Anon 09/11/2019 (Wed) 21:10:48 No.4574 del
>That what the situation boiles down to doesn't it? I mean, we already have broken past our expectations and like FiM itself are in a unreality. Shouldn't be here yet /endpone/ still persists. Worrying about it now is kind of late.
pretty much. We have worried about it so many times that I don´t know, time is still running and I am not even aware of it. However, one could quit at anytime and I could have the power to make both users ragequit in the span of 48 hours or less. It´s really easy to end up with a huge mess or discussion.

Nonetheless, like trolling, I find the destructive path way too easy to accomplish and there is nothing graceful that could come from it. Being there to see what happens next is much more interesting to witness though. If there is destruction involved, it´d better be fun because otherwise, I don´t get its appeal (for now).

>That is the other end of the coin. Sometimes hard decisions need to be made and you are always going to piss off somebody see Ponychan and up in that role you can be unsure of what's real criticism and what's an attack.
congratulations, you have figured out why moderating a board like /b/ is more of a curse than a blessing. As soon as moderators do something in it, the users start reacting towards that movement in some way.

>I suppose I shouldn't give it too much thought yet I just found myself thinking.
honestly, it shouldn´t consume you all that much. In the end, one falls into indifference at some point because there is nothing special about it after a while.

>I shutter to think of being the webmaster roll in charge of a site and I guess my thoughts went there from possible situations in the future and my wandering mind as of late.
well, anything can happen. But this is an MLP board, not a board dedicated explicitly to politics nor fucked up stuff (in theory), so there are far less chances that the users involved become more hostile than the ones who usually post on /b/, /pol/ or /v/.

>though it have to be some other anon I trusted

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