Anon 12/29/2019 (Sun) 01:04:59 No.5258 del
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>It's nuts that we are still here.
considering that the gen 4 train ended a couple of months ago, the activity brought in the fanbase after October means that we are still going regardless of the show´s ending. But /endpone/, it´s truly nuts indeed.

>It's nuts that I actually still have ideas for this place.It is indeed a strange loyalty that has allowed this place to exist.
considering that we didn´t promise anything, nothing was guaranteed to happen into reality, the mentality has consisted mostly in hoping that the other one replies, putting some trust to keep going. Then, it´s not dead so it might be over tomorrow...nope, the activity continues that day as well and the cycle went on until today. About having ideas, you have offered the long fics this year while for me, I´ve mostly focused on keeping the direction or management of the content (basically a backup).

>we are not the greatest achievement of the fandom or anything but I must say that I have been so surprised at a lot of times even nonfandom anons who wandered by have had a semi-positive reaction to here sometimes.
that´s like the most surprising thing that one wouldn´t expect at all. I mean, the fanbase has always been seen as the "cool community to hate" and put on the worst fandoms (I suppose that comes because of the early years) but a few spontaneous anons have praised or given a positive comment to this place. I suppose that comes because awe haven´t used ponies to spam or troll out there and considering that there is no GR15 here, they might be surprised by that lack of action or derail the other boards.

>I almost think that things here work in reverse at this point when I look at how my expectation have been compared to reality. It's been two years now and I do not know what to think.
do you think that I´ve got things clear in my mind? Far from it. There have been events that shouldn´t have occurred and yet, it keeps going as if nothing strange has happened.

>It's a small amount of time yet a lot. I got involved in the fandom when it wasn't even a year old. Think about that... entire projects grown and died and even entire websites have died in the time endpone has been around.
8chan and Nextchan have disappeared in front of our eyes (even though the former has just come back as 8kun) and hang on to your seats, Tumblr. We have seen Tumblr fall while we have been delivering PoLS for two years in an alt-chan. I don´t want to blow my own trumpet but that´s not a short feat.

>when endpone started I was still in a state that I associate as still the childhood era (not in a normal sense, but still certain routines still being in place that had been since I was young). Then it all changed. And then again. So an entire era of my life passed with this board being here.

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