Anon 07/08/2019 (Mon) 12:27:43 No.4362 del
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>that's a certain hauntingness isn't it?
well, when you are about to come back and post properly to the previous replies, I read the newest message from him before getting into bed again. As I said before, I could have posted an emotional message if it wasn´t because I had to deal with the university. The emotions have to be pretty stable whenever you show yourself to the place you have been visiting for years. Explaining this series of events would have been awkward and nobody would have understood it.Besides,exams always occupy more my thoughts than a lot of other things out there (this justifies why after ending them, I go back to a normal state/mindset) and unless it gets too radical, barely anything overtakes my concerns about them. I wonder how I wrote two fanfics in June 2018 though now that I think about them in retrospective.

BO´s message slipped me away from that for a while but one can hide it as if nothing happened as soon as the sun rose.

>Nextchan is kill. Creepy because I just checked there like 2 or 3 weeks ago.
wow....I am speechless. It´s truly creepy and we may be the only MLP fans who have been aware of its existence. I thought that it was going to thrive because of the /pol/ boards. Reading the goodbye message, the creator knew that the engine was more flawed than Endchan´s one. I noticed it as well, I didn´t like all that much the interface and I felt a sense of insecurity there. Not insecurity as the Deep Web, but more like having the desperate need to set global rules and have it more organized than that.

But either way, goddamn.

>I mean if it's just a mostly hands off nightwatchman state style like BO did it should be no problem.
yeah, much more considering that ponies are still a huge filter for outsiders. Barely anyone comes to an imageboard just for ponies instead of discussing video games, anime and/or political incorrect opinions that you cannot tell on social media. Endchan doesn´t have a huge influx of users so it should be fairly manageable (in theory).

>Yet, you never know what might arise. And curiously enough, I maybe forced into a much awkwarder position of leadership over some choices I have made so I might as well get used to modding. Hopefully though, I won't have to do much than log on every so often and delete spam.
whatever happens, I will get it because I have gone through that as well. For a short period but I got to know what´s the biggest annoyance while moderating. It could even block and stress you more than it should but again, I won´t be the one complaining about it because I have had those experiences and handling it badly.

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