Anon 02/22/2019 (Fri) 05:38:52 No.3522 del
>honestly, a shitposter/troll wants attention but I think he would have never expected this and most likely if he came back he would think twice before opening a thread like that.
I almost want to say it would be the equivalent of the awkwardness of the primitive natives worshiping trash you through out as a deity. Not quite the metaphor I'm looking for but I think you can get the point.

> I simply copied his line and voila, there you have a general with its acronym. Thanks for contributing with your shitpost....
Honestly not much different than how the fandom can take one superficial trait of a character (Derpy's eyes) and can turn it into something with meaning. Not quite the same thing, but close enough to count for what I'm saying. One may not be able to call it genius but one can call it fun to do.

>The posts show signs of awkwardness and that´s because no one at that time thought that this was going to happen.
Oh boy I don't think I've looked back there in months. They do I bet. My original thought was that I'd just reply as long as somebody else did, but as stuff started to arise I started to take things somewhat seriously by the months end.

>nothing is discarded.
That maybe /endpone/'s motto in a way. Dolores from a word filter, our general from a mindless shitpost, etc. It's all things that we took to the next level from the simple jokes that existed. Since the end was so sparse we took what we had.

>and that´s why I admit that handling this site as a great pillar to carry on the fanbase would be not only delusional but also it would lead to drastic changes.
The closest thing I could see the end being established as would be that shadowy place where a few fags simi-circlejerk and occasionally post OC from I fully intend to post a fic or two on /mlp/ proper... maybe elsewhere maybe as an underground archive if /go/ works out. All of which could at most bring perhaps a few more regulars but nothing pillar level. For us to be a pillar would require significant changes and some bending to the whim of the mass opinion (not to mention I don't see a path forward to that anyway unless one of us became a ridiculously good content creator and several other boards collapsing.) It could break down a lot of the experimentation and one of us would have to step up to be a leader where choices have significant consequences and scrutiny.

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