Anon 03/02/2019 (Sat) 06:40:57 No.3576 del
>Robbie Rotten would be proud of us.

>And even if everything is dead, nature always offers some free energy out of nowhere. The night-blooming-cereus blooms at night and offers a nice view at an unusual time.
I love that description. Makes it feel both /confy/ and a little haunting. Which is one of my favorite feelings. Reminds me of a couple of fanfics with abandoned ruins.

>I suppose ponies are the remaining path and resource to post over here even if only 3 posters care about them, it´s proven to be strong enough to carry the lead for a while, especially on post-maintenance periods.
Forward, who cares about downtime with cute ponies anything is possible.

>unless a big company does an AMA on this chan and gets its spotlight on mainstream media. Let´s see if you know what I am referencing to.
What? Only thing that comes remotely to mind in the chan world is the ongoing hiro vs jim drama and formers attempts to possibly corporatize 4chan nal . Than again I'm been a little out of habit of my usually sleuthing around the net the last few months. What is going on?