Anon 10/20/2020 (Tue) 05:18:16 No.6706 del
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Hey there, just found the board and EndChan from doing a half-hearted "pony" search on AllChans. Just wanted to say this is a very good thread (and board) here, and something that very much interests me. I basically have been doing some research/archiving into old pony content myself, and am working on connecting the dots on a lot of things. The only problem is that once I start to focus on one individual thing, it's just an endless rabbit hole I seem to jump down. It's incredible really.

Will monitor the thread though and possibly try to find an adequate way for posting my own findings if that's fine. I'm still getting a read on the board's culture and all, and honestly, my memory to do certain things like that is absolutely dreadful.

>see if anybody has a site data dump from before that time
I recall seeing a few different kinds of dumps over my searches, but I haven't the darndest where they've been or what they actually contain (ie. just the pics and metadata or the whole kit and kaboodle). One place might be ThePonyArchive when I first found the site? For all I know it could be hidden now since Zizzy likes to do that type of thing. It also might have been linked to on /mlp/ at some point way back when things started to get majorly deleted after the show's ending. May also be in the Rome Silvanus archive or however you spell it.