/pone/ - World of Equestria

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NMAiE General L23 02/17/2019 (Sun) 04:12:06 [Preview] No. 3485
Not Much Activity in Equestria.

because Equestria was too big for /endpone/to handle that size so it went to Seaquestria instead not mention that we are the dead squad but even those can dance edition (at least, the names are similar, that means we´ll get similar results, right?) RIGHT?!


Golden Oaks general, a project that investigates and discusses underground parts of the fandom besides the well-known MLP sites: >>3148

The Revolution fic by the Bridgefag: >>2747

The Mirror of Fire (the first two parts so far): >>2131

The Mascot General, Dolores Umbridge: >>2992


Season 8 discussion thread: >>1060 with the streaming sources besides Dailymotion:

Bat Pony General: >>125, including Cadencebat fic by the Bridgefag (provisional name): >>1134
Comic Thread: >>1627, including the comics of Tempest Shadow and the Nightmare Knights arc.

Personal project by L23: >>656 , including the Comforts of Darkness: >>1445; Novo´s fic: >>1548 and the celebration of the >>2000 posts: >>2022

Edit thread: >>678

Princess Celestia general: >>1857

Thread for greens, off topic and a few random ideas: >>400 including a fic for Midnight Radiance: >>988 and a fictional take about DWK with Rarity: >>1298

Previous thread: >>2168
First thread: >>233

Anon 02/17/2019 (Sun) 06:21:31 [Preview] No.3492 del
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Nice job with the new general. May Tournevis come and see irory one day.

dead squad rules!

Alright, now I will give a minor status report. Email problems haven't been resolved but I have finally made my attempt to contact the Nextchan admin basically gave up on my old secondary email provider . There is also a secondary project coming this week that will be a prep test for a couple of other things in the future

Now that's outta the way, lets have take a bow to seaponies and there still somewhat unappreciated beauty!

Anon 02/17/2019 (Sun) 22:52:17 [Preview] No.3493 del
>Nice job with the new general.
yeah. I had to reorganize the descriptions a little bit even though the main scheme was already made in the previous thread.

>May Tournevis come and see irory one day.
I hope he gets to see this too. Just that one doesn´t know where he is these days nor he would care for a shitpost he made in a matter of seconds. I think we give him more credit than what he actually did at the time.

>dead squad rules!
we blew the last thread completely in the last posts: you with the ponies dancing, the BO fixing the screaming with multicolored letters and me for setting up the chaos.

That song I quoted and linked was the most danceable tune I have posted over here and also one that kind of fit to ponies (when it comes to parties). Giving a happy contrast (even if one resorts to the autism method) feels refreshing in a sea of pessimistic/down to earth bibles. The most ironic thing is that the lyrics were written with this line: "everybody is swinging their hips" and for pic related, it would have worked but I had to change it for "shaking their heads" instead in order to fit them more into the party.

But yeah, /endpone/ has delivered and it shows that it´s capable to reach the bumplock in a short period of time (relatively speaking in the altchans league).

I don´t know if it rules but the dead squad did it again. It shows that even those who are theoretically dead in the eyes of everyone, out there in a small corner where no one goes nor bothers to visit that place.....they are dancing.

Anon 02/17/2019 (Sun) 23:01:57 [Preview] No.3494 del
>Email problems haven't been resolved
well, I thought that recovering the email would have been as easy as getting the password back.
Unfortunately what you are describing doesn´t sound as instantaneous as it might seem and that s*yay*ks.

>I have finally made my attempt to contact the Nextchan admin
anything interesting?

>basically gave up on my old secondary email provider
well, that´s where the alternatives begin to play. Not always the first plans are going to work.

>There is also a secondary project coming this week that will be a prep test for a couple of other things in the future
nice. it seems that you have more ideas to show than me at this point and I welcome that.

Anon 02/17/2019 (Sun) 23:19:20 [Preview] No.3495 del
>lets have take a bow to seaponies and there still somewhat unappreciated beauty!
well, I basically asked in the last thread what you would have liked to see in the OP. You said that either Dolores, Cadence or seaponies would make the cut and spotlight what the /end/ likes posting around.

Are they unappreciated? They are indeed beautiful but I mostly try to hide my praise about them most of the time and attempt to talk about them critically because a blind vision doesn´t encourage any outsider for what you like. Not saying that I am fanboy (dangerously close to that though) but as soon as their designs were shown back in 2017, my eyes seemed to have seen the glory. It´s like it´s almost impossible to go wrong. Whoever designed them, I have to give them my biggest congratulations for the effort.

They are more appreciated these days and for sure, you can fill a quarter or even half of a thread with just great pictures of them. Back when I tried to post them in 2017, you had to be really original with the little content around them and because of them....I started to spontaneously write and the most important event, shitposting them over here because I didn´t have the chance on /mlp/ to do whatever I wanted at the time.

And funnily enough, all of this happened....

Anon 02/18/2019 (Mon) 00:01:52 [Preview] No.3496 del
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there is a certain irony (as you say) about the line in the OP yet self aware and dark at the same time.

It admits that /endpone/ cannot handle Equestria, That doesn´t seem to make sense at first but when you see the /go/ thread and apply it to the fandom, it gets a different meaning that appears inside the subtlety.

The names are indeed similar and the shitposting style comes directly from /mlp/ yet it doesn´t feel like you are there (like a copypasted board). Others are trying to fit a certain niche that isn´t offered in the main sites but this place doesn´t know exactly where it wants to land. It simply goes and goes without looking further than the usual day after day mindset.

Also, Seaquestria. You know that water to most people eyes doesn´t land in the most desirable place and one doesn´t even bother to check nor feels encouraged to that at first. Water is either too serene or too scary (and I commented about that last year). However, that´s the secondary meaning behind this.

The main intention with this line is that I realize and announce that /endpone/ gets hidden and stuck in a hellhole. When someone says that it´s going downhill, it doesn´t imply anything good. The deeper you go, the least satisfactory it becomes and more of a distorted hell appears. Everyone wants to end in heaven but no one wants to find relief while looking at themselves with a sight focused to the underworld, under their bodies. It puts this board in the place where it belongs.

Basically, what I am saying is that it will never get relevant, /endpone/ has been autodefined as a squad that it´s about to repeat the same mistakes other fans did in the past, so many fans trying to become relevant yet they fail miserably after all. This place in the /end/ is something irrelevant to the public whose creators have left on its own luck. A little corner and not an entire world as one would like to imagine.

/endpone/ won´t rise save in its own site but that´s like turning on a lightning in the middle of a gloomy forest.

The advantages of it however, is that acts like the party that happened yesterday or thoughts that you wouldn´t usually show over those mainstream places. Not many will judge them, you feel a weird sense of liberty for doing them.

No one will care and I suppose that finding some comfort according to your own circumstances is the actual key to move forward and feeling satisfied with what one does to himself.

Anon 02/18/2019 (Mon) 18:51:31 [Preview] No.3497 del
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Boy oh boy, now I not only get to make a backlog from one thread, but TWO!
Heh heh.

Anon 02/19/2019 (Tue) 01:30:46 [Preview] No.3498 del
>I think we give him more credit than what he actually did at the time.
Nah, we were just joking around. The point is that this simple shitpost from somebody who is MIA ironically became the thread that is the fulcrum general for this board inherently going against it's nature for such a post.

>we blew the last thread completely in the last posts: you with the ponies dancing, the BO fixing the screaming with multicolored letters and me for setting up the chaos.
I know... I can't wait to see what I'll blow this one with.

>That song I quoted and linked was the most danceable tune I have posted over here and also one that kind of fit to ponies (when it comes to parties). Giving a happy contrast (even if one resorts to the autism method) feels refreshing in a sea of pessimistic/down to earth bibles.
Indeed... speaking of pessimistic

Anon 02/19/2019 (Tue) 02:29:54 [Preview] No.3499 del
The names are indeed similar and the shitposting style comes directly from /mlp/ yet it doesn´t feel like you are there (like a copypasted board). Others are trying to fit a certain niche that isn´t offered in the main sites but this place doesn´t know exactly where it wants to land. It simply goes and goes without looking further than the usual day after day mindset.
It's a rainbow in the dark. It's fluid and if one lets themselves think about it, perhaps almost a little scary. At least if you fear aberrations and want to shy away from something that sends mixed signals and feels like both and neither. Being defined is comforting...

> Everyone wants to end in heaven but no one wants to find relief while looking at themselves with a sight focused to the underworld, under their bodies. It puts this board in the place where it belongs.
This board is in the unknown. Not hell, not heaven just floating in a void. And...

>Basically, what I am saying is that it will never get relevant, /endpone/ has been autodefined as a squad that it´s about to repeat the same mistakes other fans did in the past, so many fans trying to become relevant yet they fail miserably after all.
Who said becoming relevant was every boards endgame? It was never it's purpose to. I don't believe we are about to repeat those places mistakes and tbh, some of them the jury is still out because it is our path to choose, and one that still lacks definition and has still gone far past it's initial goals.

>The advantages of it however, is that acts like the party that happened yesterday or thoughts that you wonldn´t usually show over those mainstream places. Not many will judge them, you feel a weird sense of liberty for doing them.
Indeed, it feels like a laboratory of experimentation. Free from the harsh judgment of /mlp/ and allows you t refine things. Indeed, I would not post even my wonky proto-fic there. But I do have plans to post another.

Anon 02/19/2019 (Tue) 02:39:28 [Preview] No.3500 del
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>Unfortunately what you are describing doesn´t sound as instantaneous as it might seem and that s*yay*ks.
Yeah. Everything acording to the admin was nuked by a hacker... Everyone's acounts...

>anything interesting?
No reply as of yet. Though the admim is sometimes inactive from time to time. I'd figure I'd email first than try ta hop in if I saw him or one of the board volunteers post if I don't get a reply in the next week or two.

>nice. it seems that you have more ideas to show than me at this point and I welcome that.
I do, believe or not. Though this bit is but a simple underwhelming prototype of a couple at least I have an idea of something.

Anon 02/19/2019 (Tue) 02:44:58 [Preview] No.3501 del
You don't have to reply to everything. None of us have been perfect in that. Just reply to stuff that you have a few bits to say, even if you only reply to a post it's better than trying to come up with stuff on a subject you don't care and rather move on from. Heck, you could even reply to nothing if you just wanna move on. No need to fret over it.

Anon 02/19/2019 (Tue) 02:58:40 [Preview] No.3502 del
>Are they unappreciated? They are indeed beautiful but I mostly try to hide my praise about them most of the time and attempt to talk about them critically because a blind vision doesn´t encourage any outsider for what you like.
Yeah, I still sometimes see a shitpost or two but nothing that substantial at this point.

>Not saying that I am fanboy (dangerously close to that though) but as soon as their designs were shown back in 2017, my eyes seemed to have seen the glory. It´s like it´s almost impossible to go wrong. Whoever designed them, I have to give them my biggest congratulations for the effort.
They are appealing. Not simplistic enough to be over marketed like the minions, not over designed like the "harmony power" ponies from the season 4 final, and not drawing too much from IRL seahorses to be kind of bland and or creepy. I can understand how'd you feel that way considering the other paths that could've been taken.

>I started to spontaneously write and the most important event, shitposting them over here because I didn´t have the chance on /mlp/ to do whatever I wanted at the time.
That's the advantage here. Even with...

>And funnily enough, all of this happened....
side effects...

Anon 02/19/2019 (Tue) 22:29:45 [Preview] No.3503 del
>The point is that this simple shitpost from somebody who is MIA ironically became the thread that is the fulcrum general for this board inherently going against it's nature for such a post.
yeah, I suppose that comes from all the experiments that this board does. Normally a shitpost doesn´t contribute at all but when I saw that we reached the bumplock, I knew I had to make a general like MLPG, just that they had an established name and this board didn´t. I simply copied his line and voila, there you have a general with its acronym. Thanks for contributing with your shitpost....

honestly, a shitposter/troll wants attention but I think he would have never expected this and most likely if he came back (which I highly doubt it because as Spy Kids 2 would say: God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he´s created), he would think twice before opening a thread like that.

From a shitposter to the antinatural productive post to remember...

That´s how the /end/ works. Pretty funny, I don´t think if I have seen this on 4chan save a Hi Anon thread that turned into an unironic Cadence thread.

>I can't wait to see what I'll blow this one with.
well, I see that you have liked it. I simply threw that song because of inertia and I said to myself: "To the hell we go, this thread is lasting more than it should. Autistic or not, I feel like doing this right now". And that was it, I was in a happy mood and saw the chance to bomb it with full caps for it. The best for last, that trend should happen more often and reward the users for keeping the interest until the very end I hope the show does the same

As for the next one, I...I have to think about something for that in the meantime.

Anon 02/19/2019 (Tue) 23:03:41 [Preview] No.3504 del
>it's a rainbow in the dark. It's fluid and if one lets themselves think about it, perhaps almost a little scary.
not going to lie, you have to reread the first posts from the first thread. The posts show signs of awkwardness and that´s because no one at that time thought that this was going to happen. I had fear but as time went further, things were getting developed.

>At least if you fear aberrations and want to shy away from something that sends mixed signals and feels like both and neither.
that´s a double edge weapon. Serves as memory tool that you use at your will. I would have liked to rethink the first posts of the personal project but even those aberrations can lead to something else....so, nothing is discarded. Hell this thread has in its title a line from a shitposter that mindlessly opened a thread with a random image reaction.

>Being defined is comforting...
ironically enough, I think /endpone/ has some definition attached to it but for a certain period in it, not a permanent one.

>Who said becoming relevant was every boards endgame? It was never it's purpose to.
and that´s why I admit that handling this site as a great pillar to carry on the fanbase would be not only delusional but also it would lead to drastic changes. Even if I look like I am complaining, I am basically admitting that I have to look for the mundane posts and directions for it and leave fake expectations aside, simply focusing on what one faces as usual. Sometimes, I have to confess that I kind of shitpost as if I were thinking loudly and not messaging necessarily to someone else. Part of me wants that success because my young spirit wants to eat the world because in the future, I won´t be able to do it.

However, I have made these posts just to take that idea away and instead of aiming so high, I aim to the places that I like or feel like doing spontaneously (in short, being myself) and so, what´s better than a place that resembles a little corner?

Even if I managed to get that high, what would happen next? What do I gain? One thinks that one will reach the heavens but there´s only space in which you are floating around instead too much of a Spiritualized fan for not referencing them.Not to mention that one can die of success,so I suppose that the successful philosophy doesn´t always work.

>I don't believe we are about to repeat those places mistakes and tbh, some of them the jury is still out
indeed,some of those are alive and with relatively recent peaks in activity

>because it is our path to choose, and one that still lacks definition and has still gone far past it's initial goals.
wise words. As I said, I have ambitions and as young individual, I feel that the energy and my nonconformist spirit will get consumed after a while.

But those are pretty wise words that defy destiny, I cannot deny that.

>it feels like a laboratory of experimentation. Free from the harsh judgment of /mlp/ and allows you t refine things.
if we repeated and copy-pasted all the aspects from /mlp/, this board would become another one of the bunch in a million (there are not that many pony boards but I wanted to bring more intensity to the term average). If this board felt like that, would you have any reason to visit this if you already have it with more IPs and activity?

And there are not that many people to be that harsh because you cannot hide that easily, pretty easy to detect the shitposter over here and discover the intentions behind the actions.

>Indeed, I would not post even my wonky proto-fic there. But I do have plans to post another.
you mean, the Revolution fic or one that you have prepared?
But yeah, the only way to learn is by trying and failing....and most importantly, showing ideas that you wouldn´t usually try but could lead to something else. The base is important to appeal someone else but once is established, only the creator or the leader knows how to carry on that creation.

Anon 02/19/2019 (Tue) 23:21:54 [Preview] No.3505 del
checking those sweet digits (already 3500 posts, phew lad, what a ride)

>Everything acording to the admin was nuked by a hacker... Everyone's acounts...
I can access with my account....weird. Anyway, one that knows about technology should know that everything is hacked at this point. Just that certain attacks are pretty annoying to deal with, which sadly seems to be your case.

>No reply as of yet. Though the admim is sometimes inactive from time to time. I'd figure I'd email first than try ta hop in if I saw him or one of the board volunteers post if I don't get a reply in the next week or two.
well,that should work. Don´t worry if you don´t get an answer soon, Nextchan is nothing more than a backup place and the state of that board isn´t going to change that much unless there is some activity around.

>a simple underwhelming prototype of a couple at least I have an idea of something.
well, that could serve. One isn´t born knowing until it keeps trying and focusing on how to improve it. I already know that you can handle the usual narrative structure with ease so eh, it´s already been proven before. Go for it or recheck it if you don´t feel that confident.

I am guessing that the BO did this >>3497 and my advice is that one should not feel forced about replying to anything. The replies are mostly content to reply and a tool to keep this active or you can go on your own way without feeling the need to pay attention to them. Hell, you can even bring up a past topic from previous threads to the spotlight again if you feel like doing so.

So many choices out there...
the only posts that I have felt (morally/ethically speaking) were about the review of the Revolution fic. That´s where I felt like I had to reply with a more serious tone or putting a more reflective tone for feedback, reading the fic like 4 times before jumping onto the keyboard. Well that and when things enter into a private zone, a place that I take with lots of respect.

Anon 02/19/2019 (Tue) 23:47:24 [Preview] No.3506 del
>side effects...
side effects that filled my 2018 with lots of entertainment and ideas I wouldn´t have thought to apply. That and a huge confidence gain when it comes to posting on the internet. There´s nothing to fear I guess.

>That's the advantage here
funnily enough, the fic I have posted over there: Novo´s and Midnight Radiance´s fics were pretty well received. The implication about DWK happened without glory nor pity, no replies came about that one.

But yeah, that advantage is one of the biggest reasons why I should aim at what one can afford without those harsh consequences.

>I still sometimes see a shitpost or two but nothing that substantial at this point.
if I told what I did to make them a little bit popular on /mlp/, you would be pretty surprised. Now there are almost 2700 images about them but back then, in 2017....imagine how to run a thread without being a sad bumpfest nor a lonely circlejerk for reaching the bump limit.

Fortunately, the fanabse feels less alien (and I mean, /mlp/ mostly) towards them, so everything should go with a less rough path.

>They are appealing.
>and not drawing too much from IRL seahorses to be kind of bland and or creepy. I can understand how'd you feel that way considering the other paths that could've been taken.
you cannot believe how much of a relief they brought when they were shown in the teaser trailer. Or even the Skystar pic with her VA, as soon as I saw her design, I found relief and left my fears aside (considering that they come from gen 1) with that aspect. I honestly don´t know how I would have made them better than what we´ve got (even though those alternative designs are pretty sick as well). I can complain about lots of things but as for these designs, I have not found anything that worries me. They feel really natural and translate pretty well to the FiM settings as far as I am concerned.

Anon 02/19/2019 (Tue) 23:54:49 [Preview] No.3507 del
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I've seen you fags mentioned on /sp/ before.

Anon 02/20/2019 (Wed) 00:17:17 [Preview] No.3508 del
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Funny enough this is probably the most organized board I have seen under 10000 post. There are boards far larger than this that have less OC. I still think you're fags but I have to tip my hat to the autism.

Anon 02/20/2019 (Wed) 00:17:23 [Preview] No.3509 del
>Not simplistic enough to be over marketed like the minions, not over designed like the "harmony power" ponies from the season 4 final
As for the overdesigned aspect, the design department was planning about making Queen Novo blue and the hippogriffs were much more alien to the spirit of this show. Sure, they would have been more outstanding....but more outlandish and too complicated for the world established (like the previous pic)

I was going to bring up the Minions at some point but this serves more for ponies in general.

For starters, the seapony design has the same body structure to draw for eveyone who transforms so that makes them as simple as drawing a pony. It replaces the hooves from the back with a pretty big tail and one unique aspect that comes from the design is by creating another fin for the Cutie Mark with personal forms for each pony. Pretty genuine. Also those who have wings amplify their bodies more than the pony design to make them more flowing (which makes sense considering the fluid medium).

So, about the Minions. They have been exploited to death, they have had astronomical waves of marketing to the point in which it gets obnoxious for those who are not looking out for them (FiM seems like an educated angel when it comes to commercial strategies) and its movie is the 2nd highest grossing animated film of all time (I think?). So they are popular and universal but here it´s the catch:
can you tell me about a single aspect unique of each one? Or hell the main three ones? Any character trait? Anything that stands out above the other one?

So when it comes to design, FiM has always stayed simple and it shows.

An exercise of that is showing pictures of them in black and white. The colors are what have saved them to stand out and you can notice in the most iconic picture of the mane 6 that all of them share those anime eyes that definitely look for the easy route for sales ("buy them buy them!look at their shiny colors!" mindset). No wonder Rainbow Dash became really popular among them because she stands out with a more defiant look and easily, turning out as the tomboyish figure of the six that appeals to males as well (she is competitive and that look helped a lot).

You know, colors look nice and they appeal a lot but they say that a black and white picture shows the essence and emotions of those who appear in it. Now, see the other one, can you mistake them?

Same protagonists and cutesy designs (seaponified) with no color at all to make them different other than basic tones of BW. Maybe for Roseluck, Amethyst Star, Lyra and Minuette altogether would have proved that Hasbro is horrendously cheap when it comes to designing characters but the question is:

why is it harder to get confused by who is who than the Illumation franchise? what makes them different?

Anon 02/20/2019 (Wed) 00:33:28 [Preview] No.3510 del
I didn´t know that /sp/ still cared about endchan, considering that they have left it on its own luck after last spring, much less about a pony board.

And yeah, /pone/ has stayed in the top 10 most of the time. It hasn´t reached the first place yet on this site though, so we get the silver medal instead.

>Funny enough this is probably the most organized board I have seen under 10000 post.
the tracker wouldn´t tell you about that. Not everything big delivers the best but thanks for the compliment.

>There are boards far larger than this that have less OC.
Ponies are magic and still have some steam over the chans (where they actually belong and were born in the first place whethere you like it or not).
They hold up over the years because they have to deliver something over here, aren´t they?

>I still think you're fags but I have to tip my hat to the autism.
thanks, the fanbase(not only here) is pretty well organized in general, darling.

if you actually checked the content deeper posted in the OP, the fag tag would change but eh, I am okay with that

Anon 02/22/2019 (Fri) 05:38:52 [Preview] No.3522 del
>honestly, a shitposter/troll wants attention but I think he would have never expected this and most likely if he came back he would think twice before opening a thread like that.
I almost want to say it would be the equivalent of the awkwardness of the primitive natives worshiping trash you through out as a deity. Not quite the metaphor I'm looking for but I think you can get the point.

> I simply copied his line and voila, there you have a general with its acronym. Thanks for contributing with your shitpost....
Honestly not much different than how the fandom can take one superficial trait of a character (Derpy's eyes) and can turn it into something with meaning. Not quite the same thing, but close enough to count for what I'm saying. One may not be able to call it genius but one can call it fun to do.

>The posts show signs of awkwardness and that´s because no one at that time thought that this was going to happen.
Oh boy I don't think I've looked back there in months. They do I bet. My original thought was that I'd just reply as long as somebody else did, but as stuff started to arise I started to take things somewhat seriously by the months end.

>nothing is discarded.
That maybe /endpone/'s motto in a way. Dolores from a word filter, our general from a mindless shitpost, etc. It's all things that we took to the next level from the simple jokes that existed. Since the end was so sparse we took what we had.

>and that´s why I admit that handling this site as a great pillar to carry on the fanbase would be not only delusional but also it would lead to drastic changes.
The closest thing I could see the end being established as would be that shadowy place where a few fags simi-circlejerk and occasionally post OC from I fully intend to post a fic or two on /mlp/ proper... maybe elsewhere maybe as an underground archive if /go/ works out. All of which could at most bring perhaps a few more regulars but nothing pillar level. For us to be a pillar would require significant changes and some bending to the whim of the mass opinion (not to mention I don't see a path forward to that anyway unless one of us became a ridiculously good content creator and several other boards collapsing.) It could break down a lot of the experimentation and one of us would have to step up to be a leader where choices have significant consequences and scrutiny.

>However, I have made these posts just to take that idea away and instead of aiming so high, I aim to the places that I like or feel like doing spontaneously (in short, being myself) and so, what´s better than a place that resembles a little corner?
Indeed. I think of here as a little town (maybe a simi abandoned) or restaurant with a few regulars and the occasional drifter that stops by. It's free from prying eyes and random experiments are welcome.

>Not to mention that one can die of success,so I suppose that the successful philosophy doesn´t always work.
>part of me wants that success because my young spirit wants to eat the world because in the future, I won´t be able to do it.
Don't tie abundance to success and don't simply give up once you reach a future state of responsibilities that you believe will be constrained with age would be what I'd say.

>But those are pretty wise words that defy destiny, I cannot deny that.
You can be grounded without giving up. I certainly see this board as no pillar, but I'm not going to think this board is bound by the destiny of being a failure, wherever it goes.

>But yeah, the only way to learn is by trying and failing....and most importantly, showing ideas that you wouldn´t
Oh yeah, I certainly have a few strange ideas that I want to try. The simplistic homemade art style in th story I just posted may not seem so stupid in a dream themed story. Prototypes like I just posted are just training. I'm fully prepared to post an oddball story or concept that may fail completely but I want to assemble the ideas together and get my bearings a bit.

>you mean, the Revolution fic or one that you ha

Anon 02/22/2019 (Fri) 05:56:04 [Preview] No.3523 del
>checking those sweet digits (already 3500 posts, phew lad, what a ride)
Halfway to 4000 already... better get my shocked cadence ready.

>I can access with my account....weird.
It's not endchan but my email provider. Small company, had an attack that supposedly nuked everything on there servers.

>Don´t worry if you don´t get an answer soon, Nextchan is nothing more than a backup place and the state of that board isn´t going to change that much unless there is some activity around.
Yeah. If the boards here are going to get nuked I'd think they (or just he now?) would at least have the courtesy to tell us. Though I have seen several boards and sites, even active ones go offline sometimes without any warning.. so I'm always a little bit paranoid.

>I already know that you can handle the usual narrative structure with ease so eh, it´s already been proven before. Go for it or recheck it if you don´t feel that confident.
This introduces a concept but was more of a test construction. Early alpha. Next one can be thought of as early beta and will have more to offer even if it doesn't resemble what I plan ta do.

>The replies are mostly content to reply and a tool to keep this active or you can go on your own way without feeling the need to pay attention to them. Hell, you can even bring up a past topic from previous threads to the spotlight again if you feel like doing so.
See BO, don't sweat it. We both chill.

Anon 02/22/2019 (Fri) 05:58:09 [Preview] No.3524 del
>you mean, the Revolution fic or one that you have prepared?
Technically neither of them (Revolution fic I may post sometime though). First prototype only as a shitpost. The second prototype may qualify in its own right in a somewhat rewritten form. I have a far different endgame at the moment.

Didn't see the end was cut off there.

Anon 02/22/2019 (Fri) 06:28:09 [Preview] No.3525 del
(35.32 KB 640x400 Sweetie_Cloud.png)
>The implication about DWK happened without glory nor pity, no replies came about that one.
Which is weird as you'd think the whole, on the verge of suicide saved by ponies would go there considering other things you see with that tone all the time.

>Now there are almost 2700 images about them but back then, in 2017....imagine how to run a thread without being a sad bumpfest nor a lonely circlejerk for reaching the bump limit.
We live in better times now well in reguards to seaponies
>As for the overdesigned aspect, the design department was planning about making Queen Novo blue and the hippogriffs were much more alien to the spirit of this show. Sure, they would have been more outstanding....but more outlandish and too complicated for the world established (like the previous pic)
Oof. Yeah. Though if they brought in a high fantasy style creature or two that were overdesigned I wouldn't care but as for a fellow pony that would've not worked for me.

>So, about the Minions. They have been exploited to death, they have had astronomical waves of marketing to the point in which it gets obnoxious for those who are not looking out for them (FiM seems like an educated angel when it comes to commercial strategies)
It sure can be obnoxious though I'm not prone to complaining it can be annoying when they show up in your back yard.

>and its movie is the 2nd highest grossing animated film of all time (I think?)
You're right until a few months ago. Didn't know that. Don't wanna complain but the way the mainstream treated our somewhat generic pony movie compared to them...

>can you tell me about a single aspect unique of each one? Or hell the main three ones? Any character trait? Anything that stands out above the other one?
I actually ran into this point when reading/watching martial analyzing the minions in there own film. The star characters had no different personalty than each other or the supporting minions. Minions are what soulessness looks like to an extreme. They were designed purely on viral appeal and adaptability in a way few others can compare, even toy cartoons back in the 1980s themselves.

>why is it harder to get confused by who is who than the Illumation franchise? what makes them different?
I maybe about to through out word vommit here, but I say it's reductionism vs simplicity. I was about into a mini essay explaining what I mean but I'm too sleepy at the moment.

>That and a huge confidence gain when it comes to posting on the internet.
me too

Anon 02/22/2019 (Fri) 22:55:25 [Preview] No.3528 del
>First prototype only as a shitpost.
I am implying that the first prototype you are describing is what you posted yesterday.
>The second prototype may qualify in its own right in a somewhat rewritten form. I have a far different endgame at the moment.
and this one seems to hold bigger standards...

well, let´s see how it goes.

that picture is either modern or contemporary. I am having my doubts where I would tag this "masterpiece"

>it would be the equivalent of the awkwardness of the primitive natives worshiping trash you through out as a deity.
there are worse things to worship out there but hey, everyone has to start somewhere.

>not much different than how the fandom can take one superficial trait of a character (Derpy's eyes) and can turn it into something with meaning
that´s true.
>One may not be able to call it genius but one can call it fun to do.
exactly, I was about to mention that the point was not about being genuine (even though it served as an excuse to continue all of this) but having random fun without expecting anything else in the long term.

>My original thought was that I'd just reply as long as somebody else did
literally the same.

>but as stuff started to arise I started to take things somewhat seriously by the months end.
it all happened without thinking too much. Just replies and replies, several thoughts thrown at here and maybe at a certain day, you would catch me writing greens. At what point did this get really serious? I would say that for a point of reference, the bat pony fic is mostly remembered but I think it happened earlier.

>That maybe /endpone/'s motto in a way.
>Dolores from a word filter, our general from a mindless shitpost, etc.
and Luna´s banner straight out of the old Canterlot Daily. The day /endpone/ doesn´t let this kind of metaposting and going beyond the things were originally intended...to the point where outsiders believe that we have more original content than other boards.

>It's all things that we took to the next level from the simple jokes that existed. Since the end was so sparse we took what we had.
you wrote a little bat pony fic surrounding Twilight because of a random spammer. I think that´s the prime example of what you are describing.

Anon 02/22/2019 (Fri) 23:16:33 [Preview] No.3529 del
>The closest thing I could see the end being established as would be that shadowy place where a few fags simi-circlejerk and occasionally post OC
honestly, I don´t see it going further than that....it started with a circlejerk and it will end as one most likely.

>It could break down a lot of the experimentation and one of us would have to step up to be a leader where choices have significant consequences and scrutiny.
sweet mother of Celestia, that would require some moderation that cannot end up well. Experimentation is what has driven this board to go forward and develop a joke to a concept. So yeah, basically a few regulars at best....and even then, poni.fun isn´t having that fast rhythm as I was expecting at first. It´s really unlikely to attract a big group over here and convince them to bring some activity daily.

>I think of here as a little town (maybe a simi abandoned) or restaurant with a few regulars and the occasional drifter that stops by. It's free from prying eyes and random experiments are welcome.
you are point with your replies today. Nice /)

>Don't tie abundance to success and don't simply give up once you reach a future state of responsibilities that you believe will be constrained with age would be what I'd say.
I know and that doesn´t sound as a bad advice. Just that everything seems to be so uncertain and one correlates easily success with having a good base in the youth for having better times later, mostly because age could prevent from doing more actions that would restrict me. Maybe life is longer than I expect and there are little twists down the path that will define it without overthinking too much.

>I'm fully prepared to post an oddball story or concept that may fail completely but I want to assemble the ideas together and get my bearings a bit.
just tell me if you want some a few ordinary comments or a serious review whenever it comes. Just like experiments in science, I have to see the recipe and check how it goes. I will tell if that´s odd or not to my eyes at least.

>The simplistic homemade art style in th story I just posted may not seem so stupid in a dream themed story.
MLP has got rid of several cliches and the most important parts about a story is about its execution. It doesn´t matter if it´s SoL, a piece of action/adventure or a fantastical themed story, the biggest pillar for any story in this franchise is what you want to make out of it and how you deal with the intentions behind it.

MLP requires to be more open minded than most shows. It doesn´t have filler because even the smallest interactions, dialogues or details could bring the key of that story onto the table. Even girly stuff that seems uninteresting like dresses can deliver a powerful message to the video game industry (Canterlot Boutique)

>better get my shocked cadence ready.
less than 500 posts to go, sweet heart!

>my email provider. Small company, had an attack that supposedly nuked everything on there servers.
oh, well that sounds fucked, even more when there are few people working on it. If the big companies like Valve cannot handle completely their problems, imagine a little one.

Anon 02/22/2019 (Fri) 23:52:35 [Preview] No.3530 del
>I'd think they would at least have the courtesy to tell us.
considering that even Sportschan notices us and we are in the top 15, I would find it pretty odd not to tell that.

>I have seen several boards and sites, even active ones go offline sometimes without any warning so I'm always a little bit paranoid.
we know but I am one of those that doesn´t get scared of that. If it´s over, well it´s over. I would waste my energies at being scared about health or if it were MLP related, I would have those fears about this gen ending well. The rest will come and go naturally.

>Early alpha. Next one can be thought of as early beta and will have more to offer even if it doesn't resemble what I plan ta do.
it will be certainly interesting to see the evolution and judge the steps taken through the process.

>Which is weird as you'd think the whole, on the verge of suicide saved by ponies would go there considering other things you see with that tone all the time.
well, I posted it on the Rarity thread once (in the first posts by the way, anyone could have seen it easily) and there were no comments at all. I thought I would get a reply because of showing Rarity saving someone and how anons around there love their waifu but it seems that I posted that material at the wrong time.

Oh well, it doesn´t matter, it´s there anyway. I have reflected those thoughts with that story and available to read at anytime.

>We live in better times now well in regards to seaponies
which I honestly welcome. Those times were pretty annoying, much more when Derpi applied the MLP Movie pictures as spoilers and all the seapony material was hidden behind the thumbnails. Pretty annoying unless you browsed with the +18 filters. That also lead to the problem that people would be less encouraged to look for that content. As for kirins however, they got rid of the spoiler tag in their period of hype and that helped to spread content easily and share them over the different sites.

>if they brought in a high fantasy style creature or two that were overdesigned I wouldn't care but as for a fellow pony that would've not worked for me.
I would put those designs on high regard for having the will to go avant-garde in this franchise, breaking barriers and go almost to the PKMN route when it comes to original designs. The problem is that they wouldn´t work because they clash and would feel too exotic for the average body structures you see frequently.

>It sure can be obnoxious though I'm not prone to complaining same. I don´t bother nor I give them attention. I have the mindset of seeing them as the average character you see in kid friendly places. Nothing else.

>Don't wanna complain but the way the mainstream treated our somewhat generic pony movie compared to them
the 2017 movie may be generic but it was properly executed at delivering good entertainment. Pretty standard and traditional but it carried its charm in it. A 3.5 from IGN and a 47% rating in RT
between the Minions and the Emoji Movie having more success,I wonder where this society wants to go. Like Stanley´s narrator would say: "I find this very concerning"

>They were designed purely on viral appeal and adaptability in a way few others can compare, even toy cartoons back in the 1980s themselves.
even in the worst gens of MLP you could point out different ponies because of their color and their different degrees of innocence/girlishness.

>The star characters had no different personalty than each other or the supporting minions.
in reality, they were meant to be the funny part of Despicable Me but making an entire production out of it, it seems wrong. At least, the villain was more unique but that´s sad when you can´t tell the 3 protagonists. Take a shot whenever you see a Minion toy or any product related to them and get confused at telling who is in that product.

>it's reductionism vs simplicity. I was about into a mini essay explaining what I mean but I'm too sleepy at the moment.
you were tired when you posted this but yeah, that could sum it up for the most part.

Anon 02/24/2019 (Sun) 00:41:26 [Preview] No.3531 del
(174.08 KB 1280x795 1536974754605.png)

Anon 02/24/2019 (Sun) 01:31:54 [Preview] No.3533 del
Dab right back at ya BO? PoLSP for now.

Anon 02/25/2019 (Mon) 00:59:04 [Preview] No.3536 del
(1.06 MB 2268x3024 1970962.jpeg)

Anon 02/26/2019 (Tue) 23:35:51 [Preview] No.3537 del
Okay. Good... Endchan back online. Will be posting later tonight but have a PoLS for now.

Anon 02/26/2019 (Tue) 23:40:19 [Preview] No.3538 del
(455.32 KB 864x662 1972400.png)
We truly live in the darkest timeline.
Didn't we want for the /end/ to be its proper thing and having fears of the site disappearing? It truly shows its purest nature.

the site doesn't disappear but the servers,well,I think that you can be actually worried about that...

500 errors and migrations.Yay!

Anon 02/26/2019 (Tue) 23:44:41 [Preview] No.3539 del
Also, haven't seen this error page before. It was only appeared when trying to access the .xyz domain. They've I guess he changed it from old times and it only has one board suggested now. The site looks like a board I've encountered on boring old tor or i2p before. I didn't explore for long though.

Anon 02/26/2019 (Tue) 23:48:27 [Preview] No.3540 del
>the site doesn't disappear but the servers,well,I think that you can be actually worried about that...
I am fam I am. Never know if the host could decide ta knock thm off or fail at there job. I mean, with what happened to m old email service provider didn't make me paranoid enough...

Anon 02/27/2019 (Wed) 00:02:20 [Preview] No.3541 del
>It was only appeared when trying to access the .xyz domain.
that happened to me when I was trying to make it with the .org domain instead (on mobile btw)

>They've I guess he changed it from old times and it only has one board suggested now. The site looks like a board I've encountered on boring old tor or i2p before.
considering that you can access this site with Tor,I am not that surprised that they tried to back up the maintenance period with an archaic design like that.I haven't noticed it until I saw your screencap.

>I am fam I am. Never know if the host could decide ta knock thm off or fail at there job.
the servers problem is nothing new for this site. In fact,I am surprised that it's been running without many mistakes during these months. Last spring,it was certainly unbearable.

>I mean, with what happened to m old email service provider didn't make me paranoid enough...
that provider must have been Derpy or something. That's fucked up and pretty annoying,one understands that.

However,I don't think that one reason for such paranoia justifies the actual cause to be like that for a different case. There are two things that you should consider in the land of darkness and doom that you are projec
First,endchan's twitter account has been active this month and /operate/ cannot get claimed.
And secondly,we are the first to shitpost in record time in this site. If one cared about endchan coming back,the other one wouldn't fall short on his interest either.It basically means that you and I have simultaneously posted as soon as the servers came back. Haven't you stopped for a second just to think about it? If the BO replied tonight,you've got the full party recovered.

If that's not loyalty,I don't know what else could fit to that term.

Anon 02/27/2019 (Wed) 01:27:54 [Preview] No.3542 del
(337.49 KB 2130x2100 1542364111646.png)
I can't believe I'm late to the party

Anon 02/27/2019 (Wed) 06:01:57 [Preview] No.3544 del
what is this? do I have to clean my eyes?


Anon 02/27/2019 (Wed) 06:47:00 [Preview] No.3546 del
(25.97 KB 499x331 netdomain.png)
(58.66 KB 829x477 nobodyhome.png)
(25.96 KB 493x330 xyzdomain.png)
Nope. Checked all the other domains. We are indeed number one. Somehow... I mean it looks like hardly anypony else is here.

It feels like Detroit.

Anon 02/27/2019 (Wed) 07:25:58 [Preview] No.3547 del
I guess this means, that for the moment, we are number one. I can't believe it.

From endchan's servers demise, see /pone/ arise!

>honestly, I don´t see it going further than that....it started with a circlejerk and it will end as one most likely.
Normally I'd mostly agree, but >>3544 >>3546.

>sweet mother of Celestia, that would require some moderation that cannot end up well. Experimentation is what has driven this board to go forward and develop a joke to a concept. So yeah, basically a few regulars at best...
yeah It'd be nightmarish. This boards nature would be at stake and it's nature would be destroys it. Likely taking on so many would destroy the board culture and if we tried to keep the spirit it would cause division itself. Fortunately I do not see that happening.

>Just that everything seems to be so uncertain and one correlates easily success with having a good base in the youth for having better times later,
It indeed does. Though it ain't impossible to turn it around later. I mean, to be frankly honest, I am even on more shaky ground than you right now and things are far more questionable in planning. Perhaps it's a matter of perspective, my state is too personal to fully explain and I'm not sure I'd makes sense with the bits I've said when looked at together, living without running water for several months and under various other different types of strain for most of my life being at the mercy of various different forces at various different points of my life. There is another side to that too, as somehow in all of that I still consider some parts of my life privileged and it'd be very hard to explain all the sheer strangeness
so I what I consider an improvement or an opportunity may not be to and I may have a strange perspective, as my state right now even would probably be seen more negatively.

>less than 500 posts to go, sweet heart!
This is bad because I have 3 Cadences to work on!

Anon 02/27/2019 (Wed) 07:42:07 [Preview] No.3548 del
>we know but I am one of those that doesn´t get scared of that. If it´s over, well it´s over. I would waste my energies at being scared about health or if it were MLP related, I would have those fears about this gen ending well. The rest will come and go naturally.
That's a healthy view. I just want to maintain a /bunker/ just in case it's need or at the very least to touch base one last time Though my /go/lden oaks I plan on maintaining Indefinitely regardless of endchan's or even /pone/'s state.

>Oh well, it doesn´t matter, it´s there anyway. I have reflected those thoughts with that story and available to read at anytime.
I actually may revisit it, though it's a side priority right now, I have a special small reason to.

>As for kirins however, they got rid of the spoiler tag in their period of hype and that helped to spread content easily and share them over the different sites.
Am I sensing salt? Yeah I can understand that.

>I would put those designs on high regard for having the will to go avant-garde in this franchise, breaking barriers and go almost to the PKMN route when it comes to original designs. The problem is that they wouldn´t work because they clash and would feel too exotic for the average body structures you see frequently.
I'd be more open too them as side stuff but I can understand the reluctance/distaste.

> between the Minions and the Emoji Movie having more success,I wonder where this society wants to go. Like Stanley´s narrator would say: "I find this very concerning"

>in reality, they were meant to be the funny part of Despicable Me but making an entire production out of it, it seems wrong. At least, the villain was more unique but that´s sad when you can´t tell the 3 protagonists.
Spinoff with comedic charaters really work because they were usually part of a success of something and can't really stand well on there on. Minions are even half this, because they were just kid memebait that worked too well.

>you were tired when you posted this but yeah, that could sum it up for the most part.
I suppose so, but I may revisit later still.

Anon 02/27/2019 (Wed) 08:06:49 [Preview] No.3549 del
It's okay anon. We it wasn't too much of one though tbh, perhaps on a weekend or something we could all be live, that could be fun

Anon 02/27/2019 (Wed) 08:34:05 [Preview] No.3554 del
>If that's not loyalty,I don't know what else could fit to that term.
That is true. Very true, though I can still see scenarios in my head

Anon 02/28/2019 (Thu) 05:56:53 [Preview] No.3556 del
(731.76 KB 958x960 1091422.jpeg)
Than we will greet him with a wolf in sheep's clothing...

Anon 02/28/2019 (Thu) 07:03:02 [Preview] No.3559 del
The reason why I think I love this picture is that it feels like how all these over designed OCs from the fandom's early days were supposed to look like. This feels like that over designed elaborateness actually developed rather than a mistake that is relegated to noobs.

Additionally, shout out to BO for his work adding font to the banner. I know he has said he isn't an artist but he perfectly matched the branding with the font.

Okay, that was just me getting to random art related thoughts outta the way.

Anon 02/28/2019 (Thu) 22:45:31 [Preview] No.3560 del
>We are indeed number one. Somehow...
Robbie Rotten would be proud of us. Some legacies never die I guess.

>I mean it looks like hardly anypony else is here.It feels like Detroit.
that was the point of the /end/, wasn´t it? Seeing and imagining how things would be if we witnessed how the times of decadence happen in front of our eyes. And even if everything is dead, nature always offers some free energy out of nowhere. The night-blooming-cereus blooms at night and offers a nice view at an unusual time.

I suppose ponies are the remaining path and resource to post over here even if only 3 posters care about them, it´s proven to be strong enough to carry the lead for a while, especially on post-maintenance periods.

>From endchan's servers demise, see /pone/ arise!
9 years after their appearance and despite that tiring run, they manage to get there. Same thing happened with Amore, only 4 posts and this board blew up to the 4th position. Nothing new for this board to have these ups on the ranking but I never expected to reach the gold medal anytime soon.

>Normally I'd mostly agree, but >>3544 >>3546.
someone should remind me to shut my mouth up at times. I wasn´t that optimistic yet it happened. Never say never again.

>Fortunately I do not see that happening.
Agree on what you say...

unless a big company does an AMA on this chan and gets its spotlight on mainstream media. Let´s see if you know what I am referencing to.

>I am even on more shaky ground than you right now and things are far more questionable in planning.
>living without running water for several months and under various other different types of strain
holy molly
well, like the BO said, I prefer the stable times if that´s the price in order to live in "interesting" times

not to mention that the uncertainty you may be referrring could be at professional level and temporal jobs and things like that consume your brain way more than they should.

>what I consider an improvement or an opportunity may not be to and I may have a strange perspective, as my state right now even would probably be seen more negatively.
not everything new means something good.It´s fine to stay skeptical about the new waves that could interfere more than you would be capable of.

Anon 02/28/2019 (Thu) 23:14:09 [Preview] No.3561 del
(225.82 KB 1067x1024 1500699043657.jpg)
>This is bad because I have 3 Cadences to work on!
that implies her, her daughter and....I don´t know, let´s say Fleur de Lis or Sassy Saddles.

>I just want to maintain a /bunker/ just in case it's need or at the very least to touch base one last time
yeah, a solid backup whenever things go wrong so that brings a sense of relief (for the worst case scenario). We have had it all this time since last May. However, if this board disappears, endchan will have a pony mark stuck with its death.

>Though my /go/lden oaks I plan on maintaining Indefinitely regardless of endchan's or even /pone/'s state.
more than the posters, it´s more about the influence and what you can take out of it. If you can carry that project, go ahead wherever you go with it. I think that it approaches an interest for the fandom in general. It would be awkward that other fandom pages block you or don´t catch the interest from a certain group inside the community.

>I actually may revisit it, though it's a side priority right now, I have a special small reason to.
that´s funny because I wrote it after watching Blade Runner 2049. I don´t know if I could write that today. Any review or reflection about it is what intends.

>Am I sensing salt?
sort of. I don´t hate kirins, in fact, you could change any new species (let´s say that they introduced lamia,plane or snake ponies whatever X species) and I would react the same way. It´s not about the content itself and I hold Sounds of Silence at the top of season 8. So what´s the problem exactly? Mostly about Derpi´s organization/mindset with the spoiler tag.

Everyone saw the movie at that point, only China was left I think. It took one entire year to remove it. It didn´t help that I was a fool and I could have used the Rule 34 filters to reach them easily. They were the promoting material from that film. If you overshadow it, it brings less attention and the hype runs out and gets less diffusion over the community. Picking the images without seeing the thumbnail first is sort of a handicap for that material.
The hippogriffs have stayed relevant but if someone was a Celaeno fan, it would have been even more frustrating.
Fortunately, I have seen signs of the community posting them as if they were traditional picks along with Tempest. At least, in the long run, they have made the cut.
Kirins however, have exploded too soon. Their hype was abysmal and I think that the fanbase has taken a little break from their material until this season brings them a new life.

>Minions are even half this, because they were just kid memebait that worked too well.
it´s not like the first spin off that does this, I agree. It´s just that it has taken off and blown out of proportions when it wasn´t intended to bring that much substance to begin with. All they had was like you say, a meme status between kids. I suppose that childish comedy works but like MLP, one cannot avoid shame when a cashgrab becomes more successful without any effort.

They are harmless anyway. Just that I am criticizing harshly that business practice/model which companies could follow for thriving and repeating in the future (like Shrek for example. While the movie itself was a joy to watch, its clones....well...you know where I am getting at)

Anon 02/28/2019 (Thu) 23:35:36 [Preview] No.3562 del
>perhaps on a weekend or something we could all be live, that could be fun
that would require a different site to log in...

>though I can still see scenarios in my head
one can imagine lots of things and scenarios. I have had visions about throwing myself or other people around me to the subway rails lots of times and here I am. One is free to think whatever they want, I cannot interfere to those thoughts.

But yeah, consider that these acts of instant replies are not the most usual between random anons. which means subtly that these acts have a subtle charming meaning that one doesn´t want and to reveal in front of the gallery.

>Than we will greet him with a wolf in sheep's clothing...

Woah, we are talking about the "innocent" pink princess that made Sombra stay in a mostly dead state. That´s a big bet to draw upon.

>The reason why I think I love this picture is that it feels like how all these over designed OCs from the fandom's early days were supposed to look like.
over complicated just to throw a big contrast to the show´s innocent nature. Those were the edgy times.While Koveliana cannot be considered as the 8th wonder, those pictures sure offer a visual pleasure.

Either way, in retrospective, MLP should have never reached those levels of quality yet the fans, in this case, an artist goes out of the theoretical way and makes this....

gen 4´s style is magic.

>This feels like that over designed elaborateness actually developed rather than a mistake that is relegated to noobs.

Any good artist can jump onto what whatever it wants (pony, human, anthro, different species/body types....), the artstyle and level of care is what will appeal its material by nature.
I mostly felt attracted to that picture because it reminded (and still does) of Milotic, an elegant pkmn by excellence. I would have never approached this picture like you do.

>that was just me getting to random art related thoughts outta the way.
art is meant to transmit that. Maybe you have had time to stop and appreciate those little details that while one may not take out at first, after a while, it grows in an unexpected way.

A really beautiful picture at first, it still is.

Anon 02/28/2019 (Thu) 23:37:46 [Preview] No.3563 del
one last thing, season 9 is happening soon. Hasbro has dropped the teaser during this week.

When do you think we should make a new thread about it?

Anon 03/01/2019 (Fri) 22:42:16 [Preview] No.3567 del
quick meta post and it´s mostly about the site.

You may have noticed by now but I am saying it either way. The .net and .xyz versions of this site run really slow for its own good. The org. domain is what normally works after these maintenance periods as a backup and it´s the only one that seems to be working for me.

Just a quick note for everyone because it might seem that the site is still inaccessible while it´s actually working.

Anon 03/02/2019 (Sat) 01:01:56 [Preview] No.3575 del
(19.66 KB 406x400 1536431716257.png)
Yep, I'm getting authentic 56k experience ever since that downtime, which is why I dropped out of posting for a while.
lol like I need another excuse not to post
56k was still way slower than this page, but hey, I got what I wished for, didn't I?

Anon 03/02/2019 (Sat) 06:40:57 [Preview] No.3576 del
>Robbie Rotten would be proud of us.

>And even if everything is dead, nature always offers some free energy out of nowhere. The night-blooming-cereus blooms at night and offers a nice view at an unusual time.
I love that description. Makes it feel both /confy/ and a little haunting. Which is one of my favorite feelings. Reminds me of a couple of fanfics with abandoned ruins.

>I suppose ponies are the remaining path and resource to post over here even if only 3 posters care about them, it´s proven to be strong enough to carry the lead for a while, especially on post-maintenance periods.
Forward, who cares about downtime with cute ponies anything is possible.

>unless a big company does an AMA on this chan and gets its spotlight on mainstream media. Let´s see if you know what I am referencing to.
What? Only thing that comes remotely to mind in the chan world is the ongoing hiro vs jim drama and formers attempts to possibly corporatize 4chan nal . Than again I'm been a little out of habit of my usually sleuthing around the net the last few months. What is going on?

Anon 03/02/2019 (Sat) 07:43:46 [Preview] No.3577 del
>holy molly
TBH I feel quite split on my life and how to view it and probably shouldn't have mentioned that little fact there, at least in that way. Basically I've been in a wide variety of situations and to fully explain it would require to go far into the personal.
Because victimhood and introversion are desired and reduced so much on the net as a way to be cool and gain social status, so it makes me a little aloof in such matters unless something comes up
I could present myself in such a light, and has I've had some very significant down points. It be dishonest to present it as just that though. Even if I could select experiences that I could give the impression of a poor kid who lived on the rough side of town (Drugs, gang violence, one guy tried to set my family's house on fire from the back alley, etc). And that little bit really paints a picture, but it ain't a full one (the drugs were usually tame, by my teens the gang violence had died down to the point where I hardly ever run into shady people in my neighborhood, and that setting house on fire was one incident, I'm not the only one who had to deal those crazy neighbors, I once spent awhile in the countryside away from town, etc). I will say that I am unsure how to characterize it all, and there is a lot of strange forces and situations that I would certainly say were probably not very comparable to others, but were too mundane to consider truly amazing or bad, just strange enough to raise questions in a way. I don't wanna join that social media game, so I won't raise any issues again unless something really relates to the topic or I drawn on some life experience for a fanfic
Not that I've been misleading y'all, just that I don't wanna come across the whole victumhood/my amazing odd life pie

>not everything new means something good.It´s fine to stay skeptical about the new waves that could interfere more than you would be capable of.
Actually I was meaning that I had somethings that I considered victories/opportunity from what others would see as a constrained environment, and I wasn't sure if my perspective was a little wonky do to the unstable environment. Speaking of which...

>well, like the BO said, I prefer the stable times if that´s the price in order to live in "interesting" times
Wise advice, my only add on to it would be not to giving up improving your state or having fun when in a state of mundaneness, other wise you stop living life.

Anon 03/02/2019 (Sat) 07:59:21 [Preview] No.3578 del
(408.42 KB 922x690 1965592.png)
>yeah, a solid backup whenever things go wrong so that brings a sense of relief (for the worst case scenario). We have had it all this time since last May. However, if this board disappears, endchan will have a pony mark stuck with its death.
Speaking of which, the admin is having one of his disappearances again, and can do it for months at a time do to work. The lone global vole said he can't transfer the new board but can archive the old and allow me to make a new one from scratch. Should I take his offer or play th waiting game since I had some questions on whether nextchan not be would be keen on hosting pdfs and zip files from /go/.

>If you can carry that project, go ahead wherever you go with it. I think that it approaches an interest for the fandom in general. It would be awkward that other fandom pages block you or don´t catch the interest from a certain group inside the community.
If I'd must I'd either continue /pone/ in some form some where or form my own golden oaks themed board.

>Mostly about Derpi´s organization/mindset with the spoiler tag.
Yeah, I can see that be frustrating. Cute seaponies did't get the hype phase fully exploited to establish status but these cute super ponies are getting special treatment.

>that implies her, her daughter and....I don´t know, let´s say Fleur de Lis or Sassy Saddles.
You'll see what I mean.

Anon 03/02/2019 (Sat) 08:03:47 [Preview] No.3579 del
You are clear for launch. Repeat you are clear for launch. This is general quarters, all hands man your battle stations, preparations for the final season has begun.


Anon 03/02/2019 (Sat) 08:08:43 [Preview] No.3580 del
Yeah I noticed and am currently on the .org domain. Man it seems like this site is limping again.

Dial up is fun with the right tools and images under 100kb.
It's all right /bo/ we know you're still here.

Welp, it's getting late. Night /endpone/!

Anon 03/02/2019 (Sat) 23:30:27 [Preview] No.3581 del
(40.78 KB 200x200 350Milotic.png)
>that would require a different site to log in...
/nextpone/ bunker live posting event?

>I have had visions about throwing myself or other people around me to the subway rails lots of times and here I am. One is free to think whatever they want, I cannot interfere to those thoughts.
This is one of those things where one's first reaction is to think you're a little nuts but when one stops to think random thoughts like this are natural, even if it feels wired to talk about. I reminds me of thinking about jumping off tall buildings in a non-suicide but just wondering what it be like.

>over complicated just to throw a big contrast to the show´s innocent nature. Those were the edgy times.
That was part of the appeal. Cupcakes, Rainbow Factory and th other creepy pasta's , Princess Molestia, Various edgy fics, Luna Games, etc. It was interesting and in some cass quite toxic with all the attention some of those works got outside of the fandom and was an entry point for many.

>.While Koveliana cannot be considered as the 8th wonder, those pictures sure offer a visual pleasure.
Indeed. That's all I have to say. Those pics are quite nice and shows that being elaborate is just a noob mistake.

> Either way, in retrospective, MLP should have never reached those levels of quality yet the fans, in this case, an artist goes out of the theoretical way and makes this....
Yep, it just keeps going on to places we didn't expect, even here...

>I mostly felt attracted to that picture because it reminded (and still does) of Milotic, an elegant pkmn by excellence. I would have never approached this picture like you do.
I can see the resplendence.

>art is meant to transmit that. Maybe you have had time to stop and appreciate those little details that while one may not take out at first, after a while, it grows in an unexpected way.
Ran it to it again when looking through the bat thread for other reasons.

May not have time to post anymore today but wanted ta at least finish the one last reply in this thread

Anon 03/03/2019 (Sun) 01:14:53 [Preview] No.3582 del
(192.75 KB 500x509 1552535.jpeg)
it seems that I am not doing much tonight either. Only a proof of life shitpost but I have to reply a little bit about this question (I also hide your bold lines from the main board page)

>Than again I'm been a little out of habit of my usually sleuthing around the net the last few months. What is going on?
basically what you are going to see and what has happened this last week is what actually gives any chan a big quantity of newfags or outsiders that check it out of curiosity.

Without the help of mainstream media,nothing would have happened and there were several AMAs like this before on 8chan.
Anyway,just browse: "8chan Thq Nordic AMA" and you will see that all the headlines point out the same drama: child pornography on the site; and because,it brings a bad name and or publi city to the company.

Almost all if not all the mediums point out this as the most problematic and unique aspect about 8chan ,by adding an edgy touch that the site is actually banned from google's browser.

So basically,for an event like this,all the video game journalists and then youtubers jumped onto it and this example serves on how a chan earns lots of newfags overnight.

I will try to reply properly tomorrow

Anon 03/03/2019 (Sun) 23:13:06 [Preview] No.3584 del
>I'm getting authentic 56k experience ever since that downtime, which is why I dropped out of posting for a while.
>lol like I need another excuse not to post
well, that sure serves enough for a PoLS as usual. Either way, we all know that you are checking this. Only by checking the post after the maintenance period gives an idea that you are lurking over here.

>Makes it feel both /confy/ and a little haunting. Which is one of my favorite feelings.
as if you were the only one. In fact, I have looked for those feelings as well, finding comfort and beauty in those places that in theory, shouldn´t happen. Not the flower that shines the most but for sure it gives you some hope and relief.

>Reminds me of a couple of fanfics with abandoned ruins.
you don´t have to go that far away or at least that´s what I imagine with pic related.

>who cares about downtime with cute ponies anything is possible.
well, for sure I needed them for shiposting over 1400 posts or so over here. I don´t know their actual power but for sure, they lead us to this post number and staying together after one entire year. Is friendship magic or is the fact that Fim is what makes it magic? *thinking emoji

>Only thing that comes remotely to mind in the chan world is the ongoing hiro vs jim drama and formers attempts to possibly corporatize 4chan
that movement sounds way softer than this. Receiving money for making it more company friendly? That drama wouldn´t come with any surprise left, much less these days.

>What is going on?
mostly I tried to post it yesterday >>3582. THQ did an AMA thread on 8chan and the mainstream media (internet press) have tons of articles (including ones from my country), repeating the same 4 things over and over about how controversial is when someone posts on website that is known for having CP. That´s like the most repetitive argument that you will find whenever you search it along with the Google ban. They think that 8chan is some kind of underworld or a close website to the (so scary for normies) Deep Web.

By doing this, they have exposed 8chan for the first time by getting lots of headlines as if they were talking about a /pol/itical phenomena. THQ got away with all this controversy, they have earned more fame by doing this marketing strategy....but so 8chan, which has turned into a mainstream imageboard (as if it didn´t reach that status before)

Now getting more into my view: what stands out the most is that there is a certain difference between the journalists and the comments. The users say that 8chan has little to no difference in terms of CP because they will ban you (which is true and don´t think that you can get with it on Endchan either. Any site would get shut down if they allowed it openly)

And that´s what I agree with them but I wonder if journalists are offended that THQ didn´t do an AMA in the usual sites for it (Reddit, Facebook...) and chose an alternative path for it or that they have short brains by not thinking that Tumblr, Youtube and the mainstream social media have also had CP. Should they ban those sites as well? We all know how well they solved it up on Tumblr...right?

So yeah, both parts have received a boost of popularity and a few people claim that 8chan /v/ has had AMA´s before from indie developers....

Anon 03/03/2019 (Sun) 23:26:45 [Preview] No.3585 del
>not to giving up improving your state or having fun when in a state of mundaneness, other wise you stop living life.yeah, I think that serves pretty well for closing the advice. Even one can find joy with literally anything and none of us appreciate those little things...

>I had somethings that I considered victories/opportunity from what others would see as a constrained environment, and I wasn't sure if my perspective was a little wonky do to the unstable environment.
every little factor counts and I suppose that in the eras of rushed events and such, one would try to self celebrate little things that aren´t seen as victories. I suppose that those conditions would drive you to think so when in reality, they wouldn´t be as meaningful if you were having ordinary conditions.

As for your personal story, I am leaving it out for now because that part of your post touches more private things that one has to think about before giving random cheap thoughts. Those intimate zones give me lots of respect.

Anon 03/03/2019 (Sun) 23:48:34 [Preview] No.3586 del
>the admin is having one of his disappearances again, and can do it for months at a time do to work. >Should I take his offer or play th waiting game since I had some questions on whether nextchan not be would be keen on hosting pdfs and zip files from /go/.
I would try to get all the info first and after that, see how you would do it. As for now, we are stable so there is no need to rush so you can either oscillate between an essential task or keep it on a secondary background. Whatever you plan or do, you have room for everything for now.

But yeah, having the backup before anything else happens would bring a little bit of relief. Anyway, in the end....

>I'd either continue /pone/ in some form some where or form my own golden oaks themed board.
you already answered to yourself

>I can see that be frustrating. Cute seaponies did't get the hype phase fully exploited to establish status but these cute super ponies are getting special treatment.
eeeyup, basically that. On the other hand, Tempest received the hype and the movie showed some hype. Not as much as one would desire but hey, she and the seaponies have had a good reception. What I feared the most (and was the most annoying part) was introducing the first images. The /mlp/ side isn´t certainly the most attracted one to new content and you have to introduce them subtly in order to convince them.

The movie has been a slow burner instead of a big hit but anyway, its status is better today than on its release (part of it at least)....and I cannot complain about that. There is enough content, they post them as if they weren´t exotic characters(this fandom works more with the usual and meme characters instead of characters that aren´t shown) and the pictures go on.

I guess you cannot get further from there.

>You'll see what I mean.
for now, all I see is Candy showing "interesting" faces...

Anon 03/03/2019 (Sun) 23:53:05 [Preview] No.3587 del
(843.51 KB 1752x1087 1976169.png)
>preparations for the final season has begun.
already created, mein princess!

>it seems like this site is limping again.
well, one out of three hooves for moving this site forward isn´t the best diagnosis to be precise...

Anon 03/04/2019 (Mon) 00:23:37 [Preview] No.3588 del
>/nextpone/ bunker live posting event?
whenever the site improves and the mods give you an answer (I have seen your replies by the way, very formally made). I would need also to adjust some settings out there. It´s a board that needs some sort of cleaning these days and tons of feedback.

>one's first reaction is to think you're a little nuts but when one stops to think random thoughts like this are natural, even if it feels wired to talk about.
most people would basically do that. I tend to make fun of it with a couple of friends who have also thought about that as well. Far from a crazy mind, more people have had worse thoughts than they are willing to admit. Some of the worst ones are those who don´t say a single thing about that.

>I reminds me of thinking about jumping off tall buildings in a non-suicide but just wondering what it be like.
the brain is curious. Pandora opened the box for a reason. /co/ and /b/ jumped onto this show to see what could happen next despite its girlishness in it. We are in general, curious about feeling or doing anything even if we know that those actions would lead to such consequences. Now, you could ask a trap question to this logic and it would be about how killing would feel like. Without even doing it IRL, just play the Russian Roulette game and you´ll see how interesting or fascinating it is when you shoot the bullet and the game is over and it closes the tab by itself. Purely one dimensional and there´s no room for going beyond that. There´s nothing else.

>It was interesting and in some cass quite toxic with all the attention some of those works got outside of the fandom and was an entry point for many.
that´s what happens when you want to throw edginess all the time, you end up repeating some of the mistakes like the Sonic fandom did. I find it really funny when the time keeps going, fans start getting more lax and less dramatic as the show goes on. From desiring epic action to slice of life petitions from the fanbase. No seriously, after delivering Twilight´s Kingdom and episodes that are relatively restless to the show, fans have turned over and look for other things that didn´t fit in the typical fanservice at first. I suppose the fanabse has checked that the show proves that is capable to deliver what they want so the petitions change for future wishlists.
How many people wanted to see AJ´s parents or a slice of life episode from the princesses? This fanbase did and if you take a look at the favorite episodes from season 7.....well, I don´t need to explain the rest.

>Those pics are quite nice and shows that being elaborate is just a noob mistake.
yep. In fact, your statement gets more strong when you stop and think that some of the greatest songs remembered or acclaimed are also pretty simple. Only by having 2-4 chords, they are capable to deliver amazing results and anybody can do that. Same for ponies. Derpy is a very well liked pony and she´s basic as hell.

So, there it goes.

>I can see the resplendence.
truly majestic. Other words don´t make any justice.

>Ran it to it again when looking through the bat thread for other reasons.
huh? nice.

>but wanted ta at least finish the one last reply in this thread
you sure did.

So do I tonight with this one.

Anon 03/04/2019 (Mon) 06:44:06 [Preview] No.3589 del
>as if you were the only one. In fact, I have looked for those feelings as well, finding comfort and beauty in those places that in theory, shouldn´t happen. Not the flower that shines the most but for sure it gives you some hope and relief.
It is a less bleak version of what we used ta say about this place. Not much of a different impetus but swamp out most of the lonely and abandonment for a more subtle /confy/ and a haunting aura that has a mix of emotions that could be attached to it.

> you don´t have to go that far away or at least that´s what I imagine with pic related.
Nice pic. Here what I imagine, the cover art for the fic The Sun Whispers Your Name. I read this fic a long tim ago and don't remember the full details but they sadly didn't spent more than a chapter in this city travling inside Celestia's mind . I've ran into other fics that also had fantastical places like this and it always makes feel quite haunted.

>By doing this, they have exposed 8chan for the first time by getting lots of headlines as if they were talking about a /pol/itical phenomena. THQ got away with all this controversy, they have earned more fame by doing this marketing strategy....but so 8chan, which has turned into a mainstream imageboard (as if it didn´t reach that status before)
Wow. I read about it last night when ya first told me. That is the opening blow, comparable to 4chan when it started to appear on the news. Though 8chan did have a boost from it's qanon board (which sometimes had over 1000+ pph) it didn't seem to leak into the wider site beyound the top 20 as I recall the UIDs not increasing that much. (I have a few boards I visit there sporadically). Not sure how much of a spike they are having now considering weekend activity. Never seen Million Dollar Extreme that far up on top though.
also saw EQD trixie in /v/ and no one freak out at her appearance

>And that´s what I agree with them but I wonder if journalists are offended that THQ didn´t do an AMA in the usual sites for it (Reddit, Facebook...) and chose an alternative path for it or that they have short brains by not thinking that Tumblr, Youtube and the mainstream social media have also had CP.
Youtube is actually having a controversy relating to CP as well. Have ya heard of th whole mattishatitis drama?

Anon 03/04/2019 (Mon) 07:03:32 [Preview] No.3590 del
>I would try to get all the info first and after that, see how you would do it.
Yeah that what I'm leaning towards as well. If endchan goes dark we at least could still meet at /nextpone/ to touch base (or poni.fun I suppose).

>The /mlp/ side isn´t certainly the most attracted one to new content and you have to introduce them subtly in order to convince them.
Preaching to the choir.

> The movie has been a slow burner instead of a big hit but anyway, its status is better today than on its release (part of it at least)....and I cannot complain about that. There is enough content, they post them as if they weren´t exotic characters(this fandom works more with the usual and meme characters instead of characters that aren´t shown) and the pictures go on.
In some ways that can be better to have something slowly spread than have a quick high and slow collapse lik som mny things nowadays.

>I would need also to adjust some settings out there. It´s a board that needs some sort of cleaning these days and tons of feedback.
Yeah, blazechan certainly still is in beta.

>(I have seen your replies by the way, very formally made)
I always try to be polite in such matters, though for some in the chan world I'd imagine it is a much of a turnoff for many as it could be a breath of fresh air.

>We are in general, curious about feeling or doing anything even if we know that those actions would lead to such consequences.
Indeed. Not much more to add ta that one.

>yep. In fact, your statement gets more strong when you stop and think that some of the greatest songs remembered or acclaimed are also pretty simple. Only by having 2-4 chords, they are capable to deliver amazing results and anybody can do that. Same for ponies. Derpy is a very well liked pony and she´s basic as hell.
Opps, actually meant to make a point about how elaborateness "doesn't" have to be a noob mistake always, but that statement is still true.

>truly majestic. Other words don´t make any justice.
It's a nice Pokemon, isn't it. I can see a patter here with it and the seaponies that you also like.

>huh? nice.
very nice indeed

Anon 03/04/2019 (Mon) 07:19:38 [Preview] No.3591 del
>every little factor counts and I suppose that in the eras of rushed events and such, one would try to self celebrate little things that aren´t seen as victories. I suppose that those conditions would drive you to think so when in reality, they wouldn´t be as meaningful if you were having ordinary conditions.
Yep. It's kind of more complicated than just that in my head do to me having a more positive point to make but I'm not sure it make any sense at the moment to myself.

>As for your personal story, I am leaving it out for now because that part of your post touches more private things that one has to think about before giving random cheap thoughts.
I suppose so. Though I will say that I am not easily offended by things like that, so you don't have to worry on that front. I mean, truthfully, as I said, I"m not even a 100% sure how to present my experiences. The only reason I brought it up because that is my relation to such adversity and overcoming it and trying to note that my perspective is probably a bit strange from the average joe or Jose .

>already created, mein princess!

>well, one out of three hooves for moving this site forward isn´t the best diagnosis to be precise...
Yeah... far from best. Still sustainable in theory but people jumping ship isn't a good sign.

Anon 03/04/2019 (Mon) 23:12:17 [Preview] No.3596 del
So, let´s dive into it:

>TBH I feel quite split on my life and how to view it and probably shouldn't have mentioned that little fact there, at least in that way.
honestly, I would take those existential thoughts into something more abstract and hidden in between the lines that you could write in a fic. What you (and I) have done is quite risky (in theory) and there are people that could take advantage of it but hey, it says a lot the fact that you are telling us this. I still repeat that this is risky as hell because you are telling it to some random anons that you don´t know who they are behind the screen , maybe there are ponies typing on these keyboards, I will leave it at that.... The only saving grace is that there are more common cases than one would believe but they don´t make it public.

>Basically I've been in a wide variety of situations and to fully explain it would require to go far into the personal.
either simplify it into a more ordinary situation or just don´t give that info if you don´t see yourself confident enough...which is pretty understandable and the most logical choice.

>Because victimhood and introversion are desired and reduced so much on the net as a way to be cool and gain social status, so it makes me a little aloof in such matters unless something comes up
basically, the natural reaction that one gets towards those teenagers that shitpost: "Lol I am depressed this week" and practice the ATTW skills just to have replies and more attention. Those who are actually fucked up...don´t show it as a sport very often.
They hide it and pretty well from the outside and those adjectives go beyond from the the stereotype built in the net. I cannot point out a single group for claiming any guilt for such bad image (probably emos in the 2000s but even then, there´s not an uniform sample for that) but most likely, those who cried the loudest surely damaged the image of such emotions/behavior, especially if they bring something negative.

As for being aloof on the topic, I....well, you can see my obsession on drawing the line of what´s edgy and what it isn´t. The stigma still applies even after a decade. For describing such thoughts, you would have to go further than 140 characters and sadly, it requires more effort out there to prove a genuine sign of it.

Anon 03/04/2019 (Mon) 23:41:41 [Preview] No.3597 del
>I could present myself in such a light, and has I've had some very significant down points. It be dishonest to present it as just that though. Even if I could select experiences that I could give the impression of a poor kid who lived on the rough side of town (Drugs, gang violence, one guy tried to set my family's house on fire from the back alley, etc).
Well, that´s like selling and overexaggerating a past that you distort so you can reach more people and selling those drama bait events for getting more sympathy. A pretty common practice. That doesn´t work for me because it´s really hard to find genuine misery behind those stories. Life is fucked up but to an extent, it doesn´t go to a well without reaching the bottom as most people claim but it´s pretty easy to fall into that sense.

>And that little bit really paints a picture, but it ain't a full one (the drugs were usually tame, by my teens the gang violence had died down to the point where I hardly ever run into shady people in my neighborhood, and that setting house on fire was one incident, I'm not the only one who had to deal those crazy neighbors, I once spent awhile in the countryside away from town, etc).
when the explanations and backstories happen, then the conclusions change a lot. I have gone through that gang violence period without taking part, just being in the background, for a couple of years. About drugs, well I am pretty tired of musicians falling into them and have shown way worse symptoms than that (and exposed into the press) . Nothing extraordinary, especially when they got massively popular around the 70s (before even).

About the fire incident, if that guy caused a problem indifferently to you, then he could have perfectly set up that same situation to any other neighbor. In fact, it seems that one has only problems with problematic people when others also have to deal as you say with those people.

Lastly, about the escape to the countryside, I have met a contact that also did that during the night. Her mother was so worried that even the police was looking after him and he ran away for a few hours. Nowadays, that person is perfectly fine and has earned a pretty upbeat mood these latest years. That event happened because of tensions with the family. That subject gave up and showed those frustrations by doing running away to the outskirts.

>I will say that I am unsure how to characterize it all, and there is a lot of strange forces and situations that I would certainly say were probably not very comparable to others
if nobody was different and never had different circumstances, why bother if everyone was the same in the first place?

>but were too mundane to consider truly amazing or bad, just strange enough to raise questions in a way.
well, a brony praises this show for mundane lessons...maybe those little details are what make life special.

>I don't wanna join that social media game
well, you aren´t showing these thoughts with just 140 characters. That by itself detours from a very popular social site.
>so I won't raise any issues again unless something really relates to the topic or I drawn on some life experience for a fanfic
well, making your personal thoughts artistic is a pretty damn fine filter for describing those feelings. In fact, I would say that recontextualizing them and setting them up properly requires some effort behind the process. So yeah, that medium or basically any kind of art, filters those thoughts.

Now, my replies do not come from an expert on psychology, I am not studying that exactly. Just a random faggot who gives a few thoughts/observations about these lines.

Anon 03/05/2019 (Tue) 03:50:43 [Preview] No.3598 del
>honestly, I would take those existential thoughts into something more abstract and hidden in between the lines that you could write in a fic
That what I prefer to do. Though sometimes it does help to give a little background when explaining a fic do to some... stranger mindsets.

>I still repeat that this is risky as hell because you are telling it to some random anons that you don´t know who they are behind the screen
A partial risk anyway, though, facebook has way more on the average joe than I have alluded to a few anons. The only reason I made this post >>3557 was because of >>3547.
> living without running water for several months and under various other different types of strain for most of my life being at the mercy of various different forces at various different points of my life.
It was both poorly worded and certain have mentioned that one detail with the water. It felt too much like a begging of attention. Perhaps I'm too sick of social media. I'm actually not fully against disusing such since those topics havw came up before... but I didn't like how it was worded with this one insistence of mine. Those other facts I mentioned were merely to show how someone often exaggerates there hardships/problems a little. Everything was true but it wasn't an intimate details that really worry me speaking about and only brought up as examples of striping context and compounding several insistences to form a narrative to sell.

>Well, that´s like selling and overexaggerating a past that you distort so you can reach more people and selling those drama bait events for getting more sympathy. A pretty common practice.
Yep. It's what I'd say 80% of even minor media influencers do to a little bit nowadays (and a lot of normal people). It's something that I both detest and fear and never want to even be remotely associated with and or mistaken to be doing.

>I have gone through that gang violence period without taking part, just being in the background, for a couple of years.
Yep, samee never did. Closest thing was random gun fire once near the house and seeing people walk armed with boards and bats that I'd just hide from. I knew a few people who thought they were hot stuff for cussing and smoking weed... but overall I stayed away from even that low level idiocy.

>Lastly, about the escape to the countryside
Not even an escape in that way. My other grandparents died and we briefly moved into country property. I only mentioned that as an example of that there was some mobility/fluidity of things as opposed to always hurting, but I should've specified that.

>Her mother was so worried that even the police was looking after him and he ran away for a few hours. Nowadays, that person is perfectly fine and has earned a pretty upbeat mood these latest years. That event happened because of tensions with the family. That subject gave up and showed those frustrations by doing running away to the outskirts.
Good for him. I have also have know stuff like this though it didn't always end happy of course

Anon 03/05/2019 (Tue) 04:15:49 [Preview] No.3599 del
>well, making your personal thoughts artistic is a pretty damn fine filter for describing those feelings. In fact, I would say that recontextualizing them and setting them up properly requires some effort behind the process. So yeah, that medium or basically any kind of art, filters those thoughts.
Indeed. In fact I'd say I've had a few thoughts swirling in my head as of late for fic ideas that I think are drawing on stuff.

>About drugs, well I am pretty tired of musicians falling into them and have shown way worse symptoms than that (and exposed into the press) . Nothing extraordinary, especially when they got massively popular around the 70s (before even).
It becomes boring after a certain point, not saying that some of LSD inspired stuff isn't fanstastic but most of it was this cycle of addiction and depression and death depeding on the drug Speaking of the 1970s drug scene, Lynyrd Skynyrd had a song specifically about that point in about the state of things at that time in music and themselves . That's always haunted me a bit.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=J4j7ggZqbiU [Embed]

>if that guy caused a problem indifferently to you, then he could have perfectly set up that same situation to any other neighbor. In fact, it seems that one has only problems with problematic people when others also have to deal as you say with those people.
Yeah, he and his brothers were just wild kids. They'd do all kinds of stuff and where one of several neighbors that were a bit wild that I knew and not the ones that I worry bout moved away, along with several other families that cuasd most of the gang trouble in the neighborhood.

>Now, my replies do not come from an expert on psychology, I am not studying that exactly. Just a random faggot who gives a few thoughts/observations about these lines.
We both are.

Anon 03/05/2019 (Tue) 05:42:20 [Preview] No.3601 del
Happy 3600 /BO/. Wait, it's not 3600 and Trixie stole it like a retard? Well centuries aren't worth as much as minimum anyway.

...and now that I have your attention, I only have one small question. If I was, say, making something stupid and asked you about, oh I don't know preferences regarding say a favorite pony or two and what motifs you like or like to share , what would those be?

Anon 03/05/2019 (Tue) 23:55:17 [Preview] No.3606 del
>Not much of a different impetus but swamp out most of the lonely and abandonment for a more subtle /confy/ and a haunting aura that has a mix of emotions that could be attached to it.
that sounds way nicer indeed.

>Here what I imagine, the cover art for the fic The Sun Whispers Your Name.
>I read this fic a long tim ago and don't remember the full details but they sadly didn't spent more than a chapter in this city travling inside Celestia's mind .
only one chapter of that part. Do you remember if there were more dramatic or happy moments before and after that part? Just curious about the writer´s dynamic with that story.

>I've ran into other fics that also had fantastical places like this and it always makes feel quite haunted.
the pic definitely looks like it. That building brings a strange feeling that the first thing that comes into your head is why it is located right there, in the middle of a blue field.
It doesn´t help much to avoid that strange feeling of comfort when Luna and Twilight are staring patiently at it.

>Not sure how much of a spike they are having now considering weekend activity.
honestly I haven´t cared all that much about the boards nor I have noticed how much it has increased. I simply reported it because of giving a warning sign and expose a clear example on how to become popular overnight. Sure it´s an isolated case but they have balanced it with the drama that the news have arisen pretty loudly during those two days).

>also saw EQD trixie in /v/ and no one freak out at her appearance
8 /b/ has traditionally had a pony thread every now and then and they were used to seeing it. It becomes really apparent that the mindset shown over there isn´t the same as the original root of it, which caused property damage.

It doesn´t surprise that they show between little to no reaction at all, much less when it´s reached a point to qualify it as "another" reaction image that you would expect.

>Have ya heard of th whole mattishatitis drama?
nope. The one I have heard was the controversy about those random videos about popular characters and brands doing all kinds of fetishes and weird stuff (including MLP). That content could be defined as Deviantart turned into a Youtube video (and not exactly its brightest side).

If that drama has come up around these last two years, then I have not noticed it until now.

Anon 03/06/2019 (Wed) 02:19:40 [Preview] No.3608 del
(2.12 MB 991x559 1549850586104.png)
I wanted to say that The True 56k Experience™ is gone, but turns out it isn't.

Also, that uncomfortable realisation that lists of favourite ponies are identifiable information.
Pulling some numbers out of my ass for some model, sharing top 2 ponies is unique enough to identify one person out of 1024. I'd say I underestimated by far, but I didn't put much thought beyond 3 seconds coming up with the numbers.

And fuck not having organised image folder.

Anon 03/06/2019 (Wed) 02:22:00 [Preview] No.3609 del
(Also, I like to live dangerously and haven't read anything from this thread save few posts)

*Disappears into the distance*

Anon 03/06/2019 (Wed) 22:46:52 [Preview] No.3610 del
>It's kind of more complicated than just that in my head do to me having a more positive point to make
well, if you cannot find the explanation,one can leave it at that for now.

>I am not easily offended by things like that, so you don't have to worry on that front.
it´s not about getting offended. it´s more like a mindset that I have when I get into this private zone that I sense as sacred. As long as there isn´t anything extraordinarily wrong that I have to point out or the transmitter asks for it, I tend to listen to the story that I have no idea until it´s explained completely.
And even then,in other topics I jump onto them naturally and even anticipate the words that I am going to receive yet for this one, I am more reserved. Giving an external view without understanding at all the backstory feels like manipulating or influencing over the other, hence I have to think a little bit more whenever I have to give my view on that.

>The only reason I brought it up because that is my relation to such adversity and overcoming it and trying to note that my perspective is probably a bit strange from the average joe or Jose.
well, not everything is cut by the same pattern. There are slight variations that rely on exclusive circumstances more than anything.

>Still sustainable in theory but people jumping ship isn't a good sign.
well, I am using .xyz (by incident) and it seems that it´s working as usual (2 hooves out of 3). Maybe they have fixed it now. There are like 8 boards left with a little bit of activity. I suppose ponies were meant to see the /end/ before their innocent eyes.

Anon 03/06/2019 (Wed) 23:27:03 [Preview] No.3611 del
>sometimes it does help to give a little background when explaining a fic do to some... stranger mindsets.
yeah, that´s what critics call "originality". Maye the path for trying to explore those thoughts is more interesting than the ending flag itself, who knows.

>facebook has way more on the average joe than I have alluded to a few anons.
that´s true. Not so risky and one advantage you have is that people are lazy even for spying. If it doesn´t have a profile on those mainstream social media, then you are kind of dead in terms of digital identity (in social terms). Also, you are covered by a barrier of normie people who are exposing what they do 24/7 all the time.

>The only reason I made this post >>3557 was because of >>3547.
probably because of unexplained context that didn´t give the full story and also you were more or less hungry for posting after the maintenance period (I am implying this part).

>It felt too much like a begging of attention
well, definitely if you can live without water, then you are God under the skin of a MLP fan who shitposts in an alt chan.

>Perhaps I'm too sick of social media.
you tell me, I complained about them from the very beginning, not to mention that I deleted my Twitter account around 2016. One can complain about 4chan a lot but the posters that stay there also admit that there is no better place/alternative to go.

>but I didn't like how it was worded with this one insistence of mine.
well, you simply posted it trying to go into the middle ground, testing the waters and you ended up giving a clickbait? shitpost. I didn´t take it with much importance because I needed more info to judge. I simply posted about the interesting times topic until you mentioned the big part >>3577.

>Those other facts I mentioned were merely to show how someone often exaggerates there hardships/problems a little.
basically trying really hard to be a postmodern journalist or average user of Twitter. That happens when you have something to say yet the words kill all your intentions to reflect it properly. What you have said and fixed now.

>it wasn't an intimate details that really worry me speaking about and only brought up as examples of striping context and compounding several insistences to form a narrative to sell.
yeah, the middle point in order to give a sense of accessibility. It´s certainly genuine if done well. I have tried to do that as well and I am telling you that giving it more form with something else, makes it even easier to digest.

I suppose that the subtlety (maybe omission is the correct word) just didn´t fit that much for what you wanted to expose.

>It's something that I both detest and fear and never want to even be remotely associated with and or mistaken to be doing.
well, these days one has to adapt that strategy in order to draw attention these days......in order to become famous quickly and get some sort of attention out of one in a million. One gets bored of this and fed up because there are so many users trying yet they fail miserably. I kind of (even though I had to explain lots of things) did it with the first posts of my personal project and well, the thing I love the most is that those two fics exist.

One doesn´t earn fame nor sympathy so quickly. I suppose one gets it over time even though you aren´t in the best format to do that long term move.

So...it´s sadly kind of difficult to adapt an alternative path considering these common trends extended to the entire globe.

Anon 03/06/2019 (Wed) 23:40:36 [Preview] No.3612 del
one thing I should add about that drama bait and middle truths that end up being fake and tricky. A very famous writer said: "In an era full of lies, truth is a revolutionary act". I´ll leave it at that.

>overall I stayed away from even that low level idiocy.
then you are unaffected and you most likely forgot about it as soon as you didn´t see them anymore. I know those feelings because I barely remember or even spend a neuron that I was there with those kind of people. I suppose those fuck ups make you immune to do wrong things in the future because you know how people would do it.

>I only mentioned that as an example of that there was some mobility/fluidity of things as opposed to always hurting
well, then you definitely worded this wrong. You were talking about a short period of move instead of an escape. Then, it´s pretty ordinary to feel kind of homesick and have mixed thoughts of those changes of place. If you combine that personal friction with psychological confusion, that can perfectly make you feel devastated.

>I have also have know stuff like this though it didn't always end happy of course
it makes you wonder if one has a boring life by witnessing events like these.

Anon 03/07/2019 (Thu) 00:06:32 [Preview] No.3613 del
>If endchan goes dark we at least could still meet at /nextpone/ to touch base (or poni.fun I suppose).
yeah, there´s always that. One can improvise perfectly with those choices.

>Preaching to the choir.
it´s in their nature. One cannot do anything else to change it but playing with that factor/handicap.


>that can be better to have something slowly spread than have a quick high and slow collapse lik som mny things nowadays.
considering the explosive nature from the things that rise like foam, I suppose that a stable increase over time is the "punk" thing to do these days.
There have memes that lasted for a month and suddenly, everyone forgot that they existed despite being popular. Same for the typical summer song.
As for MLP, that´s exactly happening to the kirins. They have had an October full of hype and such, but the content about them has slowed down incredibly. Unless it´s about Autumn Blaze, they have got much less presence in these last couple of months.

So yeah, you are right about letting things to grow slowly. and that´s how you can avoid the clickbait mentality as well because of staying loyal to what you post or think.

>blazechan certainly still is in beta.
I am waiting for some basic rules too. I don´t know how to establish them on the board and that freedom honestly overwhelms me.

>for some in the chan world I'd imagine it is a much of a turnoff for many as it could be a breath of fresh air.
mostly because it´s not planned at all. When you get to reply like this, guess what happens next.....the chance of getting a shitpost or prefabricated answer is much less likely despite the site you are in. Basically, an answer that you would expect from a forum or something. This is why I love /mlp/ and boards that happen to have that mix of fun and seriousness.

>meant to make a point about how elaborateness "doesn't" have to be a noob mistake always
there are always exceptions to the rule. Considering how simple ponies are with this artstyle, that challenge isn´t that easy to overcome.

>I can see a patter here with it and the seaponies that you also like.
I am implying that the pattern is about the flowing design (which would be logical considering that they share the same nature). Now, as much as I like them, I have never seen them as truly majestic (relatively speaking, they kind of enter there) unless we are talking about Novo (in her earlier stages) or Skystar reappearing in the movie. More like they are classy and clean in the sense that it simplifies certain aspects with an universal body structure.

Funnily enough, even though the designs have become more PKMN-esque (in the sense that they are more neutral and focus more on creatures that can appeal to all kinds of audience), seaponies didn´t give me that feeling(explicitly at least). The one species that assembles those characteristics are the changelings. Particularly Thorax at first. I may have mentioned it earlier but as soon as I saw him reformed for the first time,I paused the episode and I thought I was seeing the cousin of Xerneas or something.

Maybe these two pics make these impressions less ridiculous.

Anon 03/07/2019 (Thu) 00:14:25 [Preview] No.3614 del
>I like to live dangerously and haven't read anything from this thread save few posts
local man stays based as hell and disappears like a ninja

>*Disappears into the distance*
you don´t have Lyra in the top o the crown. You lied to us. You are more into the secret agent Sweetie Drops.

>And fuck not having organised image folder.
organization helps,amazingly well by the way

Anon 03/08/2019 (Fri) 02:21:06 [Preview] No.3616 del
PoLS for today.

Disappearing, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
You think I cannot find you?

Anon 03/09/2019 (Sat) 08:01:40 [Preview] No.3632 del
>only one chapter of that part. Do you remember if there were more dramatic or happy moments before and after that part? Just curious about the writer´s dynamic with that story.
Dramatic I'd probably say. It's been a long while since I read it so I don't remember all the details. the city was supposed to be dated prehistory before equestria and it was back when Celestia and Luna were considered to be deities so there was a mythology theme with it. I don't remember what the ultimate reason why Celestia was sleeping though I loved the imagery in the earlier parts, though some of the later explations I remember making the world feel a bit colder to me than mysterious but I don't remember exactly what. Still I always loved the city regardless.

>It doesn´t help much to avoid that strange feeling of comfort when Luna and Twilight are staring patiently at it.
It's calming and haunting and almost a little creepy. Makes one feel like they are staring at something beautiful, yet holding a lot of secrets and makes the world feel mysterious. I've gotten lost in the pic so many times...

>8 /b/ has traditionally had a pony thread every now and then and they were used to seeing it. It becomes really apparent that the mindset shown over there isn´t the same as the original root of it, which caused property damage.
I remember seeing pony reaction images on one of the few times I took a glance at their /b/ and being surprised at the lack of freakout.

>nope. The one I have heard was the controversy about those random videos about popular characters and brands doing all kinds of fetishes and weird stuff (including MLP). That content could be defined as Deviantart turned into a Youtube video (and not exactly its brightest side).
Actually somewhat similar category, though over the last couple of weeks. Relates to non explicit videos of children in swimsuits and such being shared and commented on by pedos . A yt channel called mattiswhatitis randomly had a vid go viral about this topic. Youtube randomly started deleted channels and shutting down comment sections in panic, though it was understandable it hit a lot of otherwise innocent channels (like ones relating to pokemon). If that wasn't enough to create a storm, matt started to have random livestreams about it and trying to really supporters to contact advertisers to pull content off YT until they got it fixed. Several have and it caused a lot of Yters to go after him, since they were pissed off of possibly having another "adpocalypse" (YT's last major controversy with unsavory content which led to a mass ad boycott, though that one was a much darker rabbit hole). Apparently it was found that matt had done some comedy skits in the past that were of a questionable invovling minors but not quite damming nature and that he may have lied about things (keep in mind that this info was found by keemstar, though I've seen more sober headed people saying that it appeared to be true) and that's the last I know. Yeah... just stupid YT stuff.

>And even then,in other topics I jump onto them naturally and even anticipate the words that I am going to receive yet for this one, I am more reserved. Giving an external view without understanding at all the backstory feels like manipulating or influencing over the other, hence I have to think a little bit more whenever I have to give my view on that.
I can understand tbh. I'd have that fear too with some people. It's good to be careful, wise even I'd say, though I also say that the scared realm I tell anywhere online I fully understand are open to scurrility and mockery, and even being a bit more liberal with such places can be interesting as well. Thanks for the respect though a as I've said in the past, if ya ever need ta just vent or something I'd be all ears.

Anon 03/09/2019 (Sat) 08:47:35 [Preview] No.3633 del
(166.93 KB 600x600 600px-716Xerneas.png)
>that´s true. Not so risky and one advantage you have is that people are lazy even for spying.
Exactly, though security through obscurity is ill advisable unless one remains obscure . But as for the threat model I have. A few allusions to sensitive personal topics sometimes mixed in with mlp contnet is not much for me to sweat over.

>well, you simply posted it trying to go into the middle ground, testing the waters and you ended up giving a clickbait? shitpost. I didn´t take it with much importance because I needed more info to judge. I simply posted about the interesting times topic until you mentioned the big part
I only posted it because it was the first thing in my head as a relation. The big part was when I realized how it sounded like I how I hated how I had worded it and thought it felt a little too much to allude to and the fact that it was such a social media thing to do.

> One can complain about 4chan a lot but the posters that stay there also admit that there is no better place/alternative to go.
Yep. Though their are topics that I would like to be discussed with more sincerity and such, I would take 4chan over the main social media sites anyday. Besides, I've got smaller alt chans and other rabbit holes Internet communities that you can go to fill out social media topics in a healthier atmosphere.

>basically trying really hard to be a postmodern journalist or average user of Twitter. That happens when you have something to say yet the words kill all your intentions to reflect it properly. What you have said and fixed now.

>So...it´s sadly kind of difficult to adapt an alternative path considering these common trends extended to the entire globe.
Indeed. Even on smaller sites you can find those to an extent. I have giving long thought on my long term net presence plans and it be a hard road to walk without joining up in at least some of the things in social media that I despise. Even if I avoid the larger sites if I took a name I'd be prone to end up getting caught up in some circlejerk or group with in group out group dynamics that could lead to stupid drama. And if I failed to pertispate by it's rules I could be shunned, unless I tried to really my own group around my displeasure of social media, which would just be a repeat of the problems with me at the helm. Not saying it would happen, but that it always would be a possibility, even with a small online presence.

>yeah, there´s always that. One can improvise perfectly with those choices.
Or even derpibooru or mlpg.co now that I think about it. and I might as well set up a derpibooru account. Yeah, that's why I never linked one, because I have never bothered to...

>So yeah, you are right about letting things to grow slowly. and that´s how you can avoid the clickbait mentality as well because of staying loyal to what you post or think.
Few things that have hype usually are relevant more than a few years. I mean, one could name Star Wars as an example, or even this franchise considering how it exploded but still has a much larger than average core fandom. But most things that are popular are just that, trends. I'd rather slowly gain vitality and build to a point of larger cult following with a just under mainstream recognition (Touhou, independent animator Don Hertzfeldt for a more strange example) that is sustaining and growing over a hype bobble that pops.

>I paused the episode and I thought I was seeing the cousin of Xerneas or something.
>Maybe these two pics make these impressions less ridiculous.
Nah, I can see why from the get go. I guess we should start calling it PONYmon eh? I could say the same for a good bit of the deisgns now that I think about it. I'm looking at you kirin

Anon 03/09/2019 (Sat) 08:51:16 [Preview] No.3634 del
(38.74 KB 600x150 longpony-chewy.png)
Dolores it seems has a rival. Ponychan is now our greatest enemy. this is a ponychan banner btw

Anon 03/09/2019 (Sat) 08:58:45 [Preview] No.3635 del
(10.43 KB 474x330 meow.jpeg)
True. Though always posting lyra is a pattern as well that I can track with you too pal. tell me your 5th fav then

Alright then. Lyra with lobster claws fighting using arch linux to edit reality.

Anon 03/09/2019 (Sat) 23:56:53 [Preview] No.3640 del
>Dramatic I'd probably say.
right, I think that I can imagine a few things about it.
>the city was supposed to be dated prehistory before equestria and it was back when Celestia and Luna were considered to be deities so there was a mythology theme with it.
no wonder it haunts the reader, considering that lore wise (back then), it was serious stuff that the show barely brought onto the table.

>I loved the imagery in the earlier parts, though some of the later explations I remember making the world feel a bit colder to me than mysterious but I don't remember exactly what. Still I always loved the city regardless.
it looks like a strange wild city that contributes for a scenery like that. Eeeeyup, it seems that this is one of those pictures that offers more in terms of thinking about yourself and why they are there than the next chapter of that fic.

>Makes one feel like they are staring at something beautiful, yet holding a lot of secrets and makes the world feel mysterious. I've gotten lost in the pic so many times...
definitely. Also despite being a city, it makes you feel lonely for some reason.

>I took a glance at their /b/ and being surprised at the lack of freakout.
8chan knows the old news that came from the well known site and keep in mind that /mlp/ was already created before 8chan saw the light.MLP had aired for three entire years by that point.

>Relates to non explicit videos of children in swimsuits and such being shared and commented on by pedos
those ingredients usually lead to...
>pparently it was found that matt had done some comedy skits in the past that were of a questionable invovling minors but not quite damming nature and that he may have lied about things (keep in mind that this info was found by keemstar, though I've seen more sober headed people saying that it appeared to be true) and that's the last I know. Yeah... just stupid YT stuff.
basically Youtube problems and drama except for this part

>they were pissed off of possibly having another "adpocalypse" (YT's last major controversy with unsavory content which led to a mass ad boycott, though that one was a much darker rabbit hole

a friendly site they said. Out of shutting down channels and messing up with algorithms (which doesn´t surprise me at all), this aspect sure sounds more extraordinary. After reading this post, I´ve remembered that pedos use Youtube to trick minors and ask for little minors to do X stuff.

So yeah, maybe the wolf isn´t the one who the media tells you who in theory should be. Maybe the innocent sheep is the one who gives you the poisonous bite in the end.

>Thanks for the respect though a as I've said in the past, if ya ever need ta just vent or something I'd be all ears.
this is one of the reasons I don´t use mockery and I respect the privacy a little bit more. Those who prove that they are actually open minded and serious unironically....are the ones that one should take care.

By the way, I have vented a lot of things and talking and seeing propaganda everywhere just bores me to death at this point. I will get affected by it anyway but without an appetite for it, much less about getting offended (unless the people behind it are incompetent, that sure angers me more). It sells a lot and it gives you a topic to talk about but I´d rather talk about Filly Funtasia or whatever, mostly because of feeling tired about it.

Anon 03/10/2019 (Sun) 00:23:59 [Preview] No.3641 del
>I've had a few thoughts swirling in my head as of late for fic ideas that I think are drawing on stuff.
that process is for sure the most mysterious and thrilling one that defines a story. Having visions about feels like you are watching a movie for you that isn´t even painted clearly. Somehow, when you get to write the story, it feels like you are cheating because you are wording what you see in your head.

>It becomes boring after a certain point, not saying that some of LSD inspired stuff isn't fanstastic but most of it was this cycle of addiction and depression and death depeding on the drug
basically, an artificial need of them in order to keep yourself active with the price of doubling the downturn that would come afterwards.
>Speaking of the 1970s drug scene, Lynyrd Skynyrd had a song specifically about that point in about the state of things at that time in music and themselves .
the 70s were a weird period actually, especially after the middle of that decade in which people complained about lots of things in terms of music consumption (disco, punk movement, no wave....and tons tons of f*yay* drugs that affected almost all the artists out there even ones like Nico or Bowie ).
It´s almost confusing, like that period was mostly dedicating their work to drugs and weird hallucinations that came in their heads. Sure, other decades were more explicit and more direct to that topic but not as much as the 70s in terms of dealing with them. I didn´t live them but in retrospective, young people were pretty encouraged to taste them for the sake to know what pleasure those substances offered to them.

as for the band, the record of that song in particular had released before they had the airplane crash that would change the spirit of the band forever

All in mind, it´s scary to think a little bit deeper. Sure one condemns one self about what he could have done for the best, but as for the worst case scenarios, one has to appreciate that one passed the test.

I suppose that´s a silent victory which nobody will remember.

>he and his brothers were just wild kids. They'd do all kinds of stuff
you tell me, there were a couple of brothers that were marginalized because they caused fear to all the school and they were gypsies of course.

and there are people defend Cozy´s intentions with the arguments of children not being intentionally evil...

>and where one of several neighbors that were a bit wild that I knew and not the ones that I worry bout moved away, along with several other families that cuasd most of the gang trouble in the neighborhood.
goddammit, what a mess. That sounds like it brought tensions around that period. Also it was the 70s, an era in which a recognized city like New York had pretty high crime rates around that time and the communication and entertainment wasn´t very present.

What you are telling me isn´t all that desirable honestly.

Anon 03/10/2019 (Sun) 00:33:57 [Preview] No.3642 del
>Dolores it seems has a rival. Ponychan is now our greatest enemy. this is a ponychan banner btw
well, it fits to the canon events. Dolores learned from Twilight so I suppose this is one of the lessons that she would put in practice.

Also, I love how the BO has a sense of humor towards it.

Anon 03/10/2019 (Sun) 23:12:03 [Preview] No.3644 del
>security through obscurity is ill advisable unless one remains obscure
the risk exists obviously but it´s simply that you have a lesser chance to get noticed out there. Also, one would have to read entire paragraphs for a good while. Good luck if they spend time on reading these posts.

>A few allusions to sensitive personal topics sometimes mixed in with mlp contnet is not much for me to sweat over.
well, if there is something that I have learned from ponyposting is that they soften the discussion a lot, hence /mlpol/ still exists and found an unexpected dynamic with them. So yeah, there is always some kind of entertainment in between the lines.

>The big part was when I realized how it sounded like I how I hated how I had worded it and thought it felt a little too much to allude to and the fact that it was such a social media thing to do.
self criticism and fixing the problem one set up. I mean, social media´s method has been pretty successful at what they do. However, you are not willing to do that and that´s alright. If you are tired of social media, you know that you can use that method any day.

>I would take 4chan over the main social media sites anyday.
it´s the alternative social media these days, systematically speaking.

>I've got smaller alt chans and other rabbit holes Internet communities that you can go to fill out social media topics in a healthier atmosphere.
yeah, that´s why forums and imageboards exists. Also they show another side of the coin that people wouldn´t show up so often on social media.

However, I think social media have caught up pretty fast and are wilder and edgier reactions at a certain events (especially political ones) than you would get from these small places. In theory, one uses anonymity to express more anger and frustrations but what I have seen from certain accounts, they just blow out of the park the usual shitposts you see on 4chan, to the point where one gets to investigate them and could perfectly report it to the police.

And let me tell you, I have cringed and seen crazier people around there than the imageboards. Unless we talk about /b/,/pol/ or /tv/, political reactions beat the rest of the boards. I am setting myself fire to the public but in 4 years and a half that I´ve stayed in the community, I have not seen that edge or chaos here than on Twitter...in theory bronies are the cringy people. That´s true for the sexual/lewd jokes around random threads and certain autistic reactions that shitposters repeat again and again but most fans filter those emotions through art (ships, OCs, fetishes, etc), the show or fanfiction which is respectable.

As for the rest, even at their worst, the main sites I know from this fanbase are pretty mild in comparison.

That´s saying a lot and you won´t see me saying these words all the time.

Anon 03/10/2019 (Sun) 23:47:00 [Preview] No.3645 del
>ven on smaller sites you can find those to an extent.
every standard has been set pretty fast and it feels like we are moving at a really fast pace in general. This might explain why everything on the internet gets old after a short period of time.

>I have giving long thought on my long term net presence plans and it be a hard road to walk without joining up in at least some of the things in social media that I despise.
there is always something that you can learn or extract out of them. Don´t take them as the ultimate poison but analyze but it´s worth getting from there. In the end, you are the only one who decides to be selective with them.

>Even if I avoid the larger sites if I took a name I'd be prone to end up getting caught up in some circlejerk or group with in group out group dynamics that could lead to stupid drama.
well, but it´s kind of a private drama that only a few notice it. Unless it jumps onto the new (pretty difficult by the way), there are dramas happening everywhere. They may not happen on the street but instead, keyboards cannot catch a break these days.

>And if I failed to pertispate by it's rules I could be shunned, unless I tried to really my own group around my displeasure of social media, which would just be a repeat of the problems with me at the helm. Not saying it would happen, but that it always would be a possibility, even with a small online presence.
you will find out. Like you felt about Ponychan, you will discover where you see yourself comfortable or fit in without problems.

>I might as well set up a derpibooru account. Yeah, that's why I never linked one, because I have never bothered to...
do it. I have had one for 2 years and it serves me to click like and the fav buttons in order to ask for more content that I like. Instead of shitposting all the time on 4chan, I prefer creating a belief to those content creators that X type of content is well regarded and encourage them to keep going very subtly.

What I have described sounds masonic as hell and it certainly is but it works and what´s even more amazing, it´s that it becomes true after the quality content drops.

So yeah, go for it if you want.

>Few things that have hype usually are relevant more than a few years.
in the internet age, definitely.

>I mean, one could name Star Wars as an example, or even this franchise considering how it exploded but still has a much larger than average core fandom. But most things that are popular are just that, trends.
what´s even funnier is that MLP exploded in 2011 and after that, it has gained the unironic cult over time.

>I'd rather slowly gain vitality and build to a point of larger cult following with a just under mainstream recognition (Touhou, independent animator Don Hertzfeldt for a more strange example) that is sustaining and growing over a hype bobble that pops.
yeah, it´s definitely the most consistent method to thrive and those two examples are pretty on point to that statement. In fact, I have checked Don Hetzfeldt and he says:

<You never want to lie to your audience... you can trick them, you can disturb them, you can annoy them, but you can never lie to them. To me commercials are nothing but lies.
I like this guy.

>I guess we should start calling it PONYmon eh? I could say the same for a good bit of the deisgns now that I think about it.
yeah, we are talking about the most profitable franchise ever and one cannot deny the subtle influence it has had around the globe, especially now with the mobile app. I wonder what other designs are similar or recall you something out of MLP. I can imagine the OCs of IDW or the changeling but it´s harder for me to tell how other characters are similar.

>I'm looking at you kirin
I cannot match nor correlate their designs to any mon in particular. I suppose their designs come from taking the Twilight ponyta mode way too seriously and apply it for an entire race. I suppose the nirik mode would remind me of something but I don´t see it. Do you have in mind anything in particular?

Anon 03/12/2019 (Tue) 01:25:30 [Preview] No.3646 del
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Anon 03/12/2019 (Tue) 06:04:22 [Preview] No.3647 del
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Anon 03/12/2019 (Tue) 07:23:55 [Preview] No.3648 del
Proof of life.

Anon 03/13/2019 (Wed) 00:24:26 [Preview] No.3649 del
proof of life in case I can' post soon again. note: the reason for the delay is do to me trying to finish my prototype fic, which has turned into a bigger project in its own right.

Anon 03/13/2019 (Wed) 00:52:12 [Preview] No.3650 del
>trying to finish my prototype fic, which has turned into a bigger project in its own right.
oh....oh dear. It hasn't even begun and one knows what the real deal is behind those words.

Anon 03/14/2019 (Thu) 22:12:31 [Preview] No.3666 del
(277.46 KB 1600x1131 1552594719635.jpg)
another day,another proof of life

with a cute hug between mother and daughter edition

Anon 03/15/2019 (Fri) 01:30:09 [Preview] No.3667 del
>it looks like a strange wild city that contributes for a scenery like that. Eeeeyup, it seems that this is one of those pictures that offers more in terms of thinking about yourself
Oh yes. Because it brings me back to a few years ago, yet even than it haunted me. There are several images come to think of it that do that, but this has been one i've always been drawn to.

>So yeah, maybe the wolf isn´t the one who the media tells you who in theory should be. Maybe the innocent sheep is the one who gives you the poisonous bite in the end.
My thoughts at this point. There is always risk out in the countryside but that doesn't change the fact that most people live in the cities, good or bad...

** >this is one of the reasons I don´t use mockery and I respect the privacy a little bit more. Those who prove that they are actually open minded and serious unironically....are the ones that one should take care.
I understand. As long as it doesn't extent to walking on eggshells and limiting you discussion. Thanks fam.
I have the same respect for you

>It sells a lot and it gives you a topic to talk about but I´d rather talk about Filly Funtasia or whatever, mostly because of feeling tired about it.
Besides, their are more things of interest on the sideline anyway. TBH, I having stopped trying to keep track of th myriad of factions and what not, but more from a maintenance standpoint. Weird internet stuff and ponies are more fun.

Anon 03/15/2019 (Fri) 02:17:40 [Preview] No.3668 del
>that process is for sure the most mysterious and thrilling one that defines a story. Having visions about feels like you are watching a movie for you that isn´t even painted clearly.
I get this feel. Only problem is which idea to follow sometimes.

>the 70s were a weird period actually, especially after the middle of that decade in which people complained about lots of things in terms of music consumption (disco, punk movement, no wave....and tons tons of f*yay* drugs that affected almost all the artists out there
I'm surprised how simplified it is in the public consciousness at times, at least from a US perspective. the 70s primarily remembered as Disco with the other notable music movements and art being not brought up much. I guess it was unlucky being in between the 60s with the war protest and the psychedelic scene and the 1980s with the full advent of music videos and mainstream recognition of techno and other later movements. I'm not saying it's all forgotten but I often see it reduced to just a disco aesthetic while even in more limited portrayal of 60s and 80s having a bit more nuance and least mishmashing several styles from the period together.

>even ones like Nico or Bowie
wouldn't be able to say much on nico but I know of the great white duke

>they had the airplane crash that would change the spirit of the band forever
Actually that is one of the reasons it haunts me but I wasn't sure if you'd know much or not and I didn't want to make my sentence long and awkward from being tired that day though in relation to the crash, freebird haunts me the most, don't know why

>you tell me, there were a couple of brothers that were marginalized because they caused fear to all the school
One pair of two brothers and a sister that I know was certainly marginalized from being more scary than simple teen stuff and they still scare me as adults but that's a different rabbit hole and it certainly hurt them all later in life. That's my closets thing relating to that anyway.

>and they were gypsies of course.
oof, that's a whole other layer of baggage.

>What you are telling me isn´t all that desirable honestly.
Yeah, I suppose it wasn't. But it's where I grow up. TBH, this is one of the reasons why I'm so split on how to describe things. I didn't reguard my area as the worst side of town and in some ways reguard my life as pretty sheltered yet whenever I've mentioned details I've had people be freaked out by some things I considered everyday occurrences or not bad
But I can get to that in another time, right now FiM final season is upon us.

Anon 03/15/2019 (Fri) 03:00:26 [Preview] No.3669 del
>the risk exists obviously but it´s simply that you have a lesser chance to get noticed out there. Also, one would have to read entire paragraphs for a good while. Good luck if they spend time on reading these posts.
That is also true. At least of lower level adversaries that I'd worry about most of all.

>well, if there is something that I have learned from ponyposting is that they soften the discussion a lot, hence /mlpol/ still exists and found an unexpected dynamic with them. So yeah, there is always some kind of entertainment in between the lines.
Ponies make everything better.

>it´s the alternative social media these days, systematically speaking.
Or the anti-social media, depending on how you look at it.

>In theory, one uses anonymity to express more anger and frustrations but what I have seen from certain accounts, they just blow out of the park the usual shitposts you see on 4chan, to the point where one gets to investigate them and could perfectly report it to the police.
>>And let me tell you, I have cringed and seen crazier people around there than the imageboards. Unless we talk about /b/,/pol/ or /tv/, political reactions beat the rest of the boards.
It's ironic, twitter, facebook, youtube and especially discord can have worse stuff going on than 4chan and our little corners of the net considering how it's portrayed in media.

> I am setting myself fire to the public but in 4 years and a half that I´ve stayed in the community, I have not seen that edge or chaos here than on Twitter...in theory bronies are the cringy people. That´s true for the sexual/lewd jokes around random threads and certain autistic reactions that shitposters repeat again and again but most fans filter those emotions through art (ships, OCs, fetishes, etc), the show or fanfiction which is respectable.
Well, as someone who has been in this fandom for nearly... 8 years. I have always wrestled with the question of our public perception. Sometimes we'd be seen as better or worse than furries, if not considered same thing, albeit with a bit more mainstream acceptance/curosity for awhile. We've had some pretty crindgy figures in the past and I still need to do some investigations how dominate some forces in the fandom are/were and there influence, but I think I might agree with you. At least for the latter half of the fandom's existence. That's food for thought for sure.

Anon 03/15/2019 (Fri) 03:36:57 [Preview] No.3670 del
>every standard has been set pretty fast and it feels like we are moving at a really fast pace in general. This might explain why everything on the internet gets old after a short period of time.
It seems like there is this split between a group that's trying to consume the newest stuff all the time ("meme culture", mainstream animation fandoms, movies, etc). And another side that is in the past and more fragmented (our fandom, most weeb websites outside some of the largest ones, various other niches that got there start before social media, etc).

> Don´t take them as the ultimate poison but analyze but it´s worth getting from there. In the end, you are the only one who decides to be selective with them.
Wise words right there.

>you will find out. Like you felt about Ponychan, you will discover where you see yourself comfortable or fit in without problems.
I suppose so. I'm just very distrustful, even with the smaller areas. I'm not really looking to be social as much as forging a few connections and fallout areas to get /confy/ when 2020 happens. if I find any places that are good I'll pass it on here

>What I have described sounds masonic as hell and it certainly is but it works and what´s even more amazing, it´s that it becomes true after the quality content drops.
Interaction is key. Sometimes there can be something with a half decent viewer base but no one would tell from there being no comments or feedback at all. I should know, I kept one MLP tumblr blog going for a year being almost the only one asking questions

>So yeah, go for it if you want.
Yeah, probably will once I get a few things settled.

>I like this guy.
Though I've never bothered to shell out cash yet to see his work and am not sure it's even my taste, I've always respected him for standing on such ground on his own and being truly independent and uninfluenced despite all nearly mainstream recognition he gets from the awards and the imitations of his style.

>I suppose the nirik mode would remind me of something but I don´t see it. Do you have in mind anything in particular?
Not anything in particular but a general sense with the more overdisgned look and nirik. Maybe it's just me but my first thought was pokemon when I saw them.

Anon 03/15/2019 (Fri) 03:43:44 [Preview] No.3671 del
Yeah, tbh. I won't call it the biggest thing in the world but it's much larger and a bit deeper than a surreal one off I'd thought it be. Still consider it a prototype because it doesn't factor into my endgame and still will be a bit bumby. Right now it's either 50% or 30% done depending on if I decide to include one sequence or not.

Anon 03/15/2019 (Fri) 03:45:54 [Preview] No.3672 del
check those surprisingly family orientated trips.

hi BO

Anon 03/15/2019 (Fri) 08:58:44 [Preview] No.3674 del
Been up into the late hours tracking a rather tragic event and would rather make the last thing I did on the net be posting a pony or two.

Anon 03/15/2019 (Fri) 09:19:38 [Preview] No.3680 del
well not much else to say... goodnight /endpone/.

Anon 03/15/2019 (Fri) 22:15:01 [Preview] No.3681 del
(1.69 MB 480x539 1552630786427.gif)
and now good afternoon/evening.

Anon 03/15/2019 (Fri) 22:49:11 [Preview] No.3682 del
you sure posted way earlier than usual Pinkie. That energy doesn´t come as easy as one may think.

Anon 03/16/2019 (Sat) 18:59:54 [Preview] No.3700 del
Maybe it was Pinkie's clone?

Anon 03/16/2019 (Sat) 19:05:11 [Preview] No.3701 del
(42.55 KB 301x104 I_LOVE_THIS_BO.png)
Oh boy he does. Nice work BO!

Anon 03/16/2019 (Sat) 23:21:05 [Preview] No.3704 del
(392.90 KB 800x850 1548698273692.png)
*cough cough*
*ding ding ding*




Anon 03/16/2019 (Sat) 23:22:38 [Preview] No.3705 del
(300.23 KB 876x581 simply ebin.gif)

Anon 03/16/2019 (Sat) 23:48:17 [Preview] No.3709 del
>Alright then. Lyra with lobster claws fighting using arch linux to edit reality.
going with the show-accurate Celestia, I see

Anon 03/17/2019 (Sun) 02:42:58 [Preview] No.3713 del
Hmmmm. Never thought of it that way.

Anon 03/17/2019 (Sun) 02:50:49 [Preview] No.3714 del
(249.74 KB 800x850 cooler_inverted.png)
Classy BO classy move... first you invoke European bureaucratic and than dabbing.


First Amendment

Unless you are subtly telling me Bon Bon or GDPR is your 5th fav

Anon 03/17/2019 (Sun) 23:36:29 [Preview] No.3718 del
as long as it isn´t the gen 3 clone, we are fine.......I guess. That Pinkie looks chubby but I have to check those pink digits anyway.

Bo´s 5th favorite pony is Sweet Drops....

maybe I should submit my CV and seek for seer´s jobs. >>3614

Also, the picture is already pinned. Yep, that was an important announcement.

Funnily enough, if we were in 2018, it would have turned out to be an actual announcement because it´s been applied since May 2018.

the princess doesn´t want to admit that the secret agent messed it up with the year.

>3D racing cars simulator
it´s /o/´s year baby!

it seems that a certain user loves playing Rfactor 2 or Iracing. If I only had a wheel...

that´s how inverted color works.

>First Amendment
it seems that you want to claim your own roots. Well, you sure are tempting me to do it...

Anon 03/17/2019 (Sun) 23:57:28 [Preview] No.3719 del
I am proceeding to say it in a classical way. ehem* ehem*








IT SAYS...:=

Anon 03/18/2019 (Mon) 00:11:38 [Preview] No.3721 del
and with that, I think this is it for me tonight.

Goodnight /endpone/

Anon 03/18/2019 (Mon) 23:43:57 [Preview] No.3724 del
>because it brings me back to a few years ago, yet even than it haunted me. There are several images come to think of it that do that, but this has been one i've always been drawn to.
there are so many images related to ponies that one wonders where the actual root is which brings that haunting aspect. I suppose it was bound to happen that one would feel attached to the material that impacted you back in the day.

These stories are more valuable to a personal level than an universal one.

>that doesn't change the fact that most people live in the cities, good or bad...
about 70-80% of the population is bound to live in the cities but I suppose that most of the danger relies upon our decisions more than anything else.

>As long as it doesn't extent to walking on eggshells and limiting you discussion.
don´t worry. I can certainly have subtle ways to drive the discussion to the direction I want. Just because it has a formal touch doesn´t mean I always have fears of entering over that danger zone.

About the spoiler lines...yeah,it´s nice to hear that but one has to keep that over time, not just today. This is just like my take on birthdays, you don´t simply appreciate one person for one single day, you have to do it all the time in order to prove it.

>I wasn't sure if you'd know much or not and I didn't want to make my sentence long and awkward from being tired that day
nah don´t worry, I simply looked around the context of that song and after that, a little bit of info behind that record. It didn´t take me more than 2 minutes to notice that such event would happen almost immediately after its release.
>though in relation to the crash, freebird haunts me the most, don't know why
fair enough, I suppose that other fans would also theorize about its concept, not to mention that it´s way more popular so without checking any comments, I am sure more people would associate both things.

>I didn't reguard my area as the worst side of town and in some ways reguard my life as pretty sheltered yet whenever I've mentioned details I've had people be freaked out by some things I considered everyday occurrences or not bad
I imply that your neighborhood was basically a mid to low tier one that didn´t cause anything extraordinary in terms of crime but you couldn´t throw fireworks or feel completely safe either. The details that you describe would be placed in a grey zone that show the uncomfortable aspects of living in working zone, moving out and not feeling good either....

it could sound scary if those people got surprised easily or if you told your little stories with a good narrative, much more when you don´t show much to the outside.

Anon 03/19/2019 (Tue) 00:20:39 [Preview] No.3725 del
>Only problem is which idea to follow sometimes.
eeeyup. Basically this.
>I'm surprised how simplified it is in the public consciousness at times, at least from a US perspective.
I know more about the musical phenomenons around Europe but there is some information I´ve gathered here and there about the US.

>the 70s primarily remembered as Disco with the other notable music movements and art being not brought up much.
the US had waaaaaay more than that. In fact, most of those artists had to go to the UK in order to thrive and get a chance to show their philosophy.

During the 70s, hip hop was getting the first popular sketches (there were a few aspects shown back in the 60s) and the first songs from the actual genre came around 1978 (I think?) because of the combination of funk and R&B.

Also, one seer of a band was Devo. They knew how to make new wave and show that weird look before any other band from the 80s. In fact, its most acclaimed record was released in 1978 and that´s because Bowie brought them to Europe.

Another big one,punk. Sure disco had its gems but that caused a reaction that didn´t satisfy the kids. Either you had easy listening pop like the Carpenters or you had really complex and sophisticated music like progressive rock. People were tired and that lead to events that you know better than me. But if it weren´t because of the provocative simple concerts from The Ramones,nor the Sex Pistols nor the Clash would have been created in the first place. That brought not only punk, but a very broad genre that was derivative and unique to each band around the late 70 and early 80s: post punk and derivative genres from it. That included from artists like DNA to a jangle pop band like REM. There is a pretty good post punk flowchart that shows how broad the scene was. That period between the late 70s and the early 80s was one of the most creative and effervescent eras of music one can imagine.

Also, the no wave genre. This one sure sounds underground as hell and the only popular thing that saw the light was the album that Brian Eno organized: New York No Wave compilation. Sure, those bands didn´t thrive and had to do more things in their lives but for sure one has heard about these two maximum exponents of that genre: Swans and Sonic Youth. You would have to wait until 1983 in order to get the first record from those bands.

>I guess it was unlucky being in between the 60s with the war protest and the psychedelic scene and the 1980s with the full advent of music videos and mainstream recognition of techno and other later movements.
yeah, the Cold War and the Detroit scene in which poor people would buy the same machine like Kraftwerk had and the city had nothing but sharing rhythms for hours and hours. That was their entertainment and the explosion happened around the late 80s, bringing techno to the mainstream in one year.

>I'm not saying it's all forgotten but I often see it reduced to just a disco aesthetic while even in more limited portrayal of 60s and 80s having a bit more nuance and least mishmashing several styles from the period together.
yeah but that´s the memory people want to make out of it or reduce it to that because of the information they are getting about it from a popular perspective.

Anon 03/19/2019 (Tue) 00:57:02 [Preview] No.3726 del
>I know of the great white duke
eeeyup, he didn´t remember barely anything that he did in 1976 because of the hard substances.

>One pair of two brothers and a sister that I know was certainly marginalized from being more scary than simple teen stuff
if they stood out because of that, it´s no wonder one would get the events surrounding them quickly between gossips and whispers.

>that's a whole other layer of baggage.

>At least of lower level adversaries that I'd worry about most of all.
for sure, they are going to get entertainment out of it anyway.

>Ponies make everything better.
you have no idea. Well you have but they offer much more than one would have expected.

>anti-social media, depending on how you look at it.
if you are in a big board, these sites fit into that term. If you are into constant circlejerks and in addition, in a community, then it doesn´t hold that meaning.

What I know is that its format hasn´t changed at all over the years and people still use them so there is a charm (besides anonymity) that social media don´t offer.

>twitter, facebook, youtube and especially discord can have worse stuff going on than 4chan and our little corners of the net considering how it's portrayed in media.
it feels like depending on the sites you look, you are living in a parallel reality. Facebook has created an industry among created lies that you are driven to check because of its algorithm, Twitter has mixed aspects depending on how you adjust the settings of your profile (and a lot of time at using the filters properly), youtube has a messed up system that benefits the copyright claimer than the content creator and discord....well, that site has harmed a lot and look how fucked up it is that /mlp/ rejects with disgust any link about it. That should make us think for a little bit.

Check how they reacted in the Dolores general: http://boards.4channel.org/mlp/thread/33621085

>8 years.
now, that´s loyalty at its finest.

>We've had some pretty crindgy figures in the past and I still need to do some investigations how dominate some forces in the fandom are/were and there influence
literally one of the reasons you created the /go/ thread, doing almost a meta journalistic work of it in hindsight.

>but I think I might agree with you. At least for the latter half of the fandom's existence. That's food for thought for sure.
I can only talk from experience with my bold comment and one would wonder why the fandom stopped creating cringy events after 3 or 4 years all of a sudden. Maybe that phenomenon happened because of the hiatus that lasted for one entire year and stopped the cool things that defined its explosive hype.

Anon 03/19/2019 (Tue) 22:52:21 [Preview] No.3729 del
>It seems like there is this split between a group that's trying to consume the newest stuff all the time.
>And another side that is in the past and more fragmented
yeah, basically that spontaneous division that has been established gives a pretty well idea of how the dynamic on the internet works. I personally fit in the 2nd group. I have no idea what the hot memes are but for sure, I consume content of this franchise with patience. Maybe I will pass through a hot meme or two like Bowsette or something but for the most part, either I don´t care that much about them or I notice them after their hype ended.

>I'm just very distrustful, even with the smaller areas.
for very good reasons one has to keep that mindset all the time.

>I'm not really looking to be social as much as forging a few connections and fallout areas to get /confy/ when 2020 happens. if I find any places that are good I'll pass it on here
but keep in mind, using a social platform to communicate with other users is already a social act so despite not looking for the former aspect, it inherently comes by nature to a certain degree. However, I agree that finding one self comfortable at where one browses is important as well. The only problem with getting too comfy is that you get the news from the same site (Facebook) or try to see a partial truth. Not a problem for you fortunately.

>Interaction is key.Sometimes there can be something with a half decent viewer base but no one would tell from there being no comments or feedback at all.
I know but I, as for now, want to stay as a background user that judges from the second row. I have made a few comments on Derpi about certain images but when one image gets a little bit popular, comments start to arise from nowhere on DA or the same Derpibooru. Just that I prefer comparing the likes among the other works and I don´t see the need to comment all the time. If I do that, either I get too tired of saying something to very specific pictures or users start getting a little bit sick of the same old one commenting all the time.

Again, this is probably the only place that I have commented most of the things that should come out over there yet I don´t feel like sharing them in the main pillars of this fandom. I have those places in less than two clicks, I could perfectly do it at anytime

>I should know, I kept one MLP tumblr blog going for a year being almost the only one asking questions
that shows some dedication from your part but that also sounds awkward because you were the only one doing them

>I've always respected him for standing on such ground on his own and being truly independent and uninfluenced despite all nearly mainstream recognition he gets from the awards and the imitations of his style
if he has survived the test of fame, then he´s not going to change his views. It´s very unlikely he does that but I suppose that the internet fame allows you to be yourself (keeping your way of thinking) while also being popular at the same time.

>a general sense with the more overdisgned look and nirik. Maybe it's just me but my first thought was pokemon when I saw them.
well, yeah. Looking at that pic, the nirik seems to offer very similar patterns and characteristics that you can get from the Japanese franchise. If you faced one in a battle, pretty sure any player would take them as a monster with 4 moves.

>I won't call it the biggest thing in the world but it's much larger and a bit deeper than a surreal one off I'd thought it be.
well, who knows. Just try and we´ll see.
>Right now it's either 50% or 30% done depending on if I decide to include one sequence or not.

as Trixie would say:"It´s a working title".

Anyway, ideas happen spontaneously. One of the most well known Spanish writers from the 20th century said that he sat down many days for 5 hours in front of the typing machine just to have the proper ideas and write them right at the time they occurred around his head.

So yeah, it seems that nothing is clear for your prototype yet.

Anon 03/24/2019 (Sun) 00:56:40 [Preview] No.3738 del
(1.27 MB 1024x1448 1990362.png)

Anon 03/25/2019 (Mon) 06:08:46 [Preview] No.3739 del
>about 70-80% of the population is bound to live in the cities but I suppose that most of the danger relies upon our decisions more than anything else.
I didn't word this clearer as I was trying to make some metaphor relating to the large social networks and smaller websites being a virtual countryside... at least I think I was aiming for something like that. Mind is kinda fuzzy right now.

>This is just like my take on birthdays, you don´t simply appreciate one person for one single day, you have to do it all the time in order to prove it.
Then I will do the same for you /)

> That brought not only punk, but a very broad genre that was derivative and unique to each band around the late 70 and early 80s: post punk and derivative genres from it.
Not only that, it basically influenced the whole idea of what rough and edgy look/act were in the first place. I mean a lot of motifs, things and ideas are still taking and heavily remixing cues from it from hipsters to actual underground movements. Even if you could call a lot of it just aesthetic and imitation from that being the popular ideas of what the underground looks/acts like you still can't give that sort of multigenerational influence to most previous counter culture being still actively used unironically outside the generation.

> That period between the late 70s and the early 80s was one of the most creative and effervescent eras of music one can imagine.

Anon 03/25/2019 (Mon) 06:49:22 [Preview] No.3740 del
>eeeyup, he didn´t remember barely anything that he did in 1976 because of the hard substances.

>if you are in a big board, these sites fit into that term. If you are into constant circlejerks and in addition, in a community, then it doesn´t hold that meaning.
I say it depends on the type of circle jerk and how much of it is based on IRL or interest but yeah a lot of chan ad like groups probably do fit that bill.

>What I know is that its format hasn´t changed at all over the years and people still use them so there is a charm (besides anonymity) that social media don´t offer.
I probably say it's a bunch of factors that keep it going. The contrarinism prevented it from just bleeding users to new technology. Curious users either from hearing the hushed whisper in the mainstream pretending we are the darkweb and secondary migrations from fandom or groups that have a large presence on imageboards (anime, though it be less in 2010s but still a factor, some corners tied to boards like Warharmer for /tg/, bronies, along with politics ,etc). Among a dozen smaller things that I could probably think up if I really focused on it.

>well, that site has harmed a lot and look how fucked up it is that /mlp/ rejects with disgust any link about it. That should make us think for a little bit.
Plenty have been hurt by Discord in a way that you can't blame migration from sites like reddit. Mass migration may make a place lose it's culture but ultimately still you'll have a bunch of fags who are still posting on the site and and even significant groupings that the imageboard becomes there primary website. Discord? It discourages posting to the board. Those who fall in will probably be on a bunch of Discord servers and rather than you having your own house, your now in a convenient yet constrained apartment with neighbors that could always move in and bring a bunch of stupid IRL drama. I can even think of a couple of /pone/ related websites where at least number 1 happened...

>literally one of the reasons you created the /go/ thread, doing almost a meta journalistic work of it in hindsight.
horse news sober lonely cousin...

>yeah, basically that spontaneous division that has been established gives a pretty well idea of how the dynamic on the internet works. I personally fit in the 2nd group. I have no idea what the hot memes are but for sure, I consume content of this franchise with patience. Maybe I will pass through a hot meme or two like Bowsette or something but for the most part, either I don´t care that much about them or I notice them after their hype ended.
Basically me.

>The only problem with getting too comfy is that you get the news from the same site (Facebook) or try to see a partial truth. Not a problem for you fortunately.
Yeah... my problem is information overload from trying to keep track of to many things. Though you'd be surprised how useful it is to have a memory longer than 3 months in the current climate

>that shows some dedication from your part but that also sounds awkward because you were the only one doing them
Wasn't super awkward. It was an ask and RP blog that was primarily text updates and I was just commenting as an anon. I wasn't the only anon either, but I was the only user posting recurrently. The reason why I did it was because it was an Ask and RP blog loosely affiliated with several others that were of a Mentally Advanced Series theme not the biggest fan of MAS either I was shocked when exploring around to see it still trying to be active and took pity on it. It stopped updating awhile ago and I think it was a victim of the Tumblr purge because I the link was dead last I checked.

Anon 03/25/2019 (Mon) 07:15:45 [Preview] No.3741 del


Anon 03/25/2019 (Mon) 07:20:04 [Preview] No.3742 del

now lets see

Anon 03/25/2019 (Mon) 07:22:09 [Preview] No.3743 del
Well... looks like I got some editing to do.

Anon 03/25/2019 (Mon) 07:33:22 [Preview] No.3744 del
>these test posts
it's happening!

well,it seems that I have to put my thinking hat on this week.I hope it doesn't fall off in the middle of the road.

Anon 03/25/2019 (Mon) 23:15:31 [Preview] No.3746 del
(184.92 KB 1544x694 1553503514043.jpg)

Anon 03/26/2019 (Tue) 01:56:42 [Preview] No.3748 del
It's been a bit bumpy ride. (my mistake in formating being just the latest thing) Providing no outside interference I'm aiming for a window of the next 2 to 5 days Pictures and a possible problem with family being the only thing that could cause me to delay from that

Anon 03/26/2019 (Tue) 02:15:38 [Preview] No.3749 del
Awesome. Whatever gets the 2 million mark I'll certainly mess with well, unless something like extreme fetish clop or something

Anon 03/26/2019 (Tue) 14:53:26 [Preview] No.3751 del
(167.93 KB 560x850 1533749531481.png)
It will be a modget. Just you watch.

Anon 03/26/2019 (Tue) 22:14:30 [Preview] No.3752 del
>inb4 an anonymous user uploads a Nyx, clop or anthro pic from /trash/

>Whatever gets the 2 million mark I'll certainly mess with well, unless something like extreme fetish clop or something
it would be pretty funny that you get to edit an explicit anthro picture though

Anon 03/26/2019 (Tue) 22:53:17 [Preview] No.3753 del
>I was trying to make some metaphor relating to the large social networks and smaller websites being a virtual countryside
ah alright, I didn´t see that. Either way, the main source of danger is the same one. Fortunately, that leaves the tense parts to those sites while others lurk and check their little places that only a few are actually interested in the topics. I suppose that´s the sacrifice of the mainstream title, that all kind of people take part of it and there is not a single selective process nor any filter for it, much less when it can influence opinions in the large scheme (hence why they have become political platforms)


>Then I will do the same for you
oh boy thanks. but that´s one of the reasons why I avoid promises, because accomplishing and keeping them all the time is really hard despite getting nice details in the long run.

>Not only that, it basically influenced the whole idea of what rough and edgy look/act were in the first place.I mean a lot of motifs, things and ideas are still taking and heavily remixing cues from it from hipsters to actual underground movements.
agreed and it´s one of the movements that I personally appreciate a lot. In hindsight, one looks at it and screams how they were able to do it. They mixed everything and drew the line that people are still exploiting to this day and yeah, what you are picking out of it is the edgy part.

Now, combining darkness, isolation and personal thoughts about the politics of its time isn´t anything new. In fact, that always existed in literature and funnily enough, those musicians weren´t all low class nor uneducated people, in fact, they read books and combined the intellectual parts to the street.

What´s the difference between creating a masterpiece like the dark trilogy and edgy fanics that end up being laughably bad? Mostly because of the ideas behind it. That aesthetic was brought in the 2000s because it looked cool to teenagers but the former was focusing on existentialism that was based around the Albert Camus books (The Stranger) and that lead to something timeless. Not to mention that those teenagers didn´t hold a political message that was deeply serious but the temporal let downs that happen for a week.

So yeah, that edgy scene served for those people and future generations to express their frustrations and emotions.

>Even if you could call a lot of it just aesthetic and imitation from that being the popular ideas of what the underground looks/acts like you still can't give that sort of multi generational influence to most previous counter culture being still actively used unironically outside the generation.
I cannot deny that. In fact, I guess that looking at the past roots would help a lot and make them even bigger (or less of a joke). Its biggest problems is that it´s frequently badly used or people became a little bit tired of it and moved their personal problems to......posting their emotions publicly in social media with their names.

This last line gives a little break that it really needed so I suppose that following a good narrative should be good enough. Nowadays,people may not be so harsh on this practice because of its return to the underground and getting less exposure. That should help its creators to analyze it coldly and not looking at its cringy aspects all the time.

Anon 03/26/2019 (Tue) 23:23:23 [Preview] No.3754 del
also, the more I think about it, I think that writing an edgy fic could be seen with a higher regard that in the past because of social media.

Expressing your emotions through social media is a quick method and sometimes you don´t need to express them but clicking on a button of another person that says the same the discourse as you.

On the other side,looking at the bottom of those undesirable emotions requires more effort when there is a story written for filtering them. You have to think about its aesthetic, engage the reader, bring more topics or subtle details that accompany those thoughts and follow an universal structure of writing. So, we may have laughed at it and still do but I think that the 2010s has driven it to obscurity just to reinnovate itself and find other routes than the ones we usually know. Maybe the edgiest messages are thrown around with a light cover...

that was the biggest reason he ended up in Berlin. Recovering a little bit his health for a few months and produce the Berlin Trilogy: his 2nd release (Heroes) with Eno (Music for Airports) and Iggy Pop (The Idiot) in 1977. These releases seem unrelated to the topic but are essential to understand the post punk scene. Germany had a lot to do with it in fact.

>contrarinism prevented it from just bleeding users to new technology.
contrarians....contrarians everywhere. Also, isolated or socially marginalized people tend to use it as well.
>Curious users either from hearing the hushed whisper in the mainstream pretending we are the darkweb
oh boy, those were the days. 4chan = Deep Web. In fact, that´s one of the biggest newfag detectors, mostly because of the news they have heard around it. They have become unironically the public that keeps it. Now, newfags try to fit in by posting memes all the time when the veterans say that 4chan doesn´t always work that way.

>secondary migrations from fandom or groups that have a large presence on imageboards (anime, though it be less in 2010s but still a factor, some corners tied to boards like Warharmer for /tg/, bronies, along with politics ,etc). Among a dozen smaller things that I could probably think up if I really focused on it.
yeah, I suppose it has become and always hold the status of a site for discussing anime or entertainment in general. Time has proven what things work nicely and other topics that don´t flow so well and the little communities shine the best (because they need some dedication before posting anything) while the social aspects are left in the background.

Anon 03/27/2019 (Wed) 00:18:53 [Preview] No.3755 del
>Plenty have been hurt by Discord in a way that you can't blame migration from sites like reddit.
Wow,it even affected reddit. That´s saying something.

>you'll have a bunch of fags who are still posting on the site and and even significant groupings that the imageboard becomes there primary website.
that will always happen. Even with 3 faggots, you can create culture if there is some dedication behind it. You can have millions of people posting but the ideas are what make the cut in the end. Popularity brings more attention and spreads the content out much easier than a little circle. /mlp/ has lost a lot of anons in the way (and I am not explicitly talking about alternative sites) and they are still posting the old memes from the early years. Not everything is going to stay the same but those memes aren´t going anywhere.

>Discord? It discourages posting to the board.
say that to that anon who came to check this board. He was worried about Discord as well.
>Those who fall in will probably be on a bunch of Discord servers and rather than you having your own house, your now in a convenient yet constrained apartment with neighbors that could always move in and bring a bunch of stupid IRL drama.
nice analogy and it´s sad because despite having all you want....it´s not a place that you can call home. That apartment has cameras and those bots that interact with you on the chat, they are not posting with that personalized info out of nowhere. Normies don´t realize and I wonder if they have read their policies in the first place.

I am adding a little conversation with a contact of mine that lurked on /b/ around 2013-15 and he is using Discord for gaming purposes.He said more or less this: "Imageboards have died because they have failed at attracting people". I was going to argue with that statement but I simply shut up, he didn´t lurk other boards nor bothered to check the culture aspect behind the boards. Understanding that requires moving from /b/ to somewhere else and spending time lurking on how the thing works. If I put this argument on the table, I think he wouldn´t care nor understand it all that much.

Ironically, he introduced me to 4chan and described me how it worked in Autumn 2014...I´ll leave it at that.
>I can even think of a couple of /pone/ related websites where at least number 1 happened.
nobody is safe from it.

>horse news sober lonely cousin...
hey, any info is welcome and the world is not stopping at anytime. Reporting stuff serves as an excuse to comment on something.

>my problem is information overload from trying to keep track of to many things.
yep, we are living in an era in which we have reached the oversaturation point of information. I´ve heard this from an analytical chemistry teacher back in October by the way.
>you'd be surprised how useful it is to have a memory longer than 3 months in the current climate
people just go around and memorize certain things but not always the important ones. Memory is complicated and you see people pointing out things that you didn´t notice or even get to surprise you and change radically your mind after checking that. That short term memory is the best tool for politicians, forget about their mistakes and move onto the next headlines. Old people don´t fall into this pattern (normally because they have seen more events and have more experience) but the youngest ones tend to fall because they are not used to the politics game.

>it was an ask and RP blog that was primarily text updates and I was just commenting as an anon.
ah, I get it, fair enough.

>I did it was because it was an Ask and RP blog loosely affiliated with several others that were of a Mentally Advanced Series theme
I see why it would encourage you to do it.

>It stopped updating awhile ago and I think it was a victim of the Tumblr purge
Tumblr bots at their finest, ladies and gentlemen. Purging things that are not exclusively NSFW. It has lost like 20% of its users anyway and they are going to regret that decision.

Anon 03/27/2019 (Wed) 00:21:10 [Preview] No.3756 del
>Providing no outside interference I'm aiming for a window of the next 2 to 5 days
then I am going to be pretty entertained. I prefer having it on Thrusday because I will have more time for myself after that day so there is no need to rush it personally.

Anon 03/28/2019 (Thu) 07:13:49 [Preview] No.3759 del
I don't know if this image fits in this thread,the /go/ one or the season 9 discussion thread but this picture is so ironic that it would have been awesome for the 2 millionth mark on Derpibooru.

Anon 03/29/2019 (Fri) 03:08:39 [Preview] No.3760 del
>agreed and it´s one of the movements that I personally appreciate a lot. In hindsight, one looks at it and screams how they were able to do it. They mixed everything and drew the line that people are still exploiting to this day and yeah, what you are picking out of it is the edgy part.
I'm probably a bit more ambivalent but certainly gets my respect for its impact.

>What´s the difference between creating a masterpiece like the dark trilogy and edgy fanics that end up being laughably bad? Mostly because of the ideas behind it.

> Nowadays,people may not be so harsh on this practice because of its return to the underground and getting less exposure. That should help its creators to analyze it coldly and not looking at its cringy aspects all the time.
The main threat for it is it getting too strongly tied to a era or single type of person , which with the as of right now death of us classifying decades so sharply and media being so fragmented that it's hard for single treads to have as much impact has lowered that for right now.

>but that´s one of the reasons why I avoid promises
Don't promise unless you extremely serious about something. I didn't promise, merely affirm that I would try to do the same
>also, the more I think about it, I think that writing an edgy fic could be seen with a higher regard that in the past because of social media.
That could be true. Social media in its worst form has not only lowered the quality of discourse, but maybe in the newer generations, the ability to even think beyond the tweets and likes. So maybe an edgy fic, in all its angst, is at least an expression of something more whining and victimhood.

>These releases seem unrelated to the topic but are essential to understand the post punk scene. Germany had a lot to do with it in fact.
Really? Cool, I may look into it at somepoint for that reason just to understand it if I have the time.
Though for all I know I may have at least heard of some of it before
My random blind spots in knowledge show why I could't be a good /mu/ poster.

Anon 03/29/2019 (Fri) 04:21:40 [Preview] No.3761 del
>Wow,it even affected reddit. That´s saying something.
What I was saying with "migration from reddit" was about redditors flooding chans vs Discord outright draining them. Not that Reddit has suffered a migration (that I know of, don't visit there much). Though from what I here on censorship I could see that happening in the future. ot saying Discord is a good place to go but it'd be a lot of normal people who don't any better first choice as idoitic that is for the long run

> Not everything is going to stay the same but those memes aren´t going anywhere.
At least when they don't get banned that is.

>it´s not a place that you can call home. That apartment has cameras and those bots that interact with you on the chat, they are not posting with that personalized info out of nowhere
Ideally it suppose to be a place to hangout and socialize with those of what niche/interest but it never stays a sideshow. On all sites I've seen it either has hurt or killed the community there or brought drama from outside. But now I'm just repeating myself.

>Normies don´t realize and I wonder if they have read their policies in the first place.
In my country certainly not. Then on top of that you have all these youngsters whose first experience of something privet is Discord. It's a recipe for toxicity and things you will regret later. Though I cannot say of the people who should no better yet act as if they where naive youngsters themselves.

>Ironically, he introduced me to 4chan and described me how it worked in Autumn 2014...I´ll leave it at that.
And now you're here...

Anon 03/29/2019 (Fri) 04:26:26 [Preview] No.3762 del
Well it seems I've failed on Thursday. Picture which I am making in my retarded homebrew style again are taking me a bit longer than I want to. If you want I could post a preview or a part if I don't get it done soon enough.

Anon 03/29/2019 (Fri) 04:30:31 [Preview] No.3763 del
Now that certainly would be. Maybe even prophetic if a few of the fandom do start circlejerking around it for awhile during the gap between gen 4 and 5.

Anon 03/29/2019 (Fri) 04:34:17 [Preview] No.3764 del
(74.11 KB 826x967 1997280.jpeg)
Part of me couldn't blame them bo part of me really couldn't. It's a risky game to let it go on its own and wind up with something utterly crappy and or something trollish against us. But than again, that's part of the fun

Anon 03/29/2019 (Fri) 04:42:59 [Preview] No.3765 del
Too be fair I suppose that make me have to get creative!

>I don't know if this image fits in this thread,the /go/ one or the season 9 discussion thread
I'd say any of'em. I mean we were disusing it here in the first place but the topic could've fit anywhere, at least with are standards of free flow discussion.

Anon 03/29/2019 (Fri) 21:08:06 [Preview] No.3767 del
>I'm probably a bit more ambivalent but certainly gets my respect for its impact.
I get that ambivalence. For those that love prog rock, the punk scene basically set up its death with the new wave as the cherry on top of the cake for its definitive loss of relevancy. Everything went onto the simplistic route.

>The main threat for it is it getting too strongly tied to a era or single type of person , which with the as of right now death of us classifying decades so sharply and media being so fragmented that it's hard for single treads to have as much impact has lowered that for right now.
but that has happened to everything, not only this scenes or several subcultures. Internet has combined and reunited everything in just two clicks. It´s practically almost impossible not to get influenced by other unrelated things that add another layer to that tread. If you follow a tread these days, it´s because you accept that circle just the way it is. Following that generic tread 100% is entirely up to one self fault and not from anybody else. Call them purists or whatever but you have already said it.

>I didn't promise, merely affirm that I would try to do the same
yeah, with that detail in mind, one cannot feel bad and it´s certainly better this way. If I promised that we were to reach almost 4k posts over here, I would have probably got tired and see that objective with laziness and apathy. However, I haven´t felt forced about doing anything, so that way to move forward comes from my will instead.

>Social media in its worst form has not only lowered the quality of discourse, but maybe in the newer generations, the ability to even think beyond the tweets and likes.
reading this has made me somewhat uncomfortable. Pretty scary to think that. I mean, it´s better than the analphabet era from the past, but that´ direction doesn´t lead us to a much better place.

>So maybe an edgy fic, in all its angst, is at least an expression of something more whining and victimhood.
Agreed. I would almost define it as the personal diary of the 21st century just that it´s publicly available for those who are interested. At least, you show up emotions and that you aren´t made of stone or high tech.

>Really? Cool, I may look into it at somepoint for that reason just to understand it if I have the time.
if you get to browse this, you will say that I have lied about the Berlin trilogy term. Well, the music press defines that the Berlin Trilogy are the 3 Bowie albums(Low, Heroes and Lodger). The press has brought that term to those albums but I don´t see them as such. David had material of Low prepared before arriving at Berlin and Lodger wasn´t produced in Berlin.
The only Bowie album that was made in its entirety in Berlin was Heroes. He also produced the first Iggy Pop album on Berlin and Brian Eno was creating his ambient record and recorded those ideas in Low and Heroes. So despite having that term applied as soon as you get info about it, the thing is that a few people consider that the three albums released in 1977 from Iggy, Bowie and Eno were the actual Berlin albums.

I haven´t told a lie but more like an interpretation of what could classified as Berlin material.

>Though for all I know I may have at least heard of some of it before.My random blind spots in knowledge show why I could't be a good /mu/ poster.
don´t think that /mu/ goes that far. Sure there are a couple of generals that discuss music and there are people who rec and talk about music news/reviews pretty decently. The problem is that they meme and post album covers at random sometimes and these contextual explanations already appear in other sourced. I only say this because while I listen to music, I also look at the context behind those creations. Sometimes (professional) context helps in order to understand what you are listening to at that moment.

Anon 03/29/2019 (Fri) 21:49:11 [Preview] No.3768 del
>What I was saying with "migration from reddit" was about redditors flooding chans vs Discord outright draining them. Not that Reddit has suffered a migration (that I know of, don't visit there much).
ah yeah, I would expect that answer, especially on the biggest boards (/pol/ the prime example of that). I don´t know much about Reddit itself but I have visited music subreddits and the MLP one for the most part. I used to visit every now and then gaming related subreddits a couple of years ago but MLP and politics have drained all my interest about visiting them.

>Though from what I here on censorship I could see that happening in the future.
and then, they will move somewhere else just like...

>not saying Discord is a good place to go but it'd be a lot of normal people who don't any better first choice as idoitic that is for the long run
that. Why would one have an interest in visiting the Deep Web when you have those people using Discord in order to put the same practices that they do over there?. The superficial web is safe they said.... then they get a heart attack when they get to talk about 4chan as if it fit that role of the villain. As bad as they claim it to be, *sighs* it´s a site that stays consistent in its dynamic and somewhat predictable. Not the most beautiful to look at and have pinkish experiences but it hasn´t brought this level of fucked up moves.

Turns out that the innocent sheep, attractive to look at for the kids and has a general public acceptance as inoffensive, it´s the perfect trap for stealing money and child grooming. Sure it brings a lot of money on the table but, at what price? Splurging a lot of money doesn´t resolve almost anything. Tell that to youtube with the Content ID system:investing a lot of money for getting a complete mess.

The internet is a wild place but honestly, I am thankful that the cringy weirdos that love ponies (that in public, they would call you a pedo) have avoided my interest on that style of gaming. Gaming is a wild industry that all kinds of people focus on and that brings good things and then, the other side of its advantages.

>At least when they don't get banned that is.
whoever decided to ban HI ANON must come from someone who doesn´t like the word "fun" very much.

>Ideally it suppose to be a place to hangout and socialize with those of what niche/interest but it never stays a sideshow. On all sites I've seen it either has hurt or killed the community there or brought drama from outside.
yeah, it created a vicious circle around it to the point it becomes mostly meta. We are repeating the same statements but I wonder where this will end though, becoming an attractive alternative for the undesired people that supposedly should be on this site.

Anon 03/29/2019 (Fri) 22:20:40 [Preview] No.3769 del
>In my country certainly not. Then on top of that you have all these youngsters whose first experience of something privet is Discord.
after seeing this, I am a little bit more relieved that I have been discovering the internet when I was a teenager little by little, lurking on a few safe places with car magazines, F1 and gaming news; then getting to know how fandoms work (Sonic for example), then watching a few disturbing events that happen out there and after that, accepting the fact that lurking and not taking part on every single cool thing out there is the best idea to make it safer.

Then MLP and 4chan have helped me to discover the dirty side of this medium and gain confidence over the years by playing in the same rules that any other anon has to follow. All of this without social media accounts. I deleted my twitter account in 2016 and Facebook.....I am so so about deleting it despite having it completely inactive.

>It's a recipe for toxicity and things you will regret later. Though I cannot say of the people who should no better yet act as if they where naive youngsters themselves.
that´s true, they don´t hold that 100% of guilt for getting involved in those actions. Just that those first mistakes have a higher risk of undesirable consequences but hey, one learns about a lesson after fucking it up.

>And now you're here...
eeeyup. It looks sad but the newfag who was introduced to the chans...has ended up dedicating a ton of time without taking a break. I know how they work, I have become familiar with its dynamic, I know how to play with the rules and I know what I should do at any moment. They have become my home sites and I have /mlp/ as my most visited page, then Derpi and then a Spanish gaming site. /mu/ is up there along with Rateyourmusic...and then this place.

I might be the greatest weirdo of my town for doing this but yes, I am here, posting on circumstances that ten years ago, they would have given me a panic attack and now, I am doing it naturally. Although I have contacted and been racing with 35 year olds from other countries in GT5,back in the early 10s.

I suppose that this "gesture" comes because of giving me entertainment during my university period, accompanying me in several fucked up moments and watching how the ride becomes a personal experience that I cannot forget. I wouldn´t have thought in Summer ´14 that I would end up here, thinking that I was going to get HIV and become gay from this franchise. And in the end, it would give me a reason to live and look at the future,getting a little bit of hope and support.

Life is sometimes hilarious and really really twisted, especially with when you have the wrong expectations.

>If you want I could post a preview or a part if I don't get it done soon enough.
don´t worry about that. I personally prefer reading it when the whole thing is done, I am not the biggest fan of previews. If it happens, good. If it doesn´t, that´s fine as well. You set up the deadline in the end.

Anon 03/29/2019 (Fri) 22:37:27 [Preview] No.3770 del
>Maybe even prophetic if a few of the fandom do start circlejerking around it for awhile during the gap between gen 4 and 5.
erm, guys, I think you should see this and judge for yourselves...


also, screencapping a few things that are more like gossip and drama but worth to talk about.

And yeah, I have seen it a little bit. I have seen one entire episode but if I´ve got more free time, I could jump onto conclusions. I like Willow´s design a lot btw.

>Too be fair I suppose that make me have to get creative!
the old demons are explicitly going to have fun. The question is if it happens with you or you are the object for it....

whatever it is, it will come in the next DBZ episode. In other words, a little bit more than 2000 images left.

>I mean we were disusing it here in the first place but the topic could've fit anywhere, at least with are standards of free flow discussion.
I prefer the NMAIE choice, mostly because it´s going to drive us into discussing drama. I could write a few posts about FF in the season 9 thread though. I am waiting for the dubs and most of all, glorious free time.

Anon 03/30/2019 (Sat) 05:34:07 [Preview] No.3772 del
>For those that love prog rock, the punk scene basically set up its death with the new wave as the cherry on top of the cake for its definitive loss of relevancy. Everything went onto the simplistic route.
Yeah, though my thoughts are a bit more complex on that, that is part of it. Though I don't hold simplity do to lack of resources and accessibility in a negative light on its own. It's simplicity from recycling the most addicting rhythms and trying to keep things stale and ultra mass consumable that I don't like. I'm not a music critic so take this with a grain of salt: but the mainstream has become a lot more boring in the music scene in the past 20 years. There is less new stuff and experimentation that gets a hgh profile now. Used to be you'd want to find some new sound because uniqueness and style was part of breaking through. It still might get sanitized and messed with, but the marketability than and now with the stagnant reign of version genres being melted togather into a vapid pop, rap and in my country a sometimes very pop/soft rock influenced country music being the only others that still retain some kind of identity that has been slowly going on the last 20 years or so (there was trends like emo bands and stuff). With some more interesting stuff getting second tier recognition and making it into the lower top 40 sometimes I suppose. Though I think media fragmentation plays just a part as any greed on the corporate side. Their is a lot more you have to compete with for attention now and they think things have to be made with as much mass appeal and basic emotions as possible to have a chance/maximize their returns on any artist they invest or invent .

Okay, I still have a couple of things I wanna say to your other posts but I got to sleep earlier tonight so I'm gonna skip onto some stuff I found regarding the drama you mentioned here >>3770

Anon 03/30/2019 (Sat) 07:09:48 [Preview] No.3773 del
>erm, guys, I think you should see this and judge for yourselves...
Yeah, I've been a little outta the loop. So it is starting to happen on a small scale annd causing a tiny bit of drama already.

>also, screencapping a few things that are more like gossip and drama but worth to talk about.
I'd say it is. Let's dive in.

Okay, so the mods were suddenly against hosting Filly Funtasia images when the series finally arose from the grave despite tolerating them for awhile. Them being in limbo or ignored/not noticed is completely understandable in its own. There is always going to be a few violations and things that never draw the mods attention with a site with hundreds of thousands of images to moderate (at least if they have never commented on their presence before, which I haven't checked for yet.) Though here is what honestly rubs me the wrong way:
Take a look at this thread here regarding content purely related to The Last Unicorn. Two webms, they were both take down but allowed to be reuploaded shortly after consultation with the mods.
The Smiling Pony
>I’m in favour of allowing stuff that looks fairly MLP-like or is based on MLP.
>I think it’s fine, personally. I’d say a good frame of reference would be if said cartoon (or toy) horse is cartoony and colorful or magical, and came out after 1982, it’s probably at least tangentally riding off MLP’s success or target audience.
>I’d say the Ico cartoon is obviously inspired by MLP, therefore loosely mlp related enough in my books.
Filly Funtasia clearly meets the standards and logic of the mods then. Though there was more mods involved in the Filly Funtasia decision, its a different administrative logic.

I mean compare this what Smile said just a few months ago compared to now when faced with a very similar choice.
> Filly Funtasia is a blatant knock-off by a really skeezy company and a good portion of the images I’ve seen (not just here) have been to troll/mock the fandom.
>I’m in favour of allowing stuff that looks fairly MLP-like or is based on MLP.
And it's only a few months ago. Wouldn't being in favor of anything that looks MLP entail all different kinds of rip offs? There is a clear difference in logic here and its only been a few months. It does feel like the mods decided they didn't like Filly Funtasia or where scared of it flooding the site but it feels like they just through out various excuses. I can actually understand the concern of not knowing the characters and being uncertain, but you could just let it go with the flow, if it does explode then you can reconsider it, but if it becomes big enough to be a problem you could also probably find mods for it too. Or kick'em out to form there own site. Now just seems too soon and in contrast to existing policy. I mean they were saying "It make the site unmoderatable!" and "lack of interest on the users to host it" both contradict each other. And if the whole "it's a knockoff, its a sleezy company!" is an excuse to suddenly cut it out now when it was there for years.

Before I fully jump to conclusions I'd have to find what, if anything, the mods have said before on Filly Funtaisa. They could have expressed ambivalence before. But as of right now, count me in the skeptical camp.

Anon 03/30/2019 (Sat) 07:11:46 [Preview] No.3774 del
Opps, messed up on that last pic. Will probably make a fixed version with links later... not that I want to raise cain and start a civil war about it Night /endpone/!

Anon 03/30/2019 (Sat) 15:59:25 [Preview] No.3775 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=cwItD4XQiG0 [Embed]

give me time Bridgefag because I will need it in order to reply properly to that post. I want to bring something else on the table besides an average shitpost. Just remind me if I forget about it.

As for now, here it is an example of what I have in my mind.

Anon 03/30/2019 (Sat) 23:59:46 [Preview] No.3776 del
Hey, we got on youtube now!!! briefly
We are going places far. Soon endchan will maybe be a well know irrelevant place!

Anon 03/31/2019 (Sun) 00:12:08 [Preview] No.3777 del
Take your time. I unpacked a lot didn't I?

>don´t worry about that. I personally prefer reading it when the whole thing is done, I am not the biggest fan of previews. If it happens, good. If it doesn´t, that´s fine as well. You set up the deadline in the end.
Thanks. Frankly I'm considering just giving up on one of themes with images if I can't get it done and try going a editing route. It's a little frustrating though because I don't have a high standard yet even then I haven't finished the illustrations as fast as I thought I could. In part from me being fussy but also do to a few delays from outside forces.

There is something else that I could say here but considering the drama and it being yet something else to reply, I'll wait for now. Because I feel it could open up another large/deep topic.

Anon 03/31/2019 (Sun) 21:03:39 [Preview] No.3818 del
So the rise of endchan´s popularity begins, isn´it? Imagine these teenagers saying that ponies are Deep Web material and over the edge content that only a few privileged people can access and then, they find clop pictures.

>We are going places far. Soon endchan will maybe be a well know irrelevant place!
if we stay in the top 10, for sure they will notice this board. At least, they have noticed us for once even though I don´t take these kind of videos seriously.

>Take your time. I unpacked a lot didn't I?
I will explain it in the next post.

>Frankly I'm considering just giving up on one of themes with images if I can't get it done and try going a editing route.
hey, every cloud has a silver lining. Just try and see how it goes.

>It's a little frustrating though because I don't have a high standard yet even then I haven't finished the illustrations as fast as I thought I could. In part from me being fussy but also do to a few delays from outside forces.
then, it means that you don´t want to treat this as a prototype. About the routine,well, you tell me. I have been really busy since October and I have no idea I have managed to write that 2nd part in November.

>There is something else that I could say here but considering the drama and it being yet something else to reply, I'll wait for now. Because I feel it could open up another large/deep topic.
yeah, for now we are having two big topics. I suppose one can continue that whenever this slows down in terms of discussion.

Also, checking those lunar trips.

Anon 03/31/2019 (Sun) 21:45:32 [Preview] No.3819 del
going full /mu/ mode:
>Though I don't hold simplity do to lack of resources and accessibility in a negative light on its own.
well, I had thought at first that this post was going to be another "typical dadrocker complains about today´s music" or "grandpa yells at sky for no reason" but then I reread the paragraph a few times and yeah, it´s a fairly respectable argument. Keep in mind that prog rock was like intellectual music that the low classes couldn´t reach and they were tired of seeing absurdly complicated stuff around the early 70s (see the King Crimson solos) and they rebelled against that. However,prog rock was also an influence for the next intellectuals.

>It's simplicity from recycling the most addicting rhythms and trying to keep things stale and ultra mass consumable that I don't like.
well, do you think that post punk was all that commercial? A derivation of it yes, but what you are complaining about is something that comes as nothing new. I suppose you are bringing these lines because everything is about pop divas or bands made for the radio that suck (ehem Imagine Dragons). In Spain, don´t think that we have it much better because I have to listen to reggaeton in the street almost every single day. Also, consumable music was also around during that era (hello "Sugar, oh Honey Honey!").

>the mainstream has become a lot more boring in the music scene in the past 20 years. There is less new stuff and experimentation that gets a hgh profile now.
and this is the part that got me the most and I almost flipped the table. sighs*

This is the moment which as a young person should say something in respect about this. Let me say this: music today is ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to define it. There are so many releases out there every single year that I cannot tell you exactly what defines this era because over time, people will remember a bunch of records that could have been underground at release. Sure I can point out the hip hop trend, a great era for experimental electronic music, the comeback of dream pop/shoegaze, 2015 was a great year for post rock, there are indie bands that are getting into more sophisticated compositions, no wave has become more popular recently...there are so many things happening out there that I cannot even begin. The best music is sometimes found under the garage of a house(see Slint with Spiderland)

So many genres, so much experimentation and genre breaking material that even music reviewers cannot keep up with all the albums released out there in this world. The main reason:Internet.

>Used to be you'd want to find some new sound because uniqueness and style was part of breaking through.
>the stagnant reign of version genres being melted togather into a vapid pop, rap and in my country a sometimes very pop/soft rock influenced country music being the only others that still retain some kind of identity that has been slowly going on the last 20 years or so (there was trends like emo bands and stuff).
that´s because people want more of the same along with companies that make a business. However, more people are getting into music in general and they will reach a point where they will ask about how their bands got famous and as soon as one looks at their influences, you start to be curious. Much more these days in which one doesn´t stop discovering music because it´s right in front of you, in two clicks.

I am not guilty of such practices, I don´t control the market system in order to bring prog rock or music of 7 minutes into the radio. There are radio stations, podcasts out there that focus on those aspects but as always, those end up having a niche public. People just want the simple stuff most of the time, something that doesn´t cause trouble. In the 70s, prog rock found a way to illuminate the masses because people used vinyls back in the day and in order to consume music, either you used singles or you spent a whole side of 20 minutes. Let´s not forget that the UK made prog rock mainstream, the country that has consumed and produced all kinds of music the most for 50 years.

Anon 03/31/2019 (Sun) 22:12:46 [Preview] No.3820 del
>With some more interesting stuff getting second tier recognition and making it into the lower top 40 sometimes I suppose. Though I think media fragmentation plays just a part as any greed on the corporate side.
corporations just want money....big deal. The great stuff doesn´t always reach the top 40 and keep in mind that the same companies will push the same pop songs all the time (yesterday in fact, I had to hear again "I will survive" on the radio because it was turned on in the kitchen). Always the same one hit wonders and singles that serve to pay the bills and keep the money flowing.
However, what makes your argument more plausible and down to earth is that you blame that the top 40 is the problem. Well, yes it is and let me tell you, you are not going to find experimental music with that route, even in rock stations that always put the same 70s songs over and over.

So, that sounds sad and I have to use the internet method as well.

On the bright side, did you know why I had to postpone this post and why I linked that song here? >>3775 and also this one:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=FR4-zgLIJvI [Embed]

Well, I did that for a reason, I could have replied to this as usual but I wanted to bring this picture. This is what...I believe that you want to look at and that my generation can offer in some way. You know, I am trying to answer to you with the same genre that you are sad about: progressive rock. Post punk didn´t kill it and both can coexist perfectly as shown these days. So, how did I make this custom chart? I have made an attempt on compiling the most acclaimed releases of the genre that happened after the neo prog era in the 80s. I have had to search on the 4chan /mu/ essentials around the wiki, some music magazines, a few subreddits, using Rateyourmusic to find their names and pick their most loved albums that fit into the genre and it took me like 2 hours at doing that ask (yes,your post made me jump into the genre). Today in the morning, I have had to check it again and replace 3 or 4 albums and I wanted time to check them even if it´s skimming on how they all sounded.

Again, this is an attempt but not a rushed one at picking the artists just to say that while prog rock is not dead, it has cost me a little bit of time and use the proper sites to make sure that they accomplish what they are supposed to deliver. This is a list of mine (if /mu/ sees this, they will kill me because they aren´t the biggest fans of prog), so you won´t find this anywhere else. Prog rock is seen somewhat badly because people always circlejerk about the same old bands from the 70s and they believe that they are patricians for doing that. Sure, these modern artists cannot beat them but they fill that spot that you would consider nonexistent and it´s actually there.

>Their is a lot more you have to compete with for attention now and they think things have to be made with as much mass appeal and basic emotions as possible to have a chance/maximize their returns on any artist they invest or invent
exactly and one thing about your line. There is a hard rock band that has become popular recently and even won a Grammy. Sounds good right? you know what, they don´t interest me at all and I will let you to think what band it is and how it affects the industry for the worst instead of doing a good thing.

Anon 03/31/2019 (Sun) 22:25:36 [Preview] No.3821 del
well, I am bit tired today because of the new edit thread and the dedication that I had to take for the chart. If I had wanted to troll and offer bad content, I would have made in less than 10 minutes. I didn´t know almost any single band of those and there are some out there that I can perfectly fall in love instantly. You can do whatever you want with it but hey, I have finally brought this option, besides that annoying top 40 one can complain to no end, from my part so I can sleep tonight with my head high.

There is not much that I can offer tonight. You can end and fix what you wanted to say about the Filly Funtasia drama and I will give my opinion about that topic soon.

I have done my part. Enjoy it and good night /endpone/.

= 04/01/2019 (Mon) 01:15:52 [Preview] No.3822 del
(98.34 KB 986x576 what_the_hell.png)
wow, bo you've gone all out this time for Dolores...

= 04/01/2019 (Mon) 02:43:15 [Preview] No.3824 del
(24.84 KB 126x342 smug_bridge.png)
>typical dadrocker complains about today´s music"
Oh I understand that, though I sit at a somewhat different position.

> Keep in mind that prog rock was like intellectual music that the low classes couldn´t reach and they were tired of seeing absurdly complicated stuff around the early 70s
Oh indeed and it got pretentious. I seen some critics exclude all but the core British bands as not true progressive rock. There was some who could very well be argued to care nothing but the most extravagant as real music. I don't expect such music to reign ever alone, nor do I want to.

>and this is the part that got me the most and I almost flipped the table. sighs*
Keep in mind one thing I said, "mainstream". Music is very hard to define indeed. I think when you look dig a little you find plenty of interesting stuff. That's what I meant with media fragmentation. The Internet been has been good for obscure and off beat. Maybe I just have a closed off negative perspective It just seems like these mainstream styles have dominated things. They still have a stranglehold influence on society. Lots of things that become popular just get that same dumbing down treatment (Modern Rock band being just more pop, look at mainstream dubstep when it was a fad, and other genre agnostic but water down stuff). I will agree that I was being a little too pessimistic, because when you think about it, there is probably more people listing to more genres than ever before. For me it has just felt a lot of things are just melting into this one genre agnostic mess of pop insert genre, and pop pop led by diva queens and a few male artist. (at least in my country). I think it depends how one rates mainstream cultural trends? Is this it's death or a stagnation that will choke out oxygen in the long run? Or as and if social media continues to consolidate and been hearded by the "safe" and the "tame". I don't know, I mean I was quite surprised when vaporwave broke through.

Thats the main points on that anyway. Gonna reply later tonight but I have to do something and this CSS whil awesome strains my eyes
why didn't I compose in text editor?

= 04/01/2019 (Mon) 02:47:34 [Preview] No.3825 del
I actually dig it only part I have a hard time with is the teal on yellow. Reading post isn't that bad, only typing them.

= 04/01/2019 (Mon) 08:16:00 [Preview] No.3826 del
Oh man, thanks for the list. Even if few of these I recognize a fair bit I don't. Again, as I've said, most of the music I know is random ill defined mix of prog and obscure from my father with some general hits and a few add ons by myself because I've never fully bothered to define my own musical taste. Have things I like, and I know I lean to a lot of stuff up that alley, but I have only haphazardly looked around myself and rarely become a fan of more than some haphazard songs over bands I can say I like.

>. Post punk didn´t kill it and both can coexist perfectly as shown these days
Yeah, I agree. Though what I said wasn't based on progressive rock vs punk/everything else more so a lament of the decline of mainstream music as a whole. Even if there is more choice than ever, it just feels right now that the mainstream is just rotting in the same repetitiveness was the main gist of my point. Corporations always wanted to make money regardless of decade but now there is no soul there. You can still find stuff on the net but sometimes I almost have a glass is half empty view do to the lack of variety on top and me considering it a bit unhealthy for society in several ways. Like a lack of real political variety ad meaning, the disappearance of folk music, country being turned to radio friendly, etc.
exactly and one thing about your line. There is a hard rock band that has become popular recently and even won a Grammy. Sounds good right? you know what, they don´t interest me at all and I will let you to think what band it is and how it affects the industry for the worst instead of doing a good thing.
Maybe I"m just a bit of a fool who lives under a rock, as this has been only my impression over something I can say has been scientifically verified well, there was couple studies...

>so you won´t find this anywhere else. Prog rock is seen somewhat badly because people always circlejerk about the same old bands from the 70s and they believe that they are patricians for doing that. Sure, these modern artists cannot beat them but they fill that spot that you would consider nonexistent and it´s actually there.
Something I can understand tbh. Though most of my knowledge comes from my father from what I've seen in the times I've peaked my head out there there is the 70s circlejerk and then there is various smaller circle jerks with an ever tighter definition of what prog is and can be especially dismissive to other progressive/art and experiential rock of similar spirits from the 70s or otherwise.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=xjf6SHSksKA [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=WjFTpBH56WM [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=VsWl4aciMpk [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=RFJ59QUkbo0 [Embed]
And by the way. You went all out on that list. Y9u didn't have to put so much time in that endeavor! Anyway I can reply ya?

= 04/01/2019 (Mon) 08:28:54 [Preview] No.3827 del
One thing I'll say: y'all have both outdone yourselves so it's time for bridgefag to deliver. My fic has been 100% complete and ready to go if was not for pictures. Problem being a certain character that I can't find much of and my own illustration skills not doing it justice. Now though, even if it's just stick figures, my story will be up Soon

= 04/01/2019 (Mon) 20:43:09 [Preview] No.3829 del
alright, I am giving my views on the songs. That Oko song sure was weird. I´ve checked that is the opener of that album and oh boy, it shows that they don´t sing in English. Despite picking up the shortest song, I don´t feel it that much, not because of the execution but because while I know how prog works, I feel like something is wrong with it and I cannot tell what it is.

About Epiphany, this brings me hope in terms that you are used to listening to prog metal+ epic music with a touch of melancholy and desperation. Now, while this sounds much nicer than the previous one and I am noticing where you come from with that complaint of music today in the mainstream has no message. Combining classical music with a philosophical message with a touch of prog sounds like a combination that well, the hymn for those who listen to it. Now, the whole album is 2 hours long, this band is made for single songs. Pic related somewhat sums up the epic sound of this one.

However, holy shit, that Crack the Sky song holds up and pretty well today. Nothing too complicated but damn, it is enjoyable. I believe that I must have seen that album cover somewhere while looking up for prog rock records. If there was an old forgotten recommendation to rediscover, I would pick this one. Instant favorite and for very good reasons. I think that this album will be discussed as an underrated record form the 70s. This familiar sound might be because I am used to listening to Rush nowadays.

About Gordian Knot, that album was released in 2003 and I am kind of regretting it now looking at the chart. The best thing that I can say is that despite not having the old glory, the former members of Genesis and King Crimson sure made this to bring haunting feels in this 21st century. I think this is the soundtrack that should fit while looking at one picture that you admire... >>3589. The most melancholic of the bunch and I can see why it fits for the introverted mentality. I suppose that one needs more listens in order to appreciate the full joy of this song and comes as downright personal feelings that make this truly shine. I believe that have linked this song because I posted this one >>3775.

= 04/01/2019 (Mon) 21:37:49 [Preview] No.3830 del
>I sit at a somewhat different position.
yeah, it´s more humble and less elitist than one would expect. Don´t worry I am used to this and /mu/ has also dealt with people of this kind. It barely comes as a surprise

>some critics exclude all but the core British bands as not true progressive rock. There was some who could very well be argued to care nothing but the most extravagant as real music. I don't expect such music to reign ever alone, nor do I want to.
nor rock, I don´t want it to come back. And you will ask: why? Well mostly because the genres need to breathe, they need some room and let the artist experiment new things without any compromises because of corporate contracts, barely capable of advancing as musicians.
Prog rock was badly seen for some reviewers and used the term "pretentious" in order to mean that they simply didn´t like it. The word pretentious gets badly used most of the time. I would call a few prog albums pretentious(King Crimson or the insane album from Yes: Tales of Topographic Oceans, which was long and overly complicated). Nowadays, I think that people is used to listening to all kinds of styles so there is a chance that it finds its niche with a more open mind (conceptual rock could be a very good term for its tag). Why isn´t it more popular? Well, mostly because of nostalgia of the same bands and that there are very few releases that catch the attention out there and break through an invisible barrier of popularity that keeps you under the radar

>Maybe I just have a closed off negative perspective It just seems like these mainstream styles have dominated things. They still have a stranglehold influence on society.
that´s because the same companies are still in the multi billion dollar business with the same formulas repeated over and over. They don´t experiment, they simply study what appeals to the masses and the more people get together, the better for them. I mean, it´s not a bad concept in theory and for this very same reason, rock has faded in the mainstream eye because it no longer serves to those people who hold the right. They are using hip hop and pop divas for their squeezing out all the money that is out there(it worked for Madonna) and as soon as it doesn´t work anymore, they will make popular another formula that has the same intentions in the end. Now, that doesn´t mean all pop and hip hop suck. I am linking (after these posts) a pretty complicated pop song that is as upbeat as those but has a 5/4 rhythm in the first 2 minutes, changes completely in the middle and the last third pulls out a children choir in order to expose more emotions to the lyrics (from 2005 and it became AOTY and appreciated by /mu/)

>things that become popular just get that same dumbing down treatment (Modern Rock band being just more pop, look at mainstream dubstep

I hated dubstep and I hated electronic because of it and thought it was too artificial.I was a pleb and as soon as I discovered the actual subgenres and the beauty behind the sampling genre,I changed my mind especially these last two years. So look at that, a popular trend made me hate an entire world of music to discover. Glad that it died out and this is what I meant with the corporate staff, that fad ended as soon as they didn´t see the cash flowing as much as they thought.People moved on.
>I was being a little too pessimistic, because when you think about it, there is probably more people listing to more genres than ever before.
I simply cannot count the subgenres/movements that exist out there. You may not be a music critic but despite having lurking 4 years in /mu/ and music pages, I either feel too lazy to go further or it´s way too much to keep up. Hence I can´t say this generation sucks because I don´t know the panoramic view of its definition.

>lot of things are just melting into this one genre agnostic mess of pop insert genre, and pop led by diva and a few male artist.
MTV/Hit TV or those channels are made up for corporate music: Ed Sheeran and all kinds of millionaires celebrating with expensive cars.

= 04/01/2019 (Mon) 21:55:31 [Preview] No.3831 del
>I think it depends how one rates mainstream cultural trends? Is this it's death or a stagnation that will choke out oxygen in the long run?
I don´t know but what I know is that managers will kick them and serve as living banks for those companies. See what happened to Avicii, the poor guy couldn´t hold up because he had to run concerts really tired and they wanted to bring him out when he was in the hospital. That´s a crime. He had everything, the money he gained with those festivals was robbed by his manager and his death should make us think how dark this industry truly is. It´s downright creepy how it devastates those people, used as tools for benefits of people who see them as charts of the Wall Street.
>if social media continues to consolidate and been hearded by the "safe" and the "tame".I was quite surprised when vaporwave broke through.
not only that. Internet is sometimes a beautiful thing:

>thanks for the list.
you are welcome but I still give a few spins in my head about those 3 or 4 albums that I ask constantly if I should have put them in the chart.

>as I've said, most of the music I know is random ill defined mix of prog and obscure from my father with some general hits and a few add ons by myself
yeah, I see that you are more into random songs rather than having a series of albums that you love as a whole. I started developing my own taste around 2012 (the Iron Sea was the first record for me.) and after discovering the MLP fanbase and 4chan, I began lurking on /mu/ as well. In addition to this, I have a few songs that I know from my guitar classes that are wildly popular and classic as hell.

>I've never fully bothered to define my own musical taste. Have things I like, and I know I lean to a lot of stuff up that alley, but I have only haphazardly looked around myself and rarely become a fan of more than some haphazard songs over bands I can say I like.
so yeah, you are more into singles than enjoying the full experience and checking the whole quality of the album itself. That´s fine although I will say that most companies used that trick to fool the masses. Most of the time people often bought a record because of its singles and the rest lets down enormously and simply work as filler. I know that it serves to know lots of artists and their hits but is that the best they can offer to a listener? And sometimes, I have loved songs that were in the tracklist but are nowhere popular as their hits and that would have made me lose appreciation about them. For example, I thought at first that The Cure was another pop band from the 80s but as soon as I listened to the dark trilogy, my appreciation escalated quickly and I hold Robert Smith in a very high regard because of not only great singles, but great albums and experiences.

Each to their own. My method is by checking an artist´s most beloved record(s) and enjoy it all the way through or check how it sounds like at least.Now it´s more complicated and it requires a ton of time but the pay off is a worthy experience once it clicks.

= 04/01/2019 (Mon) 22:21:08 [Preview] No.3832 del
>what I said wasn't based on progressive rock vs punk/everything else more so a lament of the decline of mainstream music as a whole.
yeah....I mentioned it as the saddest part of it. But not only that event caused this and it´s more like the music industry roadmap for milking cashcows. Mainstream music works like that because of experts at manipulating the feelings of the masses and trying to cover all their material for every situation. Pop music was the easiest way and it will stay like that. I, like Bowie, would sing to Ground Control: "Planet Earth is blue and there is nothing I can do"....except giving recs on my own.

>Even if there is more choice than ever, it just feels right now that the mainstream is just rotting in the same repetitiveness was the main gist of my point. Corporations always wanted to make money regardless of decade but now there is no soul there.
I don´t watch the TV nor the radio. I basically don´t care what they bring onto the table at this point. For me, they can put out white noise in their music channels or whatever, I am not going to care unless I notice it in the news or someone close to me tells me about that. I don´t consume that music because I will always hear it every time I go into a shopping centre or any public area and my apathy would get even bigger to the point I become numb and barely feel anything about it. Background music for me if anything.
>You can still find stuff on the net but sometimes I almost have a glass is half empty view do to the lack of variety on top and me considering it a bit unhealthy for society in several ways.Like a lack of real political variety ad meaning, the disappearance of folk music, country being turned to radio friendly, etc
hey, that happened to disco as well and trust me that there are voices out there that are sick of that trend. You don´t know how many people are desperate of it. So I will say that despite your pessimistic take on this topic, you are far from the only human being getting tired of such saturation.

>I"m just a bit of a fool who lives under a rock, as this has been only my impression over something I can say has been scientifically verified
well, I prefer not explain today but if you ever hear about a X band will remind you of Led Zeppelin (to the point the singer copies Rober Plant´s vocal range), remember what I said. They are not bad musicians technically but conceptually, it´s not what I am looking for.

>most of my knowledge comes from my father from what I've seen in the times I've peaked my head out there there is the 70s circlejerk and then there is various smaller circle jerks with an ever tighter definition of what prog is and can be especially dismissive to other progressive/art and experiential rock of similar spirits from the 70s or otherwise.
oh yeah, the problem of tagging and considering X band prog or not. Those were the days as I see from your posts. That also happens constantly to the metal community even though I haven´t been involved in it.

>You went all out on that list. Y9u didn't have to put so much time in that endeavor! Anyway I can reply ya?
I felt like that because I see that my generation doesn´t get a chance to express itself properly. April Fools or not, the 21st century has a lot of things to offer out there in this world and people still complain because of not bothering and searching a little bit under the iceberg. Steven Wilson with his Porcupine Tree band, Tool, Opeth, The Mars Volta and Phideaux (the first two rows in general) will most likely guarantee some of that material. The rest were completely unknown to me.
What else could I bring onto the table other than claiming that the world doesn´t work like one imagines and sees on the TV? I could also do this for more genres but I wanted to focus on what you sent me in the past and because of that sad reaction you brought with the downfall of prog. Nothing else.

= 04/01/2019 (Mon) 22:31:54 [Preview] No.3833 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=rmJwraC4p5A [Embed]

>y'all have both outdone yourselves
well, for two people, this sure brings a lot of noise to a small chan.

>so it's time for bridgefag to deliver. My fic has been 100% complete and ready to go if was not for pictures.
>Now though, even if it's just stick figures, my story will be up Soon
how will he deliver? We´ll see it on the next episode of DBZ.



[autism] Cannot all creation call it celebration?[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I think that you like Christmas music with nostalgia and this is my answer to that lifeless pop you mentioned by the way, what I said over here >>3830

Anon 04/02/2019 (Tue) 21:02:33 [Preview] No.3834 del
I am on a time limmit but I am attempting to finally post this story.

we are GO!

Anon 04/03/2019 (Wed) 11:31:21 [Preview] No.3862 del

Anon 04/03/2019 (Wed) 17:21:25 [Preview] No.3863 del
First place again.

I wonder if a certain mare that inhabited the mountain was behind this leadership....

... and she flew away

Anon 04/03/2019 (Wed) 21:53:00 [Preview] No.3864 del
honestly guys, this week has been truly active here or at the very least, the activity given to this board seems like it´s turned out to be pretty effective.

A very chaotic layout of the mascot, getting a long fic that reintroduces Cadence (that fortunately wasn´t rushed) and me just...well shitposting about music (with my big mouth) and spending a couple of hours at matching the pictures (my folders aren´t the most organized when it comes to edited pictures) for offering a compilation of edits that sums up the old material.

For three faggots, this board has made a lot of noise (and content) and it´s back at the 1st position for the 2nd time. I simply don´t know what else one can ask from here.

I am just speechless at how simple drawn creatures have led us here after all.

I guess that this is my only post tonight so I give some room for reviewing the fanfic (The Mare in The Mountain I guess that its title),keeping it fresh and Bridgefag gets to post his thoughts about his own creation(even though I have already read it). Not to mention that I have posted a ton of thoughts over here and it looks a little bit saturated of my personal views as for now.

So, congratulations for the golden medal. Keep posting ponies,folks...

...and have a good night!

Anon 04/04/2019 (Thu) 02:28:11 [Preview] No.3865 del
She played a part...

>honestly guys, this week has been truly active here or at the very least, the activity given to this board seems like it´s turned out to be pretty effective.
We did good. Even if it was just a coincidence, we did good. After I saw you go all out with the edit thread, with the BO at the same time making a custom Dolores CSS theme for april fools that was also quite over the top, I knew the time was to act then. even if things weren't 100% but I'll explain that in that in the fic thread in the next 2 to 3 days.

>I guess that this is my only post tonight so I give some room for reviewing the fanfic
I will get to posting sometime, but other than a couple of edits this will also be my final post for the next day or two depending on some external plans.

>So, congratulations for the golden medal. Keep posting ponies,folks..
Can't think of a better way to start for the final season...

Good night /endpone/!

Anon 04/04/2019 (Thu) 22:44:09 [Preview] No.3870 del
here it is. I originally got it from the Deviantart source but I´ve found it on Derpi so you know the serial number:


>After I saw you go all out with the edit thread, with the BO at the same time making a custom Dolores CSS theme for april fools that was also quite over the top, I knew the time was to act then.
that comes from your personal will and I suppose that sense of not leaving the bar low from your part was the main reason you posted the fic. Nobody forced you but well, it seems that it was the last part for joining all the pieces of this board and complete it.

A coincidence after all but one that made this board shine for a while.

>even if things weren't 100% but I'll explain that in that in the fic thread in the next 2 to 3 days.
don´t worry, you can take a break because the important things have been delivered and we are all here after an entire year. I am not posting the review that soon and maybe I have to analyze both parts at the same time: the show and your fic. I could complain about many things but the entertainment for this weekend definitely isn´t one of them.

>other than a couple of edits this will also be my final post for the next day or two depending on some external plans.

>Can't think of a better way to start for the final season...
I didn´t have anything prepared for it and compiling all the edits wasn´t all that special to me (unless you are talking about my philosophical take at opening concepts and the threads), but the BO made this board even more chaotic than usual and you shot the bullet with all that original content.

Just when I thought back in March that this board was slowing down or certainly dying in interest, all of this comes up...


quite possibly so

Anon 04/05/2019 (Fri) 21:18:07 [Preview] No.3888 del
one should dedicate the trips to Cadence as she has been the star of this week. However, I am posting another character that has been accompanying us in a different way for several months.

What happens if you combine anthro, IDW and a non pony species with a suggestive tag? It sounds like nothing good could come out of that combination,right? 2011 vibes or something like that.

However,a few years have passed since then and I think that the furries of MLP can deliver something that deserves my respect.

We are talking about a character that hasn´t received any fanart at all oh high quality.

My trips go to... the princess of chaos (Nightmare Knights).

Anon 04/06/2019 (Sat) 23:50:57 [Preview] No.3907 del
I am posting a few images that have been uploaded these days though.

Anon 04/06/2019 (Sat) 23:51:20 [Preview] No.3908 del

Anon 04/06/2019 (Sat) 23:52:08 [Preview] No.3909 del
(70.86 KB 768x768 2004135.jpeg)

Anon 04/06/2019 (Sat) 23:55:12 [Preview] No.3910 del
and I am finishing my posts tonight with....well, we all know her. Goodnight /endpone/. Have a good time speculating with the premiere!

Anon 04/08/2019 (Mon) 23:32:40 [Preview] No.3917 del

Anon 04/09/2019 (Tue) 03:52:20 [Preview] No.3920 del
>here it is. I originally got it from the Deviantart source but I´ve found it on Derpi so you know the serial number:

>that comes from your personal will and I suppose that sense of not leaving the bar low from your part was the main reason you posted the fic. Nobody forced you but well, it seems that it was the last part for joining all the pieces of this board and complete it.
The magic of friendship is magic

>don´t worry, you can take a break because the important things have been delivered and we are all here after an entire year.
Right now I'm probably going to be more in consumer mode for awhile as I get a feel for the season, with edits and /go/ on the side. But if all goes well the Mare in the Mountain maybe returning a little sooner than you think

>I didn´t have anything prepared for it and compiling all the edits wasn´t all that special to me
It was to me. I just thought you were going to post stuff for the OP, not all of our greatest hits with a almost eerie theme to it accented with a rush quote . Maybe it's not much but for me I know the feel of time being scarce and siting down even for a couple of hours is a lot to me. So yeah, I loved it.

>I am not posting the review that soon and maybe I have to analyze both parts at the same time: the show and your fic. I could complain about many things but the entertainment for this weekend definitely isn´t one of them.
As I said in another thread, take all the time ya need

Anon 04/09/2019 (Tue) 03:57:21 [Preview] No.3921 del
>My trips go to... the princess of chaos (Nightmare Knights).
That ain't a bad choice. I love putting emphasis to minor secodary canon characters and this:
>What happens if you combine anthro, IDW and a non pony species with a suggestive tag?
Turning out like this? Deserves to be highlighted.

Anon 04/09/2019 (Tue) 04:04:56 [Preview] No.3922 del
So it seems we have passed the 2 million mark. Lovely pics you uploaded btw.

Anon 04/09/2019 (Tue) 04:10:15 [Preview] No.3923 del
...Though was it a modd get? Do you think the mods are secretly dashfags and just uploaded it under background pone just to trick us all?

Anon 04/09/2019 (Tue) 04:13:15 [Preview] No.3924 del
This Fluttershy pic is wonderful. My favorite of the batch I think. Though this >>3915 comes close.

Anon 04/09/2019 (Tue) 18:44:34 [Preview] No.3927 del
(143.32 KB 500x277 1542349300630.png)
Just go read the comments under the image.
Personally, I think it was a modget, but a lowkey one the usual modget flavour to avoid any flak like last time (if there was any last time, I don't remember).

What saddens me is the near unanimous commenters approval to modgets to "ensure that GETs are safe for everyone". I guess I'm like Discord in this case. Let the chaos happen.

What amuses me is that despite all the automation they guy attempting the GET went through, it seems like it didn't occur to him to use different IPs and/or accounts to upload images to circumvent rate limit despite being aware of it. Like, c'mon, it's almost like you wanted the GET to fail.

Anon 04/09/2019 (Tue) 18:47:34 [Preview] No.3928 del
(196.56 KB 797x662 1536666393138.png)
But where's one for Nicola and Bart?

Anon 04/09/2019 (Tue) 19:37:18 [Preview] No.3929 del
(318.78 KB 566x484 1554822072954.png)
That'd make sense to me. It does seem something that is pretty positive and safe. I haven't paid the mods the most attention either. Though with the earlier wanting ta remove downvotes, plus this little incident >>3773 have made me a bit suspicious of them of late. I mean it seems fitting for a hugbox

I guess I'm like Discord in this case. Let the chaos happen.
Yeah, because that's how fun things happen. It could have resulted in something interesting if it had been a unsavory picture or MS paint drawing. Maybe some new memes at the very least. With this all ya have is people saying "yeah, this is nice" and then moving on. When you script reality to cushion and sanitize, it maybe safe and consumable, but not fun.
If that was a mod get of course, will have to go back and look at the others too

>it seems like it didn't occur to him to use different IPs and/or accounts to upload images to circumvent rate limit despite being aware of it.
This. Derpibooru has anon contributions, you can use tor there, etc. It's no walled garden and it's easy to run such actives if you wanted

Anon 04/09/2019 (Tue) 19:41:09 [Preview] No.3930 del
(64.28 KB 600x438 Sacvan.jpg)
Why do you think there fav ponies be anyway?

Anon 04/10/2019 (Wed) 22:32:03 [Preview] No.3931 del
Easy pick without assessing their characters, asking them nicely, and all that stuff

Anon 04/10/2019 (Wed) 22:38:51 [Preview] No.3932 del
(184.04 KB 1200x947 DuwEl6mWwAA7gjm.jpg)
>you can use tor there
I'm pretty sure you have to make an account on non-TOR IP to be able to upload pictures over TOR, but that's tangential to the discussion. It still would bypass rate-limit, I guess. Though on the other hand the overhead from using TOR would be poor for time-sensitive applications like this one. Just use a technology that is over 20 years old that is, use IPv6

Anon 04/11/2019 (Thu) 17:36:27 [Preview] No.3933 del
Easiest pick of the general theme. Though a more left leaning one would probably be their taste. Is there anypony who fits this? not sure. I mean I'd look for a general traditional left anarchist oc over a punk one but from what I know of galleanists an ultra hard core punk could be more to their liking if it's a genuine express and not just edgy superficial...

Anon 04/11/2019 (Thu) 17:47:06 [Preview] No.3934 del
Tor obviously wouldn't be the fastest but perhaps could be something for a retard to use to add to the accounts posting
Making the accounts over tor may arose more suspicion than a bunch of vanilla background ponies I'd think. Regardless of having to sign up over vanilla IPs or not

Anon 04/11/2019 (Thu) 18:45:27 [Preview] No.3937 del
(239.12 KB 1888x1072 1536987745906.jpg)
>d as a
>j as n
>ja as r
>c as u
This image aggravates me deeply.

Anon 04/12/2019 (Fri) 05:22:06 [Preview] No.3942 del
This is art. I can't decide what kind of art it is but it's art. Perhaps under the logic of critical theory where context dosen't matter now it is a meta message about the image itself. Though of course I pointed to several schools of thought for the same media effect.

Anon 04/12/2019 (Fri) 23:10:48 [Preview] No.3948 del
>The magic of friendship is magic
so the magic that comes from friendship is actually magic.

In conclusion, we are magicians.

>I'm probably going to be more in consumer mode for awhile as I get a feel for the season, with edits and /go/ on the side.
yeah, me too. I have come back but I feel like we have done more than enough for this hiatus. It felt short because we haven´t stopped posting about very different things all the time and now, season 9 has arrived. Yeah, setting up a passive mode for this period should be the next logical step to take.

>if all goes well the Mare in the Mountain maybe returning a little sooner than you think
oh my....oh my....

>I just thought you were going to post stuff for the OP
lol no, I wasn´t planning that. I simply asked about the image for the OP but I had in my mind to post all the stuff worthy to show at the front for any newcomer/lurker that has been edited during all these months. Your suggestions were the same ones that I had thought.

>not all of our greatest hits with a almost eerie theme to it accented with a rush quote
which means that despite not seemingly taking your musical links all that seriously, when it clicks, it clicks but in another way. I had read those lines of that song and I considered worthy to present them as the main column of the thread, especially with the line: "Now that 4th dimension is crossed" which points at the programs for the artificial editions. That eerie theme just came because if anyone sees those distorted flawed images, one would be overwhelmed at first contact. I simply posted them as the most unique ones, not because of ego but because of how few editors would consider the flaws for twisting an image manually with a finger.

>Maybe it's not much but for me I know the feel of time being scarce and siting down even for a couple of hours is a lot to me. So yeah, I loved it.
you are welcome. The biggest improvisation for me was matching the original images with the edited one, I have had them in different folders and it was certainly tense to locate them. There were some edits that were skipped just because I didn´t find the original picture nor the thumbnail that described them.

>I love putting emphasis to minor secodary canon characters
you said that you were a little bit inspired after reading the 4 parts of Nightmare Knights. I simply...

>Turning out like this? Deserves to be highlighted.
compiled all what we have discussed before about those topics and put her into the spotlight. In fact, if you browse on Derpi with her tag, this image has recently become the top rated picture, well deservedly so.

So yeah, a little highlight that really stands out on its own and has surprised more than a few fans out there.

Anon 04/12/2019 (Fri) 23:21:38 [Preview] No.3949 del
>I think it was a modget, but a lowkey one the usual modget flavour to avoid any flak like last time
yeah, it´s a forgettable one. Only channers know how to make interesting GETs as usual (just like the triforce)

>What saddens me is the near unanimous commenters approval to modgets to "ensure that GETs are safe for everyone". I guess I'm like Discord in this case. Let the chaos happen.
yeah, I suppose I agree with you on that part. Everything seems to run on a safe script that is made to be big but only ends up having way less impact than it should. Everyone would be making drama and remembering the GET if it was clop/edgy/shipping (imagine if it was a Flashlight pic...) image. There would be a special attachment to it despite its quality and would cause several funny reactions.

>it seems like it didn't occur to him to use different IPs and/or accounts to upload images to circumvent rate limit despite being aware of it. Like, c'mon, it's almost like you wanted the GET to fail.
without that detail, more users would have suspicions about the system. I don´t know what´s worse: either the GET tracker or Derpimods at circlejerking that they have "achieved" a safe GET.

I don´t know but they didn´t care about their teeth around that period so I recommend them a little bit of toothpaste from Colg....

I mean, Minuette.

Anon 04/12/2019 (Fri) 23:43:19 [Preview] No.3950 del
>This is art. I can't decide what kind of art it is but it's art.
insert image macro here

I don´t get why it is art. I know where you are going for it but I don´t understand exactly why

>Perhaps under the logic of critical theory where context dosen't matter now it is a meta message about the image itself.
so do you mean that this a reaction image worthy to screencap for the Pony thread simulator?

Seen in that way, that doesn´t look so outlandish.

Trixie, you are way too suggestive for a SFW appearing in the show like that. Don´t dare me to try and...
The animators know it and I haven´t stopped to check that she made this in the actual show.How do they even get a pass with the TV-Y rating? It´s beyond my comprehension.

...well she did. Pic related happens.


>earlier wanting ta remove downvotes, plus this little incident >>3773 have made me a bit suspicious of them of late. I mean it seems fitting for a hugbox
I took part of that downvote debate and I replied against the removal because that would only encourage snowflakes and soft people that would react dramatically each time the artists gets a negative opinion about its material. We dodged a bullet there and /mlp/ does a pretty fine job at keeping an eye on Derpi´s management for these topics.

About Filly Funtasia, those hypocritical statements should be pointed out. There is no way they can be that inconsistent about the material. I should read that deeper and make a proper opinion about it.

>When you script reality to cushion and sanitize, it maybe safe and consumable, but not fun.
no fun allowed, the booru. Sadly, it doesn´t surprise, they ban anonymous users for almost everything.

>This Fluttershy pic is wonderful. My favorite of the batch I think. Though this >>3915 comes close.
Light262 has delivered that Christmas picture of Sunset, Twilight and Dolores looking at the user happily. That picture got the 33333333 mark on /mlp/. I think that says all.

About the picture of Luna and Chrysalis having a death battle (oor about to start one) comes from Andy Price. If there is one comic artist to give a spotlight, I think he deserves the good reputation.

Anon 04/13/2019 (Sat) 00:00:25 [Preview] No.3951 del
(180.42 KB 1134x1200 2005910.png)
and so,I end up my session tonight with this picture. Good night /endpone/

Anon 04/15/2019 (Mon) 22:19:11 [Preview] No.3972 del
(978.49 KB 800x1176 1514382.png)

Anon 04/19/2019 (Fri) 06:36:59 [Preview] No.3989 del
(50.56 KB 640x753 1555647506313.jpg)
>In conclusion, we are magicians.
No, we are friendship wizards! tm

>Yeah, setting up a passive mode for this period should be the next logical step to take.
Indeed. Maxing and relaxing. Right now the fic is a ways off and I am just taking a break to bask in the early season. Though I have like 5 projects going on for /go/... and something else that has to do with her

>you are welcome. The biggest improvisation for me was matching the original images with the edited one, I have had them in different folders and it was certainly tense to locate them. There were some edits that were skipped just because I didn´t find the original picture nor the thumbnail that described them.
I'm probably worse in organization tbh.

>So yeah, a little highlight that really stands out on its own and has surprised more than a few fans out there.
This is not the first time I've been a fan of anthro image but this is the first time that I actually want to almost mess with higher tier images for edits.

>yeah, it´s a forgettable one. Only channers know how to make interesting GETs as usual
C'mom mods. Give into the chaotic side. It's in the site's blood! Don't deny the truth you know!

>Everyone would be making drama and remembering the GET if it was clop/edgy/shipping (imagine if it was a Flashlight pic...) image. There would be a special attachment to it despite its quality and would cause several funny reactions.
Oh man I'd love that.

>I don´t know but they didn´t care about their teeth around that period so I recommend them a little bit of toothpaste from Colg....
Anarchist need hygiene too.

Anon 04/19/2019 (Fri) 07:01:00 [Preview] No.3990 del
(257.40 KB 1280x1280 HeyBO.png)
> don´t get why it is art. I know where you are going for it but I don´t understand exactly why
>so do you mean that this a reaction image worthy to screencap for the Pony thread simulator?

Meta, post-irony.

>The animators know it and I haven´t stopped to check that she made this in the actual show.How do they even get a pass with the TV-Y rating? It´s beyond my comprehension.
Detective Rarity is what blows my mind in that regard. Despite having never taken an attraction to them, one does't have to be to notice some of the later season posings...

>...well she did. Pic related happens.
Hey, at least she is doing it as a part of her show and fully among adults unlike someponies...

>I took part of that downvote debate and I replied against the removal because that would only encourage snowflakes and soft people that would react dramatically each time the artists gets a negative opinion about its material.
I need to look back at what drove the mods to it as the downvotes to me always seemed incredibly fair. Most small tier art is just ignored over attacked unless it's really bad.

> About Filly Funtasia, those hypocritical statements should be pointed out. There is no way they can be that inconsistent about the material. I should read that deeper and make a proper opinion about it.
I still need to check other statements and ruling by them, but that regardless looks pretty damning. It's not even a year from the current sudden turn around.

> Andy Price. If there is one comic artist to give a spotlight, I think he deserves the good reputation.
From that pic alone I agree.

>Light262 has delivered that Christmas picture of Sunset, Twilight and Dolores looking at the user happily. That picture got the 33333333 mark on /mlp/. I think that says all.

Hey, BO, if your here do you wanna take the 4000 get?
Unless somepony else has an idea...

Anon 04/19/2019 (Fri) 07:22:48 [Preview] No.3992 del
(444.35 KB 971x938 1554506757065.png)

Anon 04/19/2019 (Fri) 23:20:01 [Preview] No.3996 del
>Unless somepony else has an idea...
well, you two can think about it tonight because I am finishing my part today.

I will reply to the rest when the GET and the next episode arrive. Good luck with it!

Anon 04/20/2019 (Sat) 07:17:55 [Preview] No.3997 del
you know,I don't think that the GET this time will be that special,mostly because there are others waiting patiently for it

Anon 04/20/2019 (Sat) 07:18:20 [Preview] No.3998 del
not only outsiders but you are really quiet about it

Anon 04/20/2019 (Sat) 07:18:47 [Preview] No.3999 del
and that's fine because you want your favorite pony to be memorable....

Anon 04/20/2019 (Sat) 07:20:33 [Preview] No.4000 del
(1.42 MB 848x1280 1927890.png)


Anon 04/20/2019 (Sat) 07:39:36 [Preview] No.4001 del
(2.76 MB 2450x1400 1153937.png)
you thought you would get rid of the Canterlot Daily princess forever...

but she was just waiting for her throne...

Anon 04/20/2019 (Sat) 21:52:40 [Preview] No.4002 del
you know, after thinking about it.....I think that she deserved the GET in the /end/. You will see why soon

Anon 04/20/2019 (Sat) 22:14:57 [Preview] No.4003 del
>we are friendship wizards
are you a wizard?. jpg
>Though I have like 5 projects going on for /go/... and something else that has to do with her

you tell me to stop but for sure, you sure don´t apply what you say. I suppose the cycles of inspiration work like that.

>I'm probably worse in organization tbh.
that´s not saying much though. I have it pretty well organized if we count only the pics I save on the PC. As for the mobile folders with the edits, that´s another story.

>this is the first time that I actually want to almost mess with higher tier images for edits.
it´s certainly inspiring. The biggest challenge of editing a great picture is the way to make it better. I have done that in the past several times but I have a bit of respect from the inside with the original material. If it has become the top rated image, it has its reasons to stay like that.

>C'mom mods. Give into the chaotic side. It's in the site's blood! Don't deny the truth you know!
I cannot help at making that site more chaotic. This board however....

>Oh man I'd love that.
I was about to shitpost a CellyxSombra ship for the 4000 but that works better for the reactions on /mlp/.

>Anarchist need hygiene too.
hygiene is an universal thing. They can give a stylish look to everyone in order to have a good image on that aspect, darling.

Rarity´s view of style intensifies*

Anon 04/20/2019 (Sat) 22:32:46 [Preview] No.4004 del
(705.31 KB 1905x2000 2018199.png)
>Meta, post-irony.
yeah, I almost thought that it was the art of image macros for reacting towards X post.

>Detective Rarity is what blows my mind in that regard. Despite having never taken an attraction to them, one does't have to be to notice some of the later season posings...
they know what they have been doing since the 3rd season. It´s almost like they take advantage of that aspect in order to suggest something else. Rarity almost wanted to look like Marilyn Monroe.....and something tells me that we are not going to miss her...

>at least she is doing it as a part of her show and fully among adults unlike someponies
I think that you are onto something right here...
also, her show included Flurry Heart in her Ponyville tour (On The Road To Friendship) among the public. I suppose Trixie does that in the nightly hours.

>I need to look back at what drove the mods to it as the downvotes to me always seemed incredibly fair. Most small tier art is just ignored over attacked unless it's really bad.
that doesn´t require so much mystery. Derpimods having a mental breakdown on their meta decisions is almost a tradition that barely surprises anyone at this point. I guess that happened because of requests from sensible users that didn´t want to have any negative reception towards their own work.
Getting rid of downvotes would make them even weaker. Disliking/hating on something is natural despite not being the most desirable thing. Like you say, low tier stuff gets ignored and about 85% of the images don´t reach 20 or 30 downvotes. They may not get any praise but they could get ignored and not receive any negative reception either. Only cringy/obnoxious stuff can drive to a lot of thumbs down.

>but that regardless looks pretty damning. It's not even a year from the current sudden turn around.
about that topic, yeah, this is probably the strangest event that one can report from their practices.

>Unless somepony else has an idea...
I had...

you thought that Twilight did it

but it was me...


Anon 04/26/2019 (Fri) 05:01:34 [Preview] No.4020 del
well, the 3rd get with a anime comeback and us being here a whole year is hard to beat.

Just crushing along. Came up as a surprise.

Randomness can be memorable in its own way. But here I Often tried to plan things, at least for the thousand mark.

Anon 04/26/2019 (Fri) 05:05:04 [Preview] No.4021 del
And the moment is here. I will say this. With our discussion on Derpibooru I can understand your choice. Funny enough I didn't even notice the image was NSFW till a couple of days later....

There is also a double meaning here with mooning.

Anon 04/26/2019 (Fri) 05:14:45 [Preview] No.4022 del
And now for my more traditional celebration of such a milestone. Congratulations /endpone/ for defying our expectations once again. Will we make to 5000? Maybe, but it's best not to think about it. We have already gone so far beyond what anyone of us would have thought over a year ago. I'd say I'm going to just rid out and chill for the final season. We will see how many we have by then.

Hail Dolores. Hail the Mare in the Mountain!

Anon 04/26/2019 (Fri) 05:20:46 [Preview] No.4023 del
Did you here that everypony, Canterlot Daily? We are the /end/ The old and forgotten is our specialty.

Oh man she did deserve it.

Anon 04/26/2019 (Fri) 05:40:48 [Preview] No.4024 del
>you tell me to stop but for sure, you sure don´t apply what >you say. I suppose the cycles of inspiration work like that.
To be fair I'm not rushing it. Just I have five potential projects that are from my casual browsing. Even if I can't complete the research quickly me merely starting it and entering what I find on /go/ could be a fair bit of posts though it won't be a burden on me much because I'm used to checking random things out of habit.

>that´s not saying much though. I have it pretty well organized if we count only the pics I save on the PC. As for the mobile folders with the edits, that´s another story.
I'm err... Let's just say that I'm still trying to recoverer from a computer problem from two years ago and leave it at that.

>it´s certainly inspiring. The biggest challenge of editing a great picture is the way to make it better.
Than its purpose is not to improve, but change, experiment with the edit. To take to a new place rather than trying to fix something already great.

>I cannot help at making that site more chaotic. This board however....
You did. Congrats!

>hygiene is an universal thing. They can give a stylish look to everyone in order to have a good image on that aspect, darling.
I guess Rarity has been following Colgate's advise.


Didn't even think of that connotation of wizard. Ha ha.
No, I'm not a wizard.
Not yet anyway...

Anon 04/26/2019 (Fri) 05:59:16 [Preview] No.4025 del
>yeah, I almost thought that it was the art of image macros for reacting towards X post.
TBH, I don't know what it is. I have more intent behind it than a mere joke, but for me to follow through would have been behaving pretty confusingly. It's an itch that I want to scratch in some form however.

>that doesn´t require so much mystery. Derpimods having a mental breakdown on their meta decisions is almost a tradition that barely surprises anyone at this point. I guess that happened because of requests from sensible users that didn´t want to have any negative reception towards their own work.
I really need to pay better attention to them. Perhaps I'll find more. Though I'm not sure my questioning of them woull fit into /go/ being a place for records over "editorial" content, if we want to go that route.

>about that topic, yeah, this is probably the strangest event that one can report from their practices.
I reread it and still scratch my head. It doesn't even seem like that major of an issue if they were worried if the other show would take over FiM. It still wouldn't make sense to ban it outright with the broad criteria they themselves set but the BS excuses and saying the other company was shady and rip offs were bad, that really is what bugs me, and confuses me as well.

>I had...
Stick it to the MAN.

As for Luna, did she through a drunken party and set Canterlot on fire just to mess with her sister and Shining?
Now I can't put it past her.

Anon 04/27/2019 (Sat) 17:01:55 [Preview] No.4030 del
>the 3rd get with a anime comeback and us being here a whole year is hard to beat
those are the good ones.

>here I Often tried to plan things, at least for the thousand mark.
the problem with long plans is that others can notice the mark and make the 3 14 while you are finishing the task....

and you know what I mean.

>With our discussion on Derpibooru I can understand your choice.
the opposite of what you would get over there but my biggest surprise is...

>funny enough I didn't even notice the image was NSFW till a couple of days later....
that you hadn´t checked the actual nature of it and thought that it was simply a cute image. I mean, it is, I wasn´t going to post a grotesque image and I kind of predicted that Luna was going to shine on that Saturday.

>There is also a double meaning here with mooning.
eeeyup, if you want a middle finger towards the expected things, this is the one. A cute image from the outside, a huge poison from the inside. Not the first thing that has double standards from my part.

>We are the /end/ The old and forgotten is our specialty
if only the EQD watched this...
>Oh man she did deserve it.
after watching the episode, I´ve regretted nothing.

>Congratulations /endpone/ for defying our expectations once again
4000 posts, I wonder when we will grow tired of it or something related to an abandoned ship.
>Will we make to 5000? Maybe, but it's best not to think about it.
those are probably the most intelligent words to type right now. I cannot imagine what´s going to happen next.

>We have already gone so far beyond what anyone of us would have thought over a year ago. I'd say I'm going to just rid out and chill for the final season. We will see how many we have by then.
yeah, we are ending the gen 4 ride and this enjoyment only happens once and the nostalgia will rush in as soon as this airs the finale.

I cannot blame the passive mode because not many would have tried to get entertained between two and/or three users for so long. One has to consider this as one big challenge that can only apply to those users who can sacrifice themselves and still ave some energy left. Friendship is magic........and it doesn´t simply apply to the show itself.

>Hail Dolores. Hail the Mare in the Mountain!
Praise them with the sun in front of us! Hail!

Anon 04/27/2019 (Sat) 17:33:35 [Preview] No.4031 del
looking at that last pic,that face located next to Cadence doesn´t give me good vibes at all...

>Just I have five potential projects that are from my casual browsing.
well,that doesn´t consume as much effort as the big stuff.

>though it won't be a burden on me much because I'm used to checking random things out of habit.
same, expect that I tend to browse other things unrelated to ponies.

>Let's just say that I'm still trying to recoverer from a computer problem from two years ago and leave it at that.
I am not gonna lie to you Marge.....so long!

>but change, experiment with the edit. To take to a new place rather than trying to fix something already great.
oh boy, something wild is going to happen out of those. That new place requires a little bit of vision but before getting to comment about it, whenever the results happen, we´ll get into it.

>You did. Congrats!
it was the most affordable thing to do.

>I guess Rarity has been following Colgate's advise.
with an old fan project by the way. She sure looks at the old stuff for being at the top of the game...

>I'm not a wizard.Not yet anyway...
text hidden in spoilers.... well,it seems that this user floats like the wood on the water. Burn the witch,folks!

>I have more intent behind it than a mere joke, but for me to follow through would have been behaving pretty confusingly. It's an itch that I want to scratch in some form however.
and it wouldn´t be the first thing of that kind that would occur in your head. Despite having the red alarm, I cannot point out what´s the next step that you are going to take...

>I'm not sure my questioning of them woull fit into /go/ being a place for records over "editorial" content, if we want to go that route.
I didn´t post the "drama" on your thread because of that reason. However, if you find something noteworthy to register as fandom stuff, you can go ahead.

>It doesn't even seem like that major of an issue if they were worried if the other show would take over FiM
>It still wouldn't make sense to ban it outright with the broad criteria they themselves set but the BS excuses and saying the other company was shady and rip offs were bad, that really is what bugs me, and confuses me as well.
totally this. In fact, an /mlp/ user could actually say that the mods could be Hasbro paid shills unironically for being so secretive and questionable for those actions. It leaves room for conspiracies because of the unasked questions and the sudden turnaround about their opinions. FF may not be of the liking of every single fan but damn, they killed the root as soon as it had a spark.

>Stick it to the MAN.
I am stuck with it......AND I REGRET NOTHING!sisters spinning around on their chairs.jpg

>did she through a drunken party and set Canterlot on fire just to mess with her sister and Shining?
the bags under her eyes could lead to that direction. Also, I believe that she is a fan of a certain character from the yellow american humans.

Anon 05/03/2019 (Fri) 21:05:15 [Preview] No.4046 del
(440.12 KB 1516x941 sith_rarity.png)
Preemptive PoLS. Do to some business I may be gone for the next 3 or 4 days. Blah blah blah. I may get a chance to post I may not. There is a chance I could have /go/ post ready during it so I may pop in and do that, but I'd disappear afterwards.

Anon 05/04/2019 (Sat) 23:07:21 [Preview] No.4047 del
>Do to some business I may be gone for the next 3 or 4 days. Blah blah blah.
no need to explain it.If we had tried to justify everything,the BO would have written a bigger book than the one revealed in today's episode (about 700 pages).

>I may get a chance to post I may not. There is a chance I could have /go/ post ready during it so I may pop in and do that, but I'd disappear afterwards.
whatever you see convenient or feel like at the time. We have passed the 4k mark so there are less reasons to force one self to do X things.
Fair enough,I haven't been that active either despite having replied to the latest posts.

I suppose that the only task one can offer nowadays,not as main users of this board but as fans,is commenting about the episodes.The rest comes as a bonus at this point (spoiler alert:it's always been that).

Btw,Rarity hasn't slept much recently,otherwise you won't get those "irritated eyes"

Anon 05/07/2019 (Tue) 03:47:06 [Preview] No.4052 del
(77.82 KB 604x750 1555317818049.jpg)
>no need to explain it.If we had tried to justify everything
I thought I was being pretty nonchalant about it tbh. Here I thought I should bring up in case I was to randomly appear but not reply to previous post. I guess I could have stated that when I posted, oh well.

>whatever you see convenient or feel like at the time. We have passed the 4k mark so there are less reasons to force one self to do X things.
>I suppose that the only task one can offer nowadays,not as main users of this board but as fans,is commenting about the episodes.The rest comes as a bonus at this point (spoiler alert:it's always been that).
That's exactly right. Every project that I have here I have just been taking my merry time. Things were busy and It's nice just to keep a relaxed atmosphere. It'd be too stressful to do otherwise.

>Btw,Rarity hasn't slept much recently,otherwise you won't get those "irritated eyes"
Yeah, lets go with that. Rarity is just tired!

As for the event, it is only relevant because of its tiny connection to here. >>1325 The anniversary of that. Not much worth mentioning other than it is haunting for me that /endpone/ was around for 2 different eras of my life. I may have more to say at some point but I wanna keep things chill and non IRL and I'm not sure where it go at the moment.

Anon 05/07/2019 (Tue) 22:53:40 [Preview] No.4059 del
>I was to randomly appear but not reply to previous post. I guess I could have stated that when I posted, oh well.
yeah, well that was what my mind perceived at that moment. I have been pretty inactive lately and I will tell you that I am not going to reply to everything tonight.
>Every project that I have here I have just been taking my merry time. Things were busy and It's nice just to keep a relaxed atmosphere. It'd be too stressful to do otherwise.
even though I wrote the Mirror of Fire because of the routine in two nights, I agree. It´s not recommended at all to have this "project" so consuming and one of the reasons I have slowed down a lot is because I am doing other things IRL and keeping up at what I can do. Browsing on the internet for the /go/ thread doesn´t seem to be that stressful and that journalistic task can be prepared at anytime.

>As for the event, it is only relevant because of its tiny connection to here. >>1325 The anniversary of that.
out of all the events....yep, you had yo remember that one and it´s indeed haunting. No wonder one would remember it because of the shock that came after it.Rereading those two comments has lead me to an impression that those were different times and I wonder how I had the confidence to show such an event like death and then, you posted an even more tragic version of it, amplified a thousand times more than mine because of your involvement and the moments that you had shared with her.

>Not much worth mentioning other than it is haunting for me that /endpone/ was around for 2 different eras of my life. I may have more to say at some point but I wanna keep things chill and non IRL and I'm not sure where it go at the moment.
dealing with a topic like this doesn´t seem to carry the most optimistic feelings that you can find out there, isn´t it?
Not sure if the event itself is more haunting or the fact that you have had the will to present it on public and managing to keep it relevant after one year. /endpone/ wasn´t supposed to reach this level (well, nothing was supposed to be here at first) but what I mean is that this level of depth and personal stuff. I brought it at first but then, you manage to beat it after seeing my posts.

I don´t know if we will reach that level of IRL sadness anytime soon (hopefully not) but I am noticing that we were much more innocent and that every post could have been the last. Probably that mindset helped to share inner reflections that were shared, the replies kept going and time passed night after night.

If you want a chill conclusion for it, don´t be sad by the fact that her death had to happen. On the bright side, be glad that you have managed to share it again as if that day happened yesterday but with more energy and confidence.

Anon 05/08/2019 (Wed) 18:57:55 [Preview] No.4066 del
I wanted to post this picture here for any reason for you some time ago when I found it, but then I saw that it was already posted here or something, I don't remember, so I didn't post it, but it came up while I've been scrolling through images just now, so here goes nothing I guess.

Anon 05/09/2019 (Thu) 23:55:03 [Preview] No.4071 del
(765.02 KB 2200x1200 1554592540931.jpg)
at least,that picture is cute and goes along with Cadence's spirit. This one however.....

not so much

Anon 05/10/2019 (Fri) 02:59:13 [Preview] No.4072 del
>I have been pretty inactive lately and I will tell you that I am not going to reply to everything tonight.
Yeah, know that feel as you know that I know

>even though I wrote the Mirror of Fire because of the routine in two nights, I agree. It´s not recommended at all to have this "project" so consuming and one of the reasons I have slowed down a lot is because I am doing other things IRL and keeping up at what I can do.
This. Keeping things at a healthy level. Though sometimes I can get into productive periods (I have several things that are half done). I have had a fair bit of IRL stuff come up especially around the anniversary

>Browsing on the internet for the /go/ thread doesn´t seem to be that stressful and that journalistic task can be prepared at anytime.
Indeed. Even when it takes awhile in certain cases, its all just compiling links with a little archiving on the side.

>out of all the events....yep, you had yo remember that one and it´s indeed haunting. No wonder one would remember it because of the shock that came after it
I remember it in a way of... how do I put this? Dividing time. It's now an event that I divide different eras of my life with. Like in remembering a event if something happened before or after it would be a factor.

>you posted an even more tragic version of it, amplified a thousand times more than mine because of your involvement and the moments that you had shared with her.
I wouldn't go that far. I mean, not to bring any more unnecessary personal details into the matter, this was her 2nd chance on life. She had stage 4 once before and managed to survive it and go completely back to normal. So I can say it was a question that I had already dealt with once even if this came out of nowhere. Besides, a death that close is still a death that affects you deeply, even if you weren't close to the person in question it still removes a background constant and brings sadness around.

>Not sure if the event itself is more haunting or the fact that you have had the will to present it on public and managing to keep it relevant after one year. /endpone/ wasn´t supposed to reach this level
I wasn't really aiming for attention and I wasn't sur exactly what to say, it just came up and it freaked me out that /endpone/ had been here and I had noted it on the day of her death. An old era of things. me in that moment in time... /endpone/ was here. This place wasn't suppose to reach into the personal or host two fags from /mlp/ and whereever the mod hangs out . The personal is against a chans nature but it was bound to come up with just two fags alone at the time. It did ultimately lead to a lot of the OC so that was all in all a plus. and if you ever need to vent I'm all ears

>If you want a chill conclusion for it, don´t be sad by the fact that her death had to happen. On the bright side, be glad that you have managed to share it again as if that day happened yesterday but with more energy and confidence.
Actually, other than being haunted, I'm actually pretty chill. Still agree with that though.

Anon 05/10/2019 (Fri) 03:03:31 [Preview] No.4073 del
Its not my favorite pic but the mane is well done and its cute enough.

Anon 05/10/2019 (Fri) 03:08:12 [Preview] No.4074 del
True. I'm not even sure it would go with how I envision bat cadence because I still think of her as being loyal to her family. with one story idea exception

Anon 05/11/2019 (Sat) 00:24:00 [Preview] No.4084 del
I will try to answer a few replies tomorrow. As for now,I am just giving a PoLS with this recent picture

Anon 05/11/2019 (Sat) 08:06:20 [Preview] No.4087 del
Take your time, reply ta want ya feel like. You know the drill.

Anon 05/11/2019 (Sat) 23:45:45 [Preview] No.4091 del
>know that feel as you know that I know
inb4 we imply what we have known for a year and a half. And yes, the ups and downs take the rollercoaster route at times. Not every single day one is goign to think about entire posts that take up the double of space of an average /mlp/ post. The rare practice of any chan is what we have been doing. If we shitposted all the time, we would have reached a larger number even though the mentality wouldn´t have ended up being the same.

>I can get into productive periods (I have several things that are half done). I have had a fair bit of IRL stuff come up especially around the anniversary
I wonder when my productive periods will come, maybe if I have luck during these two months, I will have time for something. I try to balance it with the discussions however. Since December,you´ve been carrying the productive torch this year and there´s no competition for that.

>its all just compiling links with a little archiving on the side.
yeah, just like me whenever I get to see reviews of certain albums out there.

>It's now an event that I divide different eras of my life with. Like in remembering a event if something happened before or after it would be a factor.
I mean, I know that you tend to mark the era with personal events but putting a chan as one of the main factors for it, that´s like the most antinatural path one could take. For a personal level, sure but not all the people out there have to know about it unless they are interested or ask about the topic.

>I wouldn't go that far.
in comparison to my experience, it is. I had one little blow for realizing a little bit about life but I didn´t get that need to find it tragic because I didn´t share moments with her that my brain would remember fondly. I barely interacted with her in comparison to your case.

>this was her 2nd chance on life.
>I had already dealt with once even if this came out of nowhere. Besides, a death that close is still a death that affects you deeply, even if you weren't close to the person in question it still removes a background constant and brings sadness around.
I don´t know what´s sadder out of the two paths. Either having a full recovery for a while and then lose every single progress and illusion that you had had all that time all of a sudden or admit from the start that your family member would be inevitably done before the death comes.

Sometimes extending the process of such thoughts makes it more suffering than a direct death that simply happens overnight. Mostly because you have had to deal with it twice, as if the first affection was a setup for the real one.
How can one live with that in mind?

Anon 05/11/2019 (Sat) 23:51:48 [Preview] No.4092 del
>it just came up and it freaked me out that /endpone/ had been here and I had noted it on the day of her death. An old era of things. me in that moment in time... /endpone/ was here
one would find memes, shitposts, greens, discussion and even off topic threads about anything. However, as this board was a white paper in which you don´t know what to fill with, these posts worth of a personal diary come up and manage to bring the feeling from the old /b/. No laughs but simply events and its reflections that one would type anonymously.

/endpone/ was there but I think that the notification happened because I gave my personal thoughts first and we thought that this board wouldn´t last so much. Thinking about the board as if it was its final day, posts like these would make sense.

>This place wasn't suppose to reach into the personal or host two fags from /mlp/ and whereever the mod hangs out . The personal is against a chans nature but it was bound to come up with just two fags alone at the time. It did ultimately lead to a lot of the OC so that was all in all a plus.
what else can one do about it? It´s completely against its nature but as I agree completely that we needed a base of literally anything in order to create pony content. All those skills of transforming anything into content, coming up with ideas around it, make those confessions worth it and give a deeper meaning in context. Not to mention that one could write about the event itself through a ponified story. Tell that to Patton Oswalt.

Even if one regrets the confessions on the long run, a couple of outsiders have been perplexed by the amount of content created by the minimal people. I have adopted the philosophy that if someone gossips about a personal life from here, at least learn a valuable message from those stories while reading them.

>and if you ever need to vent I'm all ears
I will need them.... for a new review whenever it happens

>I'm actually pretty chill.
even by knowing that, you show the deepest side a lot though. It almost gives the impression that you don´t show all that much (which makes sense considering the nature of these posts)

>I still think of her as being loyal to her family. with one story idea exception
you would have to twist her status a lot for that.

>You know the drill.
I know. I will probably continue with the /go/ ones tomorrow and the show discussion posts whenever you get to review the newest episode.

Anon 05/16/2019 (Thu) 07:41:01 [Preview] No.4105 del
(458.23 KB 921x518 1557977638383.png)
PoLS for today stupid european Italians Review coming tomorrow or next day.


Anon 05/16/2019 (Thu) 13:37:33 [Preview] No.4106 del
(324.99 KB 499x519 1554218496551.png)
>european Italians
There are others?

Anon 05/17/2019 (Fri) 20:22:22 [Preview] No.4107 del
(127.77 KB 1239x1449 AnExpertINDAPARK.png)
>I will need them.... for a new review whenever it happens
oh boy, it is coming I think finally later tonight, but you may not see it till the next day in your time zone. I have been constantly interrupted with it day in day out. I haven't had this level of a busy week in a while. Heck, I've done better posting in freaking family emergencies. Though it may have given me inspiration for something here so it's not a total loss.

Anon 05/17/2019 (Fri) 20:28:00 [Preview] No.4108 del
Let's just say there is a certain country that a lot of them went to and a certain poster here may have a connection to them...

Notice the mispellings? That's unercutting my authority on the subject THIS_IS_ART 05/17/2019 (Fri) 20:32:01 [Preview] No.4109 del
(1.74 MB 1239x1449 ThisISART.png)
can you call a post art when it is just a shitpost

It's a dangerous question. As it could grant shitpost a higher status.

Yet this is trying to be art

though it fails at it

even if it doesn't

I'm borderlining on serious and meme reply, also only subject box is capable of fitting text this lo Anon 05/17/2019 (Fri) 21:07:49 [Preview] No.4110 del
(136.52 KB 1017x786 1533719586876.jpg)
>he fell for the art for the sake of art meme
>he fell for the "greater art" meme
now THAT'S what I call art.

>can you call a post art when it is just a shitpost
Isn't that on the general consensus to decide

THis art is post post modern beauty, you can't tell what is serious and what is not. ^ ART_IS_THIS 05/18/2019 (Sat) 06:56:14 [Preview] No.4113 del
Wow, you don't realize that art isn't real right? It's only actions.

AArt is a performance, not paint.

AArt is a event

AArt is this

AArt is nothing




;see that was nothing?

I will neVER no if you kno if yur serious because that immplies I HAVE ANYCORE belifes whicch is impossible, there is none. That is why I win, and shove things down your thought becuase no logical conconlions can be made and my things are the axioms that exist when I decremented everythang else BRO!
In truth I'm probably borderline anti-intellectual in art.

Anon 05/18/2019 (Sat) 23:12:46 [Preview] No.4114 del
Well,the least that I can do is giving my PoLS tonight. These last three days have been pretty busy with biochemistry (especially today) and it's somewhat fortunate that the inactivity came at the same time for both of us.

I have barely had time for anything and if you told me that the world is falling apart,I wouldn't notice it at all.

I have not even watched ep 7 nor ep 8. Hopefully I'll be able to take a break tomorrow and reply to your latest review.

Also,I see that you are trying to find a....""patrician"" critique about art in your latest posts. The BO will probably decide what it is exactly....

Anon 05/19/2019 (Sun) 00:49:24 [Preview] No.4116 del
(90.55 KB 1467x1007 1558146774524.jpg)
>These last three days have been pretty busy with biochemistry
Sounds "fun"

> and it's somewhat fortunate that the inactivity came at the same time for both of us.
I suppose so. Though it'd be no pressure otherwise.

>I have not even watched ep 7 nor ep 8. Hopefully I'll be able to take a break tomorrow and reply to your latest review.
Though if the choice is between that and taking a second to just not think about something and let your fried rest choose the latter. I'll probably catch ep 8 in the next couple of days.

Anon 05/19/2019 (Sun) 00:54:31 [Preview] No.4117 del
(105.70 KB 1209x978 1558185553818.jpg)
>Also,I see that you are trying to find a....""patrician"" critique about art in your latest posts.
It's really hard to explain the push with that. Not those to post exactly (one being a joke with a tiny bit of musing and the other being a more slightly serious reply to a somewhat serious reply), but there is an urge in general that has been driving me toward something like that is hard to explain. There maybe some OC later that will be a chaotic mess of thoughts.

Anon 05/19/2019 (Sun) 23:28:43 [Preview] No.4119 del
>it is coming I think
it has actually arrived. Checked. My proper reply to it though...

>Let's just say there is a certain country that a lot of them went to and a certain poster here may have a connection to them...
I mean I do believe that I have more connections with South America than Italy despite its distance mostly because the former is the son and the latter is the neighbor Also, I am too focused on my own stuff to even care and it´s really difficult to trigger me about this I can get triggered but not because of the perspective exactly. Go ahead if you want.

before I get to reply your semi ironic shitposts....I do believe that I would locate these pictures >>4107 and >>4109 with much more ease in the edit thread and as you say, the latter shows feels more unique in terms of originality. It´s probably the least clichéd image that you have posted so far.

>can you call a post art when it is just a shitpost
depends on the intentions behind and the results... A shitpost may be a shitpost but I apply that logic even to porn, music, etc. Not all porn works for clop nor even brings anything to get pleasure from it. So with this mindset, I do believe that good shitposts require some effort behind them or at least, a good phrase/meme/picture to make it memorable.

>Yet this is trying to be art though it fails at it even if it doesn't
I believe that you are applying the same words that I had posted while I was experimenting with the flaws for the first time, breaking the mold and attempting to deconstruct the image with an unpleasant direction. I would have posted this edit on the compilation if you had made it sooner because it´s definitely weird or at least, it doesn´t seem to have just one effect from the Photoshop itself.


this image sums up pretty well that the concept of ART may not be the brightest perspective to take into account. This has been parodied to hell for modern art (for good reasons). Yet when someone is attempting to be that bad on purpose, maybe the conclusion doesn´t come off with that much of a negativity.

>Isn't that on the general consensus to decide
well, there are a few albums that I know which were pretty bad received at their time and now they have acquired a much better status.....but that means that the base material had to offer something by itself.

>you don't realize that art isn't real right? It's only actions.
you are reminding me of Picasso again. Art might not be art by itself but an expression of our minds.

the image is trash on purpose although I will say that the purple effect and the blurriness would make it a vaporwave album cover or something

>I HAVE ANYCORE belifes whicch is impossible, there is none.
then I should conclude that nothing I see in this board is real...except the time that I have spent on it. That counts as something so it exists.

>I'm probably borderline anti-intellectual in art.
but you know, antiinllectualism by itself isn´t inherently that bad as long as you want to pick exactly what´s wrong with them. In this case, you want to parody art (modern art) by making shitposts like these yet you are trying to have your own sense of elitism...

And by the way, humans have always been stupid. We are the only species to fall onto the same rock twice (maybe even more times) just that we see the nakedness of such retarded thoughts because of the internet with so much ease.

Anon 05/19/2019 (Sun) 23:43:25 [Preview] No.4120 del
>Sounds "fun"
it wasn´t because I have to do it well. That and another subject. It hasn´t been the nicest experience not because of its content it´s an interesting read honestly but sweet Celestia, it´s that dense to memorize but because I hadn´t studied that content for 4 years or so (nor even focused all that much with this depth back then).

It will get better now that I have warmed up with it.

>Though it'd be no pressure otherwise.
yeah, but I am that pigheaded to reply something in the meantime

>the choice is between that and taking a second to just not think about something and let your fried rest choose the later
I do manage to take both routes and I have watched the latest episode tonight...

>but there is an urge in general that has been driving me toward something like that is hard to explain.
I feel like some of those words or at least the mentality behind them sounds like they came from my posts somewhere in the old threads.

>There maybe some OC later that will be a chaotic mess of thoughts.
it sounds like you have been onto something that words might not accomplish to explain completely. Only a fraction of it gets exposed most of the time.

And even by with that realization in mind, it makes someone lead to the thought that the author is laughing at himself to an extent with that style of typing his thoughts through an exaggerated way of posting.

Anon 05/20/2019 (Mon) 00:17:48 [Preview] No.4122 del
last but not least important,if you attempt to do something even if knowing that is trash but put some effort into it...

like I have said before, not all the times is going to be that laughable. Even a stopped clock can give the right time twice a day.

Think about why we are here. We are shitposting about a franchise that everyone has stayed in a horrendous status that no one took seriously and you wouldn´t have reasons to defend it. It took more than two decades to break all the expectations from all the strangers.

So maybe it´s not all about asking for trash but more like the vision and the ideas executed and translated into our senses.

Having these thoughts in these circumstances would have been an over the top idea to think about 7/8 years ago. Now, they are not looking all that crazy (or at least, 100% nonsensical). This franchise was an over the top decision to take yet here we are, taking it seriously with every new episode.

Anon 05/21/2019 (Tue) 02:21:53 [Preview] No.4135 del
(414.00 KB 734x718 2044160.png)
>I mean I do believe that I have more connections with South America than Italy despite its distance mostly because the former is the son and the latter is the neighbor
Wasn't even trying to trigger ya, I was just joking on the episodes airing early there. But I wasn't going to insult my own. Just those guys.

> mostly because the former is the son and the latter is the neighbor
Sounds almost like me with Liberia, Federated States of Micronesia and other US sometimes client/satellite states I guess in the Philippines is an area of overlap?

>before I get to reply your semi ironic shitposts....I do believe that I would locate these pictures >>4107 and >>4109 with much more ease in the edit thread
It would've made more since to post there if it was for the images itself for sure. Only reason why I posted them here was because I was just in a bit of a hurry and wanted to do a shitpost that turned into it here.

>the latter shows feels more unique in terms of originality. It´s probably the least clichéd image that you have posted so far.
Really? That's pretty high praise tbh.

> A shitpost may be a shitpost but I apply that logic even to porn, music, etc. Not all porn works for clop nor even brings anything to get pleasure from it. So with this mindset, I do believe that good shitposts require some effort behind them or at least, a good phrase/meme/picture to make it memorable.
Indeed, that is true. I am giving it thought... but is it effort? It exists in a paradox.

>the image is trash on purpose although I will say that the purple effect and the blurriness would make it a vaporwave album cover or something
And I did nothing to it. That was the quality I was watching the episode And now you know why I sometimes have given up and went to lowly means to watch them. I sometimes don't have access to good Internet.

>this image sums up pretty well that the concept of ART may not be the brightest perspective to take into account. This has been parodied to hell for modern art (for good reasons). Yet when someone is attempting to be that bad on purpose, maybe the conclusion doesn´t come off with that much of a negativity.
What is driving me for the parody isn't just simple post modernism, its a certain discourse I seen arising over the past few years on Irony. My possibly upcoming OC in this may or may not fully show what I mean so I may just have to flat out explain the intent.

>then I should conclude that nothing I see in this board is real...except the time that I have spent on it. That counts as something so it exists.
then I should conclude that nothing I see in this board is real...except the time that I have spent on it. That counts as something so it exists. It works the same with me too.

>but you know, antiinllectualism by itself isn´t inherently that bad as long as you want to pick exactly what´s wrong with them. In this case, you want to parody art (modern art) by making shitposts like these yet you are trying to have your own sense of elitism...
It's a paradox because of the cryptic intent. TBH, I'm not even 100% sure of all aspects of. But the Cryptic intent puts it above a simple comprehension and makes it at best merely a less popular version of elitism, just one voice over several.

Anon 05/21/2019 (Tue) 02:31:36 [Preview] No.4136 del
(1.74 MB 1641x2188 2043851.jpeg)
>it wasn´t because I have to do it well. That and another subject. It hasn´t been the nicest experience not because of its content it´s an interesting read honestly but sweet Celestia, it´s that dense to memorize but because I hadn´t studied that content for 4 years or so (nor even focused all that much with this depth back then).
It may have not mattered then but now it's a requirement to pass this goal! Oof, yeah not pleasant.

>I do manage to take both routes and I have watched the latest episode tonight...
That was time not wasted. A episode like that I'd watch even if it was a waste of precious free time. It's that good.

>I feel like some of those words or at least the mentality behind them sounds like they came from my posts somewhere in the old threads.
I was thinking the same. There is an uncertain expression or urge behind it. Like your thread of a personal project or some of your edits.

>it sounds like you have been onto something that words might not accomplish to explain completely. Only a fraction of it gets exposed most of the time.
Yeah, because it could go in so many places...

Anon 05/21/2019 (Tue) 02:38:35 [Preview] No.4137 del
(1.15 MB 2000x1119 2043724.png)
>last but not least important,if you attempt to do something even if knowing that is trash but put some effort into it...
...like a mess of words just going out. The way I see it right now it could be utterly chaotic and of questionable merit in some ways. But that's what the /end/ is for I suppose.

> This franchise was an over the top decision to take yet here we are, taking it seriously with every new episode.
Indeed. I don't know where it is going but without an open mind and some insanity we wouldn't be here.

Whenever it comes it shall get its own thread though. I'm not gonna do any "high art" nonsense here.

Anon 05/23/2019 (Thu) 23:10:35 [Preview] No.4151 del
>Wasn't even trying to trigger ya, I was just joking on the episodes airing early there. But I wasn't going to insult my own. Just those guys.
I thought for a while that you were trying to auto censorship yourself or something. Yeah, f*yay* them for releasing the episodes early. I could watch them but...ew, I already Filly Funtasia for Italian ponies.

>I guess in the Philippines is an area of overlap?
those times are never going to come back, not to mention that USA wasn´t the only one interested in fighting against Spain (that year was truly awful even though it was bound to happen someday with another strategy).
The biggest problem out of it would be the consequences that would happen later in the 20th century.... but anyway, they are independent now and I suppose what only matters now is that they get rid of their misery with the help of external investment.

>I posted them here was because I was just in a bit of a hurry and wanted to do a shitpost that turned into it here.
how to make advanced shitposting the episode

>That's pretty high praise tbh.
I have edited more than a hundred images so far and my eye noticed that the negative green edit required more than a couple of filters. It´s an intuitive answer.

>I am giving it thought... but is it effort? It exists in a paradox.
well, there have always been certain works from iconic people that were satire and exaggerated a lot of things yet they have fallen short over time in comparison to reality.....1984 for example

Even for absurdity or satire,if it has some effort hidden in it, they will pay off in a certain way.

>That was the quality I was watching the episode
144 pixels in 2019...that must be an experience. The Lo-Fi style fits according to your internet speed. We only needed the black and white cinematography and this would be the 50s all over again.

>the parody isn't just simple post modernism, its a certain discourse I seen arising over the past few years on Irony. My possibly upcoming OC in this may or may not fully show what I mean
yeah, I suppose that a fanfic will certainly help to perceive the idea that you are aiming at.

>except the time that I have spent on it. That counts as something so it exists. It works the same with me too.
yeah, that´s an universal fact for every user. We could sum it up with the /b/ headline that I´ve grown to appreciate: "Anything posted here are autistic works of fiction, only a fool would take them seriously." In a nutshell, this is what you normally get.

>the Cryptic intent puts it above a simple comprehension and makes it at best merely a less popular version of elitism, just one voice over several.
I am the messenger but not the hero that you need nor look for...

Anon 05/23/2019 (Thu) 23:28:47 [Preview] No.4152 del
(149.04 KB 540x540 2036773.png)
>It may have not mattered then but now it's a requirement to pass this goal!
it also mattered just that it was more familiar back then. I have studied such different things that I had forgotten what that was about. Not only that but it´s one of the few subjects that has an insane amount of content for a single semester. And this only counts as a 6th part of the course, not to mention that I am leaving a few details that I would have to explain it with some depth

>That was time not wasted. A episode like that I'd watch even if it was a waste of precious free time. It's that good.
definitely not wasted at all. In fact, MLP has served to disconnect or take a break.

>There is an uncertain expression or urge behind it. Like your thread of a personal project or some of your edits.
you started writing fics just because I began posting some greens.....typing with my mobile while laying on bed. You admitted that you had begun because of them. I may not see the influence of the edits all that much (save maybe this one) but I will notice it in the future.

>because it could go in so many places...
and so many ideas running inside your head all the time.

>The way I see it right now it could be utterly chaotic and of questionable merit in some ways.
it just raises a lot of questions but that´s what happens when one takes a little girls show so seriously: analyzing plains things that were not meant to be reviewed.

>that's what the /end/ is for I suppose.
we could follow the /mlp/ formula if you wanted. Th problem would consist that repeating the same ends up by offering the same product....while you already have the original with more people to interact with.

>I don't know where it is going but without an open mind and some insanity we wouldn't be here.
funny you mention that. I think that this show opened my mind a lot (learning a lot of reviewing tactics along the way). I will keep telling that I was a big headed chimp with black sunglasses the day before I had got into MLP in front of my family when I was 18. I look at those photos in hindsight and I cringe at how much of an idiot I was back then.

>Whenever it comes it shall get its own thread though. I'm not gonna do any "high art" nonsense here.
that relies entirely on what you want to post and how to create it. We cannot do anything about that (if anything, some support) but trying to guess what you are trying to transmit to us.

Anon 05/25/2019 (Sat) 02:35:27 [Preview] No.4155 del
(2.07 MB 720x720 2048135.gif)
I thought for a while that you were trying to auto censorship yourself or something.
As far as I know I haven't. I just haven't played much in the "my country vs your country shitposting game" because this is pony board and your not dissing mine, so I show you the same. and tbh, I really don't have an issue with most countries wholesale, just political groupings within them.

>how to make advanced shitposting the episode
Step 1: have no plan.
Step 2: be in a hurry.
Step 3: run with vague idea.
And there ya have it.

>I have edited more than a hundred images so far and my eye noticed that the negative green edit required more than a couple of filters. It´s an intuitive answer.
I wish I remembered everything I did. I have been messing around but some of it hasn't quite looked like that. Though, I had one that turned out cool but I may have a use for something so I won't be posting it in the edit thread yet.

>well, there have always been certain works from iconic people that were satire and exaggerated a lot of things yet they have fallen short over time in comparison to reality.....1984 for example
For me I'm 100% sure if it will be just satire. It's an attitude that gave me and urge and a style but I do not know how much I'll be criticizing this attitude that I'll talk about later.
What do you mean by 1984?

>144 pixels in 2019...that must be an experience. The Lo-Fi style fits according to your internet speed. We only needed the black and white cinematography and this would be the 50s all over again.
Hey, it was 240p, so its way better!

Anon 05/25/2019 (Sat) 03:00:22 [Preview] No.4156 del
(598.62 KB 1662x1510 2013206.jpeg)
it also mattered just that it was more familiar back then. I have studied such different things that I had forgotten what that was about. Not only that but it´s one of the few subjects that has an insane amount of content for a single semester.
All the stuff you have to master to cross the finish line.

> And this only counts as a 6th part of the course, not to mention that I am leaving a few details that I would have to explain it with some depth
Because that be boring and this is an escape from school. Yeah, no need ta tell more.

>definitely not wasted at all. In fact, MLP has served to disconnect or take a break.

>You admitted that you had begun because of them. I may not see the influence of the edits all that much (save maybe this one) but I will notice it in the future.
Especially with your more experimental ones.

>it just raises a lot of questions but that´s what happens when one takes a little girls show so seriously: analyzing plains things that were not meant to be reviewed.
It even took itself more seriously then it ever should have. Even in the very beginning to an extent but especially now.

>we could follow the /mlp/ formula if you wanted. Th problem would consist that repeating the same ends up by offering the same product....while you already have the original with more people to interact with.
Let's keep following the /endpone/ formula. The /mlp/ mentality, even at its most positive, probably wouldn't have made this last so long.

>funny you mention that. I think that this show opened my mind a lot (learning a lot of reviewing tactics along the way).
Indeed. Those little ponies opened me up to doing things that I probably would've dropped in a normal transition to adulthood well, I suppose by that point I already was on a stranger path by that point, but it was a final more positive push.

>I will keep telling that I was a big headed chimp with black sunglasses the day before I had got into MLP in front of my family when I was 18. I look at those photos in hindsight and I cringe at how much of an idiot I was back then.
Typical "cool" teen attitude with a mix of ignorance and arrogance with a bit of uncaring I take it? I can understand the cringe, but the fact that was typical for many means at least it isn't something that is unusually bad or stupid and a attitude that you at least grew out of.

Anon 05/25/2019 (Sat) 05:49:24 [Preview] No.4161 del
PoLS acknowledged. Got sidetracked working on 3 upcomming /go/ posts. So I shall reply to the rest later.

Have a great night/day my fellow /endponers/!

Anon 05/26/2019 (Sun) 00:11:15 [Preview] No.4162 del
Go ahead with the /go/ posts because in the meantime,it seems that I have IRL stuff to do and I haven't watched the episode except knowing which characters appear because of the tags of Derpi.

Better times will come in terms of activity I guess.

So I leave this daily post with these two characters that will have the next spotlight in the discussion thread...

Goodnight /endpone/

Anon 05/28/2019 (Tue) 00:12:48 [Preview] No.4165 del
Well,it seems that May is taking me more time than the last months in terms of my free time.
It's like...a combination of pseudovacations and half tensions that end up in psychological morals of doing X things during this period.

I have barely visited /mlp/ this weekend. So despite my low activity here these days, keep in mind that the only thing I do is visiting Derpi for voting and picking up a few pictures here and there.
I have read your /go/ posts and it seems that you have been worried about your next direction for it.Nice way of tagging the gaming projects.

Having seen the most recent episode,I am impressed that the writer of this one also wrote Non Compete Clause. Not to mention that we will have to discuss a little bit about those past characters who were useless yet they get to shine whenever they have a 2nd take on them....

Anon 05/28/2019 (Tue) 00:20:09 [Preview] No.4166 del
I feel like I should have replied something over here but MLP has stayed on the background for a wide range of reasons and much less getting involved properly on what's going on.

This week is probably the most intense one that I am going to have(as if it wasn't tense before). While it's true that I have had hours of rest,I have been focused on other topics in the meantime.

In short,another PoLS.

Anon 05/28/2019 (Tue) 00:28:45 [Preview] No.4167 del
So maybe,just maybe the next time I get to stay more active on here (well,in anything related to the chan fanbase) ,I do it with a actual sense of relief from the inside....and hopefully a victory or two that I will need and help me in the future

Those who are reading these posts,have a good night and never forget to look at the bridge hidden behind the fog.

It may get clearer soon for you to see it...

Anon 05/29/2019 (Wed) 01:39:45 [Preview] No.4168 del
(605.68 KB 498x278 2037398.gif)
>Well,it seems that May is taking me more time than the last months in terms of my free time.
TBH, may has been busy for me too, though for you its probably much higher pressure than for me, based on family matters that randomly come up and don't mention here.

>It's like...a combination of pseudovacations and half tensions that end up in psychological morals of doing X things during this period.
I think I get what you mean here. If you mean having unwanted semi-forced downtime that you get in waiting for something else unexpected outings.

>I have barely visited /mlp/ this weekend. So despite my low activity here these days, keep in mind that the only thing I do is visiting Derpi for voting and picking up a few pictures here and there
There have been some weeks recently where I only glanced at /mlp/ recently. No worries, even if you were still visiting there it wouldn't be a big deal. It's not like you have to prove your loyalty to here.

>I have read your /go/ posts and it seems that you have been worried about your next direction for it.
A little, but I actually have more of an idea of where it's going more than before, but I'm still going to be slowly testing the model over the next few weeks.

>Having seen the most recent episode,I am impressed that the writer of this one also wrote Non Compete Clause. Not to mention that we will have to discuss a little bit about those past characters who were useless yet they get to shine whenever they have a 2nd take on them....
And my thoughts will becoming soon as well...

Anon 05/29/2019 (Wed) 01:43:27 [Preview] No.4169 del
(879.72 KB 1114x1027 2035229.gif)
Which is perfectly fine. It sounds like you are going on a bigger thing than just a simple test. You need to keep your head clear and be as rested as possible.

Anon 05/29/2019 (Wed) 01:56:13 [Preview] No.4170 del
(1.50 MB 500x500 2048946.gif)
>So maybe,just maybe the next time I get to stay more active on here (well,in anything related to the chan fanbase) ,I do it with a actual sense of relief from the inside....
Considering what you have been the past few months in a state that is comparable the pressure of yest fermenting down in the basement in summer during probation, it be great for relief for the pressure to be dialed down.

>and hopefully a victory or two that I will need and help me in the future
I wish and pray for the best for ya. If its that level, certainly take your time to rest.

Anon 05/29/2019 (Wed) 02:26:38 [Preview] No.4172 del
(165.19 KB 330x533 DoloresApproves.png)
>Those who are reading these posts,have a good night and never forget to look at the bridge hidden behind the fog.
Look there is some now!

Anon 05/30/2019 (Thu) 22:18:23 [Preview] No.4173 del
>I just haven't played much in the "my country vs your country shitposting game" because this is pony board and your not dissing mine, so I show you the same.
eh, not worth it. If I were to be criticize heavily something, I could literally apply that to everything. However, I prefer leaving that for another time if it gets to happen.

>just political groupings within them.
I will say that I don´t like the extremes, especially communism mostly because it created a trend of totalitarianism that...well, shouldn´t be respected as I see it.

Anyway, we will have time for politics or another excuse to use them. As for now, I prefer to stay a little bit more chill.

>Step 1: have no plan.Step 2: be in a hurry.Step 3: run with vague idea.
Step 4:????
Step 5: profit and claim to be the creator of every single good idea out there.

>I wish I remembered everything I did.have been messing around but some of it hasn't quite looked like that.
you tell me. I would have used these exact same word for that autumn themed picture. Or basically anything with the flaws in them.

>I had one that turned out cool but I may have a use for something so I won't be posting it in the edit thread yet.
I also have a few leftovers out there hidden as well. Mostly because I don´t see them prepared to be shared on public. Not like it is a huge deal but I prefer using them for giving some activity or as some sort of supportive material for keeping the thread up. As musicians do with their songs, B-Side content for the curious people.

>It's an attitude that gave me and urge and a style but I do not know how much I'll be criticizing this attitude
well, let´s see how it develops over time.

>What do you mean by 1984?
that book was written with a touch of parody and exaggeration of the communistic regimes. It turned out over time that the satire went beyond his words and reality has surpassed them, becoming the bible of the 20th/21st century in order to understand how a contemporary society works these days.

Hell, it even applies to the fanbase because bronies established a bronyspeak in the golden era with terms created just for the community.

>it was 240p, so its way better
the fun has been doubled!

Anon 05/30/2019 (Thu) 22:54:28 [Preview] No.4174 del
>All the stuff you have to master to cross the finish line.
I have reached the finish line for analytical chemistry. The finish line that I have had pressure on was on the inorganic chemistry part. Other parts will remain for now but either you focus on a few things perfectly or you can get lost between so much material to analyze and comprehend in your mind.

>that be boring and this is an escape from school.
I could actually comment about but indeed, I am sick of it yet I still have to do that assault and taking over that subject soon.

>Especially with your more experimental ones.
No wonder you do. If I only used one click effects just to give over 100 modifications, it would make no sense nor have any sort of depth added into them. Even though some of the best pics were simple adjustments, I like having something going for them to talk about.

>Even in the very beginning to an extent but especially now.
stupid ideas can turn into something great. Even a practice like downgrading the pictures in quality, it can have its niche audience if done properly.

>Let's keep following the /endpone/ formula. The /mlp/ mentality, even at its most positive, probably wouldn't have made this last so long.
let´s how all of this can go. Also, it´s almost June and we are still shitposting here after a year and a half....

You know, as a kid, they always said to me not to speak with unknown people out there and I have been certainly rebellious about that digitally speaking. Funnily enough, this has withstood way more than some people I´ve always known. [spoiler] Even though I applied this practice of interacting with unknown people at their 30s/40s back in 2011/12 with a racing game, so this nothing new. [7spoiler]

Well, if we weren´t crazy, this wouldn´t have had any activity. As one of the best meme lines from 4chan say: "There is a line that we shouldn´t have crossed yet we passed it long ago. So let´s see what happens next".

>Those little ponies opened me up to doing things that I probably would've dropped in a normal transition to adulthood well
>it was a final more positive push.
despite those strange times, I believe that it opened up people because the single fact of watching a show like this, it´s that those fans have faced a strong stigma of a girly thing considered by the society. After checking by themselves that it´s not a huge deal at all, then nothing else matters, you can watch whatever thing you want without caring about what the rest say.

The patrician thing is not to judge a thing by its public but by the quality and the service that it offers in its attempt.

>Typical "cool" teen attitude with a mix of ignorance and arrogance with a bit of uncaring I take it?
just browse any Liam Gallagher image with the sunglasses. My face doesn´t compare to his but you can get a pretty good clue of how I looked and I acted back in that day before FiM became a serious thing.
>I can understand the cringe, but the fact that was typical for many means at least it isn't something that is unusually bad or stupid and a attitude that you at least grew out of.
yeah but considering that both stigmas clash: girly things vs ""le epic cool stuff for real men"", then I cannot help but fell that towards myself. I was a teenager that didn´t get out of his town to realize how the world actually works. It doesn´t sound unusually bad by itself but the cool thing turned out to age worse than the girly material. Contrarianism doesn´t always work and it can lead to very stupid decisions for the sake of doing them (for pride I suppose).

What I didn´t know was that the girly show would offer me those dark moments and cool stuff over the course of the episodes. Or even better, combining them into something graceful like this pic and get the best of both worlds. In this aspect, Tempest shines without a doubt (edgy and getting cute pictures of her).

Anon 05/30/2019 (Thu) 23:29:39 [Preview] No.4175 del
>may has been busy for me too, though for you its probably much higher pressure than for me, based on family matters that randomly come up and don't mention here.
I have also had family matters but not in the familiar sense of arguing, but in terms of health. It was all a scare in the end but it really worried me for almost an entire day.

>if you mean having unwanted semi-forced downtime that you get in waiting for something else unexpected outings.
I do have those outings planned. Just that I cannot enjoy them all that much because at the core, I have things to do and accomplish. I appreciate them just to take a breath and get out and I organize myself for them or have them in advance. Nothing unexpected usually happens save that health problem.

What I mean is that I cannot stop thinking on what I should do and focus on but I still let myself go and stop thinking for a bit. It´s just that I want to progress on something and feel accomplished in the end.

>There have been some weeks recently where I only glanced at /mlp/ recently.
I have also visited /mlp/ but mostly was about checking the catalog and its state. My activity there is in an all time low and I have had exam period in which I managed to stay active on a few threads.

>even if you were still visiting there it wouldn't be a big deal. It's not like you have to prove your loyalty to here.
yeah but who else is going to reply to those posts in the meantime? My mind thinks about that after a few days. The royalty is proven by itself just by checking the past posts.

>I'm still going to be slowly testing the model over the next few weeks.
well, yeah you have a period now in which nothing interesting is going to happen. Also we are dealing with a mid hiatus all over again....so, there is room for that.

>It sounds like you are going on a bigger thing than just a simple test.
I have done it. I did fine in psychologically and I had good vibrations in the end. Does that mean it´s over? I don´t know. However, if I fail, I have to study not only this but the past semester as well in less than a week. That´s overkill and I wouldn´t like that to happen, hence I had (still have) so much fear before.

>You need to keep your head clear and be as rested as possible.
well, I had rested more this time than in inorganic chemistry part I back in 2017.I stayed up almost all night (not studying by the way) and I feared that I was going to fall asleep in the middle of the exam. Fortunately, I passed and I didn´t have any troubles that day but it was equally tense as this test (I would have received the same consequences of studying everything if I had failed).

>what you have been the past few months in a state that is comparable the pressure of yest fermenting down in the basement in summer during probation
the exams period is like that all the time. TBH I am not going to pick up that big number of content loaded subjects in the future because this year has consumed me a lot in general, I have been dealing with tons of new content.
I said several times that it was a miracle that I managed to say active on everything, even in this site during the late nights after getting out of home for 12 hours and then, this probation period for exams. Some people have praised my consistency and effort for that and even if I fail,they won´t blame on me.
>it be great for relief for the pressure to be dialed down.
if I pass this one, yeah the pressure is going to go downhill if this test turned to be good. Sure I have 3 subjects to face but they will come over time, assimilating them slowly and giving their own focus.

>I wish and pray for the best for ya. If its that level, certainly take your time to rest.
thanks. I will need it for everything that is going to come. That test has been done and I am here to give a few shitposts. However, I cannot rest because I am facing biochemistry as well.

>Look there is some now!
that CAPTCHA knows the real deal.

Anon 05/31/2019 (Fri) 07:58:05 [Preview] No.4183 del
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(60.98 KB 740x135 Look_at_this.png)
I was working on another /go/ entry, but I had to wait.

It was getting rather late, this plus my review, could wait.

Though I hope it'll be worth the delay. I especially don't wanna cause the BO any dismay!

I'm glad you managed to cross, even if it was a hard way!
I wish the BO best blessings too even if he's far away.

So now I must retire, even if it may cause a significant delay.

In the chance I don't post by the next day, I wanted to show you what I saw on derpi today.

It seems our old acquaintance, poni.fun, is trying to advertise and start a new run!

Anon 05/31/2019 (Fri) 23:34:27 [Preview] No.4186 del
(107.24 KB 928x639 1527190 pc edit.jpeg)
>Though I hope it'll be worth the delay. I especially don't wanna cause the BO any dismay!
he admitted that he hadn´t cared about the site most of the time in 2018 but yeah, you are taking a riskier step this time (a tiny bit)

>I wish the BO best blessings too even if he's far away.
he´s the silent Phoenix. Just when you thought you had forgotten about him, he shitposts randomly whenever he sees the chance to do it. Again, his appearance in last Christmas was a gift by itself so I wouldn´t bury him easily.

>It seems our old acquaintance, poni.fun, is trying to advertise and start a new run!
poni.fun is still going and we have witnessed its birth in its first posts even though it has slowed down a lot after its first month. Anyway,let´s talk about its grand opening with OP´s message in it:

<Poni.fun aims to be what 4chan's /mlp/ used to be before it's moderator shitfest started: A free, anonymous haven for all things pony-related with minimal rules or censorship.
so their main objective is to become /mlp/ as it was back in 2012, allowing to post anonfilly,Milky, tulpas and roleplay threads banned in the mother´s imageboard. There is one big problem and it´s that the writing prompt has been lifted so they have allowed partially that fun again.

<As for other sites, 8chan has turned into a defeatist circlejerk hostile to outsiders, and mlpol mixes its pony content with real-life politics.
even though that line is correct, I would like to see their reactions about /endpone/. It has gone through defeatist/pessimistic perspectives, political discussions with a lot of depth and circlejerking all the time. I wonder how they would accept all these posts except for the greens, the edits and the character dedicated threads.

<The whole reason for poni is to be free. The ever-increasing arbitrary rules of 4chan have been strangling the fandom for years, banishing parts of it one by one with only the most mundane and casual remaining.
the biggest question is why they didn´t do this before. Sure 8chan was created for those intentions and be free but their pessimistic views about /mlp/ have kept them bitter and filled their spirit with an envious gesture in their posts. Their obsession about becoming better than /mlp/ didn´t help in the long run.

<It's always ironic when anons saying "if you don't like it, just ignore it" demand something they don't like to be banned. We're not getting on that slippery slope here!
even though its intention is to focus on /mlp/ problems, this resonates way more with Ponychan ironically enough.

Maybe they will have luck and get to become a fun site even though they still have to find a direction to go next (traditions, general, writefags....). They allow NSFW content and fetish threads but /trash/,8chan also offer that so they will have to compete with them for getting some popularity.

Their biggest challenge will be about getting some sort of popularity. I had thought last year that if /endpone/ reached the top boards, more people would notice it (I was a fool). However, there are so many attempts to recreate the original spirit that have failed along the way that becoming successful is like playing dice and getting a 6.

Maybe they only aspire to become the /shit4chansays/ pony imageboard of the fandom and offer an alternative to that lack of fun. I wish all these last sentences I´ve said were completely wrong.

Good luck for them at getting some attention and fun!

Also, bonus points for rhyming during all the post. I ask if you were listening to a particular song while typing it.

Anon 06/01/2019 (Sat) 07:28:57 [Preview] No.4192 del
>he´s the silent Phoenix. Just when you thought you had forgotten about him, he shitposts randomly whenever he sees the chance to do it. Again, his appearance in last Christmas was a gift by itself so I wouldn´t bury him easily.
Nope, I'm not. I just wanted to include him in my rhyme.

>so their main objective is to become /mlp/ as it was back in 2012, allowing to post anonfilly,Milky, tulpas and roleplay threads banned in the mother´s imageboard. There is one big problem and it´s that the writing prompt has been lifted so they have allowed partially that fun again.
Indeed. I've noticed though haven't checked statics that /mlp/ seems a bit more active again. At least with what I can tell. With /trash/ and 8chan taking up the fetish end /mlp/ having even bit of spontaneousness and more happier shitposting back I'm in doubt there is a market, at least among a core chan crowd.

>even though that line is correct, I would like to see their reactions about /endpone/. It has gone through defeatist/pessimistic perspectives, political discussions with a lot of depth and circlejerking all the time. I wonder how they would accept all these posts except for the greens, the edits and the character dedicated threads.
I'd say probably not, or lest be discouraging of it. As for there thoughts on /endpone/ as it is right here? Right now there is there is would be no strong opinion either way, with people who have no loyalty to it being based on other factors of whether they'd think we were pretty cool or at least a novelty that we exist or hatred for being not /pol/ with a hint of the personal. If it developed a userbase and culture I could see a merge mentality like 8/pone/ has arising even if it was somewhat more positive.

> the biggest question is why they didn´t do this before. Sure 8chan was created for those intentions and be free but their pessimistic views about /mlp/ have kept them bitter and filled their spirit with an envious gesture in their posts. Their obsession about becoming better than /mlp/ didn´t help in the long run.
And also, those who hated /mlp/ for baning certain content could have found it even on derpi or one of the smaller more edgy and NSFW websites. With the fetish covered /mlp/ may still be there preferred place for an imageboard environment.

>even though its intention is to focus on /mlp/ problems, this resonates way more with Ponychan ironically enough.
Yeah. /mlp/'s authoritarianism is from the mods, not factions of the users.

>Their biggest challenge will be about getting some sort of popularity. I had thought last year that if /endpone/ reached the top boards, more people would notice it (I was a fool).
If endchan was a website with more than a few dozen users that wouldn't be the case though. It's a limited market with a lot of groups that don't like us do to being too based for even 8chan. Speaking of which, it does seem like we have some possible new boards that I have seen, though most seem just to use the end as a springboard to somewhere else or just never take off.

>Good luck for them at getting some attention and fun!

>Also, bonus points for rhyming during all the post. I ask if you were listening to a particular song while typing it.
Nope. It was just me rhyming randomly.

I will reply later as it got late. But at least I got an episode review, and an entry too, before tommorow's due date!

Anon 06/02/2019 (Sun) 23:46:02 [Preview] No.4193 del
Ladies and gentlemen,behold!
Tonight's post is going to be so awesome that it will change your lives forever!

Do you want to know what it is? That's right,you guessed it.

Here it comes! IT IS:


Thank you for coming!Don't say thanks in exchange for such an awesome experience like this post.

And now,we are abandoning the stage with a couple of images of Rain Shine.

Anon 06/04/2019 (Tue) 00:37:23 [Preview] No.4197 del
>I wish and pray for the best for ya. If its that level, certainly take your time to rest.
I hope this period of inactivity serves to be less saturated about the /end/ as well

anyway,these words are turning out to be true tonight. No need to worry about it anymore,it's finally over. I am facing another challenge soon but as for now,I am sleeping tight. I haven't felt this relieved nor relaxed for weeks.

Everything about what I had described before went fine in the end...

Sleep well /endpone/rs.

Anon 06/04/2019 (Tue) 01:11:15 [Preview] No.4198 del
(1.79 MB 360x203 1417548431191.gif)
>I especially don't wanna cause the BO any dismay!
>Nope, I'm not. I just wanted to include him in my rhyme.

Anon 06/04/2019 (Tue) 01:12:20 [Preview] No.4199 del

Anon 06/04/2019 (Tue) 07:03:51 [Preview] No.4200 del
Proof of life. Working on stuff for /go/, family matters, bla bla bla.

That's totally it /bo/ I wasn't making fun of arch linux or anything like that!

It's amazing. Really I find it beautiful. ITS ART!

Besides, I still have replies to make from last week. Which should be in a couple of days.

Anon 06/04/2019 (Tue) 07:05:50 [Preview] No.4201 del
(134.08 KB 479x305 1776013.png)

Anon 06/04/2019 (Tue) 07:08:34 [Preview] No.4202 del
(135.13 KB 1702x2232 2027063.png)

Anon 06/04/2019 (Tue) 07:12:25 [Preview] No.4203 del
(216.10 KB 1204x1204 1942875.png)
dis pic is epic

Anon 06/04/2019 (Tue) 21:42:00 [Preview] No.4204 del
>I especially don't wanna cause the BO any dismay!
>he notices it
>pretends to be dead in absolute peace

In these posts,/endpone/ follows the same steps that Silverstream would normally do.


Anon 06/06/2019 (Thu) 05:41:10 [Preview] No.4205 del
>Anyway, we will have time for politics or another excuse to use them. As for now, I prefer to stay a little bit more chill.
Yeah, I'm more in a almost happy mood at the moment anyway. There will be other times for it.

>Step 4:????
>Step 5: profit and claim to be the creator of every single good idea out there.
Now the most meta thing I can do is actually create all new good ideas. All I need is to do is to create several thousand sock puppet acounts across all major social media sites! It's easy if you're a government or corporation.

>that book was written with a touch of parody and exaggeration of the communistic regimes. It turned out over time that the satire went beyond his words and reality has surpassed them, becoming the bible of the 20th/21st century in order to understand how a contemporary society works these days.
Well I did just see a one of our influential political magazine entertaining the idea of abolishing the family unit and having children be liberated and be able to choose who to live with in tiny family commune households units and argued that motherhood wasn't an instinct but a construct that could be erased... you may have a point. Not to open the door with politics. Not that everyone there was that crazy, but the fact that it was being pushed by anyone there at all.

>the fun has been doubled!
Now it's been tripled! Last ep was 380p.

Anon 06/06/2019 (Thu) 06:48:30 [Preview] No.4206 del
(346.97 KB 650x1000 2058863.png)
>You know, as a kid, they always said to me not to speak with unknown people out there and I have been certainly rebellious about that digitally speaking.
Now in the age of adulthood you can discern and judge better. Then again, internet stalkers and crazy people exist. Though the counterpoint to that is that Facebook exists. Though talking to 30 and 40 year olds when you were 12. Probably bad idea. Though I do not scold something so far in the past.

> Funnily enough, this has withstood way more than some people I´ve always known.
Considering I don't have any social media, I can say something similar. This is one of the longest continuing correspondences I've had with anybody on the web or the fandom.

>Well, if we weren´t crazy, this wouldn´t have had any activity. As one of the best meme lines from 4chan say: "There is a line that we shouldn´t have crossed yet we passed it long ago. So let´s see what happens next".
This should be /endpone/'s national motto.

>I believe that it opened up people because the single fact of watching a show like this, it´s that those fans have faced a strong stigma of a girly thing considered by the society. After checking by themselves that it´s not a huge deal at all, then nothing else matters, you can watch whatever thing you want without caring about what the rest say.
I fully agree. Though I never have faced any stigma personally, I know it really played a part in my mentality with several things I could've dropped (I have characters I made up when I was 5 that I still doodle.). Their was some other factors that I suppose could have pushed me in a similar direction on their own, but MLP really just swooped in and expanded my conceptions of what I wanted to do. What I allowed myself to think I could do.

>just browse any Liam Gallagher image with the sunglasses.
I see...

>yeah but considering that both stigmas clash: girly things vs ""le epic cool stuff for real men"", then I cannot help but fell that towards myself.
I can certainly understand that. A certain shame for it You see yourself as a loser and a dork back then who didn't take time for the little things. Still, my point still stands that isn't the worst thing to be. The shame is not invalid though. Especially if was anything like my old frriends who became tiny gangsters in aesthetic only and were using the phrase "LIKE A BOSS!" on everything.

>What I didn´t know was that the girly show would offer me those dark moments and cool stuff over the course of the episodes. Or even better, combining them into something graceful like this pic and get the best of both worlds. In this aspect, Tempest shines without a doubt (edgy and getting cute pictures of her).
It took us on a journey. For some it may have idea been their first time dealing with certain emotions or issues, as cringy as that may be. Regardless we are here and my allegiance to this is stronger than ever.

Anon 06/06/2019 (Thu) 07:12:56 [Preview] No.4207 del
(89.51 KB 909x1006 2058409.jpeg)
> but in terms of health. It was all a scare in the end but it really worried me for almost an entire day.
Sounds like me a few months ago with my father . Sudden debilitating pains are never a good sign fortunately it turned out to be not too major.

>I do have those outings planned. Just that I cannot enjoy them all that much because at the core, I have things to do and accomplish. I appreciate them just to take a breath and get out and I organize myself for them or have them in advance.
I know I cannot relax in the day till I get all work/school/helping family done. Same with events coming up so I think I get it.

>yeah but who else is going to reply to those posts in the meantime? My mind thinks about that after a few days. The royalty is proven by itself just by checking the past posts.
I don't mind posts being a bit longer to get replies...

>I have done it. I did fine in psychologically and I had good vibrations in the end.
And maybe a wonderwall.

>However, if I fail, I have to study not only this but the past semester as well in less than a week. That´s overkill and I wouldn´t like that to happen, hence I had (still have) so much fear before.
WOW That ain't a grace period. Do you face this threat regularly? . That's some stakes.

>I said several times that it was a miracle that I managed to say active on everything, even in this site during the late nights after getting out of home for 12 hours and then, this probation period for exams.
One on the one hoof, that is still a routine, and when you get used to something after awhile it can be maintained; on thee other, I cannot see myself maintaining such activity after 12 days and increased stakes examines. oof. Probably be check ins on the weekends... If there is ever anything I can do for you, I will.

>thanks. I will need it for everything that is going to come. That test has been done and I am here to give a few shitposts. However, I cannot rest because I am facing biochemistry as well.
Sending good vibes, prayers, and /) your way.

>that CAPTCHA knows the real deal.
This CAPTCHA is woke and red pilled, at once, because Dolores is that based.

Anon 06/06/2019 (Thu) 07:25:22 [Preview] No.4208 del
(260.48 KB 800x800 2058961.png)
Is BO secretly a Silverstream? That make no sense, considering he is probably the most technologically advanced poster here, but stranger things have happened.

Anon 06/06/2019 (Thu) 07:30:14 [Preview] No.4209 del
(371.32 KB 2136x3800 2056401.png)
Wrong image... very wrong image. Had just downloaded for edit thread later. This was what I was going to post.

Anon 06/07/2019 (Fri) 22:10:35 [Preview] No.4213 del
>I just wanted to include him in my rhyme.
well,you made him to do this >>4199. I guess that it managed to accomplish its purpose

>/mlp/ seems a bit more active again. At least with what I can tell
there have been a couple of days in which /mlp/ stayed pretty stagnant but overall, they have been drawing that upward trend because of the slightly laxer moderation.

>With /trash/ and 8chan taking up the fetish end /mlp/ having even bit of spontaneousness and more happier shitposting back I'm in doubt there is a market, at least among a core chan crowd
not only that, those are established boards that have certain fame in comparison to poni.fun even though /8pone/ is a shadow of itself. I would like to add that, as they are bringing a new board to the table, not only those boards compete for NSFW content.....but also it include us. That freedom is also offered here and NEXTchan, just that they simply don´t about them. How are they going to shill and make it popular? This process is what defines a successful board or another attempt that ends up as dust in the wind.

>would be no strong opinion either way, with people who have no loyalty to it being based on other factors of whether they'd think we were pretty cool or at least a novelty that we exist or hatred for being not /pol/ with a hint of the personal.
yeah, they would be pretty surprised that despite dealing with politics, it´s not as they would imagine nor expect. /pol/ follows a discourse that speak for its inner self that won´t resonate and simply stay mostly in its comfort zone, there is no analysis nor posts that follow a down to earth logic or development for such thoughts. They instant and prefabricated and most of the times, not to mention that there is a ton of people involved and you don´t know what they actually think save a few words here and there.

But indeed, it would be hard to put an stigma to this board despite dealing with politics.
>If it developed a userbase and culture I could see a merge mentality like 8/pone/ has arising even if it was somewhat more positive.
I highly doubt it. /8pone/ has fallen from the top 50 boards of the site and I believe that a handful of users would actually dare to give some activity to this place when their board is already struggling by itself. You don´t focus on another house when yours is already falling apart.

>those who hated /mlp/ for baning certain content could have found it even on derpi or one of the smaller more edgy and NSFW websites. With the fetish covered /mlp/ may still be there preferred place for an imageboard environment.
yeah, /mlp/ is the only choice mostly because of the activity and the main trunk of this fanbase. Derpi is often considered as the Pornhub of MLP because of its filters and impeccable accessibility. Porn boards make no sense these days when you have boorus or sites that offer everything in a more organized way. I suppose that the main purpose of them is about making a thread explicitly for a certain fetish in particular or just sharing your favorite images for those users to notice and enjoy them collectively, basically a sense of community and discussion while having the clop time at the same time.

Anon 06/07/2019 (Fri) 22:47:31 [Preview] No.4214 del
>mlp/'s authoritarianism is from the mods, not factions of the users.
indeed. I only recall having them divided because of the waifus and the Dolores spam around 2017/18 but that was mostly it. Twilicorn and EQG are more like a general drama.

>It's a limited market with a lot of groups that don't like us do to being too based for even 8chan.
I forgot that ponies are huge filter for everyone else to access. Take into account that endchan has only 12-15 board with daily posts and there you have the reason why the 3 of us only post over here.

>it does seem like we have some possible new boards that I have seen, though most seem just to use the end as a springboard to somewhere else or just never take off.
a couple of russian boards related to /pol/ and yeah, even the 2nd board appears with less activity than this one. If they think that this is going to thrive as a counter reaction to X event, it won´t work.

Also, it sounds pretty funny that we are talking as if we were oldfags and knew everything about this site, let alone if we can be qualified as the most consistent users here.

>It was just me rhyming randomly.
it took off in some form though.

>It's amazing. Really I find it beautiful. ITS ART!
yes, indeed it is!the image of course, the post....not so much

I simply posted Rain Shine because of giving more variety than what I already like. I posted her as a response to a few MLPG users who forgot about her and simply didn´t knew about her existence. Yes, she appeared in one episode but it seems that the kirins only exist for Autumn Blaze material. It´s truly a stunning picture.

>I'm more in a almost happy mood at the moment anyway. There will be other times for it.
well, definitely we should leave them for another day. We´ve had a month like September almost fully dedicated to it so for those who wanted them now (if there is anybody out there), they are unlucky because they arrive late.

>the most meta thing I can do is actually create all new good ideas.
as if this board didn´t build itself out of literally nothing but....ponies I guess?

>All I need is to do is to create several thousand sock puppet acounts across all major social media sites! It's easy if you're a government or corporation.
the good tactics from the intelligence for shilling your products. The cheapest way to announce something is by making it controversial. Sure it hurts X feelings from certain people but that dirty tactic makes everyone to discuss about your idea.

Marketing lessons for everyone.

>I did just see a one of our influential political magazine entertaining the idea of abolishing the family unit and having children be liberated and be able to choose who to live with in tiny family commune households units and argued that motherhood wasn't an instinct but a construct that could be erased
hey kids! Didn´t you complain about living in the wrong generation? Well, welcome to the 70s because we are going to the hippie route all the way for it.

>Not that everyone there was that crazy, but the fact that it was being pushed by anyone there at all.
yeah, the media always try define what´s truth and what it is not during certain periods. Then, they contradict themselves without noticing and we repeat the cycle all over again for anything. Barely politics and more like distribution of information in general.

>Now it's been tripled! Last ep was 380p.
Trophy unlocked: watch an MLP episode with the video quality from the early 2000s.

You can put on the sunglasses for doing such a move like that one.

Anon 06/07/2019 (Fri) 23:14:41 [Preview] No.4215 del
>watch an MLP episode with the video quality from the early 2000s.
Your wish has been granted.

Anon 06/07/2019 (Fri) 23:40:01 [Preview] No.4216 del
>in the age of adulthood you can discern and judge better.
and it shows
>again,internet stalkers and crazy people exist.
the problem is that those stalkers mostly reside in profiles that they look for. It implies that they stalk in the most popular social media...
>Though the counterpoint to that is that Facebook exists.
eeeyup, that one and Instagram. You don´t become a target so easily when there´s almost no one inside. However, the huge traffic is a gift and a curse for mostly everyone. Again, the internet works like a city but digitally,social media are the main avenues for all the public but also thieves do their thing in those places and chans are the alleyways where much less people care about them and there are other interest behind that don´t lead to the same formula.

>Though talking to 30 and 40 year olds when you were 12. Probably bad idea.
this is getting ridiculous because you cannot give advice about it either. I will say however that I got to gather a bit of personal info from them and have conversations of this kind surprisingly enough, nor there were tensions at all. So I am not unfamiliar to this dynamic and I was mostly left in the same place as I had stood before that.

>This is one of the longest continuing correspondences I've had with anybody on the web or the fandom.
reading this line genuinely frightens me. In a good way but it does that. I don´t usually think about time but when one gets to focus on it, it gets really scary how this board has managed to stay active and change the users involved in it. Would all of this happen again out of nowhere? I don´t know.
>This should be /endpone/'s national motto.
/endpone/ has applied unironically some of the most famous chan memes through its posts. This line fits amazingly well to this board mostly because what defines it shouldn´t have happened with the standard chan formula. So, are we fucked? are we in some kind of danger for doing this?
>MLP really just swooped in and expanded my conceptions of what I wanted to do. What I allowed myself to think I could do.
you define it pretty well with this sentence. This description tells that MLP serves as the breaking point of one self mentality. It doesn´t mean that one has to do a cringy mess but more like vanishing the prejudices from your mind. Nowadays,this same concept is also loudly applying for something else that I am not going to talk today but whatever

>A certain shame for it You see yourself as a loser and a dork back then who didn't take time for the little things.
eeeyup, I pretty much didn´t care about that those things that actually define lives.

>my point still stands that isn't the worst thing to be.
it´s not. It´s just that I applied that cool mentality in front a few known family members. That day was one of the exceptions, I usually didn´t act like that but as a response to my anger, I acted as the cool kid. It ended up well though as if nothing happened.

>The shame is not invalid though. Especially if was anything like my old frriends who became tiny gangsters in aesthetic only and were using the phrase "LIKE A BOSS!" on everything.
I didn´t use those words fortunately. More like having the arms closed and having a serious face all the time with the sunglasses on. It was more like an inner coolness that outsiders wouldn´t get the message nor it was focused to get any attention from them. I didn´t have any friends around while doing that....so yeah, acting cool loudly wouldn´t have made sense at all.

>For some it may have idea been their first time dealing with certain emotions or issues, as cringy as that may be.
considering that we live in the internet era, people may be developing their emotion through series and media that we cannot touch. You are not all that far from reality.

>we are here and my allegiance to this is stronger than ever.
probably the most positive line (without counting shitposts) that I have read in these posts.

Anon 06/08/2019 (Sat) 00:09:19 [Preview] No.4217 del
>like me a few months ago with...
>Sudden debilitating pains are never a good sign fortunately it turned out to be not too major.
yeah, fortunately it was that and that pneumonia happened to my mother. If it wasn´t because of the obsession with my studies, I could have had a few hours of pure sadness. The good news came almost instantly and the stable state happened without any operation. Everything else was perfectly fine save that lack of breath.

>I cannot relax in the day till I get all work/school/helping family done. Same with events coming up so I think I get it.
it´s a horrible feeling.Not a painful one but one that subtly consumes a little bit your brain during that period, you cannot stay pleasant until it gets done.

>I don't mind posts being a bit longer to get replies...
you are getting them in the end.

>And maybe a wonderwall.
and I´ve got it because...

>Do you face this threat regularly?. That's some stakes.
fortunately, not anymore with this one. 5,9 and I am not looking back at it. I only have two yearly subjects left for the future but they a little bit less demanding.

The inorganic chemistry subjects have conditions of passing (besides passing the lab sessions with its own exams of course) both semesters with at least a 5. Not an average of 5 between the two,nope. I wish it were like that.

If you get a 7 in the first exam and you fail the 2nd one with a 4, you go with everything in the finals. If you fail the first one, you have no chance in redeeming the subject until the finals. The complexity of some subjects here might not be the problem but the conditions to pass it in the end.
In this year, I have entered in a state of exception, doing all the lab sessions just to get rid of them and focus properly on the theoretical part. They consume you a lot and you have to deal with them first before having the chance to pass any subject in the 2nd and 3rd courses of this grade.

Most people are left with their mouths wide open after I explain how the system actually works. Any outsider understands why one is so slow at progressing when you have such terms like these.

Anon 06/08/2019 (Sat) 00:32:34 [Preview] No.4218 del
>One on the one hoof, that is still a routine, and when you get used to something after awhile it can be maintained; on thee other, I cannot see myself maintaining such activity after 12 days and increased stakes examines.
I could keep that rhythm with the lab sessions but I couldn´t do it with this exam, it was overkill and I couldn´t hide the lack of activity. Now, I have come back to an ordinary state, things are going to be calmer and follow the route of effort and passiveness that I have handled for years.

>Probably be check ins on the weekends... If there is ever anything I can do for you, I will.
don´t worry, I am fine. The reason why I haven´t posted here hasn´t been because of personal reasons, nor any madness related to this site nor the fanbase nor MLP. Just that my grade has consumed me way more than usual all this year and I have seen the days passing too quick while doing all of this. It has felt like a short period in which I haven´t been capable to catch a real break at all. I haven´t replied to your long posts these weeks because my mind was done with so much text and I preferred doing other things or mindless shitposts before typing improperly to your posts. There have been days in which I barely felt the air or the sun except for 90-120 minutes in the entire day.

So no, there is nothing to do because all of this is unrelated to this board in general.

>Sending good vibes, prayers, and /) your way.
and it worked.Thanks a lot /)

>because Dolores is that based.
she is based but we have another level of based here...

>he is probably the most technologically advanced poster here,
he could be Silverstream but what I must say that BO´s actions place him as one of the candidates for the most based brony out there. It impresses me as much as seeing videos about russians doing weird stuff that you wouldn´t see anywhere else.

don´t tell me that you did this by yourself. The entirety of Sounds of Silence in the glory of the pixelated screens from 2003.We only need the original oldfags, the Messenger and cat videos from Youtube. However, I can rest in peace with this.

Anon 06/08/2019 (Sat) 01:01:11 [Preview] No.4219 del
(68.82 KB 800x555 413452.png)
>don´t tell me that you did this by yourself
Only the small webm is a work of mine. I don't have access to old analog TV equipment.

>I must say that BO´s actions place him as one of the candidates for the most based brony out there
... Why?

Anon 06/08/2019 (Sat) 07:17:16 [Preview] No.4221 del
The BO uses overly small crappy webms for shitposts as well.
...warms my heart.

>Trophy unlocked: watch an MLP episode with the video quality from the early 2000s.
Not quick, 380p is actually decent(ish). You're thinking of the mid to later 2000s. Webm related.

>this is getting ridiculous because you cannot give advice about it either. I will say however that I got to gather a bit of personal info from them and have conversations of this kind surprisingly enough, nor there were tensions at all. So I am not unfamiliar to this dynamic and I was mostly left in the same place as I had stood before that.
Did not mean any offence. I just knew of some insistences of people with that age range talking that ended up... let's just say less than stellar. It really depends on th child and the environment around though. A lot of people underestimate them though those doubts of the children ability can lead to helicopter parenting, which can make those doubts self-fulfilling, but this is another can of worms.

>reading this line genuinely frightens me. In a good way but it does that. I don´t usually think about time but when one gets to focus on it, it gets really scary how this board has managed to stay active and change the users involved in it.
Not the only one, but I just haven't had a reason to form many long term connections on the net. Been more of a lurker and though I had plans to branch out in a few places though those were/are being slowly implemented. I can understand the freight, because /endpone/, in its small size, has managed to be a punch above its weight in our lives. Is it the biggest force at work? No, far from it, but it's much larger than it has any right to be. It has almost become a stable force at that.

>Would all of this happen again out of nowhere? I don´t know.
I don't know either. Higher forces? Magic? Just 3 anons meeting at the right time? IDK But I do know that I consider you a friend at this point, not to go anywhere awkward.

>/endpone/ has applied unironically some of the most famous chan memes through its posts. This line fits amazingly well to this board mostly because what defines it shouldn´t have happened with the standard chan formula. So, are we fucked? are we in some kind of danger for doing this?
I... uhhhhhhhhh. Yeah, when memes go unironic is when they are at their most dangerous. So probably Though, for all we know the magic that we are playing with is some seccret power that we are applying in the perfect way. Regardless, /pone/ tiny enough that if something bad does happen, their will only be 3 causalities.

>I didn´t use those words fortunately. More like having the arms closed and having a serious face all the time with the sunglasses on. It was more like an inner coolness that outsiders wouldn´t get the message nor it was focused to get any attention from them. I didn´t have any friends around while doing that
I saw a lot of that too. Kids who just were quiet and wouldn't look at ya. Glad you emerged no worse for ware.

>probably the most positive line (without counting shitposts) that I have read in these posts.
I guess without the backdrop of recent deaths and a more mellow attutude has led to positive thoughts starting to come through.

Anon 06/08/2019 (Sat) 07:40:42 [Preview] No.4222 del

>If it wasn´t because of the obsession with my studies, I could have had a few hours of pure sadness. The good news came almost instantly and the stable state happened without any operation. Everything else was perfectly fine save that lack of breath.
If y'all thought it was possibly heart related and the pneumonia was wasn't detected till testing. Know that situation as well with my grandfather

>Most people are left with their mouths wide open after I explain how the system actually works. Any outsider understands why one is so slow at progressing when you have such terms like these.
The details hav certainly left my mouth open. I certainly hope it's worth it and all the classes you have will be useful.

>don´t worry, I am fine. The reason why I haven´t posted here hasn´t been because of personal reasons, nor any madness related to this site nor the fanbase nor MLP.
Wasn't worried about it. My main concern was you trying to overwork yourself by posting here. So I'm glad you took the healthy route.

>and it worked.Thanks a lot /)

>she is based but we have another level of based here...

>he could be Silverstream but what I must say that BO´s actions place him as one of the candidates for the most based brony out there. It impresses me as much as seeing videos about russians doing weird stuff that you wouldn´t see anywhere else.
He certainly has put a lot of effort in his actions (april fools, spending 8 hours compiling a program for one joke), though I think the link was just that, a link >>4219 . HE IS STILL AWESOME THOUGH.

Anon 06/08/2019 (Sat) 07:50:44 [Preview] No.4223 del
>... Why?
I think it's because of a misundering over the link.

Weirdly I may have access to such equipment. But it probably wouldn't be in a good condition...

Anon 06/08/2019 (Sat) 07:52:24 [Preview] No.4224 del
(271.60 KB 51x28 HowLowCanYouGo?.webm)
Now here is my entry in the low quality webm contest.

Goodnight /endpone/!

Anon 06/08/2019 (Sat) 07:55:06 [Preview] No.4225 del
(47.86 KB 300x350 1559255008643.gif)
Just to be clear. This ain't my Texan speech slipping through , just me being sleepy.

Anon 06/11/2019 (Tue) 01:40:40 [Preview] No.4236 del
(8.66 MB 1280x720 mistaken_art.webm)
>He certainly has put a lot of effort in his actions
Ha. If only. Looks can be very deceptive.

What's the objective? If it's size dimensions or size byte count why not go for the MODERN ART 1x1 1 frame black pixel video?

Anon 06/11/2019 (Tue) 01:43:20 [Preview] No.4237 del
(213.73 KB 1920x1080 swoon.webm)
>I may have access to such equipment

Anon 06/11/2019 (Tue) 23:23:02 [Preview] No.4240 del
(1.71 MB 1920x1080 380p screencap.png)
(1.79 MB 1920x1080 480p screencap.png)
>Only the small webm is a work of mine.
in short, we are all editors here

>I don't have access to old analog TV equipment.
plasma TVs have changed completely this timeline and it shows.

well, your short style of posting certainly shows an attitude of going direct to the grain. Not to mention that you left the board for almost an entire year (not so much because you were in the background and lurking around there but you didn´t show yourself until December),as if it were indifferent to you. You simply go for your thing and you don´t need to say as many words as the other two users do. Your moves are silent yet they are fitting as if you have taken part of it from the start.

I cannot point exactly what it is but besides these reasons >>4222, I would say that your mentality at editing the picture to the lowest quality/memory possible that is allowed on the site, your Lyra pictures for reactions and certainly happy mentality, leads me to think that you simply move on and you don´t overthink anything. So in comparison to these long posts, you bring a contrast onto the table.

That´s what I conceive more or less.

>...warms my heart.
sometimes a shitpost or two brings this feeling.

>380p is actually decent(ish). You're thinking of the mid to later 2000s.
well, it definitely looks decent enough for watching the episodes. Now, 1080p was introduced in 2008/09 so I cannot see how it fits for the late 2000s except that it looks good in the thumbnail view. That quality of 380p must have been the s*yay*t for teenagers for watching...I don´t know, My Chemical Romance videos in 2006.

However if you managed to watch it with 480p, then you cannot complain.That´s the quality I use for the mobile phone so my router doesn´t get saturated (I have a God tier Wifi for 2008 standards but a really lackluster one for videos of supreme quality)

Still, I have noticed that NMMxx has that resolution and one can muddle through with it (and definitely better to watch it on Nightmaremoon than by using reaction videos, I don´t know how the hell you did that back then bridgefag). The main flaw with is that the blurriness turns off a little bit the experience. A 430p video by removing blurriness would be the perfect balance without demanding all the internet that it requires for 480p. The webm might work in favor this time but when you expose the contours of the characters explicitly, it fails to deliver in that little aspect.

240p....we don´t have to say a word about it. You would have to live in the 3rd world (maybe not even that requirement always works) for going back again to the primitive internet. And why does 144p exist?

Anon 06/12/2019 (Wed) 00:04:16 [Preview] No.4241 del
>Did not mean any offence
it was an exaggerated reaction by laughing a bit on the situation more than an offense.

>some insistences of people with that age range talking that ended up...let's just say less than stellar.
>really depends on th child and the environment around though.
you have answered yourself. Most variables rely on the mentalities and the dynamic between the users and one doesn´t start getting too deep until checking a few things first.

>A lot of people underestimate them though those doubts of the children ability can lead to helicopter parenting, which can make those doubts self-fulfilling, but this is another can of worms.
it´s the first time that I have heard of that term and nope, I did notice when situations get too out of hand. I like daring moves (usually subtle though) but I knew when to leave or get my feet down to earth when I interacted with those people. After all, what one only wants is having the health untouched in the end.....and those were conversations inside a car racing game,so there wasn´t much room for failure considering that the gameplay was the main appeal of it, except for one or two users that stayed in private rooms with me at times.

About helicopter parenting,that´s definitely another topic for writing more paragraphs.

>just haven't had a reason to form many long term connections on the net. Been more of a lurker and though I had plans to branch out in a few places though those were/are being slowly implemented.
we have been lurkers yet we are the protagonists in a smaller circle.....how does it feel to reach this far and see that the plans are mainly organized here instead of any other place? The change is irreversible at this point and I don´t know how this is going to end...

>I can understand the freight, because /endpone/, in its small size, has managed to be a punch above its weight in our lives.
too much maybe. These users are crazy and don´t realize about it daily, yet in retrospective one asks if we could repeat this all over again
>Is it the biggest force at work? No, far from it, but it's much larger than it has any right to be. It has almost become a stable force at that.
I´ve got to say that I have kept myself inactive because of fear of wearing out and getting too much into it. However, what your descriptions really sum up how a couple of lurkers become editors, fanfic writers, analysts, drawfags (well, one of them) and organizers of the entire board, getting into the 1st place twice. Maybe this should serve as a social experiment for the future. Doomfags always say that MLP is dying all the time but others reply that if two faggots replied at each with pony pictures, then MLP would be alive.

Too stable to be true if I am honest.

Anon 06/12/2019 (Wed) 00:20:50 [Preview] No.4242 del
>Higher forces? Magic? Just 3 anons meeting at the right time?
interactions. MLP is focused on character interactions and that´s part of its charm. God is dead and we killed him long ago so there are no outsider forces except the interactions that appeared along the path. The most ironic thing is that /endpone/ is the living representation of a contrarian mindset. Not contrarians for the sake of coolness but because we have accidentally reached a status in which memes unironically become true, all that you hate becomes your own character...lots of things are too twisted and I still wonder how we have had the will to keep going.

Or maybe Ingram was right and this is the place where we belong....

>I consider you a friend at this point, not to go anywhere awkward.
keep in mind that we have the Anon name in it, I prefer not to not consider myself as such mostly because of preventive actions in the future (if this gets an influx of newcomers). This looks stable but at any moment, this can fall apart in the blink of an eye easily. It´s stranger to have reached this stability than getting a chaotic mess....so whatever happens next, the past is already written.

>When memes go unironic is when they are at their most dangerous.
when one becomes a living meme, how does one do it? what happens next after going in the fine line in the sand between irony and honesty? The only thing that I can say about your line is that....simply don´t think too much about it because there isn´t a strict path to follow the memes.
>for all we know the magic that we are playing with is some seccret power that we are applying in the perfect way. if something bad does happen, their will only be 3 causalities.
/pone/ won´t have any consequences for anyone except for 3 people indeed and we would go back to /mlp/ that same day as usual. Now, our method is not perfect but there is something charming about replying properly to the user and being completely heard in his opinions without room for trolling. As this goes in a circle, trolling serves no purpose except getting the same boring reactions all the time. Instead of wasting the time on it, focusing on the replies seems to be a more efficient method so far.

>kids who just were quiet and wouldn't look at ya. Glad you emerged no worse for ware.
yeah,same.It was a phase and a stupid reaction for that day but hey, I discovered MLP too. So those are the two cents.

>a more mellow attutude has led to positive thoughts starting to come through.
yeah. Look, we may not know the future of this board anytime soon but one can notice that this board is having a positive period in general. Not only you show it by linking Chicago but also the BO seems to have fun with Billy Joel. One cannot ask for deep thoughts for now and the inactivity seems to be the natural pick. I am staying a bit inactive in general just to breathe but also I see that others share that direction....so yeah.

>I certainly hope it's worth it and all the classes you have will be useful.
little by little. I don´t know when I am going to end my grade either. Anything will be useful in the future for literally everything.At least, I am getting more free time and room to breather for balancing this tense year.

>My main concern was you trying to overwork yourself by posting here. So I'm glad you took the healthy route.
I am taking it really. I am trying to disconnect a little bit but I keep coming and leave a little surprise out there. One year and half is hard to forget tbh.

>He certainly has put a lot of effort in his actions (april fools, spending 8 hours compiling a program for one joke
eeeyup, too involved in it for not about this board at all

getting praised in a board by being the owner is a huge challenge. The BO has to consider this

Anon 06/12/2019 (Wed) 00:32:57 [Preview] No.4243 del
>Weirdly I may have access to such equipment. But it probably wouldn't be in a good condition...
a trip to the old stand with dusty objects...oh yeah, that must be fun. Also that TV must irradiate whenever you turn it on, I wonder if the quality standards would pass that for commercial purposes.

low quality bai....erm webm. Skystar sang a small thing back in the movie, but in the literal sense in such a way like this. I suppose that the BO and you are taking part in a contest just to the who has the biggest one (in the reverse format ironically)

baneposting in /endpone/....

ladies and gentlecolts, we have all the memes shown in a board of ponies.

go to sleep Seth. Well, it´s Pinkie Pie. Maybe next time this line will work.

And maybe I should start doing that as well.

Anon 06/12/2019 (Wed) 00:44:05 [Preview] No.4244 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=QyidDpzrjbA [Embed]

As you two have been posting songs for chill out moments, I am no less at that. I posted >>3820 for a modern prog rock chart but I think it´s time for the classics to finish the task perfectly.

I will catch up with the episodes and the /go/ posts eventually. As for now, Trixie is sleeping on this train that never ends.

Have a good night.

Anon 06/12/2019 (Wed) 15:49:49 [Preview] No.4245 del
>Also that TV must irradiate whenever you turn it on
I don't think it was ever that significant. I still remember having this meme radation shield on one of the CRT monitors back then, but not because I believed, but just because it came with one and it just sat there

Anon 06/12/2019 (Wed) 15:54:18 [Preview] No.4246 del
>plasma TVs have changed completely this timeline and it shows.
Never had a plasma TV

>well, your short style of posting certainly shows an attitude of going direct to the grain. Not to mention that you left the board for almost an entire year (not so much because you were in the background and lurking around there but you didn´t show yourself until December),as if it were indifferent to you. You simply go for your thing and you don´t need to say as many words as the other two users do. Your moves are silent yet they are fitting as if you have taken part of it from the start.
>I cannot point exactly what it is but besides these reasons >>4222, I would say that your mentality at editing the picture to the lowest quality/memory possible that is allowed on the site, your Lyra pictures for reactions and certainly happy mentality, leads me to think that you simply move on and you don´t overthink anything. So in comparison to these long posts, you bring a contrast onto the table.
H-ha ha, yes, that's eee-exacttly how I am, ha ha, tottal-lly. D-describes me to the T, nnnottthing else-e. nope. ha ha.

Anon 06/13/2019 (Thu) 05:40:52 [Preview] No.4248 del
>Now, our method is not perfect but there is something charming about replying properly to the user and being completely heard in his opinions without room for trolling. As this goes in a circle, trolling serves no purpose except getting the same boring reactions all the time. Instead of wasting the time on it, focusing on the replies seems to be a more efficient method so far.
That's the charm here, and I'd say of a lot of the microchans, where there are so few posters that it has this small town everypony know each other feel.

>little by little. I don´t know when I am going to end my grade either. Anything will be useful in the future for literally everything.At least, I am getting more free time and room to breather for balancing this tense year.
Glad at least for the freetime.

> I prefer not to not consider myself as such mostly because of preventive actions in the future
That's fine and perfectly understandable though as a minor clarification, I had thought I had mentioned you and the BO in a second line, but my second line mentioning him I guess I never typed and existed only in my mind.

>keep in mind that we have the Anon name in it
> This looks stable but at any moment, this can fall apart in the blink of an eye easily. It´s stranger to have reached this stability than getting a chaotic mess....so whatever happens next, the past is already written.
Indeed. I fully understand the fragility of this place. I see it as a stability in the sense that we have fallen into this pattern, however long it lasts. and y'all can never melt away from being a pair of identities I know as beyond as simply "anon" in the mass collective sense. I don't mean that we should fully abandon the chan nature with namefagotty and such (ick, ponychan feel). I just mean that, even with the temporariness that one can walk away from at a instant, over a year with a pair of anons on a board that exists in spite of normal logic is hard to forget.

>yeah. Look, we may not know the future of this board anytime soon but one can notice that this board is having a positive period in general.
Indeed, I'm actually a bit hopeful for having some time for working on a few small sometimes for this board in this board if I can get things pulled together in the next month.

>I am taking it really. I am trying to disconnect a little bit but I keep coming and leave a little surprise out there.
And this here is one secret of how the board has survived so far, not investing to heavy. It's manageable to not have a strong pressure of commitment.

>it´s the first time that I have heard of that term
Another can of worms or helicopter parenting?

>. After all, what one only wants is having the health untouched in the end.....and those were conversations inside a car racing game,so there wasn´t much room for failure considering that the gameplay was the main appeal of it,
That's true as well. I suppose depending on the environment 12 years olds are even the ones who ought to be feared, especially when there is voice chat.

> except for one or two users that stayed in private rooms with me at times.
That's still could be a bit creepy but again, I remind myself that it's just a racing game and there has been worse situations on facebook.

>how does it feel to reach this far and see that the plans are mainly organized here instead of any other place? The change is irreversible at this point and I don´t know how this is going to end...
It could die tomorrow, it could last till gen 5. Right now I say that I'm not going to be actively thinking about much it till the end of gen 4. That's when an actual serious assessment of our future would make sense to me to talk about.

> Doomfags always say that MLP is dying all the time but others reply that if two faggots replied at each with pony pictures, then MLP would be alive.
Here's my two bits. If the pre gen4 non brony fandom can still maintain a few active websites and even 1 forum with daily postings in the year 2019, then I know our fandom will mai

Anon 06/13/2019 (Thu) 05:57:38 [Preview] No.4249 del
(639.32 KB 192x192 NewArt.webm)
>Ha. If only. Looks can be very deceptive.
Or you are trying ta hide your power level!

>What's the objective? If it's size dimensions or size byte count why not go for the MODERN ART 1x1 1 frame black pixel video?
Why not all and none at once! The future is ours to decide.

Anon 06/13/2019 (Thu) 06:37:59 [Preview] No.4250 del
(209.53 KB 1024x1024 1559987861012.jpg)
And a Maud swoon is perfect because I'm not sure if any of it is trashed to flood damage. Heck, my father primarily acquired stuff like this from letting his friends sell/giveaway random junk to him sometimes quite stupidly if I'm being entirely honest, so it my have been bad from the get go But I know he has told me of some old equipment in such categories. I may dig it out someday and see if it any of it works. I have been surprised in the past.

>a trip to the old stand with dusty objects...oh yeah, that must be fun.
It can be. Especially when one discoveries treasure amidst the trash. Like old commodore and Amiga machines.

>Also that TV must irradiate whenever you turn it on,
Some of the ones I've messed with certainly can, others have sounded strangely soothing.

>I wonder if the quality standards would pass that for commercial purposes.
Well, whatever I could get together in the category of old tv and old analog to digital conversion equipment, considering I would have little idea what I was doing probably find a way to screw it up. So no.

>but in the literal sense in such a way like this. I suppose that the BO and you are taking part in a contest just to the who has the biggest one (in the reverse format ironically)
Or it could be an un-contest where we do nothing and heap praise onto each other for our 1 frame 1 1 wonders!

>I think it´s time for the classics to finish the task perfectly.
Nice pick.

>I will catch up with the episodes and the /go/ posts eventually. As for now, Trixie is sleeping on this train that never ends.
Take your time. Don't worry about replying to each point either, only what is easy to talk about/interesting

>Have a good night.
You too and you BO

Anon 06/13/2019 (Thu) 06:44:51 [Preview] No.4251 del
So, you're really a shy and sensitives BO who is conflicted about everything with just a cool outer shell? Don't worry, I think you administration is going great! Do U WAT FREE Hug?

>And why does 144p exist?
>MFW I still use 144p often.

Anon 06/19/2019 (Wed) 20:52:37 [Preview] No.4295 del
so we are getting into the summer solstice,does this mean that we should pick Celestia again for the numbers?

Anon 06/19/2019 (Wed) 20:58:21 [Preview] No.4298 del
(455.32 KB 864x662 1972400.png)
or should she reveal herself as a source of heat?

Anon 06/19/2019 (Wed) 21:00:55 [Preview] No.4299 del
and what about her sister? She hasn't let us down so far..

So many questions Twilight,the only thing that I have got clear is to check those digits when you were laying on your bed

Anon 06/19/2019 (Wed) 21:04:49 [Preview] No.4300 del
Nothing seems clear so far to me. I'd better give up at picking the star for this GET.

Oh hey,here they are!Folks,these are my personal guests for the party, I am pretty sure you will get along perfectly with them and there will be no problems at all.

You might become friends soon...

As they sang out there: wouldn't it be nice?

Anon 06/20/2019 (Thu) 23:56:58 [Preview] No.4301 del
after another period of maintenance from Endchan in all the domains,a new PoLS arrives at /endpone/ tonight.

Anon 06/22/2019 (Sat) 06:02:46 [Preview] No.4302 del
(536.45 KB 744x799 1558068244143.png)
Endchan was again down for today.

Though it could've been up while I was away.

It's online again, and I'm happy as a hen!
...Would you like any chicken?

These POL's and GETs are a meme of ours now.

Sometimes they are perhaps a bit too much effort considering the size of our site cow.

But, it is fun, and untimately shitposting anyhow.

I wish you well anon. I wish you well.

Take all the time ya need to think about Scootaloo's parents, win or fail.

I will be hyped for tommorow's episode.

And I can't think of anything else.

Night and good morning /endpone/!
and your choice of get I think is quite swell.
I still can't believe I like Cozy so much now.
Or even Chrissy.

Anon 06/22/2019 (Sat) 06:07:27 [Preview] No.4303 del
And one from me as well. Been recharging and doing some minor /go/ research and a few stranger things.

Anon 06/22/2019 (Sat) 06:19:47 [Preview] No.4304 del
And one from me as well. Been recharging and doing some minor /go/ research and a few stranger things.

Anon 06/22/2019 (Sat) 06:22:56 [Preview] No.4305 del
And one from me as well. Been recharging and doing some minor /go/ research and a few stranger things.

Endchan wouldn't let me post for some reason with the image planed to with.

Anon 06/22/2019 (Sat) 06:24:27 [Preview] No.4306 del
Wait, what? It did post the text.
Hey, it's adding to the post count.

Anon 06/22/2019 (Sat) 06:25:44 [Preview] No.4307 del
Here is the image I was trying to post, see if I can now.

Anon 06/22/2019 (Sat) 06:30:02 [Preview] No.4308 del
It's a gif, 1.3 MB in size. I've posted larger with no problem but they have been down some again recently
Remember the bunker I guess.

Anon 06/22/2019 (Sat) 22:57:24 [Preview] No.4309 del
>And I can't think of anything else.
for any PoLS there are no limits behind their effort. However, one decides what to say in those moments. You won´t see anything like in any other board honestly...and you decide poetry anyway.

>Sometimes they are perhaps a bit too much effort considering the size of our site cow.
the effort in the end....is putting some care on the board, basically time in it.

>Take all the time ya need to think about Scootaloo's parents
problem is that I cannot think about anything save what I am doing at the moment, seeing how the days pass in front of my window except for a couple of hours outside. Probably the mobile is mostly the tool that serves me to know what´s going on, the world could have gone down and I wouldn´t notice it . Only after your national day I will be free....mentally at least.

>I wish you well.
you too.

>and your choice of get I think is quite swell.
I was merely pretending on the solstice thing but I had like 5 posts left before the GET, so I had to add a few lines for it.

>I still can't believe I like Cozy so much now.Or even Chrissy.
better late than nothing, that´s probably the feeling one gets when you watch them getting full personalities instead of getting a one dimensional role in the story.

>and doing some minor /go/ research and a few stranger things.
I sound older than I should with this line but damn, I wish I could that same thing during this little period. I cannot wait to dedicate more time to this.

>Remember the bunker I guess.
don´t worry, goddb simply crashed. The org. domain always tells when the site is fixed.We haven´t even had half of the problems that we had to go through last year, so that´s an improvement.

Anon 06/22/2019 (Sat) 23:00:16 [Preview] No.4310 del
>I will be hyped for tommorow's episode.
a very well deserved hype by the way...

Anon 06/23/2019 (Sun) 06:59:01 [Preview] No.4313 del
(107.05 KB 1200x1017 2066038.jpeg)
And another POLS for now... some things came up.

>problem is that I cannot think about anything save what I am doing at the moment, seeing how the days pass in front of my window except for a couple of hours outside.
Sounds lonely. I get the feel of being unable anything except the task at hand though. My busy days are more of the result of instability than one single responsibility or task (like school), but I can say that does not sound fun.

> I wish I could that same thing during this little period. I cannot wait to dedicate more time to this.
OOoooooh, somepony has some ideas or urges?

>you too.
I wish BO too

>We haven´t even had half of the problems that we had to go through last year, so that´s an improvement.
This is very true.

>a very well deserved hype by the way...
Can't wait to get the chance to watch it! I'm been really looking forward the more I learned about it.

Anon 06/23/2019 (Sun) 23:04:14 [Preview] No.4314 del
>Sounds lonely. I get the feel of being unable anything except the task at hand though. My busy days are more of the result of instability than one single responsibility or task (like school), but I can say that does not sound fun.
yeah, I can imagine that. Anyway, I am used to that routine and I can tell you that it was worse in the past because of the slow progression and lack of achievements on my back. Until it´s not done, I cannot think of anything else ultimately despite hiding it pretty well. Even though that heat wave that´s coming up next week,it´s going to make things a bit more annoying

>somepony has some ideas or urges?
I´ve had one task left for months. I´ve tried to redeem that with the edits just to give a little bit of entertainment value but someday, I will have to deliver a few more green lines to this board. A lot of things have changed, I honestly can´t tell how the writing will lead to the product. I´ve seen a couple of pictures in my head because of specific songs out there but in the end, I cannot promise anything at all. I will be amazed if I manage to surprise you (again)

>I'm been really looking forward the more I learned about it.
as I said in the other post, it´s a pretty carefree episode and ends up the first half with an upbeat note.Everything that you have desired about the two princess having a good time has been delivered in this episode. The hardest part of the reviews will come whenever I get the chance to judge The Last Crusade (but with complete paragraphs like I did with AJ) and ironically, the royal sisters don´t leave much room for controversial arguments here.

Anon 06/23/2019 (Sun) 23:10:51 [Preview] No.4315 del
(153.81 KB 1920x1080 2073571.jpeg)
and as you would expect, a PoLS with a couple of images related to the episode.

From these two, you can expect literally anything