Anon 04/04/2019 (Thu) 22:44:09 No.3870 del
here it is. I originally got it from the Deviantart source but I´ve found it on Derpi so you know the serial number:

>After I saw you go all out with the edit thread, with the BO at the same time making a custom Dolores CSS theme for april fools that was also quite over the top, I knew the time was to act then.
that comes from your personal will and I suppose that sense of not leaving the bar low from your part was the main reason you posted the fic. Nobody forced you but well, it seems that it was the last part for joining all the pieces of this board and complete it.

A coincidence after all but one that made this board shine for a while.

>even if things weren't 100% but I'll explain that in that in the fic thread in the next 2 to 3 days.
don´t worry, you can take a break because the important things have been delivered and we are all here after an entire year. I am not posting the review that soon and maybe I have to analyze both parts at the same time: the show and your fic. I could complain about many things but the entertainment for this weekend definitely isn´t one of them.

>other than a couple of edits this will also be my final post for the next day or two depending on some external plans.

>Can't think of a better way to start for the final season...

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