Anon 05/19/2021 (Wed) 04:33:04 No.7584 del
>(showing their colonial allegience, as that only means something sweet if you're from England, or in their case Down-Under)
Such perversions are unfit for our society.

>But there are simpler explanations available.
It's always good to keep a little bit of a skeptical mindset to the razors themselves as long as you don't go full /pol/tard.

>candid that was shilled as a free speech platform but was actually being used to structure the major tech firms anti hate speech algorithms (allegedly anyway).
Allegedly and likely. Back when the skeptic community was going big, they payed them big bucks to advertise it as a free speech app. One of the skeptics noticed some odd shit and started to report on it and was fucked over by YT. Keep in mind, while YT sometimes did stuff this then it was still back in the time when edginess was running freely on the website. Read up on it.