Anon 01/02/2020 (Thu) 23:34:21 No.5284 del
> it happened the change of the decade. Nicely done.
So it really was close. Neat.

>I don´t have the high view to see them considering that my town is mostly plain but we managed to fie quite firecrackers and colorful crackers.
My view was a "deck" old gravel roof. Not too high or too fancy. Still, I was blown away by the amount of illegal fireworks this year. Could see stuff all across the horizon. My town probably rates lower than plain.

>In case that the official future content doesn´t appeal to the community or certain fans,
I've seen some content creators anounce the intention to stay for awhile and do ponies. It'll be interesting to see what the post FiM content will be like.

>Pony Life...yeah, that "thing
Yeah... it's a thing. I hope it'll be at least weirdly bad and therefore still interesting to talk about. Best we can hope I think if they actually would try something that wasn't tried in FiM and or different twist. Like, within the scope of Slice of Life plots it could be interesting if they had some less utilized pairings or more obscure traits of the characters explored. But that would require their personalities and a basic lore (not cannon with FiM but stuff like basic character origin stories being the same) at least to be intact and I don't take it as likely.

>but couldn´t they use the flash style again for minor stories, or something unrelated to the mane 6 or animated comics or books without modifying the canon but as fanon for those who want more?
I mean, from a marketing perceptive I've seen some speculate they are trying to counter some new lines like LOLdolls and I've personally seen a whole lot of pony themed but not MLP toys on the toy shelves over the past year or so (actually may upload some pictures). So a revamp maybe warranted. But it doesn't look like they have much in any originality and it maybe completely soulless (Can't say 100% till I see). I guess they are leaving the comics but you'd think they'd be some potential for a spin off miniseries or something for more long term fans.

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