Anon 12/02/2020 (Wed) 13:56:09 No.6980 del
oh, I forgot:
>I will point out later why I have brought up those points
>It doesn´t land all that well as you might think
I meant with this that my mindset isn´t all that ready for taking things with a more casual approach (at least, in this place but I can start going more casual if you want and adapt the /mlp/ mindset over here), especially with a long post for an argument because I am not all that ready for detecting that your joke works in this context (problem of communication and the fact that the board should be faster and the post shorter for making it more obvious) and secondly, I am not exactly the most fitting user for making them either.

You work better when it comes to making a party and having fun. I just simply wait for it to end instead.