Anon 05/21/2019 (Tue) 02:21:53 No.4135 del
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>I mean I do believe that I have more connections with South America than Italy despite its distance mostly because the former is the son and the latter is the neighbor
Wasn't even trying to trigger ya, I was just joking on the episodes airing early there. But I wasn't going to insult my own. Just those guys.

> mostly because the former is the son and the latter is the neighbor
Sounds almost like me with Liberia, Federated States of Micronesia and other US sometimes client/satellite states I guess in the Philippines is an area of overlap?

>before I get to reply your semi ironic shitposts....I do believe that I would locate these pictures >>4107 and >>4109 with much more ease in the edit thread
It would've made more since to post there if it was for the images itself for sure. Only reason why I posted them here was because I was just in a bit of a hurry and wanted to do a shitpost that turned into it here.

>the latter shows feels more unique in terms of originality. It´s probably the least clichéd image that you have posted so far.
Really? That's pretty high praise tbh.

> A shitpost may be a shitpost but I apply that logic even to porn, music, etc. Not all porn works for clop nor even brings anything to get pleasure from it. So with this mindset, I do believe that good shitposts require some effort behind them or at least, a good phrase/meme/picture to make it memorable.
Indeed, that is true. I am giving it thought... but is it effort? It exists in a paradox.

>the image is trash on purpose although I will say that the purple effect and the blurriness would make it a vaporwave album cover or something

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