Anon 05/11/2019 (Sat) 20:09:55 No.4088 del
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Even here, though. This is tricky to discus. If I'm willing to post this here, than why not the stuff from the derpibooru mods earlier? Need to be consistent. I'm so divided on the "drama" rule that I put in place. I think arbitrary moderation should be fair game to mention but I wouldn't want it to turn to a hate fest. Than again, if its only the us and a possible couple of lurkers we'd probably be fine and I'm just being paranoid. Though we have had random users wander before and if this even half way takes off I could see some things being somewhat continuous with somethings if it were to get linked in certain places. If I make my goal of categorizing much of the fandom and sites big and small, I wanna be fair to everypony. Even the far lefties and /pol/acks in the fandom and controversial mods.