>>3590 >If endchan goes dark we at least could still meet at /nextpone/ to touch base (or poni.fun I suppose). yeah, there´s always that. One can improvise perfectly with those choices.
>Preaching to the choir. it´s in their nature. One cannot do anything else to change it but playing with that factor/handicap.
>that can be better to have something slowly spread than have a quick high and slow collapse lik som mny things nowadays. considering the explosive nature from the things that rise like foam, I suppose that a stable increase over time is the "punk" thing to do these days. There have memes that lasted for a month and suddenly, everyone forgot that they existed despite being popular. Same for the typical summer song. As for MLP, that´s exactly happening to the kirins. They have had an October full of hype and such, but the content about them has slowed down incredibly. Unless it´s about Autumn Blaze, they have got much less presence in these last couple of months.
So yeah, you are right about letting things to grow slowly. and that´s how you can avoid the clickbait mentality as well because of staying loyal to what you post or think.