Anon 09/07/2019 (Sat) 16:42:44 No.4548 del
well, I guess it was metaphoric enough for some people out there...

>Has it really been over 30 days since last log in?
yeah because you have to take into account the fact that the bunker period has taken like one week and a half, so it seems that the entire month has been shorter for this place.

>I guess the hospital and taking care of loved ones had really made the time fly.
whenever you are busy because of X tasks, time really flies. I am not all that old but these two months have actually been really short for me as well because of all the changes and bureaucracy stuff.....and another year in the university as if nothing has happened.

and I understand why you are taking so much care of them these days and you don´t want to miss that time with them. So, it proves that what you are doing is personally more important to you ...and I cannot there because I have to respect that private time in the end

>Nopony panic I'm on it.
I am not...I think? I don´t know.

Anyway,I am watching the 17th episode just to warm up with it.