sighs* now, where do I even begin with this? >>5598
>>5598 >Speaking of disturbing: I don't know what it is with this site but even a lot of the actual safe images look... weird? weird is a huge compliment. You know one has to be worried when someone who is so used to the internet can say: "Enough internet for today" because that was my first reaction towards the pictures exposed over here. Sweet mother of Celestia, this is ridiculous.
>I at first was dismissive with an explication that it must be do to early fandom and amateurism. A lot of the stuff I found that way was tagged under creepy or uncanny valley so they must've thought it was too. Yet I kept running in to it even with my avoidance of art and when I check out an art tag I do often find a fair bit that just have an odder feel than just amateurism or early fandom. >Even the amateur stuff usually just looks losely drawn and childish at worst, sometimes creepy but usually not. Not saying you can't find odd stuff elsewhere but this site seems to have a fair bit under a variety of different skill levels that just feels odd to me /endpone/´s pictures look like the fucking Mona Lisa and none of us are artists per se nor dedicate ourselves in the drawing stuff at all. Hell, I have seen stuff that made more sense in Deviantart. How can it be downright creepy without intending it? How do they do it? I have seen lots of cringy and even gore or dark stuff when makes sense....that content feels less disturbing than this. How? Explain this to me.
As you say, this looks truly uncanny and it´s not simply a matter of amateurism. I wonder if there is a contest for proving who could reach the most ridiculous levels out there. Out of the pictures that you have posted, I suppose that the ponies drawn in the 1st picture and elements from the 3rd one in terms of bodies looks reasonable but damn, the rest...I cannot even look a the 2nd picture (I wish there were spoilers or a NSFW picture instead).
you know, whenever you feel down or feel shitty about your life, take a look at these pictures and you will feel relieved that there is always someone somewhere in this world that is going to beat you by a landslide at being a mess. There must be some kind of talent hidden of certain people that manage to get so far in the downward spiral that ordinary people cannot reach even with effort behind.