it).

Ignore the current naming scheme of "metaBlocks" just doing this to try to play nice with endchan and keeping it relatively tidy and even.

Anon 08/12/2021 (Thu) 10:33:31 [Preview] No.7785 del
(29.79 KB 886x526 ItsGone.jpg)
(167.66 MB morange.zip)
Now, mmmandarinorange, probably most famous for his The Stars Will Aid in Her Escape or The Garden PMVs. The former is, of course as I have already posted it in this thread, haunting and one I have the most memories of. This here is how I wished the porject could've gone, if I had better internet access and less technical problems.

I didn't get all his videos but I had a file with these links and thus got these. Hopefully somepony else scraped these at some point. I know I saw a couple in the main list on /mlp/.

It is rather haunting, looking upon the now privated YT page and thinking about how much history is there, now inaccessible. Though I can't fret too much considering I already had the comments to this one backuped a long time ago (and did so again), not to mention this project here >>7530

Anon 08/12/2021 (Thu) 11:22:45 [Preview] No.7786 del
Here is a couple videos of Sam Hyde trying to organize his project/scam "brony dating sim" Dark Skyes, These videos had little views and were unlisted. Though know to /mlp/ at the time I highly doubt they would be in any playlist (unless somebody added a pony drama/playlist specifically relating to this) and considering the track record I've seen on other controversies being archived from this period there is a chance that no one backuped it or what mirrors exist are gone at this point. Not really much worth here other then being kind of incriminating and a little bit of controversial history.

Note: This shows my true haphazard archive efforts here. Only have info.jsons and comments.

Anon 08/12/2021 (Thu) 12:09:51 [Preview] No.7787 del
> little bit of controversial history.
Speaking of controversial. Princess Molestia!

Oh, this was the drama for the ages. I really think this drama helped shaped the course of the fandom for better or ill. It's a shame that it is so poorly documented admist a sea of deleted or spam ridden tumblrs. Makes it hard to prove the Down with Molestia's side hypocrisies and errors or judge the merit of their claims of being attacked and harassed or there own harassing In the video's department it is the same as well, at least with unlisted that I checked.

I found this lone video from AnYPony. Unlisted and tucked away. I didn't consider it particularly profound or anything, but just is something from saved that relates to the era. I also made a backup on Pinkie Pony's video defending herself, also unlisted but it's a little large to post or for me to convert right now, but I do have it

Anon 08/12/2021 (Thu) 12:44:15 [Preview] No.7788 del
(183.38 KB 900x900 674.png)
This is a batch of comments I am not sure anyone got. At least if I go by the MLP thread at the end. These were all the videos in the submission that were labeled "kinda pony" and were rushed at last minuet. I tried to do a video scrape too but in the words of a certain zebra:
>My internet was too slow, my storage too low and thus the videos had no where to go!
At least I'm pretty sure she'd try to say it like that.

Night for now. I still have some more stuff to post but it is really scattered across 4 computers and a couple of USB drives.

Anon 08/13/2021 (Fri) 13:35:47 [Preview] No.7790 del
Thanks for these. I'll have to share what I have eventually (there's probably a lot of overlap). I don't know what is happening with the comments at the moment. I think everyone is just taking it easy for now.

Anon 08/15/2021 (Sun) 08:21:58 [Preview] No.7793 del
(88.43 KB 640x480 2504444.png)
Take your time. I've been out of sorts a little myself. I still need to get to some things.

>everyone is just taking it easy for now.
Oh, boy they are. I regularly stayed up and only went to sleep at 8 or 9 Am durring that last stretch of days with my small to medium effort. I imagine those who really did the heavy lifting stayed up at least once more then 24+ hours wold be really off after that!

Anon 09/06/2021 (Mon) 13:15:53 [Preview] No.7838 del
I can speak to this a bit.
This website used to be known as ponygoons. It was actually an offsite spawned off the Something Awful forums when some of the forum posters (who call themselves goons) started posting about the show and were mocked by the rest of the site for it. Pic related, it's the Something Awful internal wiki article about the whole thing. For reference, Something Awful was one of the big sources of internet culture in the 00s like 4chan was, it's a website about remorselessly mocking the rest of the internet. It was funny at the time, but in retrospect those faggots really were precursors to much of the cancer that was killing the internet in the 10s and continues to shit it up today. Kiwifarms types, ironic weebs, SJWs, journalists, and other crap like that. To be honest, I was one of them. Anyway in that kind of atmosphere, the sort of person who would genuinely love MLP and post about it on the forums would either have to have a thick skin or would be really sensitive and neurotic and self-conscious. The ponygoons forum was a mix of the two. It trended more towards the latter over time as the former slowly lost interest, plus there were people from tumblr migrating in a few years after ponygoons was founded. The Something Awful forums roots are why there was such a heavy anti-shipping focus (gay and straight ships alike, no social conservatism there), that attitude came out of the typical goon attitude of throwing the rest of the fandom under the bus to try to appease perma-highschool internet social climber types. (Goons act the same way about anime, which is why I say that they were precursors to ironic weebs, and about videogames and open source software, hence anti-gamergate and CoC bullshit etc. etc.)
>and the political conversations I've seen so far much more left leaning with no right leaning opinions at all . I'm not really going to judge them on that, unless I see the type of bulling and competitive fake virtue singling that such communities can often breed .
I don't think you would be surprised at what you saw if you had been around at the time. There were people with more right leaning opinions in the early days of the site, but they tended to get dogpiled when expressing them and they eventually left, changed their minds, or went quiet. I remember one guy who was pretty vocally conservative and thought the cops were correct in one of the big police shooting outrage news stories of the era. Either the Michael Brown one or the George Zimmerman one. He got hounded and attacked so much on this website (which I think was a big social outlet for the guy) that eventually he caved and decided hey, he may be a tranny after all. He posted a pic of some glittery silver paint on his toenails, a closeup pic that showed the toe knuckle hair and all, and I was really grossed out and disturbed. Everyone else was congratulating him. I said nothing.
>Also, it is fairly active in an era of discord and social media. Not the most happening place and some parts clearly are inactive but it is still getting daily posts and the booru has frequent uploads. Not a lot of smaller web fourms can claim that nowadays in this era.
Sometimes a forum just has a lot of momentum and staying power, it's weird.

As much as I complain, and as mentally ill as the userbase was... I had some good times on that forum.

Anon 09/07/2021 (Tue) 06:10:21 [Preview] No.7840 del
Not the same anon who posted that. Though I will comment that I had forgotten all about the roundstable for awhile and then suddenly stumbled on it "oh, it's just another horse forum that was once big in the olden days" and then remembered, oh yeah, they used to be a somewhat self hating version of Equestria Daily in news.

I don't know if you are one of the regulars or a lurker/newfag visitor but I know the anons who run this would probably interested in how your experience was there and I am glad to see you mention how it wasn't all bad despite how many would just go to "REEEEEEEE CANCER!".

>Sometimes a forum just has a lot of momentum and staying power, it's weird.
I know. I think... Bridgefag? (BO of board) has tried to theorize on this in the past and had something interesting to say... to bad I don't remember where that was otherwise I would link it.

Anon 09/07/2021 (Tue) 16:23:45 [Preview] No.7843 del
Is there an archived page of this (e.g. wayback)?

Anon 09/08/2021 (Wed) 08:03:44 [Preview] No.7844 del
(185.75 KB 4073x4027 2711108.png)
I did learn of some of this later after making that post, or earlier? As when going through old stuff I found that I had apparently had visited there before! but this was still vary enlightening and did sent me down a few interesting paths looking up stuff.

>It was funny at the time, but in retrospect those faggots really were precursors to much of the cancer that was killing the internet in the 10s and continues to shit it up today. Kiwifarms types, ironic weebs, SJWs,
My typical thought of a Something Awful user is various leftist and liberals who used to be the cutting edgyist a few years ago and now morally lecture us on stuff. Certainly agree on a lot of that applying too (especially Kiwifarms!), from what I have been told/heard/seen anyway. Though I am a mere observer and I have almost never touched the place and such varying accounts are often disputed at least some.

>journalists, and other crap like that.
Journalist? Is there some deep lore here or is how I've heard a lot of younger establishment SJW types have pasts here?

>the Something Awful forums roots are why there was such a heavy anti-shipping focus (gay and straight ships alike, no social conservatism there)
Okay, that confused me with the make up of the userbase but now I think it make since. Still don't explain with LGBT ships being allowed from technically illegal posts on the booru but whatever...

> There were people with more right leaning opinions in the early days of the site, but they tended to get dogpiled when expressing them and they eventually left, changed their minds, or went quiet.
To me that was the typical 2000s to early 2010s net experience. You could usually get by in a lot of places okay... before the legalism started to be a good person, but that would be inappropriate for this thread for me to get into.

>As much as I complain, and as mentally ill as the userbase was... I had some good times on that forum.
I appreciate your testimony greatly. I actually have seen stuff on there that has earned my respect. Even if they became full on SJWs, home is still home and ain't nothing going to take the fact that they were on the ride too.

Anon 09/08/2021 (Wed) 08:47:21 [Preview] No.7845 del
NOPE, there is not. It's behind a paywall and apparently been so for a very long time! Which means that the only way to archive it is with a account and downloading the page directly or screencaping (well, a guess a bot with your login credentials...). I would be curious to have a look as well. Am I autistic enough to spend $10 for one page of content? No. Though, I heard that the MLP thread had a 146 pages there and found a guy who did a scrape of the images and avatars (more on this later, as I gotta hit the hay) in 2018. If that was still up then 10 to 15 dollars (archive upgrade) to evil cancer maybe worth it for the perversion of history.

What kind of racket is this anyway? I can dig a signup fee. It was a very common payment model pre 2010s websites and is rational for something of a larger size to help prevent spam and make a little money, but freaking buying back from bans and changing trivial tiny things seems very exploitative and has potential for abuse. I guess it's something awful for a reason.

Sort of reminds me of Insane Journal, though even then I am not sure I would call them scummy as some of this looks, just overpriced and anarchic for what it is today.

Anon 09/08/2021 (Wed) 09:33:54 [Preview] No.7846 del
>This website used to be known as ponygoons
One last thing for tonight. I tried to find some screencaps or archived pages from the ponygoons era. Managed to locate URL from desuarchive and... let's just say it took me awhile to figure out that I had to click on the Celestia, LOL!
Oldest one in wayback machine. Unfortunately the Jefferson Starship itself does not appear to be archived here.

Also, poster from 2012 /mlp/ saying something that could go with what you said pretty well:
>The closest place I've found to discuss ponies without the general meanness/creepiness of /mlp/ and the pure hugboxery of ponychan is ponygoons, and even then, they can be a bit uptight about things.
>Anyway in that kind of atmosphere, the sort of person who would genuinely love MLP and post about it on the forums would either have to have a thick skin or would be really sensitive and neurotic and self-conscious.

Early on, both counterbalanced?
Edited last time by dolor on 09/08/2021 (Wed) 09:45:39.

Anon 09/12/2021 (Sun) 03:13:16 [Preview] No.7851 del
/mlp/ making clop wiki article.
Do I need to say more? Honestly, the idea of clop having a wikipedia page is total cringe to me. Clop deserves coverage and not to be swept under the rug but I would rather it not have attention like this. The autism of wiki knows no bounds and it the page survives it will be a battleground and does put a risk of further negative attention.

Anon 09/13/2021 (Mon) 10:38:39 [Preview] No.7852 del
(5.32 MB 2480x1654 2935012.png)
>I actually have seen stuff on there that has earned my respect.
> (more on this later, as I gotta hit the hay
This thread:
Hey, were did it go? There was a thread on there where they were talking about archiving the birth of the show and fanodm, but I didn't bookmark the link and a related google doc they had... just a few days ago, won't load. I highly doubt they deleted it in reaction to us here but it is kind of odd.

I get where you are coming from. Though I will say, a lot of dark, and oddball stuff happens on wiki and doesn't get in the spotlight. I mean, if somepony wanted to, they could really really turn our fandom into the next alt-right boogieman. Something I fear would happen with the derpi drama, but it didn't happen. I do agree there is an increased risk but I don't think a million jornos are going to descend down upon us from one wiki article.

>The autism of wiki knows no bounds and it the page survives it will be a battleground
Everything about this though is 100% true. Even if I don't think media attention is a high probability, there are bad actors within wiki and associated criticism that I do think merit some concern.

Anon 09/22/2021 (Wed) 00:13:50 [Preview] No.7883 del
It's a shame that the forum lost most of its posts sometime in 2017. Only posts in the Canterlot Gem Mine were untouched.
e.g. https://www.roundstable.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=379

The page still says 2012 despite everyone knowing that it really first appeared as early as the same week of the premiere and had already grown significantly by 2011. Looking at the edit history shows that someone did try to point this out but was reverted (Paheal was called a blog???).

Anyway a small contribution: https://hyperindex.mlpg.co/co22483865.html#22486189
This should be the earliest usage of the word "clop" in that context.

>Hey, were did it go?
Referring to this? https://www.roundstable.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=374

Anon 09/24/2021 (Fri) 09:05:37 [Preview] No.7896 del
(801.76 KB 1002x1144 YoureTheBest.png)
>It's a shame that the forum lost most of its posts sometime in 2017. Only posts in the Canterlot Gem Mine were untouched.
Yeah, noticed, that is sad... fortunately they did perverse that early incarnation of the site that wasn't in the webarchive!

>Referring to this?
Yes! Though I was having trouble with google doc in particular for some reason.

>(Paheal was called a blog???).
???? I ... I may have my head under a rock, but ain't that a booru for sharing NSFW? I don't know how one could mistake for blog. Most gernic would be "porn site" or "rule34". I suppose more technical would be: " A site for sharing erotic pictures of pornographic content from a variety of different animated and video game media".

>This should be the earliest usage of the word "clop" in that context.
Anytime I run into Madmax in my research I am always a little haunted.

>Pony Sports Montage!
Always does my heart to see a live youtube link from so far back after the purges.

Anon 09/28/2021 (Tue) 15:23:18 [Preview] No.7910 del
>but ain't that a booru for sharing NSFW?
Exactly. Maybe I can see why Wikipedia might not accept it as an appropriate source to cite, but how else can that fact be proven? It looks like they only trust articles like the one it's currently citing right now, in which case it'll only be corrected when they find another article like it written in 2011.

Anon 10/03/2021 (Sun) 10:43:30 [Preview] No.7928 del
The original research rule coming back to bite them. It is understandable why it's there but they take it too far.

New comment converter release Anon 11/21/2021 (Sun) 22:39:47 [Preview] No.8025 del
Okay, this took about 2 months longer than expected, but I have rewritten the comment converter in python. So far it's slightly
better than the Kotlin version. Some new stuff included:
>Supports linking custom CSS styles
>Supports linking custom js
>Supports linking multiple videos
>Comments and their replies are now paired correctly and can be shown/hidden using java script
>There should be backwards compatibility for parsing scrapped comments without avatars, hearts and other stuff

However there some things that are still (or now) broken/not implemented
>Avatar downloading is missing
>It still looks ugly however it's better than before I think
>Ironically, the "fixed" comment-json (remade to array) is now not supported as we use much simpler parsing here
>Comments from youtube API are not supported as they have too complex structure and I have no idea how to make parsing them not retarded right now
>Comment paging is not implemented, but it should be much easier in this version of converter
>JSON parsing is a bit "clumsy" right now and should be remade

Planned features:
>Paging & avatar downloading (highest priority)
>Everything from previous paragraph
>API comment support
>Converting the scrapped comments and API comments to unified JSON for unified parsing
>Converting scrapped relative time to universal time (this one will be ugly)
>Giving this thing some api so it can be used from other scripts more efficiently

I am not sure how much time I'll have to work on this in the near future, but hopefully it won't take another 2 months for next update.
In case anyone would like to modify it/play with some of the todos mentioned in the zip, I included some documentation in Documentation.md and some
examples for usage in Usage.md. There is also one converted example (but without video due to size) with all current "features" enabled for
preview of current state.

And for the git mentioned in >>7561 and others, I'll probably self host something when I'll get enough money to buy VPS for at least a
year, as I wanted to make some pony website with similar services anyways.

Overall there is really nothing extra in this version, I just mostly wanted to drop something for PoLS.

Anon 11/23/2021 (Tue) 05:20:56 [Preview] No.8030 del
(551.13 KB 1920x1321 354.jpeg)
>Okay, this took about 2 months longer than expected,
This is me often I many things, no worries.

>but I have rewritten the comment converter in python. So far it's slightly better than the Kotlin version.
Considering you said you didn't like python. What changed your mind?

>Overall there is really nothing extra in this version
To quote the documentation:
>Replies can be shown and hidden using ugly button if JS is enabled
>Replies are sorted and chained correctly unlike in prev version

As for currently broken and future things:
>It still looks ugly however it's better than before I think
Yes, agreed. Though tbh I find old fashion html not too bad even if we are aiming for better.
>Comments from youtube API are not supported as they have too complex structure and I have no idea how to make parsing them not retarded right now
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I believe the "new fixed downloader" script that I use does use the API but I will have to check. Not that it matters too much as I still have a fair bit from before.
>Paging & avatar downloading (highest priority)
Agreed on both.

>In case anyone would like to modify it/play with some of the todos mentioned in the zip,
I am doubtful in my ability to help well in the programing side but considering I did manage to add basic error handling to >>7715 I will see if I can do something.

>I am not sure how much time I'll have to work on this in the near future, but hopefully it won't take another 2 months for next update.
Don't slave away on this, okay? The programing end has been a one anon effort, your effort. Don't feel pressured on this.

>I'll probably self host something when I'll get enough money to buy VPS for at least
...and be wise with your money. I am perfectly fine whether you want to self host a git or use another service. I am also fine for it to be confined to this thread. Just that, if you throw any money on this, I don't want you to put yourself on any finical stress, even if you are good with money and saved up. If you are going to press ahead, I might know of a alright service for a smaller website but it would depend on the minimal system requirements of gitlab or whatever software you are using.

Anon 11/23/2021 (Tue) 05:32:23 [Preview] No.8031 del
First test, same video as before, Gonna Go Far Kid. It worked, though I have yet to fully play around with all the functions of this.

...gosh, it is forlorn looking at the original video on Youtube, nonpony avatar (not a moral folly on the part of the user, but still sad), lacking comments from the great purge and now the freaking dislike button numbers now carefully hidden for our protection.

Anon 11/23/2021 (Tue) 07:21:52 [Preview] No.8035 del
(37.80 KB 578x863 2358196.png)
> but I have rewritten the comment converter in python.
>Overall there is really nothing extra in this version, I just mostly wanted to drop something for PoLS.
I have a lack of programing experience but I find rewriting the entire program would be worthy of a post.

> I might know of a alright service for a smaller website but it would depend on the minimal system requirements of gitlab or whatever software you are using.
How cucked are the github offshoots? That is the question that should be asked.

Anon 11/29/2021 (Mon) 23:41:18 [Preview] No.8044 del
ArchiveTeam is currently saving like and dislike counts for millions of videos. I've sent almost all the videos from The Pony Archive to them (see file attached). Are there any more videos you guys want saved? They won't accept new ones if the list is too small by the way.

(I know that saving dislikes is very easy using API but I thought giving the videos to a large archive would be beneficial too.)

Anon 11/30/2021 (Tue) 08:36:35 [Preview] No.8045 del
(121.11 KB 1299x919 2603145.jpg)
The only thing I could think off of the top of my head would be drama and old rants, etc. As cringe as some of that might be.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=gB_cb5ELYII [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=D2Mx_7FmB8M [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=T5mNtOgEqls [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=K78UacLiJ5g [Embed]
But such a dive would be digging through a lot of stuff. Even then, a lot of the larger videos are either long deleted, or were whipped by the previous purge. So I lot that remains may not be worth caring about the like to dislike ratio too much (some random reupload with under 10 likes doesn't really seem worth going out of the way for). I would think the Pony Archive would cover anything that I would consider relevant. Like Dusk's Dawn. Dislikes are not only part of the conversation but sometimes the context of a video and I appreciate the archive team's and your efforts.

Anon 11/30/2021 (Tue) 09:28:40 [Preview] No.8046 del
Not sure if the file is visible, so it's also here too: https://u.smutty.horse/mekecvwrrqd.txt

A lot of the videos in The Pony Archive were discovered manually. There are pony videos with over 100K views that still aren't in there and it's usually up to whoever's queuing them to notice. It's best to be safe with this, so if there are any relevant videos that you're not sure about please send anyway.

(Thanks for the extra videos!)

Anon 11/30/2021 (Tue) 21:39:41 [Preview] No.8047 del
>Are there any more videos you guys want saved? They won't accept new ones if the list is too small by the way

Well, given that you are asking us to say something...I....personally have a huge preference towards anything. I would pretty much say that you should cover everything that you can archive until one completes it.

I have been pondering about what /endpone/ should provide here and...I am going to provide you a list of videos that follows a basic pattern among them. Most likely they have already been archived, but sometimes it´s better to have things in excess and therefore,we avoid any kind of scarcity, just in case.

Alright , let me check them...

Anon 11/30/2021 (Tue) 22:23:29 [Preview] No.8048 del
Compilation of youtube links shared on /endpone/ over the years:

1st NMAIE:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=pTPqjKk_xCo [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=UFMR83zsQYU [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=eoowtoEle14 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=GbD_uVUmxpc [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=inyzDpzjUgI [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=uKRdoCVqTqs [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=R5yp422DImE [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=UzsxfO7dBlA [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=i7PQ9IO-7fU [Embed]

2nd NMAIE:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=9oMY5YRdhAQ [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=secr8ZM4FXw [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=8d44IUWldng [Embed]

3rd NMAiE:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=lDtqJOwHq3w [Embed]

4th NMAiE:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=HgLRhZT8SDw [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=az1j9aURpAA [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=87wE2e0gYbg [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=sdEpVQ4Nlv8 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=UomhczVNoBw [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=kc6qhAKL_m0 [Embed]

5th NMAiE:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=4oZM4Z7W0_M [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ahgCHftyO4Y [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=drs1tpkRQks [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=4FBQGrad-EU [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=iqO5hiKvI8o [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=nTFYCo-Fzxc [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=t38DPnkDjTM [Embed]

Season 9 thread:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=00pGnVS4_tQ [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=jNClSvqqRzQ [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=swjM3rNu5p4 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=WJHld7LxwTs [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=knzkBD2_H5k [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=SqN4Yuylj8o [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=rShiDT-Pp_A [Embed]

Anon 11/30/2021 (Tue) 23:02:50 [Preview] No.8049 del
Post Gen 4 Discussion Thread:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ycMdO4SGrxk [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=X39b56x0RPc [Embed]

Comic thread:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=EFWI1nCQ7Ss [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=OfyBVm8LFKA [Embed]

I Saw The /Sun/:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=L021arfz-CA [Embed]

/Seapone/ thread:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=iakTl9SZTTY [Embed]

/chat/ thread:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=obJ21k3Hylo [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=lrYwLP04rSo [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=87wE2e0gYbg [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-DYdTa0gDKQ [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Vl5WhbJfkJs [Embed]

Writefag general:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=K7clmgKj3-g [Embed]

Golden Oaks general:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=SO-7FCYuSWc [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=MyAzI3fLLnM [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ACEnJSDVzdc [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=26BQ0HNtDmI [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=i6En9e61Ayc [Embed]

webm thread (created in 2016):
https://youtube.com/watch?v=kJuDqoMMkNI [Embed]

Anon 11/30/2021 (Tue) 23:21:23 [Preview] No.8050 del
>I....personally have a huge preference towards anything.
I should have said that I DO NOT have any special preference except maybe for the LoE OST, a few specific animations and some of the tracks shared around here. I forgot to add this one:

https://youtube.com/watch?v=kfmXjLDrick [Embed]

So, considering that I have been pondering about what MLP videos one should pick here, I have just decided to include in general "all" the pony related videos (there might be a few exceptions and the word search might not have included all the Youtube links) that users have been sharing around here over the last few years.

Many of them may have been already archived and these links will end up being useless for the list that TPA has already settled but even then, I don´t want to roll the dice here.

I guess that my answer for this sentence:

>There are pony videos with over 100K views that still aren't in there and it's usually up to whoever's queuing them to notice. It's best to be safe with this, so if there are any relevant videos that you're not sure about please send anyway.

It´s the /endpone/ compilation. It doesn´t mean that I have personally watched/consumed all this content (far from it). Neither the separate audios nor webms are included on this list, by the way. >>8048, >>8049

My best advice is that you get to save everything that you can. I might be indifferent towards many videos in general but who knows if they are going to turn into anyone else´s bookmarks at some point.

Anon 12/01/2021 (Wed) 10:09:36 [Preview] No.8053 del
(10.24 MB 1072x788 2868992.gif)
Unfortunately not. I checked. First I thought it was just from me having JS disabled but nope, not there. Thanks for the list link though!

>so if there are any relevant videos that you're not sure about please send anyway.
Without checking the list, here is picks off the top of my head.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=NgJPHj7Cjss [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=26BQ0HNtDmI [Embed]

Stuff that could be missed
https://youtube.com/watch?v=C3KlSqpoisI [Embed]

Well, my goodness, a channel that I had only partial archived a month ago apperently is nuked.
Hopefully I can make a better list but in case I don't have some links for now!

>Alright , let me check them...
OP Delivers

How long did it take ya to compile this? I mean, small chan, limited posts, seems easy, but I am still slightly impressed with times when I have had trouble looking up stuff in the past here at times.

Anon 12/06/2021 (Mon) 13:21:27 [Preview] No.8055 del
(145.55 KB videoids.zip)

I do not know if I am too late or how useful this might be but I went through several playlists and channels. Some of which I would think be covered and some of which I could see being left out or easily forgotten (I'd be highly surprised if Muffin Lovin' Production's is on this list along with a lot of 2011 to 2014 fan game let's plays). There will likely be a few non MLP related things and duplicates from some overlap of larger lists. Also, got all the vid IDs from the Hub too but put on a separate file.

Anon 12/06/2021 (Mon) 13:23:50 [Preview] No.8056 del
It's over 14k. That should be enough I would think. I hope they don't mind the mix of format of ULRs (I was first compiling manual links but they started using youtube-dl for lists and such).

Anon 12/07/2021 (Tue) 02:53:25 [Preview] No.8057 del
Don't think you're late as ArchiveTeam is still accepting links. Problem is that they rely on generated visitor cookies that can still see dislikes, and right now that's less than 1% of all attempts. They've got a lot of help though.

Anon 12/07/2021 (Tue) 09:35:16 [Preview] No.8060 del
(127.71 KB 768x576 1409183457882.jpg)

> Problem is that they rely on generated visitor cookies that can still see dislikes, and right now that's less than 1% of all attempts. They've got a lot of help though.
So, they aren't using the API? I mean, I guess that makes sense with the limits on units and such. I wonder what regions still display dislikes? Or do they have to get creative and use something like a Wii U or unupdated apps. If I recall correctly, the old Wii still displayed old avatars and didn't have as many adds when it was finally killed in 2017. Cookies. Apps wouldn't have cookies like that.

> I've sent almost all the videos from The Pony Archive to them
I am surprised of some of the stuff that they did already have in the archive. Stuff like Friendship is For Adults I always thought was pretty obscure. Even have the MLP animation analysis guy. Gameplay was more fifty fifty but it far more of old YTers like WhiteHawk and NytNinja then I would expected.

Anon 12/07/2021 (Tue) 09:53:59 [Preview] No.8061 del

Why should one worry about dislikes when there are still options that let you see them by resorting to an unofficial extension, anyway?


Maybe not for mobile phone devices yet (Android in my case) but it's still something to hold onto for now.>>8060

Anon 12/08/2021 (Wed) 09:49:10 [Preview] No.8065 del
(233.09 KB 1000x1086 6100386.png)
and biggest chad move of all:
>I've sent almost all the videos from The Pony Archive to them

Anon 12/08/2021 (Wed) 09:50:09 [Preview] No.8066 del
Google's API is still going to purge our ability to view them so we have to archive them all first.

Anon 12/10/2021 (Fri) 02:10:15 [Preview] No.8071 del
December 13th is around the corner! Last call for more links.

I don't think they know why those specific visitor cookies still work and I'm not sure how they're generating them either.

As for "API", it's not the official youtube API but InnerTube API. You can see requests being sent to it sometimes when loading videos. It's also what youtube-dl is using right now. There's no way they'd be able to pull off what they want to do with official youtube API with that quota. InnerTube supposedly has no quota but you're not supposed to hammer it too fast or something like that.

>>8066 is right. I don't think a lot of people using the extension knows that at the moment.

This sounds interesting though:
>The backend will switch to using a combination of archived dislike stats, estimates extrapolated from extension user data, and estimates based on view/like ratios for videos whose dislikes weren't archived as well as outdated dislike count archives.
I'd like to see how they extrapolate this info.

Anon 12/22/2021 (Wed) 09:23:12 [Preview] No.8076 del
Unfortunately no more came. I suppose holidays interfered. I hope they got a good bunch.

>InnerTube API
Never heard of this, interesting.

>I'd like to see how they extrapolate this info.

Anon 01/10/2022 (Mon) 04:43:30 [Preview] No.8111 del
(6.40 MB 2500x3500 619433.png)
Yes, at least that is the case for me as well. I hope they got the dislike counts they could get.

Anon 01/14/2022 (Fri) 22:49:53 [Preview] No.8115 del
Most of this post was written a while ago but I wasn't very happy with it, then came school and on but now there is more stuff that needs posting so here it goes

>Considering you said you didn't like python. What changed your mind?
Yes, I still hate it (probably even more now) but there are a few reasons why I couldn't justify making it in kotlin, mainly:
>Everything else is in python, we will have to glue it together eventually for automation, and this should make it easier (e.g. using API instead of output parsing)
>You don't have to recompile it after every change (it can be automated but you would still need compiler, jvm ...)
>I will probably have to use python in school so I might as well get used to it
The biggest con is probably the complicated-structure JSON parsing which appears to not have any really elegant solution like gson, but that's probably just because I haven't found anything good yet.

>To quote the documentation:
>>Replies can be shown and hidden using ugly button if JS is enabled
>>Replies are sorted and chained correctly unlike in prev version
kek, alright. I was just giving higher priority to the paging and avatar downloading

>Though tbh I find old fashion html not too bad even if we are aiming for better.
I can agree on that however I feel like it could still be a bit better even if we would go for very minimalistic design. But after all there is option
to link custom CSS so we don't really have to be perfect.

>I am doubtful in my ability to help well in the programing side but considering I did manage to add basic error handling to >>7715 I will see if I can do something.
Like I mentioned, I want to implement everything eventually, but it's not like anyone would want to stop you.

>Don't slave away on this, okay? Don't feel pressured on this.
I do mostly nothing useful for the most of the time (unless it's exam period). The "pressure" I wouldn't really call it that way is probably the only thing that got it this "far"

>I might know of a alright service for a smaller website but it would depend on the minimal system requirements of gitlab or whatever software you are using.
I wanted to use local "VPS club" I like because they are non-profit with pretty free rules. The price is not particularly good but I would be happy to
see any better services you may know. I would self host it at home but after my ISP got bought up, my IP is blinking like christmas tree and I don't
really want to use DynamicDNS. But it's not like it would be anytime soon anyways.

>...gosh, it is forlorn looking at the original video on YouTube, nonpony avatar (not a moral folly on the part of the user, but still sad), lacking comments from the great purge and now the freaking dislike button numbers now carefully hidden for our protection.
Yeah I wonder how far we'll get until YouTube dies (not that i think it will be anytime soon) but i think they'll eventually do something like the tumblr porn purge and people will go away

>How cucked are the github offshoots? That is the question that should be asked.
I'm not sure I only ever used Github and GitLab, but I mostly wanted to self host my own public git anyways, so this is mostly another reason to do it

Anon 01/14/2022 (Fri) 22:52:25 [Preview] No.8116 del
(133.01 KB 650x584 gameJoltPurge.png)
GameJolt purging games

Which also includes many pony games...

I found out way too late about this and I think it should be already too late for most of the games, but good thing is that they should be saved by archive team already.

As if it wasn't bad already, the worst thing is probably that they have again very loose definition of what counts as inappropriate.
/mlp/ thread:

I'm sorry for this very brief post on this matter but I am currently busy with school.

However this late discovery of this event made me think. Whether there could be any better ways to "detect" any potential "threats" like this as early as possible to gain maximum advantage.
I was thinking of some RSS reader on steroids that would watch specific feed for specific keywords and it could launch other "actions" depending on the keyword located (archiving the thread, sending notification, downloading included links....).
It could also support services that do not support RSS natively using something like this https://github.com/RSS-Bridge/rss-bridge

It's true that we would still be technically relying on other people to actually post the happenings, but it could be potentially very effective.

Another bonus would be that it is technically "Decentralized" so anyone could be running his own "RSS reader on steroids" or even the RSS bridge if necessary.

The main problem that comes to mind would be to detect the correct keywords and filter out false positives as it directly affects effectivity.

So uh, what do you think? Is it even something worth seriously thinking about?

Anon 01/16/2022 (Sun) 22:03:31 [Preview] No.8117 del
>So uh, what do you think? Is it even something worth seriously thinking about?
I am going to speak up here and reply to your post even though I have stayed quite unfamiliar/ignorant/disconnected towards this matter. In fact, I think that it´s been the first time in which I have heard about Game Jolt, considering that Steam and Epic own the industry in this regard (and retro shops like GOG) and I have lurked /v/ and gaming related sites for years and I haven´t really heard about this one.

Anyway, I am delivering a reply (but don´t consider me an authority) but I think that Bridgefag provides a much valuable perspective when it comes to these matters.

>As if it wasn't bad already, the worst thing is probably that they have again very loose definition of what counts as inappropriate.

when things don´t become specific enough and can be interpreted like that. If people decide to even play around with the gray areas of the law, then any private entity will also follow the same path without facing legal consequences (unless that the matter becomes too noticeable and some private entities/organizations decide to sue the site for preventing the diffusion of their content without breaking the rules).

Those loose terms will only repeat a mess that, while it doesn´t get as bad as Tumblr´s ban for NSFW content, we have seen that algorithms and placing explicit barriers against +18 affects collaterally towards material that is completely unrelated. Therefore, MLP has happened to become one of those collateral victims.

>I found out way too late about this and I think it should be already too late for most of the games, but good thing is that they should be saved by archive team already.

this is what matters the most. As long as there are copies that can be distributed later somewhere else that works as a replacement, this issue will be just temporal or even immediately fixed because of those digital copies. Just like it happened with Derpi´s drama, the creation of the altboorus just strengthened their existence because of a strong reaction against the arbitrary censorship. The best part is that there is enough time for setting up the backup and there are even posts on the /mlp/ thread that have reported that said downloads have guaranteed the existence of these games.

Now, about the question itself that you have wanted to raise here...

Anon 01/16/2022 (Sun) 22:58:01 [Preview] No.8118 del
>I'm sorry for this very brief post on this matter but I am currently busy with school.

don´t worry about that.As you have claimed, the archive group has had this (mostly) covered. I have been dealing with college exams as well this week.

>However this late discovery of this event made me think. Whether there could be any better ways to "detect" any potential "threats" like this as early as possible to gain maximum advantage.

well, unless that one sets up alarms in the way that mobile or message notifications work, I highly doubt that anything will beat the usual method of reporting it manually by opening a thread on /mlp/ or something that serves as a bait for seeking the attention to those happenings in a public manner.

>I was thinking of some RSS reader on steroids that would watch specific feed for specific keywords and it could launch other "actions" depending on the keyword located
that sounds neat.

>we would still be technically relying on other people to actually post the happenings, but it could be potentially very effective.
that would actually create a greater diffusion about the happening and even by doing so, it would increase the chances of getting reported on EQD and even other fansites (even though Seth has usually reported these occurrences, I am not sure why he hasn´t reported this event yet) while it also executes the actions automatically.

>The main problem that comes to mind would be to detect the correct keywords and filter out false positives as it directly affects effectivity.
that´s a tricky issue and there should be more parameters that are just specific for those cases.

Whether this method works or not, there is always a margin of time for acting, the deletions cannot happen overnight. You have run into this issue late but these announcements have to be constantly be shown in an upfront manner because applying said sudden actions, without any clear news that notify the developers,could cause more harm than good for the site. If there have been any games deleted that weren´t given any warning beforehand, there should be rights to claim them because of that unwarranted hit.

What they say here:
<Unfortunately in the process we didn't consider or provide any opportunity for you to migrate your game and community elsewhere. Additionally, we miscategorised some games incorrectly, and didn't provide a transparent process to appeal this decision.

I haven´t known this site but seeing this annoys me so much to see their utter irresponsibility for handling the matter.

There should have been a month or a reasonable period of time for all the developers to take actions that would leave them enough room for action but this screams as a dirty move for keeping the deadlines towards those juicy signings in the contracts rather than keeping a flexible date for warning the developers/contributors.

It´s not only about the gray areas for deleting the games but they have also handled this in questionable manners that it doesn´t deserve any source of income. No way professionals make such radical shifts in the philosophy of an online store so fast.

What do I think about this? Perhaps it´s not about setting up a notification system because that doesn´t solve the actual root of the problem. What needs to be fixed are adults that handle sites like these, we need professionals, not incompetents that copy the messy policies that ruined Tumblr (and attempting to copy Discord so badly). Decisions of this kind deserve no respect and those apologies sound more like an excuse for getting ahead and save explanations for their mistakes in the future.

Shame on them for committing a rushed treason to all the affected content and playing abruptly with the finances of the developers.

Anon 01/18/2022 (Tue) 11:11:15 [Preview] No.8119 del
(543.24 KB 899x540 385811.png)
>I'm sorry for this very brief post on this matter but I am currently busy with school.
Don't worry about it! Heck, at the time you posted, I was dealing with a situation where I had to be awake for _36_ hours after only having 4 hours of sleep. I get being busy!

>However this late discovery of this event made me think. Whether there could be any better ways to "detect" any potential "threats" like this as early as possible to gain maximum advantage.
My goodness! Have you been reading my mind? I have been mulling over some type of general warning system as well, though only a passing thought of some sort of group (or two groups, but I'll explain that later) of people where it would be "uh, hey, if you see anything going bad, inform us". Adding a RSS feed could make this interesting...

>So uh, what do you think? Is it even something worth seriously thinking about?
Yes, 100% I feel may brain gears turning. I like this idea a lot.

>I haven´t known this site but seeing this annoys me so much to see their utter irresponsibility for handling the matter.
Indeed, it is the kind of thing that animates somebody to war. I am reminded of the archive team feelings of Yahoo being what really drove them.

Anyway, I will have to check around for any games on gamejolt that I can find. Thanks for reporting!

Anon 01/21/2022 (Fri) 03:05:32 [Preview] No.8120 del
>Whether there could be any better ways to "detect" any potential "threats" like this as early as possible to gain maximum advantage.
I created that thread on /mlp/. The only reason I was aware of it is because I was checking for any new projects ArchiveTeam was doing. I think checking for that should already cover some if not a lot of these "threats".

Also having a list of pony games on Game Jolt would be nice. There are a considerable number of pony games there but many of them don't get much attention outside the site unless it's been on EqD or associated with something famous like Luna Game.

Anon 01/24/2022 (Mon) 16:10:52 [Preview] No.8121 del
(3.30 MB 2263x1404 1641651659446.jpg)
>In fact, I think that it´s been the first time in which I have heard about Game Jolt
To be honest I never heard about it until now either so we are in the same boat here.
And I pretty much agree with the rest of the post.

>well, unless that one sets up alarms in the way that mobile or message notifications work
That's something we could do actually, that's what I meant by the "actions" beside other things, the reader would have some built-in actions like partial archival, or crawling of included links.
But the "main" part would be executing given commands on detected event, which means it could do anything, from sending emails to literally anything and all depending on which level of "danger" we would detect.
If it was made portable enough we could even have version running directly on android with said notifications.
>I highly doubt that anything will beat the usual method of reporting it manually by opening a thread on /mlp/ or something that serves as a bait for seeking the attention to those happenings in a public manner.
Well, my original idea would be that it would inform (You) based on other people making fuzz about it -> making it harder to miss. So basically just tell you that someone opened a thread that may indicate problems.

It's really just glorified RSS reader in the original idea, that's why I bringed it up, I'm not sure if it is worth it and more opinions will definitely help.

>Perhaps it´s not about setting up a notification system because that doesn't solve the actual root of the problem. What needs to be fixed are adults that handle sites like these, we need professionals, not incompetents that copy the messy policies that ruined Tumblr
Well I can't disagree on that, but in the end, these people can (and will probably still do) such things. And even if it
completely destroyed them afterwards the content could still be gone, I don't thing there is any better tool for us than
prevention right now (by that I don't mean that the my proposed system is the ideal solution, it has many flaws in fact but it's the only thing that comes to my mind as semi-effective)

>I was dealing with a situation where I had to be awake for _36_ hours after only having 4 hours of sleep
That sounds horrible

>I have been mulling over some type of general warning system as well, though only a passing thought of some sort of group (or two groups, but I'll explain that later) of people where it would be "uh, hey, if you see anything going bad, inform us"
I'll definitely wait for the more detailed explanation, but this seems like it would include some "third party" place/service that would have to be used right? The RSS plan was mostly based on the things/places/services that people already use -> thus requiring no extra action from anyone and we would just "harvest" the warnings.

The only problem I see with your approach is to get people to actually do it, as it is an extra step (someone will, there's no doubt about it but the amount is probably critical in catching as much as possible) and it would have very little to none false positives which would be a great plus.

I think that some combination of the two could be very efficient (in case the RSS one gets really polished). But I am very interested in your details.

I can fully feel them

>I created that thread on /mlp/
Oh, Hi anon
You mean this page right?
That looks very good, thanks for the tip.

>Also having a list of pony games on Game Jolt would be nice. There are a considerable number of pony games there but many of them don't get much attention outside the site unless it's been on EqD or associated with something famous like Luna Game.
I agree, I hope they have some good tagging system.

Anon 01/25/2022 (Tue) 10:30:29 [Preview] No.8122 del
Well, correct me if I am mistaken, but it seems your thread was deleted.

I managed to do a tiny scrape of Desuarchive and get all the gamejolt links posted there (I think). Though I imagine this list won't be of best use. Considering:
>Also having a list of pony games on Game Jolt would be nice. There are a considerable number of pony games there but many of them don't get much attention outside the site unless it's been on EqD or associated with something famous like Luna Game.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... I wonder if I could teach myself to do this on a level of a semi-competent script kitty in any reasonable amount of time? Pic related on a game that fits that bill (already backed up this one). If not I will try anyway, to set some time to manually back up a some games.


Anon 01/25/2022 (Tue) 11:54:40 [Preview] No.8123 del
> more detailed explanation
Project Pegasi
She tells the Pegasi to search all over Equestria looking for potential disasters, and they do so.
A loose contact network at most, or a just a general message for anons to post when something is happening and alert it to /go/'s attention (possibly also other places). It wouldn't be a heavy commitment other then, "hey, see this, tell /go/ about it!". At most I would maintain contacts with some people over several services in a loose network to check. Maybe with a few folks to keep track of certain problem areas.

Project Cerberus
She instructs the remainder of Ponyville's residents to "disaster-proof Equestria". Twilight oversees the entire operation, checking off items on her list as they are completed, including maintaining the dam, filling in wall cracks inside the library, topping off a water tower, reinforcing a bridge, and giving Pinkie Pie a haircut.
This is the second group I alluded to. It would be given instructions on the basis of distributed actions. Say, no one wants to spend their day archiving a website on archive today but if a dozen chip in a archive 5 pages that would helpful. Cerberus would also have a possibly have "guardian" component, hence my use of the name, to be on the lookout and potentially "act" against trouble in the fandom on a limited basis, (perhaps a "plan" if X happens, do X?") if it was organized well. This one I am more leery on and would not pursue unless some form of Project Pegasi did well and ends up making sense.

This idea was born out of the episode It's About Time and my limited experiencing with organizing users and marinating contact networks Thanks Derpi drama!

>but this seems like it would include some "third party" place/service that would have to be used right?
With Project Pegasi. No. I would at most have a specialty thread here. With Project Cerberus, _maybe_ if I did it to it's more advance form, it could need somewhere to be organized though I would still prefer a thread here. Could jury-rigged something from free webservices. At most I could see myself using a fandom services run by Twifag (owner of Twibooru) or something, like:

>The only problem I see with your approach is to get people to actually do it, as it is an extra step (someone will, there's no doubt about it but the amount is probably critical in catching as much as possible)
This is a very real problem. The hope is distributed and light workload makes the barrier of participation low enough. But...

>I think that some combination of the two could be very efficient
I love the RSS warning idea and I think it is worthy of pursuing with or instead of this. Having the program in play lowers the requirements of having so many users. Perhaps I could just recruit a anon or two on a more limited basis or site to site (fimfiction, Equestria Daily, googledrive, whatever). Cooler still, getting that program to a well enough working state might make it worthy to distribute itself.

Anon 01/25/2022 (Tue) 12:07:22 [Preview] No.8124 del
Speaking of It's About Time. I can't believe right off I find a intact episode from a youtube search with comments, albeit very few. Just like the ones that were found by /mlp/ in the youtube comment effort I suppose. Your eyes do not deceive you, Hasbro has started to upload FiM Episodes and odd clipshow formats labeled as episodes for Youtube:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=hDQo0pJPvgU [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=6VqHmd7oJhg [Embed]

>That sounds horrible
It kind of was and wasn't. Helping care for a dying Dog. Wasn't as stressful as a situation where one has to be attentive but more mentally draining afterwards.

Anon 01/25/2022 (Tue) 15:20:09 [Preview] No.8125 del
>Well, correct me if I am mistaken, but it seems your thread was deleted.
It was archived after a while: https://boards.4channel.org/mlp/thread/38072257

A couple of ideas were suggested for finding pony games on the site. One was the obvious searching of terms like "mlp" and "brony", which yielded a lot of the results in the thread.

Another which I thought would be the next logical step is to look through the creator's profile and the recommended games on the side. The metadata discussed in the thread already returns the recommendations, so that should be easy to implement.

Of course with any scraping there will be a lot of false positives, so ideally developing a simple interface that displays the scraped results would allow for quick pony identification. I believe something like this was made for the unlisted purge last year and it really helped with getting pony videos into the queue for archiving.

Anon 01/25/2022 (Tue) 15:35:27 [Preview] No.8126 del
Regarding a possible warning system, I found this the other day: https://uptimerobot.com/

Free account can monitor up to 50 sites for their status every 5 minutes. Now this alone wouldn't be that helpful as it's usually too late once something goes down permanently, but this service also looks out for keywords. As in changes in the HTML. Perhaps it's possible to strategically choose tags relating to the site news. Example: latest post under a forum's news category changes when there's new site news.

The best is still to come up with this on your own of course as replicating and running such a program locally isn't too difficult in python, but I thought that was interesting nonetheless.

Anon 01/27/2022 (Thu) 22:16:23 [Preview] No.8128 del
>Project Pegasi
>At most I would maintain contacts with some people
I think that this would increase the chances that you'll get notified significantly. Like, I don't know anything about psychology but I think that if you tell people directly instead of just some general "info post", you'll get higher chance that they'll actually "remember" you, if you know what I mean. Of course more general message should work as well.

>Project Cerberus
This is interesting and logical + planing ahead for possibilities is never a bad idea. I don't even think you would need fully working Pegasi project for this to be useful (of course it would be more effective) but having some plans prepared in general with roles you could pick sounds good to me.

>With Project Pegasi. No. I would at most have a specialty thread here[...]
I see, it would be probably good to have some fallback place if this one decided to go down in some really bad time.

>This is a very real problem. The hope is distributed and light workload makes the barrier of participation low enough.
I can agree with this, good organization and low effort barrier should increase participation

>I love the RSS warning idea and I think it is worthy of pursuing with..
Well, I'm glad you like it but
>...or instead of this
I think that the more options we have the higher chances of success are. That is, combining both most probably can't hurt and if any way proved to be ineffective we can just stop doing it. Also the RSS based project probably won't be very useful until it gets properly adjusted.

>Perhaps I could just recruit a anon or two on a more limited basis or site to site (fimfiction, Equestria Daily, googledrive, whatever).
This actually sounds really good, I think that there is higher chance of people knowing that something is going bad when they are actively using that site. Of course not everyone is reading the site notes/news but that could be fixed with just changing bookmark to point to some place like that so you would go "thru" it every time you visit and notice something is different.

Overall we should probably start with making list of sites that contain pony content in some form, and I would expect most danger to come from sites that are not directly meant for ponies in the first place, so they could get in "crossfire" of some retarded rule. There could also be more porn purges as that seems to be getting popular recently.

I also noticed this a while ago but forgot about it later, when I first saw the full episode I thought I switched to ponytube mode by mistake, but it really looks like Hasbro is embracing YouTube.

>It kind of was and wasn't. Helping care for a dying Dog. Wasn't as stressful as a situation where one has to be attentive but more mentally draining afterwards.
That still sound horrible tbh, but it could always be worse I guess

>Regarding a possible warning system, I found this the other day: https://uptimerobot.com/
I don't think the uptime info would be too useful, since websites go down for maintenance and it's usually nothing bad. And how you said, when they really go down, you wont do much anymore but the word-checking for changes could be really useful, I haven't checked it but there may be tools available already for that.

Anon 01/28/2022 (Fri) 12:08:36 [Preview] No.8131 del
>Like, I don't know anything about psychology but I think that if you tell people directly instead of just some general "info post", you'll get higher chance that they'll actually "remember" you, if you know what I mean. Of course more general message should work as well.
>This actually sounds really good, I think that there is higher chance of people knowing that something is going bad when they are actively using that site
Tell users directly + general info post it is then. I have to get "infrastructure" (meaning thread, and hopefully failback area) organized first but I think I will go ahead and try launching it in some form at least. It wouldn't hurt.

>I don't even think you would need fully working Pegasi project for this to be useful (of course it would be more effective) but having some plans prepared in general with roles you could pick sounds good to me.
Indeed I agree with that. If done right, it would make efforts be a lot smoother. I am always cautious and I've seen other projects by far my experienced people implode and I am someone who often has a busy IRL so that is why I mention any leery feeling. Taking it slow I guess.

>That is, combining both most probably can't hurt and if any way proved to be ineffective we can just stop doing it.
Hey, even if we can't get it to "detect" trouble exactly even having something that kept a news feed of all the areas to look would still be useful.

> and I would expect most danger to come from sites that are not directly meant for ponies in the first place, so they could get in "crossfire" of some retarded rule.
Which, though I haven't dug deep, have always heard over the years about it having a moderately significant fandom presence and some small amount of OC that is even native to there.

> but it could always be worse I guess
That's the spirit! Though, funny enough, I did actually have to deal with something that arguably is a little worse. Any further blogging would not be on /go/ though. That's what /endpone/ has have half the other threads for I suppose.

>Another which I thought would be the next logical step is to look through the creator's profile and the recommended games on the side. The metadata discussed in the thread already returns the recommendations, so that should be easy to implement.
I have done this on a limited capacity the old fashion way and, same creepypasta games keep getting suggested with one or two things of relevant interest in the mix. I was able to go down some rabbit holes this way that led obscurer pony games:

As for scripting and mass downloading. For the former, I consider myself extremely ill experienced but if I get the time I will try my hand at stitching something together and see what happens. For the later, mass downloading is often problematic due to my bad internet. I was able to get a lot of comments but that was low bandwidth, videos and larger files can be pretty unstable with me at times. I have been downloading games in my spare time though, will need to organize and upload them somewhere.

>The best is still to come up with this on your own of course as replicating and running such a program locally isn't too difficult in python, but I thought that was interesting nonetheless.
This is still ideal option but thanks for highlighting as you never know when something can be useful.

Anon 01/29/2022 (Sat) 07:47:24 [Preview] No.8136 del
Going through these games has been a a interesting experience. I had forgotten some of the games that I was familiar with that had originated from there. Like War of Harmony IV and the more generic Elements of Harmony RPG. Though what freaks me out more is that some of these people went inactive much later then I thought or still showed some signs of life. Like, I am freaked out Marshall Ruffy has actually set up a page for his prologue at all.

Too bad pick related doesn't have a even a demo considering it is tagged mature and knowing how past purges have worked it may take out War of Harmony's original page. The only thing to do now is for me to back up and hope for the best.


Anon 02/09/2022 (Wed) 06:25:58 [Preview] No.8140 del
(2.08 MB 1600x5000 FailedPPtulpa.png)
I had cause to go looking for the 'failed tulpa' caps. Turns out not too many kept them, for all the folk that are familiar anyway.

So, here you go. "failed PP tulpa" thread cap. Still probably a troll, and also schizophrenia is NOT MPD. and tulpas aren't usually MPD unless you weird uncle Joe made you remember the tulpa.

Anon 02/11/2022 (Fri) 12:10:40 [Preview] No.8143 del
(364.03 KB 1120x798 OldHubWebsite.jpg)
Gamejolt update:
Been looking into trying to automate the process in some way. Download button does not contain a direct link to the game in question, so if I do even try to automate this, or at least try to, it looks like I'll have to use something like puppeteer with nodeJS or selenium with python if I want to have a chance be able to access the links by having a browser "press" the button which I imagine might make such a effort quite slow. If I even know what I am taking about that is.

>I had cause to go looking for the 'failed tulpa' caps.
I know that feel to dive down a random rabbit hole. I know little of those shenanigans myself and where all the lines drawn between those groups I have know people who have some belief in paranormal or interdementional ponies but that wasn't hardcore tupla. Speaking of related groups, it seems hypnoponies.net/equestriansouls.com/hypnoponies.org was wiped from the net while I wasn't looking. Even the niceboard.com is gone:
and I know it was there at least a year ago because I had checked it in part of my scouting for places to archive. Perhaps nothing of value was lost I mean, if I recall the community did have some suicides and bad stuff going on. but seeing stuff deleted is still a shame.

Anon 02/11/2022 (Fri) 13:21:43 [Preview] No.8147 del
The metadata should provide a way to download the game without pressing the button. I can figure it out again, but I'm busy until Tuesday. It's definitely somewhere in ArchiveTeam's code: https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/gamejolt-grab/blob/master/gamejolt.lua

Anon 02/12/2022 (Sat) 10:20:07 [Preview] No.8148 del
(87.93 KB 650x539 3042239.png)
I suppose the question is do I have the level of expertise to even have a shot to get something like this working on even a minimal level. But hey, it's fun to even try in the spotty amounts of time when I get to work on this. Next bit of free time I have I'll see if I can teach myself a little lua and understand what is going on with the archive team's code there.

Anon 02/12/2022 (Sat) 22:20:04 [Preview] No.8149 del
I think it can still be inferred without learning lua. I don't know lua either but can still make out where they make the requests and what keys they're trying to access in the json.

Anon 02/16/2022 (Wed) 01:41:07 [Preview] No.8154 del
Ok here it is. Let me know if anything needs to be clarified.

1. GET request overview metadata: https://gamejolt.com/site-api/web/discover/games/overview/<game_id>?ignore
2. Search for "builds" key. Get "game_build_id" for each item in that list.
3. For each game_build_id, POST request https://gamejolt.com/site-api/web/discover/games/builds/get-download-url/<game_build_id>. May need "forceDownload=true" parameter in the data, otherwise leave as empty.
4. "url" key contains download URL. Note that the URL has a UNIX timestamp in it because the download link will expire after a period of time, so download the game immediately.

e.g. https://gamejolt.com/games/TBOF/18209
1. https://gamejolt.com/site-api/web/discover/games/overview/18209?ignore
2. game_build_ids = ["596935", "596959", "607274", "763590", "860764"]
3. https://gamejolt.com/site-api/web/discover/games/builds/get-download-url/596935 (repeat for other IDs)
4. https://cdn-files.gamejolt.net/i48nDLzXuQQa-iaJdkejeg==,1645061790/data/games/0/209/18209/files/5b47461c9f96f/tbof-version-1-3-1.zip (expires at 2022-02-17T01:36:30Z)

Also ArchiveTeam's code suggests that some of the links need a token but I can't remember how to get around that. I think it's in the old /mlp/ thread for it.

Anon 02/19/2022 (Sat) 12:42:51 [Preview] No.8155 del
Thank you. Though I am not competent at all in my skill level to even attempt this I will see if I can teach myself.

Anon 02/25/2022 (Fri) 05:41:03 [Preview] No.8160 del
In light of recent events, I'd like to point out that PonyFiction.org may be based in Ukraine. There's a downloads page containing a quarterly fanfic archive and a nightly site database (partial): https://ponyfiction.org/page/downloads/
I believe there's a couple of seeders right now.

Anon 02/25/2022 (Fri) 06:42:23 [Preview] No.8161 del
>In light of recent events, I'd like to point out that PonyFiction.org may be based in Ukraine.
On it. Actually, I'll see if I can download the whole site. Wouldn't think it would be too big.

Anon 02/25/2022 (Fri) 11:22:44 [Preview] No.8162 del
Some chinese imageboard is having drama with their admins at the moment. There's a pony board on there and they want their stuff saved too: https://nimingban.org/f/美漫
Busy day today.

Anon 02/28/2022 (Mon) 08:55:04 [Preview] No.8163 del
(156.68 KB 775x778 screenshot.jpg)
Gamejolt project.
Haven't even started beyond manually downloading a few more games, had life stuff, then Ukraine war.

Entire site has been downloaded but I made a mistake and downloaded ALL as html pages. I was hoping to have a complete reconstruction of the site as it is fairly small (5 GB) which may or may not be possible with wget, IDK ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ My internet has been intermittent again today but as soon as it stabilizes I'll have another go. At the very least the fics are safe.

Anon 02/28/2022 (Mon) 09:12:33 [Preview] No.8164 del
(419.17 KB 4307x3703 52811.png)
I'll see at least if I can do a sweep with one of the couple methods I have been experimenting with. Though otherwise I am not sure what the scope of "saving there stuff" will be.

Anon 02/28/2022 (Mon) 11:56:28 [Preview] No.8165 del
One of the users from there made a thread on /mlp/ to explain the situation: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/38267127/

My understanding is that it isn't just the pony board but the whole site that's in danger. Anonymity is banned in China so admins still have to keep user details hidden somewhere, but as of late they've decided to grow the site and sell user data. Everyone's not happy and the site can implode soon.

They had a post for organising archiving the site but that got deleted. I assume that the admins don't want this to happen. There's a mirror of the post here: http://bog.ac/t/9013 It looks like their scope is user discretion and their approach is to queue those into wayback machine. I've had a look at the pony board and I can see why not all the threads are being saved.

The user also pointed out that some content will not show unless you've got an account on the site. Example is this thread: https://nimingban.org/t/2148449 Without an account, anything beyond page 100 will not display. User goes on to say that it's being saved as mhtml. If you figure out how to create an account, the archive post also recommends saving in WARC format which wayback machine can digest later.

Anon 03/02/2022 (Wed) 13:26:23 [Preview] No.8166 del
I've decided to set aside some time in a few days to write a python script for >>8154. It won't be perfect but probably enough for you to see what's going on.

Anon 03/09/2022 (Wed) 11:37:48 [Preview] No.8168 del
My only advice: Don't overwork yourself on this. My main interference on all this has been IRL with a side of nuclear war looming in the background and I understand how that can mess with stuff.

Also, been getting myself acquainted with WARC.

Anon 03/11/2022 (Fri) 06:37:33 [Preview] No.8170 del
It should be simple, but now I've gone overboard with it to practice my rudimentary coding skills.

Anon 03/19/2022 (Sat) 09:09:09 [Preview] No.8171 del
PoLS. Had some IRL difficulties, nothing too major worth reporting here other then my daily driver OS being a bit persnickety.

> but now I've gone overboard with it to practice my rudimentary coding skills.
I can respect the effort. Best of luck.

Anon 04/06/2022 (Wed) 11:39:30 [Preview] No.8184 del
Before publishing this pic on /mlp/ (and possibly making some noise with it), I am posting it over here first and maybe later, I could explain how I have made it.

I suppose that this board should get a little bit of an impulse from Europe...yeah, I should be more active around here...

Anon 04/08/2022 (Fri) 22:51:21 [Preview] No.8187 del
(2.50 KB 490x275 none-huh.png)
Just about the time I create an account so I can upload that sergal pic that called out how long I'd been around ... I read their rules.

And realize this might not be the place I want to stay.

Anon 04/09/2022 (Sat) 04:12:39 [Preview] No.8188 del
Go for the purple,pink and/or yellow ones (Twi/Ponybooru and Ponerpics).

Those are the options that censor the least. You may find yourself more comfortable around those circles (even though Twibooru doesn't provide a forum for public interactions).


You have just ventured yourself into the most restrictive/procensorship booru that you could choose out of the entire scene. The graphic was meant to represent all the options available and their current status. That green booru meets the needs for Twitter users,not channers.

[spoiler]FYI,I normally use one of those three.

Fun fact:a couple of years ago,I had created my account before said site surpassed the 1.000 users mark. Maybe this will ring out to some extent...[/spoiler]

Anon 04/09/2022 (Sat) 04:38:32 [Preview] No.8189 del
(846.21 KB 1788x2048 28319.jpg)
Huh,the spoilers feature didn't work...

Well, whatever.

Here is an actual "secret" (if you can call it that):Just take a look at the thumbnails number and you will discover where the pics come from.

They belong to a specific booru and you could unveil the booru that each anon uses without asking them (unless that one modifies the file name beforehand)

This board leaves them untouched for the most part,by the way.

Anon 04/09/2022 (Sat) 04:49:41 [Preview] No.8190 del
Spoilers are broken?
I have an account on TwiB now. Don't know that I'll comment much but yeah, I'm not a fan of fans that are afraid of their blacklist.

//have a show tune.
/* It CALLS itself a show tune, anyway. */

Anon 04/09/2022 (Sat) 05:08:39 [Preview] No.8191 del
Damn,I surely hoped that they would work...

>I have an account on TwiB now.

Okay,cool.Even though, on Twibooru one doesn't get to see any public appearances from any user so it's difficult to figure out who is who. One would have to know each user's name beforehand.

>know that I'll comment much but yeah, I'm not a fan of fans that are afraid of their blacklist.

Me neither. You couldn't pick any worse option.

>have a show tune./* It CALLS itself a show tune, anyway. */

And a chaotic one in that regard. It seems that you have gone through the same mistake with the italics though,so I am not the only one.

Anon 04/09/2022 (Sat) 07:51:43 [Preview] No.8192 del
(224.43 KB 800x600 RandomScreencapUnkn.png)
>Before publishing this pic on /mlp/ (and possibly making some noise with it), I am posting it over here first and maybe later, I could explain how I have made it.
Yes, I would like to see the source of this statistics/whatever reasoning leads to this. I see some proclaim defeat for the altbooru's every day based on registered user counts or victory based on Alexa ranking.

> I suppose that this board should get a little bit of an impulse from Europe...yeah, I should be more active around here...
If you are a newfag, welcome and if you are one of the established semi-posters/lurkers howdy again.

>staying on manebooru
I could laugh, but can't really blame you. Those who didn't track closely to the crisis are naturally going to be bewildered at all the different sites.

>Don't know that I'll comment much but yeah
Actually, if your just lurking for Pony and don't want to have much of a foot print Twibooru might be the best. They like to keep it anonymous and hide the comments from default view.

>Spoilers are broken?
Partially, for whatever reason it works if you check to spoil all files but not checking the spoil option on the picture. I don't know why that is the case but it has been that way for a couple of years. Weirdly it wasn't broken in the early days, when endchan was overall less reliable (you can still see the time that most of our images in one thread).

Anon 04/11/2022 (Mon) 10:00:45 [Preview] No.8194 del
Alright,I will try to explain them later but I am leaving the entire sheet around here first before possibly setting up a fire on /mlp/.

And by the way,>>8192
I am not the one who created an account on Manebooru.That
>>8187 wasn't mine.

MLP Market Share 10-04-2022 Anon 04/11/2022 (Mon) 22:07:43 [Preview] No.8195 del
(66.93 KB 792x462 100% case scenario.png)
(66.41 KB 801x470 20% case scenario.png)
So, it´s been a while since I have delivered any kind of content and for the first time in 2022, I am finally back for a special delivery.

What do I have to offer over here? What do I want to transmit with these posts >>8184 and >>8194? It´s about time that we tackle directly the altboorus topic and the current situation because we might be at the verge of witnessing some real competition in the near future.

First of all, these charts don´t come out of nowhere, I haven´t invented them despite relying on estimations that can skew the results that are displayed. However, I will explain that margin of error later.

The main source for this: Jeff Bezos and the analysis from Alexa (I could have used the data for the number of users for each booru but considering that there might be multiple and/or inactive accounts, that sample might be even less faithful than the activity on each site as a whole).

Let´s just link them and explain how these numbers are converted for making these percentages with a relative method:

There are 6 players to consider in this market:

The mild-hard censorship/top players bloc: Derpibooru and Furbooru (because they both basically share the same staff members that aren´t going to step down anytime soon):


The anti censorship/opposition bloc: Twibooru, Ponybooru and Ponerpics (they were created as a consequence from Derpigate´s drama that occurred in June-August 2020, namely /mlp/ as the main source for giving birth to these projects):


Note: Bronyhub hasn´t been considered for these charts but just in case it were included at some point, presumably it would be placed in this category.

The procensorship/Twitter bloc: Manebooru (a booru created as a means to replace Derpibooru whose users come from Twitter and Tumblr related sites):


Here you have the links in order to tell that the base material comes from the rankings that each one of these displayed on 10th of April 2022 and this data, just like your average market, varies daily so take this as an approximate reference for tracking the evolution.

MLP Market Share 10-04-2022 Anon 04/11/2022 (Mon) 22:26:38 [Preview] No.8196 del
While it´s true that there have been political connotations that were born out of that drama, said principles are visible in the core rules of each one of them so we have to correlate it with politics whether one likes it or not.

So, I had the idea at first to make a representation of these sites as if it were a parliament. Instead of going for usual tags, I would like to introduce a more neutral concept in order to embark on this matter: intrusiveness from the staff members.

From the left to the right: the most moderated/regulated boorus to the most indifferent when it comes to the regulation of each MLP picture (I don´t know on which side Furbooru should be placed: either nearer Manebooru or the alts. Considering the amount of overlap with the alts, I have decided to put it more in the middle but there´s practically no difference between that site and Derpibooru at its core because of its staff members)

At first, I had this idea in mind, hence you see a column that shows the theoretical representation but in the end, that total number can vary because we are relying on the top player as the baseline for setting up the other players. I used 300 but any other number can be applied in order to calculate the relative percentages. What I do throughout the whole process is that I take Derpibooru as if it were the constant that will serve for making up the divisions.

On the second column, I divide Derpi´s rank with the rank of each alt and on the 4th column, I multiply that number by 300. Then, I make the whole sum and by resorting to the total number, I obtain the relative percentage. A certainly flawed method that doesn´t rely on any statistics formula but it´s useful enough for exposing the conversion of each rank for calculating the percentages. Pic related displays the whole table for the 20% case scenario.

Now, what do I mean with said 20%? Here is the main problem that makes these charts certainly skewed. A controlled variable but still an error nonetheless.

Anon 04/12/2022 (Tue) 08:53:38 [Preview] No.8197 del
(2.22 MB 1237x1750 2654562.png)
>The mild-hard censorship/top players bloc: Derpibooru and Furbooru
>The anti censorship/opposition bloc: Twibooru, Ponybooru and Ponerpics
>The procensorship/Twitter bloc: Manebooru
Completely agree with this categorization here. I know Derpi can be a bit hard to categorize. Lot of people want to classify it as TurboLeftNazi but in reality it has been held, however uncomfortably, to close to the status quo always sucky, with egotistical mods stuck up in their own arrogance and world view with little organic changes to policy in either direction.

Manebooru certainly deserves to be separated in its own block as well.

>Note: Bronyhub hasn´t been considered for these charts but just in case it were included at some point, presumably it would be placed in this category.
I believe the owner of it even called it quits recently if I recall right. It had so little traffic that Pathos was able to comfortably host it from home and never hurt his own traffic. I imagine what affect they would have would negligible.

>So, I had the idea at first to make a representation of these sites as if it were a parliament. Instead of going for usual tags, I would like to introduce a more neutral concept in order to embark on this matter: intrusiveness from the staff members.
I could see some issues with the definition of intrusiveness. Say, in some ways, Twibooru polices what counts as fandom a lot more vigorously than Ponerpics and Ponybooru. Would that make the staff more intrusive? Or would it's blatant ignoring of the copyright system make it freer and the staff less intrusive overall?

> either nearer Manebooru or the alts.
If you rate it by censorship. Manebooru. It is more than Derpi from my understanding of them. If you rate it by alignment that might a little more complicated but I would still lean to putting it next to Manebooru. I remember seeing SJWs smirking off to there over Derpi early on, but the owner doesn't want to deal with politics at all and (at least in the past) shutdown the attempts to start any drama. I am uncertain of overlap with the other altbooru users but I do see it mentioned in the circles I hangout with from time to time.

>Now, what do I mean with said 20%? Here is the main problem that makes these charts certainly skewed. A controlled variable but still an error nonetheless.
Yeah, we do not know the exact amount of overlap between the sites and the fandom at large. Furbooru could easily have a higher number who are from Derpi, considering their advertising has been significant there. Or they could be showing up in google images a lot durring Furry searches and the core fandom crowd might be a tiny minority of people at this point.

Anon 04/12/2022 (Tue) 09:20:04 [Preview] No.8198 del