Anon 07/06/2019 (Sat) 16:06:41 No.4351 del
>I will step up to the task of being the board owner.
good luck Bridgefag. You wanted to become a moderator in the other chan but it seems that the circumstances have decided to blow into another direction

>But you will always be BO. I will make an account and see if I know what I'm doing and get my barings in the next day or so.
in fact, if he ever comes back, he should step up for it again. Not only because of the merits but because he is the longest BO that /endpone/ has had so far (18 months). Not a small feat at all.

what´s worse is that he decided to make that banner the day before he said goodbye >>4334. One cannot stop thinking about his thoughts behind.

just in your national day by the way.

>Maybe I'm retarded but I haven't figured out how to edit posts. Wasn't that an option listed below at one point?
for editing posts? The page of help has the notes for typing the different colors of the letters but as for editing...

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