Anon 01/03/2020 (Fri) 20:36:29 No.5288 del
I have some some small but big news. After months of searching I have found it...


This is the site that I erroneously remembered as Discord Daily! Worse still it's blogspot subdomain refereed to it's original founding purpose in the embrace of more loose/chaotic comment threads. I found it on accident while stumbling through the fanlabor wiki and old /mlp/ nostalgia threads trying to come up with a plan to archive the youtube comments (I already have done some). So they apperently moved to which is it's own mystery at the moment. I remember hearing it suffered a massive drop in activity do to Discord but don't ask me what is going on there now with those zip files. More bad news is that intense debate comments maybe lost and that the native comment system hasn't been loading on older posts. Still I am happy that I found it!
