>>3499>it's a rainbow in the dark. It's fluid and if one lets themselves think about it, perhaps almost a little scary.not going to lie, you have to reread the first posts from the first thread. The posts show signs of awkwardness and that´s because no one at that time thought that this was going to happen. I had fear but as time went further, things were getting developed.
>At least if you fear aberrations and want to shy away from something that sends mixed signals and feels like both and neither. that´s a double edge weapon. Serves as memory tool that you use at your will. I would have liked to rethink the first posts of the personal project but even those aberrations can lead to something else....so, nothing is discarded. Hell this thread has in its title a line from a shitposter that mindlessly opened a thread with a random image reaction.
>Being defined is comforting...ironically enough, I think /endpone/ has some definition attached to it but for a certain period in it, not a permanent one.
>Who said becoming relevant was every boards endgame? It was never it's purpose to.and that´s why I admit that handling this site as a great pillar to carry on the fanbase would be not only delusional but also it would lead to drastic changes. Even if I look like I am complaining, I am basically admitting that I have to look for the mundane posts and directions for it and leave fake expectations aside, simply focusing on what one faces as usual. Sometimes, I have to confess that I kind of shitpost as if I were thinking loudly and not messaging necessarily to someone else. Part of me wants that success because my young spirit wants to eat the world because in the future, I won´t be able to do it.
However, I have made these posts just to take that idea away and instead of aiming so high, I aim to the places that I like or feel like doing spontaneously
(in short, being myself) and so, what´s better than a place that resembles a little corner?
Even if I managed to get that high, what would happen next? What do I gain? One thinks that one will reach the heavens but there´s only space in which you are floating around instead
too much of a Spiritualized fan for not referencing them.Not to mention that one can die of success,so I suppose that the successful philosophy doesn´t always work.
>I don't believe we are about to repeat those places mistakes and tbh, some of them the jury is still out indeed,some of those are alive and with relatively recent peaks in activity
>because it is our path to choose, and one that still lacks definition and has still gone far past it's initial goals.wise words. As I said, I have ambitions and as young individual, I feel that the energy and my nonconformist spirit will get consumed after a while.
But those are pretty wise words that defy destiny, I cannot deny that.
>it feels like a laboratory of experimentation. Free from the harsh judgment of /mlp/ and allows you t refine things.if we repeated and copy-pasted all the aspects from /mlp/, this board would become another one of the bunch in a million (there are not that many pony boards but I wanted to bring more intensity to the term average). If this board felt like that, would you have any reason to visit this if you already have it with more IPs and activity?
And there are not that many people to be that harsh because you cannot hide that easily, pretty easy to detect the shitposter over here and discover the intentions behind the actions.
>Indeed, I would not post even my wonky proto-fic there. But I do have plans to post another. you mean, the Revolution fic or one that you have prepared?
But yeah, the only way to learn is by trying and failing....and most importantly, showing ideas that you wouldn´t usually try but could lead to something else. The base is important to appeal someone else but once is established, only the creator or the leader knows how to carry on that creation.