Anon 09/08/2021 (Wed) 08:03:44 No.7844 del
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I did learn of some of this later after making that post, or earlier? As when going through old stuff I found that I had apparently had visited there before! but this was still vary enlightening and did sent me down a few interesting paths looking up stuff.

>It was funny at the time, but in retrospect those faggots really were precursors to much of the cancer that was killing the internet in the 10s and continues to shit it up today. Kiwifarms types, ironic weebs, SJWs,
My typical thought of a Something Awful user is various leftist and liberals who used to be the cutting edgyist a few years ago and now morally lecture us on stuff. Certainly agree on a lot of that applying too (especially Kiwifarms!), from what I have been told/heard/seen anyway. Though I am a mere observer and I have almost never touched the place and such varying accounts are often disputed at least some.

>journalists, and other crap like that.
Journalist? Is there some deep lore here or is how I've heard a lot of younger establishment SJW types have pasts here?

>the Something Awful forums roots are why there was such a heavy anti-shipping focus (gay and straight ships alike, no social conservatism there)
Okay, that confused me with the make up of the userbase but now I think it make since. Still don't explain with LGBT ships being allowed from technically illegal posts on the booru but whatever...

> There were people with more right leaning opinions in the early days of the site, but they tended to get dogpiled when expressing them and they eventually left, changed their minds, or went quiet.
To me that was the typical 2000s to early 2010s net experience. You could usually get by in a lot of places okay... before the legalism started to be a good person, but that would be inappropriate for this thread for me to get into.

>As much as I complain, and as mentally ill as the userbase was... I had some good times on that forum.

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