Anon 05/13/2021 (Thu) 10:49:23 No.7562 del
(2.57 MB 2106x1423 2729263.png)
>it also redownloads duplicates, not sure if the delay between downloads is enough, I don't even think it's worth trying atm)

> I wouldn't say my pc is a toaster but it took 1 full minute to load on firefox, this won't scale well. We will have to load it in parts somehow, otherwise lower spec pc may not even load it.
Probably shouldn't have used that as my first attempt! It took me about the same and I know my PCs are probably worse All computers I have are 10 to 15 years old

>Alright, I wanted to post major releases with full source in here anyways, but I'll probably set up some git mirror
What ever works easiest for you.

>there's no need to rush at all.
I will clarify this though:
>I was thinking of something a bit like ThePonyArchive but more compact, decentralized (and in smaller scale). But the first priority is probably just automating everything, thinking big can come later (if it comes).
I think this is a great idea! I was just saying my vision for /go/ had been based on my limitations, so it was easier for me to plan backing up something on 3 parallel USBs than doing the same with hardrives. If my archive project couldn't have TBs of data I figured at least it maybe a cloneable little one that had a bit of everything in the event of a massive cascade failure or purge. I wasn't something I mentioned before (I don't think so anyway).

>like me

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