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/night/ Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:14 [Preview] No. 4924
Welcome to /night/ This is the thread that both serves as Luna's thread and a thread to the majesty of the night itself.

Exactly what that is maybe hard to define exactly. But that's what the adventure of the /end/ is for!

Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:16:56 [Preview] No.4925 del
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Luna, ruler of the night, I finally present you a thread worthy of your stature. Now you are equal with your sister here.

Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:18:12 [Preview] No.4926 del
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Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:20:16 [Preview] No.4927 del
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Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:23:00 [Preview] No.4928 del
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What is the night? A beatiful and yet lonely place. Haunting, untouched by the daytime activies of everypony going about there day. A time to reflect and be with one's self.

Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:27:48 [Preview] No.4930 del
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Yet it can have its dangers...

Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:29:55 [Preview] No.4931 del
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one can get lost within it...

Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:32:01 [Preview] No.4932 del
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yet one can size it.

Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:34:02 [Preview] No.4933 del
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or just have fun on nightmare night!

Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:35:41 [Preview] No.4934 del
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Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:39:18 [Preview] No.4935 del
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Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:41:59 [Preview] No.4936 del
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Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:57:52 [Preview] No.4937 del
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What is this thread for? Well I really had a feel in mind over a theme defined . Best way to show what I mean would be an old obscure fandom song I haven't listened too in years. I believe it was called something like: Cosmic, Twilight Sparkle's theme. Can't find it on YT and it only had a few thousand views so it probably is gone. I had ran to it accidentally when looking for another Twilight related theme that had been obscured by the battle theme that was made for her in Fighting is Magic. The way I'd describe the song's feel was haunting, majestic and makes one feel of the words I have spoken here. Relatively simple piano with something else (forgive me, tired) It was a hidden gem amidst many themes more popular and the artist who made works that were a bit plane (at least from what I can recall from checking out his other stuff.) Still, it still rings in my head...

This is what I meant when I said Luna was dissatisfied. I've been planing this thread for awhile and the fic that I had completed before the final was for this thread along with a couple of other things though I still would like to post my reviews first. Still, I wanted to do something for Nightmare Night and what better way then to start this thread?

Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 23:43:00 [Preview] No.4942 del
So Bridgefag has decided to open a thread about the other royal sister...in Nightmare Night nonetheless. Well, the other choice could have been in the Winter Solstice so Luna doesn´t simply stop for bringing the scary party to the younger generations.

>I wanted to do something for Nightmare Night and what better way then to start this thread?
Either way, the date picked for opening couldn´t be more fitting and you sure made a really great gesture by leaving the room open for her. It has yet to be defined but it would leave a bitter taste if Celestia only showed up on /endpone/.

The dark period began yesterday so it means that the insightful comments (but also some fun(ny) posts) can come up along the way. Like you say,it´s maybe hard to define but the adventure chooses its own path.

I see that you have taken some notes from Celestia´s thread and you took an inspiration from a particular song...

Anon 11/02/2019 (Sat) 00:07:14 [Preview] No.4943 del
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and it makes sense as well that Luna gets her thread because the Canterlot Daily banner shows her with the bat wings and fangs, proper of a Bat Pony princess (despite not unfolding the usual bat wings to consider her as a bat pony, her pointed wings give her true nature away) . So yeah,the execution of said homage is properly correlated.

>Now you are equal with your sister here.
we have been posting her more these last months than Celestia so it looks like a well deserved thread for special attention. Besides, both have gone through the same ending and the same fate together, one doesn´t go without the other. Two sides of the same coin.

>What is the night? A beautiful and yet lonely place. Haunting, untouched by the daytime activities of everypony going about there day. A time to reflect and be with one's self.
don´t think that many people bother with its core concept. Some use it as a method of escape of reality, by going to parties and well, have mindless fun.
However, the sun won´t always shine for the entire day and the night marks the point of a passive mindset for daily activities and focuses more on varied stuff that we do while we are waiting for the next sunrise to come and begin all over again.

The night leaves you naked because the visual references are gone and the sense of defenselessness arises in your whole body. However, as soon as homes/refuges were created, one fears of one self because the night leaves you a chance to think about yourself. While one stays at certain safe places, the psychological freedom scares the hell out of us.

I believe that this streak of posts is one of your best so far, mostly because the thoughts reflected are actually shown in the pictures for exposing such emotions/situations. Sure it can be seen as a spontaneous take on its concept, but only an introvert could ask those kinds of questions behind these simple actions.

Anon 11/02/2019 (Sat) 00:47:12 [Preview] No.4944 del
>Well I really had a feel in mind over a theme defined.
and it shows but it seems more like you have proved to give a bit of love,as if /endpone/ owed something to her.

>I believe it was called something like: Cosmic, Twilight Sparkle's theme. Can't find it on YT and it only had a few thousand views so it probably is gone. I had ran to it accidentally when looking for another Twilight related theme that had been obscured by the battle theme that was made for her in Fighting is Magic.
yeah, that song that you linked on the other thread. Most likely one of the few musical pieces that I have listened to that was created by this fanbase. Despite not having any attachment to MLP´s fan music, I can say that...

>I'd describe the song's feel was haunting, majestic and makes one feel of the words I have spoken here. Relatively simple piano with something else >It was a hidden gem amidst many themes more popular
>it still rings in my head...
the piano is a beautiful instrument although it´s more limited than the guitar and a really fitting choice for intimate situations that happen during the night. I can imagine with those adjectives where that song went and could transmit to you, not to mention that the recurring theme that you are trying to transmit makes it easier to figure it out.

>This is what I meant when I said Luna was dissatisfied.
do you mean this one >>4857? She had reasons to do so but that didn´t mean her appearance would get less frequent. In fact, I believe a lot of edits were focused on her.

>I've been planing this thread for awhile and the fic that I had completed before the final was for this thread along with a couple of other things
I had been wondering a few times, seeing the banner of this board, why Luna didn´t have a thread here. That banner implies that she matters in some way yet /endpone/ doesn´t know where to go with her.

It seems that this thread was opened because of your motivations and I won´t deny that the effort of bringing images of this style proves that you want to show us a message that the daylight cannot offer yet the night leaves you room to do so without feeling unnatural.

After all, Luna has received her place and despite facing lots of problems that one can get lost within its dark roots, the spring will come someday, all the flowers will bloom and will remind you that all the odds and the shortcomings that happened to you, become irrelevant over time...because only death is what has no solution, the rest will come and go.

For now, it´s the period when we can stare at the majestic moon from our houses.

>though I still would like to post my reviews first
if you want to go with that route, I will follow it.

Anon 11/02/2019 (Sat) 01:05:15 [Preview] No.4945 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=P3Rzkoag36I [Embed]

and one last thing that I should post before I leave this place tonight. /endpone/ has brought up several times the concept of emo=edgy, as if both are correlated, leaving the concept of darkness spoiled down to a really simplistic way to classify its existence.

It might not be the song that lead you to create this thread with a majestic piano but...

there is one detail that I have liked about Luna:she´s not an emo but a less energetic pony than Celestia (at least, while travelling through all of Equestria). She is a passive pony, not one that wants to go over the edge and show pride of it, she´s simply monitoring the night but it also implies a calm mindset towards these extraordinary conditions.

Edgy stuff might no longer be trendy on the internet and it will simply get mocked by almost any means. That should happen to emo as well...

and the song here is delivered by one of the most memed (and beloved) albums of /mu/.

We have already ended the summer (considered originally by the Celts) so people would rather spend time in a comfy place, exposing their internal emotions in a private safe place.

If this is the concept that one should mock and laugh at all the day, I guess that this song might change that misunderstood vision...

but that´s life, so emotional...

Goodnight /endpone/.

Anon 11/02/2019 (Sat) 18:34:58 [Preview] No.4946 del
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>So Bridgefag has decided to open a thread about the other royal sister...in Nightmare Night nonetheless. Well, the other choice could have been in the Winter Solstice so Luna doesn´t simply stop for bringing the scary party to the younger generations.
You have a point and though I could see horror having a place in this thread the feelings that drove me to making it were more of a simple wondrous feel.

>I see that you have taken some notes from Celestia´s thread and you took an inspiration from a particular song...

>and it makes sense as well that Luna gets her thread because the Canterlot Daily banner shows her with the bat wings and fangs, proper of a Bat Pony princess (despite not unfolding the usual bat wings to consider her as a bat pony, her pointed wings give her true nature away) .
BO, you said you were no artist, but you seemed to have a bit more skill then you ever let on. The text to the banners matched perfectly with the images and that Plan 9 pony you drew perfectly matched the style. If you are still out there we very much appreciate what you did and how long you stayed around note to lurkers/semi-posters, I am BO but only after the coolest one left

>we have been posting her more these last months than Celestia so it looks like a well deserved thread for special attention.

>The night leaves you naked because the visual references are gone and the sense of defenselessness arises in your whole body. However, as soon as homes/refuges were created, one fears of one self because the night leaves you a chance to think about yourself. While one stays at certain safe places, the psychological freedom scares the hell out of us.
The night is when I best think. Not sure if it's because of my body's natural clock or simply because it is the time I usually have most to myself.Though tbh, my most existential thoughts came at a room during sunset/dusk when I was first getting into pony, but that is a story for another day.

>I believe that this streak of posts is one of your best so far, mostly because the thoughts reflected are actually shown in the pictures for exposing such emotions/situations. Sure it can be seen as a spontaneous take on its concept, but only an introvert could ask those kinds of questions behind these simple actions.
It was spontaneous and I was actually thinking of some of the low level posts with pictures and a few words you made in the past.

Anon 11/02/2019 (Sat) 19:02:56 [Preview] No.4947 del
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>and it shows but it seems more like you have proved to give a bit of love,as if /endpone/ owed something to her.
Truth be told, in the grand scheme it was a small somethinng, but yes I felt her turn to finally have a thread too. I had originally had little interest in Luna OC only because, while not hating her, did consider her over represented in fan works. Now though? I'd say with the end of FiM and the fact that the end has always flirted with a dark theme of how we stylized ourselves it's time ta give her a thread too. Even if it's a bit experimental and not 100% just about her.

>the piano is a beautiful instrument although it´s more limited than the guitar
Everyone that I admittedly limited experience talking to related to music has told me the opposite.

> and a really fitting choice for intimate situations that happen during the night. I can imagine with those adjectives where that song went and could transmit to you
You know? Now that I think about it I think the piano may have been a bit more secondary part as I recall it in my head. Too bad I can't find it to check. Regardless, despite the relative simplicity it had it was very haunting to me.

>do you mean this one >>4857? She had reasons to do so but that didn´t mean her appearance would get less frequent. In fact, I believe a lot of edits were focused on her.
Truth be told, I just said that to just drop a hint of future plans. She did do well in edits.

>After all, Luna has received her place and despite facing lots of problems that one can get lost within its dark roots, the spring will come someday, all the flowers will bloom and will remind you that all the odds and the shortcomings that happened to you, become irrelevant over time

>if you want to go with that route, I will follow it.
It is the fairest route to go.

Anon 11/02/2019 (Sat) 20:23:42 [Preview] No.4948 del
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>and one last thing that I should post before I leave this place tonight. /endpone/ has brought up several times the concept of emo=edgy, as if both are correlated, leaving the concept of darkness spoiled down to a really simplistic way to classify its existence.
Darkness is more complex than that. Though I'd say that it can become muddled. Have vampires been ruined by Twilight? Can their be a darkness that is untainted by devniart and cupcakes tier trolling. Yes, but I can understand aversion from those works.

>but that´s life, so emotional...
Though I cannot blame one's aversion to such clashes of the personal on a chan ponychan and to a lesser extent some aspects of earlier mlpg certainly show that path yet the vail has been lowered here. Whoever posts here, you can still have anon to you name but The personal has played a part and what fed our OC and stories and some of our discussions. It is impossible not too with so few, and it seems our old BO was a bit more familiar with that model working out than I thought with /flutter/.

>and the song here is delivered by one of the most memed (and beloved) albums of /mu/.
Not fully my taste but man that is relaxing and does go a bit with the feel of the thread.

>there is one detail that I have liked about Luna:she´s not an emo but a less energetic pony than Celestia (at least, while traveling through all of Equestria).
That's what I'd say with Pinkie Pie. She isn't zany and her happiness is an aspect of it, she is childishly happy and her zaniness is an aspect of it. Though I'd say that both have flirted especially pinkie with the more negative meme version both have been treated with far better nuance than what an average show would have'em do.

>Goodnight /endpone/.
Good morning /endpone/.

Anon 11/03/2019 (Sun) 20:51:14 [Preview] No.4950 del
>the feelings that drove me to making it were more of a simple wondrous feel.
that is yet to be exposed with OC material that might express much more than the events themselves. When one decides to do something, there are always motivations behind, especially there is absolute freedom to do anything.

>The text to the banners matched perfectly with the images and that Plan 9 pony you drew perfectly matched the style. If you are still out there we very much appreciate what you did and how long you stayed around
same words to him. Despite using the photo application for the edit thread, I wouldn´t have executed that banner in the same way. He underrated himself way too much for his own good.

>The night is when I best think.
funnily enough, my guitar teacher said to me that his source of inspiration for the recordings were during the nights. I recall writing a lot of fics in the nightly hours as well so this statement might be more applicable to a lot of people than one might think.

>Not sure if it's because of my body's natural clock or simply because it is the time I usually have most to myself
those are pretty valid reasons to justify that. I mean, all the activities stop right there, so there is a greater feeling of solitude and the ambient is way calmer than in the rushed hours.

>my most existential thoughts came at a room during sunset/dusk when I was first getting into pony, but that is a story for another day.
eeeyup, that story haunts on a different level so we´d better leave it there for another moment.

>It was spontaneous and I was actually thinking of some of the low level posts with pictures and a few words you made in the past.
I do notice that it shows a spontaneous execution but considering that there are personal motivations and aspirations to the concept,it looks like you are onto something else that is hidden beneath those words.
Also, it proves that I should take care of myself and my words said over here because like you, any lurker can take notes and take me as a reference. It backs up my mindset that I cannot be overly stupid of my own actions here because who knows might happen after the posts written here in the past.

Anon 11/03/2019 (Sun) 21:13:39 [Preview] No.4951 del
>I had originally had little interest in Luna OC only because, while not hating her, did consider her over represented in fan works
she´s always been a fan favorite and lots of OCs might have correlated her for dark stories considering her past of being an alicorn villain (until Daybreaker happened in season 7), her reserved behavior most of the time and well, her design really appeals to the eye even for those who don´t know anything about her character. We could enter with fanon correlations like the gamer material or the concept of the Lunar Republic but those are muddy waters that I won´t understand (I wasn´t there at the time) that much nor I have interest in going too deeply with them.

>I'd say with the end of FiM and the fact that the end has always flirted with a dark theme of how we stylized ourselves it's time ta give her a thread too. Even if it's a bit experimental and not 100% just about her.
makes sense. In fact, typing these words in these latest posts have sort of reminded me of the early 2018 months, back when /endpone/ was much less defined than today. Those discussions about edginess, darkness, etc... have stayed latent over time in this board.

As you say, Luna might be the clearest example to expose but that doesn´t imply that this theme is exclusive to her exposure in this thread.

>Everyone that I admittedly limited experience talking to related to music has told me the opposite.
I appreciate that humble mentality but I want to ask this: why?

>the piano may have been a bit more secondary part as I recall it in my head. Too bad I can't find it to check. Regardless, despite the relative simplicity it had it was very haunting to me.
then I cannot have any idea of how present it was but if it complemented that haunting feeling to you, that´s more than enough.

>I just said that to just drop a hint of future plans.
well,let´s see how it goes

>She did do well in edits.
I won´t deny that

considering the recent events that happened over there, I can see where you are coming from just to conclude that even though I have more genuine fears towards other things despite acknowledging its wild nature

That picture wasn´t posted accidentally by the way.

Anon 11/03/2019 (Sun) 22:21:14 [Preview] No.4952 del
>Darkness is more complex than that.
indeed just that there is a problem commonly attributed to it and it´s...

>Though I'd say that it can become muddled.
this right here. As soon as the consumer of that dark tone piece relies on certain elements, the interpretations from them can rip that concept away completely.

>Have vampires been ruined by Twilight?
nope but anything that is touched by that franchise always get applied to that infamous concept, well deservedly so.

>Can their be a darkness that is untainted by devniart and cupcakes tier trolling. Yes, but I can understand aversion from those works.
fair enough. The problem mostly relies that the most famous material known on the internet is written of fanfics from teenagers and a medium to expose their frustrations or that sense of feeling superior and cool from the rest. Nowadays, social media exists for expressing those emotions but I don´t want to enter into the consequences that this practice can imply to the real world. I don´t need to go further than this

Although edginess can be executed amazingly well and boy, I sure enjoy that material to this day quite a lot.

>I cannot blame one's aversion to such clashes of the personal on a chan ponychan and to a lesser extent some aspects of earlier mlpg certainly show that path
>yet the vail has been lowered here.
there is one big problem at pushing those limits and it´s the fact about going into an antisocial media route along with an anti chan behavior yet ponies and the memes/shitposts that come from there are still present. That possible aversion (that stands as the golden standard for any chan) might explain the fearful ambient from the early 2018. Who has told /endpone/ to do something like this? I mean, it´s far from the first one and even /flutter/ has done that before this board. So despite the general knowledge and spirit of the imageboards, how likely is that one group of people stays in this format, inside a very little board, talking to themselves in a inner private circle? One can lurk a lot but even in the anonymity,the social spirit arises to some extent in between the shitposts.

>Whoever posts here, you can still have anon to you name but The personal has played a part and what fed our OC and stories and some of our discussions. It is impossible not too with so few, and it seems our old BO was a bit more familiar with that model working out than I thought with /flutter/.
how can one avoid that considering the low amount of people posting over here? As soon as one admits the given circumstances, the atypical situation of random people discussing for themselves, how much time does it require to reach that personal part onto the table?
As you say, the content exposed and the discussions made for all these months have had driving forces and that personal side plays a huge part very often. One doesn´t consider himself a creator but the momentum behind that material is what makes this real.

The BO simply was passed along with this personal spirit and his last post reflects the results of lurking this board for a while. If you check the posts written in late December 2017, he admitted that those personal feelings shouldn´t have sprung up on a chan. >>317 >>334, >>335 and >>385. Reading these posts from him really shows how messed up this concept can be and why we had a lot of fear back in the day.

and so, another weekend ends...

Anon 11/03/2019 (Sun) 22:24:12 [Preview] No.4953 del
>Not fully my taste but man that is relaxing and does go a bit with the feel of the thread.
to me, that´s enough in my eyes. That song wasn´t linked accidentally and it went with the sense of:"Hum, emo, right? You know, I am expecting some cringy lyrics and sad boys shouting at the microphone with loud guitar".

It does go with the feel of this thread because that album is linked to the end of the summer as well and funnily enough, has become the golden standard of emo (in the underground scene) over the years. You mentioned not long ago emo music again so I wanted to go through the cliches of its stigma and show something a little bit unheard out of it that people usually forgot. It basically shows a different perspective that you might expect at first like MLP with the implied girly spirit in this decade

>That's what I'd say with Pinkie Pie. She isn't zany and her happiness is an aspect of it, she is childishly happy and her zaniness is an aspect of it.
for some reason, this sounds really confusing but at the same time, it proves how polarizing she can get sometimes with her attitude. I hold Pinkamena as the edgiest one out of the main characters, mostly because Luna has years of experience and her mentor role,for Twilight and especially the CMC, tears that edgy spirit apart in the end, not to mention that she is way more consistent at changing her mood. Pinkie from one moment to another can become really extreme.

>both have flirted especially pinkie with the more negative meme version both have been treated with far better nuance than what an average show would have'em do.
Luna only had an episode exposing her guilt to the mane 6 in season 5 while Pinkie Pie has had more periods of her straight mane over the seasons. That improved nuance might come because the slice of life format offers a more laid back mentality for facing the personal troubles/motivations for any character, not to mention that almost all the episodes have to face a conflict or problematic plot device.

>Good morning /endpone/
and so, another weekend ends...

Anon 11/08/2019 (Fri) 22:57:27 [Preview] No.4979 del
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This thread feels comfy.

Anon 11/08/2019 (Fri) 23:00:44 [Preview] No.4980 del
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Anon 11/09/2019 (Sat) 05:48:20 [Preview] No.4985 del
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Glad it does. Hopefully they'll be OC to add to the feel soon.

Anon 11/12/2019 (Tue) 08:24:15 [Preview] No.4997 del
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Flying freely in the night.

Anon 11/12/2019 (Tue) 08:26:40 [Preview] No.4998 del
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Anon 11/12/2019 (Tue) 08:29:42 [Preview] No.4999 del
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What can we say about her?

Mistress of the night divine.

Ruler of the Stars.

Anon 11/12/2019 (Tue) 08:31:44 [Preview] No.5000 del
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But if Luna has abdicated the throne, can she truly call the night hers?

Can another arise in the darkness?

It sure seems Cadence thinks so.

Happy 5000!

Anon 11/12/2019 (Tue) 22:48:19 [Preview] No.5005 del
>What can we say about her? Mistress of the night divine.
Always so serene (and cute if you pick her Woona pictures), you cannot go wrong with her. It feels almost like you could rely on her for the night...


...this is the /end/...

Anon 11/12/2019 (Tue) 22:56:51 [Preview] No.5006 del
the funniest thing was that my mind had a passing thought that she could have been featured for the digits...

>if Luna has abdicated the throne, can she truly call the night hers?
after the finale, she no longer has that charge and we don´t know what Cadence has been doing out there. The Last Problem happened during the day and Flurry Heart has taken the leadership in the Crystal Empire....I´ll let that sink in...

>Can another arise in the darkness?It sure seems Cadence thinks so.
Dead queen, new queen. Another one might have taken her charge and Twilight only focuses on the daily activities for friendship...

but what about the night? Where was she in the finale?

Lewd we must Anon 11/12/2019 (Tue) 22:57:54 [Preview] No.5007 del
>What can we say about her?
I'd say in that pic I wish I was the one giving her happy scritches with my hands, and while also preforming the happiest services with my mouth and tongue.

Anon 11/13/2019 (Wed) 00:03:56 [Preview] No.5009 del
/mlp/ intensifies...

Anyway, 5000 posts in this board. I don´t think that I should praise my amazement towards this project because repeating it over and over has become its own standard.

/endpone/ has achieved the ending of the 4th gen ride alive and still kicking (even if it´s by Proof of Life Shitposts at times).

Should we continue to let the chaos flow into ourselves or is it possible to leave? I don´t have a clear answer even for myself, nobody has told us to stay here from the very beginning.

So yeah, >>5000 the Mare in the Mountain was prepared to take over the digits and the night itself. Out of all places, this might be the only one that takes a concept such as Cadence having a second life as a bat and she´s become a subtle mascot to keep an eye (even if she doesn´t have a banner like Dolores). I simply wish there were more images of her like these so the concept could go on... but that´s how life works sometimes.

5000 posts. Congratulations folks for giving MLP a spot at the end of the universe.

There is one more review left to discuss and end the ride for ourselves but...

...let the former Princess of Love celebrate her triumph tonight....

A Conversation Among The Stars 11/28/2019 (Thu) 04:29:07 [Preview] No.5108 del
(581.25 KB 1028x456 LesserHeaven.png)
I am a very old being.
I am very old indeed.
Yet I am not frail, just weakened.
Is that an oxymoron?
No bother.
I have been left in a fairly questionable state.
Left in the lessor havens among the stars.
Though I will return to my lover.
He is my lessor half after all.
I can feel it near. He is alive on the earth below.
My curiosity has however been peaked by my forlorn neighbors
Being a constellation in the sky is rather... boring to say the least
I've been here for what? A thousand plus rotation cycles?
It's been a long time.
And I have some rather boring neighbors to boot
Stars. Little points of light in the night's sky.
They've been with me since I got stuck up here.
Always speaking in their riddles and trying to sound like wise sages.
I grew tired of trying to talk to them. They never would listen to me.
My adventures. My exploits. My travels across the... Cosmos
They always would pout and be mad. Trying to hold me by a mortal based morality.
I never quite understood why this was but this annoyed me to the point of giving them the silent treatment for the past eight hundread years or so.
It's grown easier too. As I have slowly made my way back down to the plant's surface. Slowly further away from their fixed orbits.
Edited last time by dolor on 11/28/2019 (Thu) 04:34:20.

Anon 11/28/2019 (Thu) 04:47:08 [Preview] No.5109 del
(146.19 KB 640x360 The_Stars.png)
The stars will aid in her escape
Yet after all this time they finally did something that surprised me.
I saw them break from their orbits and move.
Responding to a powerful for call of anger and sadness
Their old master.
Never really got to know her well.
She was in part one of the reasons why I was stuck here.
I had seen her been sent up from some type of powerful magic.
I can still remember it. Clean as day. Such anger, such fear, such pain.
And for as much as I hated her. I actually developed a sort of a pity for her s well.
From what I could tell of her emotions. It seemed she had suffered a similar fate to myself.
I tried reaching out to her several times but the bounds that kept her imprisoned were so great that even I in my weakened scattered state couldn't break through.
But finally she did and I was left with questions.
I had never really pondered their nature until now
I had never brought it up with them. Never asked any questions.
Never felt the near really.
If I am being honest though I do talk on and on.
I am a horrible listener.
I would say it's a personal flaw but that is a rather mortal thing to say isn't it?
A being like me can't have flaws.
I finally was on ready to speak after all these years.
Could I even still? It's been so long since I reached out to them.
And we have only grown further apart.
Let me try...

Anon 11/28/2019 (Thu) 05:16:20 [Preview] No.5111 del
(2.17 MB 640x368 2192327.gif)
Okay... not sure if it's me being idiotic but some of the formating isn't working. I edited the post several times and it wouldn't work so I deleted it. Yet other sentences of that same color worked. Couldn't figure out why and I'm runing out of time to post so let this be a sneak peak.
No space
Single space behind
Space in front
Space both behind and in front
Do periods cause it to break.

Anon 11/28/2019 (Thu) 05:20:14 [Preview] No.5112 del
(435.61 KB 450x450 1368226.gif)
>All of them work
Now I'm really confused as to what broke the formating there. Ug. Well, I have a fic and a couple of smaller things to post but that will come in a bit. Hopefully I can get this figured out. I will fly for now!

Anon 11/28/2019 (Thu) 05:24:44 [Preview] No.5113 del
(66.13 KB 300x100 cosmosbanner.png)
Also. We have a new cosmos themed banner!

Anon 11/28/2019 (Thu) 06:41:43 [Preview] No.5114 del
(578.78 KB 1179x1024 1573699847126.png)
Hope you get those issues sorted out because I am very intrigued by what you have written here.

Nice banner.

Anon 11/30/2019 (Sat) 06:27:48 [Preview] No.5129 del
(134.46 KB 640x1136 2208350.jpeg)
>Hope you get those issues sorted out because I am very intrigued by what you have written here.
Going into any more would possibly spoil it other than I am exploring an obscure cannon implication. It's such a tiny thing as to not hype about but I hope what it brings up is interesting.

>Nice banner.
Thanks. Though I wouldn't call it flawless; a couple of those planets look a little rough and I certainly lack the font skills of our old enteral BO I will say it turned out much better than I expected it to.

Anon 12/01/2019 (Sun) 21:23:33 [Preview] No.5131 del
despite digging in its own vagueness in the era that we are living in and so does this board, I kind of could establish a small speculation behind the context of these words. However, I am going to quote some of them despite its narrative, so they stand out a little bit in comparison to the rest:

>I am a very old being.I am very old indeed.
this right here exposes way more than the author might believe.

>Yet I am not frail, just weakened. Is that an oxymoron?
nope, even though a frail being is more sensible and has more chances to feel weak.

>Though I will return to my lover.He is my lessor half after all.
uh oh, there it goes the speculation that this isn´t about Celestia and Nightmare Moon,even though...

>I had seen her been sent up from some type of powerful magic.
one could imply that story if it wasn´t because of previous subtle details

>I am a horrible listener.
same, I can relate to that sadly. I sometimes focus too much on myself rather than listening to the rest.I can emphasize with you on this one,Discord.

>I would say it's a personal flaw but that is a rather mortal thing to say isn't it?
it seems that the harmony made you more mortal than you were in the past

>And we have only grown further apart. Let me try...
are you sure about bringing her back? Not because you see the orbits move means that the nostalgic feeling could get translated in the same way that you are feeling... careful with what you wish for but...[/spoiler] the last event that happened in the series almost lead Equestria to a disaster[/spoiler]

Anon 12/01/2019 (Sun) 21:46:40 [Preview] No.5132 del
so as far as I can imply here, I won´t go too far because it feels like a wishful thinking, Bridgefag has shown several times an unexploited love for verses and while this isn´t the first time he takes it seriously, I would say that this is far from spontaneous. Despite using the uncertain emotions that he has shared on /endpone/ over time, there is a peculiar characteristic here:

These verses complement each other because they express two wildly different perspectives:

One rejects harmony, expressing feelings of powerlessness, boredom and defiance towards the path of having a moral code). The 2nd post shows a more nostalgic perspective towards a past that the narrator had in those times shared with that being, acknowledging that despite the period that event that lead her to get there, the narrator realizes about developing some moral over time that has lead to such reflections and thinking about her, showing signs of empathy and wondering how she is doing these days.

I could go further with this but considering that this is so far an introduction, I can appreciate the fact that this is written with two opposite voices that could clash at some point if they met again, with a 1st person narrative.

>I have a fic and a couple of smaller things to post but that will come in a bit. Hopefully I can get this figured out.
well but at least...

>a couple of those planets look a little rough and I certainly lack the font skills of our old enteral BO I will say it turned out much better than I expected it to.
that´s a sick banner all in all. I could explain why she makes sense on this board but I didn´t believe that she would get it so soon.

>I am exploring an obscure cannon implication. It's such a tiny thing as to not hype about but I hope what it brings up is interesting.
more than hype, the interactions between them are going to gain a lot of value for this story, especially when their mental voices put on the table insightful thoughts that define a lot their intentions.

Anon 12/03/2019 (Tue) 00:41:36 [Preview] No.5138 del
(14.34 KB 612x575 surprise.png)
you are right on a somewhat split and conflicted voice, though it is still a mostly unified being.

>the interactions between them are going to gain a lot of value for this story, especially when their mental voices put on the table insightful thoughts that define a lot their intentions.
I'm not sure how much is there to hype. This fic does feel a bit deeper than others I've done and I feel I have a good grasp on the character or at least a way to interpret said character

>that´s a sick banner all in all.
Glad you like it. I still think there is a couple of corrections that I should do like trying text besides generic mspaint style solid colors

>but I didn´t believe that she would get it so soon.
It's part of what I'm trying to do. Board wide event thing. So a banner adds to that atmosphere, not to mention that Cosmos both symbolizes the era were in a chaotic way (Pony Life) and the fact that a lot of our focus will be on the comics now. What better way to kick it off by having a little Cosmos related party? Though there is another who is in need of one...

Anon 12/03/2019 (Tue) 01:12:09 [Preview] No.5139 del
Here is something that shocked me to find. The song... Yes, that song. The song mentioned in >>4937. younger me had archived it on a usb stick with a bunch of oldish stuff. It is utterly freaky to hear again. A channel matching the name does exist and it indeed appears to have been deleted, as there is no videos uploaded to it any more and he has changed the name (though he cannot change the ULR).

The song fits the style I described. Perhaps it's a bit basic but I hope you (and y'all other lurkers and sometimes posters) can see why I find it so haunting and why it helped inspire this thread.

As my schedule is vastly uncertain this week, I at least leave this little treasure of an unexpected rediscovery.

Anon 12/04/2019 (Wed) 01:11:43 [Preview] No.5146 del
>though it is still a mostly unified being.
my brain has exploded after reading this.

>I'm not sure how much is there to hype.
well, the hype is created by the uncertainty. The bad news is that there is a lot to define. The good news is that there is a lot of potential undefined. The hype comes and goes depending on what direction you want to lead us.

>This fic does feel a bit deeper than others I've done and I feel I have a good grasp on the character or at least a way to interpret said character
yeah, the grasp that you interpret from it is the definitive one that others cannot decide for you. If we take the recent events into account, I can sense why that sense of additional depth is exposed in those lines. However, considering The Mare in the Mountain and The Revolution fic, one cannot find any strange feeling of depth. If we take this independently, it´s surely more introspective because of that 1st person narrative.

>like trying text besides generic mspaint style solid colors
we are living in 2019 and MsPaint is still used, people still browse on GameFAQs, Winrar has kept its popularity over the years with that notification of the 40 days license expired popping up each time you open it and we are using a site with the Futaba format from 19 years ago.

I mean, technology may have received a lot of updates and changes but editing a banner with that program in a place like this....honestly what else can one ask for?

>It's part of what I'm trying to do. Board wide event thing.
board wide or...[/spoiler] world wide?[/spoiler]

>a banner adds to that atmosphere, not to mention that Cosmos both symbolizes the era were in a chaotic way (Pony Life) and the fact that a lot of our focus will be on the comics now. What better way to kick it off by having a little Cosmos related party?
oh yeah, that sounds really fun....in the wrong sense. The popular phrase of /mlp/ that says: "We are crashing this train with no survivors" was repeated for a reason. We´d better embrace the bumpy future (even though Cosmos arc was released before season 9 ended. Meh, I suppose that she can count as post gen 4 material for this board either way, so it doesn´t matter all that much really).

>Though there is another who is in need of one...
we´ve got Luna, Celestia, Discord with Fluttershy, Dolores in the form of a bridge, Cosmos....who are you talking about then? Top secret question that shouldn´t be made now...

Anon 12/06/2019 (Fri) 01:03:24 [Preview] No.5152 del
>Here is something that shocked me to find. The song... Yes, that song. The song mentioned in >>4937.
oh wow. You have managed to find it. Considering that in these recent years, lots of material has been deleted in Youtube, one could wonder if anything is still out there. Fortunately, it was there to show it here and prove where you got that inspiration.

>younger me had archived it on a usb stick with a bunch of oldish stuff.
well, that´s a good way to keep it alive, considering that a lot of things can get wiped out of existence instantly in the cloud...but the internet, for better or worse, is an hydra.

>It is utterly freaky to hear again. A channel matching the name does exist and it indeed appears to have been deleted, as there is no videos uploaded to it any more and he has changed the name (though he cannot change the ULR).https://www.youtube.com/user/Somberguy20/
well, there we have it. The inspiration for such words and that sounds far from a party song. A little bit cheesy because of the sunth but....

>The song fits the style I described. Perhaps it's a bit basic but I hope you (and y'all other lurkers and sometimes posters) can see why I find it so haunting and why it helped inspire this thread.
it´s a bit basic indeed. However, considering how bare it is (especially in the last third), that lack of instruments and the use of two/three special effects that induce the feeling of seeing the night sky, helps you to imply that you are actually seeing them because of those sounds.

After reading the old posts and listening to this like 6 or 7 times, I must say that the piano plays an important part to carry that feeling. It´s not in the spotlight (in terms of volume) but its subtlety carries the melody in order to make sense and back up the rest. The piano tends to evoke that serene feeling and personally, the song gains power with it in the middle section.

There are two songs that I could link here for backing up this: one from Legends of Equestria (the game) and one from The Cure (which funnily enough, I immediately had a feeling that the Cosmic song reminded me of using the piano to back up the main instrument). I am not linking them for now unless you are prepared, but they are far from happy and who knows what devastating feelings can bring to you at this moment. Besides, I believe that I have shown quite a few songs here, so I am giving more time and room to breathe so one doesn´t feel so sick.

>As my schedule is vastly uncertain this week, I at least leave this little treasure of an unexpected rediscovery.
not to mention that it has happened what is sadly occurring out there. So I have a couple of reasons to give you a break.

Anon 12/06/2019 (Fri) 01:07:55 [Preview] No.5153 del
and well, I am leaving the stars located at the end of the universe tonight.

So this means that my activity is a PoLS just to reply the song that you had kept in private, only rediscovering it by surprise after all this time.

Have a good night /endpone/

Anon 12/13/2019 (Fri) 01:23:06 [Preview] No.5176 del
(5.93 KB 126x111 WhatOfTheStars2.jpg)
Hello. This is Cosmos. The true Lord of Chaos requesting correspondence with any star that is willing to talk.
I feel a presence reach out to me. Several lightly touch. I could here bits of their thoughts but nothing was clear.
What brings you to finally speak?
I think you owe me an explanation on what you just did there with the moon.
Has your old master finally broken free from her bounds?
It hear them talking among themselves. Almost sounded like bickering. Ha! I bet they do not know what to think right now with me finally speaking up.
Not yet, but the hour is soon when our mistress will finally be free of the pain that has consumed her heart.
So my sight hasn't been deceived and she has broken from the moon?
Is she going to finally get back at her sister?
Times haven't changed have they Cosmos? No, she will be free of the curse upon her heart and hopefully the two can reconcile.
What? How did you get that impression from that scream of pain and hatred? I wouldn't be surprised if Celestia was outright killed by her.
How are you so simple that you do not feel things being set in motion?Have can you claim to be above us if you cannot feel what will is at force here?
I remembered why I got so tired of talking with them. They see themselves as such high and noble beings yet can hardly muster to do anything other than speak and riddles and rhymes and try to pass onto mortals warnings of the future in the most indirect and convoluted ways imaginable.
I briefly turned my attention to the planet below. Reaching out silently I could only feel the light presence of my beloved as he too slowly broke free from his prison.
Then I could feel a torrent of anger and rage of a certain formerly exiled princess.
There was something small...
What other power is at work? What has been set in motion that is so great yet I only feel the loosest rumblings of space noise?
Edited last time by dolor on 12/13/2019 (Fri) 02:00:13.

Anon 12/13/2019 (Fri) 02:07:07 [Preview] No.5179 del
(63.39 KB 424x403 HerScatteredSoul.jpg)
Maybe it's your scattered soul but you should be able to feel the forces at work. It is the most powerful force in the universe.
I hate to admit it but he (she? Whomever the star and or stars I'm talking to) may have a point on my scattered soul. I have been a little scatter brained since getting up here and a great deal of my focus has been just spent passing time in boredom trying keep my mind from splitting into five distinct consciousnesses. Naturally I'm a little rusty at everything else.
I don't know what this most powerful force in the universe is though.
What powerful force? Chaos? I tell you I cannot think of anything powerful that will result in peace.
Kinship, Love, Friendship it goes by many names. The basic building blocks of Harmony.
Oh yeah I remember you all arguing about that years ago. In any case, stupid childhood morality and magic bling jewelry are not what I'd call most powerful force in the universe. I guess if Luna is stupid enough it'll work though.
It amazes me to see you in your state being so dismissive of it's power.
I'm not one hundred percent dismissive of it. Just what you have to say on it. You never could fully agree on anything and one of the few things I vividly remember from your boring bickering was deciding whether harmony was friendship or friendship was harmony.
How can I take anything from you seriously when all you do is obsess over mortals and fight over a pitiful attempt to rationalize raw emotion magics as a force of what you narrowly define as good?
Foolish. You never pay attention to what's in front of your eyes. You would see that that this force is self evident in anything that has ever been accomplished. Even evil.
I've been to far many more places then you and seen many things. Evil and good are merely labels given by mortals to artificially categorize outcomes. You will never see through that and I hate intellectual speak and trying to engage you in these stupid philosophical debates
I have other more pressing questions for you anyway.
You sound just like a foal. But I am curious on these other questions that you claim to have.

Anon 12/13/2019 (Fri) 02:29:48 [Preview] No.5180 del
Tell me. What? Where? Why? Who?
Tell me your nature. Tell me why are you up here? Do you even know?
Tell me what is your purpose?
And why are you subservient to a pony?
Before you ask why I am asking these questions I'll give you an answer
After all these years up here you finally did something
You broke from your same boring conservative positions in the sky moved to the moon and aided in your master's escape.
You finally took action on something after all these years even if it was for a stupid reason.
You have never done anything like that in all my time up here.
Maybe it's madness, but I am finally slightly curious.
This does not mean that if I had anything better to do I'd waste my time with this, but I don't.
Not yet anyway.
So I'll see if perhaps there is anything that is worthy to know.
I bet they are shocked.
They should be.

Anon 12/13/2019 (Fri) 03:05:17 [Preview] No.5181 del
(351.18 KB 768x576 FarAwayUpHere.png)
Finally after what felt like an eternity I could feel a presence reach out to my mind.
That is several very loaded questions and would take awhile to answer.
I must admit this is a surprising turn of events. Considering how you have acted and your nature this is quite unexpected.
I almost want to make another quip but I decide against it.
Might as well give them a bit of breathing room so they can think how to respond.
Creatures of our nature are often said to be eternal, yet that is far from the truth.
It is an answer that we debate on how to verbalize. How to word. As are earliest memories are quite fragmented and to varying sensations and experiences are qualia internal to ourselves.
What we can say is that there is a beginning, and that there will be an end. Just as anything in the universe.
Typical, a vague non answer do to you being to lost in your love of obscurantism and subjectivity.
It is a vary loaded question, Cosmos. One that cannot easily be answered by one perspective. Obscurantism is a charge that we dispute.
Really? You love to hide and talk in riddles. Its so stupid. Just spell things out. You claim to be helping ponies yet you never just tell them directly.
I've sensed you reach out to the planet below. I know your star formations ofter clues to the future. It's all convoluted hogwash.
Then tell me, Cosmos, what can you do up here?
I honestly did not follow him. I was going to speak but felt the presence return to my mind.
You tell me what can you do to affect the world below. Have you ever just casually talked to anyone?
No, I can't. The sky is a prison for me. Why would you exp...
I trailed off as I realized the point he had just made.
You realize it don't you? The sky is a very cold very lonely place. Some of my brethren are hundreds of thousands of miles away. Talking with those upon the ground is no easy feat and it took us many years to master to where we our now. Especially when creatures fear the night and our ambassador. The Mistress of the dream worlds and one of the few could easily communicate with us got banished to the moon.
I could almost feel my teeth that I did not possess grit in anger. Yet it was something that I couldn't deny was true.
It left me in a rather confused state of mind in how to respond as I had, technically, been just humbled and gain a bit of understanding of creatures I hate.
When was the last time such a horror happened?
Edited last time by dolor on 12/13/2019 (Fri) 03:08:15.

Anon 12/13/2019 (Fri) 03:14:13 [Preview] No.5183 del
(8.09 KB 157x118 WaitingInReply.jpg)
I tried to work up the nerve to speak. At least to save my dignity and appear confident.
Embarrassment should be something that is beneath me.
So it seems I have finally found the reason why you act so stupid.
Oh please Cosmos have some humility! If stupid is the condition that we are in do to the limitations of the sky then you are the most stupidest of all
I hate you...
I hate you. As much as I hate to admit it, you have pointed out that we are all basically in the same boat up here.
Maybe there is hope for you after all. Admitting a mistake probably wasn't easy for you.
Wasn't easy? Betrayal wasn't easy. This is merely the torture I have grown used to while stuck up here.
Some say that's what leaning is. Especially with an untamed heart.
Chaos is not an untamed heart that needs to be reined in. Chaos is the natural state and anything else is the bandaid put loosely atop it to justif-no. No, debating the nature of universe will lead no where and would be rather boring. I'd like to continue my line of questioning.
If you so will it then I will answer. Even if it those answers may frustrate you I feel this is actually starting to resemble a protective dialog if we continue.
Don't try your luck.
It is you who is choosing to engage us. That advice applies more to yourself.
I felt enraged at myself for letting such a star best me.
Yet how long has it been since I had talked with anyone?
Only occasional lesser cosmic entities and the dreams of a few when I felt like forcing my presence down to the planet below. Something I did not indulge in often do to not wanting my soul to be fragmented more than it was.
I should have expected to be at least somewhat rusty at talking, conversation, and basic social interaction.
Still didn't stop me from feeling like a fool.
Tell me about Luna. How does see relate to you and why do you let yourself be subservient to someone much closer to a mortal state than yourselves?
I could here a chatter among them. Whispers and half words as before when I had first reached out.
Perhaps I had struck a nerve. Though with my failure earlier I dare not gloat and make witty remarks.
Just politely wait for what they have to say.

Anon 12/13/2019 (Fri) 03:26:34 [Preview] No.5184 del
(230.02 KB 700x990 WhatOfLuna?.jpeg)
Luna is a very difficult topic to go into to someone who is a total outsider like yourself.
Especially when their is considerable debates among us of her exact nature, but I can give you the basics.
Subservient is not the word that most would choose to describe our relationship. Though I degree of submission is involved, but also cooperation.
She is the one in charge of the night and dreams of this world.
She controls the moon and has considerable say on other phenomena of the night's sky. Including us to an extent, though it was always with our consultation and sometimes rejection.
Her will is supposed to be in harmony with that of nature itself. Locked in her prison she was able to do much but reach out in pain and anger and everything other than the moon being managed by her sister was left in stagnation.
You do describe her as 'mistress'. It seems you recognize her will and she has always been said to be princess of the night. Is she not your princess and you her subjects?
The title of princess is a title bestowed upon her by ponies of the nation of Equestria and not the title that we generally recognize as applying to us. As it would be applying the will of a mortal nation when in reality our relationship is with her alone.
We refer to her as mistress as a recognition over her rule over the night and its a night we reside in. Though some of my kind may take issue with my wording here; we fully separate entities with our own civilization and interests, but we reside within her sky and that is where any submission comes from, not from being her subjects herself.
I am tempted just to laugh at you for the sheer mental gymnastics you go through just over thinking all that, but I'd rather dig a little deeper.
How did this start? How did her will extent out to the all the sky around this planet? What did you do before that?
Destiny. Though as I stress again, we haven't fully understood her nature either, she arose just as the number of ponies looking skyward was dwindling and the sun and the moon cycle was under threat. Nature, ever careful to keep everything in balance, produced two ponies whose magic was fit to take up the task.
When she received her cutie mark she just gradually reached out upon the sky from the moon and into the dream world and it became apparent that it was her domain.
I pondered upon what he had to say. Not exactly sure how much as to trust him.
The stars where fickle creatures and never could fully agree on anything. The star I was talking to even almost seemed a bit nervous to be speaking.
Naturally with beings as presupposed to arguments as them it would be understandable.
He was probably just giving me what fragile consensus that existed plus his own spin on things.
Was that of any value?
Should I dig deeper? Go down the rabbit hole? I had one last question that tickled my fancy.

Anon 12/13/2019 (Fri) 03:38:58 [Preview] No.5185 del
(2.92 MB 1920x1080 WhatOfOtherStars?.png)
You are not the only stars in the sky. There are others, far from here, whose glow reaches here. Yet they are giant balls of hot gas and fire. What are they to you and what are you to them?
Those far points of light we have limited information on. It is a mistake to assume we are the same. Giant balls of fire are other suns, not stars.
I am confused. For as a being of a chaos I have traveled the stars and other worlds both grander and more boring than this. Throughout the places I have been stars and suns have been generally a unified concept that existed as one. At least once a civilization understands basic "science" and has good telescopes.
I have seen a few other celestial objects that have been considered stars while not being balls of fire. I myself I am a star I suppose in this state. Yet a system of cosmic creatures that claim to be stars and suns not being stars is something that has always confused me here.
You are either foolish, lieing, or have a radically different perspective on what stars is.
I do not trust beings such as yourselves to have a fully innocent intent, so I suspect one of the former over the latter.
So in what you ask in so many words what makes us stars and other points of light not stars?
I'm afraid I'm not too familiar of the cosmic plain beyond the local region. We were born here. Most of us will probably never leave and eventually die here. Here, stars are us and suns are other worlds in which we mostly do not concern ourselves as the distance too great for us to know. If what you claim is true it is certainly interesting to ponder and-
The world on far is bound by the same basic rules as this. Those points of light and us are all stars, but they are suns to their own worlds while our world only has Celestia's sun, which is a star to those worlds and many others. Most small points of light in the sky, regardless of what they are, are stars from afar and can be used to see in the future and the past.
That does not reflect current consensus.
And you have had little experience with the outside, I have traveled among the stars, and it is the consensus among us who have traveled, by dream and by physical distance.
You stars always bicker on everything from the most simplest semantics to secondary meanings. To hear you bicker among yourselves reminds me why I haven't asked you questions and stayed silent all these years. Though I have been slightly entertained I have learned little information that sheds light on you.
I saw that the nature of the stars prevents me from getting a clear answer. Part of me wanted just to leave the conversation but with them returning to their bickering I felt tempted to seek a small vengeance.
Dare I get haughty again?
Dare I try to swing a sword?

Anon 12/13/2019 (Fri) 03:51:45 [Preview] No.5186 del
I told you it wasn't an easy answer and many things are unclear to us.
You are impatient and have the mind of a small foal. The reason you have not grown to understand is because your are self concerned with yourself that you never learned to listen.
To be fair as short of the conversation it has been it has been moderately productive. Though her nature remains she has looked beyond herself and expressed slight interest in us.
I have seen the same you have seen. Indeed those points are true but that still doesn't invalidate that she is a foal in personality and should be treated as such.
That is not a fair approach to a being that is at least as old as we are. I believe in harsh correction and consider her childish but she is acting like a child, not a child in nature.
Oh please. You all are so high and mighty in a thousand different ways. You see the bickering now?
You are just as you claim us to be. You should be thankful we are willing to talk at all!
Anger is not the answer either. We need to remain calm and present a unified side. Hostility will get us no where.
Though we are in no argument on her nature, I agree on approach.
You are the one that broke that approach by choosing to interject and break the unified front that we were presenting.
Additionally, I also think you are in error for your use of pony terminology over neutral terms. We serve all of the world, not just Equestria.
We serve Princess Luna.
Such an argument over the nature of Luna is a derailment of the topic at hand.
It was time to swing my sword. Maybe I was a fool; maybe my vengeance would be granted.
In anycase I wouldn't have to stick around for long.
Everyone stop and look at yourselves. You are lost in thought and blind to the world before you. You have only proven my point.
It is merely vigorous debate!
A highly unproductive one. We need to engage her with one voice.
It was foolish to begin speaking at all.
It was foolish for you to start attacking me for only trying to give the view of one who has traveled!
Do you not see the state you are in? Do you not see what I have done? What you call vigorous debate I call one thing.
Can't you see it? All of you are in an inherent state of chaos and you are all trying to put a broken bandaid of a philosophical and moral system upon it but can't have a unified front because it is being pulled in a thousand different directions.
You have not caused this. Merely the mistakes made on our part
Yes I have. I reached out and talked to you and you all fell apart over the first hard question.
It was a mistake to try to engage you. If you weren't so vile I'd apologize for taking your time.
Edited last time by dolor on 12/13/2019 (Fri) 03:54:29.

Anon 12/13/2019 (Fri) 04:05:48 [Preview] No.5187 del
(464.78 KB 1040x1600 IWillReturn.jpg)
Be gone from me fools. Maybe one day you will speak in a unified voice, or maybe you will finally learn that CHAOS reigns supreme upon all!
Maybe you will one day awaken and see that truth, until than leave me to my own devices.
I immediately withdrew my mind from the ruckus as I heard a couple of rebuttals being uttered.
I payed no mind to what they said. I was tiered of all the mental gymnastic and engaging them further might rob me of the small victory I had won after that first star had made me a fool.
I turned my attention to the planet below.
I felt a strange sense of emotion and power at work.
Within a few minutes the sun had moved back to where it was day on this side of the planet.
Luna had lost.
What a pity. Oh well, I won't be so foolish as to be vanquished by Celestia when I finally get there.
My thoughts did however turn to what they called the most powerful force in the universe, Love, or whatever they called various emotion magics that they and the ponies below tried to weave together into a coherent philosophy.
Such emotional magic seemed to be at work down below.
It did make me feel ever so slightly interested in its power. If it had indeed taken out Luna.
Though it was nothing compared to me, it had very long time since I had felt such a display of power from the planet below.
Maybe things would soon be getting interesting again?

Anon 12/13/2019 (Fri) 05:28:45 [Preview] No.5188 del
And there my fic ends. This started as a idea to see if I could use only comic edits for an illustration of a fic and I became fixated on a certain implication that I had seen at the very start of the show. The stars will aid in her escape. https://youtu.be/xDBExPJtlzc?t=101 Though I abandoned the effort of comic edits the star theme was extended as I thought more into it. The stars as mentioned in the prophecy and as show for their brief part of screentime appear to be the ones that free Luna. What does that mean? It suggests that they are some kind of entity and not a far away glowing ball of gas out far away. They are stars in the classical sense I suppose in a heliocentric model of the universe. It also suggests that they have some kind of subservience to Luna. This little aspect has been often overlooked in the fandom. With the most I've seen being them being distinct entities or creatures in some fics. A popular fan theory is that that whole line of the prophecy is symbolic for Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark (which is symbolic for her and the other elements). While I think the symbolism argument possibly stands to some degree as some of those subtleties in season 1 are one of the things I do agree had some more thought put into that can be read into at least a bit, this is still season 1. They still clearly portrayed four stars slowly close in on the moon while heavily implying that the stars themeselves were the ones aiding in her escape and possible symbolism aside with season 1 it's best to stick what is directly told onscreen till proven otherwise (well, in most cases). Have haven't really seen such a other celestial bodies mentioned much and outside of dreams Luna has mainly show mythology associated with the moon. Where does that leave us? Canonically they barely exist and a conservative approach leaves us with both a lot and a little. Can we really say much other than that they are some kind of that may have a bit of autonomy? No.

This is one of the ways Cosmos arc interested me with the showing of her being split up into stars in a classical sense and sent up into the sky. Though it's not her natural state it still gives a tiny thread to the idea of stars being a distinct other entity from a far away sun. It, unless there was something in a previous arc I was not aware of or some other spinoff work, was the closest we ever got to this concept. If Cosmos was a constellation in the sky and those stars would be her neighbors and so the fic was made. Do I claim this as a canon theory? No. It's just below that. Me toying around with what is there as an idea to see what it could be like.

Anon 12/13/2019 (Fri) 05:37:46 [Preview] No.5189 del
(1.38 MB 1700x2191 2200634.jpeg)
Of course this is just as much about Cosmos to. I tried to put what I think would be her guiding philosophy. I tried to think how her attitude would be. Bored, ever confident yet with vengeance and a hint uncertainty underneath. I cannot rate how I did yet, as I wanted to read each of Cosmos arc and post my impressions after each. So I've only read the first two so far and one I haven't even reread.

Additionally I am aware of that Cosmos probably fell before the start of the series but I just had her there so she would be interacting with the stars in their only action on screen.

Anon 12/13/2019 (Fri) 05:46:38 [Preview] No.5190 del
(481.54 KB 800x1127 223.jpg)
oh yeah I figured out the formatting problem. Apparently blue breaks with question marks. Why? I don't know. My initial thought is because they are used in this site's markdown code for cyan yet they work just fine in pink. My formatting could have been a bit better as probably should have made all the question marks black and the change from pink being Cosmos' narrative voice to her spoken voice looks could be a bit jarring now looking at the finished product.

Anon 12/13/2019 (Fri) 06:01:55 [Preview] No.5191 del
(1.59 MB 1500x1500 2191518.png)
Welp. I'll get to the other stuff later. Goodnight /endpone/.

Anon 12/14/2019 (Sat) 00:28:42 [Preview] No.5192 del
>Apparently blue breaks with question marks. Why? I don't know.
hmm interesting, I should write down that detail for the future. One could ask this on /operate/ but it seems that you figured that out by testing the feature with a couple of deleted posts.

>My formatting could have been a bit better as probably should have made all the question marks black and the change from pink being Cosmos' narrative voice to her spoken voice looks could be a bit jarring now looking at the finished product.
as long as one can tell who is who, it shouldn´t matter all that much.

goodnight Bridgefag
yes, you´ve got plenty of stuff to reply. In the meantime, I´ll figure out how to review this, especially considering that you have been toying around with an idea nor it´s based on the entire arc (only the first two issues) so the approach is different here.

Thinking about it, I think that the feedback and the commentary (deconstructing it)are more valuable here than a hollow rating (I arrived really late at reviewing The Mare in The Mountain though). Besides, it´s fresh content that isn´t as easy to digest as other things.

For now, PoLS tonight.

Anon 12/15/2019 (Sun) 08:37:56 [Preview] No.5196 del
>hmm interesting, I should write down that detail for the future. One could ask this on /operate/ but it seems that you figured that out by testing the feature with a couple of deleted posts.
I just don't know why it doesn't break with other color formating...

>as long as one can tell who is who, it shouldn´t matter all that much.
I suppose. Though next time I'd like to try for more consistency. Pink against the blue is also a bit of a pain to read without highlighting it.

>I´ll figure out how to review this
Take your time. I'll be busy trying to figure out how to save thousands of comments from Youtube's oncoming purges

Goodnight L23 and fellow lurkers who sometimes post!

Anon 12/15/2019 (Sun) 23:21:04 [Preview] No.5199 del
>I just don't know why it doesn't break with other color formating...
maybe Odili is the one that actually leads the stars.....at bringing as some "light" more like an explanation for this bug

>Though next time I'd like to try for more consistency. Pink against the blue is also a bit of a pain to read without highlighting it.
if that doesn´t convince you, you can point out in a post what color belongs to X character and what represents the narrative. I have read this without the colours and it´s a little bit confusing but checking it again, it seems that Cosmos goes in pink, her narrative in black and the rest are the stars that have bored her and have tried to establish a pointless debate with her (correct me if I am wrong).

>Take your time.
I am going to need it but keep in mind that I have already read it entirely. I mean, from short little greens that were bits of shitposting to three entire fics (four if Cadencebat counts as a complete one) that....well, the narration dominates the protagonist´s mind.

This goes more in the line of the Revolution fic in the sense that the first existential posts make you wonder a little bit if someone´s reading a MLP fic or the philosophy established from that character, almost as if Cosmos has had too much time to think. It´s not until Luna is mentioned in the conversation (implying that this conversation happened in Episode 1) and especially towards the end, where the story starts to take off to somewhere else. Her rebellious attitude actually changes the tone and the ambient of the fic simultaneously.It seems more like an introduction than anything else.

I can relate with two things (according to your implications) about her: never listening to anyone else and the fact that the stars were too pretentious to even prove their points. However, I can´t tell how much of the author´s brain is implied over here (besides show´s canon). Either it is about criticizing narcissism or it´s about measuring the levels of edginess with a prestablished mindset so the future actions can have their context. Because again, all it seems that this fic is leading for something else that we don´t know (which makes sense considering that you have admitted not reading beyond the first two issues, just focusing on the lore more than Cosmos´ character/behaviour).

I could go beyond with this but these are my first impressions so it doesn´t feel like I have left your work behind (like I did with the Mare in the Mountain). This is mostly because of:

>I'll be busy

Anon 12/15/2019 (Sun) 23:25:22 [Preview] No.5200 del
and by the way, this character was going to be Cosmos....

conceptually speaking, the one that was going to have this name ended up into a big budget product. I wonder if it was a throw away idea and IDW collected it and did something on their own instead by exploring further the Draconequus species....

L23 12/21/2019 (Sat) 00:10:32 [Preview] No.5229 del
Bridgefag, I might sound hypocritical and anti-anonymous for the format given here but in order to review the fics, I need to figure out about the author (at least in one post or in all the post for the story) and the context behind the fic.

From here >>5108, >>5109, >>5176 to >>5187, I am going to imply that the fanfiction is called: The Stars Will Aid in Her Escape.

You don´t have a name but I have to assign it (personally speaking, others can do whatever they want) so I can have a better reference of the style that you use for writing these short stories (Revolution fic and The Mare in the Mountain). From now on, ratings are sort of useless, so you won´t see any numbers like I did in the past. I would like to focus more on the interpretations that I can extract from it and what this fic presents here.

That doesn´t mean that I won´t comment about the enjoyment that I can get from it though but I have changed a little bit the form of criticism that I could pull out in the future.

Anon 12/21/2019 (Sat) 00:13:23 [Preview] No.5230 del
and Proof of Life Shitpost (again), attaching the princess of the /night/.

Anon 12/21/2019 (Sat) 06:24:35 [Preview] No.5231 del
Wow have a lot of replies to do. Had something come up water...


Anon 12/21/2019 (Sat) 21:38:30 [Preview] No.5232 del
at this step you are going to write a little fic about water. Call me crazy or delusional but I think that, as fanfics are expressions of ourselves at some point, that thing is becoming a recurring theme lately.

Anon 12/23/2019 (Mon) 01:19:45 [Preview] No.5240 del
Well, how many PoLS am I going to deliver these days? It sure seems fun taking notes for studying in the near future (yes because studying during Christmas is a thing that....I don´t particularly recommend but oh well, one has to bear with it).

Today has been Winter Solstice so this means that we are experiencing the longest night of the year cycle. It´s like touching the deep bottom that the day can achieve and so, the cycle takes a turning point and from decreasing the light, the days are going to increase slowly the hours of the sun. Not as special a Christmas but still, it´s the most fitting time for posting one of the Royal Sisters tonight.

Have a nice night /endpone/ and hopefully, I can make some replies with more depth in the next days.

Anon 12/23/2019 (Mon) 01:35:39 [Preview] No.5241 del
(494.44 KB 1248x704 1577003726155.png)
Take your time. If you haven't noticed. I am the one playing catch up with you. Plus trying to get my own plans back on track. No rush.

Have a nice night. Best of luck with studying!

Anon 12/26/2019 (Thu) 22:58:52 [Preview] No.5248 del
(173.19 KB 1200x1000 2026858.jpeg)
The Stars Will Aid in Her Escape by the Bridgefag >>5108

So i have been reading a couple of times your fic and we´ve got to make clear a couple of things beforehand:

1.This fic was written with Endchan´s format in mind. Now,this might work perfectly for this site, considering the variety of colours that this imageboard can offer but as soon as you post it on FIMFiction, read it on Word or even posted as a green on /mlp/, it can become certainly confusing at first sight, especially when it comes to these two posts >>5185 and >>5186. This is probably my biggest criticism and problem towards this fic because technically it´s really well written for a 1st person narrative but this might lead to a problem due to the lack of "I said" or "Star 1 answered".

2. The reader has to take into account these lined from yours >>5188 before reviewing it or even giving a rating:
>a certain implication that I had seen at the very start of the show.
>Though it's not her natural state it still gives a tiny thread to the idea of stars being a distinct other entity from a far away sun.
>Me toying around with what is there as an idea to see what it could be like.
so the average fan who has read the IDW comics might imply that this Cosmos that you are exposing here is in her draconequus form when the theory from yours exposes that from an heliocentric perspective (which makes sense considering how much Equestria relies on both the sun and the moon), the symbolism taken from The Mare In the Moon implies that Cosmos was created because of Luna´s orbit and not because of the Andalusian constellation, unless said constellation coincidentally happens to be that one. It´s just far too much of a coincidence to be true and even if IDW writers wanted to be that twisted, they could mess it up easily and confuse even more the readers with the first time of meeting her.

Any fan who reads this has to take these lines into account before diving into your fic and get immersed by your idea. From here, the interpretations and subjective views should vary. The technical points and context explanations end here.

Anon 12/26/2019 (Thu) 23:38:16 [Preview] No.5249 del
And now, what can I say towards your story?

I am not the best at judging texts and interpreting stories but I must say that it´s quite well written by using those descriptions that you have been exposing in these fics. It almost seems like you are in your comfort zone while typing those parts. I cannot be the only one pointing out that your descriptions do hold a pattern between getting philosophical and explaining the context.

So, the main character here is Cosmos (pink text) and comes in a 1st person narrative. We see from her that her old age has made her bored of her existence as a single star. It´s quite odd to have a disembodied protagonist that is yet to get some form and if this were animated, we would have to perceive a distinct visual aspect from her or some signs besides her character.

So what we see here are these aspects from the introduction:
>My adventures. My exploits. My travels across the... Cosmos
a justification of her name
>Though I will return to my lover.
>He is my lessor half after all.
>I can feel it near. He is alive on the earth below.
her motivation to exist: meeting Discord and become his eternal girlfriend

>Always speaking in their riddles and trying to sound like wise sages.
>They always would pout and be mad. Trying to hold me by a mortal based morality.
her motifs to be angry towards the other protagonists: four other stars that always act as wise, sages in comparison to her rebellious attitude. This means that the author has established a context for her just to see that Cosmos was born because of corruption, remorse towards the other stars and finally, acknowledging what she likes the most: cause chaos to her pleasure.

Mostly because of these lines:
>I am a horrible listener.
>A being like me can't have flaws.
>Being a constellation in the sky is rather... boring to say the least
combining her boredom as a star, she has given up at listening to them. One has to highlight that she doesn´t consider herself as flawed, so this means that everything that she does will be seen as perfect to her sight. This explains why Discord has known the limits of using chaos but Cosmos didn´t. In this regard, this fic is useful at trying to justify her existence and go further with the lore behind her.

From my experience at reading this, I was wondering at some moment if I was reading a FiM story because of the stars attitude. If it wasn´t because of their reasons to act serving for Princess Luna and stay as guardians of the universe, the fic could have been perfectly interpreted as a philosophical take at metaphysics. The one that drives and goes all out in this fic is Cosmos, whose actions pay off in the end. It´s like the author made the stars too pretentious at their existence so the reader almost feels bored because of them as well and this is where Cosmos shines the best here, the actions are driven by her intentions.

Anon 12/26/2019 (Thu) 23:47:57 [Preview] No.5250 del
Her perspective sums it up pretty well the views towards them:
>I remembered why I got so tired of talking with them. They see themselves as such high and noble beings yet can hardly muster to do anything other than speak and riddles and rhymes and try to pass onto mortals warnings of the future in the most indirect and convoluted ways imaginable.
so I am certainly wondering if the author intended to put a slice of irony here and take some sort of metacriticism at making them boring on purpose.

On the other hand:
>Kinship, Love, Friendship it goes by many names. The basic building blocks of Harmony.
>Creatures of our nature are often said to be eternal, yet that is far from the truth.
>Especially when creatures fear the night and our ambassador. The Mistress of the dream worlds and one of the few could easily communicate with us got banished to the moon.
the author adds other aspects to their wisdom and someone might wonder if these stars could cause some sort of destiny into the world of Equestria in a passive way when it comes at establishing the core values of harmony. So the biggest reason for them to exist is that they depend and rely on Princess Luna, hence you speculated that these stars were surrounding the moon in the premiere.

But the shining star (pun intended?) here is Cosmos obviously. What I can interpret from here is how she makes nervous the unified voice of the single star speaking to her and then, slowly regressing from wise to more causal and then to raging against her by dividing their voices.This is seen in more casual questions towards Cosmos´ behaviour and Cosmos notices how they are struggling at finding one clear answer towards their discourse. With this line:

>Can't you see it? All of you are in an inherent state of chaos and you are all trying to put a broken bandaid of a philosophical and moral system upon it but can't have a unified front because it is being pulled in a thousand different directions.
>Yes I have. I reached out and talked to you and you all fell apart over the first hard question.
everything is clear, she exposes her actual plan at her conviction that if chaos beat an established intelligent morality, then she implies that she can do anything. The biggest strength that this fic offers in comparison to your previous work is:

Slow progression and buildup, changing the tone of the situation and reaching the core nature of Cosmos´character. This fic is a slow burner that explodes yet it feels like an introduction at the same time, as if we are watching an action movie and we have only seen the first 15 minutes or so of it.

Anon 12/27/2019 (Fri) 00:26:09 [Preview] No.5251 del
so basically, Cosmos acts as a troll and the trigger or plot device that leads up to this situation is that the stars moved because Luna was coming back to Equestria and while she was getting defeated by her sister, Cosmos messes up her old boring partners at asking questions out of curiosity, testing how much information she can get out of them. Not only that but the stars get driven into madness at reaffirming themselves at how Cosmos is so adventurous to even make such questions and she manages to drive them into her territory, discovering the fun she can get out of it.

To me, I interpret that this fic was inspired or an allegory of Pandora´s box, opening said box out of sheer curiosity, with one simple action and causing so much trouble and aggravating consequences. However, the consequences wouldn´t pay off and turn out to be visible into this world until much later, so she stays hibernating for a while. Cosmos realizes about how that planet, notices which planet she is going to take over and noting two main characters that we know: Celestia and Luna.

However, the biggest contradiction that this fic might have is that she doesn´t have an special correlation towards Princess Luna, she uses the Mistress as any other tool for attracting Discord in the comics. If she had any sort of interest towards Luna, she would have left a sign towards her. But nope, she just took over her body with another star to link and complete her full corporeal form.

It becomes clear that this fic is more based around that fan theory about Twilight´s symbol and the implication of those four stars surrounding the moon in the premiere. Cosmos doesn´t acknowledge Luna as a special pony who wanted to have a personal connection and a motivation to take over Equestria. If anything, Luna was just a means to an end so Cosmos could meet Discord again. What is useful though, it´s that she acknowledges that Celestia could be a huge obstacle for her plans.

So what can I say towards this fic? Overall, if we are taking into account that the author is tinkering around a fan theory, combining that with the implied lore about Cosmos, this fic could be a pretty interesting take to consider and also would explain a little bit of that unknown destiny that we have seen in FiM.

The biggest flaw that I can point out in this fic are the lack of "she said" or punctuation signs. On Endchan, the colours fit amazingly well but on FIMFiction or any other place without the coloring features, one can get somewhat confused (at least personally speaking). And the 2nd flaw that I can take out of it but this is more subtle, it´s that (from what I´ve read from the comics) is that Cosmos doesn´t have any special connection nor intentions towards Luna in the comics. Otherwise she would have a dropped a mysterious line or personal attachment towards her. Although I understand why you did this action and for the theme of this thread, you have nailed it at trying to combine the concept of this /night/ thread and Cosmos herself. If you intended that, it´s nicely done.

And what else? Do I have to mention the descriptions again? I fail to see anything wrong with them here honestly. The adjectives are varied, the tone of the fic slowly progresses as it advances through it and I consider it, a slow burner. The fic does work better when you realize where this fic is placed in the timeline.

Conceptually speaking, this fic emphasizes a lot in its theme and lore standpoints. In this regard, it shines better than the other two. It´s less confusing than the Revolution fic but not quite as obvious and direct like The Mare In the Mountain. In terms of entertainment, I prefer the fic about Cadence´s mystery but I can predict this story as a grower for a few fans and pick this one.

A fanfic made for ending the decade and mark an era of post gen 4, when the interpretations and the stories are implied and interpreted from the fans in hindsight. A welcome addition to your catalog so you have a third high profile fic to expose out there. I give it the green light.

Anon 12/27/2019 (Fri) 05:19:57 [Preview] No.5252 del
(1.48 MB 500x281 2229430.gif)
Pre-emptive PoLS

Anon 12/27/2019 (Fri) 05:25:05 [Preview] No.5253 del
oops. Wrong thread. I just wasn't sure on next few days so I would shitpost on NiAME just because. I have fully read the review.

Anon 03/27/2020 (Fri) 17:33:24 [Preview] No.5612 del

Anon 03/27/2020 (Fri) 17:34:19 [Preview] No.5613 del

Anon 03/27/2020 (Fri) 17:35:06 [Preview] No.5614 del
(3.72 MB 1480x1900 ponykillerx 404.png)

Anon 03/27/2020 (Fri) 17:35:33 [Preview] No.5615 del

Anon 03/27/2020 (Fri) 17:38:24 [Preview] No.5616 del
posting a few pictures that I found on Ponibooru. As you can see, they don´t have the serial number but I bet that all these picture were also uploaded on Derpi or Deviantart. Except for >>5614 which was deleted by the artist in the latter.

L23 03/31/2020 (Tue) 22:51:21 [Preview] No.5642 del
>...manipulate and twist...



L23 03/31/2020 (Tue) 22:51:47 [Preview] No.5643 del
>...hide stuff...

>...nothing to be afraid...

>...you know the words...

L23 03/31/2020 (Tue) 22:52:26 [Preview] No.5644 del
>...your denial...

>...the truth is painful...

>...I know...

L23 03/31/2020 (Tue) 22:52:58 [Preview] No.5645 del
>...your nature will hurt you more...

>...than me...

>...harming your true potential...

Anon 03/31/2020 (Tue) 23:03:46 [Preview] No.5646 del
(212.35 KB 1000x843 ...I see you....jpg)
>...manipulate and twist...



>...hide stuff...

>...nothing to be afraid...
>...you know the words...
...you came...
>...your denial...
...to see me...
>...the truth is painful...
...is that true?...
>...I know...
...little filly?...
>...your nature will hurt you more...
...but I repeat...
>...than me...
...maybe you will never wake up...
>...harming your true potential...
...that was your choice...

>...manipulate and twist...
...are you hearing these words?...
...I do...
>...hide stuff...
...perhaps you have dreamed...
>...nothing to be afraid...
...about them before...
>...you know the words...
...or even worse...
>...your denial...
...you believe that they are mine...
>...the truth is painful...
...but I am not...
>...I know...
...maybe in the past...
>...your nature will hurt you more...
...you wrote them...
>...than me...
>...harming your true potential...
...you wrote them that night...

Anon 03/31/2020 (Tue) 23:14:12 [Preview] No.5647 del
>...manipulate and twist...
...why are you here?...
...think of that question...
...you came here...
>...hide stuff...
...to ask me...
>...nothing to be afraid...
...something that I know...
>...you know the words...
...but that...
>...your denial...
...comes with a price...
>...the truth is painful...
...I knew about those...
>...I know...
...other two before...
>...your nature will hurt you more...
...and they admire me...
>...than me...
...they wanted to see me...
>...harming your true potential...
...again with you...

Anon 03/31/2020 (Tue) 23:23:31 [Preview] No.5648 del
...most ponies lately...
...have been calling me a different name...
...Haven't we met before?...
...Only the one...
...will know to herself....
...Why do you fear this?...
...Is strange bad?...
...You're a fool...
>...AS YOU KNOW...
...if this is what you fear...
...I am only trying...
>...THAN ME...
...to bring your true self into focus...
...but as you don´t want to do that...

*the voices disappeared all of a sudden

...I will do it for you instead

Anon 03/31/2020 (Tue) 23:32:51 [Preview] No.5649 del
>A form flew.... above the steep path above....

>...made its way down in a graceful, almost showy, manner.

>...did, it clearly was a....

>...coat, a dulled with a dark unnatural aura ...

>It flowed...

>...barely visible in the air.

>Her wings....

Don't deny it, you know the story, or perhaps should I tell words?

Some part of you likes it, or at least you did

with those drawings

should I show to you...

...those fishes that were floating around your head?

like those words, you knew them. I only brought them up because you wanted and you wished to see me

but is this a dream as an excuse to not face darkness?

All the ponies would do that in order to escape

but I am not a dream...


Anon 03/31/2020 (Tue) 23:42:05 [Preview] No.5650 del
(404.70 KB 1500x1404 ...the end....jpg)
those two friends of yours

they are not listening to you...but me

and now, should I start again the process?

of revealing what I have become

You will figure out for yourself

with my presence why others have been calling me by a different name

After all, this mountain did hide a secret

And here is the mare who has earned that fame

So what´s the actual fear of yours?

In the /end/,why did you climb up here ...

Apple Bloom?

Anon 04/01/2020 (Wed) 00:29:01 [Preview] No.5651 del
*the dream all of a sudden gets distorted after the mare showed up her true form

*Apple Bloom fainted because of the horror to see her like that

*the yellow filly looked exhausted to have gone through this experience,almost as if she were...

*a soothing melody happens to be appearing in the background and very different words came up inside her mind

>I can see you laughing
>Through dreams of perfect sleep
Apple Bloom?
>Sleep away from me
Apple Bloom, wake up!
>You know what's in my mind
Oh dear
>When you go I'm crying
Apple Bloom, react!
>Dream dream away from me
oh dear, she is not responding
>When the Lord embrace you
Perhaps, she wasn´t all that ready
>Bow down, spare the reed
All this because of me
>When I close my eyes
Apple Bloom, please. Don´t do this to me because of the fear
>Your fate shall be free
Scootaloo, Sweetie, quick, mount over me!
>When I see you drowning
Hurry,we are going back to the Crystal Empire
>I'll dream dream away from you
I hope she doesn´t get worse before getting there...

1 nessncgr 04/01/2020 (Wed) 00:33:57 [Preview] No.5652 del

1 svomkeav 04/01/2020 (Wed) 00:33:57 [Preview] No.5653 del

1 xwenpfxl 04/01/2020 (Wed) 00:33:57 [Preview] No.5654 del

1 ktimsacg 04/01/2020 (Wed) 00:33:57 [Preview] No.5655 del

Anon 04/01/2020 (Wed) 00:48:02 [Preview] No.5656 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=5F4fr8KqD9A [Embed]

*the mare of that mountain flew at mach speed with the two fillies over her two bat wings
*her face changed radically after seeing the yellow filly blacking out, incapable to resist the fear
*the mare in the mountain was still saying this to herself during the trip back to her empire

>I can see you laughing
Apple BLoom, don´t do this to me!
>Through dreams of perfect sleep
How am I going to tell this to your family?
>Sleep away from me
Hopefully you are sleeping, I hope you do
>You know what's in my mind
!This didn´t happen to your friends, I believed that you were ready
>When you go I'm crying
Maybe the first impressions make a lot of damage
>Dream dream away from me
But there is always comfort,you couldn´t embrace the darkness an couldn´t wait for more explanations and now...
>When the Lord embrace you
I have to carry you urgently.
>Bow down, spare the reed
I didn´t expect this, I thought that you were strong enough to the actual truth..
>When I close my eyes
And you did but maybe it wasn´t the right time to go further...
>Your fate shall be free
Thankfully, I´ve been a mother in the past
>When I see you drowning
and I know when a filly suffers this kind of faints
>I'll dream dream away from you
Please Apple Bloom, hold it a few minutes more...

*and the princess was reaching the outskirts of the Crystal Empire,looking for the local hospital...

Anon 04/01/2020 (Wed) 08:38:38 [Preview] No.5657 del
Well I'm half way done with one review for you to drop another! Awesome.

Anon 04/01/2020 (Wed) 22:20:36 [Preview] No.5658 del
hey, at least you cannot blame me for not bringing up entertainment from my part during this period of confinement.

So everything might have stopped for now but it doesn´t mean that the party is over.

Anon 04/24/2020 (Fri) 01:37:04 [Preview] No.5814 del
Now my next two reviews are this little fic and SiVC's but they shall be done in a more casual manner.

/endpone/ knows how to party! Those are tears of joy!

Anon 04/25/2020 (Sat) 17:25:49 [Preview] No.5832 del
>they shall be done in a more casual manner.
I think SivC deserves more than that though.The greentext I delivered for Lovebat doesn´t compare to its league.

>/endpone/ knows how to party! Those are tears of joy!
I mean, I am happy that you are emotional and find some joy during this quarantine. Very glad to hear this and all...

but I´ve got a question that leaves me confused. I don´t know if /endpone/ is actually all that lively. Except for the long Umbridge meme phenomena and the Apple Bloom shitposts, I don´t see this board upbeat enough for qualifying it a board meant for parties.

In fact, it´s in reverse (at least in my posts), the greens are not exactly happy if you can call them that in the slightest (much less the influences behind them) but really depressing at their core (and creepy on this one) >>5641

Still, keeping the mindset positive after all these events does have quite a lot of merit so I must look up to your reaction.

Anon 05/25/2020 (Mon) 05:38:53 [Preview] No.6092 del
(6.57 MB 1280x720 heal59dd.mp4)
(7.83 MB 1280x720 kinderband.webm)
It has recently come back to my attention, that some folks consider our enjoyment of music to have been stolen from us.

This is the 432 vs 440 debate, in case you're not familiar. The understanding is, between the world wars, various europeans debated and finally agreed to define "A" as 440hz, and music being the highly mathematical thing that it is, all other notes are constructed from that first understanding.

Have you heard music tuned to 432hz yet? I've listened to a couple pieces, and find that the individual notes "agree" with each other better, where they are more raucous at the 440 standard.

This evening as you unwind with decaf, or tea, or whatever, consider the attached comparisons and make your own mind up about this debate.


Anon 05/25/2020 (Mon) 07:20:10 [Preview] No.6093 del
I've heard of this before but not dived in depth into the topic.

BTW: I do not know if you were just lurking and mistakenly posted it here or if this a question genuinely directed at us but I suggest the chat thread to continue this topic. >>5562

Anon 05/25/2020 (Mon) 07:28:35 [Preview] No.6096 del
I had just made my evening cup of decaf, and thought the /night/ thread would be appropriate.

I guess I should ask, if you guys don't mind saying -- I'm in UTC-7, or "PDST" time zone -- it's tomorrow now.
Where are you?

Anon 05/25/2020 (Mon) 19:11:33 [Preview] No.6097 del
You know, why not? As it has been said threads can drift a little and I've already raised the subject of music here:
and the /night/ was ill defined other than atmospheric. I will have a more proper reply in a bit as I have other IRL stuff atm.

>Where are you?
Central Standard Time. Though my schedule is random and therefore my posting hours. Often skew toward the night but also can be early morn or afternoon.

Anon 05/25/2020 (Mon) 22:01:17 [Preview] No.6099 del
so, you want to be to introduce an off-topic discussion here because these thoughts from your appear during the night. Well, let´s see...

>that some folks consider our enjoyment of music to have been stolen from us.
nope, music hasn´t been stolen from us at all. Just because someone who believes that we are living in the wrong generation of music and only checks out the top 40 or Billboard 200 and say today´s music is garbage...those nostalgic thoughts (and incorrect by the way because there are records/artists nowadays that are pushing genres to the limits) are not valid to back up that. As I see it, the person who established that was either:

1. A nostalgic for the old times who hasn´t checked out good albums and 2. A commercial/record company who doesn´t make good music but wants to sell music in 432 Hz so a few ignorant people fall into that lie and become potential customers that fall into that fallacy of listening to the music of the universe.

>This is the 432 vs 440 debate, in case you're not familiar.
I am familiar with it and that "theory" comes from the Schiller institute, an international political/economical one. It wants to have that scientific tone but it doesn´t arrive anywhere. There should be scientific reports in physics that explain to me how the 432 Hz should be the harmony and sound of the universe.

>A" as 440hz, and music being the highly mathematical thing that it is, all other notes are constructed from that first understandin
now, here is the thing, if we are following their patterns, those believers of the 432 Hz is because that numbers sound cool, quite well rounded and there are no decimals digits. They say that the resonance should be at 8 Hz so by following that mathematical construct you arrive at 432 Hz.

Too perfect to be real, isn´t it? Well, it turns out that the first order of the Schumann resonance (the lowest one that you can reach) is 7.83 Hz and by following the same mathematical construct, you end up with 430.4 Hz for the A, not 432 Hz. Not a cute number...


Also, the ear of the human beings can range from 20 to 20.000 Hz but the ones that are the most useful are the ones located around 3500 Hz, not to mention that ears of each animal has a different range for each species. The light has around 4-8 E14 Hz which even makes sense in that department. Furthermore, the sound cannot be transmitted through the space void and if we were to take into account the closest thing that is near the frequency of the A...the seismic waves of Earth range from 1-100 Hz (most of them are lean towards the lowest ones). That is to say, the Earth will hear to the A frequency like any deaf does,absolutely nothing.

Anon 05/25/2020 (Mon) 22:28:15 [Preview] No.6100 del
>and make your own mind up about this debate
yeah, I did. It sounds cool and all but they are manipulating reality because they are using rounded numbers and not decimal ones.

Basically the debate of such frequencies comes from the 19th century when orchestras were varying their tuning because they didn´t have any standard whatsoever and the tuner they used in order to refine their instruments was a tuning fork (pic related) so they could give you a note of reference according to the sound that it delivered after hitting it. One of them registered an A in 422.5 Hz (Haydn), another tuning fork that used a few years later registered an A of 409 Hz. Around 1800, Beethoven would use a tuning fork that registered a note of reference with an A of 455,4 Hz.

Orchestras simply tuned their instruments with higher frequencies and so music would sound more lively and exciting during the movements of those plays. However, if you were a singer around that era (namely the ones dedicated to opera), they would complain that they would have to make a great effort in order to fit their singing voice into the piece so Verdi would fix that adjusting the tuning to 432 Hz so the singers wouldn´t have to make those huge efforts anymore. But in no way that frequency was chosen because of the mystical and cool search of the sound of the universe with those 432 Hz, it was meant to prevent that orchestras would refine their instruments with those high frequencies and find a balance among the singers and the instruments. That was it, simply selected so both sides could agree on something, it was meant to be a practical solution.

Basically, those who are promoting the 432 Hz frequency are record companies, websites or marketing experts that are trying to sell to you their music/albums just because it has 432 Hz as an special feature or characteristic and uniqueness, so they can create an almost religious group about defending the 432 Hz under the premise of harmonious, reflective and peaceful music for your ears...when in reality, the universe and the animals around you won´t care about 8 Hz of difference at all.

Now, we could talk about topics that are actually physical terms like reverb or how the lower notes impact more to your body (especially when you are in a concert so your body vibrates more towards those notes than the higher ones) but honestly, the premise of the 432 Hz as the sound of the universe is more of a marketing move than combining all the toy commercials/brands of Hasbro.

Anon 05/25/2020 (Mon) 22:44:50 [Preview] No.6101 del
I mean, I admit that I have been direct but honestly, when it comes to tricking people into these topic just because of lack of knowledge when these theories have no actual scientific studies/reports from serious universities, I find myself under the obligation to cut this out. If you want good music, I can recommend you something according to your tastes, make a personalized chart for you or even discuss about what you want to listen but...

trust me, hearing people talk about "Music has been taken from us" or "I have been born in the wrong generation of music" are as tiresome if not even more than those MLP fans who claim that from Magical Mystery Cure onwards is not canon for the 4th generation. This is more of a general counter argument to those ideas.

>I'm in UTC-7, or "PDST" time zone -- it's tomorrow now. Where are you?
reporting mine over here. Currently after changing one hour in March, my country is using UTC +2 until the last week October (Summer Time). From there until the last week of March, my country changes it to UTC+1 (Winter Time).

Which means that I am posting right now at midnight.

Anon 05/26/2020 (Tue) 03:57:39 [Preview] No.6104 del
>Schiller institute
That came from Lyndon LaRouche circle!?!

Anon 05/26/2020 (Tue) 05:38:27 [Preview] No.6105 del
>he mad
So, above all else, /night/ is supposed to, I'd assume, be contemplative. Somehow I managed to step on a nerve and get you riled. Let's try to take this down a notch, and reconsider:

I posted a video with a few minutes of tones, originally posted hoping to encourage healing thoughts, IE a mellow, meditative mood. The uploader speaks about 432/440 elsewhere, though not on this video, so I'm actually just assuming it's tuned to the 432 standard.
And for comparison I post ... a 4-year old smacking a drum set.
It's okay to laugh, as you should have gotten the joke by now.

>those who are promoting the 432 Hz frequency are record companies
Seriously? I've never once in my life heard someone try to sell me something when talking about the 432 standard. Rather, they recommend avoiding all commercial music because it's unhealthy for you, and they have generators produce healing tones (uhm, okay...) roughly in the same vein as folks might grow their own vegetables to avoid GMO crops.

>more of a marketing move than all the toy commercials of Hasbro
really? I mean, "Buy our toys REAL HARD" really?

>these theories have no actual scientific studies/reports from serious universities
I've seen some okay math. It's from laymen, but it seems plausible. Fibonacci sequence figures heavily into it.

I stand by what I said -- the 432 standard yielded a set of chords that felt cooperative, harmonious. The 440 stand sounded raucous. Don't get me wrong, there's a place for raucous music. Have you heard of Rock 'n' Roll? The style works well with raucous chords. But if you're wanting something more contemplative, that won't jar your conscious mind, I suspect I'd prefer the 432 stuff.
But since I don't buy music anyway, I'll probably just have to take what I can get.

Anon 05/26/2020 (Tue) 05:51:07 [Preview] No.6106 del
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apologies for the non-pony images. I suppose though, that the topic of dream journals have come up here? Another good topic for /night/, though also terrifying in its right.

When we first saw in the show, Luna could dreamwalk, I was ecstatic. Finally I could share with the herd my dream to truly be known.
I was rebuffed. Many said it was repugnant and horrifying that she was given the capacity to violate so personal a place as to see what's literally in your head at night.
And to a certain extent, I can understand. That is, people who are very good at dream interpretation can suddenly find out what kind of person you are, what secrets you're mulling over, when they read your dream journal. But it seems, even so, only proper that the princess of the night be able to dream-walk.

I've not been able to maintain any form of dream journal since moving to this house last year, because there is no place in the bedroom for a nightstand, nor a small light. My wife might be awoken and more than that, I would have to grab pencil, journal, and slippers and stumble out to ... someplace where I could see, think, remember and write. Dreams don't live that long after you wake up.

Anon 05/26/2020 (Tue) 06:11:55 [Preview] No.6107 del
(203.89 KB 900x547 LonerDash.png)
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I would like to speak though, a bit of the themes of my dreams. But I have no images that even come close.

When I was a child I dreamt often of maneating coral. Swimming pools, in particular, would sometimes become infected and the first a random swimmer would learn of it, was that when he stepped on an oddly colored section of floor, he would find himself stuck. Within seconds a full tropical array of plants would grow THROUGH their leg. A few people had been able to cut off their stuck leg at the knee, and thus survived to warn future swimmers.
Other times your only clue would bu the odd pipes and fans stacked to man-height, until it just poked above the surface of the water. Then you could know, that it would never again be safe to swim in that pool (but some tried it, hoping to swim above the coral proper. After all, this was the pool they had to swim in, and there was no other way).

Themes in my modern life feature two things, prominently, though often not in the same dream. One is the path. It starts out like a multilane highway, but the higher it climbs the more it peters out, until I wake stuck on a deer trail cutting through a cliff in the Andes, only fog below, only loose rocks to guide me, no sounds of human activity. Sometimes there'll be a hut, or a house I know. It's off the path, and the people that live there now, don't notice me. So that doesn't help.

The other is water. Yesterday I dreamt that I had been hired as part of a team to [...] (obviously not part of the script; not specified anywhere) but the city in question was thirty feet under water. The water had been rerouted, so there was also a dry underground cave-city that had been active in the '30s, and occasionally the dream would jump to the above-ground city that was built as a continuous harbor / float. If you slipped from the over city, you could get mired in clay and drown. But in the under-city, we had some means of breathing in the underwater city, though I remember pretty much nothing about that aside from watching a chair-elevator lower a griffon companion to what looked like a watery grave but we all expected him to be back after his shift. Sulu (from star trek? Sometimes this team member was played by a particular uncle, who is no variation of asian at all), being a motorcycle racing fanatic (actually a retired racer, which is why he was hired to ... rebuild an underwater city? The questions my awake-mind asks are never answered by the script writer) anyway, Sulu was excited to see I'd decorated the wall above the ramp to the wooden chair/elevator with racing leathers I'd managed to save when the above ground store that was selling them, fell into the water.

There, /night/ -- tell me *that* is off topic here. (also, do you have a picture to go with *ANY* of that?)

Anon 05/26/2020 (Tue) 23:02:33 [Preview] No.6112 del
>apologies for the non-pony images.
don´t worry m8
>/night/ -- tell me *that* is off topic here. (also, do you have a picture to go with *ANY* of that?)
m8, wait. Don´t worry about that at all. It´s not about the off topic practice, seriously there wasn´t a single problem by going off topic here and detouring the thread. However, I have decided to continue it in the /chat/ thread because you have also posted a more insightful tone with these two posts. It´s perfectly possible to continue that off topic here but as you decided to change the topic, I thought that it would clash and would not fit the tone of what you are presenting us here.

So before building up any more misunderstandings, it was more the response that I delivered towards the topic itself rather than the move of going off topic. Trust me, in that regard, I didn´t have any problems at all. So, don´t believe for a single moment that the blame was about you doing that. Don´t blame yourself.

With that clarification said about what happened yesterday, I will try to reply to your posts with the insightful side that you are looking for.

Anon 05/27/2020 (Wed) 00:25:12 [Preview] No.6113 del
well, here we go.

>When we first saw in the show, Luna could dreamwalk, I was ecstatic. Finally I could share with the herd my dream to truly be known. I was rebuffed. Many said it was repugnant and horrifying that she was given the capacity to violate so personal a place as to see what's literally in your head at night.
well, not only it has happened in that debut but also we have seen her doing that several times in the episode Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep....so, whether they find it repugnant or not, it´s canon.

>people who are very good at dream interpretation can suddenly find out what kind of person you are, what secrets you're mulling over, when they read your dream journal.
well, in this day and age where social media rule the internet and people share everything that you can imagine, I wonder if a part of those victims,by entering into their privacy, will care all that much in the first place. Nonetheless, it´s understandable why people are hiding certain things from the inside that should stay only in their own minds.

>I've not been able to maintain any form of dream journal since moving to this house last year, because there is no place in the bedroom for a nightstand, nor a small light. My wife might be awoken and more than that, I would have to grab pencil, journal, and slippers and stumble out to ... someplace where I could see, think, remember and write. Dreams don't live that long after you wake up.
so that explains why there is a sense of defeat from your part because transitioning from the dreams to the writing takes time and unavoidable noises are involved through the process. Indeed, your mind cannot keep the dream alive for too alive in order to imagine it completely at face value.

Nonetheless, I find quite weird (and unfortunate) that your bedroom doesn´t allow you to have much space in order to place a nightstand nor any small lamp. How many square meters does your flat (or your bedroom) have?

Anon 05/27/2020 (Wed) 00:50:55 [Preview] No.6114 del
>When I was a child I dreamt often of maneating coral. Swimming pools, in particular, would sometimes become infected and the first a random swimmer would learn of it, was that when he stepped on an oddly colored section of floor, he would find himself stuck. Within seconds a full tropical array of plants would grow THROUGH their leg. A few people had been able to cut off their stuck leg at the knee, and thus survived to warn future swimmers.
>it just poked above the surface of the water.
>it would never again be safe to swim in that pool (but some tried it, hoping to swim above the coral proper. After all, this was the pool they had to swim in, and there was no other way).

oh my goodness. It sounds like a horror script and it´s giving me vibes of that film called Creepshow 2 (around the 9th minute) produced during the 80s:

https://youtube.com/watch?v=7WLLBRmDeck [Embed]

Just that it happens in a lake instead.

>Themes in my modern life feature two things
>One is the path. It starts out like a multilane highway, but the higher it climbs the more it peters out, until I wake stuck on a deer trail cutting through a cliff in the Andes, only fog below, only loose rocks to guide me, no sounds of human activity. Sometimes there'll be a hut, or a house I know. It's off the path, and the people that live there now, don't notice me. So that doesn't help.
for some reason, after thinking about it for a while, it hides within its settings something metaphorical. The interpretations can vary a lot when it comes to judging these sentences from yours with a proper but:

Could it be related to age? I mean, when you are a child, you have illusions and lots of friends that accompany you through that ride but the more that you grow up, the less clear the path is for you (and less contacts that will support you for this journey). The trail could mean that it is a path to follow only for yourself that you find convenient. Those random people who live in those houses that don´t notice you won´t care about what you do. The fog could indicate your solitude and the guiding rocks could mean your daily short term actions.

Perhaps I am deviating too much from what you are trying to transmit here though.

Anon 05/27/2020 (Wed) 01:15:24 [Preview] No.6115 del
>The other is water.
before I dig deeper into this one, I am familiar with this element and I have lost my count at how many times I have been thinking/dreaming about this one.

>the city in question was thirty feet under water.
>The water had been rerouted, so there was also a dry underground cave-city that had been active in the '30s, and occasionally the dream would jump to the above-ground city that was built as a continuous harbor / float.
>If you slipped from the over city, you could get mired in clay and drown. But in the under-city, we had some means of breathing in the underwater city, though I remember pretty much nothing about that
so the dream has its leaps when it comes to the location. I cannot say much about this one because it lacks of enough information in order to interpret something subtle or any concealed message within its settings. I do have a question though, how does one drown in the over city if the under-city does have the mediums to avoid that? Wouldn´t both cities be agree on avoiding this problem for both sides? Or are both disconnected enough between each other?

>Sulu being a motorcycle racing fanatic (actually a retired racer, which is why he was hired to ... rebuild an underwater city?)
>anyway, Sulu was excited to see I'd decorated the wall above the ramp to the wooden chair/elevator with racing leathers I'd managed to save when the above ground store that was selling them, fell into the water.
I am asking the same question as well, what intentions does he hold for that place? What appealed to him in order to go there and rebuild it?

Honestly,for this one, I find it more complicated than the first case. Still, you have asked yourself if it makes any sense while you were typing this text so at least, you have reflected accidentally the differences between sticking literally to the dream and thinking rationally about it in a "post-mortem" manner (in the sense of said dream) .

Anon 05/27/2020 (Wed) 01:40:19 [Preview] No.6116 del
>your bedroom doesn´t allow you

We don't have one, but that's for a few reasons -- the nightstands we have are deployed elsewhere, and since we have an amazingly comfortable queen-size bed, the 9½x14 foot room (twelve and a third square meters, says google) and a 240v wall-mount heater to dodge, and three dressers (two seated _inside_ the closet, thus outside that 9x14 space) we only have room for one nightstand. It would go on my side, but I've pieced together that if I do acquire one, we'll be switching sides so she can have a nightstand first.

>oh my goodness.

When I write it out, and look it over, it's a little creepy. And it was certainly disturbing at the time, but I have looked enough into dream interpretation to know, I think, what it meant.
In dreams, water almost always means 'emotion' -- there's a few other things it could mean, but with me that's the symbol for "skeletons in the closet I try to forget about"
And my mom was dying for as long as I knew her, and I have the same disease although guys don't die young from it, for lack of estrogen. I believe now, that my inexperienced mind was wrestling with mortality, even though no one had said she would die any time soon, I could also see the writing on the wall, as it were.
And sometimes you have to swim anyway, because that's what you do.

Anon 05/27/2020 (Wed) 02:05:27 [Preview] No.6117 del
(42.34 KB 320x483 Psypnet_1.jpg)
>Could it be related to age?
Pretty sure it's a mid-life crisis dream. At the start of this journey it all seemed so clear -- "success is up there"
Now that I should be nearly there, I have no idea where I am or where to go from here.

> have lost my count at how many times I have been dreaming about this

Have you looked up any dream dictionaries? They're fun, sometimes useful, sometimes frustrating, and often a new-age barrel of crap.
The reason "dream dictionaries" work, is that the human experience transcends cultures and times. Except where it doesn't.
The trick I've latched onto in interpreting dreams, is that everything there, is you. When your uncle shows up in the dream, it's not your uncle, it's how you feel about your uncle that shows up in the dream.
Usually I've found that if you read several common reasons for a symbol, such as water, to be used in a dream, that it will "feel right" and you'll be able to piece together what the whole of it was.
And in my case, they're usually elaborate questions, like the mice building Earth in Hitchhiker's Guide
Other times it's a frustrating mess because you know this aspect means something, but you can't find what.

Since you live in Europe, you may not relate to this at all, but it occurred to me after I wrote down the themes and the one recent example. In the cave-city, all the streets were in shops and the like, and they were stuff to overflowing with ... random things.

The feeling I had in the dream was very memorable, and one I've felt before. But I don't know if you'll understand if you've never moved into a stick-built standalone house that someone else just moved out of.
Did you ever move in, and find their junk drawer still full? The first of two houses I lived in during my childhood, we were renting a house on the water, and there was a barn that had been used as a shop, a garage, and a storage area. It was still full of many, many metal items. Both small parts, and complete ... things.
Being 6, I didn't know what I was looking at, and I understood I wasn't supposed to mess with them, but the sheer wonder at their intricacy that spoke to some alien design and applicability to a purpose.
To say I was mesmerized would be a great exageration, but I was certainly filled with wonder. And I have felt it every time I moved -- looking for that, which was left behind, and trying to piece together the stories they tell.

Why does my subconscious include that feeling in a story about accepting a job from a muckety-muck who wants to have another factory running for his profit?

>thinking rationally about it in a "post-mortem" manner

Yeah, never do that. It's fun, it can lead to a decent 'fic, but dreams are their own thing.

>I find it more complicated
My wife always stutters, amazed, at the level of detail my dreams piece together to tell the story. At least, the few times I wrote it all down. But to be sure, some are simpler.
One dream, maybe 12 years ago? I was snuggling with my girlfriend, who was a rabbit, but had done up her appearance (more grooming/makeup than any kind of shape-shifting) to look like a wolf. Rabbits aren't too common in my dreams, but the one dream I remember "getting lucky" was with the cheerleading werewolves (I was home-schooled, and that dream was before I would otherwise have been in highschool. Just teenage lust, and I guess I was a furry all the way down, so ... werewolves).

Anon 05/27/2020 (Wed) 02:11:47 [Preview] No.6118 del
(100.06 KB 1200x649 Radiarc.jpg)
hay! have some appropriate music to listen to while you read my diatribe


Anon 05/28/2020 (Thu) 22:13:11 [Preview] No.6123 del
>It would go on my side, but I've pieced together that if I do acquire one, we'll be switching sides so she can have a nightstand first.
definitely the size is not that small but considering that it is really cluttered, it makes sense.

>if I do acquire one, we'll be switching sides so she can have a nightstand first.
well, at least you could spend take advantage of that whenever you install it, less time between for that transition.

>water almost always means 'emotion' -- there's a few other things it could mean, but with me that's the symbol for "skeletons in the closet I try to forget about"
one wouldn´t imply at first that there is a metaphorical reason that is explained with your personal background so at first, mostly everyone would stick to the literal version.

>And my mom was dying for as long as I knew her, and I have the same disease although guys don't die young from it, for lack of estrogen.
what da...? So you have an hereditary disease? Which one do you have? Neurodegenerative? Digestive? A blood disease? Personally, the closest one that I could have got is the Hepatitis B Virus from my mother but fortunately, neither my brothers nor me got it. So we are fortunate in that sense.

>my inexperienced mind was wrestling with mortality, even though no one had said she would die any time soon, I could also see the writing on the wall, as it were.
at what age did she die by the way?

And obviously, you had these thoughts because hey, you were a kid and hard events can turn into traumas or psychological problems for people who are so innocent and inexperienced in this world. The impact could have been much lower if this had happened a few years later on.

>And sometimes you have to swim anyway, because that's what you do.
indeed. There is a point where no matter how much you think about it, you realize that you don´t have any other way but moving on. That occurs automatically.

Anon 05/28/2020 (Thu) 22:53:41 [Preview] No.6124 del
>Pretty sure it's a mid-life crisis dream. At the start of this journey it all seemed so clear -- "success is up there"
considering your explanation about your personal life, reading this doesn´t surprise me all that much. There was enough material to dig deep and codify the message beneath the words exposed.

>Now that I should be nearly there, I have no idea where I am or where to go from here.
Now, the midlife crisis, good luck. Although Bridgefag has gone through that phase so perhaps he has something to say about this period.

>Have you looked up any dream dictionaries?
no, I haven´t.

>The reason "dream dictionaries" work, is that the human experience transcends cultures and times.

>The trick I've latched onto in interpreting dreams, is that everything there, is you.
that´s...not a outlandish strategy to take. I mean, all comes from your own mind and your brain could display a few connections that don´t make sense rationally but they do, not to mention that the brain doesn´t stop working while you are sleeping (it simply stays less active)

>Other times it's a frustrating mess because you know this aspect means something, but you can't find what.
>Yeah, never do that. It's fun, it can lead to a decent 'fic, but dreams are their own thing.
and this right here justifies why the inability to interpret a dream doesn´t pay off exactly like you would like to imagine. Because of that, I wouldn´t rely on them too much except for a few moments/scenes that would set up a plot device of that story. However, either you use the rationalism (by perverting several elements) or the results can become an utter mess. You have actually shown this problem in public.

>Could it be related to age?
Pretty sure it's a mid-life crisis dream. At the start of this journey it all seemed so clear -- "success is up there"
Now that I should be nearly there, I have no idea where I am or where to go from here.

Anon 05/28/2020 (Thu) 22:54:08 [Preview] No.6125 del
> have lost my count at how many times I have been dreaming about this

Have you looked up any dream dictionaries? They're fun, sometimes useful, sometimes frustrating, and often a new-age barrel of crap.
The reason "dream dictionaries" work, is that the human experience transcends cultures and times. Except where it doesn't.
The trick I've latched onto in interpreting dreams, is that everything there, is you. When your uncle shows up in the dream, it's not your uncle, it's how you feel about your uncle that shows up in the dream.
Usually I've found that if you read several common reasons for a symbol, such as water, to be used in a dream, that it will "feel right" and you'll be able to piece together what the whole of it was.
And in my case, they're usually elaborate questions, like the mice building Earth in Hitchhiker's Guide
Other times it's a frustrating mess because you know this aspect means something, but you can't find what.

>Since you live in Europe, you may not relate to this at all, but it occurred to me after I wrote down the themes and the one recent example. In the cave-city, all the streets were in shops and the like, and they were stuff to overflowing with ... random things.
are you referring to enclosed streets that work like a shopping center or a huge market but full of little stands?. I live in Europe and I believe that Madrid has one of those, so I perfectly know what you mean with this.

>The feeling I had in the dream was very memorable, and one I've felt before. But I don't know if you'll understand if you've never moved into a stick-built standalone house that someone else just moved out of.
I haven´t moved out so far and the stick built houses are not all that common here. My smalltown does have a few ones though (we call it the American houses) but the rest are either housing blocks, brick or modular houses.

>Did you ever move in, and find their junk drawer still full? The first of two houses I lived in during my childhood, we were renting a house on the water, and there was a barn that had been used as a shop, a garage, and a storage area. It was still full of many, many metal items. Both small parts, and complete ... things.
despite not moving into this kind of houses, things are starting to make sense.

>I understood I wasn't supposed to mess with them, but the sheer wonder at their intricacy that spoke to some alien design and applicability to a purpose.
any child would be curious and mess around with them in a mindless manner during the first day. However...

>To say I was mesmerized would be a great exageration, but I was certainly filled with wonder. And I have felt it every time I moved -- looking for that, which was left behind, and trying to piece together the stories they tell.
not many kids would spend their time at figuring out the secrets behind them later on. I don´t remember many things from my childhood very well (especially the period of the 5 five years of my existence) but considering that you are attempting to find those answers to this day, maybe you are saying doesn´t sound all that exaggerated because many other kids would have forgotten about it the following day.

>Why does my subconscious include that feeling in a story about accepting a job from a muckety-muck who wants to have another factory running for his profit?
because of the brain connections with what you were mesmerized. If that feeling of wonder becomes recurrent and stuck inside your head, there is a great chance that you mind will connect that into something completely unrelated within your dreams. One can perfectly dream about MLP and then, arise out of nowhere a divorce that one witnessed about its cousins a few years ago and mix them as if those things were naturally related.

Anon 05/28/2020 (Thu) 23:10:34 [Preview] No.6126 del
oops, ignore the repetition of your post without the green in the first paragraph.

>My wife always stutters, amazed, at the level of detail my dreams piece together to tell the story. At least, the few times I wrote it all down. But to be sure, some are simpler.
honestly, I would react like that as well. Even if I tried and managed to do that, maybe a couple of dreams of mine would be memorable and would get stuck in my head for reaching that level of detail. Nonetheless, I haven´t seen any cases (in my short experience in this universe) of people who get so obsessed yet so focused on this topic.

> I was snuggling with my girlfriend, who was a rabbit, but had done up her appearance (more grooming/makeup than any kind of shape-shifting) to look like a wolf. Rabbits aren't too common in my dreams, but the one dream I remember "getting lucky" was with the cheerleading werewolves (I was home-schooled, and that dream was before I would otherwise have been in highschool. Just teenage lust, and I guess I was a furry all the way down, so ... werewolves).
cheerleading...yeah, definitely an american thing to portray with those animals. It´s not all that different from your average Anon in Equestria stories or a furry wet dream though.

for those who want to know about the Derpibooru link and upvote the image:


There it is.

Wow, this is environmentally dramatic (especially while reading about your mother´s death) and it came out last year by the way. Definitely fitting for the thread and/or a rainy scene in any movie for portraying a feeling of despair (for a neo noir film, it would work as well) .

Anon 06/07/2020 (Sun) 06:15:04 [Preview] No.6173 del
The night is dead; long live the night.

>what da...? So you have an hereditary disease?

AIP, which is the hepatic form of porphyria. Oldest female patient was 42, my mom made it to 38, and I was 15 at the time. Guys tend to make it past their 70's all else being equal, as I understand it.
Didn't want to leave that question just hanging.

Anon 06/08/2020 (Mon) 07:14:02 [Preview] No.6176 del
(2.50 MB 3000x1200 2364349.png)
Awful. To lose someone, especially with how you described your life, must have been devastating. To have that hanging over you won't be good at all either, even if it's still a ways off.

Though the night doesn't have to die so soon...
Long Live The Night!

Anon 06/09/2020 (Tue) 23:30:23 [Preview] No.6184 del
>My wife always stutters, amazed, at the level of detail my dreams piece together to tell the story. At least, the few times I wrote it all down. But to be sure, some are simpler.
How hard is it to tell you dreams to outsiders? For me I sometimes have very detailed dreams but the exact details never make it in a way I can describe. I heard a family member once tell me that it requires you to have someone really close to you to be able to be truly transmit the full meaning but I've always thought it required more sharper terminology. Like, say, your wife, is there certain things that she only does understand, even if it is still less to you do to mere fact of being close or is it something that you have sharpened down. I've always wanted to explore my dreams but I never really gotten the time to think about it. Sorry for the ramble, but I am really curious.

Anon 06/10/2020 (Wed) 02:57:06 [Preview] No.6191 del
Had a reply typed up and it disappeared.
No it's not a miscommunication, although dreams are indeed prone to that. No, it's just that she has so little idea of what happens in her dreams, the fact I can write down two, three pages worth of notes "that go on, and on" is something she can't relate to, and she can't follow all the twists and turns because of course, they don't make sense in the waking world.

To me, the shorter entries make less sense. Here's an example:
Zombies, on a train. My character showed serious inconsistencies in his perception/story. Old mechanic-friend was there (dead when I dreamed this, IIRC) but he was more dangerous than useful.
Bar scene was "gritty" -- also, blue. Looked like something out of "wolf's rain" (note: only seen clips, no whole episodes)
That scene only once, but the train sequence reran three times, each one sliding a bit further towards a story of an insane person slaughtering a trainful of healthy people.
It was never clear what actually happened.

Anon 06/10/2020 (Wed) 03:23:30 [Preview] No.6192 del
Another, older train dream. Roughly 6mo after getting married, now more than 11yr ago:
It started in our home town, but spouse & I needed to get to Anchorage; there may have been further explanation in dream.
My impression is that only she 'needed' to go but I was fine about going with her. We went by train. She expressed concern about her fears but said she would trust the engineers.
I slept between here and Seattle but I saw why the trains worried her after that. In an effort to be more direct (note added: actually it was about being more "train like") the tracks made many curlicues, and tight turns, high above Puget Sound. Missing a lot of the ride but I rememberthe frequent gates where the protective fences would switch from one side of tracks, to the other.
To prevent ppl/animals from getting through there was an _extra_ segment of fence between the tracks. It didn't look like we could fit, especially at such high speed but we always made it.
But I felt the posts ruffle my sleeves on several occasions (note: this was inside a cabin. Also, there never was any other passengers on this train) We believed we needed to change trains at the 1st stop in AK
It was a small town but the terminal was insanity itself, crammed with bustling people all being helped by _very_ few clerks. When we finally boarded the train we thought we were supposed to be on I was able to see the rolling hills dotted with small, pre-fab houses.
There was a Norwegian couple on this train, & while I was gawking he explained the nowhere-town was named Kellion (note: Kerryn? Not sure now) I moved from the open seats to ride the rounded nose of the engine. The gates looked as implausible as ever [curr note: meaning, solid fence covering whole track. But it was understood by physics here, the train had 'permission' to pass through solid matter, but it still put up a lot of friction] but whether due to slower speed or my more forward position I barely felt their passage.
We saw a small band of horses off to one side, and a lot of lush vegetation All around but there was soon a horse in the way - a large, obese horse who didn't want to budge from the tracks. As the train slowly pushed it aside, the horse started shoving me against me with its rump. After it finally gave up and moved, we agreed it had been rude -- the shoving had been uncalled for.
I think we got to the end of the tracks and came back, for she & I found ourselves trying to find our way through the same terminal, having no better luck despite the lack of crowds. Presuming we took the wrong train we sought out a clerk but they were closed for the night. Spouse was going to walk home out of frustration but I pointed out that in rustic Alaska there would be a bed next to the desk.
Finding it, we tried to sleep but were repeatedly awakened by the snoring of the clerk nearby.
This is about the end of that dream but it was followed by the next, in the same town. I tried to find myway but this was a short train ride and I worried the whole time about the disused tracks.
The train never faltered, but it never went anywhere useful either. And back in town I was hassled by a few teenagers and eventually had to shoot one of them with a gun I took from another one to try and get my wallet back.
I woke up before I got my wallet, but teh street tought didn't seem to care about the (not-bleeding) small hole in his shoulder.

Anon 06/10/2020 (Wed) 03:30:32 [Preview] No.6193 del
And again, short ones are nonsense:

Food Network video game on friend's PS/3: video, swiss alps covered in ice, musicians doing 'duet-off';
Opera singer had a wind-up house to demonstrate the beauty of a frozen summer.
One of the other game players had an explanation about it. Humility? Accepting things the way they are, thus able to see the beauty.
Somehow this all tied back into ice cream, which was the chapter of video game we were on.

Anon 06/10/2020 (Wed) 03:32:30 [Preview] No.6194 del

That was cathartic, but it also intensified my desire to have writing utensil near my dream log.
I only have a few minutes, at best, before the real world crowds out the ephemeral.

Anon 06/11/2020 (Thu) 05:59:59 [Preview] No.6196 del
(2.56 MB 2773x2081 2367250.jpg)
I can write two to three pages sometimes but not often. My brother I actually started a few years ago typing his on his phone and now he has hundreds with sometimes very intricate detail, though often complete nonsense even when long. You almost remind me of him. Especially the way you bring up random ones from years ago. However with the way you mention your character is something that is only vaguely familiar to me. Like I've had sometimes where my perspective hasn't been myself but not often, or in your case, near constant.

>That was cathartic
How so? If ya don't mind me asking.

>I only have a few minutes, at best, before the real world crowds out the ephemeral.
What I do is write down a bunch of reminders that, ideally, will allow me to recall enough later to write at a more relaxed pace. This doesn't always work. My brother types them on his smartphone, something that has allowed him to record many in the middle of the night but always felt off to an more analog person such as myself.

Anon 06/11/2020 (Thu) 22:01:12 [Preview] No.6203 del
>the fact I can write down two, three pages worth of notes "that go on, and on" is something she can't relate to, and she can't follow all the twists and turns because of course, they don't make sense in the waking world.
I am raising my hand as well. As you have said before, trying to find some rational logic behind the events themselves wouldn´t work for an entire plot because there would be holes that our brains would detect and find nonsensical. Besides...

>That scene only once, but the train sequence reran three times, each one sliding a bit further towards a story of an insane person slaughtering a trainful of healthy people.
you don´t control them all that much to begin with. As soon as those same elements appear again, at anytime they could deviate from what you were expecting.

>Food Network video game on friend's PS/3: video, swiss alps covered in ice, musicians doing 'duet-off';
>had a wind-up house to demonstrate the beauty of a frozen summer.
>One of the other game players had an explanation about it. Humility? Accepting things the way they are, thus able to see the beauty.
> all tied back into ice cream, which was the chapter of video game we were on.
Nonetheless, this one does have a concept that could pan out metaphorically and message-wise. The logical flaw is that the Swiss Alps aren´t the most fitting ones for that setting of a frozen summer (despite acknowledging that the height of those mountains is quite high, The Andes would fit for that period though)

Otherwise...you could perfectly play out with those concepts and mix them up for a deep subtle story.

Anon 06/11/2020 (Thu) 22:17:44 [Preview] No.6204 del
(385.41 KB 1024x576 2370271.jpg)
>random ones from years ago

That's actually how long it's been since I was wrote down in a dream log. I hadn't thought it was, but there you have it.

on catharsis, it's that I opened, read, considered my old dream log entries, and resolved to find a way to write them again.

>few years ago typing his on his phone and now [...]
>always felt off to an more analog person such as myself.

I do appreciate the _sensation_ of pencil lead against paper. But writing more than a sentence or two makes my hand cramp, and writing a whole paragraph or three might take an hour.
Last night I took my Kindle Fire (it doesn't get used for anything else -- too awkward a shape, to limited by its software) and was able to take notes on this morning's dream.
Writing it down alone, makes it stick in my mind longer. The sale-price cup that was just a paper label, and how my dog kept collapsing it by jumping up to drink the kool-aid is still clear, hours later. I should have already thought of it.
But not a "smart phone", no. I won't try using that small screen without a real keyboard, and while it could probably be done, I imagine the clickity-clickity of my mechanical keyboard (I have made several) would again, wake the spouse. But the tablet is a suitable compromise.

> trying to find some rational logic behind the events themselves wouldn´t work for an entire plot

While I have written several scenes, and at least the one novel, based exclusively on a dream sequence, I don't write them down for novel-writing purposes. Just for the moment of contemplation, and comparison with other dreams near it.

I still think the roboticizing tale could work I would just need to be more awake, focused, on actually writing when I write my fan-fics.
Which I thought I was, and I did reach fifty thousand words. So maybe it was only a so-so premise, and that was its problem
(no, I just wasn't fully inspired to finesse it fully)

Anon 06/11/2020 (Thu) 22:41:06 [Preview] No.6205 del
these songs are giving me Autechre vibes (in an eerie way), especially the Fluttershy´s high-pitched voice and the beats of the second song.

>My impression is that only she 'needed' to go but I was fine about going with her.
plot devices in dreams normally don´t make sense. You cann´t tell what´s going on but it keeps going.

>We went by train. She expressed concern about her fears but said she would trust the engineers.
>I slept between here and Seattle but I saw why the trains worried her after that. In an effort to be more direct (note added: actually it was about being more "train like") the tracks made many curlicues, and tight turns, high above Puget Sound. Missing a lot of the ride but I remember the frequent gates where the protective fences would switch from one side of tracks, to the other.To prevent ppl/animals from getting through there was an _extra_ segment of fence between the tracks.
a quite detailed description for those who try to expose their dreams.

>Also, there never was any other passengers on this train) We believed we needed to change trains at the 1st stop in AK
a little unsettling feeling because of this detail right here.

>The gates looked as implausible as ever [curr note: meaning, solid fence covering whole track. But it was understood by physics here, the train had 'permission' to pass through solid matter, but it still put up a lot of friction] but whether due to slower speed or my more forward position I barely felt their passage.
and here it reveals that this moment is when it turns into a plausible story instead of a fully realistic one.

>a large, obese horse who didn't want to budge from the tracks. As the train slowly pushed it aside, the horse started shoving me against me with its rump. After it finally gave up and moved, we agreed it had been rude -- the shoving had been uncalled for.
The Last Problem in MLP features more or less this scene intended for comedy. How much did it last before he moved out?

>Spouse was going to walk home out of frustration but I pointed out that in rustic Alaska there would be a bed next to the desk. Finding it, we tried to sleep but were repeatedly awakened by the snoring of the clerk nearby.
one wonders (beyond her understandable frustration) what she was looking for in the first place. Finding an explanation behind her motifs would really boost this drama.

>And back in town I was hassled by a few teenagers and eventually had to shoot one of them with a gun I took from another one to try and get my wallet back.
>the street tought didn't seem to care about the (not-bleeding) small hole in his shoulder.
out of this entire sequence, sadly I am not picturing the meaning behind this ending as much as I would like to perceive here.

Anon 06/11/2020 (Thu) 23:08:20 [Preview] No.6206 del
>But not a "smart phone", no. I won't try using that small screen without a real keyboard,
ironically, I have done that though in this same board several times. Though I have to agree with the real keyboard, it cannot compete against the control that you have by typing with a physical one. I have had a Samsung table for years (well technically, it´s my mother´s one) and it´s funny because I don´t find it all that warm in comparison to my mobile phone (though this comes off due to the privacy towards those devices)

>While I have written several scenes, and at least the one novel, based exclusively on a dream sequence, I don't write them down for novel-writing purposes.
well, that alone has its merits. Who wouldn´t like to picture an entire story just because of one single dream sequence? Personally, I can´t do that.

>Just for the moment of contemplation, and comparison with other dreams near it.
that mental exercise does help a lot at looking at yourself. Nonetheless, while it´s really helpful to focus on them for yourself, sharing and reporting them to other people also helps you to release some mental charge.

>I still think the roboticizing tale could work I would just need to be more awake, focused, on actually writing when I write my fan-fics.Which I thought I was, and I did reach fifty thousand words. So maybe it was only a so-so premise, and that was its problem (no, I just wasn't fully inspired to finesse it fully)
am I not noticing a pattern here when it comes to presenting your stories? I am saying this because while you are aware that you are not setting the bar for following rationalism, at times they are truly close to reach that point but it always seems that you tend to focus a lot on those moments that have a punch within your dreams but never being able to reach a fully fledged state. That and the writer´s block issue again.

Perhaps I am repeating myself like a robot but your dreams are a fountain of ideas and I wouldn´t frustrate myself all that much at taking them at face value and by simply compiling them and writing them down as much as you are capable to reach within your thoughts, then exploit them to your convenience. Adulterating them is tricking yourself but as you have said before...

>Yeah, never do that. It's fun, it can lead to a decent 'fic, but dreams are their own thing.
either you use them simply for a contemplative view or you use them for a story, they don´t come as real or as a consistent thing to judge properly. Just random observations that need more context (which surprisingly enough follow a mostly cohesive path within its sequences like >>6192 does)

>What I do is write down a bunch of reminders that, ideally, will allow me to recall enough later to write at a more relaxed pace.
a very good arranged strategy to follow actually.

Anon 06/11/2020 (Thu) 23:45:19 [Preview] No.6210 del
>AIP, which is the hepatic form of porphyria. Oldest female patient was 42, my mom made it to 38, and I was 15 at the time.
a metabolic disease...dammit. It all mostly relies on your treatment. It´s a huge drawback and losing your mother during your teens period...it´s no wonder that you would present psychological disruptions. Combine that with the fact that this disease could also imply anxiety, mental confusions, irritation...)...it makes sense that you struggle at finding everything in its right place.

A real pity.

>Guys tend to make it past their 70's all else being equal, as I understand it.
it would turn out to be a quite meaningful achievement to reach that age. A bit lower than the average but you could perfectly disguise it (hopefully) but who knows if you are asymptomatic or how much time you can avoid those neurotic attacks.

>Didn't want to leave that question just hanging.
thanks for the answer but...how do I reply to that?

I suppose that the best answer that I can offer to you is by using another form to express that so...take it or leave it but...

https://youtube.com/watch?v=_uqJSdXJi84 [Embed]

considering that you have been looking for relaxing/contemplative music that you are seeking even for your dreams/stories, this is what I can share out of my catalog (from an electronic artist by the way). It´s the best answer that I can come up with tonight. Words simply fall really short for replying answers of this kind...

Have a calm night and take care...

Anon 06/11/2020 (Thu) 23:49:17 [Preview] No.6212 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=EJCbSW-_IE8 [Embed]


it linked the wrong one

Anon 06/12/2020 (Fri) 17:13:10 [Preview] No.6213 del
>out of this entire sequence, sadly I am not picturing the meaning
>behind this ending as much as I would like to perceive here.

I had it in my head overnight that you could combine the context with
>That scene only once, but the train sequence reran three times, each one sliding a bit further

Making the whole tale one of an unreliable narrator -- there was probably no gun, just as there were no zombies and at this point we need to question if there even was a teenager.

*BUUUUT* it would seem those were from _completely different days_ So instead I posit that this is an example of another "theme" in my dreams -- that I can't affect anyone else.
As an example I recall the dream where the woodland creatures came to me, because I wielded powerful magic (evocation, in DnD terms; not all that unlike what we see unicorn battles as in the show, excluding Trixies polite duel w/Twi)
Only when the thugs came to me, they mostly didn't feel my magic. I could topple small trees but they never fell on any thugs, and that same power against the oppressors just sorta tickled; I couldn't actually push them back.

The scene quoted was right as I woke up, so part of it is the 'labels' that aren't visible, such as the extended dream having 'permission' to travel through solid matter, get lost in consciousness.
My dreams are big on labels. Partly because there's no sounds. No visible subtitles either but that's how dialogue happens. Since "everything is me" The agreement between the scriptwriter and the actors is to relay speech by understanding, rather than actually speaking.

Which leads to an interesting discussion that maybe could go into /chat/ -- is there sound in your dreams?

Anon 06/14/2020 (Sun) 22:06:48 [Preview] No.6221 del
>Making the whole tale one of an unreliable narrator -- there was probably no gun, just as there were no zombies and at this point we need to question if there even was a teenager.
>this is an example of another "theme" in my dreams -- that I can't affect anyone else.
so, could all these elements be considered as illusions for the protagonist within the dream? As if dreams weren´t confusing enough...

>*BUUUUT* it would seem those were from _completely different days_
there would be more room for explaining that context (if this was told as a story and not just an exposition of your meditative exercise)

> I recall the dream where the woodland creatures came to me, because I wielded powerful magic
>Only when the thugs came to me, they mostly didn't feel my magic. I could topple small trees but they never fell on any thugs, and that same power against the oppressors just sorta tickled; I couldn't actually push them back.

>The scene quoted was right as I woke up, so part of it is the 'labels' that aren't visible, such as the extended dream having 'permission' to travel through solid matter, get lost in consciousness.
I see.

>Since "everything is me" The agreement between the scriptwriter and the actors is to relay speech by understanding, rather than actually speaking.
that´s certain because in the end, you are the one who decides in the end (just not consciously despite reflecting these sequences with more precision than other people would manage to describe with words)

Anon 06/28/2020 (Sun) 00:40:54 [Preview] No.6290 del
>Everyone stop and look at yourselves. You are lost in thought and blind to the world before you. You have only proven my point.
>Do you not see the state you are in? Do you not see what I have done? What you call vigorous debate I call one thing.
>Can't you see it? All of you are in an inherent state of chaos and you are all trying to put a broken bandaid of a philosophical and moral system upon it but can't have a unified front because it is being pulled in a thousand different directions.
> I reached out and talked to you and you all fell apart over the first hard question.

>Be gone from me fools. Maybe one day you will speak in a unified voice, or maybe you will finally learn that CHAOS reigns supreme upon all!
>Maybe you will one day awaken and see that truth, until than leave me to my own devices.

definitely the stars aren´t going to help in this case.

Bridgefag, I am seriously wondering (again) if you had worked as a seer before you wrote this fanfic...

Anon 07/06/2020 (Mon) 06:24:55 [Preview] No.6304 del
I have just seen four or so moons of jupiter, and I assume the oblong shape of saturn was by its rings.
And I've seen mountain ranges to the far side of the moon.
It is a clear sky in a place that can go months without a single star. And my binoculars were up to the task tonight.
This has been a good night.

With that, good night.

Anon 07/06/2020 (Mon) 06:26:10 [Preview] No.6305 del
no image? Try again?

Anon 07/06/2020 (Mon) 07:40:44 [Preview] No.6308 del
(825.06 KB 769x1401 DuskLoop.webm)
found the .webm so I'm going to try again.

Anon 07/07/2020 (Tue) 07:21:25 [Preview] No.6316 del
(125.27 KB 769x1401 amazingwebm.jpg)
>I have just seen four or so moons of jupiter, and I assume the oblong shape of saturn was by its rings.
And I've seen mountain ranges to the far side of the moon.
My father once had a high powered telescope. Rarely used but it was amazing from what my childhood mind can remember. Been a long while since I've looked at the night sky with anything but my eyes. Sounds nice. Is astronomy an interest of yours or just something you do because of so few clear skies when you get the chance?

>good night.
And with that I too say... good night.

Anon 07/24/2020 (Fri) 05:59:30 [Preview] No.6354 del
(428.69 KB 1805x1700 1890944.jpeg)
So I saw Neowise. Admittedly it wasn't the best view due to the sky glow of the city even in the dark country road that I was on. My father did manage to get it on some somewhat old digital camera after messing with the settings. I could barely see it with my naked eye, just a dim point of light with a cloud like fuzz that was barely visible. Binoculars also weren't the best either but enough for me to see it some.

Very haunting. The breeze picked up as we stood out in the middle of nowhere. There was clouds to the southeat and they, with the dark expanse of no lights in that direction just felt utterly eeri.

Anon 11/03/2020 (Tue) 21:35:42 [Preview] No.6774 del
>Very haunting. The breeze picked up as we stood out in the middle of nowhere. There was clouds to the southeat and they, with the dark expanse of no lights in that direction just felt utterly eeri.

reading this almost feels like I am reading a fictional story with an aura full of mystery and a sense of wonder

Anon 04/15/2021 (Thu) 21:11:34 [Preview] No.7438 del
Considering that Bridgefag decided to revive the /chat/ thread yesterday, I am sharing a few images of Luna/Nightmare Moon for the nightly thread. so it begins its trend with posts that display the year 2021 on the time stamps

Anon 04/15/2021 (Thu) 21:47:45 [Preview] No.7440 del
(112.36 KB 1200x875 GoldnOaksOpnLat.jpg)
(43.21 KB 983x813 LunaShowrs.jpg)
(122.23 KB 783x912 NMM_assesses-cute.jpg)
>the year 2021

Let it be so.

Anon 04/15/2021 (Thu) 21:55:33 [Preview] No.7441 del
then, it´s up to us to turn on the bright lights that come from the night sky...

...the ones that we call stars...

Anon 04/16/2021 (Fri) 02:52:46 [Preview] No.7444 del
(1.77 MB 558x252 2380717.gif)
Bring on the night!

>...the ones that we call stars..
And they aruge too much to protest otherwise...

Anon 04/17/2021 (Sat) 20:41:09 [Preview] No.7449 del
nice quads with the most fitting gif that could have happened for these digits. On top of that

>And they argue too much to protest otherwise...
a meta reference to a 2019 story >>5108...

Too much chaos implemented and too many things going on for a properly timed reply.

Anon 04/19/2021 (Mon) 05:04:56 [Preview] No.7456 del
(11.79 MB 640x360 LunAlchie_TikTk.webm)
(8.24 MB 1280x720 WhereAreU.webm)
Luna provides some entertainment.

Later, her guards provide the drama.

Good night /pone/

Anon 04/19/2021 (Mon) 05:09:28 [Preview] No.7457 del
(5.29 MB 640x360 Luna_LetItGo.webm)
(11.79 MB 640x360 LunAlchie_TikTk.webm)
Part of the drama, of course, is the end believing this is the end of animations we should stop watching them.

I'm going to try again, I guess?
If this doesn't work I'll re-encode it and try again tomorrow or something.

Anon 04/19/2021 (Mon) 09:20:09 [Preview] No.7459 del
(2.33 MB 1800x1058 2375351.png)
Sweet/dramatic but without context is confusing (time travel? Nightmare illusion?)

>I'll get her back, I'll get her soon, you can call Princess Nightmare Moon
ngl, I really think some of these lyrics are really well written. The singer is a little amateurish at parts but also does the dramatic parts pretty well.

> is the end believing this is the end of animations we should stop watching them.
the end certainly seems to not want us to watch the LunAlchie_TikTk for sure.

Anon 04/19/2021 (Mon) 20:46:06 [Preview] No.7460 del
(6.33 MB 1067x600 LunasTikTokTak2.webm)
>certainly seems to not want us to watch the LunAlchie_TikTk

So, different name in addition to different set of bits in their order.
This happened not long ago on /404/, that the BO had to re-encode my file for it to upload successfully.

Anon 04/26/2021 (Mon) 08:33:56 [Preview] No.7477 del
(3.82 MB 582x400 1425205.gif)
Wow, this is a "classic" post >>199 that I remember watching when I was first looking around here.

Don't feel much on it other than I think the voice of the mother surprisingly fits Celestia.

Pic related is my current state

Anon 05/02/2021 (Sun) 22:03:33 [Preview] No.7525 del
>Luna provides some entertainment.
and her evil counterpart does the same as well.

>Pic related is my current state
in a way, it kind of applies for me considering that I have been dealing with IRL stuff and I have been focusing on uploading MLP material on Derpi instead. I see that /endpone/ (especially CB Anon) has been delivering a huge amount of content while I have been inactive...

I suppose that you want to enjoy some content so...hey, here it something that you might enjoy, there is a part of it for the /night/ thread as well.

Anon 05/29/2021 (Sat) 21:12:18 [Preview] No.7598 del
Alright, time to show up over here because it seems that the nightmarish lack of activity is dominating the whole board...

First, there is the stage of keeping an eye on the target...

Anon 05/29/2021 (Sat) 21:14:08 [Preview] No.7599 del
...then, the predator just waits and contemplates the environment, saving her energies for an upcoming event...

Anon 05/29/2021 (Sat) 21:18:24 [Preview] No.7600 del
and finally, she comes in fiercely without any previous warning in order to predict her ultimate move.

She revolutionizes the whole situation and promises to the entire world that the nightmare that she is bringing over here will last forever.

What´s even worse about all of this: she is right unfortunately. The nightmare will never /end/...

But she has revived the /night/ thread anyway...

Anon 05/29/2021 (Sat) 21:23:46 [Preview] No.7601 del
Bonus track: I am leaving a picture of Nightmare Rarity as well. Just as I told here >>7525, this material has been uploaded during this week so,while not exactly fresh for those who are looking for unpopular pictures on Deviantart, you might consider these pics as content that stimulates this year.

This is exactly what happens when DA artists don´t even bother on spreading their content on more websites. In the end, not all fans spend their free time at scrolling down through the whole Deviantart gallery of X character without any sort of efficient system that makes the search faster for any fan in general.

Anon 06/13/2021 (Sun) 08:05:47 [Preview] No.7620 del
(51.60 KB 640x480 SafelySlumber.jpg)
(71.62 KB 640x480 StrangeDreamlands.jpg)
Slow posting, and I remember this now so I may as well write my dream notes. From this week but I don't remember which day. 1/2:

This starts out in the garage of a house I don't live it. With my dreams, that means two things: one is the 'labels' -- the script given to the character that played me in the movie explicated that I wasn't famaliar with the place, and also I don't in hindsight recall it except the sloping ramps, all crammed with five lanes of cars turning into two lanes of egress were laid out like a ferry. But it was clearly the inside of a land-bound building, and I wasn't "driving" I was standing on a ramp (or bar? Like on the sides of giant pickups) that had been added to the toyota camry's back end. Another bar at chest height provided the controls and a way to hang on to the car.
It worked sort of like a dogsled, but clearly a particular car; in the real world it had died several times over and eventually was given to a relative down on his luck who successfully drove the V6 automatic car over a mountain range. Where it died again, but more slowly until he gave it to a neighbor to part out. Anyway, it was that car.
When the garage opened, I found that we were RIGHT NEXT to a coffee shop, like starbucks or blackrock or whatever. And my car had speakers (don't ask how this was supposed to work it just did) at the front of the hood; a hands-free set primarily but might have been part of the overall control scheme. It wasn't specified.
As I exited, I am not surprised to hear the barrista's voice blare out from here WiFi headphone out of the hands-free set (20' away). I should specify now that I actually remember none of the dialogue literally except for one line much later. But the tone and duration I have aright.
"I'm prepared to accept a string of words; this is <coffee place*>"

*I honestly don't think it was specified in the dream The road was narrow, unpopulated -- and like the ferry analogy a bunch of cars were pouring out and I didn't know where I was going so I guessed. Left, down a small two-lane country road with large decidous trees (those are unnatural here so it screamed "suburbs" because we only have evergreens ... without a great deal of effort). Postage stamp lawns, and not a driveway calling to me. The barrista was clearly still waiting though.

>I'm not in line, and I apologize for the misunderstanding. I was parked near and your equipment is confused.
Answered with a hopeful "Confusion does not preclude coffee! I'd have recommendations but I've never seen your car before and indeed believe I still haven't. How shall you expect cafffiene, tea, or ice drink today?"
My weight on the back caused the large car to sway ponderously up and down and the natural not-bumps of a country road were magnified by the odd steering arrangement.
>I'm not going to order. I'm just here to drop off something for a friend, and no part of my trip goes through your drive-through. In fact I expect to be out of range soon, so I should say goodbye now while I have the chance."
I had turned and turned again, and was almost on a city street. There was a steep hill to my left as I went back to towards the garage in general; the hill had been hinted at as I left but now it was clear this was an island of sorts, and as with any land near water, it was all uphill to get to it.
"Oh! I approach the comprehension described by ... and doggonit if I can't remember but the name of the movie is of course where we get the common idiom for cases like these. Searching, loss, distance, money these are alll a part of the image of the meme provided ... wait I have it now."
At this point I had turned left, nearly the same path as if I had gone straight up from the garage at the start. It was steep, but there were five lanes available though this early in the morning there were only a couple more cars in total.

Anon 06/13/2021 (Sun) 08:07:24 [Preview] No.7621 del
(8.92 KB 350x253 lowrDriv.jpg)
2/2, barrista continues:

"Drinking Voltaire's Tea in the Hinterlands of Chile.* Clearly, this movie is an experience we all share. The search for meaning has never been more complete than on the morning commute. Well sir I can hear you're breaking up so I will remind you we're <coffee place> and an offer to sell to you again can be constructed at ALL the expected parking lots."
*I actually remember as I awoke, that I could make out the words of the title of the vaunted movie. I had never heard of it, and it didn't sound applicable in any way. My dream self was racking his brain for how they made an idiom out of it, or what it would mean if it was properly applied here. Whatever the name was, it may have been a few syllables shorter than I've presented here but ... not by much.
*2 Also, that line after the title was the part I remember clearly. "'Clearly this movie is an experience we all share' ... really? Even people who haven't seen it? Who ride a bike to work? Who don't drink coffee? Every member of an average family of four would think about the time Voltaire visited Chile and steeped a pot of tea, when they're trying to find some breakfast before the rat-race overruns them?''

Close-mown lawns and something akin to a school building ahead, the road dead-ended, but gave options. There were no sign of residences to either left or right, and still nothing looked familiar. I calld my contact -- it wasn't specified who it was, and said "I'm climbing a hill, and don't know where to go to drop off Chantel's hairbrush."
real-world, I had a neighbor, sort of, named Chantel. Actually she was the neighbor's girlfriend, but she spoke English and he did not, so we had several conversations during the two-ish years I knew of her. I don't even know what her hairbrush would look like, having never handled or even seen it. My waking mind tried asking the script-writer if this was a reference to Vegie Tales, "Pharoh where-oh, is my hairbrush" which I likewise have never experienced but know of its existance. There was no answer on this point.
Turn nearly forced upon me, dream nearly ended, this was the crux of frustration. The tone my friend/contact used clearly indicated the conversation was over. This was not the okay of "Oh are you there already I'll need to look it up!" Not even the confused okay of "Wait why are you driving the car she'll be walking, at the bottom of that ridiculous hill." But the okay that answers "I'm on time, have the item, and am nearly there."

No, Princess Luna, this is not okay. There is no aspect of this dream that does not want me to find benedryl, re-enter the dream just so I can find you and strangle the ever living daylights out of you. Maybe if daylight stopped living in you, you would be able to concentrate on your nighttive job of writing decent dream scripts?
>This is post is an experience we all share. Indeed, everypony has already experienced this post and is reliving it as they read your words.
>Truly, there is nothing more universal than 9gag talking about coffee-drinks.

Anon 06/15/2021 (Tue) 06:29:55 [Preview] No.7622 del
(301.60 KB 960x896 2820573.png)
>I remember this now so I may as well write my dream notes. From this week but I don't remember which day. 1/2:
Neat. I enjoy these, and I have a couple of small ones to add to the pile, though far less interesting.

>But it was clearly the inside of a land-bound building, and I wasn't "driving" I was standing on a ramp (or bar? Like on the sides of giant pickups) that had been added to the toyota camry's back end. Another bar at chest height provided the controls and a way to hang on to the car.
>My weight on the back caused the large car to sway ponderously up and down and the natural not-bumps of a country road were magnified by the odd steering arrangement.
This actually reminds me of my grandfather's dreams. He often had odd contraptions/cars with a twist he had to drive. For example, once he was being pursued in his dream and he was riding a cube that he controlled only by leaning in the desired direction.

>"I'm prepared to accept a string of words; this is <coffee place*>"
Did she actually say stuff like 'string of words'? Like do you mean she was being a bit robotic?

>"Drinking Voltaire's Tea in the Hinterlands of Chile.* Clearly, this movie is an experience we all share. The search for meaning has never been more complete than on the morning commute. Well sir I can hear you're breaking up so I will remind you we're <coffee place> and an offer to sell to you again can be constructed at ALL the expected parking lots."
This sounds philosophical.I don't know the personal experiences from the one who dream it, but I know the feeling of gibberish that is on the cusp of meaning something. Almost like your mind is trying to speak to you or something else, but that is a topic for another time.

>Vegie Tales,
Oh the nostalgia.

Anon 06/15/2021 (Tue) 06:36:56 [Preview] No.7623 del
(2.00 MB 1000x2000 2776464.png)
As for my dreams, not much this week, but these two sort of stuck out.

First dream was a few days ago. I had a lot of papers and they all kept falling into cat litter. I was trying to pick them up and more would keep falling. Cat litter was everywhere...

Yeah, not surreal, just stupidly odd.

My other dream was in a warped version of my family's house. Everyone was there, including people who shouldn't be there and people who were unfamiliar with me. It was large and I would go back and forth to varying tasks.


There was a sense of nuclear war or some threat like that. It was in the background but it was a vivid feeling that I awoke with.

Anon 06/15/2021 (Tue) 06:56:08 [Preview] No.7624 del
(1.33 MB 1275x1275 MLP_Grayskull.jpg)
(158.61 KB 498x498 AlbumCvr_DragonDays.png)
>Like do you mean she was being a bit robotic?
Not robotic, just ...

Imagine slightly disenfranchised liberal-arts major who just started her shift right after a film deconstruction class. She was too busy deconstructing everything to pay attention to details like, oh, I don't know ... that I wasn't even vaguely trying to pretend I was ordering?

>I know the feeling of gibberish that is on the cusp of meaning something.
Yes, but this wasn't that. It was just about the other character's experiences not aligning with anyone outside her personal circle, and she had no idea that she was rambling nonsense in her attempt to sound ethereal.

Now, to be fair I've been accused of exactly that -- talking over people's heads to intimidate or impress them. I'm not, I just use big words naturally. Also I lose track of what I was saying because my thought train keeps jumping the track doing its own two-track-drifting as I try to construct a single coherent thought BUT THERE'S SO MUCH MORE NEARBY and then I end up saying nothing because no one else shares my reference materials.

Anon 06/15/2021 (Tue) 08:12:01 [Preview] No.7625 del
(1.80 MB 6400x3600 2741256.jpg)
> slightly disenfranchised liberal-arts major who just started her shift right after a film deconstruction class. She was too busy deconstructing everything to pay attention to details like, oh, I don't know ... that I wasn't even vaguely trying to pretend I was ordering?
That is a robotic of a different sort.

>Yes, but this wasn't that. It was just about the othercharacter's experiences not aligning with anyone outside her personal circle, and she had no idea that she was rambling nonsense in her attempt to sound ethereal.
Woah, I didn't take that context with first reading the dream. I was in dream nonsense mode. That is actually a interesting theme to have been dreaming about.

>Now, to be fair I've been accused of exactly that -- talking over people's heads to intimidate or impress them. I'm not, I just use big words naturally.
Weirdly, I have been has well, in spite of my moderate Texas lexicon often showing through some.

>I try to construct a single coherent thought BUT THERE'S SO MUCH MORE NEARBY and then I end up saying nothing because no one else shares my reference materials.
You have mentioned this before. I think I understand it better now...

Complex thoughts. Complex thoughts that are hard to express. Sometimes talking past and rambling like a mad man. Trying to order it. I would struggle to transmit meaning. I knew people like it and I was sort of...

It's hard to transmit things, sometimes I am trying to transmit a feeling as a word. People say I am good at it. People have even told me I am very logical and well spoken. Though often I have had a hint of something not clicking. Sometimes being wholly dissatisfied over what I was saying and how I was thinking it. This has declined though in all but in one area:

The feelings, not emotion. Abstract feelings of a place. It is hard to describe. Best I can say that certain places/times have a special context that is hard to transmit but is not just nostalgia.

Long story sort, I think sort of know it. I know I have seen it in others, growing up. and perhaps had some similar background through different circumstances for my isolation that wasn't as strong as yours and I saw others with that much more then me.

Anon 06/15/2021 (Tue) 08:55:34 [Preview] No.7626 del
(6.54 KB 111x151 2867609.png)
Come to think of it... it seems like I have mentioned this once before already.

Anon 07/16/2021 (Fri) 22:20:33 [Preview] No.7698 del
Was this the right time to bump this thread with a few pictures that keep its nightly theme?
Maybe yes or maybe not, but I think that there have been a few published pictures over the last few months that are worth sharing over here.

Anon 09/17/2021 (Fri) 03:57:52 [Preview] No.7856 del
Dark times lie ahead around here.

The perfect ingredient for her to show up and get a reminder of her ultimate nightmarish objective...

Anon 09/18/2021 (Sat) 08:23:22 [Preview] No.7858 del
Maybe yes or maybe not, but I think that there have been a few published pictures over the last few months that are worth sharing over here.
It is a certain season ain't it?

>Maybe yes or maybe not, but I think that there have been a few published pictures over the last few months that are worth sharing over here.
Fav is... IDK, techical perspective it's >>7697 but honestly I am also drawn to >>7856 and the Twilight I may dig the best from a atmospheric standpoint.

Anon 09/18/2021 (Sat) 21:35:23 [Preview] No.7859 del
>It is a certain season ain't it?
well, winter is definitely coming. No one is going to doubt that.

>IDK, techical perspective it's >>7697 (you) but honestly I am also drawn to >>7856 and the Twilight I may dig the best from a atmospheric standpoint.

I would have a very hard time picking one over the other. Normally, I am on the train of "Why not both" and leave them for people to pick them freely. I suppose that this >>7856 one is the pic that has appeals to me the most right now but that doesn´t much. I have been drawn to Nightmare Moon content in general this week and have been uploading a few pics that were unregistered on the boorus (and said pics got recently featured on EQD, by the way)

Anon 09/19/2021 (Sun) 10:49:39 [Preview] No.7867 del

Anon 09/20/2021 (Mon) 04:07:25 [Preview] No.7877 del
(288.00 KB 1350x1800 2681606.jpg)
>winter is definitely coming. No one is going to doubt that.
Understandable that you thought that but I meant the one with Nightmare Night.

>Normally, I am on the train of "Why not both" and leave them for people to pick them freely.
And I did : ). Though in general, yeah, I am not too picky with what others like.

>been uploading a few pics that were unregistered on the boorus (and said pics got recently featured on EQD, by the way)
As I have said before, good to highlight some of these that have slipped through the cracks.

Anon 09/21/2021 (Tue) 22:09:07 [Preview] No.7880 del
>Understandable that you thought that but I meant the one with Nightmare Night.
Yeah, I knew that you had been referring to that event. I was looking for making a Game of Thrones reference with that opportunity. It hasn´t worked out all that well, apparently.

>And I did : )
and it was proven on the post itself so, you already had that position in the first place. I guess that this means that you get the double amount of fun.

>Though in general, yeah, I am not too picky with what others like.
I agree. As long as said tastes don´t affect IRL people, I have been growing a sense of indifference or tolerance with one condition: as long as said tastes don´t imply violence that affects third parties IRL. If said tastes break the fictional barrier with negative outcomes, then I am not all that indifferent.

>As I have said before, good to highlight some of these that have slipped through the cracks.
then, you are fortunate. Because the future essay that I have to write consists in picking up the leftovers. It also applies for Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Rarity (among other characters, including a couple of pics of Amore or Cadence).

But those characters aren´t the main material that has been standing out for these months when it comes to revitalizing underground material. That title goes to a very specific thread...

Anon 10/15/2021 (Fri) 21:56:10 [Preview] No.7959 del
It looks like this thread might need another nightly PoLS for reminding ourselves that we are entering into a period in which the calendar makes nighttime progressively longer than ever.

We haven't entered all that deep yet but it's slowly gathering the perfect ingredients for turning Nightmare Moon's wet dream into a reality (for a few months though. She's better avoid any delusional temptation that this trend will last forever)

PoLS (from a user that has a capital letter and two digits)

Anon 10/20/2021 (Wed) 08:14:17 [Preview] No.7968 del
(2.67 MB 3264x1657 2957690.png)
Nightmare Moon, what is she? A mere evil entity that took advantage of Princess Luna or Luna's own darkness unchecked? Maybe a little of both. A shame that in Luna's emo self punishment and stoicism we didn't get see her explored more as I can think of different angles were Nightmare Moon could be interesting. Oh, imagine if they had introduced Kirins earlier..

A certain darkness has come indeed and a update of the pin message of the site is in need.

PoLS, from the anon who has a obsession with crossing bridges.

Anon 10/21/2021 (Thu) 20:48:11 [Preview] No.7972 del
>Nightmare Moon, what is she? A mere evil entity that took advantage of Princess Luna or Luna's own darkness unchecked? Maybe a little of both. A shame that in Luna's emo self punishment and stoicism we didn't get see her explored more as I can think of different angles were Nightmare Moon could be interesting. Oh, imagine if they had introduced Kirins earlier..

Kirins weren´t considered until far too late in the game and if NMM was introduced in later seasons. Perhaps we would have received much more depth related to her backstory rather than resorting to her as the first stop that serves as an introductory villain (for the most relevant gen that MLP has had thus far). An aura of mystery mostly because writers just showed her without much thought (in terms of background context) about her until later in the show (or comics)

Even then, Luna could change her body and deliver her appearance like she did in Luna Eclipsed. That single moment shows that Luna could be capable to roleplay/act as her at any time just by spending a little amount of magic and put some artificial fangs into her mouth. Or even in the comics, when she displays towards Daybreaker that she can adapt her identity as NMM. They have both used their Canterlot voices in Between Dusk and Dawn as well (when they normally use it with the evil versions for intimidating the rest)

And it happens in reverse: artist draw Nightmare Moon with Luna´s body and just changes her eyes (they glow in blue) for illustrating her corruption.

Originally, they were found in that state and if you take into account Nightmare Knights and the previous arc (The Pillar 6), while I haven´t read the comics from the pillars, it seems that Starswirl educated them for balancing their behaviours and raise them with more balanced values than the ones that they had at the time. Daybreaker was the strongest out of the two and Luna showed signs of loyalty. It´s funny, we always portray Nightmare Moon as the main villain but just because she is popular and made her debut in the first episode of the series, it doesn´t mean that she can beat her sister. In fact, as NMM wasn´t strong enough, she didn´t end turning into the parallel bodyguard for Eris.

The line between defining darkness by just setting up differences of their behaviours with just the bodies…said exercise implies a huge risk at assuming that just because NMM shows up, her design makes her evil (the same treatment is translated with Daybreaker as well). Tons of gray arise here but I guess that what prevented them from being evil comes from their well-settled values from Starwsirl (putting his faith on them) and the amount of responsibility that they hold, how committed they are with their duties.

>PoLS, from the anon who has a obsession with crossing bridges.
it seems that you have just crossed a bridge over troubled water (and said water seems to be full of nightmares, considering the most recent sticky)

Anon 10/21/2021 (Thu) 21:11:37 [Preview] No.7973 del
As for the whole Nightmare Knights arc point (and these couple of posts, more like a comment, seem like a comic spotlight) that I have brought up on the previous post,it seems that the Pony of Shadows was looking for different royal sisters so they would fall under his command.

Both NMM and Daybreaker that we see on the NK comics >>2212,>>2213 and >>3242 (the Daybreaker that was following orders of Eris) are parallel ones. Daybreaker, while she gets some sympathy from the "canon" Luna by depicting herself as NMM (with the help of Stygian's magic >>3654 ),she teams up with Luna and they (and the squad) both beat (and Daybreaker kills) Eris. However,this is because the alternate Daybreaker temporarily cares about Luna because the princess of the night was able to look like NMM, she delivered a glimpse that Daybreaker managed to care for a while and make said Daybreaker less of a villain, but she ending up running the casino anyway, asserting that she wouldn't be so nice towards Luna and company. >>3662

The context behind this Daybreaker and a non-existent Nightmare Moon was that the Pony of Shadows wanted to corrupt them and create powerful weapons of destruction. One day,Nightmare Moon decided to rebel against the Pony of Shadows (she rose up against him) and as NMM was proven to be too weak,she didn't make the cut but she displayed better ethics in comparison with her tutor: she defied him and therefore, she was punished for rebellion and personal attack).

Daybreaker, however,has always been really powerful and from that selection,she was the lucky one that would make the cut and become the Pony of Shadows´puppet and then,Eris´ (after tricking the Pony of Shadows). Eris was interested in chaos and have a more lucrative mindset of her world whereas the Pony of Shadows wanted to become powerful by raising ponified weaponry for his destructive plans

Thus,this mirrored/alternate Daybreaker does fall in a gray area as well,mostly because she is running the business as she has always been doing in the past,but she wouldn't show any mercy if she had any newcomers around (neutral without molesting anyone else, but you are asking for trouble if you decide to voluntarily want to step into that place). A villain after all but a more organized and contained in her area than Eris (and way less ambitious in comparison with the Pony of Shadows, but still very harsh ).

Anon 10/21/2021 (Thu) 21:25:00 [Preview] No.7974 del
What happens to Nightmare Moon? We don't have a clue about the alternate one. As for Luna, we have to keep in mind that she can use her Canterlot voice at anytime and she admitted to find joy with it >>2219. She fully embraces her dark past and creates a character called Starry Night Terror with a new armour.

We might not see the current Luna with the Nightmare Moon look. However,I think that Luna hasn't been absorbed by the darkness because her NMM look represents her dark side. Or more like her dark emo side,her childish side of taking over Equestria that reveals her inner bitterness and revenge towards her sister.

Luna could actually adapt the Nightmare Moon form but what truly changed her was the realization that she had to cooperate with her sister and realize how devastating her actions can become for considering such plans. It could be summed up with this sentence: she just grew up and matured >>2630, >>3663. She realized how careful she must be with her duties,not to mention that she would make her sister happier by standing alongside her instead of just fighting all the time.

The Nightmare Knights arc simply serves as a proof of her maturity. She doesn't reject who she has been over time but rather,she acknowledges what she has done throughout her whole life. Such acceptance of her whole life and her track record would make her imperishable.

She views the whole picture of morality and her will is founded according to such experiences on both sides (aesthetically and morally). She reflects maturity that would be proper of Celestia…but she takes it on a whole new level because her Nightmare Moon past was more infamous among Equestrians and thus,she has carried that psychological weight on her shoulders since her reformation in season 1.

Luna,no matter how she looked,holds her actual behaviour because of her special context and she,surpassing the duality of being a hero or a villain,is depicted as a grown up character that acknowledges what is right to do. Instead of delivering a NMM look,her armour replaces said infamous appearance (even though the whole squad was roleplaying with said costumes)

I needed to explain how to portray this with a more contextualized perspective.

Anon 10/28/2021 (Thu) 04:15:39 [Preview] No.7979 del
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I had this thought, that the changelings probably find the way ponies celebrate Nightmare Night to be kinda weird.

Wouldn't it just be safer to stay underground for the night? Also, looking like something that isn't a pony wouldn't exactly have the thrill for a creature that need only think about changing shape to do it. Although their pony friends would be creeped out by how real it looked, so there's that.

Anon Board owner 10/31/2021 (Sun) 10:39:35 [Preview] No.7982 del
Happy Nightmare Night everypony. It seems I was able to make it feel a little more festive after all, albeit somewhat lackluster.

>Originally, they were found in that state and if you take into account Nightmare Knights and the previous arc
When counting that as canon, makes Twilight Sparkle and Cadence very interesting. Do/should they have such a state as well, though such as a tangent.

>Tons of gray arise here but I guess that what prevented them from being evil comes from their well-settled values from Starwsirl (putting his faith on them) and the amount of responsibility that they hold, how committed they are with their duties.
If one takes power being driven by emotion, might a comparison to the lingering temptation of the darkside of the force be made. I remember for awhile FiM trying to make a point of magic being based directly on how a pony feels at that moment (or something like that, been awhile since watching season 6 or season 7).

> and as NMM was proven to be too weak
I have seen the point made with the Season 5 alternative timelines that one might take that Nightmare Moon's was the best of them and she seemed to have dealt with all other threats and had stability, as opposed to the various others. Not a hard canon context but something that is interesting possible counterpoint to this:
>it doesn´t mean that she can beat her sister
Though that does risk going on a tangent as well.

>Luna,no matter how she looked,holds her actual behaviour because of her special context and she,surpassing the duality of being a hero or a villain,is depicted as a grown up character that acknowledges what is right to do. Instead of delivering a NMM look,her armour replaces said infamous appearance (even though the whole squad was roleplaying with said costumes)
I think, with her embrace of Nightmare Moon as a persona, is a interesting one. It does reflect maturity but when paired with Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep I wounder if there is a slight darkness that does exist with this. I like where you went with this though... though I haven't gotten to reply to my liking, haven't brought up her transformation... but that would risk a tagent

Anon Board owner 10/31/2021 (Sun) 10:50:22 [Preview] No.7983 del
(5.73 MB 5000x4460 9898.png)
I think they would find it weird or use it to reinforce feelings of their own supremacy.

First one, obvious because of the reasons you stated but also because how it against the ponies natural reaction/stereotype. Seeing ponies fold and freakout at the face of danger is so often the norm that the embrace of this holiday might really confuse them.

As for the second point: imitation is the greatest form of flattery and I could see the changelings running with how being able to change is a desirable trait that THEY have and others wish to have.

I have a lot of other stuff to get to here, but till then HAPPY NIGHTMARE NIGHT!

Anon 11/13/2021 (Sat) 10:41:16 [Preview] No.8008 del
(1.43 MB 1280x720 29621.png)
Enraptured in the night. Luna Nightmare Moon looked onward. Though she was always happy she never was and though she was in complete control she was but a pawn to darker games being played in the shadows. For her beloved hated sister was no longer with her and she was.

Anon 11/19/2021 (Fri) 04:48:23 [Preview] No.8013 del
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I suppose I could queue up Lunar Eclipsed to watch during the eclipse. It's raining so I probably won't see it anyway.

But roughly 4AM EST, 1AM on the left coast, if you can see the sky, you can see the moon disappear.

Me? I'm going to disappear to bed as I'm expected in to work an hour early to schlep heavy things around, and plug them in.

Anon 11/19/2021 (Fri) 11:15:53 [Preview] No.8014 del
(96.13 KB 1650x1137 ThanksCB.JPG)
>Browsing nomrally
>Sees this post
>Oh, yeah, this is tonight!
>Sees clearing but clouds around
Oh, CB, I owe ya one. This picture is entirely you. Yeah, blurry but I am quite happy that it got the details of the moon and it is one of the best pictures I have ever taken of it.

Though being ill wasn't fun, the fact that I forgot to take off the Nightmare Moon theme for this moment was.

Anon 11/19/2021 (Fri) 11:27:34 [Preview] No.8017 del
(239.23 KB 1600x1455 2583347.jpeg)
> This picture is entirely
I meant to say: "This picture is entirely on you" as me seeing this picture would not have happened without you posting about it.

Anon 11/19/2021 (Fri) 11:35:31 [Preview] No.8018 del
(52.00 KB 480x600 medium.jpeg)
Speaking of Nightmare Moon. This is such a odd toy/figure/collectable or whatever.
>This gorgeous figure of Nightmare Moon stands 8.5 inches (22 centimeters) tall. The details look really nice and her mane is translucent and imbued with glitter. She will be $159 USD. She will be up for pre-order in three days according to the listing, but shipping will start in January 2022. Have more images and the description below.

I find it funny as well. G4 merch still being made in 2022 and some of it certainly is on the odd side.

Anon 11/20/2021 (Sat) 08:22:09 [Preview] No.8021 del
totally saving that.

> certainly is on the odd side
nifty. I like weird, too.

Anon 11/21/2021 (Sun) 10:36:40 [Preview] No.8024 del
(1.04 MB 2000x1417 2982017.jpg)
And feel free to reuse it.Not that a random image posted to a chan board has any expectation of strict copyright enforcement.

> I like weird, too.
And apparently others. As for me, I don't hate it but am slightly confused with it's appeal.

Anon 01/10/2022 (Mon) 04:40:41 [Preview] No.8110 del
(1.71 MB 1440x1020 637693.png)
You know, been having a lot of dreams lately, even ponies, though I have written down it I never seem to remember many details of the pony/pony related appearances in said dreams. Just vague memories of Twilight Sparkle something and even posting something here once.

Anon 11/01/2022 (Tue) 03:56 [Preview] No.8452 del
All of us will be messed up one way or another eventually.

"You cannot have a NIGHTMARE if you never dream"that's what one famous mascot long said.

Here we are,she will be waiting for you to dive into her territory and ready to scare you in unpredictable yet relentless ways. She will have fun, it's only a matter of time for getting her but...will she allow you to do so? Or will you get drowned and fall under her clutches eventually and give in to her will and inner desires?

Maybe she isn't the most fitting partner for hanging out in a healthy way...

Anon 11/01/2022 (Tue) 04:06 [Preview] No.8453 del
...or maybe one will get lucky because she enjoys more the helpless feelings from her prey rather than outright giving any critical step beforehand and it's all pure facade.

That depends on luck,her mood at that time and how the situation spontaneously goes. One does never know unless that you get through it on your own...

Will she have enough mercy this time? There is a chance for that so...she might not be the worst companion to pick but she will surely ensure that you get to deal with a terrifying time. Just like horror games,there are patterns to overcome this. If you get to study her properly,maybe the results will be more satisfying in the /end/ but good luck at figuring them out without shivering first.

Anon 11/01/2022 (Tue) 04:33 [Preview] No.8454 del
Two important things here for the delusional people who think that she is a linear stereotype that follows a very strict pattern:

1. She can turn into a seapony. For those who believed that the water can help you at avoiding her,she has discovered the existence of the magical necklace and she can master the transformation seamlessly as well as her swimming abilities. Don't believe that she simply stick woth her alicorn form. She can go anywhere and no location is free of her presence. The environment doesn't matter to her in the slightest.

2. She is not a simple nightly entity,she is an organic pony after all. What do I mean? She doesn't just show up at night. There have been archives and reports that reveal her existence at daytime and watch out,very comfortably during her stay at the beach. She doesn't become disintegrated because of the sunrays. Remember that Luna went to the beach in Between Dark and Dawn...well, her fanatism for such place and getting exposed to the sun remain quite the same actually. For those fools who are waiting for the sun to show up and magically stop the counter because of such phenomenon, you are going to run into a very shocking irony. You don't end the game by just waiting for the sun to rise, contrary to your average horror experience.

Consider yourselves warned because she is way more versatile than you expect.

Anon 11/01/2022 (Tue) 04:45 [Preview] No.8455 del
There is a trick for handling her:

She is extremely fascinated at having a good time with you.

Keep in mind that she enjoys more how her prey reacts rather than going mercilessly against you. There is plenty of room and time for mistakes and action for making things convenient for you. Her treatment towards you varies according to your mindset and your actions before her eyes/presence.

Just ensure that you perform well. The worst thing that one can do here is making her time to shine boring. She might be even get surprised but one does never know.

She is waiting for you with an evil laugh, that's for sure.

Anon 11/01/2022 (Tue) 05:07 [Preview] No.8456 del
So,are you ready to face her?

The night will indeed last forever and even when it supposedly ends,she will come back eventually whenever you expect it the least. You'd better figure out how to integrate and deal with her at a certain amount of frequency because she is there...lurking.

There is a very good reason why Luna shows up in the endpone banners as a bat. The queen of the night surely displays charisma because she has proven to be as eternal as her sister. Her legacy keeps revalidating itself for those who dare to doubt it.

The fangs come out sharper than ever and thus,we are in for a never/end/ing cycle. 1000 years and yet,despite the overwhelming age,there is still a surprising amount of freshness to be found from this.

For the rest,this is an eternal nightmare.

For her, a wet dream come true.

Anon 11/01/2022 (Tue) 21:10 [Preview] No.8457 del
(138.09 KB 1754x2480 6547706.jpg)
>Maybe she isn't the most fitting partner for hanging out in a healthy way...
It is a question of nature. Fear is natural and we have seen true spookiness disappear from child's media, especially young children. Despite encounters, age appropriate ones anyway, are healthy for emotional development.

>Will she have enough mercy this time? There is a chance for that so...she might not be the worst companion to pick but she will surely ensure that you get to deal with a terrifying time. Just like horror games,there are patterns to overcome this. If you get to study her properly,maybe the results will be more satisfying in the /end/ but good luck at figuring them out without shivering first.
The question is, is the Nightmare a weak and jealous state of Luna or a predator? Or is she is healthy part of Luna that just goes too far? As a natural representation of fear perhaps she might be healthy (gives me another direction to look for a good nightmare night fic).

>1. She can turn into a seapony. For those who believed that the water can help you at avoiding her,she has discovered the existence of the magical necklace and she can master the transformation seamlessly as well as her swimming abilities.
Seaponies are important, but people often forget she is a full on shape shifter. Heck, what she showed in the pilot was above the level of the changelings.

>For those fools who are waiting for the sun to show up and magically stop the counter because of such phenomenon, you are going to run into a very shocking irony. You don't end the game by just waiting for the sun to rise, contrary to your average horror experience.
She ain't no minecraft monster. Nor a vampony. She is part of the balance between night and day and rather than mere opposite. Harmony exists on a good day, on a bad day, the night might actually banish the day. That is what we should truly fear here.

>Keep in mind that she enjoys more how her prey reacts rather than going mercilessly against you. There is plenty of room and time for mistakes and action for making things convenient for you. Her treatment towards you varies according to your mindset and your actions before her eyes/presence.
Depends on how you take her motivation and intent. As a wandering ball of discontent and grievance I think is she more focused on getting vengeance than playing. As a ruler, I have seen some make the case that she might be very law and order oriented (though this is more of a inference). She does have a playfulness though and I think that all three paths are valid... coexist.

>1000 years and yet,despite the overwhelming age,there is still a surprising amount of freshness to be found from this.
Disagree, partly. She is part of a structure from which meaning derives. It is not that she is a newness (even if she can be in opposition) it is still a established order.

>she is there...lurking.
...She is the ultimate lurker.

Anon 11/01/2022 (Tue) 21:17 [Preview] No.8458 del
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Ponies dreams I have had occasionally, but usually in the background. Sometimes they will be in focus, like one time when the mane 6 were on a train heading for my grandparent's country property for some reason. Lately my dreams have been more mixed and blurry though though I have had a lot, so I guess a similar boat.

/endpone/ does come up in my dreams. More than once. Recently even had one with me trying to send you (CB) a package.

Anon 11/02/2022 (Wed) 06:25 [Preview] No.8459 del
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>to send you (CB) a package

That wasn't me you were responding to, though I have considered asking if you have a PObox Bridgefag, as I might talk myself into sending you a pineboard for Hearthswarming.

Y'know, if you wanted a project to pile onto the other projects you must be working on.

>>8453 (etc)
BDSM is one of the weirdest fetishes I've ever heard of, and I'd do a pony if she were here...

as I make my way back to bed, have a song about warding off the night. For a while, anyway.

Anon 11/10/2022 (Thu) 07:24 [Preview] No.8470 del
Oh, a offer of a gift? I say you hold onto it right now. I recently have discovered my old Raspberry Pi and it still works. Thanks you though, earlier this year I might have you taken up on it when I had mass hardware failure and was confined to a Netbook only. Maybe one day we can have a /endpone/ Heartswarming Eve gift exchange? That might turn out interesting.

>if you wanted a project to pile onto the other projects you must be working on.
Can confirm, have a lot of them.

>as I make my way back to bed, have a song about warding off the night. For a while, anyway.
LOL! Fitting enough for /night/. Hope you got some sleep. Maybe a Lullaby will help?

Sorry for mistaking you for somepony else. (though does it matter when we all are still techically anons?)

Also, I should note to the thread I recently had a somewhat strange pony dream. Twilight Sparkle was somehow involved with everything in the dream though she stuck mostly to the background and ponies had visited my family for some reason, though the overall plot was a weird golden mask from the Bionicle universe.

Anon 01/23/2023 (Mon) 09:50 [Preview] No.8551 del
(254.80 KB 954x1280 2862517.jpeg)
Luna standing alone.

<and what of you?
>Why do you speak in orange and not in blue?
<What does it matter to you?
>Because, uh, that would be more thematically fitting?
#Fine, you happy now?/#
>I was just curious.
You are tired, that is what you are.
and... you are typing in a stream of consciousnesses.
>How do you know?
Because you aren't fully asleep, but in a fog, still partly awake and letting your mind ramble around.
#Go to sleep.
<Go to sleep.

Anon 01/25/2023 (Wed) 08:03 [Preview] No.8554 del
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Traps can be so dumb.
sometimes, the best intentions?
Sleepers are deprived.

ponified or not,
dreamless or deep, now I must...
delve into sleep's hooves.

Anon 01/27/2023 (Fri) 08:21 [Preview] No.8555 del
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Traps are like a spiderweb, but alas we are not spiders who know which silk is safe to walk one and which is sticky and will get ourselves caught.

Hope you have some pleasant dreams; in spite of some of the nightmares unseen.

Anon 01/30/2023 (Mon) 09:04 [Preview] No.8556 del
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Notmare Moon.

Anon 02/07/2023 (Tue) 11:20 [Preview] No.8558 del
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I'll raise you 5 more.

Anon 02/17/2023 (Fri) 09:52 [Preview] No.8566 del
Luna Luna

Anon 02/21/2023 (Tue) 11:02 [Preview] No.8571 del
(15.59 MB 2962x4770 MajesticLuna.png)
Majestic Luna

Anon 02/25/2023 (Sat) 20:46 [Preview] No.8580 del
Cute Luna

Anon 02/26/2023 (Sun) 10:49 [Preview] No.8581 del
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PoLSeapony Luna

Anon 03/15/2023 (Wed) 07:46 [Preview] No.8591 del
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#Have you ever woken with a fright?/#
#Have you ever dreamed a dark dream and in the day didn't feel quite right?/#
Have you ever been afraid of the quiet night
#Did you ever feel out of step with what was before you?/#
#Or are you merely afraid of your thoughts when you are not distracted by the dazzling screen of your magic machine?/#
#Something from your past?/#
Or is it...

Anon 03/15/2023 (Wed) 07:56 [Preview] No.8592 del
(89.95 KB 861x1017 1742173.jpeg)
Luna, I have no time for this!
Can't you of all ponies see that my dreams are my only relaxation time?
%Stop it with the cryptic introspection and mind games and go be...%
Twilight, can't you just play along?
How is this? Fitting for a mare of yourself
See how stressed I am in the day to day? I need this.

#Would a space help? /#
At least I can put it outside?
Does periods/full stops work as well.?
>Nice going on the grammar front.

Okay, I forgot what brakes blue. Oh, well, just a little color test.
@Is Orange broken by question marks?/@
How about period/full stop.

I'll try again later, just messing a bit with colored text.

Anon 03/15/2023 (Wed) 08:56 [Preview] No.8594 del
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Topping it with the cutest version of Luna, Woona.

Anon 03/21/2023 (Tue) 23:09 [Preview] No.8597 del
(338.41 KB 1672x2048 2913011.jpeg)
And you as well.

Anon 03/23/2023 (Thu) 05:13 [Preview] No.8600 del
Luna is looking a bit intense there. Like she is ready to bring down the palace and become Nightmare Moon. Wonder if that was what her transition from foalhood was like? One moment being a stupid filly without a care in the world >>8594 and then BAM! she is emo and depressed.

Anon 04/02/2023 (Sun) 05:56 [Preview] No.8608 del
(4.18 MB 432x435 3235864.gif)
She is about to become Nightmare Moon!
And you're all coming for the ride!

Anon 04/02/2023 (Sun) 09:04 [Preview] No.8610 del
Oh, no, what is a anon to dp?!


Anon Board owner 04/02/2023 (Sun) 20:51 [Preview] No.8617 del
(253.82 KB 422x600 NightmareMoon.jpeg)
Yes, cower in fear before your BO and Princess!

Anon 04/12/2023 (Wed) 01:44 [Preview] No.8624 del
Hope you wont knock off the Celestia thread.

Anon Board owner 05/01/2023 (Mon) 07:00 [Preview] No.8637 del
Why shouldn't I. After all, my sister let the night die in the hearts of everypony. Why shouldn't smite a remainder of her unearned glory!

Because April Fools ended and we are now into May?


Anon 05/06/2023 (Sat) 16:19 [Preview] No.8642 del
(77.16 KB 1280x720 nmm.webm)
After some searching, it seems we never hear her say "you pathetic foal"
It's "you little foal"

Anon 05/23/2023 (Tue) 08:26 [Preview] No.8654 del
I have heard others say this as well. My own personal relation on this is when I falsely remembered some line in A Royal Problem that implied Daybreaker was a real threat.

Anon 05/24/2023 (Wed) 22:56 [Preview] No.8658 del
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Would be cool for Nightmare Moon to have been a object of interest for Twilight due to dreams. Albeit one that would make her skepticism in some of the latter episodes more stranger than they already were (There is no such thing as curses...).

Anon Board owner 06/14/2023 (Wed) 10:25 [Preview] No.8682 del
It's my own design.
Help me to decide.
I don't what I am going for with this song.
This song can't last forever.
Sleep deprivation and mother nature...
Everypony wants to stay online
(Oh, I'd never leave it if I could)
Everypony wants to...
(Married with a lack of vision)
Everypony wants to...
(Yet someone is pulling the throttle)
Everypony wants to...
(Somehow I know it'll be alright)
Everypony wants to...
(Quickly acting on your best behavior)
Let go of that fear...

Anon Board owner 06/22/2023 (Thu) 06:20 [Preview] No.8687 del
(3.14 MB 2000x2000 Destruction.png)
What happened to my decorations! Why is everything a such a hideous and pastel!

Before Nightmare Moon could even realize that the board's theme was not only inferior but also sort of broken her vision became filled with rainbows...

Magic parted from her soul.


Anon Board owner 06/22/2023 (Thu) 06:23 [Preview] No.8688 del
(508.35 KB 928x733 Return.png)

Anon 07/03/2023 (Mon) 08:39 [Preview] No.8705 del
This is actually a pretty neat thematic thing you have going with this. If you doubled down and added some ARG elements it might make for a interesting experience.

Anon Board owner 07/05/2023 (Wed) 07:49 [Preview] No.8706 del
Thanks. I try anyway. Albeit my personal life has been so chaotic I feel like I often forget/barely have time to really think these out well.

I have toyed with the idea, but only somewhat one can have something that brings that sense without necessarily being a full blown ARG though.

Anon 10/28/2023 (Sat) 22:31 [Preview] No.8853 del
>[dream sequence: just a face because we were too close to see anything else]
> I was snuggling with [this] rabbit,
>but she had done up her appearance to look like a wolf.

I just remembered this in conjunction with my appreciate while replaying Aoshi's (now eight-year-old) release of "Pretty Little Things Will Explode You"

It's about a wolf pup that tries to befriend an angry, bomb-equipped rabbit.
I still don't know if I'm the wolf-pup or the angry rabbit.

Anon 10/31/2023 (Tue) 07:49 [Preview] No.8858 del
>three old post on a dream with updated context.

>It's about a wolf pup that tries to befriend an angry, bomb-equipped rabbit.
The only canine and rabbit duo I know of are Sam and Max. Even then, don't know them the best, BUT, hyper violent rabbit seems to fit.

>The trick I've latched onto in interpreting dreams, is that everything there, is you. When your uncle shows up in the dream, it's not your uncle, it's how you feel about your uncle that shows up in the dream.
This is a awesome quote I need to save. It is true at least most of the time when dealing with what is going on in your dreams.

Anon 10/31/2023 (Tue) 08:31 [Preview] No.8862 del
(245.98 KB 444x600 lurkerinthefog.png)
Remember as everypony is out getting candy, who is lurking in the fog to get a cut...

Anon 10/31/2023 (Tue) 17:32 [Preview] No.8863 del
...that is assuming that they don´t get lost in the darkness...

...especially if one remains careless...

...that´s when you actually know that losing candy turns into a minor issue compared to such overwhelming threat.

Anon 11/06/2023 (Mon) 04:13 [Preview] No.8864 del
And in the darkness, the lost foals = lost candy.

Anon 11/10/2023 (Fri) 03:29 [Preview] No.8867 del
This Nightmare Moon is a horrific Nightmare Moon. Feels a higher caliber of spooky than what I usually see out of her.

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 13:12 [Preview] No.9286 del
(59.81 KB 800x450 TwilightWatching.jpg)
Stream of consciousness tonight

Twilight Sparkle glanced at the floating flowers amidst the mildew crusted sky. It was dark out and the Canadians hadn't yet attempted to put out the enteral fire known as the sun.

She could feel the starry night grasping at her. Trying to draw her in, but she refused to let it, fully. She was Celestia's star student and she had the will to.

The Night was very enchanting and it called out to her. Something was wrong though
[another will... another place... another promise that was unkeepable..]
She readied her broomstick. Not the one of a witch, but one of a worrior skilled in the art of basic housekeeping.

The fire won't go out

Twilight's ears leaned against her head as she took in that voice. Who was it? Why did it scare her so?

[It was the sun, the other sun, from [redacted] grade]

It was herself. She felt something trying to reach out, something in the night. It wanted her badly to lean in. She remembered though:
>She could feel the starry night grasping at her. Trying to draw her in, but she refused to let it, fully. She was Celestia's star student and she had the will to.
So she wouldn't.

"Spike?" She asked, casting a spare glance down upon the uneven floor of Golden Oaks Library. He slept soundly, and he seemed alright.

You can have Spike if you want

Spike is not yours to give

A stray banna was just there and...

She could cry in the bedsheets all she wanted...

Twilight Sparkle new that the faith of her favorite...

...Applejack rolling a log...

...Rainbow Dash's awe inspiring Rainboom left the crowd in amazement...

...and she was running from something big, a threat

Twilight Sparkle's eyes fluttered open. It was daytime. A faint fear passed over her as some vague recollection of something eerie in some dream. Or was it, dreams? She had been having.

Soon she got up, and the disjointed mess of memories faded from her mind. Never to be recalled again.

What adventures in the night have you forgotten?

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 13:22 [Preview] No.9287 del
I am exhausted, but had to stay up for some other obligation. I feel a certain... randomness in my mind, if I let it I can let myself really act crazy. It is a state my family always called "sleep drunkenness" but when I look up sleep drunkenness elsewhere it seems to be referring to something different from, merely being grogginess to things like sleep walking and night terror like stuff.

I can enter this state at other times but it hits easiest when I am very sleepy.I do not know how weird or normal that is but I think it is normal and I just lack the terminology to describe it.

Did you ever feel a pizza flutter from your ears? Did you ever eat a Care Bear without a care in the world? That sort of thing makes me eat hot Pockets like a aggressive oblique aeroplane crossed with a rather hot headed libertarian business man on the fourth of July.

I probably shouldn't ramble on like this and go to bed now.

Goodnight /endpone/.

Night Flight By Rapper Twilight Anon 01/10/2024 (Wed) 05:08 [Preview] No.9295 del
Twilight Learned that magic was a crime. She went and pouted because of the time. When she realized that she couldn't rhyme and had no self respect.

Trying she tried the run the gate, but unfortunately it was getting late. Stars in the sky, so very high, make the little pony wish could fly.

The flight she wished to take, made her want to escape the place. Equestria was no longer her home. Magic's a crime, she forgot to rhyme and look at the time, she out of dimes!

Honestly, this doesn't seem like stream of consciousness. Too well structured.

Anon 01/10/2024 (Wed) 05:33 [Preview] No.9296 del
FYI, this was a stream of consciousness rap thing. I was just thinking of the rap posted in /NiAME/ on New Years. It honestly barely qualifies here in /night/.

Speaking of /night/. Anyone had any ponies pop up in their dreams lately? Never had it happen much, but a couple of times I've had Applejack doing stuff randomly in the background. Once baking pancakes in my childhood home and once just there, without explanation and much attention on her, as a dream unfolded and played out. Don't ask me why, I've usually been more of a Rarity of Rainbow Dash person myself.

This post also sticks out to me for some reason. Honestly, it seems like a lot of the posts here are free form and random in a rather unique way. Posters like L23 or CB I could see this style but I am curious if this has any intent or direction to it.

Anon 01/10/2024 (Wed) 07:00 [Preview] No.9297 del
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>any intent or direction to it.

If I recall aright, I had just run across that IRL image of Luna, trapped in a dreamcatcher, and absolutely cracked up laughing.
So I brought it here to share, along with some haiku about DUMB TRAPS (presumably made out of stupid fabric)

-CB, who hasn't gotten any farther on that quadrupedal piece.

Anon 01/11/2024 (Thu) 09:50 [Preview] No.9308 del
Thanks for any clarification. Especially from a post that far back.
I do see the humor now.

Still, the general tone of some of the stuff here, including that, is... different. In a good way.

Now, I will try a haiku:
Luna, caught in spider's web
Not one of silk, but fabric
Contempt such creations
yeah, it sucks, but I think I did follow the 5 7 5 rule.

Greatest stories don't come quickly. Whenever it comes, I'll be invested.

Anon 01/11/2024 (Thu) 21:08 [Preview] No.9317 del

No, actually that's 7-7-7-6, unless 'now i will try a haiku' wasn't your first line, in which case you still have 7-7-~6 which isn't 5-7-5 either.
Let's try this:

Have now: a haiku
Luna caught: a spider's web.
Not silk; rather, rope.

Silk is fabric, as is cotton, btw. Nylon, kevlar, anything that can be made into strings and then woven together into a flat, malleable flap of material can be called a fabric.

Storage area networks only call themselves a fabric; I don't believe I've ever seen their network cords properly woven to be called a "fabric" they just are dispersed enough that, with some work, you could make a weave.
You can weave those cords (cotton, silk, steel, network, etc) into a rope instead, and because it's long, skinny, and used to hoist things instead of cover them, rope is not a fabric.
If you use fabric to make a rope, such as hanging yourself with a bedsheet the grammarians break out into boisterous infighting

Not that that's relevant, since Epstein didn't hang himself

Twilight and... Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 09:22 [Preview] No.9330 del
Twilight Sparkle glanced up upon the mountain. A eerie luminescence emitted from it, clocking everything near in a strange green-golden hue. The stars behind, a slice of the moon ever so slightly, filtered through it; the rest of the sky was otherwise unmolested.

Twilight felt a shiver down her spine. Was it really now time to confront him? Why did such a fate befall her?

She signed to herself. If only Rainbow Dash were here with her magic, she'd know what to do.


She, Twilight Sparkle, was the one with the magic. Twilight Sparkle gazed down the mountain. The eeri glow below her, illuminating her body in that same-no, now sickly-green glow. Wasn't there gold earlier?

A single lapse in judgement is not easily forgotten Twilight..

A chill down her spine.

A single failure. Not easy to come back from...

A sicking feeling down her throat.

When one makes a mistake that kills one of your own friends...

Twilight Sparkle felt sick. She needed to run. She needed to hide. Ice cream...

It was everywhere covering the ground. The entire landscape was made in a dream filled candy land. To her left, frosted fields of weat, coated with sugar like cereal. To her right, a river of chocolate cut threw the neapolitan ice cream.

Why is it not cold here?

What was she doing?

You can't hide forever from your mistakes.


Twilight awoke, shaken. She glanced around the room. The familiar features of her home, carved into a tree, shrouded in darkness but not in a eerie way. She breathed a sign of relief.

"What is with my dreams lately?"

She levitated a small notebook, brought forth aglow upon her purplish pink magic aura. A gentle light cast all around the room. A few flicks of the pencil, a brief sip of water, and she was back to bed. Restfully asleep and with a busy day, the dream mostly left her mind.


This is just me typing something tired again. Nothing building up. A random tiny story thing that just sort of fits in this thread once more.
Mostly not building up, anyway...

Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 09:42 [Preview] No.9333 del
Trying she tried the run the gate, but unfortunately it was getting late. Stars in the sky, so very high, make the little pony wish could fly.
Favorite line.

5.5/10 Far from amazing but amused me and that is far from indifference.

>Honestly, this doesn't seem like stream of consciousness. Too well structured.
You're probably right. It is more just me writing the first thing that comes to mind when minimal attempt to guide it.

>Speaking of /night/. Anyone had any ponies pop up in their dreams lately?
Actually, yes... a.. somewhat. In the background it has been happening a lot more than it used to. I will need to see my scattered notes but I've had Twilight Sparkle (most common) and Dolores Umbridge pop up in recent history and /endpone/ too, which only happened a handful of times before 2023.

>Posters like L23 or CB I could see this style but I am curious if this has any intent or direction to it.
>Still, the general tone of some of the stuff here, including that, is... different. In a good way.
I think, /night/ = mysterious and just anons running with that a bit more. Plus dream posts, your going to get some weird/funny and interesting stuff when you put all of that together.

>Greatest stories don't come quickly. Whenever it comes, I'll be invested.
Seconded, /)

Like what you are attempting to do. Even if CB is quite correct on it not being a real haiku.

I still like it, even if the rope thing might not be quite true (more on that in a moment).

>No, actually that's 7-7-7-6, unless 'now i will try a haiku' wasn't your first line, in which case you still have 7-7-~6 which isn't 5-7-5 either.
I read 'now I will try a haiku' as a something outside the haiku but I could easily be wrong.

Anon 01/17/2024 (Wed) 03:14 [Preview] No.9369 del
Missed Lu-na (two syllables) and cre-at-ion (three). In other words, retarded.

>/endpone/ popping up in dreams
Does that mean anything... OOOOOOOH spooky.

Interesting tone. Feels like this must be influenced by something. I do note a few grammatical errors but for something written on a whim I am impressed.

Part I: A Majestic Heavens Anon 01/28/2024 (Sun) 08:54 [Preview] No.9462 del
Rarity, a midnight escape.

The stars danced around the sky. It was magnificent. A painting so beautiful that made Rarity feel small compared to the world. Insignificant to Luna's domain. A hint of existential contemplation...

Movement flowed from the spider web.

Time stood still:
<It came upon Rarrity a spider was on her.
<A gasp, and she fled.
<Rarity awoke.

Anon 01/28/2024 (Sun) 09:10 [Preview] No.9463 del
>Does that mean anything... OOOOOOOH spooky.
At least means more of my day to day is leaking into my mind. Even if I am someone who things dreams can have some meanings greater than merely a assortment of thoughts with no outside influence, I still like this here even if I already quoted it once a few posts ago I will do so again:
>The trick I've latched onto in interpreting dreams, is that everything there, is you. When your uncle shows up in the dream, it's not your uncle, it's how you feel about your uncle that shows up in the dream.
Why my dreams are having more stuff in the forefront, IDK, stress? It is often very mundane.

>Interesting tone. Feels like this must be influenced by something.
Well, the tone... how do I put this? The tone I was aiming for was a dream and how sometimes events just flow into each other. You can be vaugely awhere that something is off with being in your car one moment and on a bicycle the next, but the parameters of the situation often change and it flows anyway.

>I do note a few grammatical errors but for something written on a whim I am impressed.
Thanks, as for how impressive it is, I do not know. Some say that when I am exhausted is when I do my best and that is what I have done with these.

Anon 01/28/2024 (Sun) 09:24 [Preview] No.9464 del
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Speaking of dreams and /night/, I am exhausted and need to sleep, yet I have something that happens sometimes in dreams that is stuck fresh in my mind.

I keep having my perspective be someone else. This is something that started several years ago, but grew more frequent lately. I have never even googled it but sometimes I wonder about it. The dream that happened a couple of days ago is too complex for me to go into details right now but I had this situation where I was going to have my mother pic up something before heading off, then switched to some other random guy whom I wasn't but had his point of view, with some random lady taking the place of my mother, and the same general situation of a request to pick something up. It doesn't disturb me and probably has some simple name or something but I do wonder how common it is and if others have felt it.

Well, what do you know, exhausted ramblings bring forth posts!

>do my best and that is what I have done with these
Though, I don't view them as the best, but as something where I let my guard down and just think freer. Rambling and sometimes filled with a certain manic energy.

Anon 02/26/2024 (Mon) 05:22 [Preview] No.9646 del
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Rarity was eating some sort noodles in a bowl. She hated me having the window open and I closed it. It was in some apartment or dormitory.

I woke up and thought it was real for way too long. I didn't feel sadness on pony not being real, but felt off that I thought for five whole minuets that I had actually interacted with her without thinking that was strange.

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 02:39 [Preview] No.9671 del
Did the noodles taste good?

In all seriousness, I am trying to recall if I have ever been "tricked" by such a scenario for that long. That doesn't seem too weird but I understand it freaking you out thinking that Rarity had been there, in the flesh, for more than 5 minuets.

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 02:55 [Preview] No.9700 del
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I only remember the tail end, as is common.
This took place on a space ship, and I recall my character's character had been called into question, but I had not been formally accused of anything. There were, perhaps, invaders on the ship, but that wasn't known for sure.

In the middle of my sleep cycle, the 'defend your space' klaxon sounded. What precisely did it actually mean, or sound like? I'm not sure, but I jumped out of bed, and started locking the three doors to the segment of tube I was in. Everything was made of glass so I could still see the rooms beyond as some sort of shape appeared and disappeared at the far end of what I could see, beyond a third door. Only, Applejack was rushing up and ... using a blowtorch to separate the deadbolt from the door mechanism. It would no longer be locked! I drew my katana (or had already drawn it as I saw AJ; not sure now) and upon realizing I was being set up for an accidental death, I shouted at ... some american tough-guy cartoon figure, who was being projected onto a shelf, so it was approximately like when Twilight was a wind-up ballerina figurine in Dolores's room, only it was this guy. Whose image I can't find but anyway.

So, I shout at him, using my blade to shove his tiny blade aside which seems, if I recall aright, seemed to knock the figurine's arm completely off, so here's this tiny tough guy with one arm, who shouts in response something like
>You'll have to trust us.
>Either you'll sink, or you'll swim.
>Your test begins now.

At which point the werewolf thing started pawing at the glass door, though I woke up before it actually fell aside far enough for any kind of battle.

Anon 03/02/2024 (Sat) 05:25 [Preview] No.9716 del
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Vaguely, something with a arm, like touching me. Reaching out from somewhere. Was trying to lay down and watch Frasier or something. Otherwise nothing. Boring dream that would be spooky if I was a kid. Sorry for the EQG pic if that isn't allowed here. Just posting a arm reaching out.

>You'll have to trust us.
>Either you'll sink, or you'll swim.
>Your test begins now.
This and Applejack's presence make me want to suggest that this is the dark and edgy version of Applejack's trial of honesty from Friendship is Magic's premiere episodes! As summarized better by bridgefag (?) >>8895
>Applejack, arguably the weakest and weirdest. Her line, ‘’Now listen here. What I'm sayin' to you is the honest truth. Let go, and you'll be safe.'’ feels... odd. Why couldn’t she just say that Twilight Sparkle would be caught by Fluttershy? Feels more fitting for her to have been the Element of trust, faith, or as I have heard Faust wanted, integrity. Even then, this test felt like they could’ve built something a little better here. She would’ve had no reason to lie here. It doesn’t really show her character other than prove her general competency and being a dependable friend and ally.

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 08:23 [Preview] No.9837 del
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I had a dream also vaguely involving Applejack. She was a minor presence on these Apple themed greeting cards and in the background while my grandmother was trying to get us passports to go to Hawaii, don't ask me about geopolitical situation...

>some american tough-guy cartoon figure, who was being projected onto a shelf, so it was approximately like when Twilight was a wind-up ballerina figurine in Dolores's room, only it was this guy. Whose image I can't find but anyway.
I legit laughed for some reason at this one.

>(or had already drawn it as I saw AJ; not sure now) and upon realizing I was being set up for an accidental death,
I know that dreams are vague but do you recall who or what force? I mean, it seems that Applejack was only one on your side here.

>Sorry for the EQG pic if that isn't allowed here. Just posting a arm reaching out.
It is fine. EQG ain't banned, I just the the board has been neutral indifference for the most part. Or at least that is how I would describe my relationship with EQD anyway.

>As summarized better by bridgefag (?)
Yes, you are correct, that is me.

Anon 06/04/2024 (Tue) 07:52 [Preview] No.10421 del
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Still dreaming more normal and IRL stuff. A couple of anons here have even popped up more than once, usually in vague background rolls. My dreams used to be far more surreal and only in the last two to three years have they taken a somewhat "realistic" turn. Despite strong stresses having been a feature for a great deal of my life. I wonder what has brought on this turn. Now, granted, there can still be some pretty surreal things in them, but it hasn't been bizarre viruses spread by song and random elements thrown together as much.

One notable exception: had two rare instance of a lucid dream recently. There was someone that looked grotesque and creepy. I realized I was dreaming. I started to laugh at him and attack him over just switching the scenario to something I wanted. Another time, I don't remember much. Flying in the clouds (?) and I realized it was dreaming and fought hard to not wake up yet.

Anon 07/05/2024 (Fri) 06:33 [Preview] No.10610 del
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The medication I'm on hasn't made much of an effect on my dreams thus far... and I prefer it that way.

Let's see. I had this one dream where an anon from here sent a message that manifested into fluttershy before it disappeared into space. That was weird but brief. Otherwise., vague unsettling or weird fuzziness. I was having this sense my strange medical issues started, so I think it is just stress related.

Anon 07/06/2024 (Sat) 05:37 [Preview] No.10621 del
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I had a dream last night:

>Train derailment.
>Train hit house.
>Second story... somehow
>That train later turned out to an asteroid.
>The asteroid had alien infection/virus/parasite that were taking over >everything rabidly.
>It was both earth scale, space, and... well everywhere.
>Ponies included, but only vaguely there.
>Toa Nuva (from Bionicle) were fighting a bunch of inflected Materon but my gut told me they would become infected too.
>Obama was at my grandparents house, watching TV. He wasn't infected at least.
>I remember driving around and trying to prepare for this/fight back, but, it was fruitless.
>It just went on for a long time, these are just the details I remember the best.
It was a borderline nightmare... because while I was scared I didn't feel all consumed by it and almost seemed kind of detached despite the hopelessness and dread.

Also, Bionicle Pony crossover images are relatively few and of generally low quality (not that memes can't be fun). I remember their being some pretty cool builds of ponies at one point somewhere.

Anon 07/22/2024 (Mon) 08:01 [Preview] No.10716 del
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Putting some Luna into this night thread! I really like the stary night Luna and really really like Seapony Luna, complete with tiberius who is not aquatic... hope Luna has a air breathing enchantment or bubble handy.

Dreams. Well, has this one weird one where Fluttershy was running from this black dots and specs that were spreading everywhere. They/it was the borg (from Star Trek), but wasn't the borg even if my dream said it wasn't. This feeling of a malevolent and all consuming force that was going to take over or destroy you and it doesn't quite feel like I can put it to words. I was seeing through her eyes, which happens a lot in my dreams lately.

Also, I felt like something is going to end soon, just something I feel in the air, and noting.

On that somewhat ominous note, goodnight and God bless /endpone/!

Anon 09/08/2024 (Sun) 03:41 [Preview] No.10934 del
Dream of a pony: >>10933 (cross-thread). I was not lucid dreaming in that dream. I did some lucid dreaming before. When I realized that I was in control of the dream, I thought: "Huh, might as well do some crazy shit like diddle some kiddies." So I tried to do and in other case(s) did do some pedo shit in those dreams. The experience in the dream of doing that was rather boring and uninteresting: nothing felt much like anything. It was more like a feeling of looking around or like understanding a story that you read in a newspaper. Maybe next time I get control of a dream I'll do a lot of LSD and fly around, or have sex missionary style with a beautiful mare.

>felt like something is going to end soon, just something I feel in the air, and noting.
Made me think of Blingee, but that basically ended a month or two after

>This feeling of a malevolent and all consuming force that was going to take over or destroy you and it doesn't quite feel like I can put it to words.
I think I have had such an experience in a bad dream years ago. Also can't really put it in words, so my description is more artistic than 1:1. I will say this, so to speak: A cosmic horror in which a monstrous Cthulhu-like being was skulking around the universe. It was an alien the size of Earth's solar system, or many orders of magnitude larger. Somehow it was making the air vibrate with such a loud unbearable noise. This terror indicated a certain doom. This Lovecraftian being was a highly intelligent and highly malicious being. In effect, he was God in this Godless universe. Were there more beings like him? If there were, one could only hope that they were not completely evil like him.

Anon 09/08/2024 (Sun) 04:05 [Preview] No.10935 del
It only takes one Flood spore, and soon an entire galaxy will be consumed.

Response that I got at https://chat-gpt.org/chat was actually kinda interesting and like the next thing I would write in the narrative:
>>Write the next paragraphs of this story:
>>A cosmic horror [...]. This Lovecraftian being was highly intelligent and highly malicious.[...]
>As the monstrous being continued to roam the universe, it left a trail of destruction in its wake. Planets were obliterated, stars were devoured, and civilizations were wiped out without a second thought. The sheer power and malevolence of this cosmic horror struck fear into the hearts of all who knew of its existence.
>But as the being moved through the universe, it also left behind clues to its origins and purpose. Ancient texts and prophecies spoke of a time when such a being would rise and bring about the end of all things. It was said that this being had been cast out from its own dimension, banished to wander the void for eternity.
>As the air continued to vibrate with the deafening noise of the being's presence, whispers of hope began to spread among the remaining civilizations. Some believed that there must be a way to defeat this monstrosity, to rid the universe of its destructive influence once and for all. Others saw it as a test of their faith, a trial that they must endure in order to prove their worthiness.
>But as the being drew closer to inhabited worlds, the true extent of its power became apparent. Entire galaxies were consumed in its wake, leaving only darkness and despair in its path. The time had come for the universe to face its greatest challenge, and the fate of all life hung in the balance.
However, probably better off reading Lovecraft.

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