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NMAiE General L23 11/08/2019 (Fri) 15:10:34 [Preview] No. 4969
Not Much Activity in /Endpone/.

From the calm ocean to the wild outer space, we can´t hold on the show anymore.

Cosmos is leading the path for us and what we have known before cannot be brought back to our lives.

Ladies and gentlemen, the post gen 4 era has begun!

And what´s worse, we are truly facing chaotic undefined times that can lead us to a big mess. Are we sure about relying on her? Spoiler alert: Cosmos doesn´t know the limits of mercy so we are completely doomed in this never ending ride.

Definitely this is the board placed at the end of the universe…


Season 9 discussion thread (reviews of all the episodes): >>3583 with the streaming sources besides Dailymotion:


NEW FANFIC: The Mare in the Mountain (by the Bridgefag): >>3835
Apple Bloom starts to draw some strange drawings and as soon as she falls asleep, the CMC go to the upper part of the mountain in order to see a graceful yet mysterious mare who appears in that place. Are you ready to see her?

The Writefag general where you can post your ideas about fanfics and review them. Replaces the old thread for greens: >>4724

The /Night/ thread. Dedicated mainly to Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon. Opened in Nightmare Nights: >>4924

Golden Oaks general, a project that investigates and discusses underground parts of the fandom besides the well-known MLP sites (updated with more reports): >>3148

The newest edit thread (with a greatest hits selection from the previous one): >>3779


The Revolution fic by the Bridgefag: >>2747

The Mirror of Fire (the first two parts so far): >>2131

The Mascot General, Dolores Umbridge: >>2992

Season 8 discussion thread: >>1060

Bat Pony General: >>125, including Cadencebat fic by the Bridgefag: >>1134

Comic Thread: >>1627, including the comics of Tempest Shadow and the complete Nightmare Knights arc.

Personal project by L23: >>656 , including the Comforts of Darkness: >>1445; Novo´s fic: >>1548 and the celebration of the >>2000 posts: >>2022.

Princess Celestia general: >>1857

Thread for greens, off topic and a few random ideas: >>400 including a fic for Midnight Radiance: >>988 and a fictional take about DWK with Rarity: >>1298

Previous thread: >>3485
2nd thread :>>2168
First thread: >>233

Anon 11/08/2019 (Fri) 15:22:42 [Preview] No.4970 del
You would claim that this villain has nothing to do with MLP...

and I would have absolutely agreed with you until this year. Pic related.

You know, if Discord tried to leave her behind a long time ago and failed, then you would know that she was coming one way or another.

And what´s worse,the picture in the OP is far from the scariest one that she has to deliver to this board...

Anon 11/08/2019 (Fri) 15:25:56 [Preview] No.4971 del
maybe leaving the past might lead us to a feeling of nostalgia.

By seeing this image, who wouldn´t have some sort of fears of what´s coming next?

Do you want to get off the ride? Well, you are lucky because I´ve got some news for you! Just in time for this thread.

Anon 11/08/2019 (Fri) 15:35:21 [Preview] No.4972 del
Do you want to hear them, right? Well, how about this?


Your heart might be crying out from the inside: "I AM NOT LEAVING!" and yes, you are not leaving because this ride never ended in the first place.

It simply took a break because the machinery for this rollercoaster needed some maintenance but we back in business.

Not even one single month of relief for you and more pony content is announced.

Cosmos doesn´t only lead us to the most absolute chaos but she is seeing and laughing at us because she is Mr Bones in disguise





Anon 11/08/2019 (Fri) 15:49:13 [Preview] No.4973 del
and one last suggestion to read before this chaos consumes us completely.

Last post from the longest(Polish) Board Owner of /Endpone/ >>4334.

From December 2017 to July 2019.

Anon 11/08/2019 (Fri) 22:50:32 [Preview] No.4976 del
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Anon 11/08/2019 (Fri) 22:53:04 [Preview] No.4977 del
Yeah, I guess I'm going to be sticking around for that.

Anon 11/09/2019 (Sat) 05:14:34 [Preview] No.4981 del
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>It simply took a break because the machinery for this rollercoaster needed some maintenance but we back in business.

It seems like we are gonna buckle in for a bit, but I sure ain't gonna leave till I get to see this not that I wouldn't be content with posting ponies and my own Golden Oaks project anyway. Unless it's super bland, I think even if it's a flaming mess it could still be fun!

Anon 11/09/2019 (Sat) 05:30:45 [Preview] No.4982 del
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>maybe leaving the past might lead us to a feeling of nostalgia.
You bet. Even taking a step forward is necessary because being sad that the show is done will not do us any good at all.

> By seeing this image, who wouldn´t have some sort of fears of what´s coming next?
Oh man yeah, with the comics taking a brief lead, will we fall into chaos. Perhaps it is best to become a force of chaos itself!

>Do you want to get off the ride? Well, you are lucky because I´ve got some news for you! Just in time for this thread.
Cosmos, is she the reason why we jumped off the cliff but continued to fly rather than crash? All for some strange amusement?

Ya'know? While I consider the era of the fandom at this moment might be best described as the Twilight era, inn time Cosmos might prove to be the best description, after all my future OC

Anon 11/09/2019 (Sat) 05:39:51 [Preview] No.4983 del
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Oh what can I say that I haven't said? Well, a lot, but that will be for another time. I don't know his fate, but if he still walks among this earth I wish him the best and even if he doesn't.

Now, let us dive in. Next week I will try to get my review up and the first part of GCR that may set the tone of what is the next team.

Anon 11/09/2019 (Sat) 05:45:40 [Preview] No.4984 del
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It is indeed you can visit flutter if you want to know more of what his other fellow anons thought...

Anon 11/09/2019 (Sat) 20:01:50 [Preview] No.4988 del
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makes me feel blue Feel sorry for whatever happened. with a group so small I imagine it was almost like losing a family member
Though I wouldn't say he is necessarily dead, he may have just decided he couldn't handle things and was shit talking

Anon 11/10/2019 (Sun) 01:58:06 [Preview] No.4991 del
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>with a group so small I imagine it was almost like losing a family member
In a way I suppose yes Though it's more of a lost potential. Looking back I had more in common than I realized. But that'd be a bit of a deep topic to breech at the moment.

>he may have just decided he couldn't handle things and was shit talking
It could be anything. I don't know. It's a bit dark to even go down that road.

Also, I can see you have seen our edit thread and your post has a strange, artistic feel for the subject matter.

Anon 11/10/2019 (Sun) 23:09:00 [Preview] No.4993 del
Proof of Life Shitpost today for me.

I see that there are new posts that I have to reply properly but I think that /endpone/ has to celebrate something special for the board itself...

Whatever happens for its celebration, I am glad to have been a part of this ride in an alt chan of this kind and no one could have expected to reach this far over here.

Posting here the princess with the newest thread created for her in an 80´s style.

Anon 11/11/2019 (Mon) 00:32:49 [Preview] No.4994 del
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>your post has a strange, artistic feel for the subject matter.
I just feel in da mood. Not mocking him.

>Proof of Life Shitpost
This is not a shitpost, it's art

Anon 11/12/2019 (Tue) 08:14:48 [Preview] No.4995 del
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Dolores is content.

Anon 11/12/2019 (Tue) 08:16:08 [Preview] No.4996 del
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...as Luna watches over the stars.

Anon 11/12/2019 (Tue) 21:18:08 [Preview] No.5002 del
>I sure ain't gonna leave till I get to see this I think even if it's a flaming mess it could still be fun!
anything can happen but keep in mind, this ride has only changed the path but it keeps going and going.

>Even taking a step forward is necessary because being sad that the show is done will not do us any good at all.
there is a good thing about that and it´s the fact that MLP has had a whole decade of entertainment to enjoy and consume. Better that than back in the 2000s. Also, it has established a solid base for its own so things don´t need a huge miracle in order to be good this time. How will gen 5 turn out? I have no idea.

>with the comics taking a brief lead, will we fall into chaos. Perhaps it is best to become a force of chaos itself!
and with good pictures by the way because that´s mostly the best Eris image that you are going to find out there. Same with Cosmos for the OP, so the chaos will mess up everyone....with a very good looking gala dress.

>is she the reason why we jumped off the cliff but continued to fly rather than crash? All for some strange amusement?
when death is only a part of the game or ride, it becomes meaningless. The only way to win is by no playing at all, without moving at all. Even if everything crashed with no survivors, this would keep going and carry us to her territory.

The winning move relied on those who shitposted on /co/ back then. If they hadn´t given this attention to the franchise, we wouldn´t have been here Even by removing all the established fans, you cannot delete MLP.

>While I consider the era of the fandom at this moment might be best described as the Twilight era, inn time Cosmos might prove to be the best description, after all my future OC
the sun still shines but the next day won´t have the same sun rays that we are used to seeing. Meanwhile, we have a pretty grey/dark zone to go through.

Even by assuming this, I can´t decide if your material is provoking more uncertainty than gen 5 or in reverse....

>what can I say that I haven't said? Well, a lot
and not really bright things towards the implications behind that.

>I don't know his fate, but if he still walks among this earth I wish him the best and even if he doesn't.

Anon 11/12/2019 (Tue) 21:59:14 [Preview] No.5003 del
>Feel sorry for whatever happened. with a group so small I imagine it was almost like losing a family member
just worth noting that he was the first anon that I replied to back in December 17. The current BO didn´t appear until New Year´s Day and only because he was curious about unknown places....

so yeah, the first posts written here were transformed from shitposts to a personal check over here.

>he may have just decided he couldn't handle things and was shit talking
I wish you were right but I know when someone is tolling and when one does not. You have to master a lot your feelings and intention in order to make this a complete joke, much less when he shared his personal thoughts here, revisiting this place after he partially abandoned it for a few months. He was even surprised by the fact of having to think way more about himself in a chan format.

He warned about the ownership and he was right, he didn´t log in during that month.

>In a way I suppose yes
in an unexpected way as well.

>it's more of a lost potential. Looking back I had more in common than I realized. But that'd be a bit of a deep topic to breech at the moment.
we could discuss for an entire month about that. One could write this in a book of his memories and 99% of the people would be astonished by hearing this experience.

>It's a bit dark to even go down that road.
the mental health of someone is quite dark to deal with and while one can shitpost about reaching the end, this regard requires deep thoughts that aren´t all that easy to discuss all the time.

>This is not a shitpost, it's art
a PoLS(Proof of Life Shitpost) is a meme created by this board, an equivalent of the famous bump that you would use anywhere else.
Here, however, considering that bumping a thread is pretty stupid for very few people, it feels awkward to say that.
As the term says, a PoLS means that you are active in the board and that you are reading the posts, so the other user(s) notice(s) that said poster still cares about the board´s existence and hasn´t left.
A PoLS is normally a quick post saying that with an image that you want to share for the board to see. Nonetheless, a PoLS can imply that the user wants to reply more in depth but has to leave because of private reasons or any other factor that prevents from posting more, there could be more posts than the PoLS before but he says that so it means that he has stopped his activity for that session. A PoLS can have its artistic merit like greens, edits, review... I have even seen a little poem out there.

I wonder how Bridgefag came up with it but he said it in the season 8 discussion (that was probably for the first time) >>1460 and in the first NMAiE thread >>1698.

If /endpone/ has any sort of memes here, the list is:
Proof of Life Shitpost, Dolores (the bridge),The Mare in the Mountain >>5000, Bat Ponies, the royal sisters and some IDW characters (Amore, Nightmare Rarity and the Draconequus).

I could include the seaponies but that´s more of a personal motivation that drove me to shitpost over here.

A funny story is that the NMAiE acronym is born because of a shitposter >>233 (Tournevis has to check this someday, his face must be priceless while seeing this), creating the main unexpected general for /endpone/ with its 4th edition.

Do you want art? The closest things to that word are the fanfics and the edits if you want content from this place. Everything comes from the same two/three users, by the way.

Anon 11/12/2019 (Tue) 22:02:56 [Preview] No.5004 del
oh yeah, those ponies are sure calm today.

It doesn´t seem that they are going to get the digits today, aren´t they?

I am keeping a close watch on you two...

Anon 11/13/2019 (Wed) 19:49:54 [Preview] No.5010 del
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Oh boy,you are going to miss the characters introduced in the latest seasons. I am going that far and maybe a few characters from IDW as well.

You may be asking,why should I feel something towards the students if they are fairly recent?Well,except Sandbar,they aren't obviously ponies and definitely the Draconequus posted here don't have the body structure that most fans love,right?

What if I told you that they are going to remind you more about MLP than the """mane 6"""?

Well,about that...just visit a little bit /mlp/ or EQD and you will understand why I am posting this.

Cosmos definitely sent us into space just for more pain and a permanent seat in hell. We are facing really bumpy roads and complicated corners very soon...

Anon 11/13/2019 (Wed) 20:52:13 [Preview] No.5013 del
(108.25 KB 320x320 ahhhhhhhh.PNG)
>Oh boy,you are going to miss the characters introduced in the latest seasons. I am going that far and maybe a few characters from IDW as well.
For me the jury is still out on some as I debate their impacts but yeah...

I will be posting my theories on this later, but there is a couple of other moves Hasbro has made that I want to point too.

Comos is now 100% perfect for this thread!

Anon 11/27/2019 (Wed) 00:39:55 [Preview] No.5078 del
>Comos is now 100% perfect for this thread!
when the sarcasm becomes a reality unironically, you know that something isn´t going like it´s supposed to do.

If anything, she is going to laugh a little bit more than expected (most likely) whenever this spinoff airs (even though its hype has fallen completely after the first days of its announcement).

Anon 11/27/2019 (Wed) 00:53:55 [Preview] No.5079 del
also I have to reply that if anyone has existential questions, needs to know about its future or asks for a little bit of light for their problems, the answer is here on /endpone/. You only need to know these four words in this world and somehow everything will be alright:


and all of a sudden, the cycle continues...

Anon 11/28/2019 (Thu) 06:46:45 [Preview] No.5115 del
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What does /endpone/ think of the drama of the VAs trying to purge the lewd outtakes and Hasbro possibly trying to infiltrate discord to find da hacker?

Anon 11/28/2019 (Thu) 06:50:57 [Preview] No.5116 del
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Proof of Life Shitpost from a /endpone/ newfag

Anon 11/30/2019 (Sat) 06:19:52 [Preview] No.5128 del
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Haven't gotten enough into details do to other matters at the moment.

Howdy newfag if you mind my asking, are you one of the other 3 anons that have wandered here or somepony else.

Anon 12/01/2019 (Sun) 22:13:48 [Preview] No.5133 del
>What does /endpone/ think of the drama of the VAs trying to purge the lewd outtakes and Hasbro possibly trying to infiltrate discord to find da hacker?
I read an Equestria Daily article about the material of those outtakes and the staff made it clear that there was some NSFW material among them. In comparison to the leaks that have happened in the past with the movie, a few episodes of season 8, the final leaks in August and previous ones that happened a few years ago (I read somewhere for example that Castle-Mania was leaked but I didn´t experience that so take it as a dubious statement); that actually have an effect on the investments and possibly income that they could get from this franchise, they failed or didn´t make enough attempts to stop that, they are doing this...

As far as I am concerned, Hasbro might have noticed that the leaks for their official material doesn´t hurt the source of income so this move might be because of professional imagery that affect the VAs in their careers, as if this was some sort of personal info or data that don´t want to show up in order to hide those horseplays whenever they get to work with another company. However, we all have dealt with NSFW content for all these years, these outtakes feel like a small snack in comparison to what lots of fans are used to seeing. I understand their position either way.

The problem is that Hasbro is inexperienced at solving these problems and that leads to awkwardly comical situations that the fans will get a laugh or two from them. This gets a little bit like the Streisand effect but more aimed towards the incompetency rather than the content that has been removed.

Another little episode of misadventures that could have ended up in drama but instead, the fans who noticed their move have got an amusing event from it.

Anon 12/03/2019 (Tue) 01:23:30 [Preview] No.5140 del
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Alright. New update. GCR is delayed till further notice. I may not be able to post for a few days do to some IRL stuff. Keep the bridges crossed till I get back.

Anon 12/03/2019 (Tue) 04:02:50 [Preview] No.5141 del
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Just randomly stopping by to inform my fellow horselosers that yes, the Princesses and EQG are not spared from Ponylife. I'm actually kind of hyped for the shitshow.

Anon 12/03/2019 (Tue) 23:56:01 [Preview] No.5143 del
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take your time, I am sure that you are going to need it for that stuff. Besides, I´ve got to review the first part yet so yeah, I also need a little bit of time too for delivering a proper review for the new chaotic lady that has taken over the end of the universe. Slowly but tasting it little by little.

Anon 12/04/2019 (Wed) 00:12:25 [Preview] No.5144 del
>Just randomly stopping by to inform my fellow horselosers that yes, the Princesses and EQG are not spared from Ponylife. I'm actually kind of hyped for the shitshow.
why do you think that we have been posting the draconequus so much lately? There must be a reason for it, I suppose. We have been aware of the shitshow since >>5010 and >>5013

Is it worse than we thought? At least they´ve got Celestia´s colors right from the very beginning(mostly because the toys sold in the first year or so about her were with a pink body, so one could take a guess that Cadence was created for that purpose instead).

Hasbro hasn´t been known for working hard in their products and that shows. Even for the 4th gen, except for the Guardians of Harmony toyline (which was really sick, a shame that it didn´t go further with it), the plushies have beaten the toys, especially if we are talking about the fanmade ones.

Anyway, my interest for everything related has stayed the same since the first time I saw an article announcing Pony Life: passive mode for me after The Last Problem (unless comics fill the spot or some bonus complementary gen 4 material).

Anon 12/07/2019 (Sat) 02:16:46 [Preview] No.5155 del
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>why do you think that we have been posting the draconequus so much lately? There must be a reason for it, I suppose. We have been aware of the shitshow since
My question is if there will be an EQG Life.

>Is it worse than we thought? At least they´ve got Celestia´s colors right from the very beginning
I hate the look but in all honestly if they make it even somewhat interesting it'll probably still like it over G5 because it's looking like it is still set in a twisted version Equestria I know

>(which was really sick, a shame that it didn´t go further with it)
Should've been a spinoff.

>unless comics fill the spot or some bonus complementary gen 4 material
comics may often suck but it still gives some stuff to work with. looks like you all have managed to get a lot of traction of Cosmos.

Anon 12/07/2019 (Sat) 15:17:32 [Preview] No.5158 del
>My question is if there will be an EQG Life.
well, I am not the biggest expert of EQG honestly but I have heard that it ended a bit openly with the last special. Considering those toys of Celestia and Luna and the guaranteed aspect that this animation is even cheaper than gen 4´s, in case they wanted a few episodes of EQG for backing up those toys, they wouldn´t have any problems in doing so.

>I hate the look
well, the fans have delivered a few enjoyable pictures to see in its tag and I am in a passive mode of hating it. When the pictures look good, they are very competently made for the chibi artstyle that we are getting from this spin off. It´s even simpler than gen 4 obviously but for the characteristics that define it, in their own league I personally don´t have as many problems as I would have expected. In fact, I am prediciting that this material could become like the CD-I Zelda Games, which served to create memes and funny stuff to shitpost. The "ok boomer" couldn´t come in a more fitting moment because this picture of Rainbow Dash mocking at the fanbase has already become iconic for describing this awkward situation in a nutshell.

I suppose that preventing myself from reacting angrily or in an negative way the day that were announced helped me a lot and now, I am just indifferent. Indifferent because Hasbro can ruin anything else in the future but cannot touch what´s been created so far, that is to say, gen 4 is already written and is history of this franchise. I was way (by far) more worried about gen 4 ending in a bad note with its last season than this spectacle.

>they make it even somewhat interesting it'll probably still like it over G5 because it's looking like it is still set in a twisted version Equestria I know
that´s......well, quite a bold statement to say the least. Unless you have seen leaked scripts or checked the direction that gen 5 production team might be going right now, I cannot make such comparisons. Hell, we haven´t even seen a single episode from this spin off either despite predicting (and reasonably so) that is going to become a shitshow.

Anon 12/07/2019 (Sat) 15:44:42 [Preview] No.5159 del
>Should've been a spinoff.
eeyup,I agree.

>comics may often suck but it still gives some stuff to work with.
yeah,for better or worse, they can deliver a few points of discussion and giving more spins towards X characters in ways that the show didn´t expose that much. The ones that come first to my mind are Blueblood, Cadence, Ocellus and Tempest and they truly benefit of this complementary material. Fortunately enough, the Fosgitt era is over and the comics have recovered a little bit that old quality from the first issues (Legend of Magic could be seen as the cornerstone) and well, you can see my praise towards the comics that I have posted in the thread, especially Nightmare Knights and the most recent one about the out of focus student.

>looks like you all have managed to get a lot of traction of Cosmos.
both draconequus designs are outstanding (Eris and Cosmos) and I must say that IDW has put more effort in this regard. They are known for creating random OCs that don´t really matter (and are long forgotten)but as they have dug deeper with this species, at least they have pioneered more material about them that sparks enough interest to talk about them for a while.

I had been asking myself before creating this thread what character I thought that would fit for the OP and I was torn between picking Adult Twilight or Cosmos. As we don´t have much content about Cosmos, I believed that giving her some spotlight with the image that caught my attention, we went for the chaotic road....and oh boy, she truly represents the era that we are living in with Pony Life and an unknown future for MLP. It´s the first time that the fanbase experiences a post gen era (even if it seems like a longer hiatus).

We are discussing her arc and as we have nothing else to do in the meantime before the season 10 comics or Pony Life, spending a little bit of time with it fills a little bit the lack of fresh material.

Anon 12/08/2019 (Sun) 23:28:27 [Preview] No.5160 del
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>in case they wanted a few episodes of EQG for backing up those toys, they wouldn´t have any problems in doing so.
There was a redesign show in the 2018 leaks that looked simpler and more streamlined. Wonder if that was an early prototype. Though the there was no indication of that in the 2019 leaks of the crew even be aware of Ponylife so I don't know.

>. The "ok boomer" couldn´t come in a more fitting moment because this picture of Rainbow Dash mocking at the fanbase has already become iconic for describing this awkward situation in a nutshell.
If they go the full TTG route and make awkward eps that go meta than that's what would get me to hate it.

Exactly. Even when they fail they can still offer more to discus. And halfway failures like Cosmos and Eris still kick ass in some ways.

Anon 12/10/2019 (Tue) 00:22:36 [Preview] No.5161 del
>Though there was no indication of that in the 2019 leaks of the crew even be aware of Ponylife so I don't know.
yeah, the crew has changed and has absolutely nothing to do with DHX, so those prototypes can perfectly end up in an anecdote.

>If they go the full TTG route and make awkward eps that go meta than that's what would get me to hate it.
I...I wouldn´t discard it at all sadly. Considering that MLP has gone through its meta episodes in gen 4 (especially in Fame and Misfortune), Hasbro could focus on mocking at the "haters" all over again but with less reasons to justify those actions than back then.
Everyone is expecting to get a carbon copy of Teen Titans Go and you are not mistaken at believing that a bait and switch could happen like TTG did with Slade, baiting the old fans with an episode that didn´t pan out as it promised based on its title.

In case that this worst case scenario happens (highly likely), if I have to share mindless negativity, I´ll probably shitpost about it on /mlp/. I will become a fan of the fandom because the current show isn´t gen 4 and focus on reviewing/commenting other things here instead.

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

>even when they fail they can still offer more to discus. And halfway failures like Cosmos and Eris still kick ass in some ways.
indeed and that´s why (just in case) the complementary material deserves more my time than this spin off (for now, even though my expectations range from very little to none). Call the comics wasted potential or flawed but at least, I am quite relaxed towards those issues and a few ideas done right are more valuable than nothing. If a few cool fan pictures, fics or future ideas come out of them, that´s basically enough for me.

Anon 12/11/2019 (Wed) 06:34:10 [Preview] No.5168 del
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PoLS with a side of FYI. In the next couple of days or so I'll be trying to post my fic. Which means if it may not work out and posts could be deleted and edited a lot, so be watchful for partly spoilering yourselves.

Anon 12/11/2019 (Wed) 20:37:54 [Preview] No.5169 del
> Which means if it may not work out and posts could be deleted and edited a lot, so be watchful for partly spoiling yourselves.
thanks for the advice even though even when I have spoilers in front of my eyes and I scroll down uninterested, I forget about them almost instantly. In the end, what counts is when one reads the entire thing and gets the proper focus.

Take your time for posting the coloured text because I have had a few problems with it, especially with the blue text for Luna´s lines and you can feel sold if you cannot fix that unintended random error.

Anon 12/24/2019 (Tue) 18:02:37 [Preview] No.5242 del
well, it´s that time again ,isn´t it? Are we supposed to say anything special now that the generation has ended? Everything that has come after the finale feels like a bonus...or another step into the unknown future that the next decade will define but this cannot.

One visits these community sites because of fanatism or it´s because one doesn´t feel like going anywhere else.

Anon 12/24/2019 (Tue) 18:13:14 [Preview] No.5243 del
As for /endpone/, I understand it much less because it only relies on the same users that have stayed for two years. If that´s not loyalty, I don´t know what it would be called then. I wouldn´t have bet one single cent for posting here this long. In theory, I had only planned to reach the 300 posts like a race that I would do for fun >>274 and even then, I wan´t all that sure of that plan getting accomplished. I would have reached it by samefagging to myself and a few images that I liked but, this? If MLP was a surprise, imagine taking this "side project" seriously for two years.

Call it autism, craziness or even fascinating but for sure, it leaves no one indifferent that posting over 2k replies out of the more than 5000 were implemented from the main two users. The BO and other users left the rest but still, the script was supposed to end long ago or it shouldn´t have happened and yet we are here, celebrating Christmas for the third time on /endpone/.

Anon 12/24/2019 (Tue) 18:26:00 [Preview] No.5244 del
and well, it´s been a wild ride full of long posts, fics, reviews, varied discussions and edits. How can one find energies or feel motivated to even try in a slow place? I suppose that everything comes from the will of the user and the reasons to stay here, waiting for something that was never promised.

Am I supposed to wait for the old Board Owner? He used to lurk over here and leave a signal during these days after leaving for a long time but honestly, as I did back then and I still hope, I don´t expect anything from here yet things occur..so one keeps going in order to see what happens next....and /endpone/ has lasted so long that it´s witnessing the end of the 2010s with activity. Not the greatest achievement for the fanbase nor something spectacular to note for any imageboard but for very few anons, that values changes completely. I suppose that rushing in and desiring for a fast pace would make this place different,so only fools would do that.

The gift that has been given here was the entire ride and lots of unexpected things that have broken constantly the nature of any chan. What´s the plan for the next decade? Nothing...because I don´t have a plan nor I lead to others believe that this place is fantastic. Instead, one has proves it each day, without having to change radically the spirit nor put a great disguise for the next step.

From not much, the old love and the deep sea to floating in space. The stars have aligned themselves but that doesn´t mean this place is going to get any help from them. What direction should one follow? Now you know how freedom works and why it´s so scary. That´s how I felt two years ago.

Anon 12/24/2019 (Tue) 18:33:48 [Preview] No.5245 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=p47V3w4m1yg [Embed]

How am I supposed to celebrate Christmas here? Well, maybe I should put a carol or any song from particular the Heart´s Warming episodes...but I let you to do that instead.

For me, like I did last year >>2888, I am repeating myself like a scratched disk but I find this like the closest hymn that comes close to the concept of space and a distant message from a very different place.

Not always the space is purely chaotic and unfamiliar. I suppose that one need a message in order to feel that warmth.

Merry Christmas to anyone who´s lurking! Thanks a lot Bridgefag and you too BO!

Good night! /)

Anon 12/25/2019 (Wed) 04:05:04 [Preview] No.5246 del
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It is (or for me getting close as two years will be new years as that's when I got in on the action). It's nuts that we are still here. It's nuts that I actually still have ideas for this place. It is indeed a strange loyalty that has allowed this place to exist. You are right that we are not the greatest achievement of the fandom or anything but I must say that I have been so surprised at a lot of times even nonfandom anons who wandered by have had a semi-positive reaction to here sometimes. I mean, I almost think that things here work in reverse at this point when I look at how my expectation have been compared to reality. It's been two years now and I do not know what to think. It's a small amount of time yet a lot. I got involved in the fandom when it wasn't even a year old. Think about that... entire projects grown and died and even entire websites have died in the time endpone has been around. I mean, when endpone started I was still in a state that I associate as still the childhood era (not in a normal sense, but still certain routines still being in place that had been since I was young). Then it all changed. And then again. So an entire era of my life passed with this board being here.

> Am I supposed to wait for the old Board Owner? He used to lurk over here and leave a signal during these days after leaving for a long time but honestly, as I did back then and I still hope, I don´t expect anything from here yet things occur..
Me too. For though what he left with dark implications we will never know truly if it was really that or merely him cutting ties. I have no expectation but admit a possibility he could return. If he does, I will be ready to turn over the board if he wishes. Regardless I'd like to be a bit better to him. I think he had a slightly hard time with our long form discussion and looking back we had a lot more in common than I realized.

>The stars have aligned themselves but that doesn´t mean this place is going to get any help from them. What direction should one follow? Now you know how freedom works and why it´s so scary. That´s how I felt two years ago.
Not only freedom. Now the board is in the era of Twilight and Cosmos. An era that is looking to be a paradox of having no FiM but still a lot of ponies.

Anon 12/25/2019 (Wed) 04:28:42 [Preview] No.5247 del
(13.71 MB 1280x720 2229228.webm)
>For me, like I did last year >>2888, I am repeating myself like a scratched disk but I find this like the closest hymn that comes close to the concept of space and a distant message from a very different place.
Maybe not quite my style of music but man those backgroud vocals sure have a lot going on. Feels more than just simple background singing. I really kind of like it now.

>Merry Christmas to anyone who´s lurking! Thanks a lot Bridgefag and you too BO!
Merry Christmas and Happy Heartswarming to all! A special thanks to L23, more than just a causal /endpone/ user, and BO enteral honorary BO of this board. Thanks even to the lurkers and to 5050 who has silently followed us along for the a good bit of the rid and is more than welcome to join in To even the people we have briefly bumped into, from 8/pone/ and from elsewhere.


Anon 12/27/2019 (Fri) 05:40:38 [Preview] No.5254 del
That song sure messes with me. It sounds like one of those shit emo songs yet it can't help but make me feel.

Merry Heartwarming. thanks for remembering us lurkers and sometimes posters.

Anon 12/29/2019 (Sun) 01:04:59 [Preview] No.5258 del
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>It's nuts that we are still here.
considering that the gen 4 train ended a couple of months ago, the activity brought in the fanbase after October means that we are still going regardless of the show´s ending. But /endpone/, it´s truly nuts indeed.

>It's nuts that I actually still have ideas for this place.It is indeed a strange loyalty that has allowed this place to exist.
considering that we didn´t promise anything, nothing was guaranteed to happen into reality, the mentality has consisted mostly in hoping that the other one replies, putting some trust to keep going. Then, it´s not dead so it might be over tomorrow...nope, the activity continues that day as well and the cycle went on until today. About having ideas, you have offered the long fics this year while for me, I´ve mostly focused on keeping the direction or management of the content (basically a backup).

>we are not the greatest achievement of the fandom or anything but I must say that I have been so surprised at a lot of times even nonfandom anons who wandered by have had a semi-positive reaction to here sometimes.
that´s like the most surprising thing that one wouldn´t expect at all. I mean, the fanbase has always been seen as the "cool community to hate" and put on the worst fandoms (I suppose that comes because of the early years) but a few spontaneous anons have praised or given a positive comment to this place. I suppose that comes because awe haven´t used ponies to spam or troll out there and considering that there is no GR15 here, they might be surprised by that lack of action or derail the other boards.

>I almost think that things here work in reverse at this point when I look at how my expectation have been compared to reality. It's been two years now and I do not know what to think.
do you think that I´ve got things clear in my mind? Far from it. There have been events that shouldn´t have occurred and yet, it keeps going as if nothing strange has happened.

>It's a small amount of time yet a lot. I got involved in the fandom when it wasn't even a year old. Think about that... entire projects grown and died and even entire websites have died in the time endpone has been around.
8chan and Nextchan have disappeared in front of our eyes (even though the former has just come back as 8kun) and hang on to your seats, Tumblr. We have seen Tumblr fall while we have been delivering PoLS for two years in an alt-chan. I don´t want to blow my own trumpet but that´s not a short feat.

>when endpone started I was still in a state that I associate as still the childhood era (not in a normal sense, but still certain routines still being in place that had been since I was young). Then it all changed. And then again. So an entire era of my life passed with this board being here.
it´s weird to divide two eras that don´t have the same amount of time but that radical change might be because two fans who were lurkers (personally from /mlp/ and you from lurking on other small places), you found out this board and the mindset went from passive to active with an undefined project yet it has detoured from the roots that we came from. It´s quite ironic that you weren´t willing to write greens yet here you are, establishing fanon theories for providing more Cosmos content.

>the board is in the era of Twilight and Cosmos. An era that is looking to be a paradox of having no FiM but still a lot of ponies.
what a time to be alive!

Anon 12/29/2019 (Sun) 01:19:30 [Preview] No.5259 del
>I was still in a state that I associate as still the childhood era (not in a normal sense, but still certain routines still being in place that had been since I was young). Then it all changed. And then again. So an entire era of my life passed with this board being here.
A lot of things I have learned from here that no other places gave me. It changes a lot your perspective when you stay simply watching and then, jumping onto action by leading a small place (like a DIY thing). Also there is a huge change in confidence,as if things are more defined at posting or organizing the content but there are a lot of challenges to deal with yet.

>what he left with dark implications we will never know truly if it was really that or merely him cutting ties.
only those posts from /flutter/ can give us an idea of it but it was his own decision, there´s nothing that others can do in that matter unfortunately.

>I'd like to be a bit better to him. I think he had a slightly hard time with our long form discussion and looking back we had a lot more in common than I realized.
who knows how much has he lurked over here? How many posts did he read and established such connections in order to get into those conclusions when he left? Did he read a green or something? We could have noticed it if he gave us some feedback towards specific content but...it´s really unclear.

>those backgroud vocals sure have a lot going on. Feels more than just simple background singing. I really kind of like it now.
you know that a voice can be meant to be used as an instrument and become integrated to the song (the Canon in D chord progression)....it doesn´t always have to be on the forefront all the time. And you know what´s funny? It still inspires something beyond the song itself. Don´t get too surprised if songs of this kind actually get somewhere else....

>A special thanks to L23, more than just a causal /endpone/ user, and BO enteral honorary BO of this board.
the original three users of this 2nd era. What have we done?

>That song sure messes with me. It sounds like one of those shit emo songs yet it can't help but make me feel.
this is far from punk though. And if by emo you mean emotional, it is though the context behind....it´s not quite as nice as the song sounds.

Anon 12/29/2019 (Sun) 03:50:29 [Preview] No.5260 del
(1.89 MB 1864x2180 2188234.png)
>considering that the gen 4 train ended a couple of months ago, the activity brought in the fanbase after October means that we are still going regardless of the show´s ending. But /endpone/, it´s truly nuts indeed.
For the fandom it's interesting to see that, in this moment anyway, some have old faces have returned and some projects have started back up. For us it's nuts that we are still alive after the show is not. It... feels like a dream. The song and the album listening to it while typing this really make it feel kind of... I don't know what to say.

>but a few spontaneous anons have praised or given a positive comment to this place.
personal fav was that anon who was shocked to learn Tempest was in the show.

>do you think that I´ve got things clear in my mind? Far from it. There have been events that shouldn´t have occurred and yet, it keeps going as if nothing strange has happened.
It just feels like it's on autopilot. I just keep saying "okay, whats in store now?"
>8chan and Nextchan have disappeared in front of our eyes (even though the former has just come back as 8kun) and hang on to your seats, Tumblr. We have seen Tumblr fall while we have been delivering PoLS for two years in an alt-chan. I don´t want to blow my own trumpet but that´s not a short feat.
I mean it's both a tiny thing and yet not something I can fully discount either. It's like I can't believe I'm in a universe where something I had a part in managed to last longer than--well everything you just said. And...

>what a time to be alive!
it's chaotic!

Anon 12/29/2019 (Sun) 04:11:21 [Preview] No.5261 del
(107.46 KB 851x599 2027866.jpeg)
>A lot of things I have learned from here that no other places gave me.
Me too.

>It changes a lot your perspective when you stay simply watching and then, jumping onto action by leading a small place (like a DIY thing). Also there is a huge change in confidence
I had some ambitions on one day posting fan content, but I never thought I'd be actually doing it like this. TBH, not sure if it weren't for /endpone/ I would've jumped into doing anything before the show ended.

>only those posts from /flutter/ can give us an idea of it but it was his own decision, there´s nothing that others can do in that matter unfortunately.

> We could have noticed it if he gave us some feedback towards specific content but...it´s really unclear.
True. Though I think that the he had a hard time with some of the longer posts and would get behind and decided it best to be more in the background. Still would've been interesting to here on his thoughts on some things. Hi BO if you are still lurking, no hard feels.

>And you know what´s funny? It still inspires something beyond the song itself. Don´t get too surprised if songs of this kind actually get somewhere else....
Always haunted by backup singing and background huming and such. Can be the main reason I listen to a song. These I like because they really have an intering feel on there own.

>the original three users of this 2nd era. What have we done?
I don't know but in the words of an anon I know well: Carpe Diem.

I feel like "emo" even with my own negitive feels towards a lot of things like that, is a bit too of a broad lable that devalues the indiviual marit of a lot of things. Besides if it made you feel, how can it be a failure?

> thanks for remembering us lurkers and sometimes posters.
Hey, you guys are anons too and even if your contributions are more sparse it can be nice to see another perspective.

Anon 12/30/2019 (Mon) 00:29:26 [Preview] No.5266 del
>some have old faces have returned and some projects have started back up.
we are living a period of reconciliation with gen 4. Some people admitted that they lost track of the show at some point and it looks like they are watching it with other eyes. It typically happens to anything that dies or ends but for this community, it becomes a new thing to witness considering that no previous generations had these circumstances.

>it's nuts that we are still alive after the show is not. It... feels like a dream. The song and the album listening to it while typing this really make it feel kind of... I don't know what to say.
just say that it´s a giant step each day.

>personal fav was that anon who was shocked to learn Tempest was in the show.
that was truly remarkable and worthy to write down some notes on how not to deal with a community one doesn´t know. Otherwise, those "retards" could pay it back to you and give you a lesson or two. That was a great highlight to witness and the best part is that he got a slight interest for Tempest.

>It just feels like it's on autopilot. I just keep saying "okay, whats in store now?"
basically. After posting for two years here, one deals with it as an ordinary matter.

>It's like I can't believe I'm in a universe where something I had a part in managed to last longer than--well everything you just said. And...
>it's chaotic!
anything is possible. I mean, a few fans tried to make statements that, in case that all the community went to the void and disappeared completely, if two anons replied to each other with ponies, then the community would be alive. This board could count as that living experiment....and how far has gone despite all the adversities and Cosmos taking over the board

Anon 12/30/2019 (Mon) 00:44:54 [Preview] No.5267 del
>I had some ambitions on one day posting fan content, but I never thought I'd be actually doing it like this. TBH, not sure if it weren't for /endpone/ I would've jumped into doing anything before the show ended.
I only came here for certain interests and even though I had written a couple of greens on /mlp/ (because they would give those threads a little bit of life and not having to bump them all the time) and drawn four badly pencil drawn images, I´ve never considered myself to post fan content to this degree. Again, the passive mode ends when the lurker has to show himself to the forefront instead of hiding all the time.

>think that the he had a hard time with some of the longer posts and would get behind and decided it best to be more in the background.
ugh,that´s understandable. Maybe a break of a few pictures without words would soften the thread for those who try to fit into the topic or putting a marker about changing the topic. There could be some improvements but again, the posts flow as they come and go.

>Always haunted by backup singing and background huming and such. Can be the main reason I listen to a song. These I like because they really have an intering feel on there own.
yeah, in this one it sounds like a dreamy paradise. It´s not a carol but the moving spirit comes inherently in it.

>but in the words of an anon I know well: Carpe Diem.
that anon is a man of culture. Agreed completely on that philosophy.

Anon 12/31/2019 (Tue) 20:45:13 [Preview] No.5274 del
so...tonight I am sending the last messages of this year and the 2010s. This decade is closing its book and will become history completely with no further events to define what´s happened throughout this period.

There are barely more than 2 hours left here in Spain and the only thing that one can await is eating the grasps while watching the fireworks that come right after the countdown.

This means that MLP cannot add any other attributes to its franchise, so this means that there is no room for Hasbro to define anything more so for those fans who have been worried about ruining this decade for MLP, it isn´t, season 9 is the last product and ended the book after its spin off (EQG) did in summer.

All the events that happened in terms of the community and the franchise are already written and so, its era has ended as well as this decade does. I think that in the future, old fans will remember this ride fondly or attach it to a really personal level.

Friendship is no longer magical because we have passed that book. You can visit that material again but unless the comics offer anything else, you can definitely secure this 4th generation into the old trunk with absolute confidence.

Anon 12/31/2019 (Tue) 20:56:23 [Preview] No.5275 del
So what else can I say that I haven´t said before in Christmas´day? Nothing really.

Just that as we have agreed, enjoy the moment and Carpe Diem, not every single day manages to offer a conclusion to the previous 10 years. It´s been a hell of ride, isn´t it?

Looking back at it, contemplating the past and asking yourselves: how did this show manage to entertain so much and stay attached to it for so long? Well,it´s an answer that anyone should put on the table with their own version...but we are here,we´ve finally made it, the 2010s ride is definitely ending in front of our eyes. The next pages will be placed in a different book soon.

Goodbye gen 4, it´s been nice to meet you and its fans as well.

To anyone out there, fan or not of MLP, happy New Year´s Day!

See you on the next decade!


Anon 12/31/2019 (Tue) 22:54:32 [Preview] No.5276 del
(96.47 KB 420x420 2234753.png)
By my estimation it has almost arrived there. I wish you a happy new years as we get ready to usher in a new post FiM decade (at least from a cultural perspective).

>Spain and the only thing that one can await is eating the grasps while watching the fireworks that come right after the countdown.
I will do that too. I eagerly await my town's illegal fireworks and watching them from a high view.

>All the events that happened in terms of the community and the franchise are already written and so, its era has ended as well as this decade does. I think that in the future, old fans will remember this ride fondly or attach it to a really personal level.

>You can visit that material again but unless the comics offer anything else, you can definitely secure this 4th generation into the old trunk with absolute confidence.
There is always fan fiction and art, but for FiM itself is done. Regardless, we now see the last breath of gen4 and the first of gen5 ** with an awkward middle child.

>See you on the next decade!
You too!

Anon 12/31/2019 (Tue) 23:01:10 [Preview] No.5277 del
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To all of /endpone/! From causal lurkers and passers by and those who are in between like you, 5050 God bless and I wish you all a wonderful new year and new decade!

BO, if you are still out there, we have not forgotten you. And if you found yourself in a position to come back we'd welcome ya with open hooves! Regardless if you wanted your old title again or not.

I guess that is it for now.

Anon 12/31/2019 (Tue) 23:10:04 [Preview] No.5278 del
(4.37 MB 1712x2070 2235123.png)
Wait, how could I forget the /endpone/ traditional new years song!
https://youtube.com/watch?v=vdLuk2Agamk [Embed]

Anon 01/01/2020 (Wed) 22:26:27 [Preview] No.5280 del
>my estimation it has almost arrived there.
your estimations weren´t wrong, we were getting prepared for it and by only 5 minutes or so, it happened the change of the decade. Nicely done.

>I eagerly await my town's illegal fireworks and watching them from a high view.
I don´t have the high view to see them considering that my town is mostly plain but we managed to fie quite firecrackers and colourful crackers. I am quite satisfied with that.

>There is always fan fiction and art, but for FiM itself is done.
so this means that all the fans have the chance and the ability to experiment as much as they want. "There is no wrong way to fantasize" a princess said. In case that the official future content doesn´t appeal to the community or certain fans, gen 4´s universe will stay there at any moment. Like for example...

>we now see the last breath of gen4 and the first of gen5 ** with an awkward middle child.
Pony Life...yeah, that "thing". I mean, we all know that this spin off is the filler between the two generation but couldn´t they use the flash style again for minor stories, or something unrelated to the mane 6 or animated comics or books without modifying the canon but as fanon for those who want more? I don´t know, there are better ways to milk out the franchise than that. But anyway, this is Hasbro what we are talking about...

>You too!
They said back in the 80s: "I´ll be with you again" and so,"We are told this is the golden age"....

Anon 01/01/2020 (Wed) 22:37:28 [Preview] No.5281 del
(1.37 MB 2480x3093 Seapony Luna.png)
and that actually happened, two years ago which I didn´t reply back then >>323. I might have started the year by listening to The Cure first but by checking out the entirety of War, it´s the first full album that I have listened to in this decade.

....and I have noticed why it´s appreciated...even though those feelings predicted the political themes that we would face later over here...I have yet to see an imageboard or any site that despises post-punk because I haven´t found one yet.

>we have not forgotten you.
neither do I.
>And if you found yourself in a position to come back we'd welcome ya with open hooves! Regardless if you wanted your old title again or not.
if that actually occurred, we wouldn´t be living in the 20s but in 2018 all over again without using a time machine for it.

Anon 01/01/2020 (Wed) 22:49:56 [Preview] No.5282 del
that image could trigger a lot of nostalgic feelings. One of the reasons why FiM has surprised us is that MLP didn´t want to become a thing of the past but making an effort at growing simultaneously along with the fans. It brings an unique feeling because the fans have grown up and years pass... but the unexpected event is that the fictional universe has done that as well in the end.

They started like colored variations with different mark and manes and you could mistake them by swapping their colors in the reflection of 2010 like an old distant memory. In 2020, they aren´t similar to each other anymore and they have evolved...

...which is beautifully magical...

Anon 01/02/2020 (Thu) 23:34:21 [Preview] No.5284 del
> it happened the change of the decade. Nicely done.
So it really was close. Neat.

>I don´t have the high view to see them considering that my town is mostly plain but we managed to fie quite firecrackers and colorful crackers.
My view was a "deck" old gravel roof. Not too high or too fancy. Still, I was blown away by the amount of illegal fireworks this year. Could see stuff all across the horizon. My town probably rates lower than plain.

>In case that the official future content doesn´t appeal to the community or certain fans,
I've seen some content creators anounce the intention to stay for awhile and do ponies. It'll be interesting to see what the post FiM content will be like.

>Pony Life...yeah, that "thing
Yeah... it's a thing. I hope it'll be at least weirdly bad and therefore still interesting to talk about. Best we can hope I think if they actually would try something that wasn't tried in FiM and or different twist. Like, within the scope of Slice of Life plots it could be interesting if they had some less utilized pairings or more obscure traits of the characters explored. But that would require their personalities and a basic lore (not cannon with FiM but stuff like basic character origin stories being the same) at least to be intact and I don't take it as likely.

>but couldn´t they use the flash style again for minor stories, or something unrelated to the mane 6 or animated comics or books without modifying the canon but as fanon for those who want more?
I mean, from a marketing perceptive I've seen some speculate they are trying to counter some new lines like LOLdolls and I've personally seen a whole lot of pony themed but not MLP toys on the toy shelves over the past year or so (actually may upload some pictures). So a revamp maybe warranted. But it doesn't look like they have much in any originality and it maybe completely soulless (Can't say 100% till I see). I guess they are leaving the comics but you'd think they'd be some potential for a spin off miniseries or something for more long term fans.

Side note: https://youtube.com/watch?v=HgLRhZT8SDw [Embed]
Another one of those Pinkie shorts got released. It'd be interesting if this runs along side it. They aren't great but they feel more underdeveloped than awful in concept. When looking at Pony Life, Rainbow Roadtrip and this it seems like Hasbro is just throwing random ideas to the wall. Not sure if it's a good or bad sign.

>"I´ll be with you again" and so,"We are told this is the golden age"....
but crappy reboots are the reason for the wars we wage.

Anon 01/02/2020 (Thu) 23:44:06 [Preview] No.5285 del
>checking out the entirety of War, it´s the first full album that I have listened to in this decade.
Wow. Thinking back I'm not sure if I have ever heard the full album. May have but it's probably been years. May check it out.

>.I have yet to see an imageboard or any site that despises post-punk because I haven´t found one yet.
I haven't either though I probably suck by /mu/ standards. I suppose I know a lot of random and offbeat stuff because of my father but an expert in taste I am not

You bet it will. Oh man.

>. In 2020, they aren´t similar to each other anymore and they have evolved...
This is haunting.

Anon 01/03/2020 (Fri) 23:57:23 [Preview] No.5290 del
well, it seems that today I am leaving a PoLS. I´ve seen that you have discovered the site you had wanted to see even it hasn´t been updated since 2015 (season 5). I feel old by seeing that date.

Anon 01/04/2020 (Sat) 23:11:38 [Preview] No.5295 del
>So it really was close. Neat.
indeed, you did.

>My view was a "deck" old gravel roof. Not too high or too fancy.
well, I don´t even have that nor the fireworks would be located in a good angle for me, not to mention that they were located in specific point of my town for the most part.

>I was blown away by the amount of illegal fireworks this year. Could see stuff all across the horizon. My town probably rates lower than plain.
wow, you are lucky at that. I don´t find that rise of fireworks strange at all considering that it implied the change of an entire decade (unless someone "too smart" or "patrician" for this world comes up and post that the decade starts in 2021) so that cherry on top of this new year made it more special than usual. People obviously would go crazy and go all out for it.

>I've seen some content creators anounce the intention to stay for awhile and do ponies. It'll be interesting to see what the post FiM content will be like.
the fact that there is still interest at creating content nowadays is kind of remarkable because there is not a big amount of people that could appeal like one could do in the past. So yeah, by itself this implies interesting or experimental stuff in gen 4´s aftermath.

>I hope it'll be at least weirdly bad and therefore still interesting to talk about.
phew, you wish that Pony Life brought up memes or so bad that it´s entertaining to watch appeal. By checking Derpi´s numbers, only 625 pictures of Pony Life have been uploaded while Luster Dawn (with only one single episode) has 525 images so far. It doesn´t seem to have a very good impression for the fanbase yet gen 4.5´s bodies should be easier to draw. The content seems scarce for an announcement of this kind.

>Best we can hope I think if they actually would try something that wasn't tried in FiM and or different twist.
has FiM had twerking scenes? or Fluttershy saying hell? Because that´s different from FiM standards...

>Like, within the scope of Slice of Life plots it could be interesting if they had some less utilized pairings or more obscure traits of the characters explored.
well, dropping a gem back and forth could be nice but considering that the artstyle draws back a lot of fans, the chances to get some attention are about as slim as asking for comic reviews. With those prejudices said, the royal sisters are coming back so I suppose that they could do something with them as well.

>But that would require their personalities and a basic lore (not cannon with FiM but stuff like basic character origin stories being the same) at least to be intact and I don't take it as likely.
that´s the problem. We have like a bad first impression from it and the chances to detour their personalities in order to appeal to the Cartoon Network kids are highly likely so the long term benefits from character interaction might not see the chance to see the light, let alone if an entire season manages to air and get properly finished.

Anon 01/04/2020 (Sat) 23:39:14 [Preview] No.5296 del
>from a marketing perceptive I've seen some speculate they are trying to counter some new lines like LOLdolls and I've personally seen a whole lot of pony themed but not MLP toys on the toy shelves over the past year or so (actually may upload some pictures). So a revamp maybe warranted.
considering that EQG was created just to fight against Mattel, I can see why Hasbro would respond to other trends and jump onto the ship with their own version. However, my optimism isn´t as high as they did for EQG because at least, EQG had a Rainbow Rocks, causing a huge boost in popularity and fandom´s change of perspective towards it (not instantly but slowly sneaking up into a part of gen 4), especially for Sunset Shimmer and the artstyle was exactly the same as FIM, so the animation aspect always stood there in that spin off.

But will Pony Life conquer the kids in the end? Only the marketing directives might have an idea of it.

>But it doesn't look like they have much in any originality and it maybe completely soulless (Can't say 100% till I see).
yeah, they look cheap and they remind me of the spontaneous Funko trend that came and went to the void without much noise. The main question leans towards this: does Hasbro plan in making MLP a trendy thing for a couple of years, bombing it for every trend they can get or do they even consider the franchise as something that stands alone for itself? I ask this because relying on others and random casuals might not be the greatest strategy all the time despite aiming at greater quantities of money for a while.

>I guess they are leaving the comics but you'd think they'd be some potential for a spin off miniseries or something for more long term fans.
yeah, I meant the strategy of appealing to casuals with Pony Life while getting a few episodes worthy to discuss during this transition but as you say, the comics are up to that task with season 10.

>Another one of those Pinkie shorts got released. It'd be interesting if this runs along side it. They aren't great but they feel more underdeveloped than awful in concept.
well, it mostly serves at keeping some sort of MLP activity in the Youtube channel. They made another video of 3d Pinkie not too long ago I think so I suppose that they will use her model for narrating pony content on their channel, like a mascot. I don´t see that going further than that.

>When looking at Pony Life, Rainbow Roadtrip and this it seems like Hasbro is just throwing random ideas to the wall. Not sure if it's a good or bad sign.
I don´t know what to say towards that. If that´s the case, MLP has never taken a break then because FiM has experimented constantly with itself and aiming towards different directions/arcs from one season to another. I won´t blame them if they are experimenting with complementary content but it would say quite a lot if they didn´t actually what to do with this franchise. However, there is nothing to fear, considering that FiM will always stay there for anyone to check it out and see what should be the next step.

If they don´t know how to do anything new, at least, keep going with the old slice of life-adventure formula that we all know for a new setup. The rest can be improvised or developed after the first ideas/premises.

Anon 01/05/2020 (Sun) 00:02:04 [Preview] No.5297 del
>but crappy reboots are the reason for the wars we wage.
funnily enough, the war should have happened with this announcement and not with Twilicorn. The fanbase has spent so much energy at past things that didn´t matter all that much that now it has reached a state of numbness to even fight.

>You bet it will. Oh man.
>This is haunting.
indeed. I don´t even want to imagine if someone saw this picture and felt a strong feeling of nostalgia at that moment.

>Thinking back I'm not sure if I have ever heard the full album. May have but it's probably been years. May check it out.
it still holds up. It might not rank above Achtung Baby or Joshua Tree but it passes the 80s filter.

>I haven't either though I probably suck by /mu/ standards.
don´t worry about that. I haven´t visited much /mu/ lately nor I have discovered much music for a few months, so I am still in the old albums that I have known so far. /mu/ is like a playground or the entrance to the school where the cool guys smoke and act like tough individuals. However, there are a few tools that one can get without eating up all the shitposts: Rateyourmusic, Soulseek and the /mu/ wiki charts. With these things,one can get a move on even though I still browse about knowing more about albums info,reviews, articles and context behind them. So you can guess that my picks are far from random and really popular nothing sort of extraordinary.

>I suppose I know a lot of random and offbeat stuff because of my father but an expert in taste I am not
don´t worry about that. In any case, it makes me an outsider to this fanbase because I look like a /mu/tant featuring MLP content and let´s not even talk about playing the guitar for 10 years. Even more, trying to write MLP fics because of music instead of composing music related to MLP feels like a reverse thing to an extent.

Besides, it´s all disinterested knowledge that little to nothing serves here because anyone could find the same gems by surfing randomly on Youtube but /mu/ and those tools serve me to know the "canon" music established by chan standards and from there, forging a different path.

Anon 01/06/2020 (Mon) 00:35:44 [Preview] No.5299 del
PoLS from me this time. Been busy in part /go/ related

Anon 01/15/2020 (Wed) 00:09:01 [Preview] No.5334 del
well, I believe that /endpone/ is about to have a Proof of Life Shitpost tonight from my part.

Not without a couple of edits for filling the NMAiE first though.

Anon 01/19/2020 (Sun) 06:43:06 [Preview] No.5347 del
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Alright. General update. I have spent the last couple of weeks or so trying to save comments on Youtube and preping for the restart of my Cosmos comic project along with some general maintenance to set this board up for the longer term. However do to something unforeseen I will be putting things on a slowdown and delaying Cosmos for the moment. For my grandfather passed away unexpectedly 4 days ago. I just got back... Don't know full schedule at the moment. Nothing is stopping, but I'm just going to chill, chat/reply and focus the immediate at the moment.

Anon 01/19/2020 (Sun) 15:36:19 [Preview] No.5350 del
>I have spent the last couple of weeks or so trying to save comments on Youtube and preping for the restart of my Cosmos comic project along with some general maintenance to set this board up for the longer term.
I thought about that, you have been reporting about saving an insane quantity of comments from Youtube videos and I wonder how many people out there have the intention to reach as far as that level. Yeah,., the Cosmos comic has stayed static for a while but hey, at least you wrote a story by toying around her origins. Even with the inactivity, there is that at least.

>However do to something unforeseen I will be putting things on a slowdown and delaying Cosmos for the moment.
understandable, I didn´t report that these past two weeks I have been with an exams period that I ended this Thursday. I have been recovering from that period of mental effort and it would explain why I have stayed mostly silent except for a couple of days in between. Now, I have been focusing on the Fimfiction uploads. However, as soon as you want to continue your project, I will follow.

>Nothing is stopping, but I'm just going to chill, chat/reply and focus the immediate at the moment.
just do whatever you see convenient for you because you have been going through a pretty rough period whose announcement was...unexpected to say the least. Take care and I don´t want to imagine those 5 stages you can possibly feel after this event...

Anon 01/19/2020 (Sun) 15:41:59 [Preview] No.5351 del
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https://youtube.com/watch?v=i25-LvZ3DEU [Embed]

>text in spoilers
no way....

dammit. His period over there was really short....I don´t know how to reply to this so....

I will simply say what one should say:

Rest in Peace.


Anon 01/21/2020 (Tue) 08:25:43 [Preview] No.5353 del
Today is the day for proving with this shitpost that I am still active,just that I've been a little bit busy at adjusting the fics for Fimfiction and maybe.... have plans to write my first fic this year

Anon 01/22/2020 (Wed) 01:55:42 [Preview] No.5354 del

Anon 01/22/2020 (Wed) 07:11:49 [Preview] No.5358 del
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PoLS from me as well. Awesome on the fic plans. Even if you don't complete it sometimes those sparks can lead to stuff elsewhere.
It seems that Carrotdashfag has decided to show himself once more. Thanks for the gesture even if it is small. As, like with are BO (which for whatever reason you decided to start asking questions on), it shows you are not just a shitposter.

Anon 01/22/2020 (Wed) 23:19:22 [Preview] No.5359 del
and the same to you.

>Awesome on the fic plans. Even if you don't complete it sometimes those sparks can lead to stuff elsewhere.
I have been reading a few posts in which newbie writers try to defy the rules and think they are the shit. I have had that same mindset and the more I live in this world, the more I realize that I have to be aware and humble of what I am doing.
So despite trying to make an effort at impressing someone and cause some external impact, in the end, all the fics here are intended to entertain ourselves in this board and archive them on Fimfiction just in case anyone wants to check them in a more secure "public" place.

Will it lead to stuff elsewhere as you say? Probably. I mean, I think that I am going to experiment a little bit and try not to write with the emotions this time around. Many things have changed since 2018 so this fic could serve as a point of reference in order to compare my intention nowadays from back then, the ambient here and the permanent state of /endpone/ in this site calms a lot mentally in my case, not to mention that having Derpibooru and now Fimfiction as backups lighten that past anxiousness when it comes to the archives and/or communication. I should also mention the fact that gen 4 is over and the fanbase has done everything and beyond to keep itself alive and here we are. So everything feels like an extra bonus for what this franchise was meant to do.

To sum it up, I feel more relaxed in comparison to a couple of years ago and I want to prove that feeling.

Besides, I haven´t contributed to this board with any story since November 2018 so yeah, it´s about time to break this period of inactivity. Still, I don´t want to promise anything nor lead to the wrong expectations.

>It seems that Carrotdashfag has decided to show himself once more.
and posting content that isn´t uniquely his trademark in all his posts. At this rate, by the end of the year he is going to reply with a picture of Canterlot.

Anon 01/22/2020 (Wed) 23:27:54 [Preview] No.5360 del
the good old PoLS shows up again for me, featuring Silverstream the (noncanon) cheerleader.

Anon 01/23/2020 (Thu) 04:38:57 [Preview] No.5361 del
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> I have had that same mindset and the more I live in this world, the more I realize that I have to be aware and humble of what I am doing.
Considering the fact that I often think you are a bit too negative toward your stuff I'd say you have for the most part, at least what you have presented to me. Still, it is better to be humble and a bit over cautious than someone who lets it runs to his head. Just remember to have fun with it.

>not to mention that having Derpibooru and now Fimfiction as backups lighten that past anxiousness when it comes to the archives and/or communication.
I know. I mean, even subtly, the fact that I actually think on the mid to long term is something in itself that can influence what one can conceive.

>To sum it up, I feel more relaxed in comparison to a couple of years ago and I want to prove that feeling.
It only took me too years of being chill for it to finely come through though in truth, my chillness was more of a not worry about it and let's see where it goes. Now it has turned to something very different: security. That mentality is still applied but now it feels there is a layer of control that wasn't there.

>Still, I don´t want to promise anything nor lead to the wrong expectations.
Don't worry I know the feel. Things can evolve from intent and some projects don't work out. I will look upon them with an a blank mind.

> At this rate, by the end of the year he is going to reply with a picture of Canterlot.
Still was a carrot cutie mark, but it is a start and honestly a bit cleaver.

PoLS with a side of Gothic pone.

Anon 01/24/2020 (Fri) 00:15:18 [Preview] No.5362 del
wow, I cannot believe it even for myself. I have just finished the story tonight but here is the catch: it's close to the 10k words mark. I have typed that amount of words between today and last Tuesday.

And by the way,while typing,I don't know how it will work translated in English but if someone reads this in Spanish,it will definitely look like it comes from the 16th century at certain parts of the story. Of course it might need a few tweaks here and there but the story in general is already written.

So,if there is one thing I have to announce beforehand is that my experience behind this fanfic is heavily motivated by Spanish literature,mostly because I have been reading a (short) book these days of an acclaimed author. Even if the translation fails,the influence will show up thematically speaking. There are also a few musical influences as well.

This fic might be complicated or not but it's the longest that I have written so far,especially in such a short amount of time (in Spanish at least). I am absolutely surprised that I have managed to get into the actual story after typing in it for so long.

So Proof of Life Shitpost but it's because I am tired after dedicating a lot of time for this piece in such a short period.

Anon 01/24/2020 (Fri) 00:20:48 [Preview] No.5363 del
>gotta have fun with it.

Anon 01/24/2020 (Fri) 06:55:15 [Preview] No.5364 del
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Wow. That's an archivement. Even if it doesn't translate well that still sounds pretty cool. I actually may relate as their was a fic I read long ago were I was inspired by the pose and structure itself. Take a couple of days to rest than revisit the translation with a clear head would be my only advice.

Anon 01/24/2020 (Fri) 07:15:46 [Preview] No.5365 del
(973.69 KB 4087x3470 2221151.jpeg)
>I'm nothing special. So now I'm going to make fics with a calm and sober approach rather than push to the limits for an "audience".
>Longest fic he's ever made.
>Inspired by a acclaimed author and spanish literature.
> if someone reads this in Spanish,it will definitely look like it comes from the 16th century at certain parts of the story.
You sure have a funny way of doing things.

Anon 01/24/2020 (Fri) 23:17:52 [Preview] No.5366 del
>Considering the fact that I often think you are a bit too negative toward your stuff I'd say you have for the most part, at least what you have presented to me.
well, I submitted those stories and there are more dislikes than likes for the DWK story so yeah, one never knows what´s going to happen.

I am negative towards myself not because of self-harm nor tragic reasons just to show sorrow, it´s mostly because people in general will trample at each other just to get their heads out of the water for a while and not everyone you meet is going to be a good person, hence my lack of trust or initial hope for someone else. However, one has to give a vote of trust despite that possibility and I am no exception either. I thought that /endpone/ would arrive further than this but I have learned enough lessons just to say that fame nor relevance is all that important to fulfill one self.

This always happens when one is a child, you think that you can revolutionize the world and change it but over time, one realizes that one ends up becoming another delusional faggot for attempting to look for that change you want. In the end, when one admits where you are placed and what surrounds you, it´s what you should care the most because that´s what is most likely going to hit you in the personal life

Do you like what I have written?Alright, that´s perfect and I know that the fics written here are meant to reviewed and discussed with each other because no one else will care and so, it´s been two years with that same practice.

>Still, it is better to be humble and a bit over cautious than someone who lets it runs to his head.
indeed and I confirm that from experience. I have adapted that cautious philosophy because of my chemistry degree. I have received so many slaps in the face and fails in exams that the fake illusion I was taught in the school was completely vanished as soon as I visited the city. Either you adapt that mentality each time you face a new subject or exam or you could get lots of disappointments and existential episodes about feeling useless(even more than I have had in the past).

>Just remember to have fun with it.
I am writing what I like the most. You will realize that this fic was proper of me to come up with it. I mean, fics are meant to be a medium for amateurs and newbies, so yeah, if one is dedicating time for this, I´ll have to keep in mind that the word fun is a part of it. However, my mind at times asks for more demanding requirements (despite being unnecessary for the format given) so that side of the experience gets overshadowed at times.

>the fact that I actually think on the mid to long term is something in itself that can influence what one can conceive.
because those options have arisen and there´s not that sense of fear and uncertainty anymore. Back in 2018, the sense of ending this all of a sudden was a reality. Of course it can be done nowadays but after bumping a few threads, after sharing a few stories worthy to have a nice time, discussing about the show/comics... everything contributes and it becomes harder to leave it without announcing it, much less when there are established profiles for interacting. And even then, I was simply a lurker who got a moment of winning the lottery with the septs I obtained. I don´t believe that I would have received this growth if I had stayed as a lurker on /mlp/.

Anon 01/24/2020 (Fri) 23:34:41 [Preview] No.5367 del
>It only took me too years of being chill for it to finely come through though in truth, my chillness was more of a not worry about it and let's see where it goes.
well, that chillness could turn out to be useful just to move forward and digest the worst times with a good face. That interest (of seeing where all of this would arrive at) was also shared with the interest for the show so the ease to set up that mentality doesn´t look all that strange in hindsight.

>Now it has turned to something very different: security. That mentality is still applied but now it feels there is a layer of control that wasn't there.
well, I consider two reasons to justify that change: first of all, gen 4 is over. There is nothing else that MLP can jump the shark nor any possible failures in the future. As the main show is over, everything that comes next feels like a bonus because the base has been completely built and there is nothing to destroy nor make it disappear. And secondly, the adaptation of the chan format and replying over and over in an anonymous ambient (despite not interacting with random people), whenever you get used to convincing at people you don´t know nor you have arguments for your identity, you develop a standard method for speaking up without forcing a change of mentality. This means that if one is capable to convince any random anonymous, that ability will serve for convincing anyone else.

A lurker doesn´t take risks because he´s mostly a spectator and remains cautious just to wait for his moment...but when one has handled a small board for so long....inactivity is not a valid answer unless one gives up and leaves,looking for another place with more popularity instead.

>Things can evolve from intent and some projects don't work out. I will look upon them with an a blank mind.
thanks. But still, as you are used to reading from me, you will notice lots of familiar patterns as soon as you dive into it.

>Still was a carrot cutie mark, but it is a start and honestly a bit cleaver.
I was talking about a couple of reaction images unrelated to his avatar or even MLP stuff. But honestly, I don´t understand completely why he has any interest to be here other than...trolling us and looking for warm attention, maybe?

Anon 01/24/2020 (Fri) 23:55:26 [Preview] No.5368 del
>Wow. That's an archivement.
yeah, I mean, I didn´t think that I could dedicate myself for writing stories for this series but I suppose that...if one doesn´t want to blogpost all the time, this medium serves as a cure to avoid that practice. I didn´t imagine to be capable of writing around 7.5k words in one single day(7571 to be exact, I have just checked them). I have written more than both parts of The Mirror of Fire combined and that fic was fragmented in two different months.
However, quantity doesn´t equal quality and it´s not recommended to write long stories if one doesn´t have enough skills for entertaining or engaging the reader for it. If any message or moral wants to be transmitted, there have to be certain questions or stimulant parts that guide that reader until the very end of said story.

>Even if it doesn't translate well that still sounds pretty cool.
probably in its themes it will remain mostly untouched. I´ll explain it either way just to make it more interesting.

>I actually may relate as their was a fic I read long ago were I was inspired by the pose and structure itself.
well, everyone gets the influence from somewhere and why not, other fics that are correctly written or pieces whose style manages to catch all the attention for making so special. I went for the safe option, visiting a little bit the recognized authors from the past.

>Take a couple of days to rest than revisit the translation with a clear head would be my only advice.
yeah. I was exhausted yesterday when I left that PoLS but the good side of that overkill is that I´ve got the story completely defined and structured. I might change lines of dialogue or reword the expressions, but the core messages and the general draft is already written and I can definitely take a break mentally speaking. When one implies the story that he´s about to write, the idea might change over time if it isn´t written but in this case, that didn´t happen. I have that series of events already defined and my mind can focus on other things instead of asking myself where this story could arrive at.

I have applied that advice today and will be doing that tomorrow as well. It´s a matter of time and a good revision/translation before sharing it both here and on Fimfiction after your review.

Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 00:27:16 [Preview] No.5369 del
>You sure have a funny way of doing things.
yeah, it´s ironic that I contradict myself. I know that all of this stuff won´t matter yet there is a part of me that wants to go further, as if there is something hidden just to stimulate me and demand more than this. I am young so it´s no wonder that I have concerns and look for doing anything here in this world.

What has defined to make me special? Nothing really, I am simply another student who´s got a lot of stuff to learn, I am not even studying literature even though it gives the impression that I am dedicating myself to that.

The book I was given this Christmas was simply an influence I wanted to take just to give a different touch and despite not defining all the story, I have had it inside my head because of reading it in the same days I have been writing this fanfic.

Of course, I doubt I will make that author a favor because of a possible failure with this attempt at checking my evolution after these two years in this board. However, as we are talking about a relatively unknown book of his (instead of his universally greatest hit of all time), then no one will notice that unless I mention it. No one would have taken an influence out of it so it makes me look "original" in comparison for taking influences of unknown or overshadowed material.

This short book has to have some value that has caught my interest despite the fact of being written more than 400 years ago. How will it play out in the fanfic? I will point it out.

Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 06:46:11 [Preview] No.5371 del
Haven't checked it out but I presumed you edited it from being overtly about DWK right? Is it because it is about suicide? Fics that dealt with that should be pretty common

>thanks. But still, as you are used to reading from me, you will notice lots of familiar patterns as soon as you dive into it.
It still sounds interesting tbh honest. A thematic crossover could be kind of fun, especially if it's lightly obscure. Sounds like something up my ally even if it's not my normal taste. Which I have no idea if it is or not.

>. I didn´t imagine to be capable of writing around 7.5k words in one single day(7571 to be exact, I have just checked them). I have written more than both parts of The Mirror of Fire combined and that fic was fragmented in two different months.
In a single day? That probably beats even my early proto fic for amount of words written in a single day which was done off and on over the course of 3 (?) years.

>yeah. I was exhausted yesterday when I left that PoLS
and so am I today (fortunately it is just outdoor this time.)

>yeah, it´s ironic that I contradict myself.
You do a lot. Not going to call that a flaw itself though.

>I know that all of this stuff won´t matter yet there is a part of me that wants to go further,
I'd say it depends on what drives you to go further. How much is internal and how much is external.

>then no one will notice that unless I mention it. No one would have taken an influence out of it so it makes me look "original" in comparison for taking influences of unknown or overshadowed material.
Funny thing on this whole fic. I found some notes today on me considering making a fic based around obscure fairy tale stories. Very different than this but a sort of similar idea.

Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 06:47:43 [Preview] No.5372 del
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Also, the deed has been done. /flutter/ is no more.

Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 20:07:46 [Preview] No.5373 del
I hope you're doing okay, L23.

Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 20:36:30 [Preview] No.5375 del
I saw your story get taken down off FIMFiction.

Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 20:39:47 [Preview] No.5376 del
so you noticed it,huh? Yeah, it did and I am talking right now with Fimfiction the staff about it. I was going to report after having this conversation with one of his members. I´ll try to explain what happened.

Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 22:24:08 [Preview] No.5377 del
well, I am going to reply to easy things first, so let´s go with it:

>Fics that dealt with that should be pretty common
they are and I say this with the confirmation from one of the staff members. I have written down some notes and got informed of what trends used to happen around the early years. So yeah, you are absolutely right with that statement.

>It still sounds interesting tbh honest. A thematic crossover could be kind of fun, especially if it's lightly obscure. Sounds like something up my ally even if it's not my normal taste. Which I have no idea if it is or not.
you´ll see but I simply hope that it becomes an enjoyable experience throughout the whole story. I am aware of its length so I´ll have to make it appealing for rewarding that effort of being interested in reading it.

>In a single day?
yeah, from 3 PM until 00:30 AM. I have been taking breaks of course and I went outdoors for an hour or two but it was clear that...as soon as I noticed that I could reach the end by writing a little bit more, I stayed awake until I finished it. I didn´t feel like replying to anything except informing about the situation.

>That probably beats even my early proto fic for amount of words written in a single day which was done off and on over the course of 3 (?) years.
well, I cherish that appreciation of beating your record of words for a fic written during a much longer period. How much length does your proto fic have by the way?

>and so am I today (fortunately it is just outdoor this time.)
I did that today as well. I have been completely out there with my friends in a fair actually. I had tons of fun and despite your worries about me for what has happened, I eventually forgot about those unintended events until I arrived back home at 8:30 PM or so.

>I'd say it depends on what drives you to go further. How much is internal and how much is external.
internal...well, considering that /endpone/ consists in two or three users, this stuff matters because something has to be posted. About the external influence, I caught the staff of Fimfiction by surprise. I suppose that this event counts and that lucky GET that is mostly an anecdote in order to feel achieved.

I am not aware of the external influence nor I control it. In fact, with very few people, it can get too much out of hand easily if things are done incorrectly.

>Funny thing on this whole fic. I found some notes today on me considering making a fic based around obscure fairy tale stories. Very different than this but a sort of similar idea.
that´s quite cool. In fact, MLP is quite useful at attempting any random ideas that you have left out and in some way, they are restored in a ponified version. That´s what one calls inspiration even though it reaffirms the phrase of: nothing under the sun.

Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 22:26:18 [Preview] No.5378 del
>/flutter/ is no more.
It was a pleasure to see them achieving the 300 posts before ending it all.

Rest in peace, /flutter/.


Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 22:34:41 [Preview] No.5379 del
I am alright really. I am not all that bothered and not even towards the staff. It´s simply hard to describe because both of us didn´t expect that this series of misunderstandings would happen. I hope that I manage to describe properly what happened earlier this morning and these last couple of hours. These posts are intended for taking a lesson out of it or think about the whole situation more than pointing out the users involved in it. It´s not aimed at anyone in particular really.

Let´s see how I get to describe this without going for a biased route and I am doubting if I should screencap anything to back it up...but I will only post text.

Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 22:54:07 [Preview] No.5380 del
So, I will try to post this series of events chronologically:

First of all, I had the fanfic prepared to be published, I asked to a moderator in my profile page if it was actually acceptable to post it and I got no answer. As silence is assent and it looked like there weren´t any problems, I decided to post the whole title except that, instead of saying "The existential episode of a drunk brony", I decided to change it as: "The existential episode of a MLP fan"... because this story, while the implications and attitude was taken from DWK, it was aimed towards a section of /mlp/. You cannot generalize a whole group of anonymous people who behave wildly different so despite, having DWK in the front was more like a visible part for being able to make said trend of loving a waifu clearly visible. In short, it ended up as the title with "a MLP fan" as a generic story about suicide. All of that with the descriptions required for promoting this story and I had that prepared because of what I had written back in 2018.

So, I clicked on the submit button and I waited for the stuff to approve it. I waited a couple of days and it was taking longer than usual because other mature fics were getting the approval while this story didn´t. I was somewhat giving up on it. After those two days, it saw the public light, the staff approved the submission of what I had written here. Everything went more or less normal until this point and I even said thanks for doing that.

First views start and someone asks if this fic was actually about him and I answered affirmatively because there were elements that implied about his persona. As soon as that happened, I was getting more dislikes and people started to report it.

So what happens? A few views increase, those users show a negative reaction in the comments by pointing out that this story shouldn´t be uploaded because it was related to him without any permission and they use my comment to back up their points. Then the staff asks at what point of the story it was related to him and they check what could be interpreted about describing about a real life person and then, the staff decided to revoke it this morning.

That´s what happened to the story itself. It´s not in public anymore despite that I have edited both the title, changed the image and wrote little to nothing in the descriptions (I have just done that).

So, that´s what mostly has happened to the story.

Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 23:12:09 [Preview] No.5381 del
Now it comes the 2nd part and it´s my conversation with the staff member. I am not mentioning him, I believe that his words are more valuable than judging him because of the identity but I will try not to quote him without distorting this conversation.

The first posts came around 6 AM and I looked at the mobile phone that the story no longer existed in public. I received his first message after I noticed that change and it was mostly like this. He said that I shouldn´t post stories about people who have struggled with suicidal issues in the past, especially when I´ve got no permission from that person.

I didn´t know how to react towards this situation and I had to reply to him with my mobile phone.

I knew that it was very risky and I emphasize with that response. Considering how much backlash it got. I am not going to feel remorse with the decision at all from the staff,just that I didn't imagine that the situation was so bad morally speaking over here and it was reflected on the dislikes.

<How was I supposed to know that suicide in this fanbase was a very taboo thing when there is an actual tag for submitting stories of this kind? Where do we draw the line at delivering a suicidal story? At what point will it count as censorship?

I also said that I had no problem at all with such decision because I understood the risks before submitting it. I asked a few questions in order to get a clear answer:

<How was I supposed to know that suicide in this fanbase was a very taboo thing when there is an actual tag for submitting stories of this kind? Where do we draw the line at delivering a suicidal story? At what point will it count as censorship?
I had asked this because I didn´t understand at all why there was that offer when this didn´t get a pass in the end. I said this as well:

<It worries me because all of this proves that this problem cannot be handled at certain ways because of the lack of attempts at dealing with it. It proves that there is a problem hidden nowadays and all of this goes beyond this fanbase or moderation staff from here.I personally don't have a problem with such decision. However,it's the meaning behind it what I find truly bothersome in the end...

all of this when I was asking myself serious questions about this quick turn of events. I was considering several things at that time and really serious ones in some moments...

Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 23:29:00 [Preview] No.5382 del
Thankfully, this conversation could have ended up badly but because of hanging out there in the fair with my friends, having a nice time and changing my mood and the next answer from the staff member, things started to make sense. These replies have happened tonight so these are recent. However, I must quote him, not because of anything personal but because this analysis should be food for thought (and DO NOT STALK THIS USER, I swear, do not that, I am simply quoting him just to stay as loyal to the facts):

>Writing a story about fictional characters in a fictional situation is one thing, but it is quite another to take a real-life person and write fictionalized stories about that person attempting suicide. That's where the line is drawn; when you start putting real people in your suicide story. People who didn't give you permission to write about them, and who have no idea you're even writing this at all.
>People write about suicide all the time here. People used to submit stories with a similar plot to this (character attempts suicide, suicide fails because pony says don't do it, character has some kind of reaffirmation that life is worth living) all the time, but the central characters in such stories used to always be either overtly fictional entities or self-inserts by the author. Who, we can assume by virtue of them writing the story, is okay with it, and probably using the story-writing process to work through depression issues of their own. Which is fine.

so, take this as an advice (and a solid statement) and the defining line for writing stories about suicide. This is where the line is drawn for submitting any story about suicide. And here it´s where it comes the problem and he points it out clearly:

>if you hadn't gone so far out of your way to imply that the story was about DWK (a different cover art, no weird vague references to him in the description), this would have made zero fuss whatsoever.
>it still would have been beaten up a bit in ratings because, again, it feels like this exact story used to be 20% of our submission volume back in the day and I think the community here is just more bored by this premise at this point than it is outraged or offended.
>The issue isn't simply what you've written, it's the context you've put around it all that transforms a story I used to see on a daily basis five years ago into some pretty heavy stuff that most people strongly disapprove of.
remember that I posted the description and the cover image revealed a lot about his identity? Those tools helped this story to get revoked instead of helping for promoting the interest towards it. In short, I understood that the problem came from the way to market it, when it could have been perfectly disguised as any other average suicide story.

Also one should take the lesson that people might be tired of hearing these stories, so you are quite exposed to get beaten up with dislikes, not because of being offensive, but because of being a tiresome trend to see over there, particularly because of the trends in the early years. It confirms that this kind of stories were the rule back then despite not having experienced that.

Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 23:40:23 [Preview] No.5383 del
Yep, that all lines up with what I saw.

Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 23:44:41 [Preview] No.5384 del
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after replying to that, everything else went smoothly and we both agreed that there were mistakes from my part for revealing the influences and the mistake of not putting enough attention to my submission from the staff.

We have also talked about censorship and we both agreed that we don´t defend the lack of free speech, so yeah, it was proven that we were both tolerant towards each other views. What he didn´t accept was about the root of the problem, posting a story that heavily implied a real life person and dealt with the topic of suicide. He would understand if there was a friend for the one who submits the story that allowed him to post said story but it´s not allowed when one doesn´t know said person because that´s an immoral thing to do. He summed it up pretty well here:

>The issue people have is the story in context. If you hadn't said anything about DWK, then no, none of this would have happened. But don't take that as me saying "next time, just don't tell anyone." The story's actual content has been poisoned by the associations you made. You left the closet door open a couple inches and people looked in and saw the skeletons. Nobody would have seen them if you hadn't done that, but they still would have been there. The story was still, on some level, about the real-world person. The lesson here isn't to put an extra lock on the closet door the next time you have visitors.
this answer came because I had replied before one thing about not telling the influences over there, just leaving the basic info and leave the story over there, just to avoid problems. He encouraged me to open myself a little bit more than that mostly because this was an exceptional case in which both the staff and me have learned about this situation. I simply decided to deny that practice because it could lead into problems, so I am adapting an overly cautious practice, even if it leads to irrelevancy.

He wished me luck and repeated the acknowledgment of their mistakes and I told him not to worry about that.

Of course, there were more things in this story such as reporting to more staff members in case that I get no answer from one of them or showing the actual influences that drove this story. He concluded that no one got hurt in the end, so the controversy didn´t go all that far.

And that was it. The conversation is long and I could quote several other things but I have described the key points (I hope) without showing a biased perspective nor feel any remorse about them. In fact, I got a nice conversation and there is some value to keep in mind from his posts. The staff didn´t go against me and the one who kept this conversation with me has been really sympathetic towards my answers. I´ve got nothing to complain really.

Anon 01/25/2020 (Sat) 23:58:55 [Preview] No.5385 del
And what has happened to the story? What conclusion do I have towards this? The story is still here in my pastebin, I have changed the title to simply "16.09.17" without saying anything else. No descriptions whatsoever.


It´s true that I am feeling more relieved after having the conversation with the staff member and solving this nicely but I cannot look at this with the same eyes anymore. Hell, it has had a much bigger influence on me and the staff than the person in question.

So what am I doing now? I have simply said a "Fuck it mentality". I am not going to describe anything from the story except the bare minimum. I will simply post the image, mention the characters involved for the story and the places that are visited throughout the story (if I feel like doing that). I reject any kind of boost marketing with the descriptions, I´ll let the reader from there to figure out all for himself. The influences will be posted only on /endpone/, mostly because FImfiction serves mostly as a safe archive for the stories posted over here after all.

Fuck the popularity and fuck revealing about the influences, too much information seems to ruin any story, so guess what? Interpret the story by yourself. I have decided that if anyone wants to get a response for the influences, send me a private message and I will share them to that user (if that user is even ready to read them in the first place) or visit /endpone/.

I am not mad towards anyone but...if I have to get rid of this, I will and of course I will. Why bother honestly? Why bother about telling anyone if words are going to hurt?

Anon 01/26/2020 (Sun) 00:08:29 [Preview] No.5386 del
at certain moments during the first responses, I was considering myself if I was a villain or too incorrect to the standards of today because of forced happiness or something. However, it wasn´t the case fortunately but it proves that my growth on /endpone/ has left no one indifferent so far.

As for the story, I have been considering to disown this fanfic and see it as death of the author material. I am leaving that link from the pastebin and honestly, do whatever you want with it. I wouldn´t claim it anymore nor I will look bad at anyone for claiming ownership.

However, what prevents it from being a death of the author story is that both the song "High to Death" and Blade Runner 2049 were influences for typing it in the first place, much more than the knowledge about this person. So it cannot be interpreted completely like that but as people noticed the identity, that suddenly changed completely.

My words are poisoned and probably I have lived long enough in order to do so. Since I wrote the second green and the personal threadgreen over here, I was already giving in. It´s nothing new because I changed my perspective long ago, just that it has become more visible with this series of events.

Anon 01/26/2020 (Sun) 00:16:03 [Preview] No.5387 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=phzsalhqnE4 [Embed]

https://youtube.com/watch?v=VuV2c-6js8w [Embed]

There you have it. That and my observations that I got from /mlp/ were the main influences for the story. DWK simply served as the fitting cover of reference that connected all the dots that I envisioned after seeing Blade Runner 2049.

As for the future NMAiE, either I won´t mention this story again or I will write as an /endpone/ fanfic without claiming ownership at all. I have been considering if I should delete it completely several times but honestly, what gives?

Anyway, I think that I have explained everything that should be on the table.

Have a good night /endpone/ and >>5373, >>5375 thanks for caring about me Bridgefag.

Anon 01/26/2020 (Sun) 00:20:39 [Preview] No.5388 del
I'm not Bridgefag, but you have a good night too.

Anon 01/26/2020 (Sun) 23:23:50 [Preview] No.5389 del
and I did have a good night actually, thanks. Same to you as well.

Anon 01/26/2020 (Sun) 23:39:00 [Preview] No.5390 del
anyway, tonight I am leaving a Proof of Life Shitpost and I am feeling fine towards this honestly. I have been translating a couple of chapters today and honestly, even if we keep discussing about this series of events that happened on Fimfiction, I´ve already "vented" enough, there is not much other than that.

I have concluded that in the future, I will deliver just the necessary short description for the fic´s premise and objective technical information of the story (characters involved, locations,number of chapters and maybe the genre tags). It will sound redundant but honestly,this tactic will prevent me from getting me into any troubles.

I do not have clear what to do with this controversial piece in the future but as for now, I am leaving it there for those who are interested.

So yeah, I think that this is everything I have to say.

Don´t worry about me and sleep well tonight.

Anon 01/28/2020 (Tue) 04:12:48 [Preview] No.5393 del

Anon 01/28/2020 (Tue) 05:55:52 [Preview] No.5394 del
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Thanks for stoping by whom I presume is SIVC

Just a test to see if I could crossboard link the rules. Figured it be easier in the sticky if endchan changed domains again.

Anon 01/28/2020 (Tue) 07:11:42 [Preview] No.5396 del
I don't know who SIVC is, so probably not.

Anon 01/29/2020 (Wed) 00:19:41 [Preview] No.5398 del
see >>4887 and >>5300. You will see where those letters come from.

>Just a test to see if I could crossboard link the rules. Figured it be easier in the sticky if endchan changed domains again
as for now, I fail to see them unless I click on the top of the page. Was it actually easier with the .xyz domain? Because we are stuck between the .org and .net ones. Also I should report that the catalog (at times) might connect with the .xyz domain instead of the .net one, whose change doesn´t allow to load the page. Maybe it doesn´t happen these days though.

Anon 01/29/2020 (Wed) 05:56:04 [Preview] No.5400 del
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Sorry I had assumed you were DoloresisVeryCute who had posted his fic for our thoughts (which I actually have a review thingy I'm working on for). It was just assumption based on the fact that he was the one who talked to us a lot on Fimfic and I had presumed his eye had been at least passively watching that. Regardless of whom you are 5050 Thanks and this board is getting a bit of a reboot so stay tuned.

PoLS with a side of prepping for Novel Coronavirus

Anon 01/29/2020 (Wed) 07:43:43 [Preview] No.5401 del
Nope. I've never been here before last Saturday, so this guessing game is kind of pointless.
>this board is getting a bit of a reboot so stay tuned.
Suppose I might as well.

Anon 01/30/2020 (Thu) 14:49:10 [Preview] No.5402 del
>I've never been here before last Saturday
in 2020, visiting a pony board on an alternative chan...I mean, sure this board has stayed in the top places for more than a year so it´s visible to anyone else. I hope you like it (and the material exposed over her) but it isn´t what you might expect (at least, so far in its lifespan...)

Anon 01/30/2020 (Thu) 14:55:38 [Preview] No.5403 del
>I actually have a review thingy I'm working on for
so you have been reading it entirely...nice and yeah, it deserves a review mostly because of the effort put behind. No wonder the story got featured on Fimfiction.

>PoLS with a side of prepping for Novel Coronavirus
well,get ready...

Anon 02/15/2020 (Sat) 13:43:19 [Preview] No.5404 del
"Not much activity here" Tournevis

definitely we haven't had any activity over here but we are ready now. It's been a while since the servers went down.

Back on track on /endpone/ with a new story. In the meantime, have a few MLP images just to warm up again.

Anon 02/15/2020 (Sat) 13:55:00 [Preview] No.5408 del
okay, so these images are familiar for anyone so far but I am sure that no one has seen the next one coming...

Anon 02/15/2020 (Sat) 13:56:23 [Preview] No.5409 del

and nope, this isn´t a link to mega nor fake. This is definitely happening and you can check it out for yourselves.

Anon 02/19/2020 (Wed) 00:40:59 [Preview] No.5441 del
leaving a PoLS with the two royal sisters here and Luna would like you to guarantee that you sleep well tonight.

Hopefully /endpone/ will do that. Good night!

Anon 02/19/2020 (Wed) 02:08:55 [Preview] No.5442 del
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POLS myself. Hopefully the sleep will be good.

Anon 02/20/2020 (Thu) 08:33:05 [Preview] No.5449 del
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Anon 02/20/2020 (Thu) 08:44:08 [Preview] No.5450 del
it's simple. By picking any MLP picture and sharing it on this board. I don't think that it requires quantum physics or complicated theories to explain it.

Even if it's 2020,there is still more content and ideas here. The board is in the first page for a reason.

Any questions,darling?

Anon 02/20/2020 (Thu) 08:46:34 [Preview] No.5451 del
Do you know what this is?

Anon 02/20/2020 (Thu) 08:47:46 [Preview] No.5452 del
(45.62 KB 370x450 1.gif)

Anon 02/20/2020 (Thu) 09:01:25 [Preview] No.5453 del
Ok... well the chinamens are using mlp in a public health awareness canpigh for the Coronavirus. My remark is that you guys just seem to just keep scurring on somehow showing up in everything to this day. sure you're not the new hot shit but I still see people outside your fandom reference you and sometimes getting connected to newsstories in a way that most things from 2010 don't.
Here is an article from within your fandumb

Anon 02/20/2020 (Thu) 09:03:26 [Preview] No.5454 del
(582.66 KB 1536x2048 1842675.jpeg)

Indeed,I know what it is. Apparently they used Pony Life as a way to recommend a few preventive actions towards the coronavirus. It's a strange way to advertise this spin off (I don't know how this department works) but yeah,they have used ponies for innocent happy advicet towards that.

There you have the link to Equestria Daily with the article related to it

Anon 02/20/2020 (Thu) 09:04:43 [Preview] No.5455 del
Are you saying Hasbro was involved?

Anon 02/20/2020 (Thu) 09:08:20 [Preview] No.5456 del
(13.82 KB 235x320 carrotpone.jpg)
Well, can't stick aroud toomuch longer. BYE

Anon 02/20/2020 (Thu) 18:30:07 [Preview] No.5458 del
considering that those pictures/vectors are new and even has a promotional unprecedented image at the end of the article and that the only announcement that we had before these Chinese images was the trailer, for sure it had to come from Hasbro or a group of MLP fans in the social media of that country.

This ad campaign was unexpected and kind of odd to market the incoming spin off but eh, I suppose that the chibi style would work for transmitting that advice to those people with happy smiley faces. If you told me that this was going to happen, I wouldn´t believe but it´s happened...for some marketing reasons.

Anon 02/20/2020 (Thu) 18:39:59 [Preview] No.5459 del
>Here is an article from within your fandumb

oh boy, you are linking an article from 2011 and season 2 was starting around that time. If you check those comments, they talk about Luna being evil in the episode that was going to air at that time: Luna Eclipsed. Those were really different days and speculations were off the rails at that time, I wasn´t even there at that time but seeing those comments in hindsight put me a smile on my face about their reactions towards the reveal of Luna.

Tons of twists have happened since then, even the opinion towards her has changed abruptly despite being an all time fan favorite.

Anon 02/20/2020 (Thu) 19:01:15 [Preview] No.5460 del
>My remark is that you guys just seem to just keep scurring on somehow showing up in everything to this day.
>sure you're not the new hot shit but I still see people outside your fandom reference you and sometimes getting connected to newsstories in a way that most things from 2010 don't.
I don´t like using the expression "It´s current year" all that often but this time, I have to back up my argument that we are in 2020, facing a new decade and a new generation in 2021. If you are asking for those moments that happened around 2011/12, you are not going to find them in the exact same way as it did back then.

You even admit it by saying that MLP is no longer the hot topic anymore. It probably won´t reach that peak anymore nor surprise strangers anymore because it´s been normalized for a decade, everyone knows that there has been a community for this. The hype around MLP ended in late 2015 and since season 5 ended, it has gone downhill in that regard until it reached a stable amount of fans from 2016 onwards, there hasn´t been any bandwagon to jump onto since that year (even though the long hiatus between season 4 to the 5th one lasted an entire year and that lack of content hurt dramatically at keeping it hot).

Considering those aspects, the fandumb that is dumb to you might not be so dumb and probably you are underestimating its capability to keep moving forward, not to mention that the fanbase has faced lots of changes, the average age in this community is higher than back then and some of those fans are quite demanding at arguing with them. Sure,/mlp/ will justify that all this is because of autism but sometimes, a few users can perfectly challenge you in your opinions (so be careful, because cringe isn´t exactly what you are going to find in the fandom, rule 34 doesn´t count as cringe by the way).

If you are seeing any MLP material out there these days (well, since 2016), it´s because those people like it for a variety of reasons but for being the hottest new thing, that argument won´t show up.

As for your surprise towards the advertisement, sure it´s an odd one to find but it hasn´t received much noise in the community except for being an anecdote. However, should it surprise to anyone out there? I mean, Hasbro has a multi million brand to expose out there and a established fanbase after October 2019 (when the gen ended). In addition to that, have you even checked the Transformers crossover >>5409 or the fact that the developers of Paradox (Hearts of Iron IV) have Equestria at War as one of their favorite mods?

After seeing those things, one can expect anything really.

Anon 02/21/2020 (Fri) 06:09:44 [Preview] No.5462 del
Duck didn't mean to link to that one I meant the corona ponies. I was just looking around.

Seems so weird that Ponies would somehow get joined with that

So your fandom is a mix of neckberds, wizards, soyboys and other misfits. I've honestly had a hard time getting a read on you guys to be honest. Something just seems off about you compared to by interactions with furfags and latter /co/blr communities. Can't put my hand on why. I'd say that some of y'all give me vibes of furfags and seem to be on the spectrum /co/tumblr/twitter but others seem to be just ponyfags and I can't really describe why that is to me.

Anon 02/21/2020 (Fri) 17:27:34 [Preview] No.5465 del
>Seems so weird that Ponies would somehow get joined with that
honestly, if one digs deeper about the whole situation happening out there, it might not be all that crazy. When you look at the main brands of Hasbro, MLP stands out as one of the main ones along with Transformers and Littlest Pet Shop and considering that the mane 6 are fully recognizable characters that anyone could point out, the company could throw any image/vector about them and anyone would identify them without necessarily being a fan of this franchise. Hasbro could have applied this same tactic with the previous generations anyway but they a powerful weapon for marketing these days. It´s like seeing Optimus Prime out there in an ad for a new Michael Bay movie.

Besides, I´ve heard that economies are gravitating around the coronavirus just to justify their movements in stocks, using the virus as an excuse just to do those actions without explaining them too much beyond that argument. We would enter here in an economical topic here. Basically, what Hasbro has basically done is that they have taken advantage of this phenomenon just to promote its franchise and send innocent vectors to the chinese, expanding their possible audience. Other companies are doing weirder things than this though.

Anon 02/21/2020 (Fri) 18:06:49 [Preview] No.5466 del
(3.63 MB 2107x3240 17.jpg)
>So your fandom is a mix of neckberds, wizards, soyboys and other misfits. I've honestly had a hard time getting a read on you guys to be honest.
watch out with what you are saying, not because it offends me but mostly because the attempt at trying to make a singular stereotype out of the community....might be quite sterile over the years. Sure if you want to judge the entire fanbase by watching brony cringe compilations from the early years, go ahead and fall into the same old clichés that all the fans have been hearing over time (with the words like autists, pedos...well you know the dictionary better than me).

However, you are only implying that this fanbase only follows the american pattern so you are implying that folks from Poland, Russia, South America, Germany, the UK or Asia (among other places) would look the same for the average physical stereotype which is quite risky to assume and get it right.

How aren´t you going to have a hard time on analyzing it if it is an heterogeneous community in the first place? Hell, Bridgefag has been trying to archive sites, documents, wikis and spread information about MLP related sites and he didn´t have in mind that the group from the Aminoapps existed. The fan sites range from a /mlpol/ imageboard to a communist forum, not to mention that there are quite a few underages in the MLP forums/reddit.

What criteria could you pick for coming up with generalizations towards the whole fanbase? Even if it´s for the show itself (the centerpiece of it), I have struggled to guess the point of view from /mlp/ at judging a few episodes and that board is one part of the community and even them have generals where they behave differently.

Besides, if you are trying to read both Bridgefag and me, you are going to get even more confused if you take us as a sample to judge the community as a whole. You would mistake me as a normie. Unless you stopped me in the street and claim that I was brony, how would you know it from my physical appearance alone? Unless you visited my house and see the three plushies I have and my PC folders, you are going to have a really hard time finding some kind of valid proof to get it right at first sight unless I told you so.

Anon 02/21/2020 (Fri) 18:21:12 [Preview] No.5467 del
>Something just seems off about you compared to by interactions with furfags and latter /co/blr communities. Can't put my hand on why. I'd say that some of y'all give me vibes of furfags and seem to be on the spectrum /co/tumblr/twitter but others seem to be just ponyfags and I can't really describe why that is to me.
I personally don´t invest too much time at finding the differences between those groups. Yes, you can claim that bronies could be a derivative part of the furry fanbase, which is partially right (watch out, I´ve said partially). That statement from you would be correct if we are taking into account that MLP content is accepted in sites like Furaffinity or E621.

However, we are not taking into account that the term furry catches everything related to animals at making fan art out of it but they are undefined and don´t know where exactly they are going for. MLP has anthro material but that happens with any other franchise and the fur skin isn´t exactly all that popular (instead, anthro is a more human like body for the characters). The rule 34 might look similar and even furry artists use all the fan art sites to promote their work indifferently (even Twitter or Pixiv) to their convenience, so the differences kind of dissipate after delivering their content everywhere. Besides cosplaying as a fursona, could you tell me anything in their culture that makes them unique or peculiar? Because I have visited the Furaffinity forums at times and a few topics between the users were quite average and if you told me that they were furries beyond the site or their avatars, I wouldn´t find any substantial differences from any other guild/group except for superficial/anecdotic stuff. Unless you tell me about the drama, try to tell me how different one fan would be from the other.

Besides, the anthro style has become so popular that it has become from a niche thing to a style for drawing to any franchise. You could say that MLP is furry but that would be like saying that Pokemon does for having the same style in the fan art, but so would do any cartoon basically. The rule 34 was once a taboo but considering that there is so much material these days and how normalized has become, some fetishes that were seen as degenerate or niche, they have become vanilla for those who are into NSFW (and even get boring or sick of seeing so much of it). With the anthro body, the same has happened in general.

/mlp/ doesn´t allow it but recently, I´ve seen a thread in which a few anons discussed seriously that they could post and accept it perfectly, just that they pretend to be triggered in the board in front of the public or create artificial drama for the mods when in reality, those same users have been using Derpibooru for that content they are "complaining" about.

What does really matter in the end? I would worry more about the quality of the picture themselves rather than trying to find a stereotype in terms of uniqueness. MLP has its anthropomorphic characters as well so trying to be unique and establish difference in this regard would be quite stupid and delusional in the first place (pic related)

About /co/mblr and mainstream social media, I have less of a clue but yeah, /co/ and /mlp/ split themselves in mindset long ago. About the behavior in social media groups, I lack of enough knowledge to comment about the patterns shown over there.

Anon 02/21/2020 (Fri) 18:26:02 [Preview] No.5468 del
>Duck didn't mean to link to that one I meant the corona ponies. I was just looking around.
Yeah, yeah, what were you looking for at that time? Why were you browsing for that article?

Uuuuh, I think know it. Gotcha!

Anon 02/22/2020 (Sat) 07:48:08 [Preview] No.5469 del
(1011.26 KB 2119x1500 1582014915897.png)
I'm actually being quite generous with you mr Please don't stereotype me as a fat neckberd. I get it, people are people. Everybody is going to look at something in broad collective generalizations when in reality it can be more muddled. There is still another side to that coin. Dominate patterns that emerge that these groups partake in. Dominate political leanings. Dominate ways of doing things, from art to organization. Let me put it to you this way: is every furry a raging LGBTQAAP+ fag who is a turbo SJW? No, but it is a dominate force it what would be called the "core" furry fandom. I see similar song and dance numbers between different Discord servers and other circle jerks. It is a clear pattern. Slightly less so with a lot of the /co/ fandoms. They tend to congregate on social media and therefore be left wing. There can be art styles that share a commonalty. Get it?

Let me tell you something. Your fandom is one of the strangest I've seen. It has various amounts of degeneracy and cringe, but a lot of your people don't into the traits of a lot of the groups that some would call your peers. I see things in this fandom that are completely absent in the others. Esoteric references to ultra obscure shit. There is a subset of the fandom that is devoted to pony and only pony, that isn't weird in itself but when I find various obscure little projects that have been going on for years with only audiences of a few thousand it causes me to raise an eyebrow. When I see some of these people actually making stuff that is high quality then I take a step back. This shit is Serial Experiments Lain fandom tier.
But I see this pattern subtly even in the mainstream of your fandom. Most of your websites are gorgeous. Derpibooru knocks danbooru out of the water. Fimfiction completely murders fanfiction.net in cold blood. Your massive fandom animation projects sometimes have movie level animation. What is it about this show that drives people to such? Even here is following that pattern. Since when do two anons who bump into each other on a backwater board set up there own community? There is no other fandom where I have seen all these elements at play at such full force.

Anon 02/22/2020 (Sat) 07:50:35 [Preview] No.5470 del
why would i look at eqd for porn? isn't derpi the main hub?

Anon 02/22/2020 (Sat) 14:44:46 [Preview] No.5473 del
>I'm actually being quite generous with you mr Please don't stereotype me as a fat neckberd. I get it, people are people. Everybody is going to look at something in broad collective generalizations when in reality it can be more muddled. There is still another side to that coin. Dominate patterns that emerge that these groups partake in. Dominate political leanings. Dominate ways of doing things, from art to organization.
after reading this from your part, I can die happily. You are more mature than 90 % of those who downright hate it with a passion for no reason and catch the same clichés in an infinite cycle (though there way less people of that kind).

>Let me put it to you this way: is every furry a raging LGBTQAAP+ fag who is a turbo SJW? No, but it is a dominate force it what would be called the "core" furry fandom. I see similar song and dance numbers between different Discord servers and other circle jerks. It is a clear pattern. Slightly less so with a lot of the /co/ fandoms. They tend to congregate on social media and therefore be left wing. There can be art styles that share a commonalty. Get it?
absolutely. I appreciate the rationality and generosity a lot so this means that you deserve a worthy reply to your post. Considering that you are actually willing to listen,I´ll try to answer your questions as best as I can here.

Anon 02/22/2020 (Sat) 15:09:21 [Preview] No.5474 del
>Let me tell you something. Your fandom is one of the strangest I've seen. It has various amounts of degeneracy and cringe, but a lot of your people don't into the traits of a lot of the groups that some would call your peers.
first of all, you have to consider the following things here. Do you believe that it is easy to deal with all this? If you have been reading about the origins of this fanbase you will realize that this fandom isn´t exactly left leaning except for the mainstream social media groups, so this means that the vision leans more towards a chan mindset (thus one would imply a more right wing leaning or at least one less left leaning than other communities that rely on Tumblr as their main source of interaction and material delivered).

I say this in the OP of the editing thread, this started with the explosive pony spam that occurred on 4chan because a few /co/fags liked it (and were ready to mock it beforehand) and then, /b/ spammed it everywhere, increasing the popularity of the franchise greatly. It was banned from 4chan until in 2012, /mlp/ was created as a containment board for posting every pony picture. In case that you dare to post any picture related to MLP, you will get a ban of 3 days (the famous global rule 15). Unlike Pokemon with /vp/, you cannot post anything from Derpibooru even if no pony appears in the picture (they tried this with Gummu, Pinkie´s alligator)

Why am I giving a lesson of history here despite sounding redundant? Because most of the philosophy inherited comes from a chan influence. MLP has its roots in this format and all the fan art get really well exposed in these sites. However, this isn´t the most important aspect to take into account for the fanbase....

the biggest difference between MLP and any other community is that...it has been an isolated one since the very beginning. It has carried that infamy for so long that if you are inspired or want to make something related to it, you will limit yourself to the community despite going beyond its comfort zone. No outsiders want to be associated with it because in theory, it appeals to the lowest common denominator and most degenerated people one could imagine. In terms of degeneracy, only a furry could emphasize with these circumstance and could easily jump from furry content to MLP material without any problem.

In addition to the degeneracy seen from society´s standards, /co/ has decided to leave it aside, as a dark episode in its history. Tumblr considered it uncool after season 5 happened, their love and tolerance discourse failed to appeal to the whole community and jumped onto other franchises instead (part of the brony fanbase would create the SU fanbase later after juming off the wagon)

The cringe and stigma still affect to this day for liking it. Maybe not so much the cringe but in the early years (the golden era reached its explosive peak between 2011-13), fans were proud of being bronies in public and some of them didn´t watch a single episode of the series, they only cared about fan content or jumping onto the latest trend just because. A lot of noise happened, it reached the media and news at some point and there you have the famous brony cringe compilations. This along with the rule 34 will be the main reasons to find any reddit thread about worst fanbases on the internet and say that this community is toxic because of those two reasons, assuming that every year is like 2012 turned out.

But they won´t tell you about the other side of the coin....and I have experienced my years in this community from 2014 to this day.

Anon 02/22/2020 (Sat) 15:33:29 [Preview] No.5475 del
and let me tell you that this explanation about the golden years of the fanbase justifies a lot the behavior shown in the routine for any fan. I won´t say that the fanbase doesn´t have its jewels in terms of autism but...

you would know that this fanbase fell into obscurity after those first years of impact, meaning that those public dramas were reduced to dramas inside the community, meaning that the possible cringe has been for the fans alone for the most part. And this is where the differences come in:

Everything falls into the same circles of the community. It is isolated.

Why does this mindset dominate the views of any fan? Well, because trying to explain to any outsider that you like a show of this kind is tedious, annoying and you could put yourself at risk. While it´s true that the vast majority of people won´t care about the tastes of anyone, it´s still an annoyance to explain it and get into a possible (the chances might be low) risky situation because of it, not to mention that the little girls stigma is attached to the franchise because of all the previous decades until gen 4 happened. So from being proud of being to reserve it until the fan gets access to the internet. This is why MLP is widely known on the internet but you barely notice a fan in real life, it has become a private thing to enjoy for those who are interested in it. Sure, one can say to a few friends and even some members of your family can perfectly acknowledge it without a problem, but in public....it´s not like wearing a T-Shirt of Joy Division, Pink Floyd or famous metal bands, nor is it like wearing a Pokemon one (or even Sonic merch).

Even /mlp/ (the supposedly edgiest part of the fanbase) ask themselves questions about revealing their "power level, you compromise yourself unnecessarily and it´s mostly pointless to try to explain how this works.

MLP wouldn´t have had the insane amount of popularity without the internet because it´s the only medium in which your privacy isn´t at risk and you don´t get to reveal your taste to people who surrounds you. It´s like a private little secret. However, this shouldn´t impress anyone because adults have enjoyed girly shows like Sailor Moon,the Powerpuff Girls (Lauren Faust created this one as well) in the past, this shouldn´t be any different but it is because of the stigma. So liking material of this kind is seen in the same way that the word nerd had in the past around the 80s. Everyone wants to become a nerd now and it feels cool but good luck on trying to have this as socially acceptable in an explicit way (you can´t). This context explains why all the inspirations and material stays in the same circles, only those who are fans won´t have those prejudices because those are also having to deal with them as well. Somehow the community feels like a little nation of brothers, despite the possible insults among the groups, both share the same interest and fall under the same circumstances socially speaking. A MLP in an unrelated site to it brings a little smile because it brings some familiarity and warmth that brony knows but others don´t. This happens because of the isolated nature within its community. Do you want to discuss something related to this show or franchise? Well, too bad, you have to be in those fan sites/circle/ groups just to share your thoughts about it, because outsiders could look at you as a "weirdo" (to put a standard word)

Anon 02/22/2020 (Sat) 15:59:49 [Preview] No.5476 del
so now, you have the explanation to why this fandom might behave differently from its peers. It accepts all kinds of content inside the MLP tag, you can post a Pokemon image in the MLP fan sites but you cannot do it in reverse so easily (unless there is a specific thread in those forums for the show).

Even when you ponify a Pokemon or any character from any cartoon, it will automatically fall as MLP content despite its origins. Same happens to music or fanfics, you can create a metal, pop or rock song that might have a lot of talent behind but if it has ponies in it, you limit yourself automatically to the fanbase because outsiders will have that stigma in mind. Sure, some people could check it out on youtube casually but getting rid of those prejudices will cost you a lot of views for that content, meaning that the only source that person has is the community itself (or at least in a very high percentage) in order to thrive.

Even those who become popular and get professional jobs (here it comes the saddest part)...will delete their past MLP creations/videos because it could harm their public image, meaning that despite making use of MLP in the past, they delete that content as if nothing happened during those years just because the stigma is still strong and could end up as an obstacle for thriving as an artist/content creator. Outsiders won´t tell you about this phenomenon and I have witnessed a few cases in the last couple of years.

Even Filly Funtasia and movies like The Last Unicorn or Ico are kind of cursed because of the brony phenomenon. So if a Filly Funtasia fanbase managed to happen, its origins would come from a part of the brony fanbase because those are the only ones who support openly these animations related to their main interest.

The community doesn´t have as many little children as one would expect because after 9 years, a kid wouldn´t follow so much the franchise and even would lose track on it. Besides, those who were 8-10 year olds at the time are now grown ups that could perfectly post on 4chan or consume porn without problems.

And let me tell you, this franchise wouldn´t have gone all that far without the community because the target audience (initially) would get easily lost on the continuity and lore that gen 4 has. The fans grew up over the years but so did FiM. If it hadn´t been because of the fans and the internet, MLP would have aired the planned 65 episodes without pity nor glory. It would have been seen as a good show by cartoon youtubers but nothing else. However, Hasbro and DHX saw a lot of unexpected profit with the adult audience and while staying in the same tone, the show stopped sending letters to Celestia in the last two minutes just to show off the main message of the episode and went to subtler route, open to interpretations and getting into more complicated/realistic conflicts in its standards. You have the show discussion threads from this place just to prove how difficult it was to judge a few episodes and even fans were mixed and misunderstood among others. So, for little girls, it cannot be all that much if fans struggle with episodes meant for "kids", right?

Anon 02/22/2020 (Sat) 16:19:50 [Preview] No.5477 del
and now, with these explanations offered to you, I will continue with the rest:

>There is a subset of the fandom that is devoted to pony and only pony, that isn't weird in itself but when I find various obscure little projects that have been going on for years with only audiences of a few thousand it causes me to raise an eyebrow. When I see some of these people actually making stuff that is high quality then I take a step back. This shit is Serial Experiments Lain fandom tier.
as I say, this stuff is only meant for the fans alone because other won´t have any interest whatsoever. The isolation makes the other fans feel open towards anything related to MLP.

I am posting an extreme example here but think about it as drugs and the drug dealers. Content creators are the ones who deliver the material that fans will enjoy and demand more and more if it turns out to be good. Even if it doesn´t manage to become instantly liked, they will be waiting for more until that fan delivers something entertaining in the meantime. This also happens with fetishes as well, that fetish only appeals to a counted number of people within the fanbase and that little circle will look for more despite its degenerate nature. However, the degenerate argument doesn´t work because as soon as you like MLP and enter into its tentacles, you are viewed as one so...from lost to the river, a brony doesn´t have any fear to go further because there is nothing left to lose in terms of public image between the fans. Not only they experiment for art, the community has traditionally shown a huge passion towards the Sourcefilmmaker of Steam, projects like NASApone or Sweetiebot, fangames or those robotic voices that sound like the actual characters. Experimentation is part of the entertainment while we are waiting for more episodes/comics/official content. This is why those who post green stories are treated religiously as saviors of a thread. Everyone lets the greenfag on /mlp/ to expose its story even if it doesn´t have much quality in it, they have contributed to the fandom by doing that alone.

The drugs are MLP content in any form related to it, the drug dealers are the content creators for any desire that the fans have at any moment. Just that this addiction doesn´t put you in a huge compromise in terms of health, money, legal issues and getting shot when you don´t pay to them. It sounds quite radical but it exposes the behavior towards any fan content in general.

Anon 02/22/2020 (Sat) 16:45:18 [Preview] No.5478 del
>But I see this pattern subtly even in the mainstream of your fandom. Most of your websites are gorgeous. Derpibooru knocks danbooru out of the water. Fimfiction completely murders fanfiction.net in cold blood. Your massive fandom animation projects sometimes have movie level animation.
just for saying this in other places like /b/ on 4chan or even the fact that you have posted pony pictures here, they will most likely put you into the same category as any other fan or at least, suspect that you could be a fan in disguise.
Those who discover the jewels by getting rid of the stigma, out of curiosity, most people discover what you have said but...end up as bronies because those precious things are the shit and they are way too much to overlook them easily. Once those prejudices end, the magic starts but with a really high price...

you can enjoy all that content without being a fan but the sim`ple fact that you have MLP content or even think about it and discuss it in this board, others will qualify you as a fan indifferently. Lots of /mlp/ users warn to newfags that either they leave before it´s too late or they get stuck forever on the ride. The curse of discovering the revolution that gen 4 has brought onto the tableis a point of no return in its brand, it makes you look at everything with other eyes once you get used to it.

You have two options here: either leave before you start asking more questions about the fanbase or give up. I don´t say give up in the sense of becoming a fanboy but more like the incapability to reset your mind towards this franchise and not appreciate anymore the talent behind the works that this gen has delivered (both official and fanon ones). Sure, this started with shitty Deviantart pictures at first or low quality drawings but over time, MLP has found its own independent route without relying on any help from the outside. See those drawings >>5477 and try to deprive yourself from it, pretending that these virtues you have mentioned don´t exist. Those who dare to dive into the core sources of the fanbase end up with much better impressions than expected.

Anon 02/22/2020 (Sat) 16:47:32 [Preview] No.5479 del
>What is it about this show that drives people to such?
if you make a thread about that,/mlp/ will respond you with the word autism (as the lazy meme answer for this question). Any outsider will see it as degenerate so why bother answering profoundly to someone who might not give a fuck in the first place. Nonetheless, you have shown genuine interest with your post so let me answer this.

All the fans pretend that nothing exists in their IRL routine, they simply carry on with their lives until they get access to the internet in private. All the thoughts they had in their minds gets exposed in the inner circles without revealing them to anyone else. And so, any MLP related thing will happen to count as MLP content either way because the MLP brand filters effectively any interest from anyone else. You want to discuss about MLP? EQD, Derpi, Fimfiction, the imageboards or forums/blogs related to it are your place to do it. Otherwise, no one has that mentality to share it somewhere else with such ease, much less IRL. So all those inspirations, desires, requests...are only delivered in counted places with the same people that won´t judge you for liking it. If you want more, you cannot ask from outsider help unless you pay a furry artist for a commission related to MLP. Those are the most likely group to come and go indifferently because they share that degeneracy and carry a similar mindset as well.

>Even here is following that pattern. Since when do two anons who bump into each other on a backwater board set up there own community? There is no other fandom where I have seen all these elements at play at such full force.
because I don´t have anywhere else to expose my ideas and when you get used to the fanbase, you feel at home. The internet can be really wild and going outside feels cold and even shittier than the autism that we know. Better the Devil that you know than the Devil that you don´t. Not only the chan format is the nature for MLP, but it has proven to be really useful to share the fan content you want to expose to other fans.

Not only that but fans hold this franchise as part of their lives and the interest is still alive because of the ride. One always wonders what´s going to happen next in this undefined path. This mindset prevents from anyone to leave in the long run or even come back after taking a break.

Anon 02/22/2020 (Sat) 16:53:49 [Preview] No.5480 del
>why would i look at eqd for porn?
well, not exactly. EQD has allowed galleries in which anthro/content are allowed to post in their entries and some hot stuff has taken place in the covers for some articles. So even the "safe" part of the fanbase isn´t all that unaware of the "dark side"

>isn't derpi the main hub?
yes, but it isn´t the only one. By the way...

this board doesn´t have a SFW mark in the boardlist like /operate/, so this means....

Anon 02/24/2020 (Mon) 04:23:32 [Preview] No.5481 del
>absolutely. I appreciate the rationality and generosity a lot so this means that you deserve a worthy reply to your post.
Worthy reply? This is the longest I've ever gotten in reply to anything. How long did it take to type this all? No offense obiviously.

>the biggest difference between MLP and any other community is that...it has been an isolated one since the very beginning. It has carried that infamy for so long that if you are inspired or want to make something related to it, you will limit yourself to the community despite going beyond its comfort zone. No outsiders want to be associated with it because in theory, it appeals to the lowest common denominator and most degenerated people one could imagine.
I used to see some tumblrs that had other content plus pony, but yeah a lot of you seem really isolated. I don't see pony covered much from the major /co/ fandom YTers I watch from toturing myself for fun. I have seen it pop up as a background refference in gaming a lot still strangly enough.

> In terms of degeneracy, only a furry could emphasize with these circumstance and could easily jump from furry content to MLP material without any problem.
One thing I really don't get is why y'all weren't just another component of the furryfandom. I actually thought you guys were when I first heard of you. Several pronate furry degenerates had jumped ship. Like Bernard Doove , creator of the dreaded Chataks was involved in your fandom. Yet I saw bronies and furries that hated each others guts and sometimes ran into one making a dramatic announcement that he was leaving one for the other. I guess it was bronies ubiquity and the 4chan influences but you'd think with when the fucking creator of the chataks is involved you would have merged at some point.

>the Powerpuff Girls (Lauren Faust created this one as well)
No, Powerpuff Girls were created by Craig McCracken. She was heavily involved in it though. Later married the guy.

Thanks for the rather lengthy reply. I guess I get the isolation but there is still some points where I feel confused.

Austism is the answer but it doesn't explain why it can be so high quality or different from your normal fandoms. Your fandom is starting to look to me like some bastard furry son of the Serial Experience Lain fandom and trekies. You got the pointless debates and the various factions of the trekkies with the insanity and loyalty of lain and mega projects like they both do. I just wonder how MLP could do that when you have other ambitious shows that broke boundaries or were trailblazers yet there fandoms are pretty average like Avatar the Last Airbender or Adventure Time.

Anon 02/24/2020 (Mon) 04:35:10 [Preview] No.5482 del
>just for saying this in other places like /b/ on 4chan or even the fact that you have posted pony pictures here, they will most likely put you into the same category as any other fan or at least, suspect that you could be a fan in disguise.
It is the way of things.

>Once those prejudices end, the magic starts but with a really high price...
You're speaking from experience aren't you? It is an interesting question. Have I gone too far? I've been looking around at your websites, looking into some of your history and even watched a few episodes. The whole thing feels weird and gives me a mix of emotions as I find a mix of things that are mundane, shit, nostagic, under degenacy and some things that are utter gold.

I can tell and I can't see how someone could fap to that. So maybe there is still hope for me yet

Anon 02/24/2020 (Mon) 04:37:38 [Preview] No.5483 del
One more thing. Saw pic related on /mlp/. Is this true?

Anon 02/24/2020 (Mon) 22:33:26 [Preview] No.5484 del
>This is the longest I've ever gotten in reply to anything
probably it´s the longest answer that you will get but considering that in very counted times you have posted something 100% serious and with generosity this time, then one leaves aside the shitposting mode. I could do that of course but honestly, I do have /mlp/ for that for the most part.

>How long did it take to type this all?
well, I don´t always have the mood to do that. I could have played Half Life and its expansions instead and you have to consider that English doesn´t exactly represent the best way to express myself so it costs me a little bit more of time than other people. Now, I am used to writing these long posts here, you can imagine the previous threads filled with posts that don´t reach biblical sizes of text but there is a considerable amount of information that was posted in the past. About the length for this one? Maybe one hour and a half.

>I used to see some tumblrs that had other content plus pony, but yeah a lot of you seem really isolated.
yeah, Tumblr had ponies from the limited time that I have been lurking over there but they´ve got other preferences/franchises to post the content. MLP has way more content on Deviantart than the site that originated the communities for SU and Undertale, among others.

Honestly, you already know the relevant places that have the biggest amount of activity or at least, a huge percentage that covers almost everything posted in this franchise. Sure, there will be exclusive images in other places that are denied from being posted on Derpibooru but over time, the booru normally archives them naturally.

>I don't see pony covered much from the major /co/ fandom YTers I watch from toturing myself for fun.
MLP always leaves no one indifferent. I don´t believe in conspiracy theories for this franchise but it´s almost like everyone who isn´t a fan explicitly has decided to stay mostly silent towards it except for counted occasions (like the review for the Movie in 2017 or documentaries about the toys from the 80s). There is an unwritten rule that...as soon as you publish content related talking about MLP, bronies come all over the place and post with their avatars in the comment section. So MLP hasn´t only been considered as an unique case for /co/ in 4chan, but almost in general as well. So naturally, despite the downfall of its popularity, it has managed to stand on its own legs without outsider influences.

>I have seen it pop up as a background refference in gaming a lot still strangly enough.
yeah. You must be thinking about the references made in Fallout, the dominance of bronies playing in Team Fortress 2...I have also seen references about them in Deadpool 2 or in a little clip for one of the Transformers movies.

There was a really funny pic about all the references that MLP got in video games that triggers /v/ a lot....okay I have found it. It hasn´t been updated for two or three years but yeah, it has sneaked through the background of
some relevant games out there.

Anon 02/24/2020 (Mon) 23:06:30 [Preview] No.5485 del
>I really don't get is why y'all weren't just another component of the furryfandom.
>Several pronate furry degenerates had jumped ship. Like Bernard Doove , creator of the dreaded Chataks was involved in your fandom.
the same happened with the SU fandom, they didn´t want to know anything about MLP after a new division among the fanbase was created from those who didn´t agree with the dominance of chan culture or lack of political correctness according to their standards (the phrase of love and tolerance didn´t pan out and they tried to find another place instead).

But even with those tense divisions created by disagreements and/or tensions, that doesn´t justify...

>I saw bronies and furries that hated each others guts and sometimes ran into one making a dramatic announcement that he was leaving one for the other. I guess it was bronies ubiquity and the 4chan influences but you'd think with when the fucking creator of the chataks is involved you would have merged at some point.
that because of one person decides to jump ship means that the opposition is complete as if fanbases were football teams. I mean, I haven´t heard in my life about Bernard Doove but as far I have seen in the web, he has written several books until 2014 around the furry community. By checking his latest tweets,he has only posted about MLP so you are right, he decided to leave the furry fanbase.If he is more comfortable spending his time on the brony community, okay perfect but it won´t make a difference (to me at least) if he decides to come back to his famous origins.

But despite the conflicts, one can spend time whenever one desires, it´s their free time and who am I to decide what should they do? Lots of people take it as if this were about football teams and for sure, one wants to be better and improve but in the end, the involvement depends on the varied personal preferences that one has.

As for the lack of fusion among both communities despite having common places to share pictures, it might be because of that chan influences, the stigma of MLP or the fact that people of those circles might not be "interested enough" to ask for more pony content (distaste). Anyway, Bridgefag reported this quite nicely in his /go/ thread: >>3183, >>3270 and >>3199. Not even an icon like Bernard could change that trend and merge both in the way that you imagined.

>Powerpuff Girls were created by Craig McCracken. She was heavily involved in it though. Later married the guy.
yeah, you are right indeed, he was the creator (I didn´t check the info about the show while typing that). My intention by mentioning Faust was that FIM was created with people with a considerable track record (Amy Keating Rogers also wrote for the PPG, so she did later until season 5 for FiM). I wanted to express that gen 4 is far from an incident.

>I guess I get the isolation but there is still some points where I feel confused.
keep in mind that I have replied an overview that still misses a lot of details but at least, make that pattern clear and prove that it is still relevant to this day. Are you confused about the fanbase? This fanbase is everything but boring. The day when the community stops taking itself too seriously or do very nonsensical projects that have effort behind...then, it will get somewhat boring. Even with the decline in popularity, not even two months have passed and another episode of stupid drama happened.

Anon 02/24/2020 (Mon) 23:39:33 [Preview] No.5486 del
>Austism is the answer but it doesn't explain why it can be so high quality or different from your normal fandoms.
I could sort of explain this. Considering that this fanbase always involves the same circles, the sense of familiarity and mutual favors increase a lot. The high quality might be explained because people who have been drawing for MLP have stayed long enough so now, they have improved and have become high profile artists because of support and the desire of always looking for more material. I personally haven´t spent a single euro yet on digital fanart but I suppose bronies spend their money on their Patreons so those artists stay comfortably in the community and deliver more content. Lots of interviews in EQD have revealed that artists have received lots of support in the fanbase and have praised their support (the huge majority are drawing for hobby). So, in this regard, the donations/commissions encourage at least, more content (witht their respective numbers of likes and favorites). Quality comes over time and/or experience. Don´t think that the fanabse aimed all that high in the early drawfriends of Equestria Daily.

However, high quality pictures are anywhere really just that the brony community has it pretty well organized.

>Your fandom is starting to look to me like some bastard furry son of the Serial Experience Lain fandom and trekies. You got the pointless debates and the various factions of the trekkies with the insanity and loyalty of lain and mega projects like they both do.
well, I believe that you have nailed it with that comparison with the treekies. Sometimes the show arises levels of discussion that are tense and taking way seriously for every single detail in terms of characters, pessimism towards any new material and the huge avalanche of varied opinions in some controversial opinions that make it really hard to come up with conclusions. At some point, I said that discussing about the show was harder than discussing about politics for me....and it´s not even worth it in order to convince to faggots who are entitled to their views and will downgrade yours, consuming lots of energies for nothing.
About Serial Experience, the concept of waifus domains the discourse and mentality of /mlp/. The day when holograms exist with real voices of the original VA from the show, the cyberpunk scenes will get written by themselves (if they aren´t typing them already...)

>I just wonder how MLP could do that when you have other ambitious shows that broke boundaries or were trailblazers yet there fandoms are pretty average like Avatar the Last Airbender or Adventure Time.
MLP is special for several reasons. FiM had a familiar tone that could appeal to the family at first but in no way, it thought that it would reach this far. The charm about MLP is how it manages to change over time (its evolution throughout the seasons), the fact that nothing is filler (in a slice of life show, the word filler doesn´t exist) and you have to take everything into account in order to rank the seasons properly. It hasn´t changed the animation industry but as I say here: >>5120, >>5121, >>5122, >>5123 and >>5124, this show hasn´t changed that but the toy commercial cartoon. Whenever someone decides to make a show aimed at little girls, the poor writing won´t be justified because MLP, toy commercial at its core, has managed to reach this far despite all the directions/restrictions from Hasbro. No one has any excuse anymore and this show will be their curse, including future generations of MLP.

Besides that, there are more charming things but I believe that I will explain those for another day. Those posts define it better than I could do tonight.

Anon 02/25/2020 (Tue) 00:03:29 [Preview] No.5487 del
>it is the way of things.
in which you are involved and other people could put you at the same level with the rest simply because of those images you have in your folder or the fact that you have been thinking about this franchise way more than needed...

>You're speaking from experience aren't you? It is an interesting question.
let me tell quote a bit the lyrics of a very popular song that appealed to angry teenagers back in 2001 and apply it to your situation:

>Wake up, grab a brush and put a little (makeup), grab a brush and put a little
>Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup),Hide the scars to fade away the
>Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
>Here you go create another fable

you wanted to

>post shitposting pictures on a pony board, you wanted to
>have images of Scootaloo, Dash and Carrot Top in your folder, you wanted to
>watch episodes of the little kids degenerate show, you wanted to
>enter in the fan sites and ask questions about the community, you wanted to

>Have I gone too far?
well, you are the one to judge yourself in the end. As I said about Bernard, one is free to do whatever one wants to go, I have been asking myself questions why you have decided to post for so much time for whatever reasons you had in mind.

But in terms of degeneracy, as long as you have pictures of MLP, you won´t want them to get revealed to other people you know out there, so the mindset of it being a private thing, in those social matters, the situation is universal. I had thought in 2014 that I was going to get AIDS by watching the show and all kinds of diseases related to the rainbows and I have survived until the end of the series, including consumption of NSFW content. There will be a point in which one stops believing in such premises of being a degenerate and more like a weirdo who would rather spend time alone for annoying reasons to explain to others. It´s easier done than explaining it over and over again in order to justify yourself for your actions. In this regard, a MLP fan just simply doesn´t care about what others think because that lack of knowledge towards the franchise from outsiders.

If you want my opinion about these concepts of degenerate or being called as an autist, I would rather get more worried about living in a country with a pornography ban or harming third people IRL than consuming entertainment of this kind. You haven´t asked yourself why gen 4 is the only relevant worthy generation that exists and why bronies don´t bother at all with the rest of the generations (maybe a little bit with gen 1 though)....there must be a reason behind, right?

Anon 02/25/2020 (Tue) 00:23:38 [Preview] No.5488 del
>I've been looking around at your websites, looking into some of your history and even watched a few episodes. The whole thing feels weird and gives me a mix of emotions as I find a mix of things that are mundane, shit, nostagic, under degenacy and some things that are utter gold.
that period in which you feel a mix of diverse feelings in its discovery is wonderful honestly. I wish I could live those innocent moments again of feeling weird, mocking at myself yet continuing to watch it and challenge myself by watching the 4 seasons entirely. The process of being unironic at first but then, enjoying it unironically because an episode might click in its message or moral...

thinking about that process makes me a little bit nostalgic about that innocence. But that´s how FiM is in the end, it puts you in a really humble mood. Degeneracy might sound contradictory but it turns out to be a more appealing thing rather than becoming a negative aspect, mostly because no one dares to enter there.

In the end, you decide what to do, the entire decade of content is there and eventually, one realizes about the true meaning of the ride never ends...

>I can tell and I can't see how someone could fap to that. So maybe there is still hope for me yet
my advice is this: don´t put them to a challenge. I am not even trying at posting seductive images and the last post didn´t deliver the pony body everyone loves to dream about (this means that other species and even OCs are catching up).
You know, I might not be a seer nor I have plans to work for that but in chemistry, there are two concepts that define the reactives in order to get a product: the quantity and the time of exposure.

The quantity is quite big and considering that there is a lot to select, it will lean more towards the second factor. The more time you are used to seeing them, the more you feel comfortable and then, whenever you feel really in the comfort, that´s when without thinking about it at all, you get into the absolute peak of degeneracy. I didn´t even NSFW material in order to get there, some SFW material like the body pillow tag induce lots of feelings that shouldn´t be there and your mind tricks you slowly thinking that it´s like wet dreaming about a human.

Again, I am not trying all that much but even stuff of this kind is quite capable to do wonders because of the artstyle if you stay watching them for too long.

Ah, and those who claim to be elitists about being puritans by opening a thread on /mlp/ without clopping once to MLP, I assume that those are the greatest liars I have seen on the internet with one of the weakest baits to ever witness as far as I am concerned.

Anon 02/25/2020 (Tue) 00:37:57 [Preview] No.5489 del
(381.36 KB 634x480 1432810.png)
>Is this true?
it is sadly. On /mlp/, you are free of Pepe the Frog memes but instead, they use Anon as a self insert for their self fulfillment stories. I haven´t had interest towards those but accidentally with my previous replies, without acknowledging these posts, it reaffirms that MLP lives in its own bubble. The isolation has the disadvantage to get miscommunication or support from influential people in order to get discussed beyond its fan sites but it proves that the chan culture of the time has been stuck inherently to the board.

It´s quite ironic that /b/ is unrecognizable and there have been attempts to bring those times back but it seems that /b/ is too big of a monster (and let´s not even talk about /pol/). Ponies don´t attract anyone beyond the fans of the show so this means that it prevents from outsider influences to come in. /mlp/ still has that reminiscent spirit/culture that like that anon says, it´s almost like a time capsule in the middle of a website who´s identity has been modified completely.

I did see a thread not long ago on /qa/ in which a couple of anons were surprised that newfags considered Anon as a /mlp/ character, which it does but it´s impressive that it has managed to get reduced to simply one board and as a fictional character, not as the meaning the whole site used to have.

You have found a jewel of a post there and it proves how times change but...because of being degenerate or living in your own space without thinking it too much, those traditional things have vanished as a thing of the past while being replaced for things influenced because of its way to turn into a mainstream social media because of its relevance in the news.

Anon 02/25/2020 (Tue) 00:41:07 [Preview] No.5490 del
anyway, I´ve got nothing left to post and it´s getting late.

Sweet dreams, folks.

Anon 02/27/2020 (Thu) 01:02:26 [Preview] No.5491 del
(332.09 KB 2400x1350 1747.jpg)
Well hey if you actually want to jump into are little subculture go ahead but don't say we didn't warn ya! I don't have too much more to add that L23 didn't already say other then:
> No outsiders want to be associated with it because in theory, it appeals to the lowest common denominator and most degenerated people one could imagine. In terms of degeneracy, only a furry could emphasize with these circumstance and could easily jump from furry content to MLP material without any problem.
>.will delete their past MLP creations/videos because it could harm their public image, meaning that despite making use of MLP in the past, they delete that content as if nothing happened during those years just because the stigma is still strong and could end up as an obstacle for thriving as an artist/content creator. Outsiders won´t tell you about this phenomenon and I have witnessed a few cases in the last couple of years.
The thing that really confuses me personally is the practice of many in this fandom to have completely cut ties when their interests wanes. Like a lot not even maintaining a passive interest. I used to think, well cringe and stigma but it has gotten more muddled when you see someone delete or hide most of their pony stuff and yet become a furry so it confuses me on cringe factor. I've seen people maintain passive interests in several but this one. Things both further back in time and after but not ours. It seems like there is a special stigma or some other factor that I have yet to see spoken of. Perhaps it's just my anecdotal observations of a few cases but I have a suspicion that there is something else.

Thanks for being rational and open minded. Really unexpected for a random shitposter.

This is also a POL. Sick still but starting to get better.

Anon 02/27/2020 (Thu) 04:31:59 [Preview] No.5492 del
>When I see some of these people actually making stuff that is high quality then I take a step back. This shit is Serial Experiments Lain fandom tier.
Speaking of that, did one of our anons really have access to a super computer to make AI pony voices?

Anon 02/27/2020 (Thu) 04:33:06 [Preview] No.5493 del
(653.90 KB 1150x3000 mlp_AI.jpg)

Anon 02/27/2020 (Thu) 07:09:05 [Preview] No.5494 del
>he discourse and mentality of /mlp/. The day when holograms exist with real voices of the original VA from the show, the cyberpunk scenes will get written by themselves (if they aren´t typing them already...)
Looks like they are. >>5492 >>5493
How do you guys do that? How did you guys beat the weebs?

Anon 02/27/2020 (Thu) 22:23:05 [Preview] No.5495 del
>but don't say we didn't warn ya!
so much this. Many things have been explained here already so I hope that there isn´t another "Horsefuckers, why did you do this to me?" because it´s always the same pattern over and over. There is no traitor if there is a warning beforehand.

>The thing that really confuses me personally is the practice of many in this fandom to have completely cut ties when their interests wanes. Like a lot not even maintaining a passive interest.
>it has gotten more muddled when you see someone delete or hide most of their pony stuff and yet become a furry so it confuses me on cringe factor. I've seen people maintain passive interests in several but this one.
it´s a pretty exceptional case here how those who leave don´t let their marks or contributions to stay for the community. Derpibooru fortunately has saved some material over the years but still, one cannot imagine such a complete 180º twist at abandoning MLP, leaving those years blank.

The only possible factor that could justify this practice that I can come up with is that those people might have grown absolutely tired of pony content, sticking for years to that specific content and then, when that sense of tiredness arrives, they flip their visions by getting rid of it as a form of expressing that contained negativity or weariness. While it´s true that some fans have come back because of nostalgia or simply because the generation has managed to reach the end, maybe that passion could be restored because of that mental rest.

And even then, it blows my mind how all their content gets deleted all of a sudden when the Deviantart/Derpibooru profiles have different aliases and this wouldn´t hurt them. I would understand it slightly if those drawings were simply bad but nope, they delete the entire profile with all the material within it.

I cannot offer a clear answer to that odd trend applied to this franchise.

>This is also a POL. Sick still but starting to get better.
I was thinking for a while about sending you a message through mobile phone yesterday about your state of health but yeah, that sounds really nice especially in a situation in which people have lost their minds completely.

The PoLS was enough to transmit your activity and hopefully, the trend goes upwards from now one for ya.

Anon 02/27/2020 (Thu) 22:33:03 [Preview] No.5496 del
(272.09 KB 1125x1044 1835809.jpeg)
>Speaking of that, did one of our anons really have access to a super computer to make AI pony voices?

what da hell? Sweet mother of Celestia, how did he manage to get a pass and use it for the AI voices of the mane 6?

I am speechless and eeeyup,things now make more sense with the use of a supercomputer. If anyone was able to use AI for imitating the voices from the characters, /mlp/ would have tried to replicate them long ago.

900 NVidia GPUs...phew, we won´t be seeing such power of that kind unless the market gets more competence from the Chinese market, AMD becomes an actual competitor for NVidia and another company decides to enter into the tech world with serious standards. If there isn´t any competence, that level of power will only stay in pretty limited circles (though the capacity looks quite serious here)

If this is what /mlp/ has a standard for autistic actions towards this franchise, damn this level is quite hard to reach. Impressive to say the least.

Anon 02/27/2020 (Thu) 23:14:25 [Preview] No.5497 del
>How do you guys do that?
erm, I don´t know. I knew about the AI but I didn´t know that he actually managed to get access to that supercomputer. So you are far from the only one to be left with an open mouth towards this.

>How did you guys beat the weebs?
well, I could extend myself a lot towards this question but I will leave a few points here that could be expanded but the general idea is this:

>4chan was created with a plan for discussing anime, the initial fans of this show were either fans of cartoons, fans of Japanese media or liked roleplaying games (fantasy settings)
>the artsyle. Look at their bodies and especially at the eyes. Then, compare it to the three previous generations. Guess which has more fan content and has been more profitable for Hasbro so far.
>slice of life animation. What is considered filler for lots of animes, in this format, the characters are the main appeal. What happens to them daily, their interactions towards different situations, misadventures, conflicts, personal moments, etc; all of that drives every single episode. This implies a greater attachment to the fictional characters.
>the waifu concept taken from weaboos, combined with the human characteristics, is intensified because of that warmth for seeing them as rounded characters. You know them pretty well how they act and all their traits are clearly defined for you to imagine any non canon situation with those established characters.
>the philosophy towards this show could be summed up for a certain people as one of those anime of cute girls doing cute things, hence why imagining about them could lead to comfy feelings.
>the size of the map. It offers a quite considerable amount of varied places and could be perfectly used for any RPG game
>lore and worldbuilding behind the species and Equestrian history. This aspect drives nerds crazy (also, Twilight is a nerd) and fits in the basics of any RPG, species such as dragons or changelings are not all that far away from what you see in the genre. Also, tons of magic
>references to pop culture (Zelda, Bioshock...), an episode dedicated to Dungeons and Dragons, clichés from anime (Ember acting Tsundere), battles of laser beams a la Dragon Ball style...

I could add a few more and extend it to a ridiculous length but this should give you an idea that MLP doesn´t offer all that much of a difference for the average nerd. Maybe the two key factors are that it is a slice of life show and it´s normally correlated to filler content for animes that aim at big stuff (DBZ, One Piece...), when the passive humble nature of the genre is what sells this show entirely. That and the stigma we have discussed earlier.

Anon 02/27/2020 (Thu) 23:26:24 [Preview] No.5498 del
the question is not about beating the weebs but the uncertainty of who came first at becoming the next nerdy thing:
was the show that added enough elements to make it just as appealing as any other anime? or did bronies themselves request this content because it was similar to their tastes before watching the show?

The banner with the phrase "Just like your Chinese cartoons" didn´t come up out of nowhere, you know...

Anon 02/28/2020 (Fri) 22:41:41 [Preview] No.5499 del
(544.29 KB 1280x960 2191571.jpeg)
>I would understand it slightly if those drawings were simply bad but nope, they delete the entire profile with all the material within it.
>I cannot offer a clear answer to that odd trend applied to this franchise.
Me neither. Perhaps it is just our personal bias but sometimes it really feels like to me that there is somethng off about it all. As you say sometimes they delete stuff that is actually high quality. Sometimes you see a bit of it all were there reasoning just doesn't make sense: "it's because of cringe and copyright but I'm also a furry and I do other fandom stuff" IDK, I need to investigate further.

>I was thinking for a while about sending you a message through mobile phone yesterday about your state of health but yeah, that sounds really nice
Thanks, I can understand being worried in this environment. You maybe more right on the losing their minds then I thought

Magic of Friendship? Ha ha. IDK if we "beat" the weebs. Perhaps we are ahead in RnD though I don't see it as a contest.

Anon 02/29/2020 (Sat) 00:58:26 [Preview] No.5501 del
tonight I am leaving a PoLS with the nerdy princess having a comfy time in both pictures. Nothing extraordinary with the action itself but it is a relief to see her doing her traditional habit since the very beginning of the times.

Anon 02/29/2020 (Sat) 23:22:49 [Preview] No.5503 del
(154.45 KB 883x874 leapday.png)
PoL and comfy twi acknowledged. Happy leap day!

Anon 03/02/2020 (Mon) 00:11:38 [Preview] No.5505 del
>Perhaps it is just our personal bias
probably we have the tendency to cherrypick the most notable cases of leaving. Other silent proportion might have left without making noise at all and could have checked the community over the years,so perhaps it might not be the general trend other than remembering the most dramatic cases as a biased sample. Although...

>sometimes it really feels like to me that there is somethng off about it all. As you say sometimes they delete stuff that is actually high quality. Sometimes you see a bit of it all were there reasoning just doesn't make sense: "it's because of cringe and copyright but I'm also a furry and I do other fandom stuff"
their questionable motivations don't help at all for not adapting this mindset towards those who abandon the ride with the paper absolutely blank.
I mean,I have some to a couple of friends (who knew that I was a fan of this)over the years pictures of high quality of Luna,Daybreaker or even the image of Cosmos and while not being fans at all,they considered it pretty
ssick regardless of the franchise. The cringe factor is random depending on the people that you meet out there. People are free to do whatever, lots of artists draw furry while also sharing pony content simultaneously without any problem. However,if this argument is actually said for their defense to change in that radical way, furries don't have much better fame either.

The copyright argument is just outright ridiculous. Pursuing the fans for fanart would turn out to be a suicide note for Hasbro and even Equestria Daily would complain if that pursuit happened. The managers might be really stupid (see the aminoapps change of name for the fanclub) but not that stupid to kill the cow without milking it.

It's a pity that the high quality material gets lost in the process so it's understandable to react in a skeptical way towards that practice.

>You maybe more right on the losing their minds then I thought
it's the price they've got to pay for being too cool for watching the Walking Dead or some post-apocalyptic movies out there, I guess [spoiler]*rolls eyes with a smile

Now seriously,as soon as media stops delivering news 24/7 about it, people will have more room to breathe mentally speaking

Anon 03/02/2020 (Mon) 00:36:39 [Preview] No.5506 del
>Magic of Friendship? Ha ha.
hey watch out about laughing at that, I have heard that someone conquered an entire land for believing that unironically and not without success to be precise. Maybe you have heard about a certain Twilight Sparkle,who is ruling that land currently even though my info is limited about her way to handle it so far.

Friendship is Magic, as simple as that

>IDK if we "beat" the weebs.
considering that they are much bigger in numbers,there might be probably peculiar cases among them even though it's completely divided because of the insane number of seasonal animes that air in each quarter. So despite having a bigger size,the most dedicated fans of it may spend all their dedication in judging as many animes as possible of each season.

>Perhaps we are ahead in RnD though I don't see it as a contest.
me neither.While the concepts might be the same for every fanbase,the philosophy and base material to be a fan of varies greatly. In fact,anime has become so popular and so mainstream that personally,I would have to judge the subcommunities instead. While not being as huge as music or videogames,you would have to set the patterns for an entire industry.

Anyway, could the brony community have followed the patterns of weebs to some extent for all this time? Considering this post >>5497,it makes sense to copy or imitate some of their standards and twist them until finding a defined path.

If there is a contest,outsiders will put all these communities for the trophy of being seen as the worst to the public eye. MLP sometimes wins this and some still use the rule 34 argument to this day as if this franchise was the only one at that (EQD linked an article about that yesterday).

But as for the rest, definitely it's far from a competition.

Anon 03/02/2020 (Mon) 00:44:31 [Preview] No.5507 del
I was going to leave a proof of life shitpost but for a change,I have typed all this on mobile phone tonight.It's been a while since I have written a long reply with it.

Either way, have a good night,/endpone/.

Anon 03/07/2020 (Sat) 00:51:47 [Preview] No.5514 del
With an update about the fic, an edit and a few nice pictures = PoLS

Ironically the princess says the line for me this time.

Anon 03/07/2020 (Sat) 06:23:40 [Preview] No.5515 del
(602.35 KB 1213x1920 2150040.jpeg)
sweet dreams too! PoLS

I've been busy with a couple of /pone/ related things as well.

Anon 03/08/2020 (Sun) 00:18:17 [Preview] No.5520 del
even villains get to sleep well sometimes.

>text in spoilers
the bridges will tell how that will pan out in the /end/...

Anon 03/10/2020 (Tue) 04:50:52 [Preview] No.5525 del
(462.91 KB 676x514 oldmeme.png)
And when they sleep the ponies will scurry.

That bridge is already about to be crossed, I just hope endchan don't have any hiccups while I'm crossing it.

Goodnight /endpone/! L23, 5050, Sivc, and other lurkers and sometimes posters ..and BO

Anon 03/11/2020 (Wed) 23:58:09 [Preview] No.5526 del
>the ponies will scurry.
2011 intensifies...

>That bridge is already about to be crossed
some decide to fly over it and others simply cross it from down below....but your path goes by crossing it completely.

>I just hope endchan don't have any hiccups while I'm crossing it.
it has worked all the time though, I haven´t noticed any maintenance period so far.

>Goodnight /endpone/!
this for everyone, with a proof of life shitpost.

Anon 03/14/2020 (Sat) 03:49:30 [Preview] No.5527 del
(70.58 KB 550x309 oldoldmeme.jpg)
PoLS had some unexpected stuff pop up.

Anon 03/15/2020 (Sun) 00:31:45 [Preview] No.5529 del
>when you make 28 jokes and you are waiting for those jokes to end but they go too far...
it seems that we all have something unexpected to deal with,don´t we?

I expected this franchise to enter into a chaotic mode but it seems that the storm ended up on something else instead...

Proof of Life Shitpost.

Anon 03/18/2020 (Wed) 00:56:50 [Preview] No.5530 del
well, it seems that everyone is going to have a long period here. I don´t think I need to describe what it is, do I?

Even Hasbro has stopped its activity so it seems that the internet is going to become the main medium of entertainment (even more than ever). I believed that Pony Life was going to be the main reason to cause chaos and drama but it seems that the drama isn´t coming from the franchise itself.

Proof of Life Shitpost but I believe that we are going to have a lot of time here and possibly a few edits will be delivered in the next few days.

Anon 03/18/2020 (Wed) 01:03:26 [Preview] No.5533 del
also posting a few nice pictures for ya.

Have a good night and sleep well in...this uncertain dark tunnel...

Anon 03/18/2020 (Wed) 22:27:34 [Preview] No.5534 del
Oh those times of innocence. Maybe Pony Life can still be the main hub of chaos? The cons getting delayed or cancelled, etc. You're going to have a lot of the social side of the fandom with nothing to do but argue about ponies!

>Proof of Life Shitpost but I believe that we are going to have a lot of time here and possibly a few edits will be delivered in the next few days.
I think so as well. Edits, a review, chat, etc. Maybe it'll be cozy?

You as well. Staying one the bridge maybe more important than before...

Anon 03/18/2020 (Wed) 23:28:46 [Preview] No.5539 del
>Maybe Pony Life can still be the main hub of chaos?
for the franchise itself? Maybe (even though the noise made within the fandom has almost completely disappeared, it could be even more irrelevant than we could have expected, who knows).

>The cons getting delayed or cancelled, etc.
yeah, indeed. I believe that Babscon has been cancelled and not only the cons but even Hasbro itself has had to close down its offices.

>You're going to have a lot of the social side of the fandom with nothing to do but argue about ponies!
will that translate to more activity on the fandom? Most likely and in this period of inactivity, any newcomer could watch the entire show (or most of it) in this uncertain timeline.

But MLP is for sure, one thing to stick with it in the meantime.

>Edits, a review, chat, etc.
I have just posted a few ones. Nothing really outstanding but yeah, I would like to see something other than the main topic discussed 24/7.
>Maybe it'll be cozy?
without the glow, even though that pink pony of that picture does have it.

>Staying one the bridge maybe more important than before...
not sure if the factor of destroying the bridge is because of the wind, the sea or the structure itself because of its columns possibly falling apart.

But we are living history, folks. It´s not something that your predecessors tell to the kids as a story. It´s happening and we are witnessing it in front of our faces.

Anon 03/18/2020 (Wed) 23:33:54 [Preview] No.5540 del
so yeah, a proof of (literally) life shitpost makes more sense than ever...

because we are playing a survival game...no one is free of it and we are the players

Anon 03/20/2020 (Fri) 23:44:00 [Preview] No.5544 del
when this storm ends, we´ll have the comics over here....although I am surprised by the lack of news about Pony Life.

Anyway, here is the cover for the first season 10 issue. Again, I have no expectations because it´s not necessary but if any comic turns out to be good, it will be really appreciated and will keep us entertained during this post-gen 4 hiatus.

Anon 03/21/2020 (Sat) 15:27:21 [Preview] No.5550 del
What did he mean by this?

Is he trying to be a wizard? He has posted AJ so I am implying that he is attempting to be one and...

Anon 03/21/2020 (Sat) 15:33:00 [Preview] No.5551 del
>if you see any threads or posts appear then disapear over the next couple of days
>things being tested and the chaos of things

oh shit, he is not a wizard.




Anon 03/21/2020 (Sat) 15:37:04 [Preview] No.5552 del
wait a second...

how can we run away from this place if we are stuck in our homes for the next weeks?


Anon 03/21/2020 (Sat) 15:40:53 [Preview] No.5553 del

https://youtube.com/watch?v=VRgB1I3HNYg [Embed]

we are so done here.There is no escape.

It´s over and what can I do?


Anon 03/21/2020 (Sat) 21:06:41 [Preview] No.5554 del
(360.75 KB 1195x1024 large.png)
Don't worry I'm just making some small adjustments It's not like we're stuck here.

Oh wait...

Anon 03/21/2020 (Sat) 22:28:49 [Preview] No.5555 del
Alright everypony. Taking a break. Had a small problem but it should be okay : ) Will be posting in a bit.

Anon 03/21/2020 (Sat) 22:49:50 [Preview] No.5556 del



Anon 03/21/2020 (Sat) 22:57:41 [Preview] No.5557 del
wait a second, was this your plan after all?

>Taking a break.Had a small problem
is it a royal one or the last?

>I'm just making some small adjustments It's not like we're stuck here.
pic related

Anon 03/22/2020 (Sun) 03:09:47 [Preview] No.5564 del
(3.19 MB 2970x3960 2091321.jpeg)
> was this your plan after all?
No, it was a surprise, just like a lot of things lately.
>is it a royal one or the last?
Well it was more of a royal one, since the Last Problem is a bit bigger deal ** Couldn't find an asset for something so I put it off.
>pic related
Okay... yeah we are stuck here so I have been messing around a bit with ideas to make the place a bit /comfy/
Though all I was doing at the time was updating the board rules list.

Anon 03/22/2020 (Sun) 03:58:37 [Preview] No.5565 del
So... what do you think? Finally got it up though I see I made a mistake by leaving the subject field empty and not saying something. If I can't edit it in I'll have to delete and repost.

Also, one of the surprises that I was hinting at was our new client state >>>/mlp/ . I claimed the board and messed around with it awhile ago but I wanted to reveal it with the stuff I did today. The other surprise I unfortunately couldn't get out in time for this, Eh oh well.

Anon 03/22/2020 (Sun) 22:18:58 [Preview] No.5570 del
>No, it was a surprise, just like a lot of things lately.
as if we didn´t have enough surprises already....

>Well it was more of a royal one, since the Last Problem is a bit bigger deal
yeah, I imagined that even though in the future, it could be the last twist for the board. I hope I am wrong here

>we are stuck here so I have been messing around a bit with ideas to make the place a bit /comfy/
even with the virus or not, outside is raining so I suppose that the comfy part guaranteed for these days. I simply ask:

>Though all I was doing at the time was updating the board rules list.
how are we going to deal with the new toys here? Approaching this new direction could be either instant or needy of an undefined transition.

Anon 03/22/2020 (Sun) 22:36:09 [Preview] No.5571 del
>Finally got it up though I see I made a mistake by leaving the subject field empty and not saying something. If I can't edit it in I'll have to delete and repost.

eh, that´s not a big deal though because the first line is visible while scrolling through the catalog. Besides, with the subject field or not, the only way to make it official is by making it huge (the number of posts). The bat pony thread or the green thread didn´t have anything and the amount of posts made them really relevant not to mention that we are starting this with its first steps. It´s up to you in the end though.

>one of the surprises that I was hinting at was our new client state >>>/mlp/
the most surprising thing for me was the fact that you have rescued by accident that board. I didn´t imagine that it would exist in this chan but it looks like we´ve got a replacement for /flutter/: dead king, new king.

>I claimed the board and messed around with it awhile ago but I wanted to reveal it with the stuff I did today.
all this together assembled makes it a pretty noticeable twist that might have paid off today but for sure it could gain more prominence over time.

>the other surprise I unfortunately couldn't get out in time for this, Eh oh well.
sometimes time might be the greatest enemy but in these conditions, it will be needed. Just that one decides where to spend it...

Anon 03/22/2020 (Sun) 22:57:01 [Preview] No.5574 del
what I didn´t imagine either was that the bat pony Cadence would gain so much spotlight in the forefront even though I should have foreseen it before, considering that you have written a draft and a complete story for her.

Maybe someday you should make it more official by posting her stories on FimFiction so people notice that this idea exists.

How many icons does this board have? The PoLS, the bridge of /endpone/, the lovebat, possibly Cosmos and Amore and what else? The royal sisters perhaps?

Anon 03/23/2020 (Mon) 02:31:46 [Preview] No.5575 del
(1.97 MB 1920x1080 Untitled.mp4)

Anon 03/23/2020 (Mon) 04:26:34 [Preview] No.5576 del
>even with the virus or not, outside is raining so I suppose that the comfy part guaranteed for these days. I simply ask:
It's raining here too! Been for the past couple of days.
>how are we going to deal with the new toys here? Approaching this new direction could be either instant or needy of an undefined transition.
I don't think so. /chat/ was just established to see if it could be useful and I thought would be fun. /mlp/ is just a testing ground. At the least I can test things without breaking stuff here and at most it may have some applications for /go/. NSFW thread I don't think will derail things but I'm not sure how much used it'll get without somepony else to fully share in that, but it is now functional. I don't think any of it is going to cause pain anyway. Clarification of rules and a couple of new threads should actually make it easier for us.

> even though in the future, it could be the last twist for the board. I hope I am wrong here
Is there some tension I have not I mean our bridge vs lovebat does look to be something that is possibly brewing... or is it just that other situation going on outside?

Anon 03/23/2020 (Mon) 04:41:40 [Preview] No.5577 del
>eh, that´s not a big deal though because the first line is visible while scrolling through the catalog.
Than I will leave it as it is.

> I didn´t imagine that it would exist in this chan but it looks like we´ve got a replacement for /flutter/: dead king, new king.
No, /flutter/ was an ally who was wounded and was laid to rest respectably. End/mlp/ is our first client/puppet state Unless you count nextchan bunker

>all this together assembled makes it a pretty noticeable twist that might have paid off today but for sure it could gain more prominence over time.
Who knows. Maybe it'll make a really good place for hosting secondary static content. Maybe will find something cool to use it for. Maybe one of the old anons who was there will show up and become a regular poster? With /endpone/ you never know!

>sometimes time might be the greatest enemy but in these conditions, it will be needed. Just that one decides where to spend it...
It was just something that got lost with some last minuet crona related stuff.

Anon 03/23/2020 (Mon) 04:53:32 [Preview] No.5578 del
(311.58 KB 1280x795 1685054.png)
Sorry Dolores! I couldn't find the asset I used to make the bridge banner. So I tried to make a couple of others but I wasn't sure how long that would take and I really just wanted to get the threads out and resume a more normal posting. Lovebat was choosen only after I couldn't find a Dolores image I thought would fit. There only was a couple of ones that were of her on a bridge that were good and was shipping. I remembered L23 suggesting that I should have Lovebat in a banner so I decided between pic related and Lovebat the latter had more atmosphere that would fit the board (and Trixie looks weirdly spaced out).

Anon 03/23/2020 (Mon) 05:00:44 [Preview] No.5579 del
(1.58 MB 1280x1006 1374925.png)
>Maybe someday you should make it more official by posting her stories on FimFiction so people notice that this idea exists.
If I get my hollween 2018 project back up I certainly look into it along with the old story which I've still messed with some

>How many icons does this board have? The PoLS, the bridge of /endpone/, the lovebat, possibly Cosmos and Amore and what else? The royal sisters perhaps?
More so than a tiny board should. The royal sisters I'd say it's debatable but you have done some interesting stuff with ice Celestia edits and the story.

Also, this picture perhaps could've been just as good couldn't it?

Anon 03/23/2020 (Mon) 05:02:58 [Preview] No.5580 del
/comfy/ with perhaps a hint of spooky. I like these little video experiments even if there ain't much to them. or are you some other anon? Either case I like it.

Anon 03/23/2020 (Mon) 21:45:38 [Preview] No.5588 del
>It's raining here too! Been for the past couple of days.
oh what a coincidence. It´s stopping over here for the next couple of days though.

>NSFW thread I don't think will derail things but I'm not sure how much used it'll get without somepony else to fully share in that, but it is now functional.
well, at least the options has been offered and settled. The rest will come and go, I suppose.

>Clarification of rules and a couple of new threads should actually make it easier for us.
in theory, that should work but hey, in imageboards of this kind, anything is possible.

>I mean our bridge vs lovebat does look to be something that is possibly brewing...
not even close. We would need more content of the latter in order to even give the bat pony of love a little chance to stand on the ring for a few posts and I can´t even draw properly for even shitposting original pictures of her.

>is it just that other situation going on outside?
I lean more towards this.

>Unless you count nextchan bunker
that place died by its own nature. It felt quite bare and it showed that the lack of support from the owners was quite noticeable at moderating it (especially the spam)

>Maybe one of the old anons who was there will show up and become a regular poster?
imagine if that user who posted Luna back in 2016 came back to the board and saw the recent pictures of that thread. I would like to see the face/reaction of that person.

>It was just something that got lost with some last minuet crona related stuff.

Anon 03/23/2020 (Mon) 21:59:14 [Preview] No.5590 del
(157.81 KB 758x1000 bronibooru 56807.jpg)
>I tried to make a couple of others but I wasn't sure how long that would take and I really just wanted to get the threads out and resume a more normal posting.
so the original plan was this. It reminds me back when I had to create a new thread for NMAiE, by picking the character that should be in the OP and Cosmos turned out to be the choice seeing her in the OP for representing MLP looks quite odd and look at that, it sparked more interest in the end.

>I remembered L23 suggesting that I should have Lovebat in a banner so I decided between pic related and Lovebat the latter had more atmosphere that would fit the board (and Trixie looks weirdly spaced out).
I might sound quite biased but the Cadencebat image has lots of charisma and represents an unfamiliar unknown territory for outsiders but a comfort for those who are used to it. She gives the impression that the user is facing a different place from the rest. That StarTrix image doesn´t even come close at conveying those feelings of freshness or change.

Still, it´s quite disappointing to know that there are barely any pictures of Dolores crossing a bridge and display it on the forefront of the board.

Anon 03/23/2020 (Mon) 22:12:33 [Preview] No.5591 del
>If I get my hollween 2018 project back up I certainly look into it along with the old story which I've still messed with some
whenever you manage to get into it, remind me of giving you a couple of tips before uploading anything in order to gain more views and settle yourself better in the site.

>More so than a tiny board should.
what are the standards for an alt chan in terms of memes/culture?

>The royal sisters I'd say it's debatable but you have done some interesting stuff with ice Celestia edits and the story.
well, I meant more in the sense of posting them selflessly among the posts but yeah, the fics (and quite possibly a few edits) might have made them more prominent than other characters.

>this picture perhaps could've been just as good couldn't it?
The wooden bridge doesn´t have all that much of a spotlight and probably Trixie´s wagon could be more attractive to the eye of the viewer.
Nonetheless, it´s truly astounding and it could perfectly be used for an OP of any thread.

I ask myself, what feeling should the /end/ convey? A friendly tone, an uncertain one, chaotic or royal among others?

I suppose that the answer relies more on the general feeling that sums up this place. The first things that come to your mind while thinking about /endpone/ should be the biggest candidates so in both ways, you couldn´t go wrong in the first place.

Anon 03/23/2020 (Mon) 22:18:58 [Preview] No.5592 del
>or are you some other anon? Either case I like it.
it´s the same guy that produced the 2nd chance´s clip. Take a wild guess or maybe you have mistaken the cloned Pinkie Pie with the original one.

>/comfy/ with perhaps a hint of spooky.
maybe you haven´t noticed what that image represents yet.

>I like these little video experiments even if there ain't much to them.
surprisingly enough, I made that just because I noticed the piano while listening to that track (which I posted in the past in this board by the way) and I thought that it deserved to be shown for a clip. Maybe it´s too quiet, I tried to amplify it a bit with the editor but in the original song, it has less volume than that.

Anon 03/24/2020 (Tue) 08:40:53 [Preview] No.5600 del
PoLS with a side of somewhat strange. Had something water related come up so I've been busy. Though this time it's with one of those fabled /go/ posts I keep promising. Hopefully even in times of no replies I'll have time to post some of these /go/ posts that I have at least partially worked on already.

Anon 03/25/2020 (Wed) 01:25:51 [Preview] No.5606 del
is that thing Pinkie Pie with a mask? A gryphon maybe? I can´t tell.

>Hopefully even in times of no replies I'll have time to post some of these /go/ posts that I have at least partially worked on already.
you went quite for a challenge with this fable. Indifference might be the last word that would come up to my mind while reacting to it.

Anon 03/27/2020 (Fri) 01:14:26 [Preview] No.5609 del
hopefully you are doing well out there in these adverse times.

PoLS for me tonight

Anon 03/27/2020 (Fri) 05:16:58 [Preview] No.5610 del
PoLS. 3 moderate sized emergencies but none related to YOU KNOW WHAT. In the mist of writing review to fic but I'm trying to find a couple of old fics I want to lightly compare it to so it maybe a bit.

Anon 03/27/2020 (Fri) 17:32:10 [Preview] No.5611 del
>3 moderate sized emergencies but none related to YOU KNOW WHAT.
me neither about that let´s hope that they don´t arise at all

Also, from the looks of that picture, I bet Fluttershy did this note.

>In the mist of writing review to fic but I'm trying to find a couple of old fics I want to lightly compare it to so it maybe a bit.
oh if you are going that deep at it, then it´s understandable to take more time and considering that it serves as an exercise to look at the very beginning, yeah, it might not look as easy as other works in terms of judging it (also, it´s longer than the rest)

Anon 03/29/2020 (Sun) 01:12:27 [Preview] No.5623 del
of course, despite posting the Royal Sisters in their respective threads, I haven't forgotten about pic related.

Here she is.

Anon 03/31/2020 (Tue) 01:46:15 [Preview] No.5636 del
>...manipulate and twist...



Anon 03/31/2020 (Tue) 01:47:28 [Preview] No.5637 del
>...hide stuff...

>...nothing to be afraid...

>...you know the words...

Anon 03/31/2020 (Tue) 01:49:11 [Preview] No.5638 del
>...your denial...

>...the truth is painful...

>...I know...

Anon 03/31/2020 (Tue) 01:53:30 [Preview] No.5639 del
(121.54 KB 827x786 ....jpg)
>...your nature will hurt you more...

>...than me...

>...harming your true potential...

I ask you one question my little filly before you wake up from this "nightmare":

Are you ready...to see me?

Anon 03/31/2020 (Tue) 04:31:11 [Preview] No.5640 del
what do you have in store?

Anon 04/11/2020 (Sat) 04:34:30 [Preview] No.5748 del
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Two notes: 1) I have given up trying to find one of the fics to compare yours too and 2): pic related is apperently a meme now...


Anon 04/11/2020 (Sat) 04:41:22 [Preview] No.5749 del
(452.98 KB 1500x1069 2318610.png)
One other thing? How do we treat Season 10? Do we put it in the comic thread or do we put it in its own. Perhaps we use the comic thread for catch up and non mainline comics (like the manga I still haven't checked out fully) while "Season 10" gets it's own thread? Has anypony heard anything on Ponylife?

We have a seer on /endpone/ L23 04/11/2020 (Sat) 19:11:01 [Preview] No.5750 del
(19.31 KB 300x100 randomBanner.js.png)
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(1.49 MB 357x296 claps.gif)
>2): pic related is apperently a meme now...
well better late than never because I understand that the community is so bored that they have to find some fun during this quarantine so I understand their need to meme something and kirinpost a lot on EQD.It´s what boredom and confinement brings to people and this phenomena happens.

Although someone should know that you, Bridgefag, were more of a seer than anyone else.

Creation of it:
>>2413 (base) (6/11/2018)
>>2649 (definitive version) 24/11/2018

>>3793 (compiled in the 2nd edit thread) 31/03/2019

So /endpone/ did this.....last year and the banner would surprise anyone now. Any outsider would claim that this board is the one that memes this the most nowadays while it isn´t. It simply happened to overtake anyone else at the time.

Nobody will give you credit to you Bridgefag but you saw this coming before it was cool.

You either saw the future or you travelled back in time for one year and a half.

Now, if Lovebat or PoLS became memes, then you can be glad to have contributed more than 90% of the community.

Obviously we cannot make parties because of the circumstances we are living in but I will say that if the world blew up tomorrow entirely (for some reason), at least you could show a great pride from the inside for being a REAL fan (with all the letters) of MLP. Not many people could claim this.

Impressive. Congratulations.


Anon 04/11/2020 (Sat) 19:27:03 [Preview] No.5751 del
now, after reporting everything and congratulating you, I´ve got to ask you a favor:

Can you please tell me the numbers of the lottery?

My goodness, I swear that you have a crystal ball or something for this.

I have been laughing for a while as soon as I noticed that this became a meme. I asked myself if you were a wizard, >>5550, >>5551 and I am starting to believe that I wasn´t aiming at the wrong direction at all back then.

Oh, the sweet irony.

Anon 04/11/2020 (Sat) 21:01:33 [Preview] No.5752 del
>I have given up trying to find one of the fics to compare yours too
don´t worry. If that plan doesn´t work, check how you decide to review it instead. After all, it´s a fic, not a project for ending a college degree. I appreciate a lot that you were aiming that high but if you can´t go for that route, make it more simple or find another alternative.

>How do we treat Season 10? Do we put it in the comic thread or do we put it in its own. Perhaps we use the comic thread for catch up and non mainline comics (like the manga I still haven't checked out fully) while "Season 10" gets it's own thread?
most likely it will have its separate thread because there are other comics out there in which one could add a commentary or a review in hindsight towards previous issues. So I suppose that /endpone/ will offer that option. If you want to set it up, go ahead even though one doesn´t need to hurry it because...

>Has anypony heard anything on Ponylife?
look, I don´t even know when I am going to do the exams, less I know about Hasbro´s future plans.

Keep in mind that we have lost a lot of freedom with this quarantine and nor Hasbro nor IDW are operating nowadays, this means that the gen 5 movie will be released in 2022 and the comics will be postponed for late 2019. The uncertainty is huge and I ask myself more about the real life than the Pony Life series (as if we didn´t know anything since the launch trailer, less we know about it now)

We are not going to get more entertainment for a few months so this implies that the main source of entertainment is...

The community itself.

We will have to rely again on what the fanbase offers during this prolonged post gen 4 era. So, I can´t guarantee what will happen and instead, you, me and any lurker have the key of establishing the route for MLP than Hasbro these days.

I didn´t imagine to reach this far with the Cosmos OP in this thread but oh boy, times have reached a real abnormal point of no return.

Anon 04/14/2020 (Tue) 06:23:24 [Preview] No.5759 del
It is a victory for /endpone/ even if nopony knows it. It means we should look at our other vaguely established memes and see if we can utilize them first. Meme magic and mememetic warfare are real!

Joking aside, it is so strange seeing all the Dolores pictures elongated and does bring a small bit of joy.

>My goodness, I swear that you have a crystal ball or something for this.
>and I am starting to believe that I wasn´t aiming at the wrong direction at all back then.
Now now. As I said back on Derpi, long ponies did exist before. If PoLS or Lovebat become a meme though maybe you'll be onto something...

>After all, it´s a fic, not a project for ending a college degree. I appreciate a lot that you were aiming that high but if you can´t go for that route, make it more simple or find another alternative.
Oh I'm not treating it that seriously. Actually been a little fun seeing fics that I hadn't read since pre Twilicorn. It really is only for a couple of points and the one I was trying to find I just thought had some similarities in theme.

>I didn´t imagine to reach this far with the Cosmos OP in this thread but oh boy, times have reached a real abnormal point of no return.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=o-R8gHj_7v8 [Embed]
Getting close if ya ask me.

Anon 04/14/2020 (Tue) 22:23:35 [Preview] No.5761 del
>It means we should look at our other vaguely established memes and see if we can utilize them first. Meme magic and mememetic warfare are real!
you said that /endpone/ had more icons than it deserved for the standards of an alt chan. When you are waiting for the joke to end....but it never ends...

>it is so strange seeing all the Dolores pictures elongated and does bring a small bit of joy.
130 pictures so far(while I am typing this post) so watch out, that´s not a small feat. Considering that no one of us cannot draw, everything feels so nice (?), I don´t know how to describe it.

Not only that but I find even more joy when people ask where this started and people say that it started out of nowhere because of the boredom that this quarantine has brought, so it might look silly just because memes happen or they say that Derpi started it and bunch of artists on Twitter decided to elongate her. I mean, they are right just that they don´t know the entire story or they are holding onto something instant but oh well, let the entire community have fun with it.

It´s ironic because she was supposed to look like a bridge just to go meta with this board and have a nice banner here, not a explosive meme for the whole fanbase. So this has become universal and not a gimmick for a small board of this level. Still, it has a lot of merit.

>As I said back on Derpi, long ponies did exist before. If PoLS or Lovebat become a meme though maybe you'll be onto something...
PoLS only makes sense in alt chans just to report among other anonymous users, it barely has any chances to replace the bump concept. Lovebat existed before just that here on /endpone/, we are kind of the catalyst and the board that has decided to approach that concept deeper than the bat ponification of everything.

You have a point with the long ponies and I have decided just to agree with you on Derpi and leave it at that.

If they want to know about the whole story, they´d better put a little bit of effort even though I have noticed that certain lurkers know about this place.

Anon 04/14/2020 (Tue) 22:30:05 [Preview] No.5762 del
>Actually been a little fun seeing fics that I hadn't read since pre Twilicorn.
>It really is only for a couple of points and the one I was trying to find I just thought had some similarities in theme.
thinking emoji intensifies*

>Getting close if ya ask me.
>mfw I accidentally mentioned the title track of the Kansas record
still, you haven´t asked me how long but instead, you have definitely said that we are near. I hope that you don´t send me a message floating in the sea that I could find later...

Anon 04/19/2020 (Sun) 00:51:16 [Preview] No.5771 del
let's take it easy from my part. After seeing both funny and strange stuff with the meme around the pink unicorn, I think that we are going to take a little break from it with what's coming next.

I suppose that the old PoLS never fails to deliver and it might certainly lead there.
So yeah,Proof of Life Shitpost tonight,/endpone/.

Good night,folks.

Anon 04/19/2020 (Sun) 03:00:05 [Preview] No.5772 del
Sounds like a good plan for you. I will continue with the fic review why the delay? New section to it! PoLS

Anon 04/20/2020 (Mon) 00:32:09 [Preview] No.5776 del
>Sounds like a good plan for you. I will continue with the fic review why the delay? New section to it! PoLS
what I don't know is your plan though.
You have been mentioning it so many times that I am not waiting for it just to see if you are going to praise the fic or rip it apart, what genuinely picks my interest up is that you have seen something that I didn't foresee and I am wondering what perspective you are shaping with that story.

The story is (relatively) long indeed but I am certainly looking for your comments about it rather than the praise/negativity towards it. Whatever the score is,the fic must have transmitted something to you that doesn't rely on my hooves right now. I suppose that sharing things in public offers an open door to chaotic situations...


Anon 04/30/2020 (Thu) 22:30:07 [Preview] No.5845 del
well, for those who have missed the mod of Fighting i Magic, there it is. The official release of TFH is happening soon. I am not sure how many sales it will receive in the end but at least, the full release is finally occurring:


Who would have imagined that the official release was going to happen in these adverse times?

Speaking of which...

Anon 04/30/2020 (Thu) 22:42:00 [Preview] No.5846 del
I look at my own post from a couple of weeks ago and...

>Keep in mind that we have lost a lot of freedom with this quarantine and nor Hasbro nor IDW are operating nowadays, this means that the gen 5 movie will be released in 2022 and the comics will be postponed for late 2019.
turns out that I am going to ask for a crystal ball for Christmas and apply for a job as a seer...

jokes aside, it was quite predictable that the release of Season 10 would be postponed and turns out that they have announced it for November provisionally, so don´t act surprised if they start in early 2021 in case the employees cannot come back to the usual activity:


Anon 04/30/2020 (Thu) 22:55:47 [Preview] No.5847 del
>Has anypony heard anything on Ponylife?
yeah about that...


at least for the comics, we have a reference and signs that those issues are going to be released on with warranty sooner or later. So, in that regard, we have a solid baseline in the IDW department...

nevertheless, what plans does Hasbro have for the spin off series? I don´t know but for sure, we are not seeing the premiere at least for the entirety of May so you can sit around for this month if you have any expectations for it. This is starting to look like Filly Funstasia´s release somehow, it gets announced over and over and time passes....nothing actually happens and it never comes. People forget about it and it loses the train of hype. More or less, it´s reminding me of that pattern.

Anon 05/01/2020 (Fri) 01:20:16 [Preview] No.5848 del
Going a little hit off topic to the previous posts here...

but damn, I have been under this quarantine for more than 40 days already and while it's easier to handle than the psychological issues that the world wars brought back in the last century, I am amazed that I have been able to pretend that nothing is happening from the outside without becoming crazy.

I am not saying that I am going to fall into a depression nor I am going to go crazy nor get a harsh post traumatic episode now that I have stayed sane for so long but...

I am starting to wear out a little bit, as if I have a permanent fatigue that stays in the background hidden there, always uncertain towards the future. That uncertainty kind of makes me less energetic to do anything really even for things that I like.

Of course I am going to see the light sooner or later but you know, I wanted to share how it feels to stay adapted in a defensive mode to such extraordinary conditions that people might not handle all that well.

I am doing relatively fine and I am impressed to have kept the board in the same tone (from my part) but you know, it could have been much worse in the past month and a half.

Anon 05/01/2020 (Fri) 01:37:08 [Preview] No.5849 del
and while there are a few days/weeks left down the road in order to go back to a normal state relatively speaking, I am glad to have delivered a bit of entertainment over here and handle things as usual even though it's not all that I could have offered in the best case scenario.

This is not me going against the fanbase nor anything like that like I did back in 2018 in the personal thread,it's not about madness at all. It's more like a personal report or excercise in order to check myself and see how you folks are doing over there, as if I am showing signs of relative relief towards myself and possibly someone else out there by noticing that someone else shares those feels as well.

The uncertainty is huge and who knows if there is more suffering incoming in the next months but you know, showing a little smile despite hiding uncertain feelings towards anything in general, helps to a certain degree.

Maybe I am delusional but as I have written several times, I always like having a little bit of room to breathe.

Anon 05/01/2020 (Fri) 01:54:10 [Preview] No.5850 del
and who would have thought that I would "vent" in a more introspective manner this time? With the same mobile phone that I used for writing the first greens by the way.

I am not going to say that you can have a good night because I am aware that people are having nightmares or anxious episodes but instead of fearing them, the more that you acknowledge what you feel, the better you will handle what comes next. After all, nothing lasts for very long for better or worse but having a full view of your mind,helps a lot.

Nonetheless,you may find some rest and stay hopeful despite the obstacles. Not saying that the end of the tunnel will imply a party but at least, bring a certain smile for finding relief and accomplish the achievement might help to recover and congratulate yourself

So, the end of the universe has spoken and even in these small places, someone will say to you to have a good night (if possible) and remember that there are always ficitional characters for you to post at the /end/ of the day.

Proof of Life.

Anon 05/02/2020 (Sat) 05:21:23 [Preview] No.5851 del
>Of course I am going to see the light sooner or later but you know, I wanted to share how it feels to stay adapted in a defensive mode to such extraordinary conditions that people might not handle all that well.
For me the past several years have always been unstable and I've been more of a homebody anyway, so I thought it wouldn't effect me much. Our quarantine in Texas still allowed some personal travel and with property to take care of I still got out of the house some.

But it has too a degree.
>I am starting to wear out a little bit, as if I have a permanent fatigue that stays in the background hidden there, always uncertain towards the future. That uncertainty kind of makes me less energetic to do anything really even for things that I like.
This though I known such feels for along time i suppose. I fear for the commence, authoritarianism, etc. You get the picture.

>I am doing relatively fine and I am impressed to have kept the board in the same tone (from my part)
And you did a really good job now it's my turn.

Alrighty, POLS. Flat tired from pushing myself hard on getting a bunch of random junk done. Fic reply tomorrow (though it maybe the next day for you depending on timezone stuff). Night /endpone/!

Anon 05/02/2020 (Sat) 22:20:25 [Preview] No.5853 del
>For me the past several years have always been unstable and I've been more of a homebody anyway
I certainly share that as well of being a homebody for the most part. However,

> Our quarantine in Texas still allowed some personal travel and with property to take care of I still got out of the house some
this difference is what has marked more that sense of feeling like having indifference towards the calendar, you cannot tell which day it is nor I have been able to get out for these last 48 days. I mean, I have proven to have the patience to endure this period but today, I have been allowed to break that period of confinement. Psychologically it does have an effect when you are too static and have the uncertainty of what could be happening outside in this world. The world hasn´t changed but for these 48 days, it has turned out to be "an experience".

>But it has too a degree.
at least you could stay in the streets for a while each day. Not even video games in my years of childhood (at the peak of being a nerd before it was cool) could prevent me from going out and manage to last in this level of isolation for so long. I have never imagined that and it´s quite unlikely that I will beat this record.

>This though I known such feels for along time i suppose. I fear for the commence, authoritarianism, etc. You get the picture.
you tell me, I am also witnessing that over here. The commence is starting over here and most likely, each country will follow its own strategy. Perhaps your will go according to each state, who knows.

...as for the authoritarian aspect, I.... I will pretend that I am numb towards it but if someone desires to ask for my comments about what I think, I can perfectly go full /pol/ mode and start a hostile denigration of what I have seen during this confinement, absolutely speechless in the wrong sense. I am hiding a lot towards that political commentary but you can imagine that my thoughts are unfriendly and overwhelmingly negative from my part. I don´t believe that I need to describe more than that.

>And you did a really good job
yeah thanks...

>now it's my turn.
/endpone/: the literal definition of turn based shitposts

>Fic reply tomorrow (though it maybe the next day for you depending on timezone stuff)
it began while I was typing this same post. This is going to be good.

Anon 05/03/2020 (Sun) 04:40:30 [Preview] No.5856 del
>this difference is what has marked more that sense of feeling like having indifference towards the calendar, you cannot tell which day it is nor I have been able to get out for these last 48 days.
That is nuts. I don't know your exact living conditions but I heard that Spain got pretty restrictive (leading to a popularity of dogs). I mean I still have a front and back yard and people could still walk around if they kept separated.

> have been allowed to break that period of confinement. Psychologically it does have an effect when you are too static and have the uncertainty of what could be happening outside in this world. The world hasn´t changed but for these 48 days, it has turned out to be "an experience".
Your used to a sometimes grueling university schedule, for it all to suddenly stop the world would become... structureless. Even if I don't think the university is best for your mental health I think that such a sudden change is bad as you lose a sense of direction. On top of a sudden confinement! After my grandfather died I felt a bit of this and the virus didn't help me trying to find a normal system.

>...as for the authoritarian aspect, I....
Swap out /pol/ with Tea Party and you have the attitude I have.
Though I have a massive distrust to all political groups as I think most groups failed in this. But I rather not go into that here.

>it began while I was typing this same post. This is going to be good.
well, I have 3 posts ready but there still is one main section unfinished and unexpectedly my father is trying to have me binge watch 12 hours of content at least this weekend. So we will see if can get the final part out. Not like it's a major problem, just slightly frustrating to have ones day completely rearranged.

Anon 05/03/2020 (Sun) 21:39:21 [Preview] No.5861 del
> I heard that Spain got pretty restrictive (leading to a popularity of dogs). I mean I still have a front and back yard and people could still walk around if they kept separated.
eeeyup you nailed it, except that I didn´t have any dog in order to justify that, not to mention that the cases were rising at a dangerous rhythm back then. Nowadays, things are a little bit more under control so there is more relief but still, i have to be cautious.

>Your used to a sometimes grueling university schedule, for it all to suddenly stop the world would become... structureless. Even if I don't think the university is best for your mental health I think that such a sudden change is bad as you lose a sense of direction. On top of a sudden confinement! After my grandfather died I felt a bit of this and the virus didn't help me trying to find a normal system.
indeed, I think that we all have gone through a huge twist in our routines and the lack of purposes or routine makes you wonder why you wake up in the first place because you don´t know what you should be doing. Even small things or details that were trivial, you feel kind of empty not to sense them. Nowadays, I am trying to adapt myself to the real life again little by little.

I mean, I posted those replies because I admitted that I could have reached insanity and what´s worse, it would have been understandable/justified to a degree...that´s terrifying if one thinks about it in depth.

And you went through the loss of familiar member so that hurts even more because not even the daily life could prevent you from thinking about that loss and you could even get more depressed. Activities normally works as a way out in order to prevent those reflections too much, because the impact would get amplified. Your situation doesn´t seem assuring at all so handling your case has its own merits.

>spoiler text
uffff,my goodness. Definitely we shouldn´t enter there but those lines confirms that people are very either angry, disappointed or just feel betrayed and confused.

Yeah,this board could become really hostile so... let´s skip that, shall we? which doesn´t mean that any of us are foolish towards the situation in general though

>So we will see if can get the final part out. Not like it's a major problem, just slightly frustrating to have ones day completely rearranged.
okay perfect, no worries about that. Enjoy the series/film over there. Have a nice time!

Anon 05/07/2020 (Thu) 21:03:34 [Preview] No.5920 del
(129.12 KB 360x360 dash20.gif)
Just dropping a unneeded PoLS in case I don't get to finish my posts today.

Anon 05/08/2020 (Fri) 17:50:46 [Preview] No.5932 del
as you have posted Tempest in this reply, I am adding a couple of images more so she becomes the center of attention for a little while.

Anon 05/08/2020 (Fri) 18:14:54 [Preview] No.5934 del

Anon 05/08/2020 (Fri) 18:37:29 [Preview] No.5935 del
>"Hey you. Salesmare!"
>"Yes, you! I am here."
>"I want these. How much does a unit cost?"
>"Don´t dare to sweat in front of me. Why are you sweating? Have you seen a ghost or something? Are you going to sell these to me or not?"


>"No answers, huh? I believe that these ponies are actually weaker than I expected"
>"If you are not going to answer, I will find them in another tent. You´d better be quick before I leave..."

Anon 05/09/2020 (Sat) 05:32:54 [Preview] No.5941 del
(1.07 MB 4008x4764 OPENUPYOURTAIL.png)
Hopefully this actually spoilers correctly.
Apologies about your job, if it does not.

Anon 05/09/2020 (Sat) 05:55:07 [Preview] No.5943 del
(1.63 MB 6000x6000 Cadancebat_alphalyr.png)
(787.94 KB 918x1285 DragonCadance.jpg)
Here, on the other hoof, are some alternate interpretations of familiar faces.

Anon 05/10/2020 (Sun) 22:01:59 [Preview] No.5951 del
this time the spoilers have worked. I believe that this site works when all the entire post is entirely set in spoilers instead of picking the images with the option activated or not. For the record, I haven´t had a good experience at doing that.

that picture of Discord is sick as hell.

Surprisingly enough, besides the seapony transformation and Flutterbat, we haven´t seen episodes of the ponies turning into other species and adapting themselves to the new form, haven´t they?

Because it´s a shame that they didn´t go for that route. At the time of Cadence´s debut, if you see her as a changeling, it´s because we are seeing content of Chrysalis in disguise. That´s the same cliché repeated over and over but...what about if the princess of love became an actual changeling like pic related without using any twists?

It was either that or picking the bat transformation. Bridgefag went for the latter and decided to write an entire story dedicated to her physical changes and the change of mindset that said changes implied with it.

Anon 05/12/2020 (Tue) 00:42:59 [Preview] No.5957 del
is there anyone out there? No?

*drinks milkshake in the meantime

Okay, I am going to do it instead. Here it is:

The awaited Proof of Life Shitpost

Anon 05/12/2020 (Tue) 03:01:52 [Preview] No.5958 del
(298.76 KB 800x450 EbolaChan.png)
Congratulations, you're infected with Pony.

Anon 05/12/2020 (Tue) 22:32:05 [Preview] No.5960 del
not only I am infected anon, but I have contained inside my veins for years, so if you try to extract blood from my body, you will find something more than pony, including the defenses.

You have arrived...quite late honestly.

Anon 05/12/2020 (Tue) 22:52:14 [Preview] No.5963 del
1 Discord.
2 Twilight.
3 BatCadence
4 Dragon Cadence

>Surprisingly enough, besides the seapony transformation and Flutterbat, we haven´t seen episodes of the ponies turning into other species and adapting themselves to the new form, haven´t they?
Breezies, but I'm can't think of any others besides that. Wonder if there is a case to be made that Magic became somewhat more utilitarian and less whimsical after Season 4 (Less transformations, conjuring and crazy spells). I'm not entirely sure I'd say that I'm trying to think of casual transformations being used post Season 4 like Frog Orange Hybrids or Mice turned to horses, and drawing a blank at the moment.

Anon 05/12/2020 (Tue) 22:57:32 [Preview] No.5965 del
(386.92 KB 450x940 76234.gif)
I am already a pretty serve case, but considering my infection could be seen as over focused in some areas and lacking in others by other oldfags I can see why you'd try to correct it I know why you're really here. To finish the job on carrot fag!

Anon 05/12/2020 (Tue) 23:11:07 [Preview] No.5966 del
>Breezies, but I'm can't think of any others besides that.
you´ve got me. I forgot about them.

They came as soon as they left. Now that I think about the breezies, I wonder if they were supposed if they were supposed to fill a toyline and Hasbro ditched them halfway in the plans or if they were meant to be special just for that episode alone. They stayed in their homeland and never appeared again, not even in the finale in which the Kirins or the buffaloes made a cameo.

>Wonder if there is a case to be made that Magic became somewhat more utilitarian and less whimsical after Season 4 (Less transformations, conjuring and crazy spells). I'm not entirely sure I'd say that I'm trying to think of casual transformations being used post Season 4
considering that Twilight brought up the transformation spell out of nowhere, it broke up a little bit the logic and simply followed the plot´s convenience. Either way, it´s kind of weird that we didn´t get any episode of that type considering how many species have been introduced since then.

Anon 05/12/2020 (Tue) 23:21:59 [Preview] No.5967 del
Besides,I believe saying in this board (in 2018 or in 2019) that I once saw a post of an anon on /mlp/ saying that the reformed changelings could have served as the spiritual successors of the breezies. That could explain why their sparkling wings and tails make them look like butterflies. So thinking coldly about it, I have the theory that the breezies weren´t explored beyond its debut because of their small size and the amount of inconveniences for establishing any future plot device.

We might have had the breezies this whole time but still, we are talking about completely separate species here.

>my infection could be seen as over focused in some areas and lacking in others by other oldfags I can see why you'd try to correct it
Pinkie, you are the biggest case of bipolarity that one could conceive in Ponyville (at least) and this doesn´t only apply to your extreme behavior shown over time...

you were a lost cause long ago anyway.

Anon 05/13/2020 (Wed) 02:13:59 [Preview] No.5969 del
> I wonder if they were supposed if they were supposed to fill a toyline and Hasbro ditched them halfway in the plans or if they were meant to be special just for that episode alone.
Apperently they were foreshadowed in Three's A Crowd.
>Fluttershy: Um, so sorry for barging in like this... but I'm so excited, I just couldn't wait to tell somepony! The Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures have given me permission to observe the rarest, tiniest, most adorable magical creatures in all of Equestria – the Breezies!
So perhaps they were going to set them up for toy line. Though it also could've just been them flexing their muscles on having a stronger storyline and saying "Let's foreshadowing and callbacks twice as much!".

>So thinking coldly about it, I have the theory that the breezies weren´t explored beyond its debut because of their small size and the amount of inconveniences for establishing any future plot device.
Seems pretty plausible ta me.

>you were a lost cause long ago anyway.
She's not a lost cause she is the source of a lot of the infection!

Anon 05/14/2020 (Thu) 17:55:51 [Preview] No.5991 del
>So perhaps they were going to set them up for toy line. Though it also could've just been them flexing their muscles on having a stronger storyline and saying "Let's foreshadowing and callbacks twice as much!".
exactly. I have to agree on that. Flight to the Finish could have also foreseen the breezies when a random butterfly appeared flying across the screen while Scootaloo was trying to fly desperately.

>She's not a lost cause she is the source of a lot of the infection!
then, we are all lost here instead.

Anon 05/16/2020 (Sat) 00:27:41 [Preview] No.6006 del
leaving a proof of life shitpost with the 2nd mascot over here tonight.

Anon 05/16/2020 (Sat) 07:07:56 [Preview] No.6008 del
POLS as well with AJ riding RD in Bridle Gossip. From the Disk I found of old stuff.

Anon 05/30/2020 (Sat) 00:23:48 [Preview] No.6130 del
You guys might have noticed something strange as of late in my style of posting, right?

That´s right, the absence of MLP as the main focus,when there is going to be more material airing soon...

Just that I don´t comment about it because displaying my distaste and pessimism would serve as some sort of publicity (bad publicity but still. I am saying this right now when I am linking an article about it).

Even then, for those who are interested, this series is airing in June but I prefer seeing the chocolate rain in the middle of this chaotic world and sitting on a comfortable chair in the meantime:


I am leaving the link right here. Feel free to comment about it.

Anon 05/30/2020 (Sat) 08:04:57 [Preview] No.6133 del
>That´s right, the absence of MLP as the main focus,when there is going to be more material airing soon...
To be fair part of it is me not replying in the post Gen 4 thread.

>Just that I don´t comment about it because displaying my distaste and pessimism would serve as some sort of publicity (bad publicity but still. I am saying this right now when I am linking an article about it).
...I get your point.

>I am leaving the link right here. Feel free to comment about it.
>The ponies help Pinkie Pie audition for a televised cooking competition called the Royal Jelly Juggernaut. When the rest of the Mane 6 are caught in a sticky situation, Pinkie Pie has to audition for the Royal Jelly Juggernaut all on her own.
The first thing that interests me in this is the world 'televised'. It means we are going to see more balent reffences to tech. I always considered those that say that MLP needs to be pure Medieval tech to be forgetful of all the various tech references in season 1 and too extreme. In spite of the erosion from the not well established Medieval-Steampunk-with vague 20th century tech standard to the references to modern tech parallels that got thrown aroud more and more, it never fully adopted stuff like TV and sometimes still played up some of the older tech. It'll be weird to see the Mane6 in a world with TV, Airplanes and Cars (if that indeed comes with the implication), but I wouldn't say in itself be a dealbreaker. My fear though would be Smartphones and memes

>Rainbow Dash's compitative spirit is put to the test when a new pony challenges her to a contest unlike any other. Rainbow Dash faces off against Dishwater Slog in a loser-take-all race to finally prove which pony is truly the worst.
This sounds like the kind of plot of an average kids show. I mean it brings to my mind images of the stuff that I'd think be from a lot of the shows from when I dropped most kids TV in... 2008, 2009. Let met guess: RD thinks she the best at everything. Dishwater Slog is her opposite and is better at being the worst. DS challenges RD to prove that she isn't the best at everything. This would be the one with lower expectations.

Anon 05/30/2020 (Sat) 21:46:26 [Preview] No.6134 del
>To be fair part of it is me not replying in the post Gen 4 thread.
well, the post gen 4 thread was meant more for looking at the show in hindsight without feeling any pressure at catching up with the episodes. By following your blame, I could say that about myself for not reviewing Father Knows Beast.

I mean with the absence of MLP in the discussion, not because of gen 4 but because the current news don´t catch my attention or I feel too lazy/apathetic to even bother. If I were hating and raging about it by screaming to the four winds, I would do that on /mlp/ and would get more fun there.

> I always considered those that say that MLP needs to be pure Medieval tech to be forgetful of all the various tech references in season 1 and too extreme.
yeah, that gave an inconsistent impression (for example the machine that Twilight used in Feeling Pinkie Keen) and going from the settings of gen 4 to these ones with more advanced tech is going to feel weird.

>It'll be weird to see the Mane6 in a world with TV, Airplanes and Cars (if that indeed comes with the implication), but I wouldn't say in itself be a dealbreaker.
actually, MLP could take a career suicide by diving into a fully technological world and mix a slice of life style with cyberpunk (meaning that despite risking its innocent nature, tech and MLP might not be like combining water and oil). It´s quite risky but the results with the proper approach (and done correctly) in that developed world could work surprisingly well. And you know what? I would applaud the huge risk at experimenting to a whole new level for the franchise even if it failed.

>My fear though would be Smartphones and memes
we know that this is not cyberpunk at all and that advanced tech won´t contribute to any interesting plot device. They are going to rely on social media and who knows if Hasbro is going to adapt a meta route for criticizing its detractors (like Fame And Misfortune but referencing /mlp/ with a computer). Yeah, I agree wholeheartedly with those fears.

>This sounds like the kind of plot of an average kids show.
>I'd think be from a lot of the shows from when I dropped most kids TV in... 2008, 2009.
you are mentioning an era for cartoons that didn´t shine in terms of quality. What you say here is not helping at all.

>Let met guess: RD thinks she the best at everything. Dishwater Slog is her opposite and is better at being the worst. DS challenges RD to prove that she isn't the best at everything. This would be the one with lower expectations.
definitely. Besides, we have seen quite a few episodes of that kind for counter-arguing the ego of Rainbow Dash. Beyond the dialogues and/or interactions between those two, the episode isn´t bringing anything new on paper.

Anon 06/01/2020 (Mon) 04:17:14 [Preview] No.6140 del
(149.10 KB 766x692 2333709.png)
>And you know what? I would applaud the huge risk at experimenting to a whole new level for the franchise even if it failed.
I think if they try to partly maintain some mythical feel it could make the dynamic interesting even if it's accidental.

>Hasbro is going to adapt a meta route for criticizing its detractors (like Fame And Misfortune but referencing /mlp/ with a computer). Yeah, I agree wholeheartedly with those fears.
How much of that was Hasbro and how much of that was the writers themselves? I say we have to worry more of the later than the former though honestly seeing a chan referenced would be a weird achievement in a way. But yeah I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility for them to for them to stir things up a little.

>Beyond the dialogues and/or interactions between those two, the episode isn´t bringing anything new on paper.

>we know that this is not cyberpunk at all and that advanced tech won´t contribute to any interesting plot device.
Old memes from 6 months or more that I have no memory of do to being on tiktoc doesn't sound very compelling at all.

Though I have more to get to I suppose I am as well.

Night /endpone/.

Anon 06/01/2020 (Mon) 19:57:28 [Preview] No.6141 del
Reminds me of Johnny Test...

Anon 06/01/2020 (Mon) 20:44:43 [Preview] No.6143 del
(19.72 KB 176x176 unnamed.jpg)
Some of the people who have gotten off the ride confuse me so. I need to get back on the topic of your fandom's weird isolation. But that will be for later.

Anon 06/01/2020 (Mon) 22:59:25 [Preview] No.6144 del
>if they try to partly maintain some mythical feel it could make the dynamic interesting even if it's accidental.
most likely, a unique feeling would appear just because of the ambient alone. Add magic and certain quantities of lore back and forth and it would work nicely.

>I say we have to worry more of the later than the former
it´s always up to the writing department, I agree.

>though honestly seeing a chan referenced would be a weird achievement in a way.
a huge achievement of fame for that person, he appeared in the media before in 2014. That 4chan guy must be a very interesting person to know...
https://youtube.com/watch?v=kRcdmbC0HHs [Embed]

>I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility for them to for them to stir things up a little.
don´t doubt it. They did it before, why would this be any different?

>Old memes from 6 months or more that I have no memory of do to being on tiktoc doesn't sound very compelling at all.
and those memes would sound dated (and quite cheap) since their arrival. Most attempts at being cool with memes have failed in the past repeated times. Definitely not all that exciting if you ask me, much less if social media is involved.

Anon 06/01/2020 (Mon) 23:10:21 [Preview] No.6145 del
well, speaking of which...


You wonder what Wildbrain is...and we are talking about the same staff that made gen 4. So you have accidentally mentioned the next project from the same people who worked on this 4th generation of MLP.

The sweet irony...

>I need to get back on the topic of your fandom's weird isolation.
start the topic whenever you feel like it.

Anon 06/03/2020 (Wed) 01:15:21 [Preview] No.6150 del
and at the /end/ of the day,there can be only one route to pick which means that you are going to witness tonight...

a Proof of Life Shitpost

Anon 06/03/2020 (Wed) 01:15:21 [Preview] No.6151 del
and at the /end/ of the day,there can be only one route to pick which means that you are going to witness tonight...

a Proof of Life Shitpost

Anon 06/03/2020 (Wed) 09:32:12 [Preview] No.6152 del
(1.84 MB 1182x1200 1735808.png)
PoLS as well.

Anon 06/03/2020 (Wed) 21:54:18 [Preview] No.6154 del
mine is holding up quite well.

Anon 06/04/2020 (Thu) 00:21:38 [Preview] No.6158 del
we could start a war like the old times if you find yourself bored, though I am reserving myself for a little while because it would oversaturate us.

wait until you live a few more years. Everything will become more tiresome. Even for a pony that has a lot of power and could fight in a duel over and over again, the apathy arises way more than it should.

Anon 06/08/2020 (Mon) 00:36:03 [Preview] No.6174 del
So, a Proof of Life Shitpost (PoLS) appears on this board again while I am looking at all the lonely people by lurking silently on a few fan sites...

Anon 06/08/2020 (Mon) 04:44:00 [Preview] No.6175 del
(275.83 KB 1227x1500 18.jpg)
Really? Like when I do when I just browse around the various nooks and crannies of the fandom and just see who is there?


Anon 06/08/2020 (Mon) 07:20:56 [Preview] No.6177 del
Here's a fun post for you.

//don't like electronica. Indeed.

Anon 06/08/2020 (Mon) 07:34:41 [Preview] No.6178 del
(1.72 MB 700x394 331842.gif)
I don't about L23 but I digg it!

Anon 06/09/2020 (Tue) 05:54:20 [Preview] No.6179 del
(641.36 KB 1058x1113 64234.png)
Ya'know. My curosity for this has actually increased... slightly. It has the potential to be strange if it's going through some type of development hell. Though I'd think most of the work would be done by now based on what we know of FiM.

Anon 06/09/2020 (Tue) 06:17:50 [Preview] No.6180 del
(73.55 KB 640x360 OneOfMyFavs.jpg)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=az1j9aURpAA [Embed]
Here is an obscureish one but one of my personal favs of anything electronic. I recently rediscovered it a few months ago. Used to listen to it in 2012/13 but it was only passing through when I was looking for Das Deer's Twilight's battle theme. I actually consider the song pretty strong but never knew of the remaster, which sadly appears to be inaccessible.

Mind telling me the source of the song you uploaded here?

Anon 06/09/2020 (Tue) 07:04:51 [Preview] No.6181 del
(237.43 KB 1200x1200 candyalicorn.jpg)
(349.39 KB 1200x1200 IScreamForIceCream.jpg)
(154.28 KB 1200x1200 broniecornsugarmare.jpg)
>Mind telling me the source of the song you uploaded

AStateOfSugar's bandcamp page -- latest compilation "Brownie" I believe. Generally I think I like Candy best but they're all big and varied so you'll like a song at least, in each album.


Anon 06/09/2020 (Tue) 20:39:38 [Preview] No.6182 del
It's so weird too see you guys discuss in depth this as any other music genre. Actually I'd say the weird part is that there is depth to this topic. This isn't just a bunch of fan songs for a show but a legit subculture that has it's own dogma's, community, lore and drama isn't it? The more I look into this rabbit hole the harder and harder I have a point of reference to compare it to.

Anon 06/09/2020 (Tue) 23:52:19 [Preview] No.6186 del
both >>6180 songs are cool so if you wanted my opinion Bridgefag >>6178, I´ve got little to nothing to complain over here.

>I recently rediscovered it a few months ago. Used to listen to it in 2012/13
oh the rediscoveries...it´s always special to go back and find jewels among your past listens that you didn´t care all that much but all of a sudden, they arise and hit harder than those times. This song in particular reminds of a boss battle (perhaps from the Mystery Dungeon games if I am not wrong), it´s pretty fast paced.

>checks out the Brownie compilation
>take a ton of time to load the page for some reason
>see the tracklist
>41 tracks of trance,dubstep and/or EDM
>around 165 minutes or so
yeah, I am starting to believe that it´s meant for picking out the tracks that you like the most and call it a day.

>I think I like Candy best but they're all big and varied so you'll like a song at least, in each album.
I have to agree as well. That philosophy has to be adapted for these productions (especially a compilation)

Anon 06/10/2020 (Wed) 00:01:16 [Preview] No.6187 del
weakest ponyfag songs in my outsider newfag opinion are the vocal tracks. Everything else that you all have linked here has been boarderline top tier but the vocal tracks just sound like trash. Even the instrumentals sound weaker in the vocal tracks. Does anyone know why that is or is it just me?

Anon 06/10/2020 (Wed) 00:13:49 [Preview] No.6188 del
>It's so weird too see you guys discuss in depth this as any other music genre.
hey, don´t look at me, except for the fan music that I have ran into throughout my experience in this board, I haven´t bothered with the scene either. However...

>Actually I'd say the weird part is that there is depth to this topic.
>This isn't just a bunch of fan songs for a show but a legit subculture that has it's own dogma's, community, lore and drama isn't it? The more I look into this rabbit hole the harder and harder I have a point of reference to compare it to.
fan content requires a little bit of context and other standards to judge it. In this regard, Bridgefag and the CB anon know more in this regard than me, I can only judge more from a technical perspective. Though this proves that you shouldn´t judge a book by its cover because you need a ton of time in order to take an overview of what scenes emerge over the years.

>Like when I do when I just browse around the various nooks and crannies of the fandom and just see who is there?
that´s an usual practice from yours though. This board is actually one of those nooks but I was more like aiming at the fact that...we are on a hiatus period, no episodes are being released and the mood of the fanbase shows up more explicitly when there is no hype. The /night/ posts are some of the most devastating ones to read though.

>It has the potential to be strange if it's going through some type of development hell.
I believe that they have the material ready to air and I checked on /mlp/ that Treehouse (Australia) could air it before Discovery Family does. If they are actually going through crunch periods or change of direction, we would have to wait and see how this could flesh out for later episodes.

>weakest ponyfag songs in my outsider newfag opinion are the vocal tracks.
eeeyup. I tend to reply and focus the praise more on the instrumental ones (and I have listened to them several times in a row)

>Does anyone know why that is or is it just me?
definitely you aren´t the only one.

Anon 06/10/2020 (Wed) 00:17:03 [Preview] No.6189 del
I still have to reply to the /night/ posts yet but I am ending this session right here.

PoLS and good night.

Anon 06/10/2020 (Wed) 00:29:16 [Preview] No.6190 del
(26.61 KB 474x355 carrotjuice.jpeg)

Anon 06/11/2020 (Thu) 04:56:50 [Preview] No.6195 del

you guys knew 4chan finagled an album, right?

>No fun allowed

Anon 06/11/2020 (Thu) 06:24:55 [Preview] No.6197 del
To be honest I never checked it out. Carrotfag >>6195 probably does not because he only got into it from shitposting here.

Anon 06/11/2020 (Thu) 06:25:53 [Preview] No.6198 del
Opps, this is you.
This is carrotfag: >>6182
Got posts mixed up.

Anon 06/11/2020 (Thu) 06:41:07 [Preview] No.6199 del
>oh the rediscoveries...it´s always special to go back and find jewels among your past listens that you didn´t care all that much but all of a sudden, they arise and hit harder than those times.
Exactly. I actually didn't pay much mind to it at first but, once again when trying to find Das Deer's old TS theme I found it and now I'd say it maybe one of my favs.

>weakest ponyfag songs in my outsider newfag opinion are the vocal tracks.
I think the vocal tracks were where amaturism showed the strongest, at least 2011 to 2014 when those eletro and sometimes rock artist showed up. Many of them I would agree but I can see why someone would be drawn to them just from the nostalgia of the moment and the fact that even if it was some off tune autotuned based fedorafag recording with horrible sound quality they still could be experimental and exotic. Though my preference usually has been for those who were pure instrumental and or who did vocal sampling from the show as I think more often (though not always) better at making cool stuff.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=87wE2e0gYbg [Embed]

Anon 06/11/2020 (Thu) 06:59:10 [Preview] No.6200 del
>pure instrumental and or who did vocal sampling from the show as I think more often (though not always) better at making cool stuff.
And too be fair, there was a lot who did all of that.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=sdEpVQ4Nlv8 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=UomhczVNoBw [Embed]

Anon 06/11/2020 (Thu) 21:33:11 [Preview] No.6202 del
eeeyup, they tried to discuss on /mu/ by making a few threads about it... and rule 15 was ruling wild after a few posts appeared within those threads trying to talk about it. As >>6197 says, I haven´t bothered to listen to it although for a meme album, it doesn´t seem to aim all that low.

>once again when trying to find Das Deer's old TS theme I found it and now I'd say it maybe one of my favs.
great, that feeling is really pleasant to experience although I will admit that I don´t have that sense of nostalgia towards pony music. Well, fan made ones because for sure, You´ll Play Your Part would have bigger impact on me than back in 2014.

Anon 06/14/2020 (Sun) 01:50:02 [Preview] No.6217 del
Unlike Pony Life with the non existent release date, I am proving that I (still) have a life with this shitpost of Dolores sleeping on the desk.

You can already imagine that looking at a few pieces of paper for the entire day sounds really fun...

Plot twist: it isn't


Anon 06/14/2020 (Sun) 05:22:20 [Preview] No.6218 del
Pony Life is MiA

But Bridgefag at least is here to stay.

Have a PoLS, to brighten up your day.

Anon 06/14/2020 (Sun) 21:52:42 [Preview] No.6220 del
I have taken a rest for today so I am feeling better thanks. It looks that you are still keeping the couplet and make a few rhymes among the PoLS....not all shitposts deliver that.

>Pony Life is MiA
and no one is reacting towards it. Nobody seems to care because /mlp/ has decided not to hype themselves, not even for the drama so perhaps we are the only idiots who are discussing this at the moment (I am posting Luster Dawn to balance this).
Definitely the spin off seems dead on arrival and not even worthy to hate on it. Perhaps a few nice pictures will be dropped back and forth from the community but as for the show itself, zero hype. If Hasbro´s marketers aren´t even announcing this product, then you know that something is really wrong inside.

Still, I am absolutely apathetic towards it. Except for fan pictures, memes or drama (like any fan of the fandom would do),my mindset still stays the same and I am only looking for the comics during this post gen 4 era.

Wake me up whenever Hasbro takes a more interesting direction than this

Anon 06/16/2020 (Tue) 05:08:08 [Preview] No.6228 del
(143.80 KB 905x1280 2361101.jpg)
>I have taken a rest for today so I am feeling better thanks. It looks that you are still keeping the couplet and make a few rhymes among the PoLS....not all shitposts deliver that.
Glad /). I will be resting too as I have done a lot of yard work Hopefully will be back to normal posting soon as there is a couple of things on my mind.

>Definitely the spin off seems dead on arrival and not even worthy to hate on it.
I think the bar could be so low that, if taken as spin off material, perhaps we may find it as mildly entertaining at points.

>Still, I am absolutely apathetic towards it. Except for fan pictures, memes or drama (like any fan of the fandom would do),my mindset still stays the same and I am only looking for the comics during this post gen 4 era.
This sounds like me with Equestria Girls after the threat of it affecting the core show had past.

<MFW when it completely blows our minds and we have to eat our words.

>not all shitposts deliver that.
Perhaps I have archived the elusive state of "mid tier" shitposting?

Anon 06/17/2020 (Wed) 00:19:15 [Preview] No.6231 del
>I will be resting too as I have done a lot of yard work
that sounds almost as fun as what I have been doing. The main difference of that is that yours was active and mine required sitting on a chair...

yeah, take a rest.

>I think the bar could be so low that, if taken as spin off material, perhaps we may find it as mildly entertaining at points.
well entertaining. The drama and memes around it could be entertaining but watching it could turn into an actual chore even with the expectations set so low.

I am staying in a passive mode for this one. If I see reviews or praise towards X episodes, I might give a try and check them out. In fact, the post gen 4 discussion serves for sharing these reflections about the episodes of this spin off. Perhaps I could drop a review someday but I am not seeing myself doing that beforehand. The show or the fans will have to induce me to watch it.

>This sounds like me with Equestria Girls after the threat of it affecting the core show had past.
well, technically I don´t have any fears about this nor about the impact to gen 4´s legacy. It doesn´t involve that at all but more like I am not seeing signs of bringing hype to upper the quality of this. EQG did that when McCarthy put her hands on the spin off movies and produced something like Rainbow Rocks (with Daniel Ingram unleashing his true spirit with the theatrical musicals in the soundtrack department). That turning point made Sunset Shimmer popular among the fanbase (also the Sirens coming back in the last special counted as fanservice) with her redemption arc, the human bodies were drawn in a more balanced manner over time and this spin off had ponified scenes (adding layers of twists and interest for the fanbase as a whole). The spin off even received its magical moments which had nothing to envy the FiM´s ones (Gloriosa´s transformation, the Dazzlings magic, Midnight Sparkle´s duel with against Sunset...) so whereas all the fans might not be fond with EQG, at least one could understand why it´s got its fans.

Here, however....I don´t see the hype not even a negative publicity coming from /mlp/. Definitely we aren´t witnessing the same patterns that occurred back in 2013 and the advertisement campaign......leaves a lot to be desired (and I am being generous here)

I believe that after an entire decade, one would feel worn out and take a rest before the arrival of gen 5 (supposedly next year). If this were a spin off about secondary characters set in the same universe and with the same artstyle, it would spark a certain curiosity to check it. My apathy doesn´t come because of seeing it as a threat to gen 4 (which ended as soon as DHX got dissolved) but more like what we have seen so far looks so....superfluous and disposable. Perhaps this explanation helps at conveying better my impressions.

<MFW when it completely blows our minds and we have to eat our words.
you know what? I would like to be proven wrong here honestly. I would like to eat up my words and relearn the lesson of not judging the book by its cover. But we are talking about Hasbro, they are placing their bets on milking (and squeezing) the mane 6 until the milk runs dry with this. Good luck if that pans out for them in the end.

Anon 06/17/2020 (Wed) 00:24:56 [Preview] No.6232 del
>Perhaps I have archived the elusive state of "mid tier" shitposting?
well,one would need oldfags and other people to judge this practice and come up with certain conclusions that helps us to judge this.

Claiming your post to be a shitpost when in reality you don´t embody it to what should count as a shitpost....sounds like a double negative to me. We´ll have to think about that and see how one should name/tag it...

what it is a shitpost is my PoLS. I´ll reply to the rest tomorrow but I wanted to go for this one first.

Proof of Life.

Anon 06/17/2020 (Wed) 00:33:14 [Preview] No.6233 del
Have some pony music.

Anon 06/17/2020 (Wed) 06:37:24 [Preview] No.6235 del
(2.83 MB 1600x2133 801079.png)
>well entertaining. The drama and memes around it could be entertaining but watching it could turn into an actual chore even with the expectations set so low.
This is also could be true.

>Perhaps I could drop a review someday but I am not seeing myself doing that beforehand. The show or the fans will have to induce me to watch it.
Only thing I'd recommend is watch the first couple of episodes. Though...
>I believe that after an entire decade, one would feel worn out and take a rest before the arrival of gen 5 (supposedly next year). If this were a spin off about secondary characters set in the same universe and with the same artstyle,
This point is hard to aruge with.

>But we are talking about Hasbro, they are placing their bets on milking (and squeezing) the mane 6 Yeah. This is giving too much vibes of a transition, like G 3.5...

>Claiming your post to be a shitpost when in reality you don´t embody it to what should count as a shitpost....sounds like a double negative to me.
I've only seen the term mid tier shitpost used twice so perhaps I should have explained what I was joking about. Both times as a joke to explain something that just didn't fit with high tier (multiple layers of meta or irony sometimes with a bit of effort) and low tier (vaguely defined /b/ reddit and discord users). The ultimate problem is that on my part there is too much sincerity I suppose, no joke or fake fiery rhetoric. Too much effort for low tier (not saying it was a huge effort obviously) but both of those things eat away at what a shitpost is. So my joking logic was that it falls into the mid tier rage as it fails its purpose even if it had intent.

Anon 06/17/2020 (Wed) 08:35:36 [Preview] No.6237 del
(2.43 MB 1600x2133 1116633.png)
> Ltrain_DaybreakerBoogie
Not my style but not cringe even if amateurish. I think some of the lyrics and feel work well.

> FitB_Talisman.
Far from my style, high pitched voice almost irritating. Not trying to sound elitist or overly dismissive as even high pitch voices sometimes work for me but this ain't one of them.

> Zero
Good. I could see this being a mood setter for certain situations when I'm reading fics and something that I give an once in awhile listen to on its own. Gives me a Tom's Diner vibe.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-26hsZqwveA [Embed]

> SpikeyW_ShiningFree
FAVORITE! A lot going on. Nice vocal sampling. What more can I say?

This one is good. Second fav. Can't fully understand the lyrics (as I've only listened twice next to a noisy fan) but I think the vocals are competent enough and the cheery beat (even if the lyrics may not be super cheery), works well.

Thanks for dropping those ponytunes! I ought to dig up some of the more obscure ones on my end sometime.

Night for now /endpone/!

Anon 06/17/2020 (Wed) 21:30:32 [Preview] No.6238 del
(241.17 KB 1200x1200 InfectedWith.jpg)
>high pitched voice
That's about the last thing I would have reached for to describe Filly in the Box.
FitB is "out there" but I like their works especially for the purpose of shifting gears, hearing something different.

> > Zero
> Good.
And then I go and completely forget whose music it was.
Oh! Right, that was Twelve. tw3lv3-1666 on bandcamp, and while they claim " Liquid Drum&Bass is definitaly a genre that fits me well." I like the lo-fi stuff, such as the "release" album a bit better.

> > free
> 2nd fav
Also forgot where that was, but definitely Francis Vace singing (once known as vaceslav)
> "Thy backside is whole, and ungobbled!"

> Not my style but not cringe
Ah! Found 'em both. Ponies @ Dawn's latest compilation, "Ignite" features this electro-swing piece that is exceptionally on-theme for the album from 4EverfreeBrony & the L-Train (normally a heavy-metal ponyplayer)
Free is down a way, on track #21\

Yeah, it's good, although as with most artists, he's not really happy with it, and has already remixed it and, I feel, lost a little of the punch of this version.
Spikey Wikey also runs the Cider Party youtube channel, or at least is a senior member of that team. But he's got his own bandcamp page with some good stuff.
This song and Ragga Muffin are my favorites from the album but for a week and change I had the whole album on repeat.

Alternately, >image embedded is from a bandcamp channel whose self-desc is, and I quote,

Also good for changing gears. Not as "experimental" an noise.horse but definitely not an every-day listen.

Anon 06/19/2020 (Fri) 04:25:05 [Preview] No.6245 del
>FitB is "out there" but I like their works especially for the purpose of shifting gears, hearing something different.
In fairness I only have given this three listens without headphones. Though I find this one borderline irritating in my first impressions, I still will check out the artist. If it's for the purposes of "shifting gears" and looking to something more out there then I will definitely give it a shot.

>Yeah, it's good, although as with most artists, he's not really happy with it, and has already remixed it and, I feel, lost a little of the punch of this version.
Yeah. I remember way back... like 2013, asking one of the pony music artist on his blog (name eludes me atm) about why he seemed to torture himself and say things were never good. He gave me an answer about how there was subtitles and flaws that a normal consumer couldn't see but he could, so that was why he and others in the community where like that. I get wanting to self improve but sometimes these guys do give off a very negative vibe with it beyond keeping yourself grounded.

>Also good for changing gears. Not as "experimental" an noise.horse but definitely not an every-day listen.
I'll check it out as well.

Anon 06/19/2020 (Fri) 23:03:03 [Preview] No.6248 del
>Only thing I'd recommend is watch the first couple of episodes.Though...
I don't have plans to watch it until July at least. Keep in mind that I am barely posting nowadays and I have been acting more as a passive lurker as of late (except for the edit thread yesterday).

I am going really direct with my reply here: Pony Life leads me to an absolute indifference and the trailers haven't helped in this aspect either (you might have seen mobile phones,selfies and technology being used for...reasons) but unlike /v/ with new releases (for example The Last of Us 2) or even /mlp/, I am not even bothering to hate on it.

Spending my energies on acknowledging the troubles and flaws that one can see from a mile, I would kind of give them a spotlight for that negative light and it would imply that one cares about it (and even companies take advantage of this practice in order to find a niche in the market). When one feels negative indifference, one doesn't feel anything strong enough to go insane about it.

Don't get me wrong, I will respectfully read your opinions/thoughts or comments about that spin
-off and even I could find some enjoyment if I find your thoughts encouraging enough to watch it for myself. However,that doesn't guarantee you to get replies to your reviews from my part because I will have mostly nothing to add except an outsider perspective who knows nothing on the matter.

If Hasbro wants the respect I have shown towards gen 4 all this time, they'd better earn it. Are they simply looking for toys and using the mane 6 in order to get more money with a cheap TTGO formula? Then, they have the right to feel good as hell or whathever they want to feel like but I will focus on something else in the meantime until gen 5 arrives. As simple as that.

Anon 06/19/2020 (Fri) 23:25:54 [Preview] No.6249 del
>I've only seen the term mid tier shitpost used twice so perhaps I should have explained what I was joking about.
definitely I have never seen such terms combined nor any discussion on ranking/rating a shitpost but one could notice that your tone wasn't all that serious. I mean,who does that in the first place?

>The ultimate problem is that on my part there is too much sincerity I suppose, no joke or fake fiery rhetoric. Too much effort for low tier (not saying it was a huge effort obviously) but both of those things eat away at what a shitpost is. So my joking logic was that it falls into the mid tier rage as it fails its purpose even if it had intent.
it mostly fails because it isn't all that discussed (keep in mind that shitpost works like a buzzword/meme that gets repeating for indicating low quality posts) so one implies that you are asking its concept. One can notice the tone of that question though but as you have said, it ends up in the middle of the road.

Mid tier shitpost or half a shitpost would blow the minds of a few anons though.

>something that I give an once in awhile listen to on its own. Gives me a Tom's Diner vibe.
and another song that I have listened to a lot on the radio. It's like a reminder of what I would be hearing if I put it on. I haven't visited it for three/four years since the last time I gave it a spin though.

Anon 06/20/2020 (Sat) 06:07:14 [Preview] No.6250 del
(79.20 KB 640x360 SoSpikeisHereToo.jpg)
Yeah you're right. I mean, for me it's more of a possibly interesting passtime/morbid curiosity, but with all the studying it probably ain't worth unless it was a positive experience.

Also, did catch the trailer till today. Yeah, not helping at all... I mean they all have hints of what looks like one of my fears would be LOL'Random! behavior. Celestia's brief moment already leaves me with dark images of how I could see her in this. I know they say not to judge and we won't truly know but all indications up to this point say: CONTEMPORARY CHILDRENS PPROGRAMING!. The best we can hope for is a few interesting episodes/concepts but I'm skeptical interesting will be necessarily entertaining. /comfy/ may be attainable but in my mind that would require some slower placed moments and a homey feel that I honestly wouldn't have much hope of them thinking for.

>If Hasbro wants the respect I have shown towards gen 4 all this time, they'd better earn it.
Yes. To be honest, this as a stopgap messure probably wouldn't bug me on it's own but the fact that it, and Rainbow Roadtrip, could signal a very sanitized and marketing driven direction is what makes me feel anything other than seeing this little show in a vacuum of weirdness. Even then, that doesn't take G4 away but does make me worried if we became pawns in some sort of: "racist male bronies killed the new show" narrative that companies are all too found of adopting as a scapegoat for failure. TBH, I think Hasbro is too conflict adverse to do that but it's something that has happened so many times across a variety of organizations that I would never completely discount the possibility.

Anon 06/20/2020 (Sat) 06:23:47 [Preview] No.6251 del
>shitpost but one could notice that your tone wasn't all that serious. I mean,who does that in the first place?
Just wanted to give some background as sarcasm can be lost even among posters who know each other at points.

> (keep in mind that shitpost works like a buzzword/meme that gets repeating for indicating low quality posts)
Indeed I do. The only real nuance that I add would it is also used to describe slight mindsets depending on the connotation (Political Shitposting = inflammatory bait).

>Mid tier shitpost or half a shitpost would blow the minds of a few anons though.
That actually was the context of what I saw it once. It was a guy joking that someone had achieved mid tier shitposting with somee type of odd art style videos... I'll have to see if I could find it.

>and another song that I have listened to a lot on the radio.
That is my familiarity with it to. Since childhood. Doesn't really have too much significance to me other than it is slightly haunting.

Anon 06/20/2020 (Sat) 07:15:42 [Preview] No.6252 del
What's going on at Nick?
I do have some limited familiarity with the comic. From my understanding the show's creator was once involved in the fandom if I recall correctly and perhaps a little nuts That wouldn't make me bat too much of an eye...

but this is the second horse related show on Nick. This one just came out too. Why horse all of the sudden? Could it really have some connection to FiM after so long? I'm not sure I'd go that far and say that but I do wonder if FiM could play a part do to this:
They did partner once. In fact it was theorized that Hasbro was considering Nick as a backup option do to uncertainty with The Hub/Discovery Kids. It wouldn't surprise me if Hasbro had some back room talks with them that planted the seed for them looking at this now.

Anon 06/21/2020 (Sun) 21:22:46 [Preview] No.6255 del
(77.38 KB 1920x1080 PL Ep 1.png)
(75.94 KB 1920x1080 PL Ep 2.png)
(305.23 KB 1920x1080 IMDB ratings.png)
>it's more of a possibly interesting passtime/morbid curiosity, but with all the studying it probably ain't worth unless it was a positive experience.
the thread for the premiere on /mlp/ only lasted two hours before the sticky disappeared, EQD is struggling to find anything positive about it, the episodes last only 11 minutes (which means that you cannot get developing stories out of it like gen 4 did), the artstyle goes on autopilot mode and...

>they all have hints of what looks like one of my fears would be LOL'Random! behavior.
this. Well, do you want me to watch those two first episodes? I believe that instead of reading my opinion about it by taking a skewed sample of this spin-off, you have the original episodes already uploaded for you to judge. Nonetheless, if you want to check out other opinions, you can see other people who have actually watched the premiere:


Anon 06/21/2020 (Sun) 22:01:02 [Preview] No.6256 del
>I'm skeptical interesting will be necessarily entertaining. /comfy/ may be attainable but in my mind that would require some slower placed moments and a homey feel that I honestly wouldn't have much hope of them thinking for.
I´ve heard a few comments about the pacing or development of the premise they announce...and some people seem to have struggled to follow what was going on. That´s a complaint I have seen from several /mlp/ users.

I would take a /comfy/ attitude instead while judging it (in the philosophical sense)

>this as a stopgap messure probably wouldn't bug me on it's own but the fact that it, and Rainbow Roadtrip, could signal a very sanitized and marketing driven direction is what makes me feel anything other than seeing this little show in a vacuum of weirdness.
Rainbow Roadtrip, despite my complaints in its lack of depth, looks like a classical painting with the ToonBoom artstyle. I mean, sure the artstyle might not be all that expensive to animate but it fits really nicely for a series of this kind. Really pleasant to watch. Whenever one watches FiM, the animation aspect is already taken as a baseline of quality, you already assume that it´s going to look good (like Sonic with the soundtrack of its games. Despite the extremely varied quality of its games, SEGA doesn´t fail in this aspect. The same was applied to FiM in terms of animation for me)

The special wasn´t weird by itself at all just that the plot could have used less padding/add a plot twist or more depth to it in order to get more entertainment out of one entire hour. FiM holds a track record of many experiments (constantly evolving) throughout its entire series but Rainbow Roadtrip definitely isn´t one of those. It simply reached a point of blandness that would remind anyone of gen 3.

>that doesn't take G4 away but does make me worried if we became pawns in some sort of: "racist male bronies killed the new show" narrative that companies are all too found of adopting as a scapegoat for failure.
yeah, I fear about that as well. If you want a prime example of that, see The Last of Us 2 (that game has caused an absolute mess in the industry).
Toy commercials these days aren´t allowed to draw on this argument of: "It´s for little girls, you have to understand that you are not the target audience" when FiM has even ruined its own brand for that low quality argument by setting the standards higher and with proper writing in its execution all the way through.

If the staff resorts to that justification for that bad writing, most likely they will cause a mess among the community. You cannot even be more commercial when the brand is already a toy commercial and managed to be good for an entire decade while keeping that nature and aimed for little girls at the same time. Besides, Hasbro should know that no other generation has printed more money for them other than the 4th generation. Even if we go by the numbers in terms of income alone (and not by the number of fans), gen 4 still wins the crown in that matter by a landslide.

The writers and Hasbro are in no position to defend themselves with this argument. It would turn into a very shameful gesture from them if they had the courage to claim that in public (Twitter in this case).

>I think Hasbro is too conflict adverse to do that but it's something that has happened so many times across a variety of organizations that I would never completely discount the possibility.
always be prepared for the worst. But they cannot alter gen 4 anymore so at least, the possible drama would aim at somewhere else, hence a fan can afford to take a more philosophical/comical take with this one.

Anon 06/21/2020 (Sun) 22:23:40 [Preview] No.6257 del
>that screencap
now, that´s the pure definition of headcanon.


>The only real nuance that I add would it is also used to describe slight mindsets depending on the connotation (Political Shitposting = inflammatory bait).
if /meta/ discussion was allowed on those boards and this topic was discussed with more depth in 4chan, they would come up with that as well. They notice the /pol/baits thrown at their catalogs and those threads lead to a political that wouldn´t be induced anywhere else. People are used to seeing that ad most of the times, those threads get derailed with politics for a while but there are other anons who are absolutely fed up of seeing everything mixed up with it.

Well, it applies to the internet in general but when it comes to a chan format, yeah, it could be perfectly valid (even though people would use the short cut of /pol/posting)

>It was a guy joking that someone had achieved mid tier shitposting with somee type of odd art style videos...
well, it sounds like it could be applied for the clips/edits exposed in the edit thread.Poetry could fit there.

>Doesn't really have too much significance to me other than it is slightly haunting.
considering that I usually listened to it without taking account the lyrics (normally I focused more on the catchy aspect rather than its lyrics) but now that you mention that induces a haunting feeling...maybe it´s because of these lines right here?

>There's a woman on the outside. Looking inside, does she see me?
>No she does not really see me, Cause she sees her own reflection
>As I'm listening to the bells of the cathedral.I am thinking of your voice

those are the closest sentences that I would consider haunting for a pop song of this style.

Anon 06/21/2020 (Sun) 23:14:09 [Preview] No.6258 del
>From my understanding the show's creator was once involved in the fandom if I recall correctly and perhaps a little nuts...
>Why horse all of the sudden? Could it really have some connection to FiM after so long?

I mean, look at the premise of that comic series:
<Her most highly coveted power though is her “Shield of Boringness” spell, which causes humans to view her as nothing out of the ordinary and allows her to interact with them on a daily basis.

this part of its premise fits nicely for the argument that I am going to use here. Perhaps, you are not all that far off from the Friendship is Magic influence. I mean, MLP established that ponies were aimed for little girls and that imagery has been kept for decades (associated within the society) and you wouldn´t take them so seriously in the animation industry because anyone would associate unicorns for that audience.

Maybe I am giving the community too much credit (or FiM) for this but the ""autism" that drove to insane levels of popularity for a franchise like MLP, making it mainstream, might have changed the standards (to an extent) of what one would tend to associate unicorns. Think about it, you saw a unicorn in the past and people would go like:"Oh, girls like those" and nowadays, certain people have changed tend to associate it with: "Hey look a unicorn! Bronies´wet dream, folks! This is the next MLP!" and believe it or not, fans have accidentally served as an icebreaker for that stereotypical association that has remained the rule in the general sense.

In addition to that, Nick must have taken notes that there is an audience (and market) to exploit because the 4th gen has proven to stay popular throughout the entire decade so other companies jump in so they test the waters and see what they can get.

That premise of viewing that unicorn as mundane in that world kind of applies here. They don´t hold that girly all that much because the 4th gen has shown that you can find success among other audiences who weren´t supposed to be there (for industry´s standards). Ponies (a unicorn in this case) are no longer impressive and thus, the impact doesn´t work in the same way as it did back in the 80s.

>In fact it was theorized that Hasbro was considering Nick as a backup option do to uncertainty with The Hub/Discovery Kids.
a really understandable plan honestly. They were going through muddy waters around that time when The Hub died so they were assuring a plan B just in case Discovery didn´t work out.

>It wouldn't surprise me if Hasbro had some back room talks with them that planted the seed for them looking at this now.
It wouldn´t surprise me either. We could perfectly be witnessing the payoff of certain scraps/plans that Hasbro shared with them. If Nick accepted that partnership, they would have intentions to go to that ponified direction in the first place. Either way, these practices would prove how much influence FiM has had for the industry so time will tell if this ride turns out to be all that relevant...

Anon 06/26/2020 (Fri) 05:17:52 [Preview] No.6286 del
(45.85 KB 150x164 Freshcoat.jpg)
I am alive.
Fresh Coat, not so sure about her.

Anon 06/26/2020 (Fri) 22:53:16 [Preview] No.6287 del
alright, CB anon. You say that you aren´t all that active over here.

Well, I am not exactly a model at doing that either because you know, finals are taking up a lot of my free time nowadays.

>Fresh Coat, not so sure about her.
have you checked if she has any Bandcamp page or any musical profile out there?

Anon 06/28/2020 (Sun) 08:03:06 [Preview] No.6291 del
>ave you checked if she has any Bandcamp page or any musical profile out there?

Fresh Coat is from the show. The .mp3, had you listened to it, would have explained her agreed-upon tragic backstory.

Or at least that's how the story is told amongst friends & enemies. Have another tail as I make my way to bed tonight.

Anon 06/28/2020 (Sun) 09:10:44 [Preview] No.6292 del
>I am alive.
Congrations on your first PoLS

Me neither. There is a certain culture purge going on that I've been busy with.

I'm heading off to bed myself. I will comment later but right now am just drained. So have what I've been listening too:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=vdLuk2Agamk [Embed]
This feels fitting for whats going on in a weird sort of way.

Anon 06/28/2020 (Sun) 23:25:43 [Preview] No.6293 del
>Fresh Coat is from the show.
She was a background pony that actually appeared in Spice Up Your Life


>The .mp3, had you listened to it, would have explained her agreed-upon tragic backstory.
>treating her as an artist


>mfw I am an idiot for not even bothering to check that out

this only happens to me when I write on autopilot mode....

Anon 06/28/2020 (Sun) 23:37:06 [Preview] No.6294 del
>There is a certain culture purge going on that I've been busy with.
I´ve been witnessing that mess and to put it simply: it´s like watching a combination of the Cutie Map (the S5 opener) and Sounds of Silence (A Kirin Tale) simultaneously. Reality always surpasses fiction and this time is no exception.

We might be living a moment in which could set a wild fire within the fanbase (or at least, plant the seeds for any future drama)

>This feels fitting for whats going on in a weird sort of way.
I thought that you were going to post Sunday Bloody Sunday. Well, the entire record fits but the opener also fits for this whole mess.

Anon 07/01/2020 (Wed) 00:58:51 [Preview] No.6295 del
(212.00 KB 2048x2037 NMAiE.jpg)
Proof of Life Shitpost tonight with a familiar character that you ""might"" have seen before in this place.

She is carrying the wheel this year, by the way.

Everything is going to be fine according to her point of view

Anon 07/01/2020 (Wed) 07:50:46 [Preview] No.6296 del
(731.76 KB 958x960 1091422.jpeg)
Having a hard time understanding the rap but the beginning is so true.
I'll find some headphones tommorow and then I'll tell you how on feel on her.

After the chaos of this year who can restore order?

You know who

Anon 07/03/2020 (Fri) 21:53:32 [Preview] No.6297 del
>After the chaos of this year who can restore order?
in this place? It might be easy but not for another site that is infinitely more relevant than this small board

>You know who
definitely not Discord

Anon 07/03/2020 (Fri) 22:08:10 [Preview] No.6298 del

Even if the game didn´t manage to get into the events becoming true, at least those competitors had some interest, bought the game and earned a few headlines in the media.

The developing team isn´t the one to blame here, they did their part. All the games in the lineup (Skullgirls had a certain drama around it, I think) have been affected in general so the EVO cancellation relied upon its owners more than anything else.

Anon 07/03/2020 (Fri) 22:16:23 [Preview] No.6299 del
okay, I am posting a peculiar image that might leave you thinking for a little while.

I never believed that 2020 was going to turn out to be all this messy but here we are, 6 months left and it feels that we have lived more events during this period than several years combined.

Beyond personal/private matters, there is something currently that goes a little beyond the usual routine that might not fall all that short in terms of influence. I mean, one is free to do whatever one decides to do in the end but you will notice that a thread has been opened (but not in this board) and by its own title will reveal the meaning behind this image to an extent...

With that said, PoLS.

Anon 07/05/2020 (Sun) 08:41:42 [Preview] No.6300 del
(2.03 MB 2057x3000 1181425.png)
>so uhhh... bronies will give any character a backstory
>So there was this one mare who showed up for like two seconds in Spice Up Your life.
>She had a backwards cap and a paintbrush
and was never seen again
I actually dig this song. Rare for rap. Though even with head phones I still am struggling to understand the lyrics at some points

As for Fresh Coat. From what I can gather she is an artist desperte for attention who hasn't seen her parents in 9 years (propagada?). I'm... not sure I can make a full judgement. I think her design is okay, but I can understand not liking the baseball cap.

What are your issues with her?

Anon 07/05/2020 (Sun) 08:51:10 [Preview] No.6301 del
(308.69 KB 1049x1049 1381604.png)
>opened (but not in this board) and by its own title will reveal the meaning behind this image to an extent..
Yep. Never thought things would have to get so cloak and danger with stuff.

This derpi drama is nuts.

FYI: https://ponybooru.org/ the first alternative is up to any lurkers.

Out of curosity, CB anon, what are your thoughts about all of this? if you care to tell.

Anon 07/05/2020 (Sun) 08:57:23 [Preview] No.6302 del
(2.34 MB 2039x2894 1231124.jpeg)
(1.44 MB 3000x3000 1239542.png)
(1.67 MB 3264x2448 1412388.jpeg)
Some more Fresh Coat because why not?

Anon 07/06/2020 (Mon) 05:01:56 [Preview] No.6303 del
(805.72 KB 1024x576 CeleOpertr.png)
(466.35 KB 1280x1707 MLP_legotreebrary02.jpg)
>Out of curosity, CB anon, what are your thoughts

I've never had a derpaccount, and while I was subscribed to their patreon for a time, giving maybe a total of $4, I've never relied on their site for any of my pony needs.
I had a 20pc account, and somewhere during season 8, the site went belly up. They gave their viewers two weeks notice, and I didn't visit it every day. It ended up I had three days to peruse my favorites list, try to save all the images I cared most about.

I miss the loss of history, while acknowledging that not everything can be fully archived all the time. But I dislike when politics and feeling interfere with the proper saving of historical data.
Having said that, we are all political beings, regardless of how we feel about that. The rampant destruction of history going on right now is the epitome of foolishness. But in twenty year will any mourn the loss of pony?
Yet few other things as whimsical as gen-4 will have had as deep an impact in where our culture, especially over a twenty-year span.

Anon 07/07/2020 (Tue) 00:20:53 [Preview] No.6311 del
>But I dislike when politics and feeling interfere with the proper saving of historical data.
a pretty sad practice that we,as humans,keep repeating over and over. Oh well...

It becomes even more frustrating when you see the whole process and how an extremist viewpoint creates such a cult so rampant for deleting that material out of the map. I would have been a little bit happier if I hadn't seen it. In addition, I still find absolutely unsettling to have watched an orwellian episode with a failed coup...on a MLP site. This year is surprising me on so many new levels that I couldn't have imagined them in the past.

>Having said that, we are all political beings, regardless of how we feel about that.
there are people that definitely don't know how to handle political issues, especially when they take decision ls with a short term sight. Emotions are a really tricky factor to leave out for said decisions.

>The rampant destruction of history going on right now is the epitome of foolishness. But in twenty year will any mourn the loss of pony?
perhaps there are few copies that could be uploaded in the future or maybe they have been all archived beneath the surface and we simply don't get to see them. Who knows?


Anon 07/07/2020 (Tue) 06:15:54 [Preview] No.6312 del
(309.63 KB 894x894 1593132313331.png)
>But I dislike when politics and feeling interfere with the proper saving of historical data.
Indeed. A lot of our drama was outright vile but still needs to be archived, remembered, discussed. but noooo, we can only talk about our E-celeb class and their various Discord shenanigans.

>The rampant destruction of history going on right now is the epitome of foolishness.
It has sure gotten iconoclastic. Sometimes to itself even. That's what probably creeps me out the most.

>But in twenty year will any mourn the loss of pony?
Its a hard question to answer. I mean part of me says no yet I can recall the time when people thought that 8 or 9 seasons was crazy talk. If that subculture element holds out for a few or becomes somewhat self sustaining then perhaps.

>Yet few other things as whimsical as gen-4 will have had as deep an impact in where our culture, especially over a twenty-year span.
Indeed. It seemed like we shaped a lot of culture, at least indirectly.You can find pony in a lot of origins and paths... yet you will rarely see mention of it in a lot of history where pony played a part.

Anon 07/07/2020 (Tue) 06:22:41 [Preview] No.6313 del
>I've never relied on their site for any of my pony needs.
Where do you get your pony needs if you don't mind my asking?

>I had a 20pc account, and somewhere during season 8, the site went belly up.
I often was a straggler on less populated parts of the fandom. Did it just get gradually abandoned?

>It ended up I had three days to peruse my favorites list, try to save all the images I cared most about.
Reminds me of my time when I made a scramble to save as much as I could off of pbooru when I found out admist the porn and creepy artwork there was stuff imported from the old ponybooru. Perhaps not the same but I think I can relate in a way with that.

Anon 07/09/2020 (Thu) 00:32:32 [Preview] No.6317 del
Delivering another PoLS tonight so you notice that I am reading your posts.

I am mostly lurking on Derpi just to see how this whole mess gets resolved and how the alternatives evolve with their first steps and pan out in the end.

Definitely this whole drama was the replacement of Pony Life's meltdown, we have all forgotten that spin off because of it

Anon 07/09/2020 (Thu) 08:34:02 [Preview] No.6318 del
(196.21 KB 1914x718 1594159842309.jpg)
>Definitely this whole drama was the replacement of Pony Life's meltdown, we have all forgotten that spin off because of it
What is dis pony life you speak of?!?

Anon 07/11/2020 (Sat) 01:38:19 [Preview] No.6326 del
You know,there have been so many things happening on Derpi that it's no wonder that other people struggle to understand the whole context. I don't believe that this whole mess could extend itself to the size of a book but a very well defined long article on any wiki may work for portraying this whole drama happening in the middle of a pandemic.

I seriously doubt that there will be any other dramatic events that could even compare to this one for a very long time...and it hasn't even ended yet!

Anyway, Proof of Life Shitpost

Anon 07/14/2020 (Tue) 01:02:26 [Preview] No.6327 del
(42.55 KB 800x737 8ch_Haiku01.png)
(829.99 KB 1500x1500 CandyWHO.png)
> Where do you get your pony needs if you don't mind my asking?

Ah, well. I still miss 20pc. But E621 has a wide selection of great images. And I still visit derpibooru but I find their site harder to navigate than 20pc was. Whereas e621.net was the parent site and uses the exact same software so obviously feels familiar, though I still don't have an account there. I have no wish to comment, the moreso when the vols declare *ALL* "roleplay" responses to the image to be "creepy rolelpay" and delete them immediately. I could post on 4ch if I wanted my comments deleted that fast and consistently.

Anon 07/15/2020 (Wed) 08:42:59 [Preview] No.6328 del
(189.99 KB 1280x1621 2365718.jpg)
>Ah, well. I still miss 20pc
I can feel ya with my preference with some of the more offbeat spots in the fandom.

>And I still visit derpibooru but I find their site harder to navigate than 20pc was.
Really? Do you think it is just being used to it or does it have a superior interface?

> I have no wish to comment, the moreso when the vols declare *ALL* "roleplay" responses to the image to be "creepy rolelpay" and delete them immediately. I could post on 4ch if I wanted my comments deleted that fast and consistently.
Truth with 4chan's anti rroleplay rules, though I am rather unfamiliar with how Derpibooru is on that particular category but I'll take your word.

Anon 07/15/2020 (Wed) 08:57:40 [Preview] No.6329 del
(70.61 KB 480x360 66.gif)
I'm going to ask it here since it would be more fitting for /NMAiE/.

You are at this point a full regular and I wanted to ask you some feedback. Is there any ideas you have? Any threads you wanna see? I know things are slow right now due to Derpi drama half finished my thoughts on that fic you posted, will hopefully have it out soon

Anon 07/15/2020 (Wed) 21:42:45 [Preview] No.6332 del
>It has sure gotten iconoclastic. Sometimes to itself even. That's what probably creeps me out the most.
this is what happens with the extremes. If they don´t achieve what they are intending, they tend to eat each other within their own group for failing.

>You can find pony in a lot of origins and paths... yet you will rarely see mention of it in a lot of history where pony played a part.
until there is someone (an interpreter) to report those obscure parts that no one else acknowledges.

>What is dis pony life you speak of?!?
you don´t want to be interested in the new Hasbro´s toyline...you are not missing anything not even worthy to hate it

>But E621 has a wide selection of great images
I am not going to deny your statement but when it comes to...

>I still visit derpibooru but I find their site harder to navigate than 20pc was
this...how? How is Philomena´s interface harder to use for you? Just out of sheer curiosity.

Anon 07/17/2020 (Fri) 21:29:53 [Preview] No.6335 del
>How is Philomena´s interface harder to use for you?

The first is I keep forgetting about the filters, and have to go choose the 'no filter' filter.
Then my searches turn up nothing. Ever.
That has to do with how they delimit tags; e621 et al. use spaces. It requires you to tag the pony as Princess_Twilight_Sparkle but you don't have to reach for punctuation because no one that is derpi uses it. So, after five attempts at even a two-tag search I can go back to narrowing down my search for that one image.
Am I not there for just the one image in my head but not my hdd? With e621 especially but even 20pc I would enjoy choosing "comments" -- images would be displayed by how recently a user added a comment to it. This tended to let me see all the recent stuff but also skip duplicates because when someone uploaded all five versions of the same image (slinky dress, lacy underwear, no clothes at all, no coverings but cum, and the rule-63 with giant horsecock swinging free) I would see the one popular one and I didn't feel I was missing out even when I could tell by the tags there were a number of alternates.
When you search by recent comments on derpi, they're always context-free. "joe: eeyup" a pic about big mac? No, just a pic Joe agrees with. It's Ponka with a coffee cup, but to find that out I have to click and click and click ... oh, yes this is the one that got the famous nigh-wordless reply.

Might not matter, though. Derpi doesn't seem to have a DNS entry my at-work browser can find anywhere.

Anon 07/17/2020 (Fri) 21:31:27 [Preview] No.6336 del
>no one that is derpi uses it

Anon 07/17/2020 (Fri) 21:57:41 [Preview] No.6337 del
No I had it righter the first time. "everyone that isn't" would be the idiom I was reaching for.
Everything seems to be exacerbating my headache just now.

Have an old Le Soldat Pony album that doesn't exist anymore
https://youtube.com/watch?v=kc6qhAKL_m0 [Embed]

Anon 08/03/2020 (Mon) 08:49:49 [Preview] No.6394 del
lacking in pony but not in livliness, I post a comment further upon metal. To whit, Blind Guardian.

I was introduced to them when I started reading a webcomic following Jack, who had died some time before the beginning of the comic, and currently was employed as death. Also, he was the sin of Wrath but in the comments the artist reaffirmed that those were two separate titles, and Jack had pursued both, but had since forgotten why, or what came before.

One of the avid readers suggested "Under the Ice" as the theme for the comic. It works, I guess. I think I still have a .zip of his complete Rework: the Dead comic, which was an interesting take on the topic of zombies.

Considering how dark the themes in his comics, I was surprised when he came out swinging to speak against the two kids in the Columbine thing. I mean, after some research I have to agree Harris & Klebold were horrible *people* but I also completely sympathized with their burning need to achieve success and put the stupid grown-ups in their place.
Which they did, despite it all. Their suicide made their success unreproachable; the secrecy their parents enforced on the crime research prevented most from dethroning their memories. They have achieved immortality and influenced policies far more deeply than had they chosen any other path with their life.

Sorry, didn't mean for that to go so dark so fast. But that chain, above, can't be broken. Blind Guardian is, to me, about horrible people in untenable circumstances finally breaking, and doing SOMETHING, even if it was wrong.

...you're welcome...?

Anon 08/03/2020 (Mon) 09:38:48 [Preview] No.6395 del
(34.34 KB 474x316 carrotfag.jpeg)
I don't know if this take is based or it scares me.

Anon 08/03/2020 (Mon) 10:16:13 [Preview] No.6397 del
>Sorry, didn't mean for that to go so dark so fast. But that chain, above, can't be broken. Blind Guardian is, to me, about horrible people in untenable circumstances finally breaking, and doing SOMETHING, even if it was wrong.
TBH tho, have you ever considered channeling that odd chain to creative ends? It is interesting whenever you post in depth about something because it seems like your mind just works by a lot of silently connected associations. Like in your dreams your mention facts being established or the struggle to type a simple context do to a lot of unconscious subtexts.

Anon 08/04/2020 (Tue) 03:50:57 [Preview] No.6407 del
(168.08 KB 873x381 ColumbineOnDerpi.png)
>Their suicide made their success unreproachable; the secrecy their parents enforced on the crime research prevented most from dethroning their memories. They have achieved immortality and influenced policies far more deeply than had they chosen any other path with their life.
Hence why so many have tried to follow in there footsteps. It became a "meme" upon society. The media's mix of censorship and worship makes it worse You can't mock them, only fear them for types like this.

>Sorry, didn't mean for that to go so dark so fast. But that chain, above, can't be broken. Blind Guardian is, to me, about horrible people in untenable circumstances finally breaking, and doing SOMETHING, even if it was wrong.
Hey, though that one is up there, I do get stuff like this and have had it. I... it would take me awhile to find the words as I am not used to typing it.

>...you're welcome...?
*Awkward Pause*
Are you familiar with the Super Columbine RPG?

Anon 08/04/2020 (Tue) 07:44:54 [Preview] No.6408 del
(26.10 KB 517x353 number10.png)
(35.41 KB 556x400 endpolissurounded.png)
So... earlier /endpone/ was at number 10, now /endmlp/ is.

hail the bridges!

Anon 08/08/2020 (Sat) 10:12:11 [Preview] No.6412 del
(143.90 KB 1024x768 2415949.jpg)

Anon 08/09/2020 (Sun) 06:30:06 [Preview] No.6414 del
(44.20 KB 731x833 Lilpip.jpg)
Is it that time then?
I have a new phone, and it's big enough and heavy enough to function as a pipbuck. But I have absolutely no way to carry it except in my hooves or *some* pockets will allow the 1440x1440 glass + physical keyboard. But not many.
I foresee saddlebags in my future.

Anon 08/10/2020 (Mon) 08:43:15 [Preview] No.6415 del
(98.35 KB 1280x674 2166141.jpeg)
That sounds too large. Why did ya get such a big one? Does it serve your needs well?

Anon 08/12/2020 (Wed) 09:08:18 [Preview] No.6420 del
(118.78 KB 640x480 TheSpacemare.jpg)
Some of these songs are haunting.

I know a certain /endpone/r who would probably dig a lot of this.

>Have an old Le Soldat Pony album that doesn't exist anymore
One of the ones that tried to nuke their internet presence?

Anon 08/12/2020 (Wed) 23:29:51 [Preview] No.6421 del
(312.55 KB 1515x834 RealPipbuck.png)
I'm not into the smaller/lighter is better crowd. I'd just posted on the soon to be discarded zchan /tech/ that they stopped making phones when Nokia stopped the E- series (physical keyboards, broad screens.

Someone asked if the titan was right for me.
>pic related
Seems a balanced approach, no?
It's still running android but once (if) a build of /e/ is made I'll wipe it and put something that doesn't re-install chrome every twenty minutes

Anon 08/13/2020 (Thu) 00:17:06 [Preview] No.6422 del
wrong board, I think?

while I am not too fond with The Cutie Remark, I think that the parallel universe thing was meant to be metaphoric for her actions to be consequential yet nothing that happened in that finale should affect to the actual Equestria. Just that time travel is an awful plot device to hold onto for going through that route and when it´s done incorrectly, it turns into an utter mess. Only a few writers manage to get into it and get away with it and get a flawless execution (otherwise the plotholes are doomed to be huge)

Anon 08/13/2020 (Thu) 00:32:21 [Preview] No.6423 del
>wrong board, I think?
okay, I am stupid. I didn´t notice that it was because of >>6414

Anon 08/13/2020 (Thu) 00:57:26 [Preview] No.6424 del
>Seems a balanced approach, no?
>I have absolutely no way to carry it except in my hooves or *some* pockets will allow the 1440x1440 glass + physical keyboard.
Don´t think that it would be much comfortable get used to a 4,5" screen to a 6,2" one. So, I feel you in this regard about smaller/lighter is better or at least, raising that question onto the table.

Anyway, it looks quite balanced for what it is. A little bit weird because your arm can´t sustain the huge width in the extremes with your arm but it fits for the most part. I would be somewhat to hesitant to wear a phone like that though.

>It's still running android but once (if) a build of /e/ is made I'll wipe it and put something that doesn't re-install chrome every twenty minutes
how does the app manage to re-install itself though?

Anon 08/13/2020 (Thu) 01:33:36 [Preview] No.6425 del
so, I have been ignoring this until Bridgefag decided to mention it again for me here >>6420 and I was kind of expecting some EDM/electronic music from the fanbase....and oh boy, if Bridgefag recommended it to me after his post and alludes to me, then he knows something that fits according of my taste...

and turns out that you were right. I mean, I have given it a couple of listens and...what is this?

>Have an old Le Soldat Pony album that doesn't exist anymore
thanks and by the way, it still exists. I am saying this because I have the entire album downloaded and there are files on Soulseek in 320 kbps . The wonderful world of piracy works like the underground archive that no one dares to admit in the media.

>Some of these songs are haunting.
especially the closer and the opener. I have yet to dive into the lyrics even though there are not that many.

>I know a certain /endpone/r who would probably dig a lot of this.
geee, I wonder who he might referring to with this line. *rolls eyes

Now seriously, you are correct with this statement. It´s familiar territory for me..what I didn´t expect that is that the work was consistent front to back in one listen. While the haunting and distant sound fits right in my comfort zone, I am not all that deep when it comes to this style.
Not because of the feelings transmitted but more like the music genres to tag for this record. If I had to put some kind of approximate tagging for Artemis is that it blends Minimalism (Ambient), Post Rock (first wave) and Spoken Word. The voices sound quite distant by the way and the closest example that reminds me of this practice is Daniel Johnston (whose discography I have yet to dig properly and I should do that at some point). Then the minimal part with the drums and piano sounds like Tortoise/Slint but this album is too static to even compare with those two(especially Tortoise).

But yeah, you could mix almost any track of this record and I would mistake it with any other song from a post-rock, minimal playlist.

So, I am pleasantly surprised so far.

Anon 08/13/2020 (Thu) 01:36:22 [Preview] No.6426 del
(1.81 MB 1200x1800 477453.png)
Anyway, PoLS and have a good night, /endpone/

Anon 08/13/2020 (Thu) 07:17:03 [Preview] No.6427 del
(378.37 KB 1146x930 826327.jpg)
>I'm not into the smaller/lighter is better crowd.
I don't like them tiny but some of the larger ones, like your picture there, just seem too big. There are benefits in screen size though I'll admit.

>It's still running android but once (if) a build of /e/ is made I'll wipe it and put something that doesn't re-install chrome every twenty minutes
That sounds like a good idea here.

>Only a few writers manage to get into it and get away with it and get a flawless execution (otherwise the plotholes are doomed to be huge)
For me it wouldn't be the timetravel so much as the Dolores's weak motivation. They had a cool idea with her changeling a basis of pony society but it wasn't a real ideological conflict like it could have been. Rather than her pouting that her friend moved away it could have been her having several things, like her cutie mark not quite leading to the life she wanted and cutie marks leading to a variety of negative factors for her, which she uses to make an ideology that is in opposition too.

Anon 08/13/2020 (Thu) 07:30:05 [Preview] No.6428 del
(29.26 KB 364x330 37395.jpeg)
>and turns out that you were right. I mean, I have given it a couple of listens and...what is this?
Something familar...

>geee, I wonder who he might referring to with this line. *rolls eyes

>Not because of the feelings transmitted but more like the music genres to tag for this record. If I had to put some kind of approximate tagging for Artemis is that it blends Minimalism (Ambient), Post Rock (first wave) and Spoken Word. The voices sound quite distant by the way and the closest example that reminds me of this practice is Daniel Johnston (whose discography I have yet to dig properly and I should do that at some point). Then the minimal part with the drums and piano sounds like Tortoise/Slint but this album is too static to even compare with those two(especially Tortoise).
Hard to classify. Is it a sound that just sort of blends into several gereres you mean?

>So, I am pleasantly surprised so far.
I knew ya would be.

Anon 08/13/2020 (Thu) 07:39:16 [Preview] No.6429 del
(36.36 KB 355x600 4370.jpg)
Goodnight /endpone/!

I am certainly tired and getting the derpi staff to make rules aimed directly at you is enough to make one even more so

Sleep well all.

Anon 08/13/2020 (Thu) 20:57:13 [Preview] No.6430 del
>Someone asked if the titan was right for me.
Is that one yours? Nice taste.

>I'd just posted on the soon to be discarded zchan /tech/

>I think that the parallel universe thing was meant to be metaphoric for her actions to be consequential yet nothing that happened in that finale should affect to the actual Equestria. Just that time travel is an awful plot device to hold onto for going through that route and when it´s done incorrectly, it turns into an utter mess
Again, still getting used to the fact that this show actaully tries to pull stuff like this, even if badly.

Anon 08/13/2020 (Thu) 21:03:44 [Preview] No.6431 del
>and getting the derpi staff to make rules aimed directly at you is enough to make one even more so
What did u do?

Was it like pic related?

Anon 08/13/2020 (Thu) 22:18:32 [Preview] No.6434 del
>still getting used to the fact that this show actaully tries to pull stuff like this, even if badly.
you won´t hear this on /mlp/ too much because one repeats the same comments over and over. However, one thing that I´ve got admire from the show is that it didn´t stay too much in its comfort zone. While we were still getting that slice of life throughout the entire series after all, there have been some really risky moves that you wouldn´t have expected from this show. One mentions for example the 100th episode at going insane in terms of fanservice or the DBZ laser fight in Twilight´s Kingdom as the most obvious examples to pick out there, yet both season 5 two parters took another step beyond FiM´s usual nature.

A few skeptical fans have called this jumping over the shark but the show kept going with those changes and it became more or less something that you would expect from it. If the fanbase had seen for example, The Ending of the End or The Cutie Map in the early seasons, it would have gone nuts because that would be like the most unexpected thing to come out from a little girls show. After getting used to it and having a few years in its track record, you can expect a few elements of adventure and or action dropped every now and then, even presented in a mundane manner as if it´s not a big deal for the characters.

Anon 08/13/2020 (Thu) 22:25:07 [Preview] No.6435 del
>They had a cool idea with her changeling a basis of pony society but it wasn't a real ideological conflict like it could have been.
there is some undefined direction for her when she was created. I am not going to justify their decisions but it seems that this change of ideas in X character isn´t all that new and this reminds me more or less what happened with Twilicorn. Larson wrote the Cutie Map and then he left the staff after Amending Fences. Surely an episode might take a few months to produce but the ideas that were originally intended for Star Light weren´t translated in the end when Haber decided to write the finale, so they have mostly subverted her by trying to force her in a situation where she grows desperate and gets to reach that far in order to carry out her plans at forcing others to become her friends under a regime of terror and magical superiority.

There is a certain problematic pattern that DHX tends to repeat: first, it executes an idea for no apparent reason and then, it tries to justify its place in the universe (whether it´s because of the toy commercial nature of the show or the fact that the show runners/writers change constantly over the years). So, for Larson, there was that idea of going full 1984 and the opener by itself is really accurate at what it tries to convey. You look at the Star Light post redemption paired with Trixie and you see that her antics work nicely.

The problem her is like you display here:

>Rather than her pouting that her friend moved away it could have been her having several things, like her cutie mark not quite leading to the life she wanted and cutie marks leading to a variety of negative factors for her, which she uses to make an ideology that is in opposition too.
the idea of Sunburst feels kind of like an excuse just to justify the redemption in some way and then, in the 8th season, they try to fix those holes of her backstory by hinting that she had an edgy goth phase before going full 1984 in a desperate way to alleviate her feeling of loneliness (The Parent Map). Nonethless. this isn´t shown in her redemption but a justification 3 seasons after she was redeemed, so they attempt to cover all her shifts in personality after the fact and not when the staff was shaping her character back in 2014-15.

The Cutie Remark goes way overblown for trying to justify her 180 and that´s why some people were hesitant to put her redemption as believable. In fact, /mlp/ was calling her Poochie because she felt like a forced insertion that didn´t pay off all that well in the 6th season. Only over the years, the fanbase would warm up with her but in 2015, one would see that process of redemption as a Sunset Shimmer 2.0 in a much more radical manner, more dangerous (the amount of magic that she holds) and less empathetic in comparison to her contemporary.

Along with Magical Mystery Cure, The Cutie Remark is one of those finales where I am conflicted, not with the idea but more with the execution just that the latter hides its flaws behind the production by adding more action and an epic feeling in a few alternate universes, ending up as a quest for Twilight in order to counter argue her. It´s cool and all to see that in FiM but the transition is perhaps her worst part, almost as if we were talking about two different characters with that change.

Anon 08/13/2020 (Thu) 22:54:42 [Preview] No.6436 del
>Hard to classify. Is it a sound that just sort of blends into several genres you mean?
yeah, mostly because in the internet age, with so much information and independent music out there in bandcamp, soundcloud or any platform that allows you to post any musical idea/production without needing to sign a contract in a big record company, you get pretty varied results and thus, it seems that the amount of new subgenres are being shaped these days. However, that amount of fans is limited and between so many artists, you don´t know what to reference nor what bands you can hold onto for describing what you are listening to, therefore, I have to rely on the most famous bands that are widely known, both on the internet and/or in the industry.

My biggest problem that arose yesterday was that while it was known territory (because the music sounds intimate, meant to be listened in the bedroom), I was somewhat frustrated that for describing a complex song of 13 minutes for example, I manage to tag that piece as prog rock and nail it while describing a monotone song with steady drums, I struggle to classify that less complex composition when it comes to its tags. In other words, listening to it directly is more useful than trying to give an idea of it with the tags.

Still, I am now perfectly convinced that this can be tagged as post rock (why is it the first wave explicitly? I´ll explain that later) and as an ambient pop record.

>I knew ya would be.
perhaps it might due to me sharing Slowdive over here because that band isn´t simply dreamy but they also have a post rock record as well in their catalog (Blue Skied ´n Clear´s album). So, you would figure out that laid back melodies intended for private environment would fit to my liking...and turns out that it was. Although it was CB anon who shared this in this thread >>6337. I wonder if he posted that just to cause an impression like this or if he left it just because he felt like it at that time without expecting anything in exchange.

Anon 08/13/2020 (Thu) 23:26:18 [Preview] No.6437 del
(1.24 MB 900x1080 2231103.png)
So, why am I convinced that Le Soldat Pony album is post rock (even though I could have looked it up on EQD archives or in his Bandcamp)?

I mentioned that the drum patterns are quite static and don´t change their dynamic throughout the song. This happens in the 1st wave of post rock (early mid 90s) because that wave didn´t have as much dynamic range nor crescendos like other bands would standardize later in the late 90s and the 2000s. I was going to link a song of Tortoise that sums up pretty well how a 20 minute song sounds like background music yet keeps evolving subtly during those 20 minutes with simple rhythms.

Nevertheless, after listening to this, I have decided to dive into another band that I should have given a chance before: Talk Talk. This band is ironically a one hit wonder case (It´s My Life being the new wave hit in the 80s) but people don´t take them as one hit wonders. Why? Because of the last two records that defined the post rock genre. So, I have decided to finally give them a try with their last record Laughing Stock and this one serves as a much better example than Tortoise, mostly because Talk Talk gives those haunting vibes as well.

If you like the songs of this video >>6337 (especially the first one), then I am linking the band that resembles to that style (more like it envisioned in 1991 what would come later) with a song from that record that...requires patience and a laid back mindset while listening to it:

https://youtube.com/watch?v=LuYNidNgQic [Embed]

By the way, the term post-rock holds a poisonous irony behind its term. Instead of sounding like rock, the genre is more like a deconstruction of it, avoiding its clichés of what should sound conventionally rock and at some points, there is no rock at all yet there are records tagged as such.

I am sending this, especially after >>6429 having to face what he faced yesterday.

Take your time with this one and have a good night, /endpone/.

Anon 08/14/2020 (Fri) 03:59:01 [Preview] No.6438 del
>There is a certain problematic pattern that DHX tends to repeat: first, it executes an idea for no apparent reason and then, it tries to justify its place in the universe (whether it´s because of the toy commercial nature of the show or the fact that the show runners/writers change constantly over the years). So, for Larson, there was that idea of going full 1984 and the opener by itself is really accurate at what it tries to convey. You look at the Star Light post redemption paired with Trixie and you see that her antics work nicely.
That is a point I largely agree with. Though a possible counterpoint for season 5 is that they did appear to have set up for existential questions on Cutie Marks. Pics related. They had touched on some of what I mentioned with the CMC (and it seems like one there was a line or two in another ep that I wrote down once of being of possible interest). Though it still could be writer disconnect I wonder if they at least toyed with it.

Anon 08/14/2020 (Fri) 04:09:13 [Preview] No.6439 del
(391.66 KB 1000x1000 2288842.gif)
>However, that amount of fans is limited and between so many artists, you don´t know what to reference nor what bands you can hold onto for describing what you are listening to, therefore, I have to rely on the most famous bands that are widely known, both on the internet and/or in the industry.
Argeed. Media fragmentation. The forgotten

>By the way, the term post-rock holds a poisonous irony behind its term. Instead of sounding like rock, the genre is more like a deconstruction of it, avoiding its clichés of what should sound conventionally rock and at some points, there is no rock at all yet there are records tagged as such.

>Take your time with this one and have a good night, /endpone/.
Night /endpone/.

Anon 08/14/2020 (Fri) 04:19:44 [Preview] No.6440 del
I pointed out them being contradictory, with evidence (there own quotes from 2 pages ago).

>that this show actaully tries to pull stuff like this, even if badly.
Admittedly, me too, despite being a long time fan. I remember the early days were we would be amused at stuff like slight snark and tiny callbacks. Their were somethings that were offputting and felt could be done with a less meta context but also I can't help but be proud of some of it too.
That is one creepy AJ

>backstory by hinting that she had an edgy goth phase before going full 1984 in a desperate way to alleviate her feeling of loneliness (The Parent Map).
Speaking of that, the once posterchild of edgy goths of 2000s web communities tweeted about Dolores.

Ironically, they are the only website of the journal sites that I'm aware of still somewhat alive that didn't have any fandom presence.
This is all I found in my searching.

Just a little side fact.

Anon 08/14/2020 (Fri) 17:46:12 [Preview] No.6443 del
>Although it was CB anon
>I wonder if he posted that just to cause an impression like this
>or if he left it just because he felt like it at that time without expecting anything in exchange.

I recall feeling sad to have found out that Solly had yanked even Before These Mighty Skies. And I wanted to share with you again, the breadth and depth that "pony music" has spread to. And rather than saying "I miss Solly" I shared Le Soldat's music, that perhaps you could miss Solly with me.

Mostly I remember his for his drinking song, of course; "Molded From Clay" but I'm also attaching random folk songs, of which there are too few.

sage Anon 08/14/2020 (Fri) 20:25:37 [Preview] No.6444 del
>random folk songs
none of which are from Solly.
In the event that was unclear. And I'm assuming Le Soldat Pony is/was a cajun by his choice to sing in French but seems to have no accent as heard by people who are from / learned from people in / France.

Anon 08/16/2020 (Sun) 00:42:16 [Preview] No.6445 del
PoLS just to prove that I have actually checked the latest posts of this thread.

Anon 08/18/2020 (Tue) 22:54:54 [Preview] No.6446 del
>a possible counterpoint for season 5 is that they did appear to have set up for existential questions on Cutie Marks.
well, perhaps that was the main theme intended for the season i f we correlate it with Appleloosa´s Most Wanted, Bloom and Gloom and especially, Crusaders of the Lost Mark (the images that you have posted right here)

I am resorting to memory (so don´t take this line too seriously) but I think that there were plausible certain suspicions that Dolores could have guided the CMC instead for getting their cutie marks and trick them with her ideals (theory that could be raised because of Apple Bloom´s nightmare, staring at her own shadow in Bloom And Gloom). Of course this was discarded when the finale happened but the premiere did leave that impression that the season could have aimed at that direction.

However, what we got in the end related to that theme were those 3 episodes + the premiere so while one could mention this topic, it didn´t get enough prominence in order to qualify it as an arc nor a consistent theme for that season. Too many separate episodes going at different directions to even consider a seasonal arc for it.

>They had touched on some of what I mentioned with the CMC (and it seems like one there was a line or two in another ep that I wrote down once of being of possible interest)
yes, they touched the topic but...they left it right there. If an episode like On Your Marks or something akin to The Cutie Pox aired on season 5, then we could see a fair amount of episodes dealing with the recurring theme and so, it would become more relevant for it (although it would also give the impression that the CMC would rob time over the mane 6 if that was the case)

Anon 08/18/2020 (Tue) 23:17:21 [Preview] No.6447 del
>I remember the early days were we would be amused at stuff like slight snark and tiny callbacks.
when MLP was a novelty, everything that went beyond the expectations, it should have been huge for the community. I wasn´t there but I emphasize with that feeling of being impressed, reacting like "Woah! This isn´t what one would get from a little girls show!" and then, you get used to it over time.

>the once posterchild of edgy goths of 2000s web communities tweeted about Dolores.
huh, little fun fact right there. MLP arriving at the most unsuspected circles and for a little clip, it stood out over there.

>they are the only website of the journal sites that I'm aware of still somewhat alive that didn't have any fandom presence.

Perhaps they are still alive out there. This is enough evidence for claiming that the site was active for making an entry about season 8´s premiere in October 2018 (and unfortunately, the last and only update to get written in that journal related to FiM). Who knows when there is going to be another entry considering that there are so few for such a long period like that?

...speaking of that episode though...

Anon 08/18/2020 (Tue) 23:41:11 [Preview] No.6448 del
>And I wanted to share with you again, the breadth and depth that "pony music" has spread to.
thanks and it seems that LSP still delivers even after changing the genre. Same feeling of loneliness, a haunting moment when he sings this part:

>This story has no meaning
>If you read it, cause it says
>It's not about you and me then
>It's no beginning, and it's never been

and (without watching the video), I think that it´s supposed to be a romantic confession while being drunk and trying to express that he could claim his love back metaphorically (mostly because of this line: "I came down from the mountains, I walked down into the sea,I waited for my clay to dry") as if they are connected after all. But oh well, he gets existential under the effects of alcohol and rave about the planets moving slower, claiming that this story that doesn´t make any sense.

If it weren´t because of the faster rhythm the song gets near the end, it would perfectly fit as your static song, meant for singing rambling words.

>none of which are from Solly.
yeah, the thumbnails reveal that.

>And rather than saying "I miss Solly" I shared Le Soldat's music, that perhaps you could miss Solly with me
with that song that screams sad incoherent words about love and loss, it conveys the feeling that you intend to expose here.

Anon 08/20/2020 (Thu) 01:07:48 [Preview] No.6459 del
Well, there you have it >>6452

A little call to the 8th season with The Parent Map so, feel free to find some entertainment while you are reading those posts that I have delivered tonight in the post gen 4 discussion thread.

I am finishing my session right here. Goodnight, /endpone/.

Anon 08/22/2020 (Sat) 01:40:04 [Preview] No.6466 del
Just leaving a comfy PoLS over here that speaks for itself with pic related.

Anon 08/28/2020 (Fri) 10:36:06 [Preview] No.6490 del
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Anon 09/03/2020 (Thu) 00:25:31