Anon 12/15/2023 (Fri) 21:06 No.9054 del
If you didn't know, AT grabbed / wikis before they were mass purged back in 2018 and 2020. I'm glad they did that. Otherwise my wiki and many other's wikis which are now deleted would have been deleted with barely any public backup. It is an ongoing concern, and probably many images weren't saved. Read:

Fuck Fandom Inc.! For anyone reading this: use an alternative front-end to their site whenever you want to read one of their pages. Like this:<wiki_name>/wiki/<article>
>Voice: Kelly Sheridan (English)

>2> >(tee b.txt >&2)
Nerd magic thanks to
>2> >(tee -a stderr.log >&2)
We use process substitution again to make a tee process that reads from standard input and dumps it into stderr.log. tee outputs its input back on standard output, but since its input is our standard error, we want to redirect tee's standard output to our standard error again. Then we use file redirection to redirect command's standard error to the FIFO's input (tee's standard input). [...] Process substitution is one of those really lovely things you get as a bonus of choosing Bash as your shell as opposed to sh (POSIX or Bourne). \\ In sh, you'd have to do things manually:[...]

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