Anon 09/10/2019 (Tue) 18:55:10 No.4559 del
>Do you really trust me that little?
>After all we've been through?
I....I don´t feel so good.

>You wouldn't be trying to be manipulating me are you?
uh oh, who´s manipulating who now?

>Dolores is a good bridge builder and one should follow in her foot steps. Passively. obediently ...
I cannot decide if I am simply reading this text or if I am listening to this propaganda message in my head. The megaphones from the Cutie Map are coming back, aren´t they?

>Accusing you of manipulation as a way to manipulate.
Bridgefag is not taking care of the health of others. That´s a lie (like the cake in Portal) because he´s been working in the ministry of truth and he is posting with the USSR flag placed in the wall while he is listening to the anthem of his comrades.

Trips confirm his secret plan to conquer the world, with a thousand bridges more because...something refreshing had to appear in the ideology.